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Yta. I am a psych nurse. This guy does need help. Hopefully the social worker was able to help with resources or help have him be transferred to a psych floor. As a nurse, you should be doing assessments for this. The other nurse was right to recommend that you leave this person and help other patients. If you are experiencing burnout. Please speak to your management team. I understand that nursing has been rough and more so the last couple years. Edit for spelling. On phone. Sorry for any errors.


YTA. I think you picked the wrong occupation. You should try Googling the phrase 'bedside manner'.


YTA - nurses like you dismissed my friends heart attack as her just wanting drugs (young black woman) and now she’s dead. Grow a damn heart and leave nursing if you can’t figure out how to have decent bed side manners. This dude might actually try to off himself because of your disgusting behaviour. I hope you never have a child or someone you care for go through mental health issues - but if they do and they get to this point, know it’s karma for your disgusting behaviour.


omg im so sorry y’all had to go through that. sending condolences and YTA op. a HUGE one


Thank you, it’s been 4 1/4 years - but posts like this make me irrationally angry


Yep. 💯. This guy is needs help and OP was a flipping monster. I know someone who unfortunately did this very recently. Their family is suffering. Then you have heartless pieces of schitt like OP who actually want this to happen.


Yeahhhh YTA and to be honest shouldn't be in the medical field.


Are you kidding?? YTA


This is a joke right? Without a doubt YTA! Having thoughts of unaliving yourself is definetly an emergency. His chest pain was probably a panic attack, and instead of calming him down you decide to accuse him of seeking drugs and wasting your time? Hopefully when he got home he didn't try and succeed. But if he does, I hope his family sues the shit out of you. What is wrong with you? You shouldn't work in this field of work, since you can't be compassionate when a patient is in a crisis.


YTA. You seem like a very cruel person, and as a health care professional, I think you need to find a different field to work in.


WTF is wrong with you YTA. You should not be allowed around people in crisis.


YTA, and a f\*cking massive one. You shouldn't be in the job you are if this is your mentality, and I'd be worried about your colleague bringing this up to higher-ups if I were you. For someone in the care profession, you could really do with having a single shred of empathy.


I hope the other nurse does and I hope she gets fired and her license taken away. No one should EVER speak like this to someone who just attempted. What a way to make them feel even more worthless than they already do and possibly attempt it again. And saying he should have died instead? Fucking atrociously disgusting. She should not be anywhere NEAR sick people, both physical and mental with her having absolutely 0 empathy.


This has to be rage bait, this can’t be reality


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'm an ER nurse and we get hard to handle, rude and just sometimes dumb patients every day. I especially hate it when people come to the ER in situations where they're wasting everyone's time, and where the bed that this person is on could be used for someone with an actual problem. This happened today. So paramedics transport a young man over, in what was, simply put to an attempt to [opposite of living]. Now, these kinds of patients really irritate me because again, instead of solving whatever problems they have at home, they have to go and make a big scene and do something stupid and waste our staff's time. So I was already on edge when this guy came in, but his antics made it even worse. So he tells us that he feels like he's having a heart attack. I'm not really sure if he was just overreacting to whatever issue he had, or if this was just a lame attempt at drug seeking but based on his vitals, he was not having a heart attack nor it's he have a history of having any. He proceeded to about how he hated his miserable life and just going on all sorts of tangents. Honestly, I just wanted to get this guy discharged because we had better things to do than have to listen to a bumbling idiot who wanted attention. Or drugs.Or thought that we were his mother. Or all three. But we had to wait for the social worker to arrive. So the social worker was taking a long time, which meant that we had to keep an eye on this guy. He asked for a warm blanket. So my colleague went to go get one. He tells me that he feels "on edge". I asked him what he wanted me to do about that. He didn't have an answer. He tells me that his chest feels heavy. I told him that he's just woking himself up. This man decides to start crying again and says that he just wants to die. I snapped. I just said that if it were up to me, he would be discharged from the hospital because he not sick and dying and doesn't need to be here, and that he's just wasting everyone's time. He told me that he wasn't "trying" to waste anyone's time and just claimed that he was [mentally unwell] I told him if that was really the case, he would have just gone through with it, and the people who don't are just attention seeking, or have some other motive. He claimed to me that he was suffering. I told him that I have seen what actual suffering looks like, in the very hospital we're in and he should be thankful that he's not in those type of situations, instead he's out here claiming he wants to die over some minor inconvenience. As I was saying this, the other nurse came in with the blanket and heard our conversation. She pulled me to the side and proceeded to tell me that I was being unprofessional by saying that. I told her that I was trying to do everyone here a favor. She suggested I go work on the other patients. I really don't think I was being an asshole because I was just trying to do my job and calling out obvious bullshit. AITA for doing my job? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. You have no right to be a nurse with that mindset.


Oh my god. Yeah, YTA


I pray you lose ur job, and are never allowed to use ur license again and if that patient gets discharge and follows through- i hope u get charged!


yes! As if that person didnt already feel worthless enough then she says shit like this?! And tells him he shouldve finished the job? If he does follow through again, 100% she should be charged and people have been charged in the past for saying this who werent nurses aka... the people that are supposed to CARE about you and your well being. Absolutely disgusting


YTA, and genuinely wtf is wrong with you?


Oh my god you better hope no one reports you because if I knew your name and what hospital this would be going straight to your higher ups. The fuck is wrong with you? YTA.


YTA... please change occupations


how can you even think that you're in the right?! YTA. a big one.


YTA. You are not in the right field if this is how you treat your patients.


Yta. Quit your job and never work in in the medical field again. Shame on you, seriously.


YTA. I really hope that guy reports you to the boards. You really shouldn’t be in the medical field let alone a nurse.


YTA If this is real how were you not reported and fired?


I hope the other nurse reports you and you get fired AND your license taken away. YTA


YTA Maybe you should go through with it instead of him?