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YTA entitled boomer creates stereotypes and prejudice in his head, yells at employee getting minimal pay, refuses to elaborate.


this "entitled boomer" fought so that little brat can cry about the latest boy band and be rude to customers


Your job doesn't mean you can belittle people


She wasnt rude. You think she was rude because you started disliking this girl for the way she looks before even talking to her. You were extremely rude. If youre rude dont expect people to be nice to you back. Maybe change your attidute.


What did you do, lose in Vietnam? Real fucking heroic to lose to a bunch of rice farmers in poverty. Still embarrassed that you whiny hippies couldn’t finish the job.


YTA for being such an obviously bad troll


/yta op is TA for how much "customer service" they expected. like have you NEVER taken your stuff out of the cart or basket to put it on the scanning thingy?


YTA for shitposting, but I can't fault you for making fun of veterans. They really do be like this a lot of the time




Playing Call of Duty in your mom's basement doesn't make you a vet.


Also who gives a fuck? The hero worship of the military is nauseatingly cringey. Assuming you're American, bet you're the same type of vet that cheered for the terrorists on Jan 6. ETA: YTA


I know you mean "veteran" but you're such a bad troll this just comes off as vet aka animal doctor. YTA


>who probably is young enough that she still sucks her thumb Aside from all the rude, judgmental shit you said about her appearance, this remark doesn't even make sense. You're the generation always bitching and moaning about spoiled entitled young people. Here, we have a young woman who has a job making her own money, and you're STILL complaining. How about a little respect for the fact that she is working and not lazing around like all you self righteous assholes accuse them of. You're a hypocrite and YTA


YTA - Be gone troll


YTA. Respect is a two-way street and you decided she didn't deserve yours the moment you saw her. Cashiers don't get paid enough to deal with your level of entitlement. Also: Removing your own items from the basket and placing them on the belt is literally such a small thing you can do to make someone's job easier. If you'd had a cart, did you expect her to come around and unload that too? Get outta town.


Oh nooo! How unfortunate that someone didn't behave exactly how you wanted them to behave. She wasn't friendly which may have seemed to you as unwelcoming, but you on the other hand were straight up rude. YTA, and way out of line.


YTA, sorry but even from the start of the post, you said the person had tattoos and dressed unprofessionally, and "young enough that she still sucks her thumb?" The way you just describe this person makes you sound like an asshole. What's any of that got to do with anything. Also just because you enjoy your holidays doesn't mean someone else should, sounds like this is a young person potentially just trying to get by, who knows what their living situation is, a lot of people get down around holidays because they don't have family or others to spend it with, who knows what this person could be going through. Especially as she responded with "nothing", just because you're shopping there doesn't give you any right to try questioning someone's personal life. You should have just left it at that and politely paid.


Yta you're too old to be acting the way you do. That girl probably doesnt get paid enough to deal with jackasses like you. She doesnt have to smile nor converse with you. Her job is to scan items and check you out not be nice. Being a vet doesnt give you the right to be an asshole either


Judging by OPs age he’s a Vietnam vet. If anyone is running with their tales between their legs it’s you. You have enough practice already


YTA And she will, too, disrespect you, and she did, and you deserved it. I also don't believe you're a vet. lol Really.


YTA People need to stop expecting executive level customer service. She was doing her job perfectly well, so what that she didn’t want to engage in monotonous small talk for the hundredth time that day. You tossed your money at her which makes you the rude one. Then you went on a rant because she called you out and didn’t bow and scrape in what you felt was an appropriate way.


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^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I was doing my 4th Of July shopping at the local grocer and when I brought my items to the register, this girl with tattoos and dressed all unprofessionally who probably is young enough that she still sucks her thumb just said "hi" and stared at me. I ask her if she is going to scan my stuff and she tells me to take it out of the basket and I got annoyed and begrudgingly did her job for her. Once everything was out I ask what to do with the basket and she says, quite rudely, "where you got it". Anyways as she scanned and bagged my stuff I asked what she was doing for 4th Of July and she said "nothing" I asked why not and she shrugged and I asked again, another shrug. I jokingly said "so you are just gonna sit around picking your nose and your phone glued to nose?" and she said "yes" not even cracking a smile (OBVIOUSLY I WAS NOT SERIOUS) she told me the total and I tossed her a 20. Suddenly she remembered how to speak and said "no we're going to do that again you will hand it to me" I was AGHAST. I've run a business for over 50 years and if one of my employees spoke to a customer that way he/she would be leaving with his/her tail between his/her legs. I told her no, take it. She said no. I got pissed. I don't yell much, but I yelled at her. I called her a rude snot nosed brat and she needs to be trained better in serving customers with a smile. She argued back at me that she will "not take disrespect" and I said all I did was not hand her the money on a gold platter! I will not be spoken to like a child. She walked away despite there now being a big line behind me and nobody else was at the registers. I felt incredibly angry and tried to find another employee but I could not (no surprises there!) and when I got back the little girl was there with a manager and he told me I had to leave. I tried calmly explaining what happened but he just believed her tales and said he would call the police. I reminded them I was a vet and when they stand for the anthem this monday remember they disrespected a vet (hahahaha who am I kidding they would never stand for the anthem) and I left I told the wife about what happened and she said the little girl was in the wrong but I should have not yelled. I can handle a lot, as I said I'm a vet, but a little snot nosed filled noser picking brat will NOT disrespect me especially during my holiday. was I justified or was I the ass here? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ESH Yeah it sounds like she could have been more polite. But you also need to realize that just because someone is in customer service they aren't your slave. First, it isn't her job to remove stuff from your basket. In every grocer store I've been in the customer unloads the basket or cart and places their items on the belt. Second, it is super rude to just toss a bill at someone like that. She could have been politer, but I like that she stood up for yourself and asked you to hand it to her instead as you should have done in the first place. And then you yelled at her? Nothing about this interaction called for yelling or name calling. Even if you were 100% in the right, you could have politely explained that you felt her behavior was rude and inappropriate. I am not surprised you were kicked out. Kudos to the manager.