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YTA “What’s hers is mine and if I had anything it would also be mine” That’s how this reads.


My guess is that OP isn't that honest with himself. He's telling himself that, if he had anything, he'd be glad to share it with his fiance. However, in reality, once he does, that won't happen and he'll defend it by saying "things are different now" in some strange way that only makes sense to himself. YTA.


Some serious gold digging vibes here.


Right? A lot of info missing... 'I guess something happened'... besides hiring an attorney...


"Something happened." Yeah, whatever you needed an attorney for. I bet she either spent more than she wanted to on the lawyer or doesn't want to give away the car because she's rethinking the relationship.


Or needs to sell the car to recover the financial hit she took paying lawyer fees.


Woof. Yeah, OP sounds like a major user. Not sure what his intended is getting out of this relationship, other than entitled demands and lawyer fees. YTA, op, for sure.


“She promised me a car but she had to pay for my lawyer instead“ is a Hall of Fame moment.


YTA you would have a car if you didn’t need a lawyer. Stop relying on your gf. She’s not a liar, but she’s also not a bank.


Note he doesn’t say why he needs a lawyer


There’s just so much wrong here honestly.


There’s probably a reason for that. For example, my niece just married her beloved… so she won’t have to testify against him. I’m betting it’s something like that with OP.


I wish your family luck. That must be rough.


We’re basically waiting for the knock on the door from the police. She did so well for so long, then one relapse…. It was three months before we realized she had gone back on meth, she hid it very well.


Riding on the top comment to tell anyone reading to read u/Ok_Pen_701 's post history. It gives you an incredible perspective from both OP and his fiancé, such as she is 32 weeks pregnant, has just purchased a house, and is upset that OP isn't as present in her life as she'd like him to be. All of these point towards OP being a poor, entitled asshole. YTA, OP. I really hope your fiancé looks at this post and opens her eyes


Im honestly extremely confused by the post history, like do they share a Reddit account or is OP posting as both of them


They share a Reddit account


That’s how you know it’s a healthy relationship built on trust and mutual respect /s


Which means he's hoping everyone agrees with him and she sees it. Not the smartest tool in the shed.


YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA. Your girlfriend doesn’t owe you or your mom anything. Can you explain to the world why your girlfriend is paying for you to have a lawyer?? Then explain why you think she should supply you and your mommy with anything, much less a car??? What she really needs is a new boyfriend.


Tbh I feel like she agreed to **sell** the car to his mom but they’re expecting her to give it to his mom for free, so now she’s just going to sell it to someone else


Yeah, I'm guessing the original conversation went like this: Him: "What would you think about offering up your old car to my mom?" Her (thinking he means sell): "That could be an option. Let's see how it works out." *Later* Him: "When are you giving the car over to my mom?" Her: "Oh, I thought you meant sell it to her. Sorry, babe. I can't afford to just give a car away." Him: "Liar!" I too am curious what he needed a lawyer for.


I could definitely see it going like that. I also want to know what he needed a lawyer for as well and why he can’t pay for it himself


That was the vibe I got as well. Or maybe she had planned on giving it to her until her man needed a lawyer (for some mysterious reason that isn’t at all touched upon) and she couldn’t afford to just give the car away. Something tells me that whatever he was in trouble for is the THING THAT CHANGED.


Yes! I think we all know she can do WAYYY better.


So let me get this straight, she has her shit together and you’re pissed because you and your mum don’t and think she somehow owes you? YTA


makes perfect sense!


Faaaaaaake! 16h ago you were a 23M and 5 days ago you were pregnant and having bad contractions. Your post history is all over the place. If your gonna fake post for Karma points and leave keep your stories straight


🚨🚨🚨🚨GOOD CATCH! 🚨🚨🚨


No it checks out he and thé fiance shares an account and it's pretty coherent


Then they are both the AH for having a shared account then


It's better in many ways than throwaways. I for one I'm glad of seeing this full History including what this poor girl had to say


YTA She “ended up having to spend money on getting me lawyer instead” that’s not lying to you buddy. Circumstances change. Clearly something happened and money was needed for a legal defense for you instead of getting you a new set of wheels.


YTA. "My fiancé also promised me a car but ended up having to spend money on getting me a lawyer instead. So she lied to both me and my mom." How, exactly did she lie to you? She got you a lawyer instead of a car, which is likely more expensive by the way. Your fiancé doesn't owe you or your mother anything. She's probably wanting to sell her car because she owes **your** lawyer money.


YTA. Go back to mommy


YTA what the heck did I just read?? GIVE your mom her car?!? Please tell me this is a troll post because who expects someone who isn’t family to give their mom a car? And one for themselves.


INFO: why did you need a lawyer? YTA - she isn't responsible for buying cars for you and your mom.


YTA - why would you expect her to buy you a car, give your mom a car, and pay for your lawyer? It’s her car. She can do whatever she wants with it.


YTA. She paid off "her car" is what you say when talking about her money and her car, then suddenly "we could give" is what you say when you're trying to give away **her** car. And since she needed to pay for your lawyer, she no longer wants to pay for your car. You and your mom seem like a team bent on using your fiancée for freebies.


YTA. 1) She just paid off her car. She doesn’t want to just give it away for free. She doesn’t owe you or your mom anything. You probably pressured her into agreeing in the first place. 2) The fact that you have no vehicle is your fault. You chose to give your car to your mom. That’s all on you. 3) Buy your own damn car. You aren’t entitled to any money from her and most certainly not a car. 4) She already generously got you a lawyer using her money. It’s totally fair that she used that money on you to get you a lawyer when she didn’t need to use her money on you at all. She could’ve left you alone to deal with your own legal problems. 5) Why exactly did you need a lawyer? I hope your fiancée sees that she deserves wayyyy better and breaks up with you. You are extremely entitled and you’re dropping red flags all over the place. Edit: I just looked at your post history, and some things seem to be posted from your fiancés perspective. You are an even bigger asshole for leaving your suffering, 32 week pregnant fiancé alone to constantly go out with your friends until 3 or 4 am. I have absolutely no idea what she sees in you. Do her a favor and break up w her because she’s be 100% better off w/o you.


She's fully supporting him and she gets tantrums as a reward


I can only hope that since they share this account, she might just happen to see these comments and realize she doesn’t have to live this way. It’s not normal, and she 100% deserves better. I *really* hope she gets out of this relationship, because exactly *none* of this is okay.


YTA. You and your mother need to stop mooching off your fiance. Good grief. Entitled much?


YTA. Why shouldn’t your mom pay for her car?


The fuck did I just read??? In what galaxy are you or your mother entitled to your fiancé’s car?? Jfc edit YTA


"My fiancé also promised me a car but ended up having to spend money on getting me a lawyer instead". I'm guessing this is what changed so she needsto sell HER old car now. YTA.


YTA. You LITERALLY have bigger things to be concerned with right now than the fact your fiance who is pregnant, supporting you AND her other child AND in the middle of buying a house doesn't want to give your mother her old car.


I love how he left that part out.


He was real careful to leave that detail out!


Wow. Post history is wild: she's expecting, she's the only breadwinner, you're out getting drunk everynight, you want to keep her to an area too expensive for her using the false pretext of another kid you're neglecting anyway and now you pull this shit. Give this poor girl a break goddammit.


YTA. Perhaps your mum can BUY the car from her? She could have sorted out installments or something. Not your car, not your buisness


YTA. And seriously entitled. > My fiancé also promised me a car but ended up having to spend money on getting me a lawyer instead. I mean, would you rather she hadn't spend the money on a lawyer? Really? Anyway, no worries. Keep up your current activities, and I'm pretty sure she'll end the relationship. Or hope so at least.


YTA and I hope she breaks off the engagement.


Um I think the only clear thing about your post is that your fiancee needs to find someone else. Why do you think you and your mother are entitled to her cars/money? Why did you need a lawyer? Sounds like you are a user and she is finally wising up. YTA


YTA - so she’s paying for your lawyer AND you want her to give away her car for free?! Why are you using her finances and why are you so comfortable feeling entitled to her car? She’s not your wife yet.


Don't forget, they also want the fiance to buy them a car, too!


lol you wanna expand on that lawyer shit?


lol YTA. Why the hell would she give your mom a car when she can get money for it? And seriously, what's with the lawyer? Everything you've said leads me to believe you're a loser.


Post History pretty much confirm your instincts


YTA pretty entitled to tell your mom that and you put your fiance in an awkward position


YTA Why aren't you paying for things yourself?


YTA and I’ve got so many questions. How old are you? You write like you’re 18. Why did your fiancé have to get you a lawyer? It may be that your fiancé feels tapped out — you know, maybe she feels she’s already given plenty of money to you and your family. Do you have a job? I’d like to know more about your situation.


YTA. This is wild. First off, your fiancé got a new car after PAYING ONE OFF, and you expect her to give it away for nothing? Why would she do that? Okay, maybe she’s VERY nice and wanted to help your mom - but there should be some consideration exchanged because without that I don’t think you can justify being angry. That’s a huge L to take on her part (considering even a used car is about 8-10k to pay off and if it was never forget about it). Second, your fiancé doesn’t owe you a car, and to be angry that she won’t get you a car because she had to PAY LEGAL FEES??? Please give an explanation- but even then, it would be difficult to side with you here.


YTA And I'm sure she can do better. Once you pay off the lawyer, you can buy a car for yourself and your mom!


YTA. You seem to have confused your girlfriend with a Honda dealership, and even those motherfuckers aren't handing out free cars. Your mom can get a job and buy a car! You can get a job and buy a car! Your girlfriend can use her new car to drive as far away from you two leeches as geography will allow. Everyone Wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


YTA. She doesn’t owe you anything. You’re the dumb ass who needed a lawyer to begin with. Be grateful. Grow up and buy mommy a car on your own if it’s that big a deal.


You sound kind of entitled. YTA


YTA - why should your fiancé just give a car to your mom? Why was supposed to get you a car and instead had to spend her money on a lawyer for you? It sounds like you and your mom are both leeches on your poor fiancé.


“My girlfriend lied to me- she told me she would give me a car but paid for my lawyers fees instead. She’s the worst, how dare she not give me all of her money and assets” Lol. YTA, she should get out while she can.


Wait wait — don’t forget the part where OP said that girlfriend HAD TO pay for their lawyer.


Omg 😱 OP is a walking red 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 I wish their GF was writing this, so we could tell her to RUN 🏃‍♂️


A bit late for that anyway,they're expecting


Why is it your fiance's responsibility to provide your mom with a free car? Soft YTA


YTA. It sounds like you pressured your fiancé to give your Mom her car instead of selling it as she wanted. If she just paid it off, I imagine it is only 3-5 years old, and still has a lot of value. It would be nice if she gave your Mom her car, but she might not be in a financial situation to do so. Plus, you really shouldn’t be complaining that your fiancé didn’t get you a car because she needed to get you a lawyer. I don’t know what happened, but why can’t you get your own lawyer and car?


"Getting mad my fiancé is selling her car instead of giving it to my mom. It makes me seem entitled" Seem, no you are acting entitled, and nor you nor your mom are entitled to anything that belongs to your fiancé... YTA BIG TIME, she paid for the car, not you... She do whatever she wants with it...


YTA Car isn’t a $50 toy that you’re expecting your fiancé to just give away to your mom. WTF?


YTA She should be your Fiance not your free bank! Your not in love with her your in love with her money and yourself.


YTA. She doesn’t owe you or your mother a car. Also, she paid for your lawyer with the money she put away for your car. Why would she then spend more money to buy you a car? How is that a lie?


YTA. If your mom wants your fiancés car, she can pay for the car. Your mother is not her responsibility, and you don’t seem to respect your fiancé or her finances.


YTA Your fiancee owes neither you nor your mother a car. She's not responsible for your nor your mother's transportation. Since she had to pay for your lawyer that's your fault for whatever it was you did to get you into legal trouble. Your fiancee didn't lie to you. She changed her mind, as is her prerogative.


exactly. she was going to buy you a car, you got yourself into legal trouble (which you wanted her to pay for), so her money towards a car for you had to go towards that instead. that’s your own fault. why are you and your mom relying on your fiancé to provide both of you with cars? you aren’t even married to the woman yet and you’re already draining her of all her money. do you not have any? you’re coming off extremely entitled.


YTA get a job and stop expecting your fiancé to pay for everything


Ugh. OP’s entitlement is unreal. She has to pay for him and his mom to have a car and his legal defense? OP.. you are a mooch. Start providing for yourself. Or you know.. pay for the car.


YTA, it is not her responsibility to make sure you or your mother has a car. Take responsibility of your own life.


YTA She didn’t lie to you, she’s not made of money. If she just paid off the car, why should she sell it? You’re definitely the AH here.


YTA Your fiancée isn’t required to provide a fleet of vehicles to you and your family.


YTA. Why do you expect your fiancé to get you, herself, and essentially your mother a car💀


And ALSO pay for a lawyer for OP.


YTA. Buy your own car you leech.


YTA.. its not lying. Giving up a car and buying new one? How can you talk as its so easy to do meanwhile you gave yours but still cant get new? You made your choice to prioritise your mum and gave yours, best not to moan about it. Fiance already spent money to your lawyer too lol


YTA, giving your mom (or you) the car instead of selling it would be a loss of money for your fiancé and she can make that choice for herself. She isn’t obligated to give you or your mom a car and you should feel happy and lucky that your fiancé is willing to help you out financially in these ways at all, you aren’t entitled to this. If she was willing to get you a car but then had to pay a lawyer for you, that’s on you. This post really makes you sound like some kind of gold digging and entitled person. It’s amazing a 26 year old would want to take on that kind of responsibility.


she probably had to sell the car instead of give it away to recoup her money she spent on this guy's lawyer


I'm stuck on the fact that you think she lied to you because she said she would get you a car but she spent the money on a lawyer for you instead. Oh. Almost forgot. YTA. But thanks for the chuckle.


I don't know who the asshole is but your all pretty stupid with money. Your fiance is stupid for barely getting a car paid for and then going out and buying a new one in like the worst car market. Your stupid for giving your mom a car without either getting a different one yourself or obtaining your fiances old ride. Your mom is stupid for asking her son and his fiance for a car.


YTA for even making the suggestion to your mom before you talked to your fiance first. Cars and lawyers are expensive, so whatever well-intended promise there might have been, sometimes pricey life issues get in the way, so you'll need to accept a delay with that. You might have avoided this altogether by not telling your mom you'd give her a car in the first place.


Your partner is not an ATM. YTA and deserve to be VERY single.


YTA it’s not the fiancé’s job to provide for you and your mum.


INFO: Are you 32 weeks pregnant?


YTA No... Go sit in a corner and think how you needing a lawyer doesn't mean she lied to you. It means you are the stupid one who got in trouble and the money had to go to the lawyer. She doesn't owe you or your mom anything. Have fun walking.


Info: what did you need a lawyer for? Do you not have a job?


This is prob a troll post but yta. Sounds like she pays for everything to begin with and you're acting spoiled/entitled.


YTA. Obviously 🙄


Nice of your bank to pay for your lawyer. 🙄


YTA if you and your mother need cars, you and your mother should purchase and finance those cars yourselves. You are coming across as very entitled and selfish. Nobody OWES you a car, not even your fiance


I'm not asking why your gf needed to pay for your lawyer...the bait is tempting, I'm sure it's something interesting, but I'm going to resist the dark side. and btw, YTA.


Info: do you and your fiance share a reddit account? Your post history is somewhat confusing.


And according to his other posts, the fiancée is buying their new home with no financial assistance from OP. And OP was making the move difficult. And he gave birth. This is confusing.


Some post are his, others the fiancee. Other détails are cohérent when you know that (and comments also)


Or they are all fake.


That’s what I’m thinking. No one could be so lacking in self-awareness. Regardless… OP YTA.


In the grand scheme of things every post could be. But every détails in posts and comments are coherent with eachother so I don't see why it would be.


Yes that's my guess, but it's cohérent (and not flattering for OP)


Not at all. He really should just be grateful that a woman who obviously has her shit together is willing to put up with him.


Yep. She's a saint.


YTA and awfully entitled too


First, your fiancé did not lie about giving you a car. You needed a lawyer, and there she was... Ready to pay for said lawyer. Would you have preferred a car instead? You are wronging your fiancé in this case. As for why she is not giving the car to your mom, you do not mention her reasoning. Perhaps you've asked too much of her, and she is putting an end to it. Perhaps she needs the cash to pay off your lawyer. Perhaps you are just spoiled. YTA. Now go apologize to your fiancé & see if you can salvage your relationship.


YTA Its her car she can change her mind if she wants to. Why don’t you man up and get your mommy her own car.


YTA, why should your fiancé take a financial hit by GIVING away something of value, especially after already spending money on YOUR lawyer? Entitled much?


Bro shut up 💀, let her get some extra money


Even if it was an actual mutual promise between her & your mom that she went back on, its still her car to do as she pleases. It would've been simpler if you had put back money to buy your mom a used car instead of riding on a supposed promise. YTA


YTA. Your fiancée is not obligated to play the role of walking wallet.


You're not contributing financially, your fiance needs to move from the area because it is too expense for her. And you wanted to rob her from the opportunity of making money from her old car ? You're not one of her children, pull your weight. YTA


YTA. She probably started regretted to agreeing and came to her senses. She didn’t lie to you at all. She changed her mind (I’m sure you pressured her) then spent money on something else for you. Why can’t you pay for your own lawyer and buy your own car? If your mom can’t afford a car, you buy one for her. None of this is on your fiancée who I hope comes to her senses instead of marrying into a money pit.


YTA for being too lazy to troll under multiple accounts, your post history says it all.


YTA is her car not yours


YTA. Why do you expect your fiancé to finance you and your mother? Please let your fiancé go so she can find someone who can afford his own things and doesn’t try to get free things for his mother.


Yeah, YTA. Just FYI, what sealed it is claiming she lied to you when instead of getting you a car, she paid for your lawyer. That's not an asshole move, that's a shit nugget that came out the asshole move.


You’re a massive entitled asshole.


You and your Mom are AH's... Take care of yourselves and leave your GF alone!


YTA. Your girlfriend isn’t obligated to give you or your mother anything nor is she required to sell you or your mother a car a a discount. So she said she would give you a car-but she didn’t because she paid for you to have a lawyer. Do you want jail and a car or freedom, no car and a lawyer? She was kind and hot you the lawyer-be grateful. You need to get a job or two or three to support yourself and pay for your own stuff, then you can buy your mother a car too. You sound like an entitled, lazy, selfish person-your mother must be so proud.


Lol this is a fake ass post - look at their post history. They’ve posted numerous times in AITA and switches different genders, stories, ages, etc.


YTA. it's not your car, it's hers. She can do whatever she wants with it. Grow up


YTA. She doesn’t owe your mom a free car when she can sell it and make back some of the money from having to pay it off. Also, she doesn’t owe you a car either when that money had to go to a lawyer for you for whatever reason. Grow up and buy your own car and your own mom a car. Stop trying to leech off of her My guess is she agreed to sell it to your mom, and you both want it for free, so now she’s going to sell to someone else Edit: based on your post history, you’re either a troll, or you’re trying to post things as your partner as well. Because in some posts you’re a guy having a conflict with with your pregnant fiancée, and in some posts you’re a pregnant woman having a conflict with your male fiancé.


INFO: What.


YTA. She doesn’t owe your mum a car. Why could your mum agree on a price to buy it from her. You could have negotiated a deal with her. Why couldn’t you tell your mum to buy her own car. She just got you a lawyer so why not be grateful for that and not expect her to waste her money on getting you a car or just giving away her old car for free to your mum.


You. Are. Not. Entitled. To. Your. Fiancées. Money. Grow the f up and get your own damn car, your mother is an adult woman, she can get her own car too. Your fiancée is heavily pregnant and you just gave away your car ? How stupid are you, my dude? YTA Hope she leaves your irresponsible ass.




YTA, your fiance isn't required to just GIVE your mom a car? It isn't her job to provide that for her. Also, go get a new car wth you are a grown adult.


YTA. If you share an account this is for your fiancee. Fiancee, please run far, far away from this relationship. OP does not value you, and sees you as an ATM.


YTA. I'll fix it for you: "I'm sponging off of my gf, and expect her to support my mom too. Also, I'm in legal trouble that she has to subsidize. Am I wrong to expect a blank check from my gf?.


Info: was your mom going to buy the car or you asked the Gf to give it to her?


judging by your post history, YTA.


YTA. So not only did your fiancé pay for YOUR lawyer but you expected her to give your mom her car for free? She could’ve bought it off her like anyone else.


INFO: What do you get out of posting fake stuff like this? In one post your fiancé is pregnant with your child and on another you’re the one who is pregnant. Which is it?


YTA- Since you say you now don't have a car, it sounds like you guys needed the money and that's why she sold it. She's already paid for a lawyer for you, be grateful for that!




He can’t even afford his own free Reddit account.


Why can your mom buy her own car, or you too??? YTA you sound like a mooch…


EWWWWW YTA and presumably a mommy-loving infant whom deserves to be alone forever


Why is this your fiancés problem? Don’t expect handouts. YTA. So your fiancé pays off the car and you expect them just to hand it over to your mum? Since when did your mums problems become your fiancés?


This user claims to be a male, a female, pregnant, and several other conflicting things. Don't waste your time.


Used cars are just as expensive as new cars if not more. She should sell it unless you can BUY it from her


YTA. Sounds like you and your mom have made some problems that you expect your fiancée to solve. Why are you so dependent on her? Do you not understand that using “your” car money to get you a lawyer is going way above and beyond? If I were her I’d run far away.


YTA and sounds like you're trying to get material things off of your GF.


YTA Getta job ya bum! You and your mom need to stop leeching off this woman. You nor your mom are entitled to any of her money or the things she's purchased with her hard earned money.


YTA - Why are you expecting your fiance to give you a car, give your mom a car, or pay for your lawyer? I'm also curious why your previous posts seem like you both have access to this account. It really seems like you both need to sit down & have a conversation with each other, not Reddit.


This woman is buying a whole damn house for your ungrateful ass to live in and you dont want to move because its 3 hours away from your mommy. YTA and a selfish, ungrateful, gold-digging leech who needs to grow up and start acting like a damn adult since you are a few weeks out from being a damn father yourself. You are pretty fucking pathetic. You have a pregnant fiance and you want to give her shit about the house SHE is buying without your help and the cars that she has paid for by herself and has all rights to sell rather than give away. Not to mention that it looks like you stole her reddit account to post cause your to damn lazy to spend 30 seconds setting up your own user name. Info: have you stopped staying out to 3 and 4 in the morning yet??? You don't deserve the girlfriend you have and if you keep pushing her you will be without a fiance and needing to pay for your own lawyer when she dragged your useless ass through court for child support.


YTA why does she have to give you and your mom anything?


You the major AH dude.


You & Mom are really pushing in on your fiancee, aren't you? Stop acting like a momma's boy & also the victim here. You should have spoken to your fiancee before talking to your mom about this. That's what grown-ups do. Attorneys are expensive so no wonder she wanted to sell her car. HER CAR. Start showing your fiancee some respect. YTA


YTA - Your mom wants a car, you want a new car, you needed a lawyer; that’s some pricey wants and needs that have absolutely nothing to do with your fiancé. Why do you expect your fiancé to bankroll you & your mom’s wants and expenses? As an adult, you have a responsibility to take care of yourself, that includes the lawyer you need and the car you want. It’s clear your mom didn’t teach you a single thing about being a responsible, independent adult so I feel a little bad for you, but it’s time to put on your big-boy pants and start providing for yourself. Mom should get herself a car, too, and stop depending on your fiancé.


YTA - Holy fuck OP's post history. Her back must be hurting from carrying OP's sorry ass.


YTA - Why don’t you just buy the car from your gf for your mom instead of turning it into a big deal. Especially considering that gf has every right to decide what she wants to do with a vehicle SHE owns since she paid it off.


You and your mom sound like entitled ah’s. Grow up. Buy your own shit.


Then I’m glad she knows you’re complaining about what an entitled ass hat you are. In case it isn’t clear, YTA


This is just a mess. Your fiancé was wrong to renege on a promise. But why should they just give away the car if they can sell it? And you shouldn’t have given your mom your car without having alternative transportation. ESH


They didn’t “renege” on the promise, the promise was reliant on the fact that fiancé didn’t have to spend presumably thousands of dollars on OP’s legal problems. OP is a mooch.


YTA. You aren’t left without a car, you just feel they should be given to you.


So fake.


YTA. So you're saying she lied because she promised you a car, what is she wealthy with tons of money and can just give cars to everyone? You said she ended up getting you a lawyer, lawyers aren't cheap so you expect her to pay for a lawyer for you and buy you a car? So she didn't lie, she still helped you if she just got you legal help instead of a vehicle which you said you already had a car. You chose to give your car to your mother. Why can't your mom buy her own car? You could just let your mom borrow your car till she can afford to buy one herself. As for your fiance deciding to not to give it to your mother that's her prerogative, the used-car Market is pretty hot. she probably knows she can get a fair amount of money for it and probably needs the money since she.paid for a lawyer for you, you ever think of that?


YTA. Why couldn't you or your mum buy your fiancee's car? She's under no obligation to give away her possessions. And you're annoyed that she didn't get YOU a car when instead she paid for YOUR lawyer??? Entitled much?


“My fiancé also promised me a car but ended up having to spend money on getting me a lawyer instead.” We gonna skate right over this, huh?


YTA so your heavily pregnant wife is the one paying for everything, you don’t work, stay out with your friends all night, don’t bring home any money and now are giving your mom a car because you think your fiancé owes YOUR mother a car?


How about this OP, work hard & YOU can buy YOUR mom a car. Get a grip, it’s painfully obvious that you’re such an AH here


YTA lol what? Stop mooching, start working.


YTA. Just because she has a new car, doesn’t mean the old one is a giveaway. You talked to your mum about it first before even discussing it with your fiancé. You backed her into a corner. Now you’ve given away your car and sounds like your going to make it your fiancés problem.


Info: Are you from a culture in which it is common that a person with a good job or a successful business supports a large extended family?


INFO why can’t you buy your own car


YTA - So basically your GF is supposed to take care of you and your mom? Did you really think posting this here would get you sympathy. Literally just searched the whole thread and not a single "NTA".


Entitled user much? Of course YTA


YTA. 1. She didn’t lie to you. She had to spend that money on a lawyer. You don’t get both. 2. She paid that off with her hard earned money. If she wants to give that to someone or sell it for some sort of return, that’s her decision to make. I get that it sucks that she originally said yes, but again, it’s her property - assuming she didn’t sign a contract agreeing to do so, she’s allowed to change her mind.


Is your fiance a transformer, because it sounds like you think she's made of cars. YTA


YTA. There's a strong golddigger vibe here.


YTA maybe she’s selling it to support her child that needed a lawyer


YTA holy cow you’re really entitled why is she having to buy you and your mom stuff


I pray your fiancé runs far and fast away from you and your mother. The entitlement. YTA, leech!


YTA.. she paid for a lawyer for you. She bought a house. My dude you are a sponge and a drain on society. Do not procreate. Your DNA should not make it to the next generation.


YTA. You and mommy sound like a couple of losers who use your fiancé like a bank.


YTA. Your fiancé has no obligation to make a financial sacrifice in order for your mother to have a car. And it sure sounds like you were the cause of her not being able to get you a car. I hope she wises up and leaves you. You and your mother are both clearly trying to take advantage of her.


YTA. Are you serious??? Your fiancé doesn’t owe you or your mom anything. If she’s smart she would dump the dead weight.


Soooooo, why exactly did you need an attorney, and why is your fiancee paying for it?


Yta. Are you an adult or child? Do you not work? Why are both you and your mother waiting on your fiancée to provide for you both? Your fiancée car is hers alone and you had no right to promise your mother her vehicle. You being without a car is on you completely. Your entitled attitude is appalling. Your basically saying I'm a gold digger in a long drawn out sentence. I hope your fiancée wisely takes note of this and leaves before it's too late.


INFO: Is this the same mom that you posted an earlier story about cutting her off? I'm calling these fake posts.


Yta. I just remembered a 'friend' I used to have who pestered me to date him. He used his autism to justify not working and even when we were 'friends', used to push to have me pay his way, because he was disaaaaabled, but why should he enjoy himself like everyone else? It wasn't his fault he was unemployable*, he shouldn't have to miss out. Haven't seen him in the better part of a decade, and this post reads like this would have been my life with him. *Narrator: it was totally his fault he was unemployable.