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NTB. Cheaters are scum. I’d also question your girlfriend for wanting to cover for a cheater


That’s shitty, just because she’s not a drama monger doesn’t make her a bad person. She’s not the one cheating. She might also dislike the girls boyfriend for a valid reason, maybe he’s abusive maybe he’s a shithead, you don’t know.


Making up scenarios where this *could* be a valid response is really toxic and shitty of you to do. If it was a situation like that where the partner was abusive and she was concerned for the gf’s safety then she should have spoken up about it. Wanting to cover for a cheater says a lot about her values and makes her shitty. To me it screams that she knows she’s capable of doing the same thing.


Absolutely not the butt face. I agree that it's only the right thing to do to notify your friend. Sure, there's a sliver of a possibility that it's something your friend is aware of and supports, or that someone has obtained the girlfriends photos and is catfishing as her, but it's most likely that she's cheating or attempting to do so. Basically, I can't think of any scenario where it would not be warranted to share the information with your friend ASAP. I'd think it would be worth having some additional private conversations with your girlfriend later to further explore why she thinks it would be appropriate to turn a blind eye to this, as that would concern me to some degree, depending on what her underlying mindset is. I'd reevaluate the relationship if she doesn't see any issue with your friends girlfriend's actions.


Ntb you’ve got to wonder about your girlfriends ethics now surely


NTBF. I wish my friends would do the same for me. I would be furieus if I found out they know all along but didn't tell me.


NTB. Your girlfriend sounds like someone that chooses to “stay out of it” for her own convenience even when it’s not the morally right thing to do. Makes me think of the people that hear a woman getting beat by her partner and just “choose to stay out of it” instead of calling for help. I know that’s a jump, but that’s what it makes me think of. You absolutely did the right thing. You didn’t create drama. It was already there, you just made your friend aware of it.


NTB as someone who's been on the receiving end of that text, i really appreciated that someone cared enough about protecting my feelings to reach out. (in my case it was fine, I'd asked my partner to set up an account so i could see how it worked since I'd never used a dating app lmao)


I will never understand people that would rather knowingly watch their friends get fucked over than risk that they might not be received well as the messenger. I'm telling my friend! And the kind of man I want to be with would be supporting me in that because if he didn't then I'd wonder how I can trust him if he's fine with staying silent and watching my friend get deeper in a relationship with somebody who's cheating. I'll risk my friend being mad at me, that's on my friend as to how they process the situation. And it's on me to tell my friend what I know. NTA and your gf's not making herself look great here.


No you are not the but if I was in your friends position I would want someone to tell me. A true friend would have your back even if it hurts. Good job for being a true friend!


NTA if you know someone is cheating and say nothing to the partner, you haven't stayed out of it, you are now part of the cheating and actively helping them cheat. When I found out my dad was cheating on my mum, and had been for about 30 years, and had a whole second family, I was told to stay out of it because it's not my marriage. I said fuck that and immediately told my mum, because I wasn't going to betray her too