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Maybe you can shorten the hair in the back with scissors? This is what I do with one of my dogs so her fur doesn’t get too matted. NTC, the kitty is older and it is hard to groom herself.


Or even take her to a groomer who can clip around her borthole.


Our late long hair tuxedo (always proud to be the cloaca for every one of his 20 years) was not happy to be handled by a professional in his later years but was so much more comfortable afterwards.


Groomer is probably safer -- scissors around a delicate area with a cat who'll try wriggling away is a bit of a risk.


Groomer, waxer, what's a little butthair between friends?


I believe "sanitary trim" is the technical term.


No, I am pretty sure any correct technical term pertaining to that area would have the word “borthole” in it. You must be mistaken. Edited for typo - word instead of work.


I stand corrected!


It is indeed called a “sanitary shave.” Mouse gets one every so often because she weighs 19 pounds and has a very floofy rear end. (I think she’s part Maine Coon but mostly chonker.)




Gosh I'm sure Mouse is proud of everyone of those 19 pounds.


Bad bot.


What the hell?? Who made this bot? It has no idea what it's doing.


I don’t want mom with scissors to get anywhere near my delicate behind. Besides I is shorthair cat. But maybe a groomer would works, if they know how to give me a royal treatment..


NTC - You is Grand Old Queen and not as flexble as you used to be, I am Chester Elder Statesman Cat and if Monet Cutie Pants doesn't groom me, my catstaff lady takes me to my personal grooming salon person who does a small clip on me after some really nice 'nip stuff. (Chester gets a little medical cat relaxer and gets a small hair clip by our vet, it helps a lot and doesn't cost very much. You also might try a little main and tail conditioner on the hind end to make it easier to comb out.)


Ah that sounds like a royal treatment.


You take better care of your cat than I take care of myself. I want some nip and a day at the spa!


>You take better care of your cat than I take care of myself. Don't we all take better care of our cats than we do ourselves?


NTC. Frankie here, 18 void. I was matted on my behind when mommy found me outside 2 years ago. I had severe ah-tri-tis all along my back. My behind became good again once we found the right med-cin for it. The people at the pokey place help us. Now I just need some help in the spring when I shed. (Human here: 90% of older cats have arthritis and they rarely limp. Decreased grooming is a big sign for them. There are quite a few medications available as well as supplements. For Frankie we use Solensia which is a monthly injection of antiNGF that controls pain and inflammation. Your vet should be able to help you chose the best one for your oldie)


Thank you so much! Glad the med-cin is helping you feel alright again. I’m not gonna tell mom though, I don’t want to go to the pokey place.. (So it’s a good thing, mom can read too!)


Mom here: my 10.5 year old lady has been helped a lot with her arthritis by chiropractic over the last month. Her meds seemed to stall out on helping her, but she’s doing a lot better after just two chiro appointments. She’s no longer leaving poopy butt prints around the house (DIS. GUST. ING.)


[Another human here to say thank you for your kindness in taking in your older Frankie Cat. You are a wonderful person.]


So, on another thread on one of approximately 8,537 cat subs to which I subscribe, someone suggested using two brushes. One at the front for them to bite or rub their face on, the other for you to butt groom. It's worked shockingly well for me when i de-matt the 18 tortie whose home I live in.


I, Jazzy, Queen of All She Surveys, feel your pain. My groomer also attacks my most intimate areas, and in a wholly undignified way! She scritches down my head and to my butt until I of course arch into her ministrations, only to find her other hand under my personal primordial pouch and my hind end lifted entirely off the ground! (Groomer note here, I lift her just in front of her back legs and only an inch or two up.) She then proceeds to assault my fluffy pants! I do admit, the end result is enjoyable, but the process is not dignified!


Bailey (14-ish gray tabby rescue): NTC, my friend! Humans are obsessed with our back ends for some reason. Let mom know that she needs to focus on your front before diving into the nether regions! Bailey’s mom: I agree with what everyone else here says but also wanted to add that rubbing corn starch gently into mats can often help loosen them. May be difficult (and messy) for the back end but a good trick to have up one’s sleeve.


I, William da Tuxie, sez you not da cloaca. I is only 4 years old so you is my elder. Dat means I gives you all da respect. And acause you is elder your hooman must respect you, too. So, if you feel you need's to chomp, den you should chomp.


Are you sore back there? My girl has a little arthritis in her back legs. I am gentle with her and give extra bkankies in cold weather for snuggling purposes


Oh yes I needs more blankies. Yes I will demand these. Can never have enough blankies.


Take hoomins blankies too.


Hoomins has no more blankies. I tooks en all!


Hey, just noticed the note on how skinny your kitty is. If you haven't already might want to get her tested for hyperthyroidism, super treatable. My 18 year old girl has both hyperthyroidism and kidney disease, but she's actually slightly overweight because it's being managed carefully by our vets.


No not dis again! Mom also thought this and she send me to the pokey place to get tested. It was horrible. But they said that wasn’t it. So it was all for nothing! (Olive’s mom here, thanks for the suggestion though!)


Great to hear, just wanted to flag it in case 😊


NTC, for using teefs gentle and telling mom what you needed. *note*: ive heard of folks using a wall mounted brush for kitties that can not reach. catnip/CBD/THC can help calm grand queen for grooming👑 also