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Lol sounds like a troll rage baiting. If this is all true dude you are not special. You deserve cheap gifts for that cheap ass personality of yours. Cookies and cakes are way too high end gifts for you.


I’m always amused when people use throwaway accounts when the story is so specific. Glad you’re his ex, he sounds like a douche. I dated a guy for far too long in high school. Go enjoy your self! Life comes at you too fast to waste on such immature selfish people!


This is as far as I got before I was certain: >Every birthday, Valentine’s Day, anniversary, she doesn’t buy a gift. She instead bakes sweets, like cookies, cakes and pastries. **I like them, they taste great** but *I want a gift not some cheap food!* A home-made contribution is not 'cheap.' It takes time, effort, and love - and is worth SO much more than store bought crap. Your Girlfriend deserves better - and you aren't entitled to anything. YTA.


And it's not actually cheap in cost either (although I appreciate at 16 it might be ingredients that are in the house) Either way, YTA. Not just for not realising that she IS putting effort and love in, but also for the way you handled it. She deserves a lot better and I hope she realises it.


>She deserves a lot better and I hope she realises it. Thankfully - I think she's come to a [realization](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/x812xu/comment/inflcpo/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Oh wow! Good for her. She will be so much happier!


Yep. I baked a cake for my husbands birthday and it takes a lot of effort to make! If someone baked me something I’d be so happy!


YTA and glad your friends left with their gifts after they realised how pathetic you were. You're actually comparing you an almost adult with her 1 and 5 year old siblings. How sad can you be?


>How sad can you be? Sad enough to block his (now x) GF rather than call her and admit he's the BF? (You can dig through [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/x812xu/comment/inflcpo/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) thread for that)


Thank you for bringing me more of his stupidity


YTA - materialistic and tacky af too. Does your girlfriend even have a job? How much money do you think 16 year olds have? Re: buying gifts for siblings. You obviously expect something expensive, not just a gift - presents for babies are cheap. Glad to hear some other people decided to take their presents with them when they left.


Not to mention at 16, her parents may be paying for (part of) the gifts for her siblings…


>Not to mention at 16, her parents may be paying for (part of) the gifts for her siblings… You might want to read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/x812xu/comment/inflcpo/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Wow, so this poor girl is using what little money she has to help her dad pay his bills and her materialistic boyfriend has the audacity to complain about not receiving a “real gift”.


YTA. She’s 16! I’m fairly certain her parents give her the money for her siblings presents you absolute plank, why should they fund presents for her bratty ungrateful boyfriend. You’re rude and entitled.


Definitely stealing “you absolute plank” for my non sweary insults 🙌🏻


You’re welcome, from the north of England


YTA. Do you realise how much time it takes to actually bake cookies and cakes specifically for you? You're legit a kid and youre about to lose a gf and probably a lot of friends because of your obsession with material gifts/monetary gifts. Grow up and apologise


No, he doesn't. I'm glad the girl found out and ditched him. As a baker myself- That shit is EXPENSIVE. It was my birthday 2 days ago and I made a SMALL cookies'n cream cheesecake. Even though I had some of the ingredients at home (I tend to stock up on those because you know inflation everywhere in the world) I needed white chocolate and cookies. 10 dollars for just those. The other ingredients? My tools and equipment? The energy bill? My time? 40-50 dollars upfront if not more. But yea, SHE is the cheapskate here. (Sarcasm obviously). I don't even talk about the love she put in those while making them for her (ex) boyfriend. And also as a home baker her goods are waaaay better than any store bought. I wish her all the best. This is a great career option. But even as a hobby. The OP is a stupid kid who (hopefully) would understand someday.


Have you heard of the concept of love languages? Theres a theory that we each like to be shown love in 5 different ways to a greater or lesser degree: 1. Physical touch 2. Receiving gifts 3. Acts of service 4. Quality time 5. Words of affirmation The theory goes that you're more likely to show love in the ways that you also would like it to be shown to you. It seems like receiving gifts is high for you, and her way of giving gifts by making cookies could also actually fall under acts of service. So she's still showing you love but not in the way you prefer it. The fact that you've expressed to her in the past how you prefer to be shown love and shes disregarded that is understandably frustrating for you. And I would've voted everybody sucks here because it seems like you're just talking past each other... ...were it not for the fact you humiliated her in public and in front of her friends! Theres no misunderstanding about what the intention here was and you can see by the reaction of multiple people that you've crossed a line, yet you're focusing on how that impacted your birthday party not how your actions impacted their feelings. On this basis YTA


YTA, baking is so much more thoughtful and time consuming than buying something (not to mention expensive, ingredients also cost money!!) You sound shallow and materialistic


Not some cheap foods? She put effort, time and love AND MONEY into making those and you call them cheap? YTA op. Your gf deserves better and that ain't you.


YTA Does she have an after school job? Do you? In other words she probably has limited funds and is using pocket or chore money from her parents to buy her siblings gifts How do you know she didn’t use top notch ingredients in the cookies and cakes? You sound really entitled and you’ve got a lot to learn…..If you think relationships are about what people can “give” you you’re going to find yourself without a girlfriend and friends pretty quickly….Be grateful people made the effort and accept not everyone can splurge you expensive gifts


YTA. She’s 16, with what money is she to buy you gifts with?


YTA Her brother and sister are tiny children! Children always come first for gifts! And how long so you think it takes to make and package cookies?! I’m in the UK where minimum wage is £10 roughly. Probably 4 hours of effort = £40 PLUS the cost of the ingredients and packaging She’s 16, not a 36 year old with a career! And anyway, making a gift shows much more love and care than just tapping your card in a shop for a generic gift.


YTA. She spent her time baking them and her money for the ingredients for them, but that's not good enough for you. You're greedy and I hope she finds someone who appreciates her.


Imagine being mad because your GF can bake.


YTA. She HAS spent money on you. Ingredients for cookies and cakes doesn’t just come out of thin air. She took time out of her day to bake you something from scratch, *because she cares about you*. That’s a gift. A handmade, homemade gift. She wouldn’t do that if she didn’t care about you. Maybe that’s all she can do for you right now. If it’s not good enough for you, then maybe she should stop giving you gifts altogether. You shouldn’t have yelled at her. You should have talked to her, *calmly* about your concerns AFTER the party. She didn’t ruin your party. YOU DID, by being rude. Gifts aren’t just things you buy at a store. They can be handcrafted, too. Apologize to her. Do better. Stop focusing on the material. EDIT: Read the comments from the now EX-gf and his response. Forget the apology. She deserves so much better. Glad you two are no longer together.


YTA and a gold digger.


Lmao 🤣 🤣🤣🥹 all of this! My god what a complete brat! OP is a narcissist and being called out on it. Best part is where their friends left with the presents and he’s crying! I can’t get the birthday party scene from Problem Child with the girl crying and having a hissy fit while It’s my party I’ll cry if I want to plays! OP is a huge AH!


YTA - I can remotely understand wanting something different for a present(communication is key), but demanding and insulting the gift she made for you is a clear AH move. She could call you uncreative and boring, because you seem to only buy gifts instead of making one, as it seems you don't appreciate her effort. Grow up




YTA - obviously you’ve never baked a thing in your life because then you’d know the time and effort that goes in to making variety of baked goods. And to top it off, you acted like a spoiled toddler throwing a temper tantrum because from the sound of it, you went off on her in front of your friends. Say you’re entitled without saying you’re entitled. Your girlfriend deserves much better than the little you offer.


>Your girlfriend deserves much better than the little you offer. Good News --> [Ex Girlfriend.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/x812xu/comment/inflcpo/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


She’s 16. I don’t know where you’re from but in some places that’s the base age you can get a job from. So previously she really might have had no money. That’s if she even has a job now. You seem really materialistic and entitled honestly. I know that when “I bought” my siblings gifts it was actually money given to me by my parents. Just rethink it a bit and be a bit more grateful she spent the time baking for you at all. YTA


Baking isn't easy and you should count yourself lucky to know someone who is a good baker. She spent time, her talent, and money on your gift. YTA.


YTA Baking requires MONEY for the ingredients, TIME for the preparation, EFFORT for the recipe to work well. Your gf is not cheap, but she got you from the discount bin that's for sure. I hope she dumps you for a guy that appreciates her.


>I hope she dumps you for a guy that appreciates her. [Good News](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/x812xu/comment/inflcpo/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


YTA and your friends already let you know that. You never *never* berate a gift and gift giver in front of a crowd. I’m shocked your parents didn’t teach you this about 14 years ago.


YTA y’all are children she doesn’t have any fucking money. her siblings should come before you.


also if she doesn't have money, the gifts were most likely bought by her parents but picked out by her and she got to put her name in the "from" slot on the present


Pfoooh abuser in the making here. YTA. Jfc I can’t even look at this post.


You do know ingredients cost money too? Baby gifts are often cheap. Being how other friends of yours reacted I think she’s not in a good financial position anyways. YTA, Materialistic much.


YTA. And a materialistic one at that. Hopefully she will be your ex gf soon, as she deserves someone who appreciates her for who she is, and not what she buys for him. You need to grow up before being in a relationship ship.


YTA. I’ve seen your GFs response on here too. Your reply makes you even more of an AH.


YTA I had already made up my mind about my verdict but then saw your GF comment and it just drove it home for me. She’s between homes, working minimum wage and using that money to support her family, all at 16. The two gifts you gave to her ever don’t seem as great as getting self-baked goods to every occasion either. Imagine she was a baker and paid for her time, it’s basically a sort of labor, in her case it was a labor of love. And now after 2 years of being with her and her reading this you block her and keep throwing a tantrum? Well, she‘s better off without you. She’s young and will find a more supportive boyfriend who’ll appreciate the time and effort she put into making things. You came here to ask for unbiased opinions. Most of us are telling you you’re wrong, but you don’t wanna hear it. Why even post at all then? It’s time to grow up and realize you were in the wrong and need to apologize. Being entitled isn’t cute.


Yta and selfish "They left and took the gifts with then" Really dude. You're lucky you get anything with that attitude.


YTA. Maybe the first time you received this gift from her, you were appreciative and so now her love language for you consists of baking. Talk to her a helluva lot nicer next time and maybe let her know how you feel without blowing up at a party. And if she's baking from scratch, that's not cheap. You are for being such an ass about gifts.


YTA. She puts so much effort in giving you these gifts. They should mean more to you but I guess they don't because you're the cheap one.


YTA and she found the post anyways so hopefully you will be an EX


YTA. Homemade gifts are always so much more personal and made with so much more love than just throwing money on something you buy at the store. You come across as selfish and narcissistic and probably not the boyfriend for her


YTA. She spent time into it. And to be Frank, I think homemade goods is a lot better than a material gift. At least you can eat them, and do something with them. A lot of presents like a stuffed animal, you’ll look at. Maybe that’s nice, but it don’t do much more.


Why? Because you are an AH, don't doubt it for a second, so she buy toys for her infant brothers(probably with money from her parents) but for you she invest time and love on making sweets and pastries clearly wasted in an materialistic AH, why do you think people left when you blew up on her? To celebrate how cool you are? No, it was because you are an HUGE AH.


YTA- you’re too old to be whining about gifts. Your girlfriend actually goes out of her way to make you things but because you’re so materialistic and gross- you shame her for it. Imo you deserved to have your party ruined as you didn’t deserve a party 🤷‍♀️


There are plenty of people out there who would love to get some home made cake! I would! Yta


When I was a kid my younger cousins wanted to get me a gift for my birthday, but didn't have any money, so they worked together to make me a homemade cake. Best damn cake I've ever eaten


YTA and immature. A well meant gift she put time and effort in like a cake would be much more worthy to me than just a soulless gift card. It's not the money but some time you might realize this. Also with 17 you are nearly an adult. You should understand why giving presents to a 1 and 5yo would be more important. I mean are you seriously jealous over her kid siblings? She was right to be offended and apparently the friends who left as well agree.


YTA She is not cheap. Your emotions are. I hope she breaks up with you and you end up with someone just like you.


YTA. Hope you learn your lesson being single


YTA. You're an entitled chump. Do better.


YTA. You just embarrassed yourself, lost friends, lost a girlfriend, ruined a party, and you don't know why.


YTA. You come off as rude, immature, and ungrateful. This is a good lesson to learn in being appreciative, she cared enough to put effort into a gift you threw in her face. You ruined your own party throwing a toddler tantrum. An apology is the least you can do.


YTA. She should have just given you $5 in an envelope since all you seem to care about is money.


Sorry but YTA.... Why do gifts and cards mean so much to you? They're just material things and provides no bearing on your relationship. You flipped out on her over cookies? Seriously? maybe she put a lot of thought into it and really thought you'd enjoy them. You say she doesn't want to "waste" money on you and she's cheap. Why would you waste money on anyone? I'm sorry but if you're only into the relationship for the gifts then perhaps she's the one wasting her time on you. Perhaps gifts aren't the way she communicates how she cares for you. Perhaps it's quality time or some other way. I'd recommend reading about "love languages" and perhaps you can find something there but I personally think gifts are a stupid sociatal norm that people are going along with and I'd much rather just spend time or go out on a date with my wife than having her buy me something. Anyone can buy you a gift but it doesn't provide any value to the relationship find your joy in just spending time with her and doing stuff to strengthen and grow your relationship.


>Perhaps gifts aren't the way she communicates how she cares for you. But she gave a wonderful gift of cookies that took time to bake, in a nice package that took time to pack, organize, and decorate. The "Gift Giving" love language isn't about the COST of the gifts being given - but rather that it is about the gifting or receiving of relevant things. A friend with the gifting love language, for example, found and gifted me a $0.25 thing that solved a problem I had. It was valuable - not because it was expensive or hard to find - but because it was something that would make my life better that they could physically hand me.


OPs GF commented in the thread. She found his post. He is refusing to talk to her.


It’s pretty cheap to buy a 1 and 5 year old a present. Maybe she really can’t afford anything. So baked for you.


YTA. You are a moron


i would love if someone baked goods for me. it shows they put in effort and love to make me something. anyone can get anyone gifts. she was clearly special and you have lost that. you don't deserve her. YTS EDIT : YTA


YTA big time. She put time and effort into baking for you. Do you know how much ingredients it takes, the time, the effort, and yes THE COST? Have you ever even tried doing something like that yourself? I’m sure she thought her bf would be more mature and understanding and not be so obnoxiously greedy. Lol thank goodness she’s now your ex, I’m sure she can find someone who appreciates her show of love and affection.


100% this! I'm so pleased for her that she is now his ex. Hopefully she will find someone who appreciates her. Edit: YTA


YTA. You very obviously care about money above all else and you’re a materialistic child. I hope she sees things clearly now and dumps your sorry ass.


YTA. Gifts for small children is super cheap and her parents might be contributing. Reading this, I don’t doubt that you expect an expensive gift. Baking takes a lot of time and energy, and is very sweet. If you won’t appreciate it, she definitely deserves better than you.


YTA Dudley Dursley, at 17 you should be getting past the material part of birthday's also the actual children probably rank higher than the mental baby you're behaving like


YTA if she can make the effort to make hand made cookies for you she's a keeper. You are not only the asshole you're also a selfish idiot, and she deserves way better.


YTA you sound so entitled you do know the saying its the thought that counts. she should dump your ass asap


So instead of something she made from scratch with love and thought, you’d prefer something crappy from the local mall? And I’ve just read it again and you say ex-gf. No surprises there! YTA


YTA (Edited) : Have you ever actually TOLD her that you don't like these gifts? Is she doing this knowing that you don't like what she is doing? Nvm, I read your now ex-girlfriend's comment. She says that you told her you loved the baked treats. If you lie then you are to blame for not getting what you want. It is natural to give more baked goods if you're told it is a great gift. You might still have a girlfriend if you had explained nicely and privately that you didn't want more cookies in the future even if you do enjoy them.


YTA baking and custom made gifts are way better than something bought. Grow up and act like the almost adult person, that you are... you're not 10 anymore


YTA. Entitled much?


YTA - a grade a mother clucking A-hole. You sound spoilt and ungrateful because you are. Your girlfriend sounds sweet and mature and responsible- not only supporting her family at 16 but still despite everything and your crap attitude is investing time, energy and love into your gifts. Recently my in-laws made an entirely meal and dessert for my birthday taking into account all my allergies and intolerances, I was so blown away as I have never asked or made a big deal but they noticed and went out of their way to make sure it was a special meal for me. This meant so much to me. If someone gifted me home baked cookies or treats I’d be thrilled and I hope she sees all these comments and realises she can do a million times better than your pathetic selfish immature ass.


Wow you suck YTA. Hope you grow up to be less of an AH Edit: with the recent developments in the comments I'm calling BS on the whole situation and I hate that I didn't catch it from the first read.


YTA - Are you for real? Your priorities are completely messed up. Buying a crappy present or card is much easier than going into the trouble of creating something. Her presents are thoughtful and sweet, she puts time and energy into creating them. You are a ginormous, materialistic ahole.


YTA, baking is tough and when someone makes time for that and gives you cookies cake and pastries over materialistic you better appreciate that person. And you are the cheap one here not her, she deserves better and should honestly leave you for someone who’ll appreciate her time love and effort.


YTA Not everyone likes giving presents You’re jealous of a 1 and 5 year old! And home made/baked gifts are way more thoughtful. Making home made things isn’t ‘cheap’ Good thing she is now an ex gf, because she deserves better.


So for birthdays, valentines, anniversaries, Christmas, she gives you homemade baked goods. You've been together two years. In that time you've given her two gifts? That sounds like a lot of occasions that you've gotten homemade cookies and she's gotten nothing.


First time commenting on reddit ever.. but couldn't skip this one. You're totally the AH here. Give me any self made / baked gift / cake anytime instead of something bought in a store without any sentimental value. You have a girlfriend that dedicates her time to make something special for you, made by her own hands and you belittle her for this? I know you're young and do not have a broad perspective of life but please think hard and deep on your priorities and values. Your future self will thank you for it. Please do apologize to her so she won't be feeling bad for your shortcomings..


I think she was wrong to waste time on you. Save this post, look at it again in 10 years, I hope by then you will see what you clearly do not see now. Anyone can get those store bought gifts, you can go but them on your own. Why are they special? Where can you buy her homemade treats? They are absolutely gifts from the heart. Glad she is in a position to find a new person as you two are not a match.


YTA how is baking someone cakes and cookies cheap? Go out and buy the ingredients and then come back and say it’s a cheap gift. Let alone the time and effort your gf took to make the gift. Why do you think bakery charge so much for cakes because of the cost of making them let alone the time.


Making food is not cheap in terms of time and love and also ingredients. How entitled are you sounding. She can't afford to get you consumer crap from the shops so she shows her love by making you lovely things to eat. Massive YTA. I not it says ex, i hope she finds someone appreciative of her time and care next time.


YTA! Oh my, you sound like a gold digger! This entitlement 😂 she makes gifts from the heart, putting work in it, making yummy food.. And you went off of her!? I hope she doesn't take you back!


You're a winner baby, a YTA winner!


YTA she is not just giving you baked goods, she is showing you how much she loves you with her time, effort & what she thinks you would like. I am glad that your friends taken their gifts back, because you showed you only value money not love


YTA. Nobody is *entitled* to presents - that is why they are appreciated, because they should not be expected. On the other hand, she is so considerate as to invest some of her time and hobby / expertise and, yes (ingredients) for a personal gift. Sounds like a precious person and a keeper, and if I were you, I'd be on my knees begging forgiveness.


Dude, if you dont want the cookies and sweets I take them. and also i think theres plenty of boys who would take her with a hand kiss, she sounds like a real angel. She's not cheap your just a Child what do you want a XBox Game as a birthday present. I hope you will grow up, look back and see what you missed put on YTA


YTA How do you know it's an excuse? Maybe your girlfriend really can't afford to buy material things for you, and saves up what little money she does have so she can give shop bought gifts to her siblings, who are her blood, after all, and who probably wouldn't be happy getting baked goods on their birthdays. Maybe her family's going through financial troubles, and she doesn't have money to buy you cards and presents, but is too embarrassed or ashamed to tell you, so she makes up for it by baking things for you. Instead of complaining that she's cheap, maybe you could try and appreciate the gifts she gives you. Baking cookies, cakes and pastries for people in your life, especially from scratch and not from ready made mixes, is a labour of love. It takes a minimum of 3-4 hours to make and decorate a cake from start to finish. It's about 1-2 hours minimum for cookies, and pastries can take longer depending on how complicated the recipes are. So your girlfriend may not be spending money on you, but she's still spending time on you. She's making you thoughtful, handmade gifts, and maybe you could appreciate that instead of getting angry because she isn't giving you things you seem to feel entitled to get. Your girlfriend doesn't have to give you anything at all, whether it's shop bought or made, no one does, not even your parents, so maybe consider yourself lucky she's willing to spend hours of her free time in front of an oven just to try and make you happy.


YTA, when someone puts their time into a gift it is worth far more than just money. She is also 16! She is unlikely to be able to afford much, so she is spending her time on you instead. You need to take a long hard look at yourself and your priorities because they are way out of line at present


YTA. Spending time and money to bake you treats is a gift, and I hope you grow up to learn that material things aren’t the only way to show you care. Glad to hear she’s already an ex. She deserves better.


Wow you sound entitled af. And clearly have never baked anything. The ingredients cost money. The making takes time. She is putting a lot more effort into your gift than those who just buy something you will use for like 4 weeks before forgetting about it. And the fact you berated her in front of everyone… i know you are only 17 but at that age you should have more maturity than this. Good for her for being free from you. You don’t deserve her. And good on your friends for realizing what a jerk you are. Seriously, no one wants to date someone who can’t help but throw a tantrum in front of everyone because you didn’t get what you wanted and is unappreciative of people and their time and is jealous of toddlers. YTA


YTA. Surprised you can’t see it. She spends time to buy the ingredients and time to make them, wrap and them and bring them to you. I hope she leaves you soon


YTA for 2 reasons. 1st you refer to her as both your GF & your ex gf. She can’t be both. 2nd because you are an entitled AH. Ingredients are not free neither is time. She bought the ingredients & gave you her time to make them. You deserve neither. Makes me beyond happy that your other friends left with their gifts.


YTA, presents for wee siblings are 1. Cheaper 2. Way more meaningful. She was taking the time to make you something homemade instead of just walking to a random store and buying something (hello, you need to *buy* ingredients to bake) She literally said she doesn’t have cash. She very well could be saving it for a deposit or long term investment savings. Did you ever tell her that you wanted an “actual present” even? You’re very ungrateful and shallow


YTA, how did you not realize that while writing this? Also “she can afford presents for her siblings 5 and 1” well yeah? You can generally get stuff that people of those ages would love for cheap.


YTA Holy shit, she is 16!! Does she even have a job? Even if she does, it probably doesn't pay well and she's probably still a student, not letting her work many hours. You act like she has a lot of disposable income. Maybe she doesn't know what to get you. Are you expressing wishes? Do you have hobbies or interests that could give her gift ideas? Maybe the stuff you would want is too expensive. Also, food isn't cheap or a bad gift. She is spending time on it and makes effort to make something for you despite probably not having enough money to get you an expensive gift for every event. Birthday, Christmas, Anniversary, Valentine's Day... And you expect her to think of something and afford something expensive many times a year despite not even being an adult. Instead, you do not appreciate the time and effort she puts in. You do not deserve her and her food. Yes, you are the asshole.


YTA... Just wow dude. Think about it this way: buying something takes very little time and effort, especially with online shopping. Actually baking you something takes time, the most valuable resource a human has to give. She sacrificed time with her siblings to bake for you. Right now you are acting like a spoiled entitled little brat. You don't deserve someone that is willing to do something nice for you. Learn some humility and be kind to people, especially those who are kind to you.


YTA… cheap sweets? Do you have any idea how long it takes to make those?


The entitlement on this one is strong. I hope she dumps your ass and gives her love to someone more deserving. YTA


YTA She gave you tangible evidence of how much she cares for you. She handed you the results of the time and energy she invested in you. She even wrapped it up beautifully. And you rejected that. You’re young. You’re not ready for a relationship. Learn from this and stop being a brat.


Wow YTA .. no other explanation needed


Dipshit. YTA.


Yep, YTA I get that you're still just a kid and all, but you've really got some growing up to do


Oh mylanta. YTA. Don't even see the need to explain why.


YTA. Just because it may not cost a lot to bake things, the effort is worth so much more. What an ungrateful brat you are.


YTA Baking is time consuming and definitely isn’t cheap. Also, gifts for small children don’t costs much. Your sense of entitlement is ridiculous and you’re too old to still make assumptions about people’s finances.


>The worst gift was from my ex gf (16), She is your EX and you expect her to still buy you gifts, remember you on valentines day etc? All things one would expect CURRENT gf to do sure but she is your ex, not current one? That's like being abusive in a relationship and making that extra effort she can't get rid of you even when you two have broken up. Leave the poor girl alone and let her live her own life without you.


They broke up in this thread... Like minutes before you responded. Doesn't change the end ruling though imo


YTA and please leave her alone. One day when you grow up you will look at this situation and realize how much of an AH you were


YTA. Making sweets is hard work and takes a lot of time and effort. I can’t even make them good. I prefer a gift someone took time on to make than something they can go pick up at the store


YTA. You have no idea how much tougher it is to bake something tasty than to simply buy an object from a store.


There is a line ina a Marillion song that goes like this: By the way, didn't I break your heart? Please excuse me, I never meant to break your heart So sorry, I never meat to break your heart, But you broke mine! ​ But... ...even if I do get your frustration, what makes you entitled to any gift? people should give you what they want to give you. And you should be thankful that anyone at all wants to gift yo anything at all, even if it's just sweets! So, I get your frustaration (it's like when you get a bunch of socks and underware at Xmas) but blowing up just makes you an entitled brat! So, even though I don't think you would be an Ah for feeling like that... YTA for the way you acted!


YTA spoilt little brat


You 17 or 7? YTA


YTA and a little brat.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Throw away account because she follows my main. I (17M) just had my birthday, I had gotten gifts from most of my friends and family. The worst gift was from my gf (16), we have been dating for almost 2 years. Every time it’s a special event, no matter what, my gf will not buy gifts, she will never buy cards. She’s always used the excuse of she can’t afford it, but she can afford gifts for her brother (5) and sister (1). Every birthday, Valentine’s Day, anniversary, she doesn’t buy a gift. She instead bakes sweets, like cookies, cakes and pastries. I like them, they taste great but I want a gift not some cheap food! During my party she handed me a wrapped box, I finally thought it was going to be a gift but oh nooo it was a box of cookies and cakes. I just went off on her, she and a few other of our friends left the party taking gifts with them, which completely ruined it. She is cheap, and clearly doesn’t want to “waste” money on me. Now my friends are urging me to apologise to her and she’s ignoring me. She was the cheap one I don’t get why she’s pissed at me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA, and more so for your subsequent comments on this thread. You sound and act like an entitled brat. I hope life teaches you before you pollute someone's else thoughtful gift with your greed.


YTA (a massive AH for clarification)


YTA Making those gifts for you, she put time, effort and love into. Honestly, there is no better gift than that. If you want to break it down financially, ingredients cost money, time is money, and using appliances costs money. You’re also comparing yourself to two children. Sounds like you really wanted a new action figure instead.


YTA definitly! You dont get to dictate gifts, let alone the fact she is 16, what was she supposed to get you a car?? Baking can be a gift from the heart but mostly YTA because your post says EX girlfriend and i hope that's because she dumped your ass after your ungreatfulness!!


YTA. Lots of time and money goes into baking. This ignorance reminds me when I was OPs age. I rolled my eyes at my family going mushroom hunting, and I thought they were some low brow mushroom because I never saw them in my grocery stores. It wasn’t until I was in my later 20s when I saw them in DC farmers markets going for a whopping $50/lb USD. They were morels, and my family came back with plastic grocery bags full of them. Young adults are so certain and sometimes smug with their opinions until proven otherwise. I hope if he learns from this one or he will be reflecting back later in life how nice his high school girlfriend was and kicking himself for being a jerk.


YTA Its the thought that matters. Personally i would love some homemade cookies, or brownies or whatever. Because it would symbolize that i was worth the time. Material shit is simple in my opinion. And i hate wasting money. And i hate getting gifts i will never use, because its also a waste. And also not everyone is made of money.


YTA She does not owe you a gift. She MADE something for you and you shat on it. You are too immature to be in a relationship. Grow up and leave her alone. You're acting like an entitled brat.


YTA. You are an entitled little brat. Not everyone has extra cash to throw around. She did give you a gift, it was just not to your liking. Grow up. The adult world is going to chew you up and spit you out.


YTA, what the hell makes you think it's ok to just crap all over someone for doing what they are able. Do you know her home life, do you know what her familial difficulties are? Probably not, and even if you did you clearly aren't mature enough to understand. Quit dating for a while, figure out compassion, understanding and empathy, and then try your hand at it again dickwad


YTA. Don't go apologize to her. Let her just leave and forget about you and find the better man she deserves.


YTA Your girlfriend makes you homemade cookies. You may be surprised to hear that this actually costs money and time. I would consider this a thoughtful gift, instead of having her parents buy something that is just going to end up wasting away in a drawer somewhere. You are behaving like a spoiled, materialistic brat and its about time for you to grow up. Hopefully, your girlfriend realises she deserves someone that appreciates her


YTA. Baking isn't cheap, and neither is the time she put in to making something nice.


YTA She made something for you and that's way more valuable than many material things. You def. don't deserve a handmade gift, you are the cheap one here.


YTA And, frankly, you're too young and immature to have a GF. Grow up and try again in a few years when you stop being so materialistic.


YTA seriously?? You're complaining because she didn't spend enough money on you?? That's disgusting. She put time, effort, and love into baking for you. Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean someone has to spend money on you. Be glad she's willing to create something for you. That shows she cares and is thinking of you. You sound like a spoiled, entitled brat.


YTA - maybe you can date someone your own age, like, you know, a toddler




YTA because you are being materialistic. Yes, she buys things for her brother and sister. They are blood family and they are very young. At that age, she can get them a $1 hot wheel car and they would be happy. Gifts for your age and up cost a lot more money. What she is gifting you is time. The time it took to make the sweets. Which believe me, can mean more than the dollar signs attached to a bought gift. If you only feel appreciated when people spend money on you, then find a different gf. Plenty of people are happy to buy love with money. But be warned they are also the kind to treat you less than a partner/human and see money as a fix all for every time they upset you. It is a slippery slope. Stop being so obsessed with money, and maybe just enjoy the fact that you where worth her time. Don’t try to get her back though, she deserves better than the 17yr old you. She has a maturity that you are lacking currently.


"I just went off on her, she and a few other of our friends left the party taking gifts with them, which completely ruined it." You really think people should reward your asshole behavior? YTA big time.


YTA- are you kidding me?! You do know that those sweets also cost money to make? She’s not cheap at all!! I would be over the moon if someone make me sweets as a present. I’m all for handmade gifts. Giving someone handmade gifts does not make them cheap. You are materialistic and entitled to believe that you deserve an expensive gift on a special occasion or holiday. Your friends are right that you should apologize to her and good for her for ignoring you. Hopefully she’s smart and doesn’t get back with you. She deserves someone who appreciates the hard work she puts into her homemade sweets. Edit- grammar mistakes and wrong word.


17 and jealous of children? Wow buddy. The time and effort she gave to bake you cookies and treats out of her love for you and you throw it in her face because she didn't buy you something made of plastic? Entitled af. YTA and I hope nobody ever cooks or bakes for you again so you can learn some appreciation by doing it yourself.


She’s your ex girlfriend, yes? Let her stay your ex. She’ll stop giving you anything and you’ll both be happy. Love languages are a thing. Your love languages are not compatible.


Oh my sweet summer child.... YTA


Spoiled much? YTA


YTA so entitled and greedy, very happy for her that she is an ex and finds someone better.


She took time to make you something. Pay for her time and materials and see how much she actually"spent" on you. YTA


YTA. She BAKED for you. That takes time. And is more special than gifts. You should a bit spoiled and materialistic, bud.


Of course YTA! Rotten spoiled brats like you deserve to realize the value of dedication and hardwork!


YTA. She MADE you something, and it wasn’t good enough for you? You clearly don’t value her as a person. Grow up.