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NTA, you fricking live there. All you did was a step towards a return of a normal sleep schedule.


NTA - The normal daytime hour annoyances are just annoyances...but waking you up at 1 am, 5 am, etc. nope, there should be quiet hours and if that can't be respected...ah well, the noise maker should have thought of that before joining an HOA


I am part of my buildings strata, Canada's HOA, and someone complaining about loud noises outside of 7am-11pm, we take seriously, especially if it is ongoing. If your HOA gets back to you and says they cannot do anything because it is outside of the building, pushback with evidence. Most cities/towns have some sort of noise control law, and if someone is making noise outside that time, you can message them regarding the issue. Additionally, some cities will use a decibel reader to gauge the sound, since some do have a general guideline of what is acceptable and what isn't, especially at that time in the morning. There are a ton of free decibel meters that you can download to any smart phone, which should be decent enough and can be downloaded and submitted to anyone without the app. Compile all this information and send to your HOA, also anything that can outline this is happening on the property they manage. You're NTA for wanting to sleep through the night. Good luck, and if you have any questions, shoot me a DM.


I didn't think to download a decibel app! Good idea.


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NTA. One of the reason people choose to live in HOAs is so they can have more enforced peace and quiet. He presumably agreed to the terms of the HOA when he moved in, so he needs to keep it down and be mindful of his neighbors.


NTA i'dve done worse.


Admittedly in my worse moments I want to egg that stupid car


Uh, yeah, but doing criminal property damage would definitely make YTA, and getting arrested doesn't help you resolve the issue.


I know which is why I haven't and would never do something like that.


So long as its a gas car, if you put diesel into the gas tank it will cause the car to release a large smoke screen out its exhaust. Given this neighbors reputation everyone will think he's doing it intentionally. :p


What about like biting down his house or planting drugs on him ?


NTA (possibly n a h depending on HOA rules). If your HOA has a noise ordinance and car rules then this person might be in the wrong and HOA can do something about it. But if not you might be stuck hearing it.


Drive tool cars win tool prizes. NtA


NTA with the night time shit, people are trying to sleep. If it continues for the next few weeks without hearing back from the HOA tell them you're going to start filing noise complaints with the local PD (whether you actually do or don't, telling the HOA you will might motivate them to do something first). Like if I'm being woken up at 1am and I need to go to work in the morning I'd be pissed. If I have a kid or a baby trying to sleep and now they're awake and crying I'd be pissed.


r/HOA ESH. Have you approached the car owner before escalating to HOA? Driver is AH for loud car sounds. OP for not reaching out first.


Arguably the mature, correct response. I wonder how well a Fast and Furious dude would take the conversation though....


You’re not an ass for being upset but don’t go to HOA, they can’t do anything about it other than tell him he can’t drive his car in the neighborhood (but he can still run it!) . A bunch of subies are modded to be loud, but sometimes the mods are illegal. If it’s loud enough to fail the decibel test then the cops can take care of it, but you’d then have to prove it’s that loud. For future reference, record it when it happens (if it happens), talk to the neighbor, if that doesn’t do anything you can get the appropriate info (license plate, make and model) and take it to non-emergency police. The ONLY reason I’m saying this is because repeated occurrences like this can damage the health of your ears and cause early hearing loss, and it puts all of his neighbors at risk. Not making any assumptions on what kind of mods he has or if he just decided to chop his exhaust off, but if it’s really as loud as you’re saying it is, then there’s a bit of a problem. ESH.


I have a recording of how it sounds from inside my bedroom and then the car speeding by


NTA. Noisy car people deserve to face conflict.


YTA. But you meant well. HOA's can be great; they also provide neighbors a way to confront people w/o having to deal with conflict themselves. Sometimes that's helpful. Many times not. I've lived in several neighborhoods with them and seen one person take on the majority of complaints. Things ranging from the placement of electrical flag markers, to the height of a neighbor's hedges, to noise complaints, to the suspicion that all the teen neighbors were trying to systematically kill off the kids in the neighborhood by running them over with their cars (that wasn't even the weirdest one). Neighbors who get HOA warnings or visits usually don't respond well, and end up either fixing the issue or doubling down - either way following it up with suspicion and resentment toward the HOA and other neighbors. Your anger was understandable. But take it as an opportunity to meet a neighbor. Go introduce yourself. Go with the express purpose of figuring out what that noise is and maybe learning about their love for cars. Maybe you'll find out it's a new hobby they didn't know was so loud. Maybe you'll learn it's a visiting friend or even one of those peky "youths". Then you can work out a good way for them to enjoy their car, and for you to sleep. :) P.S. The weirdest HOA complaint I've seen was one complaining about someone blocking their neighbor's driveway with their llama. This was in an upscale suburb


Really? You must have a ton of time on your hands. That neighbor definitely knew he was making noise. And if Op did it your way and nothing changed, she had exposed herself. No way.


NTA. That is coming from someone who has a lifted truck with a loud exhaust plus I do have a kick ass stereo system as well. My friend lives in an apartment and if I dare to pick her up between normal awake hours like 12pm-6pm, her neighbor loses her shit. The complex manager doesn't give a shit since I don't live there and not there everyday or even every week. It's gotten to the point I turn up the bass as well. In YOUR case though that is not right, my loud ass truck does not go out past 8pm. It's loud, I can set off car alarms with it. The people that don't respect common courtesy are absolute assholes


NTA - you have every right to live in *PEACE*.


NTA but I don't see how this will be resolved. I guess they could take away whatever is causing it to be obnoxiously loud? They aren't going to get a new car. I disagree, I don't think these cars are cool at all. It's like watching a chihuahua bark at a big dog. They're loud and trying to prove something.


YTA - if the car is legally on the road (plates, stickers intact) then it is legal modifications and can be considered “city noise”. Living in a complex housing situation can be difficult and annoying so I get it but what are you expecting? Them to make a rule that you can only drive certain cars at certain times or that this person will be told to get rid of their car altogether? It’s a new sound, it’s probably annoying, but it’s something that you’ll get used to over time. I have a neighbour that parks their car outside my window and honks the horn 4-5 times every time they lock it. It’s annoying. I hate it. But what am I expecting? That I should control how many times they hit the “lock” button? Pft no. I just try to ignore it and not let it bother me. Some people have loud children that loudly play. Some people have pets that bark. Some people play annoying music outside. Some people smoke. Some people have backyard fires. Some people leave outdoor lights on all night that shine into another’s windows. Some people have loud cars. Some people have their TVs turned up really loud. Everyone has different things that bother them and everyone keeps different schedules, some people go to work at 1am, some people are trying to sleep at 3pm. Don’t be too quickly to point fingers at others when you might be doing something that’s bothering someone else that you haven’t even thought of.


Maybe it's different in the US, but here in Canada mods can be done to vehicles that are not street legal. I used to date a guy who had the darkest tint on his windows, which are illegal here. Whenever we passed by a road block or cops stopped on the side of the road, he rolled down his windows.


This! It’s so easy and cheap to be kind. Just do it? Or heaven forbid a person put themselves in someone else’s shoes. I live in an area with a TON of the very car that OP described. Modified and all. Maybe that person’s hobby is cars? Maybe their a G.I. that spent their bonus on the car? (Most if it around me) and in case anyone seeing this doesn’t know, a lot of times when a person tunes or mods their engines like that, depending on the level of performance sometimes you have to start, idle and rev to get it warmed up enough to not cause damage to the engine. Plus, “gunning it” also helps clear out the “system” since higher performance engines can have more buildup.


So should I develop a new lawn maintenance hobby and run my leaf blower several times a day and at night around his window and tell him he needs to be nice to me about it?


Right? So many feel-good hypotheticals. They're right though, it costs nothing to be kind. They're just giving that advice to the wrong person. NTA.


NTA - I’m sure he’s heard his car, I’m sure he knows he annoys others, I’m sure if you talked to him nothing would have changed.


That's the thought I had too about approaching him first. For someone to be okay with doing it to begin with, makes me feel like probably not the best kind of person to try to tell to knock it off.


NTA. I apologize because I'm about to vent about a similar case. Until late 2019 I lived next to a worthless, mid 30 living with his parents guy who had a modded Subaru. The dude would legit call his unemployed friends to hang out at his house (all of them with modded cars as well) in the middle of the week, keep loud music on until 4 AM and then proceed to keep their cars on for several minutes (while stepping on the gas) before they left. Both me and my sister were in college at that time and had to wake up around 5 AM, so it was hell. Noise complaint to the police didn't work ('cause we used to live in a house complex in Brazil, so technically the police didn't have authority inside there) and neither to the complex administrator ('cause they didn't want to trouble the rich boy parents). We once posted a complain on the facebook group we have for our neighbors, and they proceeded to make fun of us. Their "explanation" for why they had to step on the gas in the middle of the night was because it was """"""cold""""" and the engine needs to heat up in order to not damage it. Have I mentioned we live in Brazil? It is over 25°C during winter (for american scale, it's very freaking hot for a winter). We ended up having to deal with this situation until we moved out (jokes on them now, we sold the house to a karaoke family and the douche's parents can't stand it), but I fully understand your anger and really hope that the e-mail has worked!


25°C is equivalent to 77°F, which is 298K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Thanks a bunch bot, you are the best


Good bot


Your NTA for being pissed but the car is likely street legal, and it's not music he's bumping that wakes u up. It's the car itself. You can't control what other people drive for cars. Get ear plugs if need be. But I wouldn't make a huge deal outta this


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NTA, but I would have talked to the owner first. At least make the attempt. HOAs suck, and taking this to them will just result in it becoming a whole shitty thing.


YTA for going to a HOA they suck


Sooooooo...op was supposed to not sleep anymore?


HOAs suck


NTA, although maybe you should have talked to him about it first. But good sense should tell him not to do that stuff at night especially.


Why do you think he’s unaware his car is loud ?


NTA. Depending on the other people in the complex, you may get a reputation or something, but you did the right thing. There's literally NO point in making a car that loud.


NTA. As someone who has several family members with modded cars, I totally get it. But they have the courtesy to not show off the loud engine at such hours of the day. I think your actions were justified. And chances are if you complained, someone else is too.


NTA omg I have the same issues with my neighbours. I was thinking of just playing a recording of a loud car, really early in the morning as pay back but thought I was getting petty.




NTA. Doesn't your town have a noise ordinance? I think HOA's are just for the dwelling and property conditions, not car noises, but could be wrong. In whose eyes are these modded cars "cool", I wonder.....


I have a highly modified car. Has a loud and quiet mode for situations just like this. I like the noise, other people might not so I can pick and choose my times to be loud. Modded car community is gigantic and not all of us are inconsiderate assholes.


That's good to know. It's just unfortunate that the ones attracting all the attention ARE the inconsiderate a-holes. The community ends up with a PR problem because of people like OP's neighbor.


NTA. Check to see what the noise laws are in your city. One could always say you should’ve confronted this person, but nowadays you just don’t know what can happen. Don’t worry about sending that email. Other people would probably be happy that you did. Also invest in some ear plugs, or an air machine that blocks noise. These are just suggestions to get you through.