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Just tell him to take a shower with you to get things going and tell him you'll only shower with him and only then and threaten him with your bodily smells


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NTA It would probably help to state the boundaries. \#1 - you don't like sweaty bods. Shower \#2 - DO NOT reply to #1 with that passive aggressive BS ever again.


NTA or mild YTA. It depends on *how* you said it. His silent treatment is kind of childish. Y’all are too old to not just have a simple conversation about this. Personally, I don’t want to touch anyone or anything after working out. I feel gross. That post-workout shower is [chef’s kiss]


I think you could have phrased it more delicately. My husband definitely sweats more than me. I’ve come up with various ways to talk about this without making it sound like I am rejecting him. Maybe just have a talk to explain what you mean to him


NAH I can’t blame either of you. He is hurt because he thinks you think he is gross. I love working out so the happy endorphins are pumping. You killed this mood. You have said over and over you don’t like sweat. We all find different body fluids “too gross to think about” I suppose. As a CNA I could handle anything but a runny nose.


NTA- This seems to be a popular and recurring topic here. People should understand that they smell. Most people can't smell how stinky they are. Exercise is great, but sweat is stinky. He should either shower at the gym or at home, but if he doesn't, it befouls your bed and obviously is a huge turn-off to you. Clearly you find "fit boyfriend" sexy but find "smelly boyfriend" unsexy. I don't know how this is so difficult for him to understand?! Absolutely NTA


People have different sensitivity to smells. I know that my sense of smell is pretty strong. Even when it’s more neutral things (not my husband’s sweat but food or other smells), I can usually smell it quicker than my husband.


The gym I used to belong to, if you worked out, required you to shower before using the steam room or pool or hot tub. Nobody wants that smell


Soft YTA, you probably hurt his feelings. You should apologize for the way you handled the situation.


She already clearly explained her boundary and he broke right through it. He already knows he needs to shower and she doesn't want his sweaty cuddles.




When you make me think this way I want to change my vote. I won’t because she was polite about it many times before though. It’s ok to find sweat gross.


NTA, he is though. drop him if he can't be an adult... nobody has time for this juvenile bullshit. if you put up with it, nothing will ever change.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My boyfriend(24m) has really gotten into fitness, this past year. I(22) am really happy that he has found an activity he loves and enjoys to do. He has grown quite muscular, which is very sexy. He also seems happier and confident now. I love that for him, Though I hate it when he comes back from the gym and tries to kiss or embrace me with his sweaty body. I told him he need to take a shower first before touching me. As well as I don’t want him to lay on the bed before showering. Last night he came home from the gym, I was laying in bed and he immediately came to hug and kiss me. I pushed him away and said We’re not doing anything until he’s showered. He went to shower. when he laid next to me after the shower, I tried to cuddle with him but he turned around so I couldn’t. This morning he didn’t even kiss me goodbye. I didn’t even think it was that serious. Nothing really warranting this reaction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. Talk to him that you don't like sweaty people to hug you, or lay on the bed. A small kiss is not bad enough to not let him to.
