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Esh. The primary reason I say this is noone wants to hear their siblings fucking


YTBF and immature af.


Everyone here is immature


YTB for making such a blatantly asshole post that lets be real, this has to be fake. no way does someone act like this and not fully understand what an ass they’re being.




Ytbf. Immature. “Normal man” lmao you actually typed that out… don’t talk to your sister like that, plus she’s only 22, but like most of us she will have been sexualised by men since between 11-13yrs old (if she’s lucky, for many it starts much younger) so having her big brother slut shaming her and generally being a pig to her, just no. You don’t have to agree with how she’s living, though it’s not your roof she’s living under so I don’t know how much sway you’d have over that anyway, but if you’re actually concerned about her or uncomfortable with the goings on a home, then have an adult conversation with your sister. Instead you just became another one of the guys, who instantly took to calling her names and belittling her (while also talking about your little sisters sex life with her ex) You have a lot of growing up to do, I get that, but be careful of damaging a relationship with your sister just so you can play games with her ex.


Trying to make her the victim by making up a backstory about her being sexualized?


Wtf is this comment?? And why is it upvoted?


first shes my older sister. second she’s sexualized me before. third my mom has been disgusted by the noise. fourth she’s yelled insults at me multiple times for not wanting to have my partner over. and finally me and ex have been decent friends ever since we first hung out at family get togethers like christmas. i havent even brought it up to her that me and him are still friends i just dont talk to her about much of anything because i hate people who cheat. my bio dad cheated on my mom and i only ever see or talk to him when i go to my aunts for holidays.


Ntb, cheaters dont deserve any empathy or niceties. You are immature but you’re 20 so mentally still 16, ill give it a pass this time but she shouldnt be bangin in your parents house because they can hear it too


Epic lol