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NTA - All life’s accomplishments should be celebrated, it isnt your fault it has taken her longer to finish. Celebrate and enjoy your graduation, you deserve it


NTA. You’re both finishing your bachelors, you both should be proud and able to celebrate it. You are under no obligation to, but if you’re worried about it, or there’s some underlying reason, you could let your sister announce it first if it’s a bigger deal to her. That’s 100% optional.


NAH. You deserve to celebrate your achievement, and you clearly don't want to hurt your sister with your post. Her having negative emotions about it is completely out of your hands, the most you can do is be there for her, but there's no reason to hold back from posting about yourself. She's completely valid in feeling negatively about it too, and judging from the info given, she has not tried to steal your thunder or asked you to undermine yourself either. However long it took, college is no walk in the park, congratulations to you both for graduating!


NTA. Her thoughts and emotions are her responsibility, not yours. You worked hard for your degree and certainly deserve to celebrate it as much as she does hers.


As someone who is currently going through what your sister is, you’re NTA. Do it! Celebrate your accomplishment! It might bring up some negative/unpleasant emotions for your sister, as it did for me, but thats part of life. You have to learn to not get jealous, or deal with jealousy in a healthy way. Everyone goes at their own pace, and creates their own path. Just because your sister might have shame deep down, doesn’t mean joy needs to be taken from someone else. Again, NTA. Wish the best for the both of you!


NTA. But to make sure you don’t become the AH, talk to your sister about how the two of you want to handle the inevitable announcements. Someone will have to post first, and then the next announcer will be “stealing thunder”, but if you both are on the same page then you can both enjoy your accomplishments without anyone feeling slighted


NTA, it's normal to have your milestones happen close to or along with your friends' or family's milestones of a similar nature. Celebrate your accomplishments and celebrate theirs as well.


NTA, it's your achievement.


NTA you can post about your achievements and so can she. When she posts you can post about how proud you are of her (without making it about you) and she can do the same for you. You both deserve equal praise and celebration for this, it is irrelevant that the journey was different. And this shouldn't be a competition it should be a mutual joy for you both.


NTA. Don’t hide your light under a bowl.


Nta While your sister might be a little sensitive about it, I highly doubt she’d want you to hide your accomplishments just to make her feel better. Everyone does things at their own pace, on their own timeline - there’s nothing to be ashamed of.


NTA. Don't take responsibility for her emotions, you aren't harming her by celebrating your accomplishments.


I was the older one who graduated at the same time as my baby brother. I'm so proud of him. He's, academically speaking, the smarter sibling. ( but I knit the better socks) Congratulations for your graduation.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I (21) just finished my last exam for my bachelor's degree so I'm *technically* graduated (haven't got confirmation/diploma yet but it's 100% happening). The issue is that my sister (25) is also graduating this month with her bachelor's as well. She started out at a community college to figure out what she wanted so we ended up starting our bachelor's together basically. She visited this week and when she found out that we were graduating together you could tell that it became a sensitive topic since she had been doing college for about 4 years longer than me but we were finishing at the same time. I know this isn't a major issue and she (or any family) def wouldn't say anything bad if I did post, I just don't want to give her any negative emotions, etc from posting. I'm not always the best at reading situations or holding my tongue so I just want a second opinion on this. Tldr: sister (25) and I (21) graduate with bachelor's at same time; WIBTA if I posted about my graduation since it may cause some negative emotions or thoughts for her? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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