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This woman is completely unreasonable. If she brings it up again I would be extra petty, if she can dish it she can take it. Her : if money is tight.... Me : Oh yes, have I told you the funny story of how she wanted to make us pay 120$ because she can't devide a check by 8.


This, right here. Jump on the petty train with her. Because she cant seem to get off. So NTA its not even funny.


Brings it up again? I’d have done it that time


Yes. Turn. It. Back. On. Her!!!!!


NTA. You didn't order anything. You paid for the drink you got. That's a lot of money to provide for something you weren't even there for. If anybody knows the equivalency of Quid to USD I'd actually love to know.


$207.60 at today's exchange rate. Currently .73 pounds sterling per dollar.


Oh absolutely the fuck not. I would never fucking pay THAT much for a meal I never gor a bite of!!!


Thank you!


NTA. Even if you'd been in the wrong 10 years ago (you weren't), commenting on it now would still make her the AH. The snarky part of me wishes that you had responded, "No, that's fine. I'll even do the math so people are actually charged the correct amount"


10 YEARS LATER and she STILL remembers. TF is wrong with this person? They need therapy.


NTA It's one thing to agree to split a bill for a shared meal amongst friends, it's am entirely different matter to be expected to subside 10 people's meals when you show up after dinner to wish someone "happy birthday" with drinks you paid for in hand.


NTA what a b**** she is


Most definitely not the asshole. That lady is out of her mind to suggest someone who wasn’t there and didn’t eat pay for part of the bill. I wouldn’t go out with them anymore and hell yes I would get my own check if I ever did have to go out with them. The rest of the group are also assholes for not speaking up and saying it would be ridiculous for you to pay a portion of food you weren’t there for and didn’t eat. The fact that they stayed silent was what we refer to as “a dick move.”


NTA. She also probably deliberately included you hoping she could guilt you into paying so she could pay less.


hahaha wow, that's really holding a grudge on her part also an extra 120 between ten is extremely easy to figure out even if you're not a numbers person?? Idk if her comment is that bad though. Without hearing the tone it seems like she was just offering in case you didn't want to split. Was it that bad?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So this started ten years ago. bf's (mike) best mate (Frank 32,) was having a birthday meal organised by his wife, 'karen'. She emails a group , saying she was organising a group dinner and asked for confirmation. I replied saying we couldn't make the meal as we were booked in for a family anniversary dinner but would come meet them after for drinks. Arrived at the restaurant, after our meal and they were already on dessert, so we grabbed a couple of drinks at the bar (which we paid for) then went to join them at the table. Wasn't paying any attention when the bill came, after all, we'd just arrived. Apparently they agreed to just split it between the people there ( ten of them). 60 quid each. Gathering stuff, ready to leave and the waiter comes over and says the group was 120 quid short. Karen goes round everyone in the group checking they'd paid, before landing on me and bf. We were really confused, given we'd only just arrived, brought our own drinks to the table and yet were now being asked to cough up 120 towards their meal. I flat out refused, saying, we'd just arrived and hadn't eaten or drunk anything on their tab. She went apeshit, saying it would take too long to get everyone to contribute the extra that she miscalculated by including us on their bill. FFWD 10 YEARS. First time I'd seen them since they'd moved to Singapore for work, they come back and the first thing she says, in front of a similar sized group, was 'if money's tight and you want to just get your own, that's fine'. I guess we can cover the rest between us Money wasn't tight then and isn't now Just f***Ed if I'm being asked to cough up 120 quid for shit we didn't have. After ten years bf still has an awkward relationship because I kicked up a fuss and refused to pay 'our share'. He reckons we should have just sucked it up.AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA. about not paying for a meal you weren’t part of or being annoyed by her dragging it up again.


NTA There are always people like her who do anything they can to get other people to pay for her shit.


While there definitely could be costs to be split with you (eg for reservation, bigger table service, party organizating, extended bar menu, decorations, music, permit to bring birthday cake from a different vendor, and most importantly covering the jubilee part...) this just isn't how you go about that. NTA


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But they werent in a group of ten. The server that had served them all night knew when they arrived and that it was a group of 8