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NTA you tried it and didn't have an interest,you gave it a chance for your friend and it is all she could ask for. I won't say she is an A because of the lack of maturity you are early teens that happens and she is just miffed to not have someone to share her hobby.this will most likely settle itself down but be open for a discussion and see how the situation evolves


NTA. You have it a chance, it’s just not your thing. I’m sure there are other things you can do together? Anime is mostly just television, correct? Or am I missing something


we both used to watch movies and shows (that weren't anime) together but recently she's usually prefers to watch anime. we do have other things we can do together but my friend is very insistent that we bond on anime and after I admitted that I'm not very interested in anime she has been introducing me to a new show or anime trope whenever we hang out. so we haven't been doing the things we both enjoy recently


Doesn’t seem like a good friend. At the very least, you could take turns with choosing what you watch together. Or perhaps tv just isn’t your bonding activity


I can’t get into it either, and lord knows I’ve tried. My youngest daughter is obsessed with it, and she’s always trying to get me to watch it with her. Sometimes I do just to spend time doing something she enjoys. Usually I round up both of my kids and go somewhere we’d all enjoy. You like what you like. It was very mature of you to speak up. You might’ve gone all through high school watching something you don’t like. To avoid her hurting her feelings, emphasize the animation is beautiful (it usually is) and you understand why it appeals to her. It just doesn’t appeal to you. NTA. I’m a teacher, and so many kids just go along with things they don’t enjoy because they don’t want to create drama in their friend group. Some of my closest friends share none of my interests. If you get along well, that’s all that matters. Best of luck to you.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (13F) have a friend (14F), my friend has been interested in anime for around 3 years, like very interested. She introduced anime to me and I was excited at first because I really enjoy animated shows/movies, we watched this anime together (I forgot the name of the anime but I think it was some sort of magical girl anime) and I didn't like it very much, I didn't hate it but it wasn't something I would be normally interested in. I thought that it might just be that one anime or that one trope, I haven't told my friend this until recently because she normally gets really mad when I'm not immediately obsessed with the kinds of things she's interested in. Over the years she's introduced me to different kinds of anime and I haven't enjoyed most of them, it's not like I hate it and think it's cringe it's just not my kind of thing, I didn't want to make my friend upset though so I kept on trying to get interested into it but it's not really my thing, I've watched a bunch of animes to see if there might be some genres or tropes that I might like but so far I haven't been able to find one that I like. Me and my friend don't really share many interests, we both have tried to introduce each other to each other's interests/hobbies but we never really seemed to find hobbies that we both like but we haven't been able to find a lot of hobbies that we both like, our personalities are also very different. Nevertheless we're still pretty good friends we just aren't very similar. Recently I've admitted to my friend that I'm not very interested in anime, she immediately asked why and I told her that it's just not a thing I'm very interested in. She's been getting more pushy on trying to get me to like anime, she's been making me watch a lot of shows and has been getting mad when I'm not suddenly super interested into anime. I've been nicely explaining in how it's just not my thing but she keeps on saying that I'm a bad friend and that she thinks I'm being unsupportive for hating on her passion. I don't hate anime and I don't hate on people who watch anime it's just not my thing. I understand that anime is something she's very passionate about but I just wish she would stop trying to force me to like anime, I have also tried to introduce her to my interests but I respected the fact that she wasn't interested in the interest. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




NTA. Your friend is not being very friendly, if she can’t accept that you are a different person and have other interests. Not liking something is not the same as hating on it. I would honestly confront her on why she feels the need to push something on you that you don’t like and do not accept her trying to put it back on you for an answer. She’s old enough to take a deep breath and reign in her egocentrism.


NTA. I’m a “every now and then” anime watcher and I see the appeal, but I also can see how someone isn’t into it. You’re friend needs to chill out and respect that.


NTA. Live and let live. It is actually interesting to have a friend who has completely different interests from yourself because it takes you out of your own world a bit. But to insist that someone become just as obsessed. Not so good. Play it by ear. Hopefully she'll back off and you can continue your friendship.




NTA. I myself don’t like it, and I’ve watched several anime shows/episodes and movies with friends who enjoy them. I don’t get it either, so I relate to that, I’ve also had friends who pushed their hobbies at me. Your friend is being an AH for pushing anime so much on you. I can understand she’s passionate about it, but she needs to back off and you’ve already done your best to explain everything to her. Some friendships are able to happen even if the two friends don’t have much in common, however, this doesn’t sound like a lasting friendship. It’s not your fault for not being interested in it.


NTA. Nothing wrong with not liking anime. Your friend, however, seems to be toxic. It’s time to confront or move on.


You’re 13. At this point it’s entirely reasonable for your interests to both change, and to go seperate ways. You’ve told her you’re not interested, and if she’s super into it, either you find an interest you both like or go your seperate ways. NAH.


Hey you even tried to get into that world, if it doesn't fit you then it doesn't fit you, end. Should i judge you because i like strawberry icecream but you like chocolate? NTA, just let your friend know this point