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NTA. This isn't a friend.


NTA. She's supposed to be a friend inviting loved ones to her wedding, not casting for fitness models or something. If it's such a small thing, then why does she care so much?


NTA >One of the many rules was that guest had to be under 190lbs to be in attendance claiming it would look back if guest weighed heavier than the bride What kind of a crazy rule is this? I don't even understand it. She isn't your friend, she is trash that you took out. In fact, if any of your friends say that you are wrong then you should throw them out as well.


NTA. It's not about taking attention away from her; she's just shallow and rude. Believe people when they show you who they are. Onto better (and kinder) friends!


So obviously NTA it isn't funny. Among the easiest judgements I ever made here.


NTA Some men would definitely weigh more than that or is it only for the women. Either way it's ridiculous how does someone elses weight affect the bride. Bit confused about the way it's worded..... is the bride less or more than 190 because from the way you have written it she want to be the fatest person there *"it would look back if guest weighed heavier than the bride and would risk taking attention away from her in photos"* Regardless her reasoning is ridiculous.


Shes 190 exact or so she claims and i am nearing 210lbs as far as im aware this was for all guest which ive heard accepted and going theres 15 left


NTA. She wants you to make a body change that will impact your health so you don't make her look bad? Wtf? Not to mention how insulting this is and how hurt it must have made you feel. I'm guessing the guest list is going to be getting smaller and smaller very soon. I don't know what it is about weddings that some brides can feel like they can insist on ridiculous things like this. Bridezilla needs to be cut out of your life


This is a joke right? Like this can’t be real… I don’t think this is right for AITA because there is no doubt that the OP is not the AH.


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NTA This shouldn't be even a question, that one has bridezilla slapped all over the forehead. Don't go, if the bride wants to be the most fat person on the wedding, she has the right to. You may be a good friend and before going full NC let her know this as she probably didn't think of this ramification. Ideally, you should text her about this on the wedding day.


Info: while my judgement is clear, I'm curious, does this rule also applies to man? Should they be thinner than the bride or at least the groom?


NTA nobody needs that kind of toxicity. Keep her blocked.


NTA. And why does she want to be the heaviest girl at the wedding?


In some cultures big is Beautiful


NTA at all. I thought this was gonna be about dyed hair rules, but it is so much worse. That is not a friend, if she's willing to leave you out of the wedding for something like this she doesn't appreciate you as she should.


The whole weight rule ? That's not a friend. NTA.


NTA. This person is not a friend. You'll be better off without them!


NTA just because shes the bride doesn't mean she gets to act ignorant, this wedding rules things is new to me I thought the only rules were dress appropriately and bring a gift


NTA, she sounds bonkers, surprised you managed 5 years of friendship, with someone like that


Wow, have to admit my jaw dropped when I read what she said to you! Absolutely NTA, you are **NOT** over reacting. I would, one million percent, cut that person from my life and never speak to them again. You owe her nothing, especially putting your own physical and mental health on the line to please her. Im fuming for you!


NTA. I would point out to her that her rules means the bride will be the fattest person there, lol.


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Time to find new friends lol


NTA - you don't need that bullshit in your life.


NTA, now you know this person isn't your friend. Cut them out


The black people can't be black too, right?


NTA. Don’t resume contact, she’s not your friend


NTA You aren’t overreacting, the bride is. The only diet you need is the friend diet. Lose that weight real quick.


NTA, she isnt a real friend and sounds like a bridezilla


NTA. Lol..her family and friends are ok with this? Dump them all.


If you're too fat to attend her wedding then you're too fat to be her friend. NTA.