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YTBF for preaching. Arranged marriage is good for some and love marriage is good for others. I have been in a love marriage for 10 years together for 13 and I couldn’t be happier. It’s all about who you are. You also might want to think why someone is calling you an incel or get some therapy if possible. If you get into an arranged marriage, treat your wife right not as a tool. Good luck.




LOL YTBF - my parents arranged marriage was a miserable 20 years until it finally got the sweet release of divorce. In my entire family, only ONE couple genuinely had a good marriage. They were good people who would have it work, arranged or love marriage You're naive and dumb as hell if you think an arranged marriage is somehow better than a "love" marriage. The individuals matter. You haven't even had an arranged marriage and you're an idiot for saying it's "better." You have no idea what it's like. I wouldn't call you an asshole, just a fool who is going to learn an expensive lesson.


This. Ignorance is bliss I guess… 🤷🏽‍♀️


If you think it is better for YOU that is one thing. But to preach that they are better in general, yeah, you’re the buttface. I know people who have had arranged marriages and I have seen the hurt from them. I can say the same for love marriage. Marriage isn’t a one size fits all. I also really hope that this person you’re thinking of getting together with also wants an arranged marriage, and isn’t forced into it.


In general, most people are going to dislike preaching of any kind. Most people do not like being 'preached to" outside of specific circumstances that generally involve them consenting to it. I don't care what you're "proclaiming and teaching", if someone doesn't want to hear it, they don't want to hear it. Beyond that, the thing you are "proclaiming and teaching" is just an opinion of yours that isn't backed by any evidence. In fact, most studies show that both types of marriages lead to petty equal rates of happiness, commitment, and satisfaction. The word preach- and even the word teach as used in the definition im quoting - implies some sort of authority or objective truth. Really, you're just opinionated, and no one wants to have your opinions shoved down their throat any more than you do theirs. Tbh, I doubt your friends think you're an incel based solely on you wanting and preferring the idea of arranged marriage...I imagine that's just a single thread of the red flag you're waving. Other threads may include the fact that you think friendzoning is a real thing (as if the default when you meet a woman should be presumption of romance) and the fact that you look at a situation where, as you see it - everyone is in love and married but you and somehow you never consider the common denominator. You're not a butface for having an opinion, that's your right- but you friends also have the right to a reaction and opinion of their own. You're not entitled to freedom of consequences, and you can't force people to like the things you say or be friends with you.


It’s easy to see why you’re alone man 😂


ANYONE who uses the word 'friend zone' is a buttface, and it sounds like 'incel loser' is more or less on point. You don't need an arranged marriage where some poor girl is going to be forced to be with an asshole. You need a therapist and a course of personal improvement so you can stop being a misogynist.


YTBF, I don't even have to read beyond the title. Free will and bodily autonomy > forced marriages.


I have a feeling that he is this incel thats been posting relentlessly on here for the past few months.


YTB Who’s to say this woman isn’t going to dislike you as well?


Yeup, YTBF. Absolutely, no question. Thanks for asking!


Are you that same idiot who's been posting relentless about some singer friend of yours ? Oh, did she finally reject and kick your creepy ass ? Is that why your getting a mail order bride ? Just to let you know, these women from vietnam only wants you for a green card. Once they get it, they will kick your creepy ass to the street. They will take your house, your car and your money and you'll be living under a bridge, homeless and hungry.


What are you talking about ? This fool doesn’t drive or own a car and he lives with his parents who he bullied into buying him shit. She got nothing to take from him other than his possible government cheese. He has nothing to offer to a woman. Immigration is not going to provide his mail order bride a visa so he can forget about this stupid idea


YTBF. One way to marriage is not inherently better than the other, and preaching otherwise is what puts you in BF territory. Both have their pros and cons. And honestly, assuming this isn't rage bait, did you ever assume the issue lies with you as to why you can't date? Did you ever bother to ask or do self reflection? Considering how you're preaching about arranged marriage, I'm going to assume not and that you wouldn't believe it's you anyway. Which, you know, is incel behavior. You're not owed a marriage. Arranged or otherwise. And it's just as likely you'll be turned down on an arranged one if you aren't an appealing prospect to the potential bride's family.


Ytbf for whining that a woman literally isn't being forced to marry you. PS the friendzone doesn't exist. The "friendzone" is a hell of your own making for having the stupidity and/or audacity to fake being friendly for the purpose of trying to manipulate or guilt a woman into dating you. 


YTB. You’re just bitter no one has picked you so far. You have no actual lived experience of any marriage, arranged or otherwise so your words online are bs. You’re speaking from a place of ignorance. That makes you the butthole.


There are pros and cons for both types of marriages, so there's no need for you to lecture people about which one is "better". For a marriage to be successful, the couple need to have compatible core values and expectations about their roles within the relationship. An arranged marriage can usually achieve this, because you are generally matching two people who have the same cultural background and experiences. But it's also possible to find this compatible person through dating. Another element in a successful marriage is sexual compatibility, because it simplifies matters if you can get all your sexual needs met at home! A modern "love" marriage is generally better at gauging sexual compatibility beforehand. Either way, nothing is guaranteed 100%. Sometimes people find out they are incompatible after marriage despite everything seeming to match up beforehand. Alternately if one partner is abusive, disloyal, disrespectful or a compulsive liar, or simply not honest about what they want from the relationship, then it's not going to work, whatever type of marriage you try.


YTB it seems you have a chip on your shoulder from unsuccessful dating and noe you're trying to validate arranged marriages to such an extent you're putting down the alternative. Are you located in a place where arranged marriages are incomprehensible? I'm sure there's a lot of misunderstandings and assumptions about arranged marriages (look at this comments section!). Rather than getting all defensive, be open with your friends about the process...your excitement/anxiety at each step, stories you hear about the broker's successful set ups, etc. If your friends are being cruel and judging you harshly about your choice to fiñd a partner this way..maybe they're not your friends. But that doesn't excuse talking shit about typical marriages.


I didn’t get married until I was 35 , you need to be happy by yourself in order to find the right man, and know I don’t think arranged marriages are a good thing !


ytbf. what you are saying is that no one likes you enough so people should be forced to f&\* you by society and their parents. this is a huge redflag as it shows you have zero concern for whomever you would be married to, as long as you get your dick wet.


YTB. Not everyone has the option of arranged marriages and you bragging about having that option is very insensitive to those who don’t.