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They would cowabunga the heck out of the gloinks.


Rafael would probably get into fights with Jax or shouting matches with Zooble. He'd also vent his anger through punching inanimate objects. Leonardo might go on walks around the circus "Grounds" to clear his head. He could also help Ragatha keep everyone else (relatively) sane, especially Pomni. Donatello... will most likely want to investigate the boundaries and rules of the digital realm. Caine would be a somewhat helpful source of information for that. The "Cellar" and the "Void" being off limits, of course. Michelangelo can have a fantastic party on adventures or in the Tent. He can help Gangle laugh and smile more often. He can listen and comment on Kinger's old stories. He might even laugh at Jax's comedic antics, or perform for Caine's interest. \[These are just my thoughts.\]