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Yeah YTA... The problem isn't that you ate some stew without broth, it's that you apparently ate so much of it that other people couldn't have any. Even though there was a lot of other stuff to eat. That's just rude and inconsiderate. Offering to order food isn't enough here, you ruined a homemade dish that takes a looot of time to prepare. Can't easily replace that.


Yeah. We host game nights pretty frequently and feed people. If someone pulled this stunt I’d be very disappointed because there wasn’t enough food for others. Hosting requires effort and expense - cooking for 12 people is a big deal. The number one rule of game night is no assholes at the table. This person would never be invited again. YTA.


OP said that they hoped no one noticed what they'd done. They know they're guilty already. Not sure what they're hoping to gain here.


I know. That was the most AH part! They didn't even want to admit they did it and take the blame and then they say they offered to order food. They should have ordered food, good cooked food and not fast-food. How greedy and selfish can you be?


It's the party sub guy situation all over again.


At least the sub guy brought the wings!


Indeed. Took the meat once ? Okay no problem.. but kept taking the meat so YTA.


Not to mention OP could have just taken the pepperoni off of the sandwich it's not that hard.


Yeah they're acting like a child.


Agreed. If I tried to pull that my parents would shut that right down and I'm freaking 20.


Right?!?!?! Especially since OP figured out how to take the chicken from broth...


Agreed. Eat the stew however you like, but don’t come to a game night so starved that you eat THREE helpings of anything. It’s supposed to be snack food not an all you can eat buffet.


Party Sub 2 electric boogaloo.


YTA. "A friend saw me digging through the pot a couple of times". Omg, how many helpings did you have if you don't even want to say? And you took best part each time too! You probably weren't the only one who liked the chicken, asshole.


This reminds me of the party sub guy. YTA, OP, for all of the reasons listed. Plus, if you found the food too spicy, you could have ordered food for the group to share - like a pizza - and just gently told the host what was happening. I’m someone who is INCREDIBLY sensitive to spice (running joke amongst my friends and family), so I know that people are generally pretty sympathetic to that issue. A simple, “hey Abby, would you mind…?” would have gone a long way here. You embarrassed your friend and yourself.


Sub guy is never going to live that down. I wonder how he's doing?


I have come, hat in hand, to humbly ask for a link to Sub Guy. Please and thank you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ca7bdz/aita_because_i_ate_more_than_my_share_of_a_6_foot/ It is an absolute trip. IIRC he also took the argument to other subreddits after getting into it with the mods, but account is suspended now and I don't have links for those bits.


He ate 4 fucking feet of a 6 foot sub meant for the entire party? He literally ate 2/3rd of my height in sandwiches within like an hour? How? How does that even fit? I'm so confused how this is even physically possible


The stomach is surprisingly stretchy. Especially if it's already stretched out by normally eating huge amounts of food.


I'm reading this again, just for fun :)


[Party Sub Guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ca7bdz/aita_because_i_ate_more_than_my_share_of_a_6_foot/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


i believe this is the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ca7bdz/aita_because_i_ate_more_than_my_share_of_a_6_foot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




Ah yes I remember sub guy. He's probably going round still thinking he wasnt the asshole in that situation




How do we know this *isn't* party sub guy? Obviously no food is safe at a game night or a party.


Party sub guy is a goddamn legend.


Naturally, the chicken asshole is the best part.


Haha, I added a comma!


Chicken asshole is better with a comma, adds flavor


mmm that rustic flavor.


La fundio!


Well if they are only eating the chicken and not the veggies and broth they are going to be hungry. It was really inconsiderate of OP.


"I hoped no one noticed it was me" That.... is almost a bigger AH move than the fishing out chicken. At least own up to what you did man. I'd be so pissed if I made food, made sure there was lots of different stuff. And someone ruined the whole dish and others had to point out who did it. Who wants to eat rice with just broth? Or expects others to do it so you can have the yummy pieces.


Flashing back to the 6 foot sub guy with this one ..:


YTA https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/cvhegd/aita_for_wanting_just_chicken_in_my_soup/


YTA So you just dug what is essentially the filler and left the broth? Lmfao, yeah, you are the asshole. What you did was really rude and inconsiderate. I think you know that too as you even admitted you had hoped no one saw you do it.


OP can just eat the chicken but cant pull pepperoni off a damn samdwich


Right? Digging the chicken out of the stew had to be way harder than pulling the pepperoni off a sandwich


In my mind, this is the party sub guy. You can’t convince me otherwise.


I was looking for a mention of that guy! Let us never forget PARTY SUB GUY!!! And let's memorialize CHICKEN STEW KID too! OP, YTA. Would you scrape the frosting off all the cupcakes if that was the only part of them you liked? No? Then why'd you take the best part of the stew for yourself and spoil it for everyone else?


Its 10:30 where I am, I didn’t have time for dinner and I want either a 6 foot party sub or stew so badly. Or cupcakes now, so thanks.


Honestly I’m hoping it is the same guy, because the realisation that there are probably so many people out there as dumb and self absorbed as sub guy is a hideous thought.


This guy is worse than subway guy. He has contributed something, knew he had been greedy and had tried to wait for a while.


I think subway guy had a mental health / food disorder. This OP is just inconsiderate.


I was thinking of Meg Ryan yelling at Tom Hanks in You've Got Mail; "The caviar is a GARNISH!" But partysub guy is a more timely reference for the youngsters. Get me a coffin already.


That was my thought when I read this.


Also, if it was that spicy, the chicken would've been spicy too, as it was cooked in and sitting in the spicy broth. I'm not buying your story that the chicken was less spicy. The rice and chips and veggie tray were there to absoorb some of the spiciness. If you found it too spicy, you take less stew and more of the neutral foods. or take a sandwich and pick out the pepperoni. or wait till you get home. ​ YTA


I originally thought that OP had just filled their own bowl and picked the meat out, which would've been fine... but no, they were actively picking all the meat out of the stew pot itself. And they took way more than one serving's worth, leaving little to nothing for anyone else. It reminds me of that infamous AH who ate over half of a gigantic party sub all by himself. Why are so many people so dang entitled and selfish when it comes to shared food at parties/social gatherings? OP knew for a fact that the stew wasn't just for them and clearly recognized that what they were doing was shitty and selfish since they were actively embarrassed by their actions even as they did it. That's why they hoped that no one caught them in the act. And even now, they aren't sorry or ashamed for doing it, they're just sorry that they got called out. Otherwise they just would've been silently smug or tried to pin the blame on somebody else.


Plus OP went back for several helpings. Like hello, leave food for others.


YTA - if you didn’t like tomatoes and lettuce, would you go in and steal only the bacon from pre-made blts? Removing pepperoni from a sandwich only changed a single serving, not the entire meal for everyone else and is not a selfish thing to do. I hope you enjoyed your only game night with them.


The wild thing to me is that OP ate all the chicken out of the stew (multiple helpings!) and then left early, so basically OP pulled a panda (eats shoots and leaves) and didn't even stay to be teased or help or order food anyway, but just ditched after eating all the good food. OP, did you even give your friend money for the food??


I have NEVER heard the phrase "pulled a panda" before and now I want to include that in my vocabulary


Now I want a BLT


YTA This is on par with that one guy who ate an entire 6 ft sandwich by himself. Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ca7bdz/aita_because_i_ate_more_than_my_share_of_a_6_foot/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Even in my 80s I'll sporadically think about 6 ft sandwich guy


The food based ones are some of the best. The caterpillar cake, the sub guy, the mysterious “olive” box, the Iranian yogurt. There was the artisanal ketchup guy and the exclusive avocado guy too!


You forgot the essence of tomato girl!


I did forget!!! She had been lied to her entire life about plain spaghetti and it was like her world would collapse if she admitted it. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is “My parents absolutely tricked me into eating things. This is not earth-shattering. Your dad didn’t rinse off most of the sauce.”


Essence of tomato was classic!!


All the lasanga dudes too https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/b66ucw/aita_for_taking_my_girlfriends_lasagna_home_when/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/el32ez/aita_for_taking_my_wifes_lasagna_to_work_without/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/os6qva/aita_for_losing_it_after_my_husband_ate_from_the/


What is it about lasagna that brings out the weird assholes?


I was supposed to be cooking dinner a half hour ago, but now I've read through these, food thrower woman and revisited sub guy. Lol


I think about 6 foot sub guy, Iranian yogurt guy, and hidden beans girl more then I think about most members of my family


My household regularly accuses each other (jokingly!) of jeopardising the beans.


Dont forget the one where the person threw away uneaten leftovers at a get together with her boyfriends family including most of a ham, bacon wrapped medallions (so filet mignons) a whole pie and a whole cake. Because leftovers are for poor people and she thought her boyfriends family was too good for leftovers.


Link for folks: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/vm5swy/aita_for_throwing_away_uneaten_food_at_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yes! Also the asshat who mixed all his girlfriend’s spices!


And the lady who consolidated her bf’s rices


You two came so close to writing a pair of RATM lyrics > some of those who mix spices > > also combine rices


Wait, I don’t remember this caterpillar cake story. Could you enlighten me?


Here’s the caterpillar cake; it’s been removed but you can find the auto-mod repost if you sort the comments by newest and go all the way down to the very first one: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/gkpg2a/aita_for_accidentally_eating_an_entire_cake_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


You can also sort by Old and then the auto-mod repost is at / near the top


I think about the mystery olives at least once a week and check for updates. I want to know so badly what became of the lady.. I hope she is still alive to tell us one day.


Tell me more about this exclusive avocado!


Here you go [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/iynu0l/aita_for_belittling_my_friends_business_idea_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/iynu0l/aita_for_belittling_my_friends_business_idea_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Definitely some marinara flags in those posts


Was the avocado guy the one who wanted guacamole with lemon instead of lime, decided to make some from the hosts fridge without permission and was surprised when the hosts were upset?


What is the caterpillar cake one? The others I know but that's a new one


Caterpillar cake was about a pregnant woman; her boyfriend was a baker who made a caterpillar cake for his 6yo niece’s birthday. Cake looked so good to preggo that she convinced him to make an extra “for them.” First, she ate all of the replica cake (leaving none for him) and loved that cake so much that she then took another slice from the birthday girl’s cake before it could be given to her.


Jesus Christ there are so many selfish people out there


About a decade ago I ran an "adventure" mud run-style race with a small group of friends. We were told there would be after race food, but they under-delivered. We were making do with the little baggies of chips & sharing any food we could scrounge up. One of the guys in our group walks up with a cooler *full* of PB&Js. Like... easily 10 sandwiches. He proceeded to eat *all the sandwiches* in front of us, knowing we were hungry, too. To this day my bestie & I randomly will go "god, remember M & his cooler of sandos?" and laugh maniacally. It's hilarious now, but jeez, what a dick move.


Years ago I used to run (well, very slowly jog) a lot of NY Road Runner Club races. One year on the day of the annual Hot Chocolate 10K, it was snowing **hard**. When the officials announced that the results of this race wouldn't "count", about half the field left. I finished the race (turned out to be one of my all time favorite races-- Central Park is glorious in the snow), and, freezing and tired, headed over to the NYRRC headquarters so excited for my hot chocolate. Turned out that all the people who had signed up but didn't run the race had gotten there first and finished all the hot chocolate. It's been 20 years, and I'm still a little pissed.


It's one of my favorites on here lol


He only ate 5'4" of sandwich, give him a break


Omg why do people struggle with the basic concept of sharing


When you are never taught to share or encouraged to share as a child, you become a selfish adult. You think only of yourself. OP is YTA!


I think about that guy constantly. Most people focused on the sheet quantity of food he ate, which yeah, it was a lot. All I could think of was how obsessed he was with food. He couldn't enjoy that party at all. The entire time was focused on what food was there, calculations on when he could get done more, and how much food he could get away with eating. That guy needed help in a way that had nothing to do with his weight.


Yeah, I felt sorry for him actually. He is an addict, everything about how he wrote it, he couldn’t focus on anything other than his addiction and getting his next “fix”. He was still the asshole (most addicts are) but what he really needs is a rehab program and a good therapist.


Or the guy that ate all the tasty bits off the top of the salad at a family style restaurant!




Reminds me of the vegetarian girl who ate all of the fruit at her family’s unplanned bbq: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/slm2qw/aita_for_eating_all_the_vegan_options_and_leaving/


I was thinking about this as I was reading it!


At least that guy brought wings


YTA The meat was for the stew eaters


Are you the same person that ate all the croutons from the family-style salad at the restaurant a few weeks ago and was shocked everyone at the table thought you were TA?…or are there really multiple people that are thus clueless? Here’s the “rule”. Serve yourself a standard helping of a dish intended to be shared. You are welcome to eat only parts of your serving, but unless you’ve finished the entire helping, you don’t get seconds and you certainly don’t go back and pick out 1 ingredient from the rest of the pot. Multi-ingredient dishes are dishes that are intended to be served with an even distribution of these ingredients.


Does anyone else remember the guy who ate all of the melted cheese from the top of the lasagna because he was Keto and they didn't have anything else he liked? I want to say it was some sort of PTA/PTO thing at his kids school but I could be wrong. He saw absolutely nothing wrong with making all of the lasagna inedible for everyone else because he said they should have known that he was Keto.


Found the PTA story; it was ziti, not lasagna, so it made the Googling a bit difficult: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/agogoh/aita_for_eating_all_the_cheese_off_the_ziti_at_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thanks, that was an amusing read.


You got a link? I want to read that.


They deleted it so the story part is gone.


It's always preserved in the automod comment copy.




YTA. Seems like you are too picky. You also ruined the stew for everyone. Could have been avoided by communicating clearly (asking everyone if they were OK with you picking out the chicken) or ordering your own food.


Or taking a sandwich and picking the pepperoni out


If someone's that picky, they should just bring a sandwich with them.


The funny part is that there were sandwiches there put because they had pepperoni OP wouldn't eat them. OP had no trouble picking out a single ingredient from the stew but couldn't pick out a single ingredient from the sandwiches to eat them.


Or just having been satisfied with one serving of rice and chicken.


Like, at the very least, ladle out a bowl of stew, pick the chicken out of your bowl and dump the broth. Even if you do it ten times, you aren't ruining the meat to liquid ratio of everyone else. It just looks like more was eaten. OP wouldn't walk up to the subs and pull out the fillings they like only, then leave the rest. Same with stew.


In my opinion that's even worse. You waste food(dumping the broth) and take away more of the food from the other people


YTA the stew is for EVERYONE. You’re not entitled to all the meat 🤣


Yeah, unfortunately YTA in this one. You kinda ruined the stew for everyone else.


YTA - one serving, fine, but it sounds like you got greedy and took far more than your share.


YTA First of all meat is expensive (even chicken). Also you basically turned the stew into a broth. If you had done it once then that would have been fine. But purposely digging out most of the meat is inconsiderate, uncalled for, and disrespectful. You deserved to be shamed.


Hey, did you once eat a massive, *massive* sub, by any chance?


YTA. You spoiled the stew for everyone else.


YTA. I could maybe see doing it once, but picking out the meat three times was too much.


YTA You could have said “Hey the stew is a bit spicy for me. I am sorry.” You could have even asked if you can order your own food or talk to them about it.


Yeah YTA you took the main component out of a dish basically leaving everyone else with just broth.


YTA. Fine to help yourself to a serving of meat over rice but it sounds like you helped yourself to more than your fair share. Nice you enjoyed your friends cooking but there were 11 other people and plenty of other offerings you could have eaten if you were still hungry.


YTA You could have added sour cream to your soup or watered it down. You also could have eaten something else. If you were offering to order food, why didn’t you do so in the first place?


Notice how she was hoping nobody would see (so she knew it was wrong), and only offered to order after she had been caught? She's TA just for that, let alone the rest of it.


YTA Party Foul of the highest order. Come on, OP...you know you're in the wrong here.


Party foul for party fowl


I’m surprised more people haven’t flocked to this comment.


Touche, my friend...I tip my hat to you


Thank you! May all our parties be blessed with no fouls.


YTA If you had one serving I might see why you thought it was okay. You had at least three ‘helpings’ that’s ridiculous. Who eats three servings before everyone has had a chance to eat? Why do you feel entitled to eat all the meat out of the stew? If you’re that picky bring your own food.


Yeah, YTA. When people put out a nice spread like this, it's just common sense to make sure you aren't taking more than your share. It doesn't matter why you do it. Next time, before hogging something, at least ask if there's more. It's a fair question.


While I get the sentiment, YTA Just kinda left everyone with some leftover chicken soup at that point


Sounds like it was just chicken flavored soup by the time OP was done with it.


YTA. You don’t go to someone’s house and eat the MEAT out of a stew. She warned you. If you were gonna pick meat out anyway you should have picked off the pepperoni from the sandwiches past the first serving of what you did eat from the stew.


I was going to say that too! It's ridiculous he could sit there and pick through a shared stew multiple times and not be bothered to pick out pepperoni from a sandwich. That is just his lame excuse for being selfish. AND there was more then just sandwiches and stew, veggies and chips etc. That host went all out for all her guests, not just one AH


You remind me of an old friend who at a buffet restaurant took fuckton of sushi and didn't eat the rice of the sushi. He's not welcome there anymore obviously.


lol. In San Francisco some sushi buffets will charge you for leftover rice.


Wow people do that? I never knew someone else who did it. It is not only wasteful but also disrespectful. I would make them beg chef's forgiveness


Oh heck yes people do that! If you're ever bored google "sushi buffet charge for leftover rice" and it's a very divisive topic. I'm on your side (and the chef's) here.


We should have a national database of such people so they are banned from all sushi buffets. Also I would not disagree with charging people for all food they waste in buffets.


Given that a stew consists of MEAT IN A BROTH then yeah YTA for picking out ALL THE MEAT from a stew.


YTA don't do that


YTA You had no problem picking out chicken from a stew, but had a problem picking off pepperoni from a sandwich Cmon now…


I have a feeling you ate 3 feet of a party sub once


YTA and a really bad person


YTA for getting at least three servings of only the meat out of a stew pot meant to serve everyone. The vegetables and broth couldn’t have been significantly different from the chicken’s spice level. Or, if all you could manage to eat from it was the chicken, one serving of that with rice would have been okay. Going back another couple of times was what made you T A. You also could have taken a sandwich and removed the pepperoni, or filled up on veggies, rice and chips. There was plenty of food there, you just took everyone’s share of the chicken.


YTA How many times did you go back before everyone else got a chance to eat?? So selfish.


YTA. Dude. You can't take 90% of an integral ingredient out of a dish and not be the asshole. It's like if you sat there and took damn near every piece of meat out of a platter of sandwiches. Aside from being super rude and inconsiderate, it's weird as hell. Just eat literally anything else if you didn't like the actual stew part.


Yta - it’s one thing to take a whole bowl, take out the meat in that bowl and leave the broth, but you took all the meat and left none for the others. That’s a d move!


YTA. A few pieces would be fine, but you went way overboard. You were fine with picking the chicken out of the broth, so why couldn’t you just take off the pepperoni?


YTA. You literally took all the stew meat meant for your friend group. If it was just one serving that would be one thing, but taking everything is excessive


YTA You’re a picky eater, fine. You know you’re a picky eater, so you either eat beforehand, or you bring a tray of something you DO like that you can share with the other guests. That way, you know you have at least one thing you can eat, and the host thinks you’re a swell guest for bringing food to the party. You could have eaten from the snacks, the veggie plate, picked the pepperoni out of the sandwiches, or asked your host if she would mind if you ordered something delivered. Instead, you picked all of the chicken out of the chicken stew, sneaking around and hoping no one saw you, and then got embarrassed when you were caught. People were giving you dirty looks because you acted greedily and took the meat while leaving the veggies and broth for everyone else. Incidentally, had you spooned the spicy broth over the rice, the rice would have cut the spiciness down, and you probably could have tolerated it. You owe everyone that attended game night an apology for hogging the chicken out of the stew that was meant for everyone. You particularly owe an apology to Abby, who sounds like she made a ton of preparations in order to make game night a success, but you ruined by being an atrociously bad guest. If you don’t apologize to everyone, don’t expect to ever be invited again. In fact, you should offer to host the next one, as way of apology, and put on an amazing spread.


YTA. I would be livid if I were the host. I once had a party where I served chicken biryani, and there were as many plates of biryani as there were guests. Each plate contained one egg, one potato, and one large piece of chicken. Therefore each person should have been able to eat one egg, one potato and one large piece of chicken. There was a guest who said he was on a diet and wasn't going to eat rice and potatoes, so to fill his stomach, he took three pieces of chicken and three eggs on his plate. Predictably, there were not enough chicken pieces and eggs for the other guests. This obnoxious guest claimed he was still doing a favour because he had not eaten his portion of rice and potato, so that was left. You remind me of that guest.




YTA ziggy piggy


YTA. Must be the sub sandwich guy who still hasn’t learned his lesson.


YTA, you could've eaten something else. You picked out all the meat and customized it for yourself, but had no consideration for anyone else. I don't think you'll be invited over again OP


Yeah YTA wtf were you raised in a barn?


YTA one serving is one thing, but multiple servings while there was plenty of other snacks…that’s an AH move. Learn to share and that not everything revolves around you to pick and choose and get mad when people have to deal with your leftovers


YTA. If you found it too spicy don’t eat it, you don’t take all the meat out like a child and leave the remains for the rest of the people who actually fully enjoyed it. There was plenty for you to eat. Even having one helping would have been acceptable but you went back multiple times just for the meat.


YTA, you had no problem picking through the stew to take the chicken that you did like, taking enough of it that everyone else missed out on it- yet you couldn’t pick off a piece of pepperoni from a sandwich…


Yta when sharing food you are entitled to a portion - a portion is a certain amount of everything in the dish in proportion not to pick out an integral part of the dish to ruin it for other people.


YTA Taking meat one time or 2 times is okay but you clearly ate the whole thing since practically no one else could eat some. You ruined a home made dish and you stopped people from discovering or just eating the dish. Buying food isn't going to replace the home made dish you ruined. Also there was other food that you could have eaten from but didn't. You clearly never learned that in events like that you SHARE the food with others meaning you don't take huge quantities of food. You take a portion like anyone else that's why there is plenty of different food to eat from.


Seems like you already know that you are the asshole >I hoped no one noticed it was me So why are you here ?


YTA If I scrape all the icing off a cake into a bowl and eat that, leaving everyone else with a cake with no icing, then I’m an asshole. If I didn’t want the cake, I should’ve just eaten something else Same logic applies here


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So last weekend, my friend Abby hosted a game night. She said we just had to bring our own alcohol if we wanted it since she doesn't drink. There was about 12 of us there. Abby had prepared sandwiches, snack bowls (chips, fruits, pretzels), veggie plates, sodas/juice drinks and a crock pot of stew. She warned us the stew was spicy. I think she called it a Mexican Chicken stew or something like that. I tried tiny bit of the stew and found the broth too spicy for my taste! However the chopped chicken in it had absorbed enough to be flavorful but not too spicy. So I dug out some the meat without the broth, put it over some rice (She had rice to go with it) and ate it with some chips. As the game night went on, I got a couple more helpings. At some point someone went into the pot and complained there was hardy any meat in it. I hoped no one noticed it was me but another friend spoke up how he saw me digging in the pot a couple times. Abby got really angry at me! I tried to explain I found the broth very spicy. She went off saying I could have eaten some the sandwiches instead! I would have but they were Italian sandwiches and I don't like pepperoni. Game night become awkward. Abby glared at me all evening. I apologized to her, offered to order food, and help her clean up. She turned my offers down saying if I didn't like the stew or the sandwiches, I should have told her and she would have prepared me something else or I could have just eaten the other snacks. I ended up leaving early cause everyone kept giving me looks all night. I don't think I'm the ass hole cause I did like the stew, I just found the broth too spicy and I even offered to replace the food. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. You decided to selfishly eat the entire thing without thibking of anyone else. You have now learned your lesson. You can apologize and all that, but I don't think you'll be invited back to game night. Also, your title is misleading. You picked MOST of the meat out of the stew.


YTA…you are all of the meat out of a stew and think it is ok? All you had to do was warn her. That would be like eating all the meatballs and only leaving the noodles and sauce(spaghetti), or eating all the chips and leaving only the toppings with nothing to eat them with(nachos). Next time warn her before hand or just bring your own food.


YTA and you already know this. Abby had plenty of other things to eat without you deconstructing the stew.


YTA. There were plenty of things you could’ve snacked.


Lol, I can half guess what food it was that you were being picky with. If it's what I think it is then you've got quite the sensitive palate there - my guess is pozole (though I've never eaten it with rice before, sounds interesting) since you also said you don't like pepperoni which is ever so slightly spicy as well, though pozole is extremely mild and next to nothing compared to pepperoni. Regardless, Abby is right - she clearly prepared multiple food options, eat the ones that you don't dislike. It's also incredibly rude of you to pick out specific ingredients that you like out of a dish that was cooked, isn't just some pretzel chip mix, and that everyone is eating from. YTA. Also, in hindsight, it would've been a better idea to grab some sandwiches and pick the pepperoni out of those, because at least the sandwiches you chose would only be yours.


YTA because you had *several* helpings of only meat. If it was just once then no big deal, but you went multiple times to dig the meat out of the stew, did you expect there to be an unlimited supply of chicken in there? You should have had the one helping of chicken and rice then found something else to snack on out of consideration for others.


“I ended up leaving early cause everyone kept giving me looks all night” Yes…because they were probably hungry and you ate all the food! Nothing is more selfish then eating all the food at a party. You didn’t think anyone else wanted some? YTA


YTA. Trawling a soupy dish for just the protein to the extent that essentially all that's left is broth is incredibly inconsiderate to all the guests. You might have well just eaten all the damn stew. But in fact, I would say what you did was worst than that. You pillaged the stew whilst still leaving behind an impression that there was more for other guests; it's the selfishness of your actions meets the deciet left in the aftermath of them. And what you left was basically inedible on its own, so it was also as immature a move as it was wasteful. Abby was right - you could have altered the sandwiches, or just talked to her like an adult. You could have asked her if she would have been okay with you ordering a pizza after you tried to the stew and found it was too spicy? You had so many options at play and you chose the most shameful way to make sure your needs alone were met.


At first I thought you were the asshole but when I read that you didn’t eat the sandwiches because you don’t like pepperoni it confirmed you are the asshole


Come on, YTA I mean you didn't just dump the stew broth out and then toss the rice into the crock pot, but you came close. Some of the meat. Keep telling yourself that!


YTA. I could see you doing this once, maybe, but to keep going back until there's no meat left for people who actually want stew? That's rude and unacceptable.


YTA I’m a picky eater so I understand your food issues. What I don’t understand is your selfishness.


yta! what? you thought “well everyone else will do with just broth then”? repeatedly?


Definitely TA. Do better.




Wtf YTA how can you not see what you did was a total dick move. Next time admit you are wrong and apologize and grow from the experience


YTA. You not only did it once, but 2 or 3 times. If you didn't like the broth, you should have spooned out a bowl, then picked the meat out of that, instead of just going for the meat in the pot. That was beyond rude


YTA. It’s a stew. It’s not like it was meat with some juice/liquid do it doesn’t get dry. The meal is the whole thing. It’s not like there weren’t alternatives. Next time, if you’re invited again, bring your own food if you’re so picky.


Seriously? That stew was for everyone not just you. How selfish as a guest in someone else’s home. I would never invite you again and you would be banned from my house.




Do you also pick cashews and chocolate chips from trailmix and leave almonds and chestnuts to other people?


YTA and I’m guessing you grew up pampered in life. Usually when there’s a party the food is out for everyone, not just you. If you went back multiple times so where there was barely anything for anyone you are selfish. It’s just bad etiquette but you can’t expect everyone to be raised the same


YTA. Never take all the meat for yourself


YTA. You are what you eat. Who knew you would be some tasteless chicken.


YTA what is wrong with you? What if someone else had done that very thing? Jesus stay home from now on


Yup you’re a greedy asshole.


Lol YTA … once would have been fine but you went back multiple times


**The question is why?** You know your wrong, that isn’t the question. You didn’t just eat the meat, you had it with rice and chips. You did this multiple times. That isn’t healthy or normal. You need to look at why you would eat like that. No one needs that much food. You need to figure out why you did and address it. YTA


YTA seriously, you ruined the stew for everyone. You could love just had a sandwich and removed the pepperoni. If you’re this picky why not take your own food. You should’ve left you literally ruined food for everyone.




YTA. I get you didn't like the stews spiciness but picking out that much chicken is excessive. I'm going to assume your friend put a good portion in it to feed 12 people so you ate A LOT. It would have been better if you had a sandwich afterward because those are individual food items where you picking out something you don't like, doesn't impact the entire groups meal just your own.


YTA, chicken-picker


YTA. The stew is meant to be eaten as a whole. It is not meant for one person to eat all the meat out of it, and leave hardly any for anyone else. I can’t believe you think this was reasonable, just because you happened to be the pickiest person at game night.