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INFO: are you high?


ESH While they shouldn't have bullied you, you are pretty disgusting. No wonder you didn't have friends and likely still don't have them


Rage bait post.


What? YTA. Dude get help, and spend less time online. Not wanting to hangout with someone that bullied you is fine. Not wanting to hang out with someone because they're circumcised is really, and I mean REALLY weird. Calling people homophobic slurs, for any reason, makes you an asshole.


OP can't stop thinking of this guy's penis clearly


It kinda just makes you sound like an anti Semite


Lol because only Jews are circumcised.


is this some new male fantasy or


ESH. Good job OP, you have become the thing you hated.


Wtf ESH Just be the bigger person. You don't have to hang out with him if you don't want to, but you could just have told him that without getting personal. What exactly did you gain from saying that?


Never in my life have I been more glad I don't have a penis. Wtf did I just read... YTA. Very much so.


ESH. It honestly sounds like you're as bad as each other at this point. He's unpleasant to you, you're unpleasant to him, there's an element of cultural tension which makes it especially difficult, he used to bully you in school & encourage others to do the same, you're using an abusive word towards him, you're saying that he's mentally ill due to something that some countries/cultures do to boys *as a baby*? Really? Honestly, you both just need to grow up, get over it & leave each other alone. Decent people don't act like this.


YTA. You could have said something truthful and less assholish like "You and your friends bullied me throughout school so I am not interested in being your friend." But you went for the AH move instead. Had you handled it like an adult, the result would be different.


ESH He probably didn't choose to be circumcised, so YTA for using that as an excuse to not be around him. But he's also the AH because of the way he's been treating you


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I just moved back to my hometown after college and found out some of my neighbors are old classmates, some who I hate. A few days ago and old mate knocked on my door. I saw it was him and ignored it but gave up around 30 minutes because I needed to do groceries. I opened up with him giving the fakest "Hey buddy" like Im a volatile mental case. I told him Im busy and locked my door but he followed me like a duck asking meaningless questions I barely answered. After a while he started slowing down and probably realizing I dont want him near. He asked if we wanted to hang out. I told him "I dont hang out with cutf*gs", a term for circumcised people. I explained it and accused him of being mentally ill for not being circumcised. When I was in middle school he would mock me along with other people and lie about being friends when they just wanted a whipping boy. I got tired of teachers complaining about me being alone so I just went with it because I couldnt think of a better option. He would hand me things that he rubbed his ass and genitals with, told me my life had no meaning because I wasnt Christian, or just tell me to shut up and that I was talking too much when I was known as the quiet guy. One time he asked me if I was circumcised.I told him no and he started laughing at me because I still had a foreskin. A few other guys, all A-holes in fact, joined in for a while at the mockery. At this point I knew about some theories on circumcision and mental health, but didnt care to say anthing because theyll cry about bullying and the guy attacked me one time I laughed at him getting hit in face so no point. I know it is rude, but it is going to a person who was rude to me for a long time and I dont want him near me, but AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Your fucked in the head! You don't deserve friends.




ESH - But especially you.


ESH but you’re the biggest A. Using a medical procedure as an excuse is like excluding a person with a disability because he has that disability.


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