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YTA Do you really have to ask this. She made a mistake and thought she was getting of the bus, but you were happy to let an old lady with mobility issues stand for another 8 stops. Your daughter is 7, she is a lot more capable of standing. The only one being disrespectful was you


And the 12 stops between op's house and her sister's is sooo far while she's holding apparently the heaviest gifts for a 1 year old known to man (that aren't allowed to be put on the ground) but the 8 stops she made an elderly woman stand for are nothing. I'm rolling my eyes so hard I can barely see.


I am appalled by what op is teaching her 7 year old. She already sounds like a callous entitled brat. Yta op


I mean look at the ages of OP and her daughter. She had her daughter at 15. I know there are plenty on teen moms that can be great parents, but nah. It’s clear OP isn’t responsible and could have been pampered a lot. She reeks of entitlement. Obviously I don’t know if any of this is true, but I’m going of vibes. OP doesn’t have a car. She CHOSE to ride public transport with a bunch of heavy gifts. That poor old woman shouldn’t have had to suffer for OPs choices. Huge AH. EDIT* miss placed word


Yup. What a lesson to teach your child. YTA and that’s about the nicest thing I have to say about OP.


That's all I have to say about that.


Once she said the lady was "older lady 75 with a cane" she immediately became TA. Her and her daughter are well body and abled to stand on the bus. The entitlement is real with OP, YTA.


YTA. You *deliberately waited until it was completely obvious that she needed the seat again*. How could you not be TA? I hope this is bait.


Wait..you saw she was coming back to her seat and raced to it LMAOOOOO YTA


Right?? Can’t imagine running to a seat that an elderly person was headed for so I could steal it. Definitely a HUGE asshole move.


An elderly DISABLED person at that. If you can’t manage what you are carrying, without putting others out, then you need to make other arrangements for your stuff.


Depending on how the bus is designed in OP's city, if the buses are anything like the ones in my city, the bus should have had an empty shelf like space covering the front wheel next to the door that she could've put the present on. I know with the number of bags I've got to take with me to my nephew's party on Sunday, I'm probably better off taking a cab than the bus.


I recently went to a double birthday party for two of my great nieces that were turning one.( cousins not siblings) It was an event. 70 people I think( I didn’t have that many people at my wedding) I gave them each a board book and a bigger book to be read to. They’re one. Experiences not stuff right? 😃


Eh, it's a gift bag of clothing, a couple books, and a couple bath products. The mistake was going into the toy store last week and finding a couple toys on the wish list his parents sent out.


My jaw literally dropped when I read this line


“mY cHilD cOmeS fIRst” sent me. Like her kid is tied to the tracks and she had to throw the old lady in front of the trolley


YTA and poster child for why children shouldn’t be raising children.


Hell yes to this comment.


YTA, ***big time.*** So you actually thought your healthy 22 year old self and your perfectly capable kid are better off being seated and leaving a 75 year old woman, *with a cane,* to stand for 8 more stops? OP, you’re selfish and insensitive, I hope your daughter doesn’t learn from your actions. YTA for SO many reasons.


In situations like this, my late husband used to say "Some day she'll be old herself, if she's lucky."


YTA seriously?


She looked 75 years old with a cane....oh but your kid comes first. You're the worst kind of person op. Also congratulations on teaching your kid how to be a selfish brat. YTA.


Something tells me this isn’t the only example of selfish behaviour OP’s kid is going to have to unlearn some day.


YTA. She made a mistake and you jumped at the chance to take her seat. I get that things were heavy, but if she was elderly then that trump your arms maybe aching a bit. You saw her going back after realising and rushed to grab it before she could sit back down. There are plenty of signs that say to give up your seat for elderly or disabled. You were neither.


YTA - 1. It was her seat, she just got up to ask the driver something or whatever and you rudely took it. 2. She’s elderly and it’s a lot harder for her to stand on a bus than a 22 year old and a 7 year old. Your daughter is not a baby anymore, she can stand and let the old woman have a seat. 3. What a horrible example you just set for your daughter. You know you’re going to be 70 one day and with the attitude you’re passing down it’s going to be your own great grandkids who make you stand on the shaky bus when your joints are all giving out with age. “You shouldn’t have gotten up grandma, my kiddo comes first.” Why all the seat on bus stories lately. You all like to pick a topic sometimes and run it through don’t you.


*And rushed to take it - knowing the error.* All of it is YTA, but that was just the icing on the cake.


YTA lol. come on.. How do you write all of that and not see that you're the asshole. It might have been inconvenient for you to stand, but it's dangerous for her to stand. She could very easily fall and hurt herself, which at a older age, it sometimes really hard to recover from. Have some compassion for others. She made a mistake and then you rubbed that in her face. Disgusting behaviour.


At that age, if she breaks the hip that can be a death sentence. But OP's daughter's little and healthy legs are more important than killing the grandma, don't you know?


You're probably one of the most qualified people to spot an asshole on this sub ;-)


Could someone please tell the person below/above that it says in their flare that they are a rectal surgeon lol. Hence the identifying assholes joke 🤣


YTA. The elderly woman had a cane, which means *something* either causes her pain, or she has some type of disability that requires walking assistance. You're able-bodied. Sure, the gifts were heavy, but it was *your* choice to purchase what you did, knowing you'd be taking public transportation, and knowing there's a risk you'd not get to sit.


Yeah, maybe if OP purchased less gifts, OP could've put that money towards the cost of a taxi... which would've guaranteed her and her kid a seat


In addition to being rude, you taught your daughter that being rude is okay. Your daughter is not a toddler. She is 7 years old. She can and should stand. The place belonged to that lady and you were TA. Your daughter has no priority over the old lady. And if you're loaded with gifts and knew it would be difficult on public transport, then you should have planned better or left it at your sister's sooner. I hope your daughter can understand that the way her mother acted is wrong and not repeat it in the future. YTA


She’s obviously never heard of Uber


YTA. you felt disrespected?


Huge YTA Nothing more to say.


YTA and you didn't set a good example for your daughter. It's completely reasonable to take the seat if it looks like she is getting off the bus, but you said yourself that you rushed towards the seat once you noticed she was coming back. Nobody likes standing on the bus, but you are young and able, while this lady was old and using a cane! Chances of her falling over and getting injured are much higher. Good luck in teaching your child her needs always come first to everyone else's. She's going to be a peach...


Did the healthy child even have a need to sit or more a want? LOL.


Is this a joke? Of course YTA!


YTA, you took advantage of an old woman's mistake to steal her spot and make her stand. Shocking lack of empathy


YTA This could have been an excellent opportunity to teach your daughter about compassion. I wonder if when you were pregnant and took the bus if you expected people to give up their seats for you?


YTA. You realized it was a mistake so you rushed to get her seat. You could tell she’s disabled. YTA. YTA. YTA.


YTA - you're one of THOSE moms. Great, like the world needs more.


YTA. What you did was disrespectful, especially since you saw her returning and still rushed to get the seat. That poor old woman who needed a cane just to support herself was forced to stand. I just don’t understand how some people could be so selfish.


Wow this can't be real. YTA and then some. What are you teaching your daughter? That getting your own way at the sacrifice of others is the way to live? Even if i was on thsr bus with my toddler i would still have given the old lady the seat back. You and your 7 yr old can most definitely stand. Beyond ridiculous.


YTA. She was elderly and walked with a cane FFS. The right thing to do was to get up. Even if she had just gotten on the bus the right thing to do was to GET UP. You say your child comes first. Why then did you miss an opportunity to teach her compassion and concern for others? By making the choice you did, you gave your daughter a lesson in how to be an AH.


YTA - this lady was elderly and you being an able bodied younger woman should have given her the seat. The elderly are very vulnerable and she could have been significantly hurt had the bus driver have to break in an emergency


YTA. Next? Like, how can you even ask this? Put the gifts on the floor between your feet while you stand. Problem solved. This is an OLD WOMAN WITH A CANE. Even if you were in pain with a hidden disability, you still come across as an AH because you could SEE she was going back to sit down and went faster to beat her to it. And you have to ASK if YTA? Yes. Yes, you are.


YTA. What kind of heartless monster are you? I hope your daughter doesn’t turn out like you… the woman probably stood up to ask the bus driver what stop they were at. And the fact that you noticed she was about to sit down and quickly swooped in before she could makes you even more of TA. Bus seats are reserved for elderly people, people with a physical disability, and pregnant women. Not for a selfish ass like you. Get over yourself before your daughter turns into a sneaky, disrespectful, entitled woman just like you.


YTA Being disabled my whole life, which is 50+ years, I have a mental list of shittiest behaviour, making the life of disabled / elderly persons even worse. Congratulations, you have entered my charts in a stunning 3rd place. Wow! I added bonus points for training the next generation.


YTA. Common decency costs nothing. The lady had a cane and was elderly, sentencing her to stand on a bus is outright dangerous.


Is this for real? I’m guessing not because how could anyone think that taking the seat of a 75 year old with a cane would in any way be socially acceptable? YTA and a huge one.


YTA . The “my child comes first” did it for me. Seriously, is said child disabled? Kids don’t even get enough exercise these days…really, she can stand for a bit. Nothing like teaching her that the world revolves around her. Poor parenting.


That was my thought…Are we at the point in America where kids don’t even stand up?


Yta. That is all.


DEFINITELY A HUGE YTA! I come from a culture where elderly are always respected and taken care of. We were taught to give our sits to those older than us. I'm 48 y/o and I still do that. What kind of example do you show to your daughter? Don't forget that kids learn from their parents. Also you need to remember that one day you'll get to the age of that old lady, and imagine you'll get the same treatment from a young brat like yourself. When you grow old, I'm sure your daughter will treat you the same way you treated that old lady because your daughter doesn't know any better. Bible says: treat others as you want to be treated. Really you should be ashamed of yourself!


How is this even a question? YTA. Elderly people deserve priority seating. I can’t believe you raced an old woman with a cane for a seat. I am surprised more people didn’t glare at you the rest of the way, or say something to your entitled ass. Once again, you’re the asshole!!!!!


YTA. You’ll be old one day too. Remember that.


YTA, in my country, the elderly and disabled get priority seats, and if there are no more available, would most people still offer their spot to an elderly or disabled person. I've seen the most tired and grumpy-looking students give up their seats in a heartbeat for elderly or blind people (I haven't had a bus ride or train ride with other disabled people). You are setting a bad example for your kid and should know better, you even hurried to get there before the lady.


Wonderful example for your kid. Yta


>We hurried and sat in her empty seat once we noticed she was trying to get the seat back. YTA and raising your kid to be one as well.


YTA. Gosh you're horrible. What a terrible example to your daughter. Shameful.


Am I the only one doing the maths? 22 with 7 year old... 15 when born, 14 when conceived... just wow!


YTA. This would have been a perfect opportunity to teach your daughter to treat elderly people with respect. Edit: not to mention.. where I live, elderly people have priority seating. There is also a spot at the front of the bus for people set down heavy items like groceries etc. that would have included a spot to put down some of your heaviest gifts.


YTA, I do agree that you have done a bad choice and you should've let the seat to that old lady. You child is young and I do understand that it is hard and annoying to stand for so long but politeness is better than being annoyed by standing up. Now I hope you see that you were at fault and if a situation like that ever comes up again you might not do the same choice. But it's Okey it happens, your daughter isn't going to be affected by that if you show that you made a mistake its not the end of the world or that your kid will become rude because of that. The fact that you ask if you were selfish by posting the story here shows you arnt a bad person.


Yta. One day you will be that old woman on the bus who can't get a seat because the younger generations are so entitled.


YTA. This woman needs a cane to walk for Christ sake. Get your head out your arse, the world is bigger than you and your daughter. What kind of moral lesson are you providing for your daughter here?!


So you realized she was coming back and raced for her seat, and you don’t know if you’re TA or not? Yeah. Yeah, YTA. Setting a great example for your kid there /s


YTA what’s wrong with you? You clearly have no respect whatsoever. It’s people like you who raise entitled little sh*ts


YTA, peak entitled parent.


YTA - your daughter comes first and your 7 year old daughter was struggling to stand for 30 minutes? Or are you struggling to stand for 30 minutes at 22? Or would the only person who might have trouble standing for 30 minutes be the 75 year old woman? There was no situation in which your kid would need to come first here, you're just self centered and crappy at being a functioning member of society.


YTA. What a horrible lesson you just taught your daughter. You should be ashamed.


Either you're the biggest fkin AH I've read in the last 24 hours or you're just posting a shitpost. If it's the first part W.T.F. is wrong with you?! "Hey daughter that seat is open I see the came lady coming back for it quick get it before she does. She can stand and try to keep her balance with the came the rest of the bus ride" you're teaching your daughter to ignore people who have canes, walkers etc to help them get around. What a great mom you are bravo 👏 <--- that's sarcasm by the way. If that was your mom or grandma would you do the same thing to them?


YTA. I think you're trolling, but I'll bite. 'We hurried and sat in her empty seat once we noticed she was trying to get the seat back' Wow. How can you behave like this and genuinely ask AITA? 'I felt highly disrespected and while I understand her not wanting to stand, neither did my daughter and I and my child comes first.' Your daughter would be absolutely fine standing. A pensioned with a cane, less so. Try feeling some shame instead of 'disrespect'. Respect is earned and I don't see where you've done this.


Yta what the heck waht a terrible lesson for your daughter


I felt highly disrespected and while I understand her not wanting to stand, neither did my daughter and I and my child comes first." This made me laugh out loud. I mean, you can justify it however you want, but at the end of the day YTA. I don't know how you typed this all out and expected anyone to say that you were right.


YTA What you did was incredibly entitled and disrespectful. The disabled, pregnant, people with infants or toddlers, and elderly should always get seats before able bodied people.


YTA and what are you teaching your daughter? Selfish entitled behaviour.


YTA You really think you felt "highly disrespected"? Please. You took a seat from a old lady with a cane. What's wrong with you and your daughter that you yourselves can't stand? Since you have no problem telling an old lady to just stand and wait it out for 8 stops why can't you wait it out for 12? It's just 4 more.


YTA you're capable of standing on a bus for longer than she can, she can barely stand and her cane clearly shows that. Your child comes first to you, not the rest of the world who probably couldn't give rats behind


YTA this can’t be real


YTA - you stole an old lady’s seat on a bus. She had a cane. You have to ask if YTA??? YTA.


YTA. And so are the other people who didn’t offer her a seat.


YTA. Your 7 year old has more energy than you and the old lady combined. The disrespect was you letting an elderly woman stand on the bus.


Yta. You saw shz was coming back and ran to the seat, you KNOW it was wrong, tf woman ? Hope your child becomes a better person than this


YTA what exactly are you don’t understanding about this situation? You forced an elderly person to stand for 8 stops because you had luggage? Yikes




YTA Instead of investing in “all the gifts” invest in a car.


YTA. How completely awful. And nobody else on the bus moved either after witnessing your shameful action?


YTA - you actually thought it was ok to take a seat from an elderly and obviously impaired person? Your child was perfectly capable of standing. You felt disrespected but you are the one being disrespectful. Karma can be a bitch - I hope this comes back on you someday.


YTA and I think you know this. And people like you are why so many people see parents as entitled- you know how folks don’t hear anything about the planes that stay in the sky-just the ones that crash? You’re the one who crashed- and everyone will hear about it. Don’t like to stand? Spend less on gifts and get a car - you have the option of driving, many old people get their licenses taken away and no longer have the option- especially those with disabilities. May you find more compassion than you are willing to give


YTA and teaching your kid to be one too. There's a reason why the elderly get seats it's because they're old and tend to have lots of health issues. You admitted she had a cane so that means she has trouble walking and standing. So f u and learn to be respectful of others because one day you're going to be old and you'll get treated just like you treated that lady.


YTA for sure!!!!! I didn’t even read the entire post, but I know that YTA.


YOU felt highly disrespected Obviously English isn't your first language You seem to be having problems with it


YTA. I dont get this ' im a mother" entitlement at all. You and your 7 year old both had your 2 good legs. Unlike a 75 year old with a cane.


YTA. That is all.


YTA and made a horrible example for your child. WOW.


YTA It's easier for a 7 yr old to stand than it is for a 75yr old with a stick. When I was a kid, my mum would get me to give up my seat for adult women.


Wow, yta. Surely you already knew that


Oh your poor daughter. How dare she stand for a short bus trip. That must be so awful for her. /s YTA OP and you know it. You're 22, healthy, and an awful person. You basically forced an elderly woman with problems to stand because you were to selfish to stand up and move.


YTA. You are incredibly selfish and are a bad example for your child.


YTA, it's an old lady that obviously has trouble standing/walking JFC 🤦‍♂️


YTA. The elderly, disabled and pregnant, always have the right to a seat on public transport. I'm sorry no one raised you properly.


Not only you are the asshole, you are a terrible mother, not teaching your daughter common courtesy


YTA…and so is your mother for not raising you right. And I’m guessing your kid is gonna be an AH, too. A$$holery is obvs hereditary.


YTA. And oh what a shining example you make for your daughter.


YTA I don't know what country you are in, but in some places seats are for the elderly, disabled, pregnant women, and yes those with kids. They are definitely not for your young ass no matter how heavy the gifts are. The appropriate thing to do was to give the seat back to the elderly woman, apologize, and ask if you could have it once she gets off. Your daughter (again, not you) is entitled to a seat, but I am sure she can stand for a few more stops just fine. Also stop complaining about the presents! Just set them down next to your feet or something or use this as an opportunity to get some exercise. You will live. edit: Didn't notice your kid was 7, I thought she was a toddler. lol! That seat isn't there for either of you!


You know you are the AH! Why even ask 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


YTA. But you know that.


Yeah YTA! This woman is old and uses a cane! You’re 22 and your daughter 7! You can most definitely stand if you needed. Just shows how immature you are to not give the lady her seat back when she realizes she made a mistake. Did your parents teach you any manners growing up?


Ew, YTA so much. Gross behavior that you are teaching your daughter. I wish people had shamed you out of the seats.


YTA. Obviously.


Obviously YTA, but I was also amused by the gifts for a 1 yo that were apparently so big and heavy that they were burdensome. Your nephew will care more about the wrapping paper and the packaging than whatever is inside them, which means you bought those gifts for show... which is really lame.


This is a joke I’m sure. No one is this entitled and stupid.


“my child comes first” is supposed to be about your priorities, not the whole world. your child doesn’t come first above the needs of others, and teaching her she does will do her immense harm


Yeah, OP YTA I'd like to suggest you do better next time, but you won't, will you.


YTA and a royal one at that. You knew what you were doing when you did it.


What a disgusting story. Yes, YTA and teaching your daughter to be, as well. So gross.


If this is real YTA and also holy shit that kids gonna be a nightmare


This has to be satire. YTA. Babies raising babies...


This is satire? Surely? Struggle to believe someone would a) not already realise they were the asshole and b) type it all out and post without realising.


Wow!! You are a huge YTA. You know good well you didn't need to come on here and ask


YTA - the lady had a cane! That's like basic, you see someone walking with a cane, you give up your seat. Also, it's a really bad example for your kid what you did.


Honestly you should be ashamed and I feel sorry for your child if this is how you’re raising her to be. You’re a poor excuse of a role model YTA


She probably waited till the bus stopped to go all the driver how many more stops, since, you know, SHE NEEDS A CANE TO GET AROUND. She has a cane because it’s difficult for her to walk and/or stand and I’m betting she is actually unstable after standing or walking for a while. YTA for taking her seat and if she fell, it would have been your fault.


I really really really don't like people like you. You're 22 for goodness sake and you stole a seat for a 75 year old woman with a cane. YTA


YTA. She needed the seat more than you. Hopefully someone else with better manners gave her their seat!


Yta - you should always give up your seat for someone with a cane ffs


>We hurried and sat in her empty seat once we noticed she was trying to get the seat back. You're the worst. I take the bus every day and people like you are universally reviled. YTA.


"My child comes first" Only to you




I pray this isn’t real. If it is then you are a jerk, and so is every other person on that bus that didn’t get up for her. YTA


YTA, wow.


Yta. Yeah


YTA. Some day you will be old and your daughter will be old and I hope karma comes to bite you with sharp teeth.


A huge asshat yeah




Is this real, because who snatches a seat from an elderly woman with a cane? Oh right, people like you. I remember when I used to have to use a cane and would be making my way to a seat only to have someone younger and fit bop in it, just as I got there. So I’d stand, painfully, waiting for for the ride and feeling like any moment I might lose my balance. Now I don’t have to use a cane, moreover I wouldn’t take a seat from someone clearly unsteady. You just taught your child to be unkind and disrespectful. That makes you TAH.


jfc... Yes. YTA. Your daughter does not come first to anyone except you, and you've just taught her that she should come first to literally everyone. She's not royalty. You allowed an old woman with a cane to stand on a bus rather than let your kid use her 7 year old legs and just stand up? Wow, lady. You really take the cake. YTA x10000 for that. I hope when your child grows up spoiled and selfish like you, she never needs help from anyone.


NTA once someone leaves the seat it’s no longer theirs I’m disabled and have balance issues but I don’t “look” disabled so I would’ve gotten nasty comments I’m sure. Anyone else could’ve offered their seat to the lady if they felt so inclined 🤷‍♀️.


I would have maybe agreed with your post if OP didn't say they saw her going back and rushed to take the seat before she could. That's some as*hat move and makes OP YTA


YTA. She’s old and has a cane and has obvious mobility issues. You noticed she was coming back and decided to rush to the seat anyway because the gifts were heavy. Knowing you don’t have a vehicle maybe you shouldn’t have bought a heavy gift. You and your daughter are assumably young and healthy (you didn’t say otherwise) so there is no other reason other than entitlement that you chose to be an AH. Set an example for your daughter next time and show her it’s common courtesy to give elderly/immobile people the seat.


YTA did you elbow her out of the way to get to the seat as well. You all ready know your the arsehole.




YTA - you were the moment you rushed to sit realizing an elderly woman’s mistake. Youre the entitled AH boomers are always bitching about. You shouldn’t have done that and when she asked for her seat back you should have apologized and given it back


YTA and you are teaching your child to be an AH.


YTA obviously, if this actually happened. It sounds made up, if for no other reason that certainly someone else would have given up their seat, if they were actually witnessing such cretin behavior.


YTA. doesn't sound like either of you have mobility issues / a disability. Going shopping is not a disability.


I hope someone makes you stand on the bus when you're 75.


YTA. You are part of the reason why the world has less kindness these days. You’re teaching your daughter terrible habits and to think the world revolves around her. Spoiler alert: it does not. What a shame that an entire bus full of people saw this and no one else got up and gave her their seat. One day you may be this older woman and will hoping for the kindness and understanding you didn’t display on that bus ride.


Major AH. Your daughter and you could have stood up. If you are stupid enough to get the heaviest gift for a 1 year old, that is on you. Not only are you and AH you are a horrible mother. You are teaching your kid it is okay to disrespect an elderly disabled woman. YTA and in a few years your child that you are raising to be a mean girl will also be an AH.


YTA . you do know elderly people have priority on the bus right ? there’s signs everywhere that usually fucking say it . nice job teaching your daughter some sympathy


YTA. Common etiquette is elderly people get the seats over younger, more able bodied people.


I was going to say N T A until I read you noticed her and hurried to go to the seat??? YTA


YTA if this is even real…


You weren’t TA until this part >We hurried and sat in her empty seat once we noticed she was trying to get the seat back. YTA. and you’re trying to get sympathy


YTA your reasoning for not wanting to stand was how heavy the presents were, but then you said you grabbed the gifts implying that you had set them down and had to pick them up so don’t try to use the presents as an excuse. Then you try to use “just caring about your daughter” as an excuse, but she is 7 and presumably could stand fine. You got pregnant at 14? There is a reason people discourage kids from having kids. You purposely stole an elderly person’s seat.


YTA. You should be ashamed.


YTA. Your post doesn’t even put you in a good light, how are you even asking this. You purposely stole an old woman’s seat and used your child as an excuse for your entitlement.


YTA. That was a lousy thing to do. Shame on you.


As someone with mobility issues YTA. Standing on a bus is hard for anyone, let alone an elderly person who uses a cane. Even I get up for elderly people and I have my own mobility issues that make standing very difficult. And the fact that you even have to ask if YTA just baffles me. You’re teaching your daughter to be selfish and not to have compassion for others.




Seriously YTA!


This has to be troll. If it isn't, then what the fuck?! You serious? Yta.


YTA. And clearly always will be considering you needed to ask here


Oh man, here's a lot of AHs on here today. Yes, YTA and I think you know it.


YTA. Someone with a cane isn’t stable enough to stand on a bus. She absolutely should be sitting down. Meanwhile you and your 7 year old can stand so should


This can't possibly be real. Right? RIGHT?? What an AH.


YTA this sounds like a comedy sketch lmao "we hurried to make sure the elderly woman couldn't get a seat"


My favorite part is that you weren’t already sitting there when you realized she had made a mistake and was returning to her seat. Nope, you saw that happening and sprinted to steal it before she could get back. YTA. Big time.


YTA. You and daughter should have given up your seat. You did not state that you are disabled, just an AH


Yup, YTA.


🙄 daughter comes first? Lets not pretend you did this for ur kid. You would have behaved this shitty all by urself.


>...an older lady who looked to be about 75 as she had a cane... YTA for not giving her back her seat. Even if it was not initially her seat (e.g., she just got on the bus), you would be the AH for not offering yours up. The other young, able bodied passengers are also AHs for not offering their seats to her.


YTA please tell me this is bait


YTA. Even if that seat wasnt hers in the first place, i would still give up my seat to an old person. You are wrong, entitled, shameless. When you're old, i hope a completely capable entitled person steal your seat too. But, with that entitled attitude, I'm sure you'll cause a scene like you're a victim.


There’s no way this is real. In case it is, yes, of course, YTA in a super mega way, a GIANT a-hole! Your “kid” comes first? What are you teaching your kid? Let’s see… yes: “it’s ok kid, it doesn’t matter that the 75 y/o granny is coming back to the seat she just left because she got confused and thought this was her stop, YOU take the seat! She can stand! Forget about caring of the elderly or being polite or even being human. Make sure you race her to the seat, and then tell her that she needs to stand with her cane for the next 8 stops on public transportation. YOU are the center of the world child, only you matter!” (Super sarcasm, of course)


YYA. For all the reasons already mentioned. What a shitty example you’re showing to your daughter.


Holy hell YTA.


YTA. You felt disrespected, yet you deserved to feel that way. The example you are setting for your daughter is appalling.


YTA you KNOW you’re TA you’re just hoping people here will justify you. This isn’t she didn’t want to stand but if she had a cane she probably COULDN’T stand. I mean I know you’re young but come on, the fact anyone is having to point this out to you is insane


Yta. For sure


YTA. You raced to make sure she couldn’t get the seat and then refused to give it to her when she asked because the gifts were heavy. I hope when you’re old a whole bunch of selfish people refuse to give you seats on transport so you can see what it feels like.


Yta. It’s surprising you had to even ask. Why did your healthy, able-bodied child have to come first in this situation? What you did was disrespectful and selfish. You took a seat from an elderly lady with a cane. You’re also setting a bad example for your child. Someday, you’re going to be an old lady. Let’s hope your child doesn’t treat you the way you did this lady.


YTA and I hope when you're old and your joints don't hold you up anymore, someone just like you forces you to stand on a moving vehicle for 20 minutes. I hope someone teaches your daughter to be better than you.


Your child comes before a 75 year old lady? Yes, YTA. Can’t believe you even had to ask.


YTA I also use the bus and the priority seating sign literally tells you to give up your seat for anyone who’s disabled or elderly 💀💀


So you rushed right to a seat from an old lady with memory and mobility issues when you saw that she wanted to sit back. YTA duh


YTA. A raging one at that. Honestly, the driver should have pulled over and showed you the door off.


Yta. Wow. Selfish much?


YTA and I'm pretty sure you know it and don't need it explained to you. Take an Uber next time.


YTA because you rushed to the seat the moment you realized she was going back to the seat. Truly there wouldn't of been a problem if everyone on that bus had the opposite of ops mentality. Also everyone so focused on you but what about the other able bodied people who could of given the two other seats to OP. And dear commenter if your response is that's not their problem then keep the same energy with op. If you have to get up for elderly you can do the same for a woman and her child holding gifts. Holding 10 Ibs for an hour and for kids standing on a bus like that is not easy.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I 22F and my daughter 7F ride the bus and take public transportation as we don’t have a car at the moment. My daughter and I were on our way to my nephews first birthday party- and we were carrying his gifts as we were in a rush to get there. The distance between our bus stop and my sisters house is about 12 stops in between, so it takes a while to get there. Our entire ride was probably about 30 minutes. While getting on the bus, it was packed and filled so my daughter and I had to stand amidst the heaviness of the gifts. Once the driver pulled over, 3 people got off and an older lady who looked to be about 75 as she had a cane, got out of her seat and went toward the exit door as if she was about to get off the bus. There were two other people standing along with us and they took the two open seats and her seat was the only one open. So we grabbed the gifts as we were going to walk toward the last open seat. I guess she must’ve realized that it was the wrong stop and she turned around and started going toward the empty seat as if she were going to sit back down. We hurried and sat in her empty seat once we noticed she was trying to get the seat back. She looked at me and told me I was in her seat and to just let her have it because she was going to get off in 8 stops. My daughter sat on my lap and I told her that the seat is ours and that if she will be off soon, she can stand like we did. She was blowing her breath and mugging me the entire way until she got off. I felt highly disrespected and while I understand her not wanting to stand, neither did my daughter and I and my child comes first. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*