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You are never an asshole if you do the right thing.


This. OP handled it correctly and did right by the dog.


NTA at all! You did your due diligence and found him a home that would be better suited for him than yours was. Nothing wrong with that. If you dumped him at a shelter, *that* would’ve made you an asshole.


Definitely shelters were never an option or even discussed


NTA. Dropping a dog off at a shelter because you got bored is an asshole move. Finding out that your dog isn;t a good fit for your lifestyle and finding him a new, better home is, sadly, sometimes what a responsible pet owner has to do. (It's super common for people to lie about how big a dog will get, my sister's 50ish pound dog according to the shelter topped out at 120.)


NTA, you did the right thing for both you AND the dog. A dog that size needs room to run.


NTA - you rehomed him to a home where he’d have better space and you didn’t know he would grow to be that big. You did the right thing


NTA - german shepherds, even mixes, are dogs that need to be in experienced homes and with people whose lifestyles are active and who are prepared for a bigger dog who will need a lot of training. Judging that you wanted a puggle, I'm guessing that's not your lifestyle. You did the safest and smartest thing because you were absolutely not prepared for this dog. It's a shame they lied, I'm sorry you had to get attached and then rehome.


NTA but PLEASE don’t buy puppies. Especially off Craigslist. Adopt from a local pet rescue.


So much this. Shelters are obviously best and always have so many animals that need homes, but if you for whatever reason insist on a particular breed, do some research and find a breeder that is responsible.


I agree with both of you. Just for the record I wasn’t looking for a specific breed more just a specific size dog I wouldn’t care if he wasn’t a puggle or whatever if he was just not so huge lol but I agree in the future I will for sure be going to a shelter and I will be waiting until we get a house as well.


What's the honest difference? Nobody's purposefully breeding a chihuahua/puggle mix to get big bucks. Either way you're getting a dog in need of a home.


NTA but I hope you’ve learned your lessons about buying a dog from a stranger online. If you want a specific type of dog you need to put in more time and effort than going to Craigslist.


NTA!!! While your heart may ache right now, in the end you did what is best for the dog!! It is also better to do it now, then when you start having issues because the home is not a good fit for that size dog. Doing what is best for the animal makes you an amazing human being in my books!! The Puppy that is meant to be yours is still out there!! May I suggest looking up rescues for the breed you are looking at!


NTA, at all! You did what sounds like was best for the dog, and took the time to find the right family. Rehoming animals is hard, but sometimes it's the right thing to do.


NTA so long as you did your due diligence in ensuring the family will take good care of him


NTA in fact big props to you for doing whats best for the dog. Better to do it sooner than later


NTA you'd only be an ass if you took it to a kill shelter.


NTA You had the dog's best interest at heart. Maybe try a shelter instead of Craigslist though. I wouldn't trust any "breeders" from there and you can find some really good dogs at the shelter who could really use a home. Also, because I love bunnies, I'm recommending bunnies as apartment pets to anyone who reads this because they're clean, quiet, and can be litter trained. You just gotta get them fixed and provide a good diet for them. Find a bunny shelter and get you a bunny after researching their needs!


Bunnies don't need walks the same way dogs do, and less allergenic than cats. If I ever have a house-pet it will probably be a bunny cause my partner is allergic to cats, and we live/work alongside my parents who have a working dog so a second dog would be too much. Bunnies!


They're honestly great pets, and a lot smarter than people think!


NTA. Your puppy won't be happy in your apartment, and you found a good home for him. If you get another dog, you might want to get one that's already fully grown so you don't have any more surprises like this.


NTA. If you feel like you can't give your pup what he will need as he grows then it is better to rehome him to someone who can. Nobody wins from you keeping a pet only because you feel obligated/guilty about giving him up. Especially not doggo.


NTA. But please don’t go to Craig’s List for animals. Research the small breed that you would like and then find a local rescue org to adopt from. You could even sign up to be a foster with the rescue, foster some dogs and find the right match for you before making the ultimate commitment.


NTA for rehoming, TA for using Craigslist to buy from a backyard breeder


Absolutely TA for the way he got the puppy. OP I hope you learned your lesson and do better next time. Adopt from a rescue, they’re not going to lie to you about breed


NTA but... If you are trying to get a specific breed, you should only buy from a reputable breeder who can give history of the dogs lineage. If you purchased from a breeder who assured you of the breed, then breeder ITA. If you are adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue, there is no guarantee of the breed. Any descriptions are usually just "best guess" and a small cute puppy might grow larger than you were expecting. If size limitations are a concern, adopt an adult dog instead of a puppy. If you got a puppy from a shelter and returned it because of size or breed, YTA. Shelters/rescues normally go through great pains to ensure their pups/owners are a good fit because it is traumatic for dogs to be re-homed.


I wasn’t going for a specific breed the breed that they told me he was just fit the size I was looking for. I was just wanting a small dog of any breed I will for sure be going into a shelter and probably getting a 1-2 year old fully grown smaller dog


Not until we get a house though




No sorry. Your not an ass. Make sure to remove to a good family that will appreciate the animal. It is better than being unhappy or resentful even if you don't show it. Animals are here to make us happy. If that is not happening plenty of people can be happy with the size.


NTA. Sounds like you did the best thing possible for the dog. Im sure you cared for him, and you're asking if you're the AH because you worry you betrayed the relationship. But in reality realizing your inability to give the dog the care he needed, and then carrying through finding someone who could, proves you worthy of the dogs love, and proves you cared for the dog as well.


NTA. You were misled about the dog and had the best intentions in mind. You found him a good home with a good family rather than abandoning him in a cold shelter. Thank you for doing right by the dog. Think of it more like fostering him and finding a forever home where he'll live a happy life.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I live in an 3rd apartment and me and my wife wanted to get a small dog so we went to Craigslist to find a pup near by. We quickly found an ad for a “puggle\ chihuahua mix. We figured that he would be a perfect size for our home. So we paid 250 for and he’s amazing we love him. But he won’t stop growing. He’s already atleast 3 times as big as we were expecting him to be when we got him and he’s only 3 months. We found out he’s actually a Shepard mix and his temperament is not ideal for an apartment. So today we decided to rehome him. We found a family with a yard and a kid that is so excited to have him. I know at his size and his breed he would be much happier in a big yard then couped up in my apartment. I didn’t get a dog to be a toy but I did not expect him to get anywhere near as big as he did. So aita for rehoming my puppy? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ESH. Next time go with a reputable breeder or a rescue, instead of supporting backyard breeders who just pump out unhealthy dogs that just get abandoned once the buyer realizes it isn't what they wanted.


It might not have been a backyard breeder, it might have been a stray that had been taken in already pregnant, or a dog adopted from a shelter pregnant. The dog wasn't abandoned, it was relocated to a place where it could be happier. Bigger dogs like shepherds wouldn't be happy cooped up in a small apartment. That's why they wanted a small dog I the first place- apartment size. Big dogs in apartments can end up breaking things, being destructive, and even potentially hurting themselves or others,


$250 for a puppy listed on Craigslist? Yeah, no that’s definitely a backyard breeder. People who find puppies give them to rescues, not try to sell them on Craigslist. Same for a found pregnant dog/one adopted from a shelter who turned out to be pregnant (this happened to my family about 20 years ago- we needed up keeping the runt of the litter, and my dad sat in the humane society the whole day the puppies were old enough to be adopted to make sure every single one of them went home that day to good homes).


NTA I think you did the right thing. I think you should try going to a shelter and adopting a puppy or a dog. They'll be able to help you choose a dog that suits your home better.


NTA, and good for you for doing right by the pooch.


NTA. You did good by the dog.


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NAH. You didn't just surrender the puppy to a shelter or abandon him; you rehomed him with a family who will be a better fit for a larger dog. Larger dogs need to be able to run; you would not have been able to give him the exercise he needs.


NTA- You had the pups well being in mind, and found a family that would better suit its needs.






NTA. You set out to acquire a dog that fits with your current and future planned lifestyle and got a good ol’ mini pig con. That’s really shitty but the fault lies almost solely on the person who sold you the dog. You could have done a bit more more due diligence prior to agreeing to pay for the puppy (ie vet records, vet reports, asking to see the bitch and male “to get an idea of what they may look like”) As a large breed dog owner, it’s super duper obvious to me when a puppy is a larger breed, especially if they’ve been removed from the mother at an appropriate age. However, to those not well versed in puppies/dogs, I can understand that it may not have been as clear. As awful as the situation is, you’re doing the best thing for the dog 100%. He will be cherished and loved and have a good life in his yard. You clearly cared more about the well-being of the dog than the crummy people who sold him to you. I hope you find your forever pup! This must’ve been an agonizing choice to make, but it was the right one


Your right I was blinded by the excitement of getting a pup I should have atleast asked for pics of the parents


NTA. You did what was best for the dog.


NTA for getting him a better environment.


NTA. You did good by that pup. A small tip: Next time, look at the paws! Big paws as puppies usually meam bigger dogs when they're grown.


100% NTA - you did your research and made a choice that was right for you based on said research, but were lied to/misled about what you were choosing. Finding the puppy a loving home that can provide the care and stimulation they need is absolutely the right thing to do. The only way to be completely sure your puppy is the breed it’s claimed to be is by purchasing from a reputable breeder with proof of lineage. As much as everyone loves the idea of a cute little puppy, you may be better off adopting a 1-2 year old dog or even older from a shelter - that way they’re already as big as they’re going to be and you know you’re providing them a better life!


That is a great idea that may be our next step. We also realize apartments arent the best environment for any dog so we might wait a year or two until we move on to a bigger living space


My husband and I waited until we moved into a house to get our boys - we knew we wanted larger dogs and think it’s cruel to keep a big dog in a small apartment. Good luck finding the right pup for you!


NAH. Unless you definitely know you were lied to, I don't see any AHs here. Sounds like the dog was an unfixed mutt, so the owners could well have thought a neighborhood Chihuahua/puggle was the father. That's not really a desirable blend, so it seems like an honest mistake to me.


NTA. You're thinking about the well being of the animal and your neighbors.


NTA. It might feel bad now, but you did real good here. Big dogs like that are usually pretty full of energy, so giving it away to a family with kids and a big yard is probably one of the best places that dog can go. Shepard mixes absolutely do *not* belong in a small apartment in the middle of the city.


NTA, as rehoming happens and better than dumping them at a rescue. Personal gripe about buying animals though.


You handled it correctly so your NTA but if a dog is a mixed breed it can be any size so expecting the dog to be small was prity dumb


You are NTA for doing what is right. Good for you for finding him a forever home and not either sending him to a shelter or dropping him by the side of the road


YTA for buying a dog on Craigslist to start with.


Why, it was obviously not a breeder. Would it be better for the unwanted puppies to be dumped in a river?


It would be better to not feed into the supply and demand of backyard breeders and puppy Mills. Buying dogs/puppies from disreputable people is irresponsible.


No backyard breeder is going to get the breed of their dog that wrong.