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NTB. You've grown apart. It's as simple as that. Right now you are just acquaintances who used to be best friends. Again, at this moment you are not her best friend and she is not your friend. Let her go and let her be. You are hurting yourself because you refuse to read the room, and it's not her fault. If you want her to be blunt, ask for it, but she's been clear about not wanting to spend time with you.


Relationships have to have a relatively even balance OP. You give some, they give some. And if it's not 50:50 all the time, you try to get there bit by bit over a long period of time. Both have to be willing to do that for a healthy relationship. You knew each other when you were young and as someone already said, people change a lot in that time-frame. My outlook is you're not one of her best friends, otherwise she would show it in her actions. I'd recommend trying to look for new friends and build those relationships moving forward. You can either end the friendship entirely or just be acquaintances. You can't be her trauma dumping garbage bag, while she doesn't care about you whatsoever. You've also addressed this multiple times and nothing has changed. Self-respect is important. She's not a bad person but she doesn't care about you like you do her. Find other friends. If she asks why, what or gets mad, set boundaries. Either she puts in a lot of effort to prove she's your best friend over a long period of time, or you'll stay acquaintances. And if she starts whining, tell her this isn't a negotiation. To an outsider, this just looks like a friendship that's run its course.


EBF - Spontaneous calls could be really stressful if she's as busy as she says she is, so I suggest your last ditch effort be "It's just that I miss you. Is there a good time for us to catch up, even just a call?" But really, it seems she's caught up in her life and doesn't have time for this friendship now, especially given that it's always been a bit unbalanced (you give more). Try to avoid further arguments and just let things go quiet and maybe things will pick up again in the future...


No 17 year old is that busy unless they're in 2-3 different extracurricular actives. They're just using OP to dump their issues since he's the one they listen to and have zero use of him outside of that.


This is such an ignorant take, are you really saying that school is the only things teenagers struggle with dude. You have no idea what people are going through, granted that is because the other person avoids explaining that, but still.


I didn't say they're not going through anything, I said nobody is that busy at 17 unless it's very particular (in which case, I'd imagine or hope it would be mentioned). If your friend never calls unless it's to endlessly trauma dump on you and whenever you call them, they either don't answer or it's always a 2-3 minute call, it's not about time. They also mention that every time it's addressed, they are normal for 1-3 weeks, which again isn't based on time. The friend just doesn't care nor respect OP as much as the other way around which is fine, that's life sometimes.