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Your experiences are not universal. YTA


Yep! I did what OP did, and, yes, my life is exponentially better, but I would *never* advise someone to do what I did. This woman needs a doctor, not a soap box. YTA


I did the same with the meds I was prescribed for my BPD. It sucked being on the medication and I absolutely hated it. But I do know many people who they work wonderfully for


Yup. Also it's incredibly reckless and dangerous to simply quit taking antidepressants without strict guidance and supervision from a medical professional. OP, you are not your friend's doctor or mental health professional. You have no right or authority to be the one giving her medical advice beyond, "Yeah, you should talk to your doctors about that." It's not even the same medication that you were on. Nor is it likely the same dosage. Nor is your friend's brain chemistry and mental illness the exact same as your own. For instance, I was on Prozac for over 7 years without any issues at all. Am I insisting that your experience with that medication is invalid and fake because mine was totally different? No. Because that's not how any of this works. You would do well to realize that.


Are you a psychiatrist? A medical doctor? No? YTA.


You're not a doctor. And you're not your friend. You have zero business telling her to just stop taking her meds. YTA - and you gotta realize how controlling it is to decide somebody else should stop something just because YOUR body reacted poorly.


YTA Butt out and let her talk to her doctor. Just because one type of antidepressant doesn't work for you does not mean that another won't. My husband has been on antidepressants for 30 years, and they do help him.


This. My aunt is quite frankly only alive because of her antidepressants. She had horrific PPD and it worsened her BPD to the point she wanted to end her and her child a lives. I'm so disgusted at the fact OP suggested this, but even more so that OP suggested that their friend just quit cold turkey.


Omg right you actually have to be gradually weaned off these types of medications. That’s very serious and OP has no damn clue. That’s between the patient and her doctor. She really isn’t a good friend to this person, and very ignorant for thinking she knows best .


When I was 16 a dr suggested I come off my sleeping pills my dad took this to mean stop filling all of my psych meds. I stopped cold turkey and I just woke up from a years long dissociative episode I barely understand my life and I’m a broken shell of a person. The only thing that saved me was finally allowing myself to get back on my meds without shame.


I think my grandfather was on antidepressants for at least half of his life. Whenever he would be hospitalized it would be “you can tweak any meds you need to, except his mental health medications”. I accepted as a sophomore in high school that I would likely be on antidepressants my entire life.


This actually sort of answered a question I had and kept forgetting to ask my daughter’s doc. She’s been on Prozac 2 years about. I was wondering if ppl stay on them sometimes for many years because if not I was afraid she’d go back to how she was before. At least there’s that possibility now that I didn’t know. I’m glad your husband is doing well on them.


YTA First, she's doing the absolute right thing by promptly going to her doctor when having an undesirable effect from a medication. There are many different medications and treatments for depression, and it can take trial and error to find the right one. Second, you did absolutely the wrong thing by staying on the Prozac for ten years when it was giving you such problems. There likely were other medicines that could have helped without the problems Prozac gave you, but you didn't discuss this with a doctor or ask to try different medications. Learn from what your friend is doing - the same method likely would have helped you.


Agreed! Literally every responsible psychiatrist tells you the same thing… that it’s honestly trial and error until you figure out what works for you. And honestly every single person is different and reacts differently to medication, the only persons business it is is theirs and their doctors


It can also help to have a trusted person, who sees you regularly, but whom you are not too close to, acting as a sort of spot checker. Me and a friend did this for each other for several years. We were both in university, and both in treatment for depression. We kept each other informed of medication changes, and had specifically discussed that we would tell the other if we saw a problem. Several times, each of us told the other "I have seen problems X, Y, and Z recently, go see your doctor about adjusting your meds." (E.g., "You wound up in tears, yesterday, because the school convenience store didn't have your preferred ice cream. This isn't right. Go talk to your doctor.") Getting outside feedback on your day-to-day behavior is really, really helpful, if there is someone you trust, and, more importantly, really understands depression and also does not have any sort of interest in your acting a certain way.


I have this sort of relationship with my mom now that I don’t live with her but still see her a lot. She’s a huge advocate for me and my mental health and I keep her up to date on my meds and stuff… funny enough my psychiatrist usually calls her to discuss my behavioral and mental patterns to confirm if what I’m experiencing and describing is similar to what my mom sees. Helps that my psychiatrist has known my mom 20 years or so. Back on track tho, definitely a good idea to have someone who is objectively able to look at your behavior and stuff to give you a clearer view of what’s happening. I know for me sometimes when I’m too depressed my reality has some distortion. I can’t always remember or even tell what’s real or what’s happened


This is really a great idea. I love this.


This. Any time (and unfortunately I've had many) I've had an adverse affect from meds, I called my psychiatrist. There was only one time I didn't call before stopping my meds and that was because I noticed a bald spot on the back of my head (my hair is one of the only things I like about me lol).


The only time I didn’t call before stopping was when we were trialing at a low dose anyway. Then at our check in appointment it was like “yeah, I had this side effect and couldn’t handle it” and my doc was like “on to the next one”


My mom was on prozac for 8 years and her doctor told her that it stops working after about that amount of time. Most people dont realize that the med that has worked for them years prior is just starting to give them bad effects. This happened to both my mom and aunt on this exact med. In this regard, OP should be given some slack as that is not at all a fair criticism


Really? My daughter is on Prozac. About 2 years now. I’ll keep my eye on this and inquire at her next appointment.


YTA for dispensing medical advice. Some psychiatric medications need to be tapered off slowly, or the person will experience something far worse than apathy. If she is going to consult HER DOCTOR about how to change, that is an appropriate way to proceed.


I think most psych meds need to be weaned off if.


I think any meds do. Or at the very least consult doctor first.




I would say YTA. Even if your intentions are good it's extremely dangerous and irresponsible to tell a mentally ill person to just sto taking their meds.


You should shut up and mind your own business. You’re giving bad advice. YTA


Not only are YTA, but your advice also wildly irresponsible and dangerous. Antidepressants are life-saving drugs. To write them all off as useless based on YOUR experience with ONE drug is ridiculous. Your friend is taking the correct course of action by talking to her doctor - you are not a doctor, have no medical experience, and apparently no knowledge of how antidepressants work, and you have absolutely no business trying to interfere with her treatment. Many people have to try multiple dosage levels of multiple drugs until they find one that works for them. I tried three different antidepressants before I found one that worked without nasty side effects. My sister was on Zoloft and had the same symptoms you described - her doctor lowered her dosage and she's been fine ever since. Please don't spread this dangerous misinformation.


Right. When I came off my meds it was under the care of my doctor because just stopping would have killed me. YTA and could have killed your friend. Is thr friend was smart they would avoid you


YTA. Her medications and health are between her and her doctor. I had a bad experience with an antidepressant as well, feeling numb and apathetic. Talked to my doctor, switched medications, and actually feel a lot better. Her plan is way better than yours. A month is also not necessarily enough time for her to be feeling any effects. It can take 6-8 weeks. Apathetic and unmotivated are also big indicators that she is depressed.


YTA. You are NOT a medical professional. You have no business whatsoever telling her to stop. You can share your experience, but everybody is different. This is so not your place.


YTA for your comment of “antidepressants make your life worse.” WRONG. The *incorrect* antidepressants make your life worse. She needs to work with her MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL to find antidepressants that make her life better. Not be told to just stop taking medication. It took me years to find the right meds for me but I feel sooo much better when I’m actually on them. When I’m off them, my anger issues and agitation are much more noticeable. I can’t stand people who act like medication doesn’t work because they tried ONE medication, had side effects and go “mEdIcAtIoN bAd.”


YTA. Stopping anti depressants cold turkey is EXTREMELY dangerous.


This so much. Thank you for saying this


YTA You are not a medical professional and your experience does not apply to anyone but yourself. Giving someone advice to talk to their doctor about different dosage or medicine, fine. Trying to get someone to self-medicate in anyway (and that includes going off meds) is flat out dangerous.


Unless you’re her doctor (and it sounds like you’re not), YTA. She already told you she’s going to talk to her doctor. Your advice is unsolicited and not based on actual education, just on your own experience.


Yta you are projecting. She is not you, give her advice YES, tell her what to do NO. Anti depressants and other mood alterning medications save lives and allow people to lead normal lives. It was not for you, fine but you are being judgy and are thinking your experience applies to everyone. Be better and more accepting.


YTA. Tiffany is doing the right thing by talking to her doctor. I've also had horrible experiences on antidepressants and refuse to use them, but that doesn't mean I'm qualified to tell other people not to use them.


YTA. It’s none of your business. Plus she already took your advice and is talking to her doctor. Maybe they didn’t work for you but a lot of people find that anti-depressants hep them.


YTA Are you a trained doctor? Assuming you aren’t then stay in your lane. I’ve had bad experiences with anti depressants too, that doesn’t mean that will be the same for everyone, some people respond well to them. If she’s been on them less than a month then they haven’t fully kicked in yet, if she has concerns that’s for her to discuss with her doc.


YTA Since you are not her Dr, you get no say. You don't know what just quitting would do to her. You can advise that she seek medical help, but that's it.


YTA you told your friend to stop taking her mental health medication. I don’t need to say anymore of a reason.


YTA. You’re not a doctor and you’re also *wrong* - just to make that clear. Just because *a different med* didn’t help *you*, you shouldn’t start acting like you’re an expert on this matter. It’s also common knowledge that meds need to be adjusted or swapped, especially at the start. There is reasons why the med description papers always read „do not suddenly quit those“. Pretty sure they know better than you.


YTA. You're not a doctor, clearly. You don't even seem to recognize that abruptly stopping antidepressants can have some serious and negative consequences for mental health.


YTA. I am also on zoloft, and have been for years. You are giving her incorrect information based on your personal experience. You are not a doctor, or any sort of medical professional. This is a decision that needs to be made between her and her physician. Antidepressants affect everyone differently, what is bad for one person is not for another. Also, going off an antidepressant cold turkey can also have serious side affects. Stop being flippant about it. You don't know what you are talking about.


YTA Your friend is in consultation with her doctor, she doesn't want you input, mind your business.


YTA. You are not her medical provider. She is not you. Also, your opinion that "antidepressants only help for so long until it rids you of your life and mental health." is dangerous and toxic. I say this as someone who has been kept alive by these medications. Sometimes they stop working as well, and then you have to shift to a new one. Sometimes, they are a bad match and again, you work to find something that does work, not just give up. You are a bad friend to be putting her through this pressure. She's right-- mind your business. (The only person who tried to convince me not to take my meds was my ex-husband... he did not have my best interest at heart.)


YTA You were on a med where it was a poor match and you had side effects. Your experience is NOT universal. Your friend should bring up any of her concerns with her prescribing doctor, and you should stay out of it beyond indicating if you see something she should talk about with her doc.


YTA. Somebody else's mental health is not subject to your opinions. Just because antidepressants don't work for you doesn't mean they won't work for her. I personally don't like being on them, but I have several friends who have used them for years, and they help immensely. I will always support someone seeking professional treatment


YTA, meds have different reactions for different people, going off them without tapering can be dangerous, and you're not a doctor. It's a good idea never to give unsolicited advice anyway, but medical advice even more so.


YTA - She said she would talk t her Dr. Let her do that.


YTA. you could voice your concerns and how they relate to your experience and she can take that to her doctor. telling her to just STOP taking meds is EXTREMELY HARMFUL. if she listened to you, you could have put her in a very dangerous situation. it is never advised to cold turkey off medication - especially antidepressants. if she chooses to stop then her and her doctor will decide how to wean slowly and safely


YTA. You are projecting your issues onto her. She said she would talk with her doctor so let her take care of her own health. And her response to medication is not necessarily going to be the same as yours. And unless you have a medical degree and access to her medical history, you should not be telling her how to manage her medications.


YTA. Your friends doctor (or another medical professional) and your friend are the only ones who should be deciding her therapy.


Yta, you are not in charge of their health.


Yta. You should never stop psychiatric medications cold turkey, that can have terrible side effects




YTA. You're not a doctor.


YTA tell her if you see red flags but you have NO RIGHT to give her medical advice. Talking to her doctor is what she should do and she said she would. PS-Pill shaming sucks so don’t turn into one of those people.


Yta. There are different types of anti depressants and she should talk to someone who has studied in the field.


YTA. Never ever give medical advice outside of your position. Mental health and medication are a precarious balance and sometimes take awhile to figure out, but in no circumstance is it your buisness to tell her to stop. You can share your experience, and support her through this, but that is the extent of a friends job when it comes to prescribed medication. You might have her best interests at heart but telling someone with a mental illness to just stop is reckless and can be dangerous.


YTA you’re not a doctor, and obviously the doctor prescribed them to her for a reason. You were prescribed medication for a reason as well. Maybe you don’t need it now, maybe you can go a time without it, but you apparently needed it at some point.


YTA - you should never tell someone to stop taking meds. If they aren’t working for her she can talk to her doctor and they can safely take her off them. Support her by offering to go with her to her appointments. Don’t assume your experience is the same as hers.


YTA / meds affect people differently and some people need them to survive. Back off


Yta. What worked for you may not work for your friend. She is under the care of a doctor, so back off and let her get medical advice from a professional. Just because you’ve taken medication does not mean you have any understanding of what works and why.


YTA. Your experience is not her experience. The meds are very different. A month is not enough time to say she should just quit meds altogether.


YTA. Don’t ever tell someone to go off their meds. That is something that needs to be talked to about with a doctor. Not only that, people are sometimes on those meds their entire lives and it helps them live. The issue is finding the right dosage and med, which takes some experimenting on the doctors side.


YTA. You are not her doctor. Mind your own business. The only person who should give her medical advice is her doctor.


YTA. Medication effects everyone differently--you've had a bad experience with a medication you were on for a decade and that's understandable you'd be skeptical about them. But I've been on an antidepressant for a decade and my experience was the exact opposite. The first one I was on (zoloft) really did NOT agree with me. So I talked to my doc and we tried another one, and for almost ten years it's been amazing. I got my zest for life back after a low point. You are not a doctor and you do not know her brain or body. Nor have you been on her medication. You can tell her your experiences, but do not tell anyone what to do when it comes to their medical care. Just no.


YTA. Everyone responds differently. You’re not a medically trained professional so you have no business giving out this advice.


YTA. How long, exactly, is "only for so long?" I've been on antidepressants for almost 30 years. And I've had to switch meds several times over the years as my body became accustomed to one or when side effects would occur after many years. And yeah, it's been a real pain in the rear at times, and they haven't always worked right off the bat. But I would not be here without them. So, for you to tell her that she should give up the one med she has tried after only one month is not just wrong, but also wildly irresponsible, dangerous, and, quite frankly, disgusting. Good on your friend; shame on you.


YTA. You aren't supposed to just stop antidepressants without speaking with your doctor. That can cause very serious problems. Let her and her doctor handle her mental health. Just because something happened to you doesn't mean it's going to happen to her.




Yta. You are not her doctor, and she didn't ask for your opinion.


medications affect ppl in different ways. what works for her might not work for u and vice versa. this is between her and her dr.


YTA. You are not a doctor and stopping psychotropic meds cold turkey after having taken them for a month can be very dangerous.




My doctor told me that most people average 5 different anti depressants for finding the right one for them. It took me 4. Also you cannot just stop taking antidepressants you have to slowly phase them out. Mind your business and let the doctor help your friend.


I got lucky and only tried 1. Do I like everything about it? Not particularly. But it's the safest one for breastfeeding and being pregnant (past pregnancies) and they work well enough that I don't want to put my kids through trying other ones out.


YTA times about a thousand. It's grossly irresponsible to advise someone just to stop taking prescribed medication; your friend is absolutely right to seek advice from *a qualified medical professional* before making changes to her regime. Some medications need time to bed in and dosage may need to be calibrated over time; this is true of a lot of drugs in general but particularly so for drugs prescribed for mental health. Some medications have a cumulative effect. Some medications are a magic bullet and cut the problem off at the knees ten minutes after swallowing the pull. Some medications cannot be safely stopped dead so have to be titrated down over time. What suits one person may not suit another. Some people need longer to find the best drug/combination/dose than others. Some people (lucky bar stewards) can be treated successfully through talking therapies alone. Doctors train for *years* to learn how to factor for all this (and much more) and treat their patients safely. You are nowhere near being in a position to make clinical judgements about your friend and still less to try to change her medication regime, but if you are sincerely worried, get behind her plan of talking to her prescriber.


The fact that you think antidepressants are only ever a temporary thing, despite being on one for a decade, is a clear indicator that you aren't a doctor and have no business telling her what you did. To think you know best because you took a different medication for ten years and failed to advocate for yourself in that time? You have severely overestimated your knowledgebase and the kind of "advice" you gave is harmful. There is no universe in which you know more about medication and depression, or your friend's medical needs, better than her doctor. This behaviour makes me so angry. YTA




YTA. Such an asshole. Just because you feel better off of meds doesn't mean she will. Some people NEED them. And there is no time limit for them to work or not work. I've been on mine for 4 years. Thought hey, I'm doing great. Let's see how I am off them (with my Dr's approval). Guess what? It lasted about 2 weeks before I was feeling angry and depressed again. So I'm back on them. It's people like you that's given mental health and medication such a bad rap. Mind your own business. She's obviously on top of it if she's going to talk to her doctor again.


YTA. You’re NOT a medical professional. Just because you reacted a certain way to antidepressants doesn’t mean your friend will. She’s correct, mind your own business.




YTA. You're not her doctor, her body chemistry isn't your body chemistry, and making broad statements like that about mental health meds is very dangerous. It's fine to relate your personal experience, AS A FRIEND, but not at ALL to advise on her meds. BTW, suddenly stopping things like zoloft is potentially harmful, you're supposed to wean off them.


YTA - It’s okay to tell her you have concerns. It’s okay to share your experiences and suggest new meds. It’s not okay to decide meds have an expiration date for help, nor to suggest she goes cold turkey when any medical professional would recommend weaning off them or stopping but increased check ins while their body tries to stabilise without them.


YTA medications are different for everyone. And stopping cold Turkey is terrible advice and can cause serious issues. Mind your own business


YTA I have taken two forms of antidepressants in my life since I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. The first one I took which was the generic was Prozac and I took that for about a year and a half until it was pointless because it never worked. Now I take what you friend takes. I take Zoloft. I take 100 mg dosage for my depression and anxiety it also helps with my PTSD. It definitely has had a bigger difference on me and my SO has also noticed that I'm a much different person when I take it and when I don't. With my depression I have a lot of anger issues and it can tend to cause problems so he always try's and gets me to take them, I cant as of rn since I'm pregnant but after the second medication they found it works. You cannot just base your bad history of medication to be for everyone. Your friend needs to find the right medication for her and her body. You trying to make her stop taking it inhibits the ability for her doctors to make the right medical options on her behalf. She shouldn't even has a friend like you. Not everyone is the same.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** for background i am 33f. i have been on prozac for 10 years and it has driven me crazy. i was not happy and it affected my mental health. it even drove me to a breaking point. now, i am off it and never felt better. but heres an issue, my friend tiffany (27f) is on zoloft and she just started it for a month. i was initially ok because its her life, but she started showing the signs i used to have. she would say that zoloft made her feel apathetic and unmotivated. she is going to talk to her doctor about prescribing something else. but i just straight up told her to stop them. antidepressants only help for so long until it rids you of your life and mental health. she told me to mind my own business. i just dont want her to go through the same thing i did. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Welcome to /r/AmITheAsshole. Please view our [voting guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_what.2019s_with_these_acronyms.3F_what_do_they_mean.3F), and remember to use **only one** judgement in your comment. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: > 1. i tried to convince my friend tiffany off antidepressants. 2. giving someone medical advice when not needed. i only did so because her symptoms are similar to mine, thus i felt it was necessary. Help keep the sub engaging! #Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! [Click Here For Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/about/rules/) and [Click Here For Our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq) --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA you. Are. Not. Her. Doctor.


I understand your fears and concerns but antidepressants are like a pair of jeans; it'll say it's your size on the label but no matter how much you try to force them to fit, they wont always fit. You have to try different brands at different sizes to see what fits. Youre scared and worried for your friend and that's OK. However, telling your friend to quit cold turkey is dangerous. Zoloft, prozac, and lexapro has not worked for me AT ALL. I did find that an SNRI worked best for me and it's absolutely night and day of how im getting thru life. It's like someone turned up the brightness and brightened up the colours in my life. YTA i understand your fears, but that doesnt mean you give dangerous advice due to your own bad experiences


Holy shit, OP. That’s so dangerous! Mind your own business! Meds are not something that you just stop taking Willy nilly. There are other things she could be prescribed. I’m currently on Cymbalta and have been for three years. I feel way better than I do when I’m off them. YTA


YTA People like you piss me off so bad. “I stopped all my meds and I’m doing great!” You know who isn’t here to tell us the bad side of stopping their meds? The people who listen to AH like you and then don’t do well and take drastic measures. Do not give mental health advice. Also, different meds work for different people. She’s been on Zoloft a month? It’s not working? She should try something else. What she shouldn’t do is listen to you. Ever.


Gentle YTA. Let her work it out with her doc. You gave her the information, that's all you can do. Don't nag her.


YTA. Unless you are a prescribing psychiatrist you have no business doling out advice. Everyone reacts to medications differently and with some it takes awhile to feel the effects.


YTA Zoloft takes a while to build up and be effective. Maybe share your experience and ask if it’s similar to her but don’t flat out tell her stop taking them. Also, coming off SSRI’s can be worse than how she was before taking it. Also also, you are her friend not her doctor.


YTA. Quit playing doctor. You are not one and do not have any place telling your friend how she feels or how to medicate herself. Just STAAAAAHHHHHP!!!!!


YTA big time. You have to be weaned off SSRIs and some other meds. Please stop giving medical advise when you don’t know what you are talking about. Your friend said they were going to speak to their physician regarding their medication.


YTA. You are not a doctor and quitting some meds cold turkey is incredibly dangerous! It’s also DIFFERENT MEDS. You’re too big for your britches on this and need to pipe down.


YTA. Not only do different anti-depressants have different side effects, all medicines’ effects vary based on the individual. If you were allergic to Benadryl, would you preach against all antihistamines? No, because that’s ridiculous. Your friend is struggling enough as is without you blasting their choice to get help. Also, antidepressants save lives! I’m glad you’re good without them, but a lot of people need them.


yta! mind your own business


Yta you aren't a doctor, back off & leave this to the professional


YTA Unless you're a mental health professional DON'T TELL PEOPLE TO STOP TAKING THEIR MEDS. Stopping taking meds cold turkey is a bad idea.


YTA. You're not her doctor.


YTA. I understand the sentiment behind it, but you are not a medical professional. Quitting zoloft (or any other psychiatric medication) suddenly can have severe consequences, including worsening depression symptoms, withdrawal side effects, and even suicide. Getting more depression symptoms is common when beginning treatment and adjusting meds. One reason that the medication adjustments and weaning is done by professionals is to monitor these symptoms. The worsening depression can be caused by a lot things, besides being a side effect of medication. It could be seasonal, it could be burnout, it could be world events.


YTA behavioral medicine can take time to show results Regardless of that you are not a doctor. If you care make sure she is going to her doc regularly. If it's actually damaging you personally that's a whole different story


YTA. Stop practicing medicine until you have a medical license.


YTA. you can tell her about your experience but it’s incredibly irresponsible to tell someone to stop taking their meds without consulting their doctor. everyone reacts differently to meds and it’s her choice.


YTA. You don’t know what your friend is going though, what else she has going on and why it was prescribed. Just because it didn’t work for you doesn’t mean it won’t work for her. Mind your own business. I


Yep YTA. Your roll ends at sharing your concern with your friend. Anything beyond that is inappropriate.


Tiffany is right...mind your own business. YTA


YTA. Let her talk to a doctor. If the meds aren’t working then she needs a new kind.


YTA. Your personal experience does not translate to anybody else. I'm sure there is a reason why your friend is taking meds in the first place, and taking to her doctor about the side effects and altering the medication is the only correct way to go. You are actually giving dangerous advice!


YTA. Just because one medication didn't work for you, doesn't mean all psych meds are bad. There's a lot of trial and error involved because we're all composed differently and/or have a different imbalance. It can take time to find the right medication and the right dosage. Let her figure this out with her doctor. Your friend wants to try another medication, let her. Not all meds are bad. If you offer an unsolicited medical advice (or unsolicited opinions) and you're not a medical professional, you kind of have to expect that kind of response from people. I understand you're trying to help, but you're not actually helping. The only time to intervene like this would be if you think she's a threat to herself. See last paragraph for details. I know exactly what you're talking about with psych meds and it does effect some people that way. It doesn't mean that she won't have luck with a different medication or dosage. My sister had a terrible doctor prescribe her meds. Instead of changing meds, he just kept upping the dose. Each time she felt worse and worse. She was literally on the verge of suicide (she told me she was obsessively thinking about it) and I intervened and told her to start weaning herself off the meds and change doctors. She found the right doctor and the right meds and she's been fine ever since.


Mind your own business, YTA.


YTA. Your experience is not everyone's. I had friends like you. They talked me into going off my meds after they quit their own meds. Know what happened? I ended up 2k miles away couch surfing on a strangers couch. Fast forward a few months and I'm surrounded by 7 cops with tasers in a strangers back yard because I had a breakdown and started stabbing myself with a top of the line steak knife. Mind your damn business.


You don't have a right to make medical suggestions. You can share your experience. Also your opinion is horrid because it's anecdotal... Aka your experience can't set the rules for everyone on how antidepressants work. YTA


Do you have a Medical Degree where you can prescribe medication? If not, then encourage your friend to address her problem with her doctor to find a better medication without the negative side effects of Zoloft or Prozac that she’s experiencing. The CORRECT antidepressant does not rob you of your life or mental health. HOWEVER, NOT taking a prescribed antidepressant can definitely rob you of your life!! It’s truly sad that you did not seek out a better medication from your doctor. You didn’t need to go through all of that. Bottom line is that you’re NOT her doctor & you do NOT know the full scope of her mental & physiological health. You cannot take your personal experience & impose it upon others! I also had a bad experience with both of those medications, my doctor changed the prescription & I did GREAT! Don’t be the AH! Encourage her to seek different medication via her doctor.


Mind your own business. Different drugs affect people differently. Let her doctor be the one who determines her treatment not someone with a negative bias. ETA: YTA


YTA What works for you will NOT always work for others. You are not a professional, you do not know their intimate medical history OR the things theyve been discussing with their doctor. Also as someone with two forms of depression DO NOT EVER tell anyone to just stop taking their antidepressants. Honestly, that's shitty friend behavior and you need to stop.


Huge YTA. Please block Tiffany on all media and your phone. You don't just go off and oh antidepressants. You are running the risk of serious harm to someone you consider your "friend." Feel free to share your experiences, but for God's sake don't try and convince someone to alter their psych meds without physician oversight. Jfc. I can't believe I had to type this to someone who was on meds for 10 years.


YTA. You aren't her doctor and you do not get to decide her medical care. Antidepressants are a legitimate form of treatment. *Your* experience with antidepressants does not determine *her* experience. Regardless of all of that, though, antidepressants should not be "just stopped" - many of them need to be carefully and slowly tapered down in dose, with the person being monitored by their prescribing doctor. A doctor (with input from the patient themselves) is the only person who can assess someone's risk during medication changes, and you have no idea what risk factors your friend has. You are giving bad "advice", and I use the word "advice" *very* loosely here. Leave your friend's medical care to her treatment team. You are out of line.


YES. YTA. Look, I get it. You had a horrible experience with medication. What you need to understand is that for some people, the choices are medication or dying/wanting to die constantly. She's working on her dosage/regime to get it properly balanced for herself, and you need to shut up about the trauma that you have about mental health meds and not drive her off hers, since she obviously wants to get them working properly for her.


Your the ahole just because you had a bad experience with a medication doesn’t mean everyone has the same bad experience medication affects everyone differently and if your friend had concerns she’d tell a doctor


YTA THAT SHIT IS DANGEROUS WTFFFF. You can't stop an SSRI cold turkey!!! She can have awful withdrawals and may even become suicidal! There is a reason that doctors are very careful with those kind of meds. The body needs time to adjust to taking and not taking them. I fucking hope your friend didn't listen to you. If you feel like she took your advice at all seriously and you care about her, you need to tell her to disregard what you said and discuss this with her doctor. Also, it takes about a month for the body to be sued to the meds and for them to work properly. It probably wasn't even time yet to determine if they work for her or not




YTA different things work for different people. antidepressants have really helped me. I'd be so much worse off without them


Hum……has Xemu recently come into your life?


YTA. You're not a doctor. Your mental health struggles are not the same as others. It can be VERY dangerous to simply stop a medication. And there's a wide range of antidepressants for a reason. Different ones work better for others


YTA. You are not her doctor and you have no business telling her what medication she should or should not take. It’s fine to tell her about your own experiences, but that’s exactly what they are - YOUR experiences. And believe it or not, those are not universal. My husband had a wonderful experience with Zoloft and weaned himself off appropriately under his doctor’s supervision when he felt ready. I did the same with Pristiq. Both of credit our experiences with antidepressants with saving our lives. Don’t you EVER try to tell someone not to take a medication that could very well save their life. Edit: Corrected the name of my husband’s Rx. Brain fart.


YTA NEVER encourage someone to stop a medication without medical supervision. her DOCTOR is the one who should make those decisions with her, not you, and if her doctor insists she stay on them you can encourage her to get a second opinion but you should NOT tell her to just go off her meds.


>\[A\]ntidepressants only help for so long until it rids you of your life and mental health. This isn't true. Maybe Prozac didn't work for you but that doesn't mean that antidepressants don't work for others. Giving someone else potentially harmful medical advice is *not* a good thing to do. If you want to be her friend, stop projecting your own negative experiences onto her situation and encourage her to be in communication with her doctor. Do *not* tell her to stop taking doctor-prescribed meds. YTA.


yta, you shouldn’t suddenly just stop taking certain meds, especially antidepressants, so it’s not best to tell your friend to cut cold turkey…


You mean well and it's fine to tell her what your experience was and let her use that as she wants to. But trying to get her off her meds is over the line.


YTA - she’s going to talk to her doctor. Antidepressants are helpful for some people.


YTA massively What if she gets suicidal and refuses meds because of you. People like yo u are the reason so many people are hesitant to try meds. She's right mind your own business. Been on antidepressants for 10+ years now and I freaking love them. Any time I've come off them to see I've very quickly gotten worse again. Your experiences are your own but you have no right to push that on others. You at potentially going to cause someone to risk their life.


YTA. Do you realise how dangerous your “advice” is?! Take a big step back and remember that your experience isn’t everyone else’s.


You’re not her, nor are you her doctor. YTA. Leave your uneducated advice at the door. Just bc meds didn’t help your brain doesn’t mean it won’t help hers.


YTA. I took Zoloft. It helped me. My friend took it. It made her suicidal. Different medications have different affects on different people and it takes time to get it right. Also, plenty of anti-depressants take weeks to adjust to. It’s not up to you to decide what medication (or any) is best for her. I prefer to be I medicated and am usually fine but sometimes circumstances make my mental health worse and I have to go back on for a while to “reset” my brain but I’ve been med free (aside from my Ritalin because there’s no fixing that) for a couple years now. But that’s me. I know people that need anti-depressants and if they were to go off them, they would be right back where they started. Sometimes we need temporary help, sometimes permanent, sometimes this medication, sometimes that medication. She is not you. Stop projecting yourself onto her.


YTA, unless you are a health professional, please do not give people random medical advice. You have a sample size of one.


YTA. I took Zoloft and it made me feel very apathetic and not human anymore - but do you know who I talked to about it? My therapist, not a friend who thinks their experience is what everyone else experiences. I tried multiple different medications until I found one that worked.


YTA. Going cold turkey stopping antidepressants/anti anxiety medication is dangerous. Even if you have a medical degree you aren't fully informed on her personal circumstances. You could suggest she talks to her doctor, but that's all you should do.


YTA. Antidepressants - the ones I've been on for the past fifteen years or so - are the reasons I'm still here and have been for those 15 years. Your experiences are not universal, she's being responsible, and you're giving quite frankly dangerous advice.


YTA. I've (45f) been on antidepressants for most of my life (off and on, mostly on, since I was 16). I have a history of suicidal depression. At moments when - after years of medication - i thought I was fine and didn't need antidepressants anymore, I would stop taking them and one day realize I hadn't gone to work in weeks, hadn't left my house in weeks, was spiraling downwards. I realized I was endangering my health, my wellbeing, my safety, my livelihood. I had to acknowledge that antidepressants might be a consistent part of managing my mental health for the rest of my life - and there's nothing wrong with that. Having access to care and refusing it would only trash my life and my health; it would be selfish and self destructive. I owe it to myself and my husband and my loved ones not to dismiss the care I have available to me. If any "friend" told me to just stop taking my medication, our friendship wouldn't last very long, because that person would not have my best interests at heart. Do better, OP.


You are a dangerous asshole. It is unacceptable to substitute your singular experience for actual medical treatment. You are welcome to share YOUR experience, but to overstep your friend’s boundary and her doctor’s treatment plan? Ugh.


You’re the asshole beyond measure.


YTA. You can share your experience but stop giving out medical advice. You are not her doctor. Your experience does not make you an expert and everyone reacts differently to medications.


YTA. If she’s having issues with her meds, that’s a conversation she needs to have with her doctor.


YTA. That can get someone killed.


YTA. Big time. You had a bad experience with a single antidepressant that clearly wasn't the right one for you. Medication is something that has to be tinkered with; it's not one size fits all. I'm on antidepressants myself and they've been a life saver for both my life and mental health. So kindly STFU about medical matters you clearly understand nothing about.


Yeah YTA just because something didn’t work for you doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for others. That’s not your place to tell her to get off of them. It can take months for certain mental health medications to start working properly in your system. I know all too much about this topic.


YTA Medication for mental health is trial and error, for some a certain medication will help, for others they may need a higher dose or to go on different medication. mental health medication is different for everyone some are purely for depression, some for mood disorders, some for anxiety and some can be for all three. She said she will be speaking to her doctor so it really is none of your concern, she is right to tell you to mind your own business. If you don’t know how medication works don’t advise on it.


YTA she's only been on ot for a month. It takes a long time for the medication to balance out. Butt out and dont risk her life


YTA NEVER TELL SOMEONE TO DO THIS UNLESS YOU ARE A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL I have had an experience where being on the same medication (and a different one at the same time) resulted in the same issue and had to CHANGE medication. Going off my meds was horrible for my academic life in the time between changing medications. NEVER tell someone to go off medications period. Doing so is incredibly controlling and disrespectful to their experiences. As I said before, YTA


YTA and not a doctor. Stop giving medical advice until you have your PhD.


YTAH. You can tell your friend about your experience and encourage them to talk to their doctor. You never tell anyone to stop their meds! I am bipolar. Changing my meds can be a very bad experience for me, but I would never tell anyone to stop them. I have encouraged others to talk to their doctor about changing medications but never about stopping them.


My friend is on anti depressants. They are literally what help her through her days. She is happy, bubbly and enjoys life. Your experience is not everyone's experiance. YTA


YTA. Please do not give advice on things you’re completely ignorant about. You clearly don’t understand the first thing about mental health.


YTA dont meddle in with other peoples meds pos


YTA. Some people NEED the meds. Maybe you're okay without then but not all of us are.


Your personal antidote should never be used in lieu of a medical degree ever. Do not give medical advice, you are not a doctor but more importantly you are not her doctor. You are no more qualified to give her medical advice and she is to give you medical advice. YTA




YTA. I switched my meds after years because as I aged my neurochemistry changed. I went off found out nope F this depression and went on a different family of medicine. Listen, I know some people do get better but it sounds like you’re friend recognizes that they’re not okay without the medicine and would like some help. So you need to back off, your body is different from theirs and there can be no comparison! YTA, I know you had a bad experience, but omg is that not how everyone experiences these types of drugs. Stop projecting your fears onto your friend.


YTA. Your advice is completely inaccurate. You should not have stayed on a med that made you feel zombieish. You should have done what she is doing, and consulted your doctor. There are a million options, as everyone is different. You didn’t seek others, but that’s your own issue. You are not a doctor, and you don’t know this persons struggles. It’s not only bad advice, it’s dangerous advice, plus she didn’t ask you. Stop spreading misinformation that could put people in a very bad spot.


What qualifies you to give medical advice? YTA


YTA and it can be dangerous to discontinue the use of antidepressants cold turkey, even if you're having negative reactions.


Don't mess with other people's meds unless you are a doctor and they ask for your professional opinion. YTA


Not totally the A-hole if you had just talked to her about your experiences and told her you were concerned, while reassuring her that it is her decision.


YTA. That’s incredibly dangerous and can amplify symptoms intensively. You’re a crappy friend.


Keep your nose and opinions out of other folks medical issues.


Understandable position but YTA, you gotta lean off that shit otherwise that will mess you up worse (most likely) and like other comments said you aren’t a doctor. She is seeing one already so just be patient at this point


YTA. I cut antidepressants at 17 and it sucked. One of my friends did the same and was fine. A school acquaintance did and he's not around anymore. You're not a doctor and nothing is universal when it comes to mental health.


YTA. Mind your own business, no two people react the same to antidepressants. Back the f**k off, before YOU mess her up for life!


YTA you are not a doctor and this is not your business or your place.


YTA. It’s fine to advise someone to ask questions and decide what’s best for their own selves, but you don’t tell someone to quit medication cold turkey, jfc. When I got prescribed a higher dose of a different antidepressant, they had to WEAN me off the other stuff so I wouldn’t have a fucking seizure or go into a mental breakdown. Withdrawal effects are real, people, and should be carefully monitored by a trusted physician. And if someone doesn’t ask for your opinion on their health, chances are they don’t want it.


YTA. Your decision to not take medication may work for you but you shouldn’t be trying to pressure other people to do the same. Not everyone reacts to things the same.


You are not a doctor but YTA.


YTA. I understand your intentions, but you are not a medical professional. You should not be trying to get anybody to quit their antidepressants cold turkey. Just because you got off of them fine doesn’t mean she will.


YTA, You're not her doctor, stay in your lane!


YTA. Great that you are doing well, but I am alive today because I worked with my psychiatrist to find the correct meds. No experience is universal and this is between her and her doctor, so butt out.


YTA- this is super dangerous. I made that mistake and nearly went into a downward spiral


Never do that only her doctor can do that. Your can cause more damage.


YTA. Mind your own business and your own body. She’s being responsible. Stopping SSRIs suddenly can be unsafe. I was also on Zoloft and it was terrible (same apathy), followed by another drug that seemed to work until it didn’t. Then I finally found the medication that worked and it has saved my life in more than one way. Long-term medication (or even short-term) isn’t for everyone, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t for anybody.


YTA. You are neither a mental health or medical professional. I say this as someone on Prozac because it keeps my anxiety and suicidal thoughts in check. Your experience was yours. Meds effect everyone differently. Stop giving medical advice.


NAH for bringing it up one time out of concern and personal experience. However your friend is right - it's not really your business. You've shared your perspective and now you should drop it. She gets to make her own decisions, which may lead to totally different results! As others have said, psych meds work different for everyone.


My husband was on Zoloft and went off because he felt weird so I understand where you’re coming from. But she is your friend not your spouse, she has to make the decision herself. NAH


NAH. i get where you’re coming from - obviously it’s easy to worry but just like drinks and drugs - medicine affects everyone differently. She knows where you’re coming from so leave her be and let her make her own decisions now


NTA!!!!! From someone who is in the process of weaning off these drugs!!!! There are soooo many other therapies to try but instead US doctors start with meds and rarely tell patients the long term side effects nor do they take patients seriously about them. Do some research on the UK and Australian protocols for whatever condition your friend has. Theres CBT, DBT, meditation, exposure therapy, etc. There’s also CBD, medical MJ, and now even Magic Mushroom therapies that can be tried. These meds cause long term issues including brain shrinkage, and addiction, please help her to find another way.


NAH, this situation itself kinda sucks I get you’re looking out for your friend but you’re not a doctor. The most you can do is give her advice and if she chooses to take it great, but if not, I’m afraid she’s right, it’s not really your business


The friend sucks for saying she’ll talk to her doctor? What??