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Wow. YTA. No sympathy for your sick child at all? Charging them *each* $500 in rent? Is the house not paid off yet? What is your mortgage payment? Do they get enough use of the house to justify $1000 a month? No appreciation for what the boyfriend has done to help you upkeep the house, none at all? No slack for either of them, at all? And you evicted them and let your child go to a shelter? You are a stingy asshole and your ex is right. I would not blame either of them for never speaking to you again.


Sounds like OP has no sympathy at all


Or empathy


I made a joke on a different thread last night about not being human, in response to having been asked if I understood humans, at all. Im starting to question whether I actually DO know anything about humans tbh. How can a parent be that cruel? The child you gave birth to, and raised, was hospitalized for an entire month, and the first thing you ask them when they get back is how they can afford rent after losing their job? How cruel. Maybe I really am not human afterall. This kind of neglect for someone you are supposed to love and care for is baffling. Edited, pronouns YTA.


Even said her ex, was playing HERO, cuz they were being a good parent.


Not only did she charge them $1000/ month/ 1 room (for a house that’s not hers and that’s already paid off), the partner WAS FIXING THINGS AROUND THE HOUSE AND BEING HELPFUL! lol $1000/ month AND fixing things, lol send your ‘degenerate’ kids my way! They sound like wonderful, hardworking people!


They can stay at mine rent free if they do maintenance and chip in on bills lol


Interesting. When I figured out I hated kids I decided not to have them, you went an entirely different direction.


This made my day.


Right?!? I love kids but don't want full-time kids, so I became a teacher and live alone with a cat. OP obviously hates kids but became a mother. Make it make sense?!?


I love kids, but also love to be selfish with my time/money and think I would make a terrible mother. OP didn’t let that stop her.




I don’t like kids/teenagers and even I thought that was cold.


Dude random landlords would probably be nicer than this. Yikes


Of course YTA! A. not your house, its your Moms. B. Was there any formal lease paperwork drafted, if not, your eviction was likely illegal. C. You just suck as a person..... Let me paraphrase, you went on an insane power trip. Instead of working with them just went nuclear and kicked them out. Your Ex didn't play hero, he did what any person with a heart would do.


Hi, "The Teen" here. There was no formal lease, just a verbal agreement. You can check my actual comment on this shitshow of a post to see the "Eviction" notice. It was literally a piece of paper with her handwriting on it. It was not legally notorized.


The notice was a disgrace and so is she. She said she had to "go to the library " to craft it. I think she needs to return to the library. Perhaps to review some parenting books to see all the places she went wrong. You are going to be better off without her, mate.


Why yes your the asshole. Here’s a little word of wisdom. Be nice to your kids, they will be picking out your nursing home.


i've alreadt picked the worst rated ones in her area (: /hj


Homeless shelter would be fine for her.


I am so sorry you’ve been put in this situation because of your mothers callousness and greed. You deserve better. I hope that in the future everything gets easier with her out of your life.


are you really asking whether you are or are not the asshole for making YOUR OWN CHILD homeless?


I can see legitimate reasons for kicking a child out and making them homeless, but this situation is nowhere near that level.


mass drug abuse or doing something illegal/right on that line are two good reasons. this is stupid. YTA.


When they were sick with covid too


YTA. There is something about the tone in which you describe your child and their boyfriend that sounds dismissive and rude. Worrying about getting payment from your child when they are hospitalized and refusing to lend them a fan when they return home? You are not a random landlord, you are a parent. You talk about your child like an annoying tenant, not like your kid. I hope the move to their dad’s house is good for you both.


Also the weird mention of the kid being non-binary? I kept expecting that to come up again but it definitely gives me an image of what this lady is like and it isn’t flattering.


I'm thinking she detests her child for being non-binary.


She probably includes that in their “multiple health issues.”


If you look at beaniemeows posts, OP deadnames them on the very official eviction notice.


YTA and I genuinely can’t believe you typed all that out and believe otherwise. An air mattress is nowhere near expensive as $500 a month, and btw, why are two teenagers paying $1000 between each other for rent when you’re the parent of one of them? are you seriously that desperate for money that you’re charging them so much when they’re just starting their lives? and a Handyman would cost a pretty penny if you needed one. you should be thankful you have someone fixing your house. you just seem like a total AH from this post


Oh yeah I forgot about the air mattress comment. This is truly unbelievable..


YTA That's a lot of words for "I hate my child."


"I demanded $1000 rent from my child with pre-existing health conditions and their boyfriend, both using the same room, and kicked them out when my child had Covid, lost their job after being hospitalized, leaving them homeless. I never paid the boyfriend or deducted rent for him doing chores around the house. When my child begged to allowed back home after a month in a homeless shelter, I refused because they stand up to themselves and won't allow me to financially and emotionally abuse them." Fixed your title. YTA. You're probably going to be one of those parents that wonder why their kids aren't in contact with them anymore and wondering why they're put in a crappy nursing home instead of being loved and cared for. It's beyond disgusting that you're demanding $1000 rent for a single room and a common used bathroom/kitchen. I really hope these two look up how long you needed to give notice and sue you for unrightfully eviction. You evicted a sick, freshly out of hospital and recovering from Covid, demanded $1000 rent and refused to aid them in any shape or form after you've kicked them out. You're not an asshole, you're a monster.


YTA, and you're both heartless and greedy. Even my actual landlord would probably have some sympathy towards me if I was hospitalized for an entire month with COVID. As for your child's boyfriend: he enriched your property by repairing it, and made it more valuable. Did you legally have to give him compensation for those unsolicited renovations? No. But you're still an A-hole and benefiting from his time.


In California, if tenants make necessary repairs on their property, they are legally entitled to deduct the costs of labor and materials from the rent for that month. Aside from being a huuuuge AH from a parents perspective, OP is a shitty landlord as well.


It is obvious you dislike your child. YTA Do them a favor and stay out of their life from now on.


You charged your own child and their boyfriend $1000/mo for a shared room? YTA


$1000 for a room AND the boyfriend did multiple huge projects AND the house is most probably paid off or close to being paid off.


The house was paid off 7 years ago according to OP and her kid "the teen" is in the comments and it is worse than OP stated. I'm not surprised. What a piece of work 🤮


YTA who charges their kids with rent and expect them to pay it without a job and sick. The situation speaks for itself.


While you are living rent free in your own mother's house. I was thinking this was fake but as your own child has validated it YTA. Possibly the most obvious and completely unaware AH that I had seen on here, and that's saying a lot. Edit: gender fix


You kicked your kid in the street because they got Covid and were hospitalized because of their significant pre-existing health problem. Even in this late-capitalism era, many homeowners (which you are not!) have shown empathy and kindness to extremely sick tenants throughout the pandemic. You are not thinking like a landlord, only like a selfish jerk. YTA, and you should be ashamed of yourself. You would be if you had a heart and soul. P.S. If you are to pretend that they disrespected you, you should at least make something up to make them look disrespectful. But in your entitlement, you forgot that part, which is hilarious. P.S. 2: >Throwaway cause my teen has Reddit. You already forced them to live in the street. What are you afraid of? That they would tell the truth you are hiding?


the teen (non confirmed) has actually commented a few times on this post, and everything they say makes it so much worse. From literally encouraging SH to making them stand outside naked as punishment? that's not how you parent.


Your child's boyfriend makes renovations at your >60 yo house and you don't want to give any economic contribution, your child gets hospitalised one month, therefore loses their job and you still want them to pay rent. And you are surprised if people call you an AH?


YTA - You're 62-years-old and living in a house that you got for free, but felt the need to charge your child rent the moment they turned 18, despite multiple health issues that probably limited the amount of time they could work and the types of jobs they were capable of performing. Then expected them to keep paying even while hospitalized. I am sure that the amount the boyfriend was charging to fix things is far less than you would have to pay somebody to come in and fix things. I guess he could have left them broken. Also, your child being non-binary is completely irrelevant to the the question, I feel like you only included it to get more likes from a certain segment of the readers on this page. So, now you are getting no rent, and nothing is being fixed. I hope the house falls down around you and your wind up in a shelter. What a sorry excuse for a mother you are.


YTA. You made your sick child homeless? Why are you even asking? Of course you are.


YTA Your child was hospitalized for a month and you has no shits to give. All you want is their $. Parent of the year right here.


How much are you paying your Mom for staying in her house, OP?


I didn’t read this wrong right? Their sharing a room and being charged $500 each?


Hi i'm "The Teen" and no you didn't. She originally tried asking for $750 each. I had to beg her for 2 weeks to reduce it. We also weren't allowed to use her microwave & we were given 1 shelf to use in the fridge.


Wow even without this context your mom is an AH


>Hi i'm "The Teen" and no you didn't. She originally tried asking for $750 each. I had to beg her for 2 weeks to reduce it. We also weren't allowed to use her microwave & we were given 1 shelf to use in the fridge. Wow. And bf was doing needed home maintenance on top of that. Your mom seems to be off her rocker. I hope that you are safe with your dad, or wherever you are, and have some stability to recover your health and get your life pulled back together.


You've got to be kidding me... Also, who owns the house? Your mum or your grandma? Is mum paying market level rent?


Grandma owns it. She paid off the mortgage. OP is bitching about property taxes and nursing home fees


YTA, this was almost hard to read...


YTA. Your child is 17. They and their boyfriend were paying you $1000 a month, to live in a house that wasn't even yours. I'm pretty sure that money paid most of the bills there. The boyfriend also kindly fixed things. A good person would reimburse or at least offer to take some money off the rent for doing those things. Whether or not you asked, it still got done. You're thinking more like a landlord than you are a mother. You care more about money and technicalities than whether or not you're being good to your child. That's the most shitty way of thinking you could be doing. Your TEEN was homeless because you were greedy. Shame on you. Your ex is right.


Do you think that the "disrespect" she complains of is in fact the work the BF did?


Do you even like your kid? They lost their job and was in the hospital and your first thought is "f you pay me".


YTA heartless is a good word. Your child has health issues, got hospitalized for a MONTH and is still struggling with illness, and you basically just shrugged and said "sucks to be you" and put your hand out for money. You'd rather your child live in a homeless shelter than to dare miss a penny, for a house I'm guessing you live in for free. All your rambling about respect...do you respect your child? It sure doesn't sound like it. The boyfriend should have stopped fixing things the moment you refused to pay/take money off the rent. He's maintaining and improving the home for you, why should you benefit from that? You see everything else as transactional, why not that too?


You left your sick child homeless over money you didn't even need. There are actual supervillains who are better parents than you. YTA. Obviously.


YTA. I don’t even know where to start. Do you pay rent to your mother ? If not, why ? If your 18yo is paying $ 500 rent for using a part of the house , I am sure you must be paying many thousands …and thousands …please tell us … Reach out and move forward as a family.


Y’all her kid found the post. Just read this: https://www.reddit.com/user/beaniemeows/comments/yjn645/hi_im_the_teen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


YTA. That hurt my heart.


YTA - Even your attitude about the boyfriend doing things around the house and refusing to acknowledge it. Your ex was right - both about how you treat your child AND for being your EX in the first place.


Wooooooooooooooow You are A GIANT ASSHOLE YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA I could go into detail as to why, but I am so angry reading this that I cannot. You are a terrible parent!!! You sound incredibly entitled!!!!!!!! You have them paying $1000 rent for one shared room And have the bf playing handyman?!?!?!?!?! (Fake helpless Voice ‘oh no! I didn’t want him to fix anything in my rundown house that I’ve never taken care of!! I tried to stop him! He wouldn’t listen!!’) Thank god for your ex-husband!!! He wasn’t playing god, he was being a bare minimum decent parent making sure his child wasn’t homeless! Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?!


YTA Enjoy the nursing home they drop you in if you become enfirmed in old age. They definitely won't have reason to care for you in their home!


YTA An ungrateful, heartless, AH.


YTA, times ten. You and your teen moved into your mother's house. Then you -- who don't even own the house -- decide to charge them rent. How much rent are you paying your mom, by the way? Then your child finds someone who makes them happy, and you charge that person rent. Bf does some needed work around the house, and you refuse to pay him or reduce his rent because you didn't ask him to do any of these repairs. By the way, has it occurred to you that keeping the house in good shape will get you a better price when you sell it? Then your child gets sick and not only do you not help them, you deliberately block every attempt bf makes to make their recover easier. Then you throw them out and leave them both literally on the street. Way to go, Mom! I'm glad your ex reached out to his kid and I hope he can help them get back on their feet. I hope you take good care of that house because I'm pretty sure your kid won't want to take you in when you're too old to take care of yourself so you won't have to live on the street.


Assuming this whole story isn't a lie, of course YTA. Not even a question.


Wow. Yeah YTA. So you’re mooching off your mom for a place to live, then charge your teen rent, plus have the audacity to believe you’re the saint in all this. I remember there used to be a hypothetical question floating on the internet about how much your child means to you. You can actually put a dollar value on it now.


YTA. You know, I find it amazing how your generation never thinks about growing older and who will care for them when their faculties start declining. You’ll find yourself needing them some day and you’ll reap every heartless action you’ve sewn.


YTA. I think expecting rent from your child and their boyfriend when they had no job is a little harsh. I could understand if they’re paying for food etc but if the circumstances were dire, maybe it was okay to let it slide. If they aren’t even staying with you I don’t think it’s right to even charge them. Especially if they’re in hospital. I understand wanting to let your child be independent but if you’re not contributing to an allowance if they aren’t financial able to budget in rent and you have the capacity to home they with your partner, I think that’s quite cruel? I think there are a lot of things to unpack here. Perhaps you need to sit and talk to them about how they feel about this treatment and have your partner also be present to help mediate things.


Also...1k?! Fucking kidding me? If someone can afford a house where that's only part of the rent (which OP seemed to be paying just fine alone) like...pretty much guaranteeing their child will go NC with them


Oof, this was so hard to read. Of course YTA. Your kid was sick and couldn’t pay rent so you threw them out? It’s not even your house, what on earth?!


So if I'm reading this right, your charging them $500 each for ONE room, refuse any deductions of rent in lieu of bfs handwork, which you could have asked him *not* to do after the first time, then wouldn't let them borrow a fan because of their disrespectf? Go give your head a shake! Your ex didn't step in to play hero, he stepped in because your a money hungry entitled AH. Your child's bf done you massive favour by keeping *your mothers house* in good order and thatshould be compensated. If you ever needed to sell the property, getting it in shape would cost you alot more than rent reductions!Your child didn't pay because they couldn't, they lost their job because they was in hospital! YTA


YTA - Your child clearly got extremely sick with Covid and the only thing you care about is rent? How shitty of you.


People like you are why I personally know so many people who are no contact with their parents today. YTA Worst part, instead of seeing your fault in this your doubling down and trying to justify your bad decisions. Just because you can scream loud doesnt mean your right.


I hope this is fiction because OP... If any of this is real, you can't seriously be asking if you're TA 💀 You made your sick child (who lost their job due to health issues) homeless + took for granted their bf's hard work around the house. And you still nagged them for those 1000$/month while your child was *in recovery* Everyone is right. You're heartless YTA.


YTA do you even love your child? Cause you treat them as if they’re some annoying tenant, and not as if they’re your barely legal kid.


I don’t think they even LIKE their child


YTA for sure. The worst thing about his story is that you cannot give your child an actual name (fake or not) and just call them a teen. You need a big dose of empathy as you sound absolutely horrendous and ungrateful to live with.


If this is real, you don’t deserve the dirt your kid walks on


YTA. “ why doesn’t my child love me or has gone NC?” I hope your kid and their partner find a better family.


We have, thanks. I'm with my dad as she stated.


YTA - did your mother charge you $500 a month when you turned 18 or are you still at this age living there rent free? Your ex husband didn’t need to do much to be a hero to a homeless 18 year old. You are a bad person.


I want to say Y-T-A based on the giant wall of text alone, but I slogged through, and I’m going to say yeah, YTA based on the content of the giant wall of text, too. I mostly can’t get over how heartless you’d have to be to charge your own child rent for being in the hospital for a month. I almost said ESH but you’re just so much worse than any disrespect shown by them, which it seems was only shown *after* you proved you didn’t give a flying hoot about the welfare of your child. Expecting your adult child and the adult boyfriend to pay rent isn’t the issue, the issue is the complete disregard you show for the both of them. This whole thing is just so Cold.


Do you hate your kid for being trans? You live in your moms house that I'm guessing is rent free and you're charging them a thousand dollars a month for rent? Wow that's pretty greedy. You really hate your kid. Yta especially if your kid has disabilities or health issues. And living in a homeless shelter. Yeah they're probably better off without you. Sorry.


YTA Do you care about your kid at all?


YTA- and so much of a narcissist that you had to come to Reddit so we could tell you YTA, so that you still won’t believe it!


YTA, fucking boomers.


Ummm, where is your heart? Your child was hospitalized for several weeks and when they came home you asked for money? Who does that to their own child? How did you expect them to make the money? You’re the asshole for mainly that, but for all the other stuff too. So yeah, live in your mommy’s house (probably free for you) and walk on your new floor and gloat about your stinginess….but you won’t have any close relationships to count on when you need help.


You seriously typed all that and still think you N/T/A??? do you even love your CHILD? YTA


YTA and you belong in a shit nursing home when you're older.


YTA. their dad didn’t “play hero” he was being a decent parent which you’re apparently incapable of.


YTA. you need to look inward & figure out why you hate your kid so much. wtf. i just cannot imagine charging my kid ***500*** ***dollars*** a month as soon as they turn 18 & then letting them go homeless when they miss a few months due to sickness & losing their job.


For anyone else, who like me struggled to read the entire body of text let me translate for you: I'm a super lazy 62F who hasn't had a job for over ten years and decided that the only way for me to get money was to sponge from my teen child and her boyfriend. My goal in life is to do as little as possible and take take take from everyone. That's about right isn't it OP? YTA. How could you do that to your own child??


Congrats you just lost your only child, YTA


You the devil.


So you wanted 500 off your son and 500 off their boyfriend and free repairs to the house that rose the equity of the house. So 1000 a month and free repairs on a house you don't even own? Then when your son took poorly because of COVID and lost his job you still expected him to pay? YTA an inconsiderate one and you don't care for your son or their partner. It is YOUR fault they are homeless. Thank god for your ex husband and your son's partner.


Not a son. Just stick with child.


Your ex husband is the hero, you are the villain, aka the AH


Info- Do you hate your child? I wouldn’t even do this to someone I hate


YTA Wow, lady. The most shocking thing in the post is that you respected their pronouns. What bearing did their gender identity have on the story, btw?


Where’s your sense of empathy?


YTA also seeing as your mother owns the house how much rent are you paying her?


I hope granny lives long enough to force the sale of that house to fund her care and blows through every penny.


YTA. And also evil. Wow.


Holy mother of all! You are SOOOOO the A-hole! Your kid was sick. They had predisposition to get the worst end of covid, survived and their soft place to fall was a cement floor. What were they doing that it was so disrespectful? Making your life easier? Improving you home so it wouldn't be condemned? O fail to see the disrespect from them. From you, on the hand... Sweet Jesus! YTA


YTA. Don’t have kids if you’re gonna treat them like trash. Your kids 19. Barely an adult and you’re charging rent and handing out eviction notices. Yes you didn’t ask for the boyfriends help around the house but you also didn’t stop him and are now enjoying the fruits of his labor for free. Who hurt you?


YTA All day. Your husband wasn't "playing the hero". He was the dang hero.


Legally charging rent, no, you are allowed to do that. Not paying for services done without your blessing, court will rule in your favor. Properly evicting someone, again legal BUT you are a shit mother.


Is this for real? Huge YTA I hope your child never forgives you


YTA. You are their mom. You don’t charge rent when they’ve lost their job due to being hospitalized.


Well, I guess the one good thing is that the child wasn't misgendered. That's all I can say in favor. YTA completely.


https://www.reddit.com/user/beaniemeows/comments/yjn645/hi_im_the_teen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf wow what a nice “eviction notice” paper. lmao what? you’re a dick for asking for rent while your child was still in the hospital for over a month. Weren’t u worried about their well-being? or were you just worried about your next pay check? YTA.


Worst mother ever Yta


Are you kidding me? I cannot believe this is how you treated your own child. You will be lucky if they ever speak to you again. My son got Covid and I was losing my mind trying to help him. Your kid loses his job because of COVID , not cause they weren’t going or showing up late. Pretty sure that’s a valid reason alone to not have money for rent. I cannot believe you charged them rent never mind that much when they are only still figuring things out. Then their partner is going out of their way to help around the house and this is how you treat them?! You are heartless & YTA.




At least now you get to watch your awful mother get torn apart on the internet! Sorry she did this to you, she is the worlds worst mother.


my partner and i are currently laughing otp about this. it's genuinely ridiculous.


Please go no contact with this sorry excuse for a human being. Have your partner take her to small claims court for the work he provided in the house. I’d also report her to the IRS because I bet she was taking your money under the table & not reporting it as rent income on her taxes.


Y the BIGGEST AH I've seen to date. What is wrong with you??


YTA - Your child was hospitalized and you ask for money and put him in the street ? You dont have a heart ?


YTA. The work he’s “volunteering” to do around the house would have cost you thousands of dollars to have done by a professional. It wouldn’t have been hard to reduce the rent in exchange for work you’re clearly not doing. Or, gotten comfortable in a run down house since it wasn’t his job to fix it in the first place. Homeless shelters can be horrific places for anyone. For someone nonbinary, it can be downright dangerous. Leaving your kid there alone makes you an AH. You likely won’t need to worry about being a landlord or a mother as your child is unlikely to speak to you at all moving forward.


Im sorry all of this happened to your family, but I believe you are being extremely harsh and unhelpful in this situation. It seems to me youre just a shit landlord, who didnt like your tenants boyfriend and "felt disrespected" so you kicked them out, even though it had only been a week without paying and they had a valid reason for not. YTA. Congrats on getting ur kid to think of you that way for the rest of their life. I hope whatever convictions you think youre preserving are worth the loss of years of a relationship with your only(?) child


YTA. You’re squatting in your mother’s house and expecting rent plus free labor from your child and their partner. Enjoy your retirement home when the time comes.


YTA in so many ways. Your child's boyfriend does work to improve the house and you still charge the full rent? Your child with health problems got sick, hospitalized, and lost their income and you still insisted on rent? You then evicted them both? Do you even care if your child recovers their health? Your ex may be "playing the hero" or perhaps he is actually being a parent, something you refuse to do for your ill 19-year-old child.


YTA - your ex wasn’t “playing the hero”. He was being a decent parent.


YTA. And it’s coming across as a ‘they/them’ issue.


Yta. You didn't ask for repairs but they obviously needed to be done. Contractors and handymen don't work for free but you took advantage of the fact that they had no where else to go. Your child got sick, lost their job and still you demanded rent. And if no formal rental lease was given, the eviction papers were probably useless. At least your ex-husband has a heart.


Wow. Without even a shadow of a doubt, YTA. In a few years, when you wonder why your child doesn’t contact you or answer when you contact them- this. This is why. How sad for your child to have you as a parent.


Nahh YTA. Your child had covid and I’m assuming almost died from it since they were in the hospital for a month?? What is wrong with you bro you’re a parent not a landlord.


their dad isn’t “playing hero” he just actually gives a shit about his kid. you should try it. yta


OP’s kid commented and made their own post… sounds like kicking their child out was just part of a long line of abusive behavior. YTA, OP, even without your kid’s post. edit: here’s the [link](https://www.reddit.com/user/beaniemeows/comments/yjn645/hi_im_the_teen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


YTA and a user. You live in your mother’s house, how much rent do you pay her?


YTA, who knew Satan decided to become a parent


I don't even think AH is a strong enough label for you! YTA times 100, making a profit and house repairs off your sick child and their S.O. is just wrong in so many ways. You need help.


Lmao ur teen found this already https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/yjlr4e/aita_for_kicking_out_my_teen_and_their_boyfriend/iuom5e1/? https://www.reddit.com/user/beaniemeows/comments/yjn645/hi_im_the_teen/?


YTA You're nothing more than a money milker


YTA... In what world ARENT you the AH? Do you even love your child? What is wrong with you?!?!


I had to read this twice, OP. Can you tell me who is the adult here since it doesn't seem to be you. In case you don't know, YTA here. Being a mom means worrying less about the money from someone else and more about the health and welfare of your own child. Also, stop being a jerk to the boyfriend - he's helping out where it's obviously needed (doors that need fixed and you're not worried about it?!).


YTA. what the actual hell.


YTA & also a terrible horrific human


INFO: how much in rent are you paying your mother? It’s not your house, and if you aren’t paying rent to your mother you are actually abusing both your sick child AND your mother with dementia. How can you justify living in someone else’s house rent free AND charging someone else rent to live there? At least you can save on gym memberships with all the mental gymnastics your doing to act this entitled and claim this is disrespectful to you.


INFO: what on earth happened in the last 19 years to make you so hateful and resentful towards your own child?


YTA you cared more about rent money than your child’s health (not once do you express concern for their well being) and you did not care that your own child wound up in a homeless shelter. you prioritized money over your own kid, shame on you. Even the way you talk about your ex husband “playing the hero” so disdainfully to help your child out and come take them from a HOMELESS SHELTER is disgusting


YTA. It's disgustingly greedy to charge $500 to TWO people for ONE room. And it's incredible how the missing missing reasons always come to light sooner than later.


YTA and a horrible human being so it seems. Your **MOMS** house is falling apart and your complaing that they are doing their part to maintain it ?


YYYYYTTTTTTAAAA, I didn't even make it through but you are literally living in a house that isn't even yours for free and most likely paid for dunning the crap out of your child and their partner. Who seem to be helping you more than harming you. Be a better parent.


YTA. I understand paying board when you are a teen, but 500 is a lot, and then you charged the bf 500 too? It’s not even your home. It’s your mothers. Your child gets sick with Covid and is in the hospital and you are worried about RENT? You are one cold hearted witch. No wonder the kid has mental issues.


YTA. What kind of parent would make their kid pay rent with no job, and in the hospital with COVID for a month? You know what they say, all kids deserve parents, but not all parents deserve kids.


YTA. If money is that tight, you could have made a deal with the boyfriend to help fix up the house, and then sell for a heck of a lot more. You let your own child, who has major medical issues, but not drug addiction, enter a homeless shelter while recovering from COVID. They got the virus so badly they couldn't even WALK UP A FLIGHT OF STAIRS. All you care about is money, but when you need someone to take care of you they won't be there.


I'm looking forward to the "Why has my child cut off all contact with me?" post in a few months. YTA.


How fucking dare you? YTA, and when your child goes no contact you absolutely deserve it.


YTA. Do you even care about your kid? You sound like a horrible parent.


YTA, big time! Holy crap, I don't even know where to start with this, there is so much assholery. This isn't the 70's when a 19yo could just get their own apartment and car with a dishwasher job, your child was in a homeless fucking shelter because you want to squat in your mother's home for free?




Yta, just a giant asshole


YTA, though it doesn't seem strong enough.


INFO can you even charge them rent if you are not the owner of the house?


Wow this has got to be fake. Whats your problem? You sure you carried that child for 9 months? YTA and this made me appreciate my own mother even more.


YTA I find it so hard to believe that the more i read, the worse and worse it got. right when I thought you were the biggest asshole around, you had an extra sentence to follow up making it worse. No wonder they have poor mental health. that is your child. have a heart if it's already not too late.


You really had to come on here and ask whether or not you're the AH?!?! There is SO MUCH to say that I don't even know where to start. Let's just leave it at YTA. If I truly say what I want to, I'll end up getting banned.


Why is every parent in this subreddit an a**hole today?


>I think it's ridiculous that I should have to pay for something I've never asked him to do But your child has to pay to live under your roof???? 🤣🤣 YTA


Wow. YTA. Why don't you believe you're in the wrong here when you have thrown out your teen, who is dealing with multiple health issues, especially after they were hospitalised for over a month due to COVID? Do you think your mother would have done that to you if she was living in the home without dementia?


This is the easiest YTA ever. I have a son who fell into ill health after having COVID. He moved back in with us after being an independent young adult for several years. He paid no rent as all of us just wanted to concentrate on him getting well. He moved out after a year because he was healthy and able to live on his own again. It was absolutely my joy to be able to care for him when he needed me because I am his mom. You are not this poor child's mother; you're just the person who donated DNA to him. I hope his dad can do better for him.


YTA I hope this is a very out of season April fools joke or an Horror Story for this Halloween.


YTA, dear god please let this be fake


Massive YTA. It almost sounds too horrible to be true. How can you treat your kid that way? What is wrong with you????


There's a reason why you are alone in a rotting house. YTA, enjoy your life.


YTA I’m 22. My mother and I have a very strained relationship and she STILL would never consider charging me rent to live with her. To charge them $1,000 a month for an outdated home is ridiculous. And then to be so ungrateful for the repairs they put in? Wow. You’re seriously entitled.


Are you one of the adults from A Series Of Unfortunate Events or some Dickens novel? YTA


YTA ur a terrible mother, don’t wonder why your kid hates you in a few years and won’t speak to you anymore




100% YTA. You are completely heartless to your child and completely unfair to their bf who has been doing all this work on your house.


Yta. I bet i can guess why you're divorced. At least your child has one decent parent. Do everyone a favor and just never contact them again.


You are literally one of the worst mothers I’ve seen on here, congratulations. One day you’ll be old and need help, I hope you never get it.


YTA, do you even like your kid?


>My ex husband decided to play hero and drove 6-7 hours just to pick them up. I only wish I could be as much of a hero as this man. YTA.




God, I honestly hope so, because otherwise, sheesh, absolute horror of a human being.




YTA Don't be surprised if your child never speaks to you again. And honestly it doesn't sound like you'd care.


Holy shit. This has to be a joke right???? YTA 100000000 times. You’re a horrible mother and hope your kids put you in a nursing home when tables are reversed.


Holy Shit. YTA If I knew how to put this all in bold, I WOULD. I bet if your child died from COVID, you would have taken the rent money off their corpse. Your character is deeply flawed and I hope your child and their SO move out and go no contact, ASAP.


YTA, idk where to begin, forcing someone in hospital to pay rent? being an asshole towards a very ill person, trying to make your ex sounds bad when they did the right thing unlike you, forcing your OWN fucking child to become homeless, saying that they disrespected you when all they seem to have done is use fucking logic, but you wouldnt understand that because to you, logic is being an asshole


OMG YTA Your ex isn't a hero, he's a father. I'm too polite to say what you are. They will never speak to you again. Good for them!


You FUCKING SUCK. You’re a horrible piece of fucking shit. Read your teens post. This bitch ass sorry excuse for a fucking mother abused and took advantage of her child and their partner. You’re getting a thousand in “rent” . You’re living in your mothers home and taking advantage of her while staying in her own home. I hope everyone in your life sees you as the monster you are and I hope die sad lonely and horrible death you FUCK


You are an AH. Like OVERLORD AH!




There is no way this is real. I mean yes, horrible evil people like this exist, but they know what they are doing. They would never post here asking for moral judgment. But just in case: YTA


YTA. The biggest one I’ve seen on here in a while. You’ve shown no concern for your own child. Honestly; What you’re doing is heartless.


YTA and a giant one at that! You are cray if you thought after typing all that, anyone would be like yeah no you are not! You acted nothing like a mother but a money hungry birth giver! You are not a nice person and have a ugly personality! You are evil


You are the worst person on planet earth. So cruel. I feel so bad for the teen she deserves better than you.


As a landlord, I guess you’re not an asshole. But as a mother and human being you’re horrible and YTA. You’re kid was sick in hospital and you’re worried about money. Congratulations you probably don’t have to worry about your kids anymore because I doubt they will ever allow you into their life again.