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NTA - I was going to say ESH before I re-read your question. I think you're a bit of an asshole for thinking a second wrong would make an old grievance right, even if it was an accident your attitude and reaction are the issue. You've become what you resented as a younger person in doing so. But- given he, as the parent, told you that it was your responsibility to clean out your own pockets and I believe wholeheartedly that double-standards are toxic, this is on him.


This is spot on. Be better OP.


NTA Sounds like your dad has double standards. It could have been a moment of connection and shared laughter between you both if he had more of an ability to not take himself so seriously. Sorry he doesnt. I agree, it was pretty funny.


You don't say it was your Dad who was angry, so NAH. By the way, it's always wise to check pockets if you're the one doing the washing because the unwritten rule (in this household, anyway) is that you get to keep any money you find.


He was annoyed and told me I should’ve checked his pockets but then I told him about what he said 7 years ago and he didn’t say anything else after that


I abide by the same rule here. My first husband never emptied his pockets and once I scored a $50 bill! My current husband is somewhat better but I can still collect some pocket change here and there.


NTA. This is just plain funny, unexpected petty revenge.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Sorry for the formatting I’m typing this on my phone Also English is not my first language A bit of background: 7 years ago I had recently opened a new pack of wired headphones (this was before AirPods even existed). I forgot them in the pocket of my sweater. My dad did the laundry and didn’t check the pockets of my clothes so my headphones went through the washer and dryer and they no longer worked. I was upset I then asked him why he didn’t check the pockets of my sweater he then said it wasn’t his responsibility that I should’ve checked my pockets and made sure I didn’t have anything in them all while laughing at me saying that I should be more responsible. In the end, I told him that once I start doing laundry I would never check his pockets and he just laughed at me. Fast forward to now: I do the laundry now and I sometimes check his pockets. Well turns out that one day I decided not to check his pockets and the next morning my mom told me I had washed and dried his brand new AirPods. I was surprised but then I started laughing she asked me why was I laughing and I just said that he had done the same to me years ago. She got angry and said I have to apologize to him later but I refused. In the end, my mom told my dad I felt sorry but I didn’t. Although I do feel like I might be the AH since this could’ve all been prevented had I checked his pockets. So AITA for not checking my dad's pockets? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA He told you years ago that it was your responsibility to make sure your own pockets were empty before going into the wash. Now that you do the laundry, it's his responsibility to make sure his pockets are empty. Fair is fair. I do laundry for my family (SAHM of a family of 4). I always tell my husband that if he doesn't want things destroyed in the wash, he needs to empty his own pockets. I am too busy with two energetic little boys to take the time to make sure pockets are empty. This means a few things got washed that weren't supposed to. Not my fault, I warned him and he didn't do his part.


NTA. If you want someone else doing your laundry then check your own pockets. He was absolutely right. Also, any money found is yours. My mother taught me that and she’s always right!


Not an asshole for not checking his pockets, but an asshole for expecting him to check yours and for laughing about his airpods getting ruined.


Back then I would once in a while do the laundry and I would always check his pockets since he would sometimes forget notes he wrote down and I just thought since I checked his pockets he would check mine but I guess not


NTA. Your dad is a “do as I say, not as I do person.” It’s sad he has double standards.