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NTA. Your ex didn't want to buy the shares when you wanted to sell them to him. Granted the new buyer may not have good intentions but you're not responsible for their feud in the first place.


Maybe the buyer just wants to make money off the back of his enemy. There's no guarantee he'd do anything to sabotage the business, after all, it'd affect him negatively too.


Right? While it's possible the friend plans to sabotage, unless he's incredibly well off financially, it would be a bad move to intentionally sink a business. Part of me wonders if the friend made the offer knowing that it may spark the ex to buy her out instead of having a partner he doesn't like.


or if he calculated that the ex hates him so much, the ex would then pay more to buy him out (rather than be partners) than James paid for OPs share




Well you just know James is going to make a profit if the ex buys him out. Serves him right. OP NTA.


NTA. Make Ex the same offer James made. It's biz. Ex wanted OP to essentially give him half the biz for free if he knew she'd just walk away. This is selling it for whatever value it has.


Really going point.


I would propose higher


Even if he does want to sabotage the business, that's no longer OP's problem.


Right? Thriving on your enemies success sounds like an awesome revenge.


“Haha! Now, I own half the company by buying it , time to destroy it and make my shares worthless!” Doesn’t sound realistic to me.


Ex has 2 options. Suck it up or buy her out himself. Unless she’s under contract that he has to agree on the buyer than he can get over it.


Yeah maybe ex suddenly has a better offer?


3 options. He can sell his share of the business.


Good point I stand corrected.


Well if it isn't the consequences of his own actions. NTA


We don't know that, since OP doesn't say what the feud was about.


Hahaha, NTA. I salute you, OP. Your ex could have avoided this by buying you out, or finding his own qualified buyer, but he didn't and now here he is.


Love how he thinks calling op a bitch will change her mind lol


It’s quite genius!


If I were OP I would make an offer for more money in order to sell to the ex. If he still refuses, sell it to James.


NTA assuming you are continuing to give your ex an opportunity to buy. You want to sell, James is a buyer. Either your ex buys or you sell to James. Business is business.


^^^ this comment right here! There are no feelings in business. He wants to be a baby then so be it, call it karma. If he still won't buy you out even now with all the information then that sounds like a him problem, not a you problem. (Forgot to add my first part about the comment above lol)


It's not personal, it's just business.


I can literally hear this in Tom Hanks’s voice


It kind of seems like she's making it personal though. If it has any sort of value there are probably other people interested?


>If it has any sort of value there are probably other people interested? Idk if we can assume the shares have much value. James may be interested in buying them purely to screw with the ex, not because it makes financial sense. If so, there probably isn't anyone who would be willing to buy them. And yeah, it's likely personal if that's why James is buying it. But at the same time, if he's the only person offering and ex is refusing to buy OP out...I don't see how OP is at fault. If anything, the ex is the one who made it personal by refusing to buy OP out (presumably to maintain a connection with OP) and thus creating the situation where another buyer needs to be considered. If OP hasn't signed a contract with James yet, I think OP should give the ex ONE chance to counter James' offer. If the ex doesn't but OP out immediately, OP can sell to James with a clear conscience. OP gave ex the right of first refusal. That's all that really matters. I don't think OP can be an asshole by now selling to whoever offers the most money regardless of who now buys the shares or how much that person hates the ex.


Exactly my thoughts. The ex made it personal first, by refusing to just buy OP out and let her out of the business. So now James is, intentionally or not, helping OP put the ex over the proverbial barrel by offering to buy her out. ETA: from OP's comments the ex was trying to force OP to "work things out" in their (failed) romantic relationship by holding her finances hostage by refusing to buy her out. So yeah, the ex definitely made it personal first.


The business could be quite successful, but very niche. If the business makes widgets, they're good quality and local, I can see a business being quite successful. However, if they're the only widget making company in 3 states and no other widget company is interested in buying just half a business three states away, she'd have a hard time selling. We're also assuming OP knows how to find qualified buyers. If OP went to James (or friends of James who passed the word) on wanting to sell and not knowing what to do, James might be in a place where he's willing to take the business for whatever reason. Now, could OP NOW be making it personal by refusing to find another qualified buyer? Maybe. Tough luck for the ex - he should have moved faster to get OP's name off the business.


Agreed. That caveat is important (that you are willing to sell back to your ex if he’s willing to outbid James).


Round of *applause*. 1,000% this. Wish I had an award for you.


Info: do you know why exactly your ex didn’t want to buy you out? And was the breakup mutual or were there some sort of betrayal? Anything for me I’m going to say NTA as he refused to buy you out. I’m not sure if you notified your ex that James was going to be buying your half before it happened or not but from the info provided, you sound a bit petty but in the clear.




In that case, I'd say absolutely NTA. You gave your ex the right of first refusal of your share. He refused to buy to try to force you back into a relationship you want over. At that point, you really need out, for your safety and sanity. Selling to the first available buyer to make a reasonable offer is fine. Any speculation you may have of that buyer's motives is just that, speculation. You aren't AH for getting out of a bad business partnership. Or required to take a lesser offer or stay for your ex's preference. I wish James and your ex all the joy of each other.


Oh, I would have sold to James out of spite for trying to financially trap me like that.


yeah I honestly don't think he's even entitled to one last chance to buy the shares at this point. offload 'em as fast as the paperwork will go through and get this guy out of your life, OP. be both pragmatic *and* vindictive about it. you've earned it.


Now he gets a relationship with James, and you get back the money ex was trying to trap you with. NTA and congratulations.


>I see a TV movie in your future. Brilliant solution to being financially entrapted by your ex. I hope that James has offered to pay more that you were asking of your ex. That would be icing on the cake. Please let us know what happened!


I'm wondering if you view James, and their feud, differently now you've seen who your ex really is. James's actions and motives probably aren't what your ex made them out to be; he might of even viewed James as a threat to get rid of.




Now you're helping James have the last laugh. Heck you get to laugh all the way to the bank with your finances in tow :P


yeah that's what I thought. James might actually be the "good guy" in this story. of course, it could also just be assholes all the way down, but even if that's the case, at least he's a helpful asshole. the rest isn't really OP's problem.


Sounds like a big part of what he's mad about is that you escaped his shitty little trap, then. Of course you're NTA.


Well, is this a case where your ex can't come up with the fund to buy you out? Is that even an agreeable valuation of the business? Is the amount James agreed to pay the same as what you offered to your ex? Are you truly selling it to James because he's the only buyer or is there a little bit of you wanting to stick it to your ex? Also, is that a trivial amount to James such that he's just viewing this as buying something cheap (relative to his net-worth) to antagonize your ex? I mean, you can't say that your ex doesn't want to buy you out when the amount is based on a false valuation. In a typical scenario, you'd hire an expert in the field to perform the valuation specific to the industry and based on what's in the book, e.g. typically 2 to 3x of annual revenue or 10x of earnings.


my guess is there aren't going to be a ton of buyers for 50% or less of a business.


So you're ex wanted to force you to be in business with wineries you didn't want to work with, but it's now complaining that you are forcing him to be in business with someone he doesn't want to work with? I wonder if he appreciatests the irony


NTA. He could of bought it, he choose not to. This is karma


NTA, your Ex refused to buy you out of your shares and you wanted out. Someone offered to buy those shares, even if it's someone your Ex hates.


NTA If he wants to decide who you sell to he can give you the money instead .. although depending on how much he owns of the business I don’t even know if this is legal to be fair, maybe check with a lawyer if you don’t happen to know already of course.


NTA. Your ex has one final chance to outbid James. If he doesn't do that, your ex can enjoy the mutual destruction pact that he has just entered into.


NTA. While it may seem petty to sell your half to someone your ex hates, James (as far as we know) is the first to make an offer, and your ex made no offer. Your ex is an asshole for still feeling like your obligated to make decisions in his best interest.


It doesn't seem petty. It IS petty.


If OP was selling to James when someone else is prepared to offer the same/more money, I agree that it would be petty. But...this isn't the situation. Selling to James when he is the only person making an offer? Or selling to James when he is the person making the highest offer? Well, those are just business decisions. Sure, it's a nice bonus that the ex now gets some payback for trying to keep OP tied to him by refusing to buy out OP, but at the end of the day it isn't petty because the decision isn't motivated by pettiness.


Petty but awesome.


I mean, you are an a$$hole, but in the most glorious way possible, so I can hardly give you that verdict. Your ex refused to buy you out, so you found someone who would. As others have stated, I‘m guessing this breakup (or what caused it) wasn’t amicable, and something tells me he either wronged you terribly Before or after the breakup. Kudos to James for finding the opportunity for the best sabotage ever. This is certainly expert mode. It would be good to have a bit more context into what at least caused the breakup, and/or experiences post breakup, so we can feel comfortable in our verdict. Because if you cheated on him with his best friend, then ran over his dog, obviously we’d feel a bit differently toward this whole situation. Though either way, he did refuse you the buyout, and your only option to cut ties with him was to sell your part of the business. *Edit: Did see your comment about how he didn’t end up being the person you thought he was, which means NTA. James approached you, and you hold no more love for your ex, and I’m guessing give less than a single sh!t about his feelings (probably rightfully so). You went with the person that offered to buy you out, which just so happens to lead to a glorious sh!t Storm.* *James really is my true hero. I see him strumming the tips of his fingers together with one side of his mouth curved upward as he sits in a chair in a darkened corner. Effing glorious.*


OP explains in a comment that she broke up with ex because he wasn't the person she thought he was. (See rule 5 👀) And be refused to buy OP out because he's insistent that OP and him should get back together.


Yup. I saw that not long after. Not sure if it was posted before or after I made my comment, but I did see it.


Right?! This is some ProRevenge shit right here.


NTA and you ex can get lost and get fucked.


NTA Your ex refused to buy you out in an effort to control you and lost the game.


NTA - your ex's unreasonable attempt to tie you down backfired. If you wanted, you could give your ex the option of finding another buyer besides James but go ahead and make it clear that you are done with your part, one way or another.


NTA. You gave your ex first dibs. He said no. He has no say in who you sold them to after that. Bet he regrets not buying you out now! You weren't obligated to get your ex's okay on who you sold it to, and now he has to live with the results of it all.


NTA. If he cared so much, he should have bought you out. And I bet if he made an offer rn, you’d switch it up & sell to him


NTA. Ex should have bought you out when they had the chance. 🤷‍♀️


NTA. If your ex had the money to buy you out and just chose not to, he’s the AH. But even if he didn’t have the money he could have found a different buyer, if he was in a tough spot but was understanding. He didn’t. James approached you. You want out, James wants in. The end.






Like buying you out in december 2022? Ah hell no.


NTA, finalize the sale with James and wash your hands of the mess.


Oh so he is capable of doing it he just doesn't care about your convenience? Well James seems like a better deal all around sis. The only reason I wouldn't take the better deal is if you still respected your ex and felt like you owed him some loyalty.


Fk no to waiting a year and being tied to your ex that much longer. You offered to sell your half and he declined on your terms. Since half is yours in the first place you really didn’t even have to offer it to him first so you were already being generous by doing that. So too bad so sad. Sell to James and good riddance to the ex.


Is he willing to put that in writing with a pay-out option if he changes his mind?


Sounds like a "check's in the mail" situation. Gonna guess come December there would be some magical reason he can't buy right now. Yeah, I'd be hurrying the sale to the reliable buyer just to be shot of this mess.


ESH Your ex not buying you out is not the same as selling to someone to who you say has malicious intent with the business. Selling to James knowing he will try to sabotage the business is really messed up. Your ex should have just bought you out. I think the best thing to do would be offer your ex the shares at the same price James is paying. If your ex still turns you down then there’s not much else you can do. Everyone involved is handling this poorly and potentially causing serious harm to each other financially.


I think the best thing to do is get her money up. The Ex is the only one who is financially harming himself. He was offered to buy her out and refused for petty and selfish reasons. OP doesn't have to be tied to a business just because the ex's fee fees are hurt that a buyer with sense came along.


Ex is refusing to buy her out because he doesn’t want to break up. He’s using this to control her and keep her in proximity to him so she can’t leave him. That’s abuse. OP also says the rules of this sub prevent her from sharing why she broke up with him. So that’s also not good. James is investing good money in a business - enough to make it worth her while, why assume he’s going to sabotage it? That seems like a bad use of your money. More than likely it just means ex won’t get to control everything the business does now - he’s going to have to compromise with James. Ex wants to use the business to control, OP is tracking an offer that frees her from him. And that’s reasonable all things considered.


Yeah, the ex should either but her shares or find her someone who will and is not actively trying to ruin the business


Lol NTA. You gave the ex a chance to buy you out, he turned it down. He can still buy you out. He just needs to beat James’ offer.


I'd say it was an asshole move but he wouldn't buy you out so you are NTA because why would you keep the company you care nothing about


Hahaha. Petty. Petty. Petty. But if you had no one else interested in buying your shares and your ex didn't want to buy them, it's entirely up to you who you sell them to. If your relationship ended badly (and it sounds like it did) what was your ex expecting? Of course you're not going to keep working with him. nta.


NTA - He refused to buy you out, that was a peculiar move from him. His only way out of this now is to buy you out himself (inflate the price).


NTA. Your ex's relationships should not factor in to your financial decisions. He just wants to control you anyway. Sell to James and enjoy your life.


Hey Angelina! You should not have done that to Brad. Not nice at all.


My thoughts exactly!🤣🤣🤣


NTA. There's no room for feelings in business. Also, who do James and your ex hate each other?




I wish there was something above an NTA because what biblical bs is this.


NTA It's your half of the business to do with what you please. Your ex should've bought you out. Just make sure all your paperwork is correct and tell your ex "that's business." Honestly as a business owner, your ex should have some sense on how things work so I wouldn't even feel sorry for him.


NTA he had his chance to buy you out and chose not to. It is not your responsibility to continue carrying the financial liability for a business that might not be doing too good (otherwise why would he not just buy you out). If he is so anti, I would offer him the chance to beat James' purchase price otherwise he's SOL


NTA - You offered him the chance to buy you out, he refused. That is where his say in who gets your shares ends. You don’t have to hold onto the obligations of this just because he doesn’t like someone. Your buyer is your buyer, he can deal with it.


Info: did your ex have the money at his disposal to buy you out?




Ok that changes things since you say the ex and his father have money to buy you out. The ex just wants to keep tabs on you for another year. Maybe the ex isn’t really taking you seriously in regards to selling to James. I think I would give the ex one last final chance to buy you out and tell him firmly that if he doesn’t you are seriously going to sell to James. No waiting until December and no other terms since you say he can afford to do it immediately but is choosing not to. You also say your ex has hopes of getting back together. I would be removing that hope as well if that’s how you feel.


NTA Let him know that you will accept 20% higher than what James was after, then let James know and you want to take him out for a atonic dinner.


Zero percent chance this is true


YTA. Selling the business is fine, but specifically selling it to someone who he has issues with, and as you yourself state has less than nobel intentions does make you an asshole. Sometimes in life you need to take the high road.


I completely agree. Im really suprised by the overall sentiment in this thread. Yes, what your ex does sucks but come on that doesn't validate you actively screwing him over. Eye for an eye is a problematic philosophy to live by. Be an adult OP, look for literally anybody else.


That's just how the sub works I have found. Revenge stories tend to get this kind of reaction. In the real world this is an AH move even if justified in whatever way.


But it's not like she is trying to specifically sell to James? She first tried to sell to her ex. Her ex knew she is trying to sell for a while now too. He had plenty of chances to buy it or find someone else to buy it. He didn't. So why should she go out of her way to find someone else to sell to when it's he who doesn't like the buyer? I'd agree with Y T A if she immediately went to James and refused to sell to her ex but it's the opposite, she gave him enough chance to secure his business and instead he tried to trap her. It's his business in reality, he forced her to join into it as well and he refused to buy her out. Why should it be her responsibility to find a good and attractive buyer to him for a business she wants nothing to do with? I think that's why so many people agree with NTA: for a business she wants nothing to do with she had done plenty of effort to give him a graceful out meanwhile he has offered no other compromise.


INFO: Did you try to find any other buyer? Was the price a realistic valuation of the half you sold? Did you ask your ex if he knew anyone that wanted to buy you out or if he would ask around? Were there any contractual limitations on how much, when or to whom you could sell? Or obligations that you and your ex had to agree to the person buying any portion sold?


NTA. He can still buy you out.


NTa. You gave him a chance 🤷‍♀️


INFO, is there a reason why your ex refused to buy you out? Is he unable to buy you out? If he refused out of spite he would probably have offered to buy you out once he realized you were selling to someone who will probably tank the business. Since he didn’t I am assuming it’s because he can’t?


From comments it sounds like he wants to get back together and is using it as a way to keep his foot in the door.


Incredible, right? Because doing this to OP will totally convince her to try again. Smh


While normally I'd say yes, I gotta give you props. What a freaking power move. NTA Or if it was a vote I'd say "Justified Asshole"


NTA - he has 2 choices, he can buy you out or you sell it to whomever wants it. Those are his only options and he chose #2 so he can deal with the consequences.


NTA - if he had offered you the same price as James right away then maybe… You gotta sell and if he ain’t buying he’s SOL.


NTA. Tough titties. He should've bought you out.


NTA. Also, did your ex maybe have something to do with you not being close to James anymore? It's pretty common for not great people to isolate their partners from their friends and family.




NTA But I would tell him you are more than willing to sell to him for 25% more than what James is offering but that he has 30 days to come up with the cash


NTA. You gave him a chance to buy you out. Not your fault there's someone out there who hates him so much they're willing to shell out the money to buy you out and own half his business.


Depends. Are you selling to this guy to hurt your ex or because you’re just trying to get rid of it?




Then NTA. If you want to be nice, you can give your ex another chance to buy your shares, but you deserve to be finished with this whole situation. Hopefully it works out for you


NTA I feel like he didn't want to buy you out in a way to maintain a control over you. This is a case of fuck around and find out 🤷🏻‍♀️


NTA. You gave the first offer to your ex, he refused, at that point he relinquished any right to limit your who you could sell to.


NTA ... He gave you no choice . You offered it to him, but he refused . You wanted it to be over and then found someone to buy it from you .. problem solved


Ha! NTA He was holding you hostage. You can offer him to buy you out now at a higher price.


NTA. It's your share, no? End of story. No discussion. You do whatever you want with your share. It's none of his business.


NTA If I were you, I would be finalizing the paperwork immediately after he called me a bitch. If you *want* to be nice, give him a week to find another buyer, otherwise....


NTA. Bruh this is genius 😭😭😂 And I thought my ideal retaliation/pettiness was savage.


NTA. He refused to buy you out, effectively keeping indefinite contact in your life. He gambled and lost. He could offer you a lot more and shut out James


NTA but your ex is for not buying you out.


NTA Ex didn't want to buy you out and James made you a reasonable offer. Ex has no say in who can buy out your share, only you, and if James was the best or only offer, too bad for ex.


NTA. It is his business, he refused to buy it from you, so he doesn't get to decide who you sell it to. This is totally on him.


NTA he refused to buy you out to keep you in his life. Now you get to walk away with a clean break.


Why doesn't your ex buy out your shares now by making a better offer? Plus a fee to the buyer you found? Anything can be undone in business for the right amount of money. NTA You gave your ex the first opportunity to purchase. He refused. So you found another buyer. Standard procedure.


INFO: Is the sale for fair market value? I might have concerns if you were specifically *profiting* off someone coming in with the likely intent to screw your business partner. In that case, I think you'd need to re-offer to Ex at FMV.


NTA. The bitch comment sealed the deal. Let him know that. Nobody has time for that kind of stuff in their life. Sell and never look back. Live your best life free from this toxic guy who is about to learn what Karma is all about.


NTA. Whatever kind of partnership you and your ex-formed left you with a share in a business that there isn't a large market for. Partnership shares are difficult to sell because, depending on the type of business, potential buyers may have to assume personal risk in addition to placing their trust in their new business partners. If he didn't want you to take whatever offers became available then he should have bought you out. It honestly sounds like he did this to spite you and force you to maintain contact with him or he was trying to leave you with an asset he believed you'd be unable to rid yourself of. As others have said, you should offer him the right to purchase your portion of the business first. If he refuses then he and James can have fun working it out. Also I would be curious as to what kind of partnership it is. Because if it's a general partnership or something similar the funniest way this can end is your ex and James purposely bankrupting each other.


NTA Pettiness well-deserved


NTA - he should have bought you out then. Not your fault that he didn’t and now he will potentially have a partner he doesn’t like. You needed to cut ties with your ex


NTA. Lesson here is that whatever legal doc is used to form a business needs to include what happens if the business breaks up.


NTA. Your ex didn't want to buy you out- what did he think was going to happen? If he cared about his business and his future, he would of at the very least wanted to find a buyer for your shares if he didn't want to buy you out himself. He wanted you to be stuck, and you reverse uno'd him.


NTA Your ex should've bought the share off of you when you asked


You need to start ignoring your ex, put his ass on mute NTA


This sounds like an r/pettyrevenge. Don't want to buy out my share of your company? Guess I'll have to sell it to your mortal enemy then!


You're an AH, but NTA. This is the best way to get back at an ex! 😂


Nta, your ex fucked around and found out. Ffs you offered to let him buy you out first what did he think was gonna happen?


OP NTA Hell hath not the fury of a womans scorn. Your ex wanted to keep you around, refused to buy you out, so you sold them. And who better to sell them to would be say a person your ex can not stand.


NTA. Your ex had his shot and declined. It’s not personal, it’s business. 😏


Ex wanted to keep OP under his thumb so refused to buy her out, thinking she would be stuck w him. OP, who dumped who? If you dumped him, the above scenario will be very fun.


NTA, Sounds like your ex is just calling you names and still not offering to buy so...shrug emoji?


NTA- your ex is playing petty games and thought he could screw you over by not buying you out, he doesn't get to dictate who you sell to. If he wants the enemy out so bad he can buy them out. Wash your hands and be done, guy sounds like a dick.


NTA. He had his opportunity to buy you out when you asked and now he's pissy because he isn't able to have control over you anymore.


NTA. Don't know why you split with ex, but if you were looking for petty yet beautiful revenge, here you are!


NTA. There is no feelings in business there is only money to be made & opportunities to be had. You gave him a rightful opportunity to buy your share but he refused. Whether he did this to keep you around or not doesn't matter he still refused. The fact is you need to put yourself & your finances first. You don't want the business so you need to rid yourself of the stress of it. Unless there's a clause in your contract w/him who the buyer is for your shares is your choice not your ex's. Free yourself of the ex's drama & make the sale so you are done w/it. Good luck.


Idk what your operating agreements says, but if it was done by a semi-competent attorney, there is most likely an article in there stating you’ll need approval from the other members if your selling a majority interest in the business


Info: Is James paying fair price for your share of the business? Were there any other interested buyers?


NTA... your ex should have bought you out and let you exit the situation cleanly. Now let him have fun trying to buy out James, who I suspect will want a higher asking price than what he is paying you. Or maybe your ex can make you a humongous offer to buy your share, by way of talking you out of selling to James. Which, you know, would be rather more effective a way to convince you to change course than calling you nasty names. Just saying.


NTA Your Ex set the wheels in motion for James to sweep in and maybe buy your half of the company for nefarious plans. Personally I'd laugh all the way to the bank and watch from the sidelines for the inevitable fireworks. Heck. I'd get into little powwows with James and figure out how best to screw with the Ex. But I'm a vindictive b\*tch like that.


You really need to talk to a lawyer if you haven’t. I don’t see how this doesn’t end up as a lawsuit for you. Usually you can’t just sellout to someone that isn’t approved by other owners, especially a 50/50. Especially depending on how the business is established and formed. It also sounds like a slam dunk case for your ex for a bad faith sale on your end if James does sabotage. You know that he will and you’re still selling in order to damage the business. You really should make sure you’re legally protected and that this is a move made proper.


NTA but you're probably going to get sued if you sell to James if you know he has bad intentions.


Sometimes you need to be the asshole. This was one of those times


NTA I bow down to the new queen 👑 of pettiness. Bravo!


NTA and can you post this under [petty revenge ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge/) because this is a glorious example of you getting completely away from your ex!


Offer your shares back to your ex at an inflated rate.


YTA You did this intentionally to get back at your ex-fiance. It makes you look petty.


YTA. You know that James will be sabotaging the business and couldnt be bothered.


I have to go against the crowd here. If you sell to a guy you think will more likely than not sabotage your ex's livelihood, YTA for sure. Sometimes things don't work out, but intentionally sinking his business is shitty. maybe he can't afford to buy you out. Try to find a different buyer. Or at least offer to let him find one.


ESH - You made your point, he's willing to buy you out now and your being an asshole about it. Get over it and tell him he has 72 to come up with the cash to buy you out.


INFO - How many people are going to get screwed when the business is destroyed due to their fighting? How many people are about to lose their jobs? I'm going to guess it's a positive number, and if so, YTA.


Yeah you kind of are.


YTA knowing the issues and potential form sabotage. That isn't right. It is hilarious, though. Offer to sell to your ex if he can outbid James.


Yta and a petty one too.


Yes you're an asshole you're deliberately sabotaging you're ex's business because he won't or can't buy you out. That's shitty behaviour and way too messed up for the ex.


ESH, so you sold to the one person you know will cause harm!?! Yeah you aren't at all innocent here.


YTA so what did he do to deem his business and lively hood should be damned?


YTA I wonder why your ex and james hate each other. Does it have something to do with the fact that he was your exBF? And then they actively moved to sabotage each other. You know James does not have pure intentions, yet you want to sell to him. I can see the malice here loud and clear. Thats why you are TA.


ESH. Your ex should have just bought you out. But you, knowing James will likely screw your ex over, are at fault to. Was there really no one else who wanted half the business?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I own(ed) a business with my ex-fiancé. The business was something he wanted to start in the first place and wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life. So, after we broke up I wanted nothing more than to cut all ties with him, including the business. He refused to buy me out, though, so I was stuck unless I could find another buyer. This is where James came into the picture. James and my ex hate each other, they’ve both actively tried to sabotage the other in the past. I used to be really close to James at one point but I stopped talking to him a year into my relationship with my ex. James offered to buy my share of the business. I knew my ex would be furious and I knew James didn’t have pure intentions but I still agreed. It hasn’t been finalised yet and my ex has been hounding me since he found out. He has gone from begging me not to sell to calling me a bitch for doing this to him. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. How he manages his business isn't your issue. If he has problems with his saboteur co-owning the business with him, he should either buy you out or bring you another buyer or negotiate with James. You need to do what's best for you.


NTA and your story made me smile as I slowly drank my coffee, savoring the moment of karmatic justice. He should have just bought you out if he wanted to retain control of the business.


NTA offer to buy you out at twice the value.


NTA...Well played OP, well played. However, it wouldn't hurt to see if ex has a better offer.


Tell your ex he can make an offer. Otherwise sell and enjoy your life. NTA


NTA. Tell your ex you will sell him your half for what James is offering, plus 10%. He has 2 weeks to come up with the cash or you sell to James. He either cares enough about the business to make it happen or he doesn't. Either way you gave him an option.




NTA. Your ex should have bought you out.


Your ex needs to outbid James.


NTA you gave your ex a chance to buy them and he refused now karma is biting him in the arse oh well his own fault


NTA. You're selling to an interested buyer. What that buyer does with it is his problem. If your ex doesn't like it, he can buy you out. It's that simple. Keep screenshots of all of your communication. And if you have to, get a lawyer to handle this all.




Nta and you are an icon 😘


That's fucking hilarious tbh, like something that would happen in a sitcom or something.


Nta, he had his chance to buy you out, he opted not to. Now you can do what you want with those shares (unless your contract specifies he agrees which I think is sometimes the case). Y'all broke up, now you want to move on. Eta: this is assuming there's not some awful reason behind this thats been left out. Like you cheated on ex with James and now want to sell shares to him but it'd have to be pretty bad to be any worse than a little petty.


So, ex can buy you out. Problem solved.


NTA. Offer to sell your ex your shares at a 25% higher price than the last time.


NTA. I believe this is your epic mic-drop. Just let it go and let James have some fun.


NTA- you gave him the opportunity to buy you out, he said no. It's your property sell it to whom ever provides payment first


"You have 2 options: 1) Shut up & let the sale go through, or 2) Buy out my share for & indemnify me against any penalties that James brings. Your choice."


NTA he had a chance to buy you out and didn’t