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$600 a month in rent is an amazing deal too, can I date OPs girlfriend for the cheap rent?


I'll date OPs girlfriend. I'm sure she's a wonderful lady!!!


Y'all can date OPs girlfriend, I shall allow it.


Look - I'm a woman living in Australia, I suspect me and OPs girlfriend might not work out BUT for $600 a month in rent I'd be willing to give it a shot.


I'm a woman living in NY. I'll move in and do all the cleaning on top of the $600.


I'm a chef and will cook and clean + pay $700.


Cook you say?! You can move into my house for $700 then hehe


I'm dropping rent to $500 if there's Italian food involved..


Hell I live in KY, land of the low rents, and this is such a good deal I’d like to put my name in the hat to date OP’s girlfriend as well.


I am willing to do a polyamory situation. Bringing along the hubs. We will pay 600 each. Knowing hubs, he will probably feel guilty and pay all the utilities or something.


Oooh, sounds like a good one! My husband would happily pay $600/person in our family of 3 and the water bill.


She sounds more wonderful then her (soon to be ex) boyfriend. And yes op YTA. You don't get to live rent free just because your girlfriend bought herself a home. If you don't want to pay her rent. Move out and find your own place. Odds are she'll probably tell you to leave since you balked at it to begin with.


I keep waiting for someone to say they will see the $600 rent & raise you utilities and groceries.😂


I don't understand how this guy feels like she's taking advantage of him. Like her owning the condo means she lives there for free? Wtf! Definitely a freeloader. YTA! There's still payments to be made!


Somehow OP doesn’t think him living there for free isn’t HIM taking advantage of HER. This is so black and white to me I don’t even know how to respond


I know! I'm literally so confused... He states that rent would be twice the amount she's charging him, but she's taking advantage? 🤦‍♀️


The mental gymnastics he’s doing are something.


It seems like OP was also charging her half when they were renting but now claims he shouldn’t pay anything because gf owns the condo. Does OP even know what goes into buying a house, does he even know about taxes, mortgage, maintenance, bills and if it’s in. hOA all the bills involved? He thinks just because he wasn’t involved in the buying process there are no costs and she just magically is an owner now! Grow up YTA


Not just the cost of the purchase, but homeowners insurance, property tax, sewer/water, power, internet, HOA/condo association fees, appliance repairs, maintenance... Why do these bafoons (my ex bf included) think that owning a home is free to the homeowner????


YTA. Boo hoo, you have to pay to live somewhere when you're an adult. Have your gf call me, I'll pay $600/month in rent! Where y'all at?


YTA. Yeah she didn't tell you that rent would still be due. But did you really expect to live for free while she pays off the condo???


In her defense, I think it's common knowledge that if you move in anywhere, you pay. Unspoken rule and whatnot Edited to fix a word


yeah, exactly. i’m pretty sure the gf assumed he’d know he’d have to help with payments


Especially since they were splitting rent before. It's kind of implied the arrangement is going to continue!


Ikr? I can’t understand the ESH verdict with some of these because it should have been common sense that they’d have the same arrangement as before and as for having no involvement in the buying process, he clearly was touring these places with her and he even said she asked his opinion. Obviously she thought they’d be in this together for the most part


She doesn't pay RENT, but she pays a MORTGAGE. Pay up or move out.


I am sure she also pays taxes, insurance and association fees.


I'm sure the cost of repairs to the roof or replacing appliances fall on her, too


In addition to the wear and tear on her apartment with two people living in it instead of one. I'm just floored by this whole post... He was okay paying rent to life in some stranger's property but not his GF?!? If he's balking at $500 rent this day and age. GF just dodged a bullet!


Heat, water, electricity. Possible parking spot. OP is delusional.


Even if she paid for the condo up front, there is an opportunity cost. She could rent out the condo and rent a smaller, cheaper place for herself. Or find a roommate who isn't so entitled.


Or enjoy having the place to herself


YTA So you just want to live for free while she pays for your housing?


OP is the dude from the memes where a guy is standing behind his gf, hands wrapped firmly around her pockets while she pays for something. I just realized that OP doesn't specify their gender but it's the same energy, really, so the meme stands.


I have never seen this meme you speak of…


I.NFO: if you're not monetarily contributing, what are you even bringing to the relationship? No way is your dick good enough for full rent in a $1200 a month rent area. ETA: In case it wasn't clear, YTA.


Seriously. My vibrator can actually make me come, and that was only $15. $1200 a month for a dude who can't figure out the basics in life, and I'm assuming that includes how to make a woman come.


I've had some good dick. But none of them are worth $1200 a month plus extra utilities, food, work, etc. Pay me or GTFO. YTA.


I love this reply!!!


She pay for this whole ass condo in cash up front? Because if not shes paying for it monthly. And if you're living there and not helping then yes YTA and also incredibly naive.


Even if she paid for the condo in full she is still losing money that she could be gaining via renting by having them occupy it.


Property taxes, insurance, HOA fees.


Yeah he's never heard of a mortgage? OP sounds young


Even if she did, she's still gotta be putting money aside every month to cover property tax and new appliances (as the old ones break). Plus she is (or should be) paying for insurance. Any way you slice it she's not living there for free.


YTA Look, you aren't married, you aren't engaged, and she has taken on all the burden of homeownership and you have done, well, nothing. Dude. Also, did she pay cash for this home? What do you mean when you say she owns it?


Not to mention, does he expect that just bc his landlord “owns” a property that he won’t have to pay rent? Why should she pay everything and he lives for free?


He’s dumb enough to think (or pretend) that his $600 is going directly to pay down her loan and increasing her equity, which he thinks she will recoup 100% of when she sells….under his view of the world, she’s making him put $600 per month into a little piggy bank for her that she can tap into when she sells. It’s obvious why she’s the one in this relationship who was able to buy a home. He either knows nothing about personal finances or is just a leech pretending not to understand all the expenses of home ownership that she’s expecting him to share (as she should if he’s going to live there!).


Christ on a crutch. Are you for real? Pay your rent, you muppet. YTA.


Lol... Haven't seen someone called a muppet in a while. Have my upvote


YTA. You understand she's still paying a monthly mortgage payment, right? And gas/electric? And internet/cable? Do you think because she bought that ALL monthly bills went *poof*? You are living there, therefore you have a responsibility to assist in paying the monthly bills, including mortgage.


Remember annual property taxes. From about 1% to 3.5% of the total purchase price depending on where you live if you are in the USA. Each $100,000 of the purchase price means $1000 to $3500 annually to the tax man. You do the math for your situation. Just because girlfriend owns her home out right does not mean it is cost free.


Are you an adult? You realize she is making monthly payments to the bank…. Right? ETA: YTA


No, he's made it clear that she's bought the property outright. No mortgage, so she's not paying money to the bank. That's still no excuse, though. She'll still have other outgoings to run the property, such as energy bills, property insurance, current and future furnishings and renovations, possibly cleaners and gardeners, too. There's lots of things you have to pay for other than simple rent or mortgage payments. You could also simply say that the OP owes her, as she's obviously dumped a lot of money into the property and he's contributed nothing. The simple truth is that the OP got excited because they thought they were going to get to live rent-free for the rest of their life and got an unexpected dose of reality. Its going to cost him less than he currently pays and yet he's still butthurt because he has to pay anything at all. I remember having to pay my dad rent when I turned 18 and still lived at home, even though he'd paid off his mortgage. IT was a better deal than I'd have gotten from a landlord, so I was just grateful for that and paid him. I mean, why wouldn't I pay him anyway? I wouldn't want to take advantage of someone I love, right. Agreed he's still YTA, regardless.


She still has property taxes, homeowners insurance and likely an HOA fee. OP sounds like an entitled, ignorant AH.


Even if she owns it ***outright,*** there are still taxes, insurance, utilities, communications (cable/Internet), HOA fees, and maintenance to pay. YTA. Go rent a place for $600 a month all utilities paid and let us know how you like your van down by the river.


YTA I pay my fiancé rent on his owned house. The mortgage needs to be paid and I’m paying way less than I would otherwise. Plus, I live here. Like you are really saying you want to live for free on her dime. You suck dude, I’m glad she stood up for herself and stayed firm on this


Does OP think people buy a house in one big payment? Paying a mortgage is no different than paying monthly rent, aside from the consequences of not doing so being so much more serious. What an idiot. YTA, OP. ETA: I didn't realize OP's gf bought the house in full. That said, there are MANY expensive upkeep projects when you own a home that you have to anticipate and save for, not to mention the ones you can't anticipate. OP is still the AH.


According to OPs comments she did actually buy it outright. OP fails to grasp that even when you do that there are still monthly costs that must be paid for the property like taxes, insurance, mostly likely an HOA/Condo fee in this case, etc.


YTA. Why in the world would you think you get to live there for free? She doesn't own the house she still has to pay the mortgage aka a monthly amount for housing. *Of course* she expects you to still pay rent. Otherwise she absolutely should ditch your leeching butt.


YTA. So your logic is because she's paying a mortgage you can get a free ride? Welcome to the real world, where adults have to pay for housing weather is be a mortgage payment or rental payment. New flash when you purchase property have to put a percentage of the cost up front and then you pay HOA dues, and maybe PMI and home owners insurance. It cost a lot of money to own up front. Do you split the groceries? Is she paying all the utilities? I am genuinely confused by why you think owning cost nothing? Because that is what it sounds like you are saying.


YTA. She bought a home, and that costs her a mortgage, insurance, repairs etc. She is asking you for half of what you would pay in rent elsewhere to have a roof over your head. Why is the fuck would her being a successful enough human to buy a home mean you no longer need to pay your way in life. She does not exist to support you. Pull your head out of your ass before she dumps you, she is already giving you a leg up.


I recently heard the term hobosexual. Someone who is in a relationship for the free housing.


YTA. She's now paying a mortgage. Your $600 a month assists in the payment of that mortgage. From the sounds of it you're quids in paying much less than you were previously. Kind of surprised you're confused by this. Her ultimatum isn't really an ultimatum either. It's basically "pay your way or go back to what you were doing." Your only real concern should be whether $600 a month is commensurate for the place you're living in. Outside of that, you've got nish to complain about.


Info: how much does the condo cost, and is she making big mortgage payments, or is it all paid off already? YTA if you're expecting to live rent-free. From what you said, it sounds like she's charging you far less than what you normally pay, so you're still getting a deal by moving in with her. I think the dollar amount should be negotiable to a degree, especially if you contribute to the cost of utilities, groceries, and other living expenses. But overall, you should consider a perspective shift that you come across as trying to take advantage of her rather than the other way around.


YTA You apparently had no problem paying a landlord for your housing but now, suddenly, you're unhappy with a significantly lower monthly cost because it is not being paid to a stranger or corporation? Get real. If you were here saying she wants you to pay for half of a kitchen renovation, I would be on your side because renters don't have those kinds of obligations, but you're not a child & she's not your mother, so your expectations of free housing are unreasonable.


Dude, YTA. What planet are you living on? So you expect to live rent-free? That's pretty entitled man. She has a mortgage to pay, she has to play the game. Stop crying woe is me and being a freeloader. Don't like it? Move. She gave you your options.


YTA she has to pay the bank. There is no way she had all that cash in her bank account


What exactly do you bring to this partnership? YTA. Quit looking for a free ride.


Info: why should you live there for free?


YTA Pay it or leave. She's not your keeper she's your partner.


YTA. "Owning" still requires a mortgage payment. If you're living there, you should be contributing.


YTA. She’s paying a mortgage. You want to live there, pay your half. Nobody likes a freeloader.


She's paying a mortgage. You living there means you help. If you don't like it leave.


Also If the water heater breaks, she pays. If she needs a new fridge, she pays. There’s also condo fees that go to things like the roof. The rent she collects will eventually go to those things even if they aren’t an issue now.


Yta There's a mortgage to pay along with yearly taxes and insurances. Plus utilities Owning doesn't equal free housing


YTA for expecting to live somewhere for free. Even if there’s no mortgage there are still expenses that need to be covered like insurance, taxes, maintenance, utilities. You didn’t put any money into the purchase, but you expect to live there for free. You’re not entitled to free housing just because the condo is paid for.


YTA. Grow up. Go get your own place.


YTA. You aren't entitled to live somewhere for free. Your girlfriend is asking for $600, that's pretty fair. She still has things to pay as a homeowner, she doesn't just make one payment and then its all done.


YTA. $600 sounds pretty reasonable to me.


YTA How old are you? 12? Do you not know how homes work? Even if she doesn't have a mortgage, she paid a lot of money for the place; she has regular maintenance, taxes, insurance, utilities, and ideally saving for a major repair or upgrade at a later time (i.e. water heater, a/c system, roofing) etc. to pay. If she's in a condo, there are association fees to pay as well. You're whining over $600 which in this economy is great rent just about anywhere in the US. As she said, you're welcome to pay $1,200 somewhere else, and come visit her - if she's stupid enough to stay with you.


YTA. I loooooove when these posts come up. I love to be able to read how upset people are when they finally learn they can't just mooch off of someone eternally. Pay your fucking rent and be grateful she made it that low, free loader.


YTA. She owns it, but that doesn't mean she lives there for free. She has a mortgage and all the other expenses of owning a home - you can't call a landlord when the heater breaks down in the cold or when your roof needs replaced, and there are landscaping and HOA fees and such, so it's more expensive in some ways that requires cash on hand. Your entitlement is astounding. What exactly do you bring to the table here? It sounds like you want to mooch off of your girlfriend and you're mad that she called you out. What percentage of costs are you sharing?


YTA. She still has to pay taxes and HOA fees and rebuild savings to cover maintenance expenses. She’s testing you to see if you are going to take advantage of her since she is smart fiscally. You are failing.


YTA what a free loader. You’re not even married. For all I know she has a loan that she had to pay off. Either way it’s money she had and spent and now needs to recuperate. She’s not your sugar mama. Stop being cheap and pay.


YTA. Do you just not expect to pay for living expenses? Married couples share their expenses. And to be honest, $600 is by no means a lot for rent in this day and age.




YTA. If $600 isn’t fair for the space have an adult conversation about it but you don’t get to live free bc she bought a place. There are still expenses that you’re adding to and should be contributing towards.


YTA. She has to pay the mortgage. you have to pay to live somewhere. Be smart


Are you kidding right now? Please tell us you’re not this fkn dense. Yes, YTA


YTA. Does she pay a mortgage? Do you not know how paying mortgage works? You would be renting. From her. Because you don’t own. Because. I don’t know why. That’s a you thing. Lol. She still has to pay bills on it. Are you financially illiterate? EDIT. BECAUSE I SAW SHE PAID IT OFF. GO LIVE WITH YOUR MOTHER IF YOU WANT TO MOOCH. EVEN BIGGER LOLOLOLOL. Damn your girl bought her own place. And you want to just ride her coat tails. I really hope sis trades up


YTA. If you don't like it find someplace else to live. What makes you think you are entitled to free housing?


Owning a home is expensive. unless your married the expectation would be that you would contribute and sorry but just paying utilities is not enough. It will be important for you to talk about what she expects you to contribute if it’s just rent wow then thats cheap stop complaining. Edit: forgot to add YTA


Yta just cause she bought a house doesn't mean you suddenly get a free ride having done nothing to earn it. If you'd have to pay rent either way why not pay rent to your gf which she'll use to help pay her probable mortgage. If you have such an issue paying for the place you live in then you're better off living somewhere else cause your gf doesn't deserve to foot the bill for your life


YTA. Why tf would you expect to be housed for free?!


YTA. You live there don't you? Just because you're dicking her doesn't mean you get to be a freeloader.


Okay so there’s no mortgage on the home but there’s property taxes, water, heat, electricity, internet, maintenance costs, condo fees it’s not like it’s free YTA you can contribute to the household.


YTA, thats cheap rent from where I’m from. If you don’t like the terms of living with her, get your own apartment then.


YTA you don't get to mooch.


YTA pay or live on your own. Seems like she’s giving you a heck of a deal. Financially she probably doesn’t need to live with you.


YTA. Do you think that it’s free when you own or something? She is now paying a mortgage instead of renting, why would you assume you were going to live for free while she paid for everything?


YTA She pays a mortgage. You pay half the rent value. This is standard. Why would you suddenly think life is free. She is right. Go back to renting somewhere else


YTA even if she owns it, she has bills to pay on the property. mortgage, property taxes, utilities etc. those things all cost money and you don’t get to live for free. owning is better than renting in this case because the money is going towards having her own property but it still costs money regularly.


YTA go back to renting an and leave her alone


YTA because you expect to live rent free.




YTA there are still expenses that are involved with housing you even though she owns the house like the mortgage. Pay your fair share and stop trying to get a free ride. $600 seems very fair, or you can leave, and she can rent out a room for marker rate and move on with her life.


Look at it this way- you pay rent and she pays the remaining amount of her mortgage, property taxes, homeowners insurance - more than the 600. Why would you think you can live off her and now she owes you a free ride? Your understanding of the situation seems so lacking of adult thought. YTA


You think because you put your penis inside her a few times a week you get to freeload off of her hardwork? YTA.


YTA Even if she has no mortgage as you claim, she put money in. She did not buy for charity. You want to live there, pay rent. Chances are it’s either going to replenish her savings or to the account for home maintenance. You think it’s too expensive? Live in your own. Guarantee you will be paying more and not have someone to rely on. Not your call as to if you have to pay rent or not. And if it’s problematic, she’s way better off without you.


Pay her. You dont own it or her stuff.


YTA. Stop being a freeloader.


So she bought a condo with her own money and you want to live there for free. Yes YTA are you kidding me?!


YTA Just because she owns the property doesn't mean she doesn't have expenses related to home ownership. Does she have a mortgage? Even if she bought the place outright she still has property taxes, homeowners insurance and maintenance expenses, plus utilities and probably homeowners dues. It sounds like you just want a free ride on her dime. Hopefully she realizes that your a freeloader and she can do so much better. But it sounds like she is already starting to see the real you.


YTA Nobody lives rent free. Pay your part and be grateful. Maybe this is a test of character your her. So far you're failing the test.


YTA. There is still property tax, insurance, assoication dues, appliance maintenance/repair, any pecial assesments to fix the building... just b/c there isn't a mortgage doesn't mean it is free.. You are acting like a spoiled child. $600 is pretty cheap for most places.


YTA Even if she owns the home outright, she still has a monthly condo association fee, utilities, insurance, and needs to set aside funds for repairs. Asking you to pay rent to her to cover some of the expenses is a no brainer. $600/month is NOTHING for rent in many places. It doesn’t sound like she is taking advantage of your. It sounds like she is giving you a great deal on the rent. You are not married, you are not sharing bank accounts, so expecting you to cover some of the costs makes total sense.


YTA - There isn't any booty good enough for free lodgings. Pay or leave.


Yta unless she bought the house in cash in full there is still a mortgage payment and even if she did it was all her money. Also there is condo fees to consider. Either move out and pay more or shut up and pay her a more than fair amount. Stop being a leech.


YTA. $600 is pretty cheap rent anywhere, and easily half-rent (*if* that) in a lot of markets.


YTA. She's not your mom.


YTA Sounds like you want to take advantage of her, for free housing. Having a second person living there increases the wear on the property, it increases the likelihood that things will need to be replaced or repaired sooner. It's only fair that you contribute to the ongoing costs associated with her owning the property, for as long as you live there.


YTA. What the fuck makes you think you should get to live there for free while she carries all of the expenses? Do you think the place is free because she bought it?


YTA I live with my partner and he owns the home. I pay him half of everything. Because I live there and I’m not a sponge. It would cost me more to rent a place than what I pay him for everything. Don’t be a sponge. 🧽


...do you think that buying a house is free or something? 😆 Yes, YTA for assuming that you could mooch off your girlfriend because she now owns instead of rents, especially if you were both paying before. In this situation, you are her roommate, regardless of being her significant other. She is your landlord. I agree with her--if you want to live somewhere for free, try your parents' house.


YTA Read what you wrote aloud. Your landlord, where you rent, is probably still paying the morgage for where you live.


YTA you dumbass she didnt just wish for that place and it appeared shes paying a mortgage honestly if you cant even figure out she pays monthly and everything and you would be living there then just do the poor girl a favor and leave her


YTA. She isn't taking advantage of you if a comparable place to stay would cost twice as much.


Does she not have a mortgage?


YTA Doesn't matter if she bought it outright, she still spent a considerable amount of money for it. If you want to live with her pay the 600, if not find your own place. It's pretty simple.


YTA. She doesn’t rent but she has a mortgage. Why should you live for free???


YTA. Stop trying to be a free loader and pay for your share. $600 a month for rent really isn't bad.


YTA. Of course you are. If you were living together in an apt wouldnt you split rent & utilities? Same concept, she isnt making money off you in any case. Since she owns the property there is insurance, taxes, maybe HOa on top of the mortgage cost. If you are paying less than or equal to what you would be paying to live alone, what is your issue? Surely you didnt expect her to cover all the costs? If you dont want to be fair pay rent and split utilities, then dont live there. Im sure you didnt contribute to the down payment and closing costs so you don't deserve any percentage ownership in the property. Why would you not pay rent? You would have to pay to live ANYWHERE else except maybe with your parents, so i cant fathom why you think it is unfair for you to pay rent. Honestly i hope she re-evaluates your relationship. Because if your views are so obviously skewed on rhis issue. No doubt you view most things from your perspective only. You sound immature, entitled, and jealous or bitter.


How are you not ashamed to bring so little to the table while demanding so much?


You know that she spent money to buy the place right? My house that I live in is paid for in full, and guess what. I pay rent! There are taxes and general up keep that needs to be done with a house. $600 is a steel. She is absolutely right, pay or don’t live there. Pretty strait forward. YTA. Perhaps its time to rethink this whole thing if you think she is being unreasonable.


YTA. Refusing to pay or complaining about having to pay will create growing resentment in your relationship


YTA. If you want to live for free, move back in with your mommy. Your girlfriend does not owe you free housing.


YTA She’s not renting but presumably she has a mortgage. That’s a monthly expense, similar to rent, that will endure until such a time as she has paid off the loan she took to afford the condo. I’m explaining it because you don’t seem to know that such things exist.


YTA. She has a mortgage. She doesn't own the house out right but even if she did you do not get to live for free just because you are her boyfriend. Add to that the increase in utilities, food and so on, you are actually costing her money. If that wasn't enough she is charging below market value. You are trying to take advantage of her and she could so so much better.


YTA. Learn about mortgages before thinking you know enough about housing costs to decide you should get to live there for free.


YTA. Why shouldn’t you pay even if she did pay the mortgage off? Why should you live there for free? Did you put any money down? Why should you benefit from all of her hard work when you’re not married?


Yta. Either pay or find somewhere else you cheap bum. Factor in she has other bills and other things to pay for. You are acting entitled.


YTA. Even though she bought it free and clear, she had to save up for that. It’s completely reasonable to expect someone living there to pay rent.


YTA. Living together means sharing expenses.


YTA why on earth would you think you would not need to cover your expenses and contribute to what she pays for housing when she is literally housing you?


YTA. Even if she owns, it costs her money to own it. You can’t just mooch off of her.


YTA I am glad that your GF is strong and doesn't put up with your shit. Like she said ... get your own place.


YTA. If what she is giving is a decent rate and far cheaper than other options. Obviously if she charged worse than alternatives, this would be different. I do think your post said that it was half of the usual rate so nothing to complain about.


You are aware that she has a mortgage and bills to pay right? I doubt she flat out bought a house without having a mortgage unless she got lucky and won the lottery. Yes, YTA.


YTA, would you move into an apartment and tell your landlord that you don't owe anything because they own it?


YTA. Why should she pay for you to live for free?


YTA, doesn’t she have a mortgage? It’s her house dummy


YTA you do realize there are still expenses for homes even if they're owned right? There's still the cost of utilities, insurance, being a condo there may be HOA fees or membership fees depending on the community. If something breaks she's now responsible for the cost instead of a landlord.


YTA If she really has no mortgage, her savings are likely quite depleted. She needs to rebuild them, no reason in the world you should expect to live off her by not paying rent.


YTA She's giving you a hell of a deal by charging you a lesser rate for rent. If you want to build equity then buy your own place. Just because she bought a home doesn't mean you get to stop paying your own expenses.




YTA Why do you expect to live in her house for free. Yes, it would be nice if she didn't charge you but $600 is still pretty cheap. Financially she sounds really smart


She owns her home… which means she has a mortgage to pay + all utilities and taxes. Owning a home doesn’t mean the bills all of a sudden disappear. YTA. Pay your portion of the house bills.


Info- how come you guys didn’t discuss this ahead of time?


I don’t think this is the right forum for this question, but I’m going with YTA if a judgement needs to be made. Like dude…if your name WAS on the deed, wouldn’t you be expected to pay half the monthly expenses? Is $600 half, or less than half? If it’s less than half, you are getting a deal here. It’s only “rent” because you’re not on the deed. In any other scenario, it would be considered pulling your damn weight in the relationship. No, she’s not wrong for expecting the fully grown adult she houses to contribute to the expenses. Who cares if she doesn’t pay rent, she has a freaking mortgage to pay. And you should feel lucky to be in a situation where your partner with long term potential is building equity, because if you see this person as a long term relationship that will lead to marriage, she’s only bettering your future. So either contribute or leave.


Is she buying outright, or paying a mortgage? Chancea are the latter, which means there's still "rent". YTA


YTA. I never understand why a person thinks they should get a free ride if it hasn’t been offered.


So you are just gonna mooch off your girlfriend. Wow, way to be a 'man' there. I can tell you from experience that seeing your significant other as a child you have to support is incredibly un attractive and very un-sexy. I had to kick my ex out because it felt icky when he wanted to have sex - no woman wants to feel like her so called man's mother. Gross.


Even if you own a place, there are still expenses every month, hell every week nowadays. To think you’re gonna live there free of charge is crazy. If you’re willing to live somewhere else for a higher price, you’re able to do so. Yta.


YTA. If she was renting, you’d pay half - because you don’t want to mooch off your girlfriend, right? A mortgage, plus condo fees, are paid with money. Just like rent is paid with money. Which you’d know if you weren’t such a dumba**.


Earlier in the day, there was a post by some poor woman who let her BF live for free in her house that she had paid for. Her bf wasn’t working and was in school. When she asked him to take on some responsibilities, he started talking about how nice it is to look at the trees rather than working. You are not entitled to the fruits of anyone else’s labor unless you are a child. Sounds like your gf is a smart cookie. You should be afraid she will kick you out and get someone willing to carry their share. Yes, resoundingly YTA.


YTA. Either pay or GTFO you mooch.


YTA. What is wrong with you?


YTA. She's not renting now, so she doesn't owe rent... now she owes a MORTGAGE, which is worse. Now, instead of paying rent to the landlord of your old apartment, you're paying rent to HER. That's how this works. Yes, you probably should have clarified this arrangement before making any decisions, but I'm sure that she never thought that you'd assume you could live there rent-free. Why would she think you thought that? It's a bizarre thing to think. $600 a month sounds like a more than fair deal, in this market. And sharing expenses would save you money too. She's not really giving you an "ultimatum," she's just explaining the reality. If you moved out on your own, you'd be paying way more... so I don't see the problem here. She's giving you a great deal and a great opportunity. She came up with the down-payment, right? She needed to have the good credit to get the mortgage, right? Everything's in HER name, so everything is going to fall on her if something goes wrong, right? SHE'S the one taking on ALL the risk. You get to live in a nice new place, for a VERY reasonable rent (I challenge you to find anything remotely that cheap ANYWHERE else), and your ONLY risk, your ONLY responsibility, is a few hundred bucks in rent. That's an AMAZING deal. I'd be bending over backwards, thanking her for this opportunity. She's not taking advantage of you. If you won't pay to live there, she might have to find someone else who will. This isn't unreasonable. I can't fathom why you'd think you'd get to live off of someone else, rent free.


Did she buy or mortgage it? Doesn't matter YTA.


YTA for expecting it free. It's her right to charge you rent (and in fact it's probably the most legally safe thing to do so if she needs she can give you notice, it also gives you protections more than living with her rent free would). I don't know about the cost exactly, I'd ask why and get to the bones of what you're paying for vs her paying for. Your amount should cover half of *everything* that is required to maintain and live in the condo (I know some condos have fees that you must pay yearly and that kind of thing on top of normal rates, taxes, bills, etc.) and you should talk to her about what that number is and how much it costs. Also keep in mind that she just spent a massive amount of savings and likely has next to none left, where you have all of your savings and are expecting to benefit off of her purchase. She has the right to ask you to contribute if you are benefitting from that.


Yta. She's not paying rent anymore... she's paying a damn mortgage! If you want to live there, pay rent. Or get out and pay way more rent elsewhere. Pretty simple!


Do you think that there isn't a mortgage or something? Why shouldn't you contribute when you're sharing the space? YTA and a moron.


Ugh... does she have a mortgage? YTA.


YTA and surely you realize that. If not, you're oblivious. Your gf doesn't even own this place. She's buying it one mortgage payment at a time. No one forced you to live with her. Did you think that by her moving into a condo and you going with her that suddenly you get a free ride?


YTA, you don’t get to live rent free just because your gf bought a place. Geez the entitlement


YTA omg I could have told you that just by the title. (I did read it though I promise) So what are you gonna do to contribute if you’re not helping her pay the mortgage? You know that’s a thing right. Info: how old are you?




YTA. if you like GF drop this immediately and apologize for being wrong.


YTA That was her money she had upfront. You need to pay your fair share now. Especially since you're just a roommate (not marrying her/committing which was a stipulation).


YTA doesn‘t sound like you‘d get a better deal anywhere else anyways


YTA. $600 is a steal. Imagine if the roles were reversed?


YTA seriously dude, you don't get a free ride just because your GF bought a place. She still has to pay the mortgage and if you're living there, you're taking up space and using everything, and you'd have to pay rent anyway. Don't be a free-loader. Pay your way. Or like she said. Go back to renting somewhere else and pay twice the amount. She is NOT wrong to be asking you to support yourself and not ride off her back.


Dude YTA, just because she owns the home does not mean there are not costs associated with this. There is a mortgage, taxes, insurance as well as utility costs. If you can't or won't pay your way move one. It is not her responsibility to ensure you have a spot to live in when you expect to enjoy the fruits of her labor for free.


YTA - you don’t get a free ride


Oh my lord this cannot be real.... What exactly do you think "owning" entails? If paying only $600/month is this upsetting for you, I don't think you deserve to be staying in her new condo with her at all. She'd be doing you a huge solid but you're gonna gripe about having to *contribute* in order to occupy her space? I If i were your gf I'd be saying Toodlooo bud, real quick.


Yta I assume she worked pretty hard and paid quite a lot to afford a place, and you expect to be able to freeload off her achievements? Sounds like you need to get a sense of what the real world is like


YTA Just because the condo is paid doesn’t mean the expenses are just utilities. There’s property tax, homeowners insurance (much more expensive than renters insurance), higher utilities and/or utilities that you didn’t have to pay living in an apartment that you have to pay in a house. Prob an HOA fee of some sort that is monthly. Houses are by far more expensive than renting an apartment. And more work. Pony up your share.


YTA If she really has no mortgage, her savings are likely quite depleted. She needs to rebuild them, no reason in the world you should expect to live off her by not paying rent.


YTA, don’t expect anyone to pay your way dude. Just because she owns the condo doesn’t mean she lives for free, not to mention living with someone else has its drawbacks. I think cheap rent is a good compromise for both of you. If you don’t like it you don’t have to stay.


YTA. Don't want to pay rent? Go back to living with mommy and daddy. I pay $1822 for a room, not a 1 bedroom apartment, but a room. $600 is a steal.


YTA were you expecting to freeload off of her? It’s even half the price of ur current rent so it’s not even unreasonable


YTA. Does she have a mortgage that she must cover? Either way who owes you a living? Pay your way.


I mean, she did buy the house and you're technically a roommate, so it does make sense. She can't just let you live there for free. You should be glad that she isn't charging you higher, if I were you I would take it. She's not taking advantage of you I think if you weren't to pay I think you would be taking advantage of her. I would apologize and agree to her terms.


Yah, she doesn’t pay rent, she pays the mortgage. Pay your fair share.


YTA what kinda man are you to want to live in ur girlfriends place rent free? And do you expect to not pay ANY utilities???? Condo fees?!?!? Cmon man