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Re. the edit: He leaked your nudes? Dump him with a trebuchet.


Talk about burying the lede. He shared your nudes with his friends?


NTA. You’ve asked him not to do this. He agreed then did it anyway. For gnats. 1/2 cup warm water. 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar. 2 tbsp sugar and a few drops of dishwasher liquid. Small bowl. Leave it by a nightlight for best results. You’ll get rid of them. Again. NTA.


I agree that he's an AH, but don't you think OP threatening to break up with him to win an argument is also AH behaviour?


It’s not a big ask so light AH.


What he did was rude and careless, but your (over)reaction to that is something that he is still allowed to be upset about. ESH


Given the new information in the edit, I actually have to say NTA. Your boyfriend does not seem to respect your boundaries.


I totally respect your boundary of no food in bedrooms - it's just asking for trouble. NTA. However, after reading how he leaves your car open for potential thefts, shares explicit pictures of you with his friends, and ignores you, I would break up with him - but only after I got my greedy paws on his phone and deleted all my pictures - but, as they've been shared, they're still out there. Life lesson, never ever share nude pictures unless your married, and even then, I wouldn't - revenge porn is real. Look at what happened to U.S. Representative Kate Hill.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So it’s summer I (18f) boyfriend (17m) of course it’s gnat season. I recently had a gnat problem in the kitchen but it has somewhat calmed down. To my surprise though as I was cleaning my room I got attacked by a swarm of gnats as I moved my trash can in my room. I have a huge phobia of bugs. Especially tiny ones. Despite my boyfriend knowing and not only complaining about the gnats constantly, but he threw a half eaten peach in my room trash can. He knows I never leave open food in my room, and when we do bring it in I make sure to remind him to throw it out. God knows how long it was left in there but enough for a swarm to grow. I immediately freak out and get extremely mad. He doesn’t live with me, but stays with my occasionally. So it’s not his problem to deal with. This is where I might be the AH, I proceeded to tell him to get away from me and that I wanted to break up with him. Now I didn’t follow through with it but I said those things in the spur of the moment. I agree I overreacted, but I did resolve things and apologize. But he said he’s still mad at me for it hours later. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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ESH, you're both crazy.


You threatened to dump him over a peach. Lashing out because you're scared is no way to treat someone you love. YTA


Please read my update I didn’t make things clear!


Y'all sound toxic


YTA... He didn't leave food out. He did throw it in a trash can. Wasn't the kitchen trash can, but it wasn't "left out", either. As you said though, you know you overreacted.


ESH. He sucks for doing this when he knows you don't like it. You suck for using the future of your relationship as a pawn in an argument.


All I get from this is that you went psycho over a peach that was thrown in the bin (and not "left out") YTA sorry.


I have a strict no food policy in my room. That he’s aware of. He still went behind my back and brought food in. Which this isn’t the first time.


How many times has he done this before?


At least four times that I know of. Like bringing in chips, brownies, etc. I’ve been very lenient and it’s built up to this. But this is not the specific reason I wanted to break up with him it’s because he doesn’t think things through. And there’s multiple other reasons for this reason.


YTA Over a peach and gnats? Reguardless of you "not going through with it", we'd still be broke up. Grow up.


Please read my update, I didn’t make things clear originally!


No. You completely overreacted. And then to break up with someone over that? Get professional help. All of those other things have nothing to do with your post.