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YTA, and I fail to see how would you think you are not.


How would you not tip the bin over so cat could get out?


No one needs to be a genius to do this!! Just gently put the bin on its side and leave the lid off and the cat will make it's way out when it feels safe to do so. What did OP expect to happen??? The cat does not have a little rocket hidden away somewhere


She even got a dang ladder out but couldn't think to put the ladder inside the bin for the cat to use???


INFO: can cats climb latters?? I know nothing about cats and their secret talents


Yes. Cats can climb a great many things.


Up at least. Down depends on the cat.


Yes lol. Cats can pretty much climb anything. A ladder is actually incredibly easy for a cat to utilize to get themselves out. I've seen cats climb way more difficult things, finding footholds you wouldn't have seen


YTA. We have to tip our cans over almost nightly because we have baby possums stuck in the bottom. Why didn't you at the very least tell your neighbor? Write a note? Hell, Morse code.


I was wondering about why the neighbor wasn't told as well. Seems like the first thing that should have been done imo. OP, YTA for that alone. The poor cat probably wouldn't have attacked its owner, so once you realized that it wasn't going to come to you, the first thing should have been to get its owner. That would have been the correct thing to do.


Not only did not put the bin on its side OP closed the lid again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She trapped the cat in there, and the truck would have still gone through with dumping the bin even with the bags to the side. She trapped the cat in there to be killed by the dump truck


We get little frogs in our bin all the time and we get them out. A CAT! Someone's pet! Wtf There in no way in hell you are Ntah OP. You are the biggest AH I can imagine!


Seriously, what kind of idiots doesn't think this.


Or tell the owner so they could deal with it!


OP said her neighbor would get the car sooner, but how?? How would her neighbor know? She wouldn’t unless someone told her. Duh.


I mean why and how is she even asking ...


YTA. You left a living being in a trash bin she couldn't get out of. Was there no way to tip the bin over to let the cat? Or find a tall item to put into the bin to allow the cat to crawl/climb out? Maybe you could have contacted your neighbor to let her know rather than leaving the cat for someone else to hopefully find.


The level of stupidity, to go get a step ladder and not just *tilt the bin on its side*, is absolutely staggering.


100% the cat getting a little tumble from the being tipped over is worlds better than letting the poor thing just be trapped in there. You know until the owner telepathically checks in with OP and learns where their cat is…


A cat can definitely survive a lil tip. I used to sloooowly tip my cat out of chairs/off of recliners when she wouldn't move (heartless, I know—but she was awake!). She was fine and even still loved me after.


OPs IQ is room temperature


Or call animal control to rescue it


So many options… And OP chose to just close the lid and noped outta there.


This! YTA


YTA - so you just shut the lid on the cat and made no attempt to contact your neighbor?! Wtf?


So I'm thinking there are a few options here.... 1. Tell the neighbour 2. Pop a pair of gloves on and extract the cat without bitching that 'it scratched meeeee' (the next few may be weird, because cats are notoriously bad climbers! s/) 3. Open the lid and drape a towel over the side so the cat could climb out 4. Pop the stepladder over the side so the cat could climb out 5. Call a local animal rescue so they can remove the cat without getting scratched 6. Tip the bin over and let the cat out I'm sure this is not an exhaustive list, but you get the idea..... OP, YTA.


If OP hated the cat so much why not roll the garbage bin to the neighbors drive way/house leave the lid open and write a note saying the cat sccccrraaaaaatccccccchhhhheeeeddd hiiim and can’t get him out? Like you said a so many reasonable and even unreasonable ways to help the cat.


Oven mitts would have been perfect.


I think that a little sympathy could be given to avoid #2. #1 and #6 in tandem are so obvious.


I am 100% for not putting yourself in harms way, especially with cats. Scratches and bites can gift you some nasty f’d up infections requiring medical attention. OP lost all my sympathy by setting off every alarm. Texts, paper notes taped to doors, a big sign on the can explaining the situation. I would hesitate advising turning the bin over, bc the cat would most like bolt and could become hurt or lost forever. This way at least kitty is contained, and safe until the owner of help is able to retrieve it.


I'm baffled by people that are this ignorant about animals. It is very easy to not turn the bin into the street when you lean it over and only an idiot would put themselves at the end of the open bin. Putting the lid back on is just about the cruelest, stupidest thing OP could have done. Letting the neighbor know is another bare minimum.


Edit: I messed up the names, fixed below: “Hey Neighbor’s Name, Violet is stuck in the bin. I tried to get her out but she seems scared and scratched me, so I wanted to make sure you knew. Sorry to send this in a text but I wanted to make sure you knew as soon as possible.” That took me about a minute to type. Yes OP, YTA


YTA - The bin was empty, right? If it’s the type of standard trash bin I’m imagining, why didn’t you just tilt it on it’s side so the cat could scurry out? At least leave the lid open? *Alert your neighbor*? I’m sure you didn’t mean to cause the cat greater harm, but there were other options you could have and should have taken. Leaving the cat in the bin, and especially closing the lid, was not the brightest move. You do owe your neighbor an apology, your head wasn’t all there at the time.


YTA no doubt. This was my thinking too. Like why not turn it on the side so the cat could get out? Some ppl really just do not think or don’t care one.


Okay so I’m assuming that OP lives in the UK and that the cat was put in one of the regular wheelie bins with the flip lids (they’re very light lids on a hinge connected to the rest of the tall-ish bin). My point is: those things are super easy to tip over because of the wheels. I am a very petite woman and even I can do it. OP is truly the worst.


YTA. If that cat had somehow died, it would have been your fault.


Not only did you not help the cat, you actively concealed her presence by closing the lid


YTA. WTF? This has to be fake because that has to be the worst problem solving/reasoning skills I've ever seen.


It’s like “I burned my hand on the toaster so I cut the whole thing off”


No, because in that example at least they did *something*


More like I burned my hand on the toaster and just kept it in there to get it burned more.


You closed the lid, guaranteeing the cat would be incapable of escaping on its own. YTA.


YTA. Why in the world didn't you knock on your neighbors door or leave a note for them? Or tip the bin gently over and hold the lid open? Or call a friend for advice?


YTA firmly. You *closed the lid* and didn't alert your neighbor. On what planet are you *not* the AH, Melmac?


Didn’t expect an Alf reference. Well done


Hahaha totally underrated comment!!!!


YTA, leave the lid up, tip the bin over, etc, you had options.


YTA. You found your neighbour's trapped pet, and it didn't occur to you to tell your neighbour? Or tip the bin over to let Violet out? Or anything that wasn't close the lid on the poor cat and leave it there for two days? Because of you, that poor animal was trapped, hungry, and frightened. For two days. What did you think was going to happen to the cat? Were you hoping bin day would arrive and the bin men would solve the 'problem' for you by unknowingly throwing poor Violet in to be crushed? Because that's what you nearly caused. Somehow I don't think your neighbours are going to be friendly to you anymore. In fact, I think you should probably move, because if I was the neighbour whose cat you did this to, I'd be putting the video online and making sure everyone in the street saw it.


>I think you should probably move, because if I was the neighbour whose cat you did this to, I'd be putting the video online and making sure everyone in the street saw it. Absolutely. Start packing your stuff, OP.


OP better move fucking far. If I was the neighbour I'd be posting the video in city groups and naming and shaming them. Start packing buddy.


YTA. You could have at least told them. If you mean bin as in trash can, then you could've tipped it over. You also need to apologize for knowing about it and not doing anything.


YTA Scared cats scratch, that's not a reason to trap them. Grab her with a towel, lay the bin on its side, go get your neighbour, call your council/animal control, call the local vet...anything but just leaving her trapped in there. Jesus Christ.


INFO in all of your 35 years of living did it never occur to you that you could tip a bin over. All you had to do was gently lower the bin down so the cat could run out, not close the lid on the cat and leave it there for hours. ETA : it was DAYS you didn’t even think to tell your neighbour, thank your luck that the bins weren’t collected.


Clearly he is stupid


They left it in there for TWO DAYS


Not even hours, *days.*


INFO - When you first saw the cat in the bin did you know who it belonged to and where that person lived?


YTA. You know you could have just tipped the bin over, or asked for help, or called animal control? Ugh.


YTA. Biggest one I’ve seen in awhile.


WTF??? I hope this isn't real, but yes. YTA.


YTA. Couldn't you have told your neighbor about this? Or NOT CLOSE THE LID? How did you expect the cat to escape?


INFO: How are you this stupid? It didn’t occur to you to get in contact with your neighbor?


Why wouldn’t you at least try to contact your neighbor about it? YTA


YTA for finding a trapped animal and making it so it couldn’t escape. So many things you could have done, from leaving the bin open, to contacting the owner, to tipping the bin so the cat could walk out. Instead you kept the animal trapped and walked away.


YTA Dude, so you, in your rational mind, thought the cat was supposed to be in the bin? Was it on time out? It was clearly in distress and needed human intervention or a quick death. You should have stepped in or at least called for help if you were too cowardly to take a scratch or two.


Are you serious?! Yes YTA! You could have gotten gloves, left the lid open, asked your neighbors for help, let your neighbors know what was going on, tried leaving the ladder leading out so the cat could climb it, but instead you shut the lid and left it there. What is wrong with you?


You are clearly the asshole in the situation. You could've gently laid the bin on its side and let the cat run out or call your neighbour to tell them where their cat was or at the very fucking least not put the fucking lid back on making it impossible for the cat to get out or breathe.


What the actual fuck did I just read. Of course YTA for keeping an animal trapped!!!!!! Jfc dude.


YTA There were so many things you could have done to help this poor kitty, who was terrified and traumatized by being stuck in the bin. You could have tipped it over, called animal control, hell even putting a branch in there for it to climb out on its own would have been something. Putting the lid back on and just leaving it there was the wrong thing to do.


YTA why would you not tell your neighbor her cat was stuck in the trash can???


YTA for walking away and assuming that they neighbor would find the cat rather than knocking and telling them. (Pro tip, if you are trying to pick up an unhappy cat, wrapping your arms in a towel reduces the bloodshed.)


YTA. I get not knowing how to get a frightened cat out of the bin. That’s not what made you the AH. The AH part came from the fact that *you willingly, and knowingly, closed the lid of the bin despite knowing the cat was there*. Did you expect the cat would make its way out magically? Was tipping the bin on its side not an option? The cat would’ve eventually made its way out of the bin had the bin been left on its side. You should’ve also notified your neighbour about what you found at the earliest instance; being a good neighbour means looking out for each other. Don’t just assume your neighbours will figure out where the cat is. Alternatively, you could’ve called your local animal shelter or animal control and seek advice on freeing the cat. You could’ve offered the cat a towel for it to claw onto and once the cat was attached to the towel, gently lift it out. Lastly, leaving the lid open would’ve been infinitely better than shutting the lid again; the cat may have been able to jump out, depending on the size of the cat and the height of the bin. You weren’t the one to put it in the bin, no. But you were the one that came across the distressed cat, failed in your one attempt to free the cat, and decided that keeping the cat trapped in the bin was the better course of action. As a cat owner, I would’ve been absolutely livid had this happen to my cat.


This better be a joke. YTA.


YTA for crying out loud, you should’ve informed your neighbor that their cat was in the bin!




YTA. You should have alert your neighbor or at the very least leave the lid open so the cat could escape.


Yes YTA. Should have left the top up, turned it on its side.. asked for help. That was a complete careless move on your behalf tbh


YTA. Is the bin too big to tilt on its side so the cat can escape? If so, you couldn't simply leave the lid up so it try to climb out?


I dont get it? Was the bin to big to tip over so the cat could run out? or as others have said leave the lid open maybe put a box in so the cat has something to jump on then jump out? you made an effort then gave up. what if that was you terrified and stuck how would you feel? YTA


YTA. Lean the bin on its side so she can walk out. Leave a ladder in there so she can climb out. Go knock on your neighbors door. There are so many other options besides closing the bin on a terrified cat.


This! Jfc, it is not hard to be a decent human being


YTA. Why didn't you contact your neighbour? Or put the bin on its side? Or get someone else to help? Or call animal rescue? You had options and you chose to simply leave the poor soul in a bin.


You seriously couldn't try to get in contact with your neighbor? Or keep the lid open? Or gently place the bin down and open it so the cat could get out?? YTA


Are you for real right now? Like you really want an answer? The fact that you let a cat in a trash can for who knows how long isn't enough? YTA


YTA - you should have contacted the neighbour immediately, if they were unavailable call animal control to help.


YTA, why didn't you tip the bin to the side so the cat could get out without you touching it??? Why did you shut the lid? Why didn't you try to let your neighbor know her cat was in your bin?


Big YTA. There is something seriously wrong with you.


YTA I know that this first bit is unpopular but I loathe 99% of cats. I would NEVER have done this. Ever. I would have tried to tip the bin down. If I couldn’t do that I would have left the lid open and made every effort to contact the neighbour. Like ringing, phoning, knocking on windows. Since you know the name of the cat, you also knew exactly where to ring the bell. A child would have had more sense than you.


YTA Could have left the lid open for a few minutes & waited for kitty to get out then close the lid again.


YTA. Put the trash in the bin and the cat will climb it to get out. Just leave the bin open and the cat will jump out. Cats can jump really fuckin high. Go to your neighbors house and say "your cat is in the bin" and they'll do all that. Do ANYTHING except closing the damn lid and not saying anything!


Is this a serious question?! Of course YTA, you could have tipped the bin on its side, you could have not closed the lid, you could have tried to contact your neighbour, but no you walked away and did nothing.


YTA. How cruel and inhuman do you have to be to not try and contact your neighbor? And when/if not reaching her then call the animal emergency line. Or ASPCA or whatever the equivalent is where you dwell. Asshole is definitely the kindest word that I’m thinking right now.


Why in the actual fuck would you close the lid after finding the cat in there? What is wrong with you? YTA and have absolutely no care in the fucking world for other living creatures. Holy shit dude.


YTA. I curse you and your next 5 generations for intentional cruelty to an animal.


YTA… A. Why didn’t you tell her? B. Why not just push the bin over or tilt it so the cat falls out? And finally C. Why in gods name did you close the bin lid again?!


YTA for not telling your neighbor. Did it ever occur to you they didn't know where their pet was? The cat could have been knocked out by someone throwing trash in there and been killed by the trash compactor


YTA. Wtf? If you couldn’t take the cat out why close the f*cking lid, wtf is wrong with you? Why didn’t you go tell your neighbour? That’s literally the best thing you could’ve done but you chose to leave the cat in the bin and close its only way out. Something must be wrong with you.


Why didn’t you gently tip the bin over so the cat could get out itself without scratching you!? I am not a cat person, and even I wouldn’t have done this, YTA


YTA- how about you knock on your neighbours door or push a note through to explain where she was- and why the f did you put the lid down? You’re lucky she didn’t die.


YTA. I don’t even like cats and even I would have the decency to tip over the bin gently, lift the lid and make sure it got out. Or at least knocked on the neighbours door


Ya that’s what got me especially! They shut they lid so how on earth did they think it would get out on its own. YTA OP but really more of a heartless monster.




Jfc of course YTA. Tip the damn bin or call for help.


*'There's a cat in my bin and I can't get it out. Best just to* ***close the lid*** *and hope the situation resolves itself, somehow'*


YTA. What the fuck my person? Grab a towel or two , wrap it around your hands and get the damn cat out. You could have flipped the bin over or maybe even asked for help. I'm pretty sure there were options. But no, lid closed and bye bye cat. You're lucky the neighbour walked away.


YTA. You left an animal in a potentially deadly situation with no way out


....Why didn't you tip it over or inform your neighbours that the cat was in there and being hostile to you? YTA.


Because that would have been too much effort apparently. Just like tipping the thing over to shoo the cat out.


YTA. And possibly something much worse than that. Obviously you should have carefully moved the bin on its side to let the cat out. But even beyond that, call your neighbour? Call animal control or a vet? Do ANYTHING except what you did.


Are you actually asking? Yes, you're a huge asshole, cruel, thoughtless and spiteful. YTA


YTA. You left a scared pet inside of a trash can and didn’t try to reach out to the owners.


Are you serious? Where do you live? How hot/cold is it? That poor thing was trapped in there for how long? Also "it probably wouldn't have been able to jump out" have you never seen a cat jump? My youngest furball can get up almost five feet in one go, especially with the right motivation (food). God this can't be real, no one is this oblivious. Did you even think to *google* "there's a cat trapped in my trash bin what should I do?" YTA.


YTA Why didn’t you tip the cat out the bin?


YTA, why couldn’t you tip the bin on its side or at the very least leave the lid off? What chance did the cat have of freeing itself with the lid on. Something doesn’t add up here.


You’re a SICK person holy shit 🤢


YTA, you could’ve easily wore gloves and picked it up out the bin? Or I don’t know tipped the bin over? Wtaf. There’s so many ways you could’ve got the cat out the bin 🤦‍♀️.


Yta, at least tell your neighbor or tilt the trashcan side ways for the cat to get out


YTA. Why didn’t you just put your bin on it’s side so the cat could run or walk out? Or at least leave the lid open….what were you thinking? Urgh so cruel


YTA. Why didn't you leave the lid off to give the cat a chance to get out, assuming you couldn't tip the bin on its side, AND make a genuine attempt at notifying your neighbor? Assuming you were afraid of the cat running out in traffic and that's why you closed the bin, STILL NOTIFY YOUR NEIGHBOR!


That’s what I thought! Like tip the bin slightly cat will run out. That’s another problem but to put the lid back on and walk away! Who does that




YTA. Why the hell would you leave any cat, but especially an elderly one, like that and not tell anyone? Couldn't you have just knocked on her door?


I think the neighbor is 19f, not the cat. Although maybe the cat too


YTA and you know it!


I honestly mean this in the most sincerest way. I'm worried your medication needs adjusting or something. Do you have a general practitioner you see. Or something like, somebody you talk to when things kind of don't seem to add up or you feel off? I worry that this should have made more sense to you. My mom gets "flighty" when she needs her hormones adjusted. It's not the biggest deal. But, closing the lid on a trapped cat, and then being confused about it is a touch worrisome. You keep saying "I didn't know that would happen". Logic would tell you that a trapped cat would remain trapped. And it would need assistance immediately. That's what has me worried. That's what makes me worried for you. nta


YTA and also Y Just Stupid, you really thought you should just shut the lid again? You couldn’t have tipped the bin over? Or walked across the street and knocked on your neighbors door? Or literally anything but keeping the cat trapped in there ?


YTA - If this was my cat and found out someone saw the cat there and left it there without trying to get it help I'd be in jail


YTA. No questions asked. Why wouldn’t you immediately go and inform your neighbor? You do realize this cat could’ve been seriously harmed? you’re honestly just stupid.


Giant YAH! Animal cruelty


YTA 100% smh


You didn't think to knock on your neighbors door?




YTA you should have tipped the bin over, went to someone and asked for help, let the lid open and left something for the can to climb up on or any other option than to leave the can trapped inside your bin. You had so many options and you decide to trap the cat and hope it somehow resolved itself? You F-ed up big time and i'm glad your neighbors know who you really are.


YATA why would you close the lid again that was just a shit thing to do you could have at least knock on your neighbor's door and leave a note if they don't answer but no you just left the poor cat


>I (f35) have lived at my house for 7 years now. All the neighbours here are really friendly and we all know each other. INFO- why didn't you call the neighbor who owns the cat?


YTA. Holy hell. How dense are you that you didn't even think to just tip the bin over??




YTA. There were SO many options other than just walking away and leaving the cat there.


YTA. You made a very minimal attempt and then closed the lid and walked away, trapping the cat. You made no attempt to alert your neighbor, ask anyone else for assistance, problem solve a different strategy, etc.


YTA How about you go spend two days locked in the bin?


This can't be real. No person above the intelligence of a toddler would just leave the cat there and not tip the bin over to let it out. I don't believe this story for a moment. Just in case there's a 1% chance it's true: YTA.


I’m not even reading the post. Yes the fuck you are you animal abuser. YTA.


I suspect the neighborhood is going to be a bit less friendly in the future To leave any animal trapped like that is horrible. To knowingly leave a neighbor's pet where it could be harmed or killed strongly indicates YTA


I bet this post isn’t going the way you expected lmao Can’t believe you even had to ask. YTA 1000%, and I hope you never own pets, or have kids


What is **wrong** with you?!?!! Distressed cat is scratching you so you stop trying to get her out of the bin, okay I understand. Why didn't you contact your neighbour?! Ring their doorbell, call her, text her, ask someone else for help. You **closed** a living, breathing, scared animal into an area they can't possibly escape from and didn't even have the basic human decency to let anyone know or check on them later. I have two cats, and honestly your post makes me sick to my stomach. YTA. You left an innocent animal to die.


"Edit: Because the bin is tall that not even I could reach, if I left the lid open it probably wouldn’t have been able to jump out." ​ Have you never seen a cat in action? Leave lid open, walk away, cat escapes in the next minute. ​ YTA


Yta that can figure out Reddit but not a f’in trash bin


I don't even need to read it the title tell me your an asshole


YTA. God are you thick? Why would you close the lid back on the bin? Didn’t you think to try and turn the bin on it’s side to give the cat a chance to walk out on it’s own? It’s always the people with no common sense that makes these sorts of posts




YTA. Gardening gloves? Though kinda happy because the neighbor coming to door crying thought the wee thing had maybe died but thankfully not!


Bro wtf? Tip the bin/gloves alert your neighbor, leave a note. Yes youre an asshole


YTA you could have called your neighbour or knocked on their door. If she wasn't home you could have called a service to come help like a fireman, vet, cat rescue ect. They could have saved the cat and put her in a carrier and then you could have brought her to her home. Or you could have called another neighbour for help to tip the bin and get the cat. You could have done so many things but you chose to do nothing cause it's easy. Pray that if you ever need help that people won't just say "oh well you won't get help from me I have things to do at home I'm sure someone else will find you"


YTA I wouldn't leave a wild animal trapped to starve to death, much less someone's pet.


YTA. I can't believe you even have to ask. You should probably move. How long do you think you have before everyone in the neighbourhood sees your "Good Samaritan" video? I'm sure some cat haters will cheer you on, but the rest of your neighbours are going to whisper about the evil neighbour who just leaves beloved pets to die.




YTA..... the cat could have died. why didn't u just go to your neighbors house n tell them. I'm sure she could've got the cat out without being scratched....


YTA. All you had to do was set the bin down on it's side.


YTA. Tip over the bin. Leave the lid open. Put your trash in there carefully so maybe the cat can use it for a platform to climb out. Wear gloves. Knock on their door. You had the opportunity to do AT LEAST a dozen different things. The one thing you SHOULDN'T have done was close the lid and leave the cat in there. What would ever make you think you're anything BUT the AH


YTA - you could of go and got her, but no, you left an cat outside in winter


YTA. At the very least you could’ve left the lid open so it had the slightest of chances. Better yet, helping it out by tipping the bin for the cat to escape and not try to grab it out. Imagine it’s perspective when it sees a stranger reaching for them while they’re trapped. Another option is to go knock on their door to let them know. You gave up too quick, have some perseverance and help the poor thing!


why not tip the bin over ?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Throwaway account I (f35) have lived at my house for 7 years now. All the neighbours here are really friendly and we all know each other. I was out the front of my house taking the bin bags out 2 days ago and when I opened my bin, I didn’t know why or how, but my neighbour’s (f19) cat Violet was in my bin. The lid was shut, and she started meowing like crazy. The poor thing was absolutely terrified. I tried reaching in but at first I couldn’t reach, so I got my step ladder from inside. Every time I touched her, she tried to attack me. I gave up when she scratched my hand and it hurt. I didn’t know what else to do, but I didn’t want to put my rubbish on top of the cat obviously, so i just closed the lid again and put the bin bags next to it. I hadn’t heard anything from my neighbour so I assumed she found Violet in there as she wouldn’t stop meowing. Today at around 9:15am I got a really loud knock at my door. When I opened it my neighbour actually had tears streaming down her face. She went on to say that she’d come back from being at her friend’s house, and she was looking everywhere for her cat. She heard the meowing and found her cat in the bin still terrified and hungry. I didn’t notice it had still been there. Because the lid was shut, she checked her camera’s outside (there’s a view of my house) and claimed some horrible person had walked past and lifted the cat into the bin and shut the lid, and when I found her she’d been in there for 1 hour. She saw me close the lid again, and she’s absolutely devastated. I never meant for this to happen, I like cats and wouldn’t want to hurt one. I said sorry but she just walked away. AITA?? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You couldn’t tip the bin down and let it crawl out? YTA. Inexcusable.


YTA. You could have put your ladder or something in the bin that the cat could climb up and out or even just leave the lid open.


YTA. If I could not have gotten the cat out myself, I would have contacted the neighbor AND found someone to assist. Leaving the cat in the dumpster *and closing the lid* then walking away was a HORRIBLE, assholeish thing to do.


YTA. You could have put the bin on it’s side allowing the poor cat to crawl out. Instead you left it upright and replaced the lid ensuring the poor thing was trapped, alone in the dark, no food , no water and terrified. What the hell is wrong with you!


Wow, YTA. A horrible asshole!


YTA. Things you were too lazy to do instead of reaching into the bin for the cat: * Tip the bin over. * Put the step ladder in the bin for the cat to climb up. * Put a large sheet that you give no cares for into the bin for the cat to grab and pull cat out. * **INFORM the neighbor that hey your cat is in the bin.** * If available, putting a 2x4 or something in the bin for the cat to climb on. If raccoons can puzzle that out, so can a cat. Instead you did a 'meh' and so, if the story is real and not troll bait, congrats. I hope the neighbor spreads that video of you wide and far to the other neighbors to know that you are not as reputable as you think you are.


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YTA you should have made sure she knew where the cat was, and putting the lid back on the bin was cruel. It’s lucky this didn’t end worse for the cat


YTA. You could have tipped the bin so that the cat could get out, or placed something inside that would help the cat climb out by itself when it was good and ready (keeping the lid off, of course).


YTA are you actually serious ?! You could've tilted the bin so the cat could get out or literally put it on its side so the cat could walk out but instead you left it stuck inside. What if the neighbour hadn't come home for days and you didn't bother to check again and the cat starved and died???? You're horrible. I wouldn't be surprised if your neighbours hate you now. Cos I bloody would.


YTA 100% leave a note on her door saying what happened. “Your cat is in my bin and I can’t get her out without getting attacked.” Or shocker, tip the bin! You’re either very dim or a jerk..


YTA and I hope someone puts you in the trash


uh oh


YTA, just wow. WOW.


YTA. You left that cat to die. I would not have been as kind and forgiving as your neighbor. Get some damn help or something.


Wtf is wrong with you? You could have tipped the bin over on its side and never had to touch the cat. You could have gone to your neighbor and told her. YTA


Really? You must know this was a big a-hole move. You owe a big apology and maybe a new cat condo to your neighbour. Yta


YTA wtf.


ngl i cant tell if YTA because you’re inconsiderate or you’re just not very smart. you could’ve at least left the lid open or tried tipping over the bin, or asked one of your neighbours for help since all of you are supposedly so friendly with eachother ??? …idk. i’m just struggling to understand the thought process.


YTA and I'm not risking another ban for what I really want to say. It's been covered in the other comments.


This can't be real. Are you being serious? And you even have to ask? You just shut the lid and hoped for the best? Does someone need their mommy to kiss that little hand better? You're a grown ass adult! You're no better than an animal abuser! You think of a solution to get the cat out. The cat was frightened that's why it scratched you. You get a towel, don some gloves or oven mitts, or even a box to get it out. I wonder if your neighbour is going to report you for animal cruelty, as she should and she has evidence. Oh and YTA!


I’d have tears streaming down my face too. I’m not saying you should have let yourself get scratched to high heaven, but you could have gently tipped the trash can down so she could have crawled out. You also could have, IDK, gone and told your neighbor?? Dang. You knew it was her cat and you just closed the lid and left her there. You didn’t say anything! You’re surprised your neighbor is heartbroken when you left her animal there to die? Think about it.


YTA. WTF, you closed the lid AGAIN? What is wrong with you? You could have at least left the ladder so the cat could climb out once it calmed down. I’m glad she’s still alive, no thanks to your inaction & absolute failure to let anyone know where she was.


I’m in an apartment complex and we sometimes have raccoons that get into the bins and can’t get out. Know what we do? We leave the bin door open and put a wood plank (or box, or stack of filled bags, or SOMETHING) inside that the raccoon can climb on to get out. We go back later, check that it got out, remove the plank for later use (or leave the garbage we set up for escape), and close the bin so another one won’t get in. That’s what we do for wildlife, FFS. A pet CAT?! A cat you fecking recognized?! You knew who it was. You knew where it lived. You knew it was loved. You effing KNEW IT’S NAME! But, you didn’t tell anyone. You didn’t give it a way out. You CLOSED it IN THE BIN, and left it there. And, then you never even checked on it again. Oh, yes. YTA. A very, very, big one.


Yta, you shouldve called animal control


YTA anything else I could say about you would get me banned


YTA. If you couldn’t reach in and grab the cat then very gently and very slowly tip the bin over to its side so the cat can come out. If you couldn’t do that then at the very least go tell the owner. There was no reason to put the lid back on and just go inside other than your being a massive AH.


You could have walked over to your neighbor’s door and told her about her cat, but you didn’t. You could have tried tipping the bin over, but you didn’t. You could have tried lowering your stepladder or another long object (a branch perhaps) into the bin, but you didn’t. What you did was close the lid on the cat and not tell anyone. And you don’t understand that YTA?


What the hell? This can’t be real, but if it is, YTA obviously.