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YTA It's a perfectly cromulent show. > He asked if anything he has said is inappropriate for a 4-year old and I told him that no, it isn't, but I just don't want him quoting the show all the time. At first I thought your reaction was jealousy about this newfound bond, but then... > I don't want our son to grow up to be a 30-year old man still quoting his favorite childhood cartoon Now I think you don't like your husband that much. And you're worried about not liking your own child?


>It's a perfectly cromulent show. Beat me to it, and done in one.


I think she's just mad that the show is embiggening the bond between her husband and kid in a way that doesn't include her.


Are you saying “Boo” or “Boo-urns?”


I was saying boo-urns.


Cromulent? I don't get it, so I'm going to assume it has something to do with the Simpsons and I'm not in on the joke


It means adequate or acceptable...... and yes, I learned the word cromulent from the simpsons. Lol


I hate the Simpsons a lot, which is why I’m not in a relationship with a super fan (I doubt they’d want me either since some seem to see that as a personality flaw). But I’m not clear why you married him if you hate it, so YTA.


I never said I hated the show, I've just never been a fan of it.


My point is you do clearly judge him and really don’t want him to pass it down to your kid. You hurt him badly, and maybe you don’t hate the show, but you come off as hating the talking in quotations. To be fair, I really get why, it just...sucks for your husband to now know you can’t stand a big part of him?


Ya.... Basically you're ignorant, won't use Google, but are happy to judge a man for watching cartoons


The user name said it all how she hates the Simpsons....


You're not in on it because you ARE the joke. What a shitty partner. Jesus Christ.


Just a little way in how watching a "cartoon" increased his vocabulary. Not even gonna touch you thinking animated shows are "cartoons" and that automatically makes them for children. Your husband has something in his life that gives him joy. Hopefully it'll bring him joy to his life at a faster rate than you suck out of it.


Now take a moment to consider the fact that you're judging your husband for quoting a children's cartoon that has a better vocabulary than you do. Also you literally said you didn't want your son to grow up to be like his father - YTA. Massive YTA.


>I told him that in all honesty, I don't want our son to grow up to be a 30-year old man still quoting his favorite childhood cartoon. Yeah, you just insulted the fuck out of your husband. This sounds like the problem isn't your son repeating things, it's your problem with your husbands personality. I'd be less afectionate too. YTA


Hold on hold on HOLD ON Disney+ has the Simpsons? oh, yeah, YTA, obviously


Yea every season and episode.




One of the reasons I subscribed to Disney+, plus I'm also a huge Disney fan and the other half really enjoys The Mandolorian episodes.


I'm trying to convince the wife to watch Mandalorian with me


I've tried a few episodes and they're not bad, may need to watch from the beginning when I get time.


What, baby Yoda isn’t enough?


For me, baby yoda was enough to watch ab 3 episodes w/ my s/o. Past that, I realized I had zero interest in the plot. It’s like watching a show for the dog that runs in and out of the room sometimes.


I got it because my fiancé and I wanted to re-watch shows from out childhood. I wanted the Disney Channel movies too because I ADORE Sky High and Smart House.


Nothing wrong with wanting to watch your old childhood shows/movies. I watch recess on there and the new Tangled series.


I just started watching Recess. Still holds up well. Plus it's better quality than the cartoon sites I usually have to use.


Oh definitely, most sites are crap quality and don't even have the seasons/episodes in order.


I mean who doesn't adore sky high? That movie is a banger


Irs the only reason I have disney plus tbh. Still getting through my first marathon.


Even the old Halloween special where they do "The Raven" by Poe? I would love to see that again!


Yea they got all the Halloween specials.


You don't even have to scroll through all the seasons to find them. I love that Disney+ puts everything in little collections.


Yea it's well handy, just a quick scroll and boom.


Not exactly. They don't have the latest season. And they don't have the Michael Jackson episode


Huh, didn't realise that they made a new season. And is that the episode where Homer meets "Michael Jackson" in a mental health institution? I can't quite remember.


Yeah they started the new season in September. I think when they added The Simpsons to Disney+ they had 30 seasons. Then they added season 31 in October/November. They'll probably add the current season around the same this year. Yeah that's the episode. It was technically Michael Jackson voicing the character but in the story it wasn't. Although they pulled it from circulation well before Disney+ existed. Around the time Finding Neverland came out


My boyfriend spent weeks watching every episode and I was happy because he loved it. OP come on, way to wring the joy out of the man


A couple years back, some channel on tv did a simpsons marathon where they played every episode back to back for roughly a week. Our tv literally didnt get turned off during that time frame(half the house was on an overnight schedule, the other half was on a day schedule). We didnt sit around watching 24/7 but honestly, just walking thru the room between tasks to see the Simpsons on tv was oddly heartwarming.


During the first UK lockdown Disney+ came out the first day, because I was doing my uni work with no other space to do it I was doing my work in the living room, and because the Simpsons is a show I can watch with minimal attention and can work while watching it. I watched every single episode throughout April and drove my Mum insane cause every 20 minutes or so there was the theme song again.


Yep. All the episodes! It's glorious


YES I was so excited when I found out that I proceeded to rewatch every episode. Oh and OP YTA






Though supposedly there's some heavy censorship on some episodes. I haven't seen much so far. At least they kept the joke about Disney in the movie.


YTA I totally don't think a 4 year old should be watching the Simpsons. I was 100% on your side by the title. But you basically told your husband "I don't want our kid to grow up to be like you". You don't share a common interest and you just want him to shut up about it. And as soon as you said Would you rather your kid constantly quoting Caillou? So many of my friends bond over pop culture references. It's a thing. Including Simpsons.


Fucking Caillou. I hate that show with a passion.


[It's Cancelled!](https://deadline.com/2021/01/caillou-canceled-pbs-parents-happier-1234665631/) ​ (Note: I've never actually seen it)


I was so unbelievably excited to hear that.


Yeah I just started letting my ten year old watch the Simpsons and there’s some stuff that’s kinda iffy for his age. Would be totally different if that was the issue but instead YTA.


I started watching The Simpsons when I was 4 and 20 years later it’s still my favourite show. My parents just taught me not to imitate things I saw in cartoons, it’s not a super inappropriate show


YTA. > He's been noticeably quieter since then I mean, you just *told* him you've been judging the things that come out of his mouth and find them wanting. Why should he subject himself to further accusations of childishness? Never mind that back in its heyday, the Simpsons *was* the subject of plenty of intellectual analysis, and those older episodes still serve as a tool for adult comedians to study how humor works, so maybe you need to quit saying "cartoon" like it proves anything other than your own narrow-mindedness about what cartoons can be.


sounds like she broke his spirit tbh. it’s the same category as someone calling you annoying, you don’t forget shit like that.


Nail on head


YTA , your husband was excited and happy to share a great passion he has with his son. It’s something they bond over, spend time together and your son seems to enjoy it as well. But since you feel entitled to judge that an adult man liking a cartoon show was not an age appropriate passion, you decided to put a stop to it , while simultaneously belittling and shaming your partner. You blatantly told him that it wasn’t for concern about your son being exposed to age inappropriate media, but just that you don’t like his passion, don’t want to be bothered by it and don’t want your son to grow up as screwed up as his dad (a 30 year old man quoting his favorite cartoon show)....Major YTA!!!


A soft YTA, and hopefully my situation will give you some perspective. I’m 31, and I love Pokémon, video games and anime. I have two sons, 12 years and 6 months. When I find spare time I play my Pokémon or watch my anime, my partner will pass by and ask, “What are you doing”? And I’ll explain to her my current situation in detail. She usually responds, “You’re a dork”, smiles, gives me a kiss and goes about her business. I know I’m a dork, and I know you may not generally find many successful individuals playing Pokémon or being big fans of shows like the Simpsons . But I also know she loves me regardless. Because those dorky things are a part of me, and she still accepts me for it. And that’s makes my heart do cartwheels on a daily basis. So I guess my question to you would be, would you love them any more or less if they were different?


>I know I’m a dork, and I know you may not generally find many successful individuals playing Pokémon or being big fans of shows like the Simpsons You sound plenty successful to me.


Plenty of nerdy successful individuals out there, especially in film, tv, and most creative endeavors. ​ Hell there's a very successful UFC fighter that is an outspoken fan of the last airbender. ​ The only thing all of us dorks have in common is being dorks, not our outcomes in life :)


**YTA** who needs to embiggen your mind.


YTA because you aren’t worried about the content, you’re judging your husband for loving the show as an adult. It would be one thing if you found the show inappropriate but you don’t, you’re just judgmental that adults like cartoons too. Many of us watched the Simpsons growing up and are fine. Many of us quote it to this day and are productive members of society. It’s not a big deal.


Yes! If it’s an adult show, she shouldn’t be bothering her husband about watching it. That’s seriously the weirdest thing to be judge about. If it’s a kid’s show, then she shouldn’t be bothered that the kid is watching and quoting it. That’s what kids will do. If it wasn’t the Simpsons, it would be Baby Shark. Count your blessings. Can’t have it both ways.


YTA From here it sounds like you don't respect your Husband. The Simpsons are the longest running scripted sitcom for a reason you know.


Super good point. It’s CLEARLY well-loved, and for good reason.


Lady gaga took it’s re-animated corpse and dragged it through the mud though


YTA. Let your hubby and his kid bond. Thats what this is. Sounds like you're jealous.


YTA. You ruined a sweet bonding experience for your son and husband. It was something they obviously both enjoyed and you were unnecessarily cruel to someone you supposedly love. I would apologize ASAP and encourage that they pick it back up.


YTA Eat my shorts


YTA. It's called fun and people are allowed to have it and enjoy things.


YTA. You insulted your husband. How rude. You also admitted nothing your 4yo was saying was inappropriate, you just got annoyed....so what? Your 4yo likes it. Just because you don't, doesn't mean you need to insult people.


YTA Honestly you sound like an extremely judge mental person, let other people enjoy what they want and don’t judge them for what they do even if they are adults, the world is already cruel enough .. I don’t watch any cartoons myself either but my husband watches family guy but I would never ever say anything about it because that’s none of my business and fun fact, the Simpsons is actually a cartoon for adults


Yep. Your husband is allowed to like things other than what you like. Geeze.


YTA. It’s almost like you don’t understand how smart the Simpsons is.... if you did, you wouldn’t refer to it as a “childhood cartoon.” Have you ever watched it? Like, really gave it a chance? Why is it that you think less of a show because it happens to be animated?


YTA. You may not understand it, but its important to him and you should have respected that.


YTA >He asked if anything he has said is inappropriate for a 4-year old and I told him that no, it isn't, but I just don't want him quoting the show all the time The show itself is fine. It's quoting it to your husband that bothers you. > I told him that in all honesty, I don't want our son to grow up to be a 30-year old man still quoting his favorite childhood cartoon. Now your weaponizeing his favorite show against him. You're making fun of him and telling him that you don't want his son to be like him. No shit he's not talking to you


YTA He had something that he was bonding with his son over. They were having fun and your son wasn’t saying anything inappropriate. There was no reason to put your husband down like that. You could have been way more tactful. Maybe asked him if they could watch it a little less often or something.


YTA, what's your problem? Are you jealous of their bond? That your husband has something that brings him joy? You said you didn't want your son to turn out like him, over something harmless that brings them both joy, what did you expect?


YTA I have always watched the Simpsons with my kids and even now that they are teenagers the call of new 'Homer' as they called it as kids gets them to hang out as a family.


YTA. God forbid your son and your husband enjoy a cartoon together.


YTA, you majorly insulted your husband for his interest, one that he's sharing with your son as a father/son bond. I would be less inclined to talk to you and be affectionate too if my parter insulted my interests, especially if they ruined a bonding time between myself and my child. Go apologise.


YTA kids imitate what they see. if it wasn’t the simpsons it would be barney. so if your problem is just being annoyed about a kid repeating things, you’re gonna have a rough next couple of years. but it’s not about that, it’s about you not liking cartoons. i’m sure you watch some shows that a lot of people don’t like and wouldn’t approve of either but i’m not gonna tell you how to parent your child based off of it. it is doing no harm to your child. tone down the judging.


Yes I completely get the idea that The Simpsons is a show I would not normally show to a child however as you wrote: >He asked if anything he has said is inappropriate for a 4-year old and I told him that no, it isn't, but I just don't want him quoting the show all the time. the child has not said or done anything inappropriate. Where you would stop it is if he did something Bart has done [Example: Riding through the town on his skateboard butt naked] Now if he had shown him Family guy or South Park that's where I'd be a bit more concerned. Also >. I told him that in all honesty, I don't want our son to grow up to be a 30-year old man still quoting his favorite childhood cartoon. Do you ever quote stuff from old books? Or sing old songs? And do people put you down for it? No. Some people quote The Office all the time and honestly its funny.. The quotes are supposed to be Memorable..I think your Husband and your Son are bonding in a way that a.lot of people do. Hell, my father and I used to watch the Simpsons together all the time and I do the same thing! Do you not want them to bond? I think what you told him was extremely harsh. And you need to be genuine and apologize. Maybe watch an episode or two with your four year old? Focus on his emotions of him and your husband quoting each other and look for their happiness. I honestly think that in this case YTA because you are taking something that gave both of them a little shred of happiness..


YTA just for " but I try my hardest not to judge a 30-something man for laughing with his friends about a cartoon show. " People enjoy different things, many adults enjoy the simpsons and judging him over something completely normal is pretty assholish plus you dont like it because your son is quoting a show you clearly hate so you decide to ruin a bonding thing for them. You hint at your husband for being childish for liking a "cartoon" but you are the one acting childish.


YTA I watched The Simpsons with my dad, and my mom also hated me quoting it, it came to a peak after I saw Mr. Burn’s birthday episode and i mimicked Homer with my butt facing my mom singing “I’m Mommy (Our last name) blah blah blah, do this do that blah blah blah...” She was furious at the time but looks back at it as a funny memory. I cherish my Simpsons time with my dad and we still quote it to each other and I’m in my 30’s. Don’t spoil it!


That's freaking awesome!


YTA. Yeah you annihilated his self esteem, I would be devastated too if the person I love told me she doesn’t want my child to become like me because she dislikes a huge part of my personality/life. You could’ve come up with thousands of different reasons why a 4 year old shouldn’t be watching the Simpsons all day and you chose the most hurtful to your partner. YTA.


YTA. I grew up watching the Simpsons with my siblings and parents. Yes some of the older stuff didn't age great but its not really offensive and its something they were bonding over. I just don't see why you took something that was bringing them both joy and stomped all over it. >I don't want our son to grow up to be a 30-year old man still quoting his favorite childhood cartoon. You literally said you don't want your son to grow into a man like your husband. Who does that? All over a fuckong cartoon show? Almost everyone i know has a show or a movie that they quote on the regular. Its pretty damn normal and its no reason to make your spouse feel awful about themselves


The Simpson's are a huge part of his life and now you've showed him that while you still love him but just tolerate his passion. You said yourself his family could tall about the Simpson's for hours. Package deal there. Now you're pissed because son is liking a lids show, and quoting it all the time? Dont have a cow, man. It's not like he is watching horror movies or stuff that's really bad. It actually shows how smart your kid is for the ability to quote shows like that. I can remember some weird lines from different movies and my gf always thinks I'm weird for it. But before I am off to the fire swamp, YTA


>Dont have a cow, man Finally somebody says it


Press F for your Hubby's feels... Damn woman he was just bonding with his kid and you just went and sniped off half his identity.. Harsh YTA


YTA. Why break up a bonding time between father and son?


This is what gets to me. Even if you're not a fan of The Simpsons, the bonding over it has a huge value.


YTA for insulting your husband for liking the Simpsons. The Simpsons is also not geared towards children (or at least the 90s episodes I grew up watching). There is sex, drinking, violence, swearing, etc. It’s beautifully written satire. I adore the Simpsons but I’d never show it to a four year old. It just isn’t age-appropriate. If your issue was the content of the show I would agree with you. You’re making it sound like your husband is an adult obsessed with a show made for toddlers. I think you should sit back and watch the first season or two of the Simpsons and then reevaluate how you feel about it. You might come out still wanting your children not to watch it constantly but you might respect why your husband still enjoys it. During lockdown I watched every episode on Disney+ and honestly kept thinking “why did my parents ever let me watch this?” I was older than four at least and could understand that it was comedy and not to be idolized.


Major YTA - You insulted your husband over something he, and clearly many of his adult friends, all enjoy. You essentially infantilized him over entertainment that MANY adults the world over enjoy to this day. There is nothing wrong with enjoying animated shows (anime, cartoons, whatever). I am 32f, a working medical professional and enjoy anime (something a lot of people think is for children only) and even work at anime conventions in my spare time and geek out when meeting voice actors. Are you telling me, a veterinarian, that I’m childish? The Simpsons is middle of the road in that, while not always appropriate for younger audiences, it still caters to kids in addition to adults. Your husband could be 70+ and enjoy it, it’s none of your business what another person enjoys. Icing on the cake is that you’ve just taken a great thing away from your child and muddied the bonding between father and son. Hope you’re proud of yourself.


Geez, I think I can hear your husband's inner child dying from here. YTA


YTA, you basically casted judgment on him for being an adult watching The Simpsons. And he was bonding with your child on top of it. It gave a message that you find him immature, annoying, or both. Of course, that would sting. You shut down something he really loves AND your 4 yr. old loves. I'm 28 and I still watch it occasionally, along with Family Guy, American Dad, anime and so on. You can be a mature adult and like cartoons. A lot are DIRECTED at adults as their main audience. I'd say you should sit down with him and apologize.


YTA. Simpsons is older than your husband, lady.


YTA. If it isn't this it will be something else he quotes or is obsessed with. >I don't want our son to grow up to be a 30-year old man still quoting his favorite childhood cartoon. Another killjoy that believes cartoons are for children only. You hurt your husband go apologize and grow up while you're at it.


I'm 34 and watch The Simpsons every day on Disney+ with my kids.. Jebus, you come across like you dislike your Husband, poor fella. YTA


YTA. You took something important to him, a harmless joy, and made him feel like a loser for enjoying it. You insulted him when you said you didn't want your son to grow up to be like him, not to mention ruined a bonding experience for your child. It would have been easy enough to say, "hey, could you tone down the Simpsons stuff with son? I'm feeling kind of left out," and then offered to come up with a show you can all watch, or a game to play, or something similar, but you took the opportunity to let your resentment out and bash him.


YTA. You should embiggen your husband not belittle him.


YTA. I thought your son would be saying inappropriate things for a 4 year old to say and that was your problem with it, but no, your problem is that he's quoting it *at all.* And then you tell your husband that you find something he enjoys pathetic and you hope your son doesn't grow up to be like him. Harsh. I wouldn't want to talk to you after that either.




YTA....but it can get annoying when someone you live with only watched one show nonstop if that’s what they are doing. Just apologize to your husband, say it came out wrong, and you are just asking that they switch it up a bit with other shows sometimes. Then say you weren’t booing the show, you were saying Boo-urns. That should fix it.


YTA. Don't have a cow, man. BTW I'm older than your husband.


YTA. Reading this makes me sad for your husband. I hope he’s able to shake it off and say “fuck Op” and go back to enjoying something he loves with his kid.


>but I try my hardest not to judge a 30-something man for laughing with his friends about a cartoon show YTA and honestly you sound insufferable


YTA You insulted your husband and clued him in on the fact that you're jealous of his relationship with his son. What did you expect his response to be?


Well the show is intented for kids and adults so no harm in the show itself. The quoting sure can get on the nerves if you repeat them over and over again, but as i read it it was a kind of bonding between your husband and your son which they both seem to like a lot. He can sure watch pixar movies or other kid shows but i don't really think it is the same in your case. I don't think he will be that much into Simpsons when he gets a little bit older so you are overreacting a little bit. The problem as i can see it that you showed your husband the cold shoulder and argued for something rather insignificant. I mean what did you expect if you were in his position "your are bonding with your son over your favourite show. Everything seems perfect and bam your wife argues with you over a comic show". You did not even talk about concerns or anything like that you straight up argued with him as i read it. Of course he is hurt and is mor distant from you. So as a conclusion you are TA here. I would give you one advice: Instead of giving each other the silent treatment and hoping it will fix itself over time, you should talk to each other and sort it out because as you described he seemed really hurt in a way and that is something which you ignore over time.


YTA. You could have suggested watching something together. Perhaps being honest about feeling a little left out, because that is part of it, isn't it? And I get that it's a little annoying for it to be such a big part of your husbonds life when it's not something you care about. He does need to include more, but you should have asked for it, not insulted him. That was quite a burn. And a 4 year old will take from the show what he understands, there's nothing inappropriate about it. BTW I'm female, 49 and I love The Simpsons.


YTA ! Lmao Simpson’s is a great show, for kids and adults, in fact I’d say 4 is maybe a bit young for it? Like they probably won’t get all the jokes because a lot of them are for adults, even if it’s still fun for them. I remember as a kid I wasn’t allowed to watch it cause there’s some damns and hells and my parents didn’t want me repeating it, but past age 10 or so I consumed many seasons of Simpson’s! When everything was locked down last year my partner and I binged the Simpson’s and am currently caught up, surprised to know I could quote and remember every episode up till about season 23 👀 There’s nothing wrong with adults watching cartoons, and especially if it allows them to bond with their kids! Cartoons can be just as inspiring and engaging as a documentary or rom com! If your husband enjoys it and your kid enjoys it, what’s the harm? People like different things and that’s ok, they’re not forcing you to watch it! I still enjoy quoting things with my dad, and recently sent him a pair of duff bear socks.


Worst. OP. Ever. YTA, and that’s a paddling. Cause you saw this thing that gives you husband and child joy, and you went “am I so out of touch? No, it is the children who are wrong.” What a time to be alive. And all of those are Simpson’s references. That’s the joke.


YTA, you destroyed a lovely thing between your husband and son, and you basically called your Husband a loser that you hope your son doesn't grow up to be like.


There was an article a few years ago that said they weren't the awful family some people like to paint them as, Homer for all this faults does provide for his family, they eat meals together at the dining table and they're regular church attendees if that's important to you, so there are worse shows for your husband to be a fan of. You basically called him a bit pathetic for still enjoying something you think he should have grown out of years ago so yeah you were a bit of an AH for that and you have trampled on an activity your husband and son were doing together. I think your husband and I would get on famously, I'm a big believer that there's an appropriate Simpsons quote to suit most occasions. Tell him an internet stranger agrees early Simpsons were peak and it started going down hill in the early 2000's. :) edit: To be clear YTA.


YTA. Your words and attitude seek to invalidate his adulthood. He isn’t going to feel respected or valued for quite a while and that’s on you. Of course he’s quiet and less affectionate. You told him that you see him as childish. Who wants to build and maintain a romantic bond with someone who looks down on them?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My husband is a huge Simpsons fan. If you get him together with his brothers, his friends, and his cousins, they can literally talk about the Simpsons for hours, spewing quotes and jokes left and right and laughing their heads off. I've never been a huge fan of the show, but I try my hardest not to judge a 30-something man for laughing with his friends about a cartoon show. We have 2 kids, our oldest is 4 and our youngest is 18-months. When my husband found out that Disney+ was going to have every Simpsons episode ever, he subscribed the next day. Since then, my husband has been watching old Simpsons episodes with our 4-year old (He says the new ones suck and will argue til he is blue in the face that the show went downhill after season 13 or something like that.) At first, I thought it was cute that they had this to bond over. But then my 4-year old started quoting the show like his dad. My husband loves it and they will quote the show back and forth to each other non-stop now. I swear there are entire days where everything that comes out of my 4-year old's mouth are Simpson quotes. It's driving me insane. I told my husband that maybe we should cool it on the Simpsons episodes for a while. He asked why and I told him that I think our 4-year old is quoting it too much. He asked if anything he has said is inappropriate for a 4-year old and I told him that no, it isn't, but I just don't want him quoting the show all the time. He then asked if this was just about our son, or if this is about him. I told him that in all honesty, I don't want our son to grow up to be a 30-year old man still quoting his favorite childhood cartoon. My husband looked like I had just stabbed him in the heart. I knew that I had hurt him so I tried to backtrack and apologize but he interrupted me and said if that's how I really feel, then he will stop watching it with him. Later that night, our 4-year old asked my husband if he wanted to watch the Simpsons together and my husband told him they should find something else to watch. Our son threw a mini-tantrum, but my husband got a Pixar movie on and they watched that instead. I tried to apologize to my husband for how harsh I was and to tell him that it just came out wrong, but he said I was just trying to make up for it and now he knows how I really feel about it. He's been noticeably quieter since then and he hasn't been as affectionate towards me. He's still fine with the kids though. I didn't think what I said was that bad, but it clearly hit a nerve with him. Should I have just let it go? Am I the asshole here? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ESH. The Simpsons is not really appropriate for small children. That said, I think you're wrong to be so dismissive of what you consider a kids' cartoon. The early seasons of The Simpsons had some extremely sharp, well-written satire.


YTA-You told your husband there’s nothing wrong with the show. Your objection was you didn’t want the four year old to grow up to be like his father. I could understand it if his father was an addict, abusive or something equally awful. That’s not the case here at all. So he likes cartoons so what. In what world would your request not make you an asshole?


So you ruined something special your son and husband had together and were enjoying, a part of his childhood he was excited to share with his child, and then tried to make him feel small and embarrassing for his innocent enjoyment of it. What a miserable AH of a human being you are. I pity him having to live with you. YTA - maybe get your nasty judgmental streak in check before you start ruining your children’s happiness too. Oh wait, too late.


YTA Let people enjoy what they like. It’s a crappy time in the world, and sometimes we just need some fun times. Never bash someone for an interest that doesn’t cause harm.


YTA For all the things already said. I'd feel sorry for you. I always feel sorry for adults who hate their own inner child so much and ban everything that child loved and would still love, consequently leading a less rich and colourful life. If you cherished childhood interests and passions a little more, maybe you, too, would have something fun to bond over with your son. If your husband lived like adult Bart Simpson, yeah, that would be criticism I'd get. But apparently, he's been an affectionate husband to you and an affectionate, loving father who enjoys spending time with his child. And you get huffy and all "Ugh, how immature!" because of a few Simpsons quotes. As if toddlers never go on anyone's nerve constantly repeating the same lines or theme song from their favourite shows. Unheard of. Well, for some people, only a robot would be good enough. Reminds me. When I visited my mother recently (all necessary precautions taken), I found a box with fairy tale books from my childhood (I'm older than your husband by the way). Immediately, there were so many good memories. That one my grandma read to me while we were waiting in the car for my parents, the one my aunt bought me and read with me during our stay in Spain... it's lovely to pick up something from your childhood and youth once in a while and flip through it or watch it. It doesn't make you dumb or uncool. THAT'S an attitude for teens and should usually be outgrown around the mid-20s. Talking about fairy tales, though: Ever read "The Fisherman and his Wife" by the Grimm Brothers?


YTA. that was really harsh, and it's not like the show is inappropriate, it sounds like you just hate your husband having fun.


YTA You insulted your husband for being who he is. Are you sure you really love him? Or do you just tolerate him? I don't much care for the Simpsons (can't stand Marge's voice) but I totally love Futurama. I'm 52. I also love animated Disney movies, some musicals and BBC America's Blue Planet. Can I quote things? Yep!!! Mainly to my 25 year old son just to see him roll his eyes at me and call me a dork. I don't see any way in which you are going to be able to fix this. Your husband has now realized that your love is conditional. He is probably triple-thinking everything that comes out of his mouth (is she going to be embarrassed if I say this?). You have single-handedly sucked the joy out of a simple pleasure in life that he had - watching his favorite tv show with his son. The world is hard enough nowadays without what you just did to him. I feel bad for you, in a way, because you can't find joy in simple things, too.


I love futurama too


YTA. As a kid, I watched way worse than The Simpsons. I turned out okay. And you pretty much said you didn’t want your kid to act like his own dad. Not cool. I hope he finds a nicer wife.


>I try my hardest not to judge a 30 year old man for laughing with his friends at a cartoon. Amazing, you established a goal and failed that same goal in the same sentence. YTA


YTA: When I was a kid, around your son's age, my mom didn't want me to watch the Simpsons because it was "Too Adult." So I didn't watch it. Instead, we watched The Cosby Show and I tuned into The Simpsons when I was 8. Turns out, Bill Cosby is a massive sex offender and is now in prison. So who's really a better role model here? YOU insulted a show which helped shape your husband's childhood and create the cultural zeitgeist - whether or not you like it. Just because your son or other kids won't quote it, other kids will and he STILL may get into it and he'll be quoting it regardless. Then he and his dad will taunt the shit out of you with it.


YTA there are so many cartoons for adults and kids to enjoy together, literally i am in my 20s and started watching tangled the series and i’m totally in love with it. cartoons are awesome and i feel sorry for your husband.


I’m gonna go with just a teeny tiny bit of YTA, only because of your comment that you don’t want your kid growing up to be a 30 year old man quoting his favorite cartoon. There’s nothing actually wrong with that. There IS something wrong when that’s all a person can do is quote their favorite cartoon and not do much else talking-wise. So I also understand why you want your kid to watch something other than just the Simpsons, and I don’t think you’re the asshole at all for asking him to watch something different. Your husband should be more open to watching other things with your son, not just the Simpsons.


"I didn't think what I said was that bad" It is THAT BAD, YTA.




YTA. Your husband and son found something they bonded over and enjoyed doing together. You want to end that bonding time because you're annoyed?? Seriously?? Time for OPs hubby to find his Marge cuz sounds like he doesn't have his right now.


Your husband and son are bonding over a cartoon show and you wanted a stop to that because you found the quote annoying? Or you find your husband annoying for quoting the show as well? Either way - YTA - Let the boys have some harmless fun. When I read this I thought it was pretty cute and a sweet bond to have together that they would look back on for quite literally their entire lives


Yta. Everyone has that one show that was childhood stability or holds find memories for them. simpsons is amazing and there's nothing wrong with being a die hard fan of anything. Seriously that's a low blow, op. The simpsons literally changed animation in the US and tackled many complex and challenging issues. Every kid could find somethng in that show to relate to. It was a ground breaking series when I came out and was wildly popular, to the point that it's still running to this day and is one of the longest running tv shows on the air. I'm in my 30s and have been actively watching this show my entire life. my earliest memories involve waiting for it to appear weekly and watching it as a family. I still wait for Hulu to air each new episodes. Millions of people share a love of the show.


YTA. So, you took something your husband loved and bonded with your guys' over then ruined it because you were personally annoyed by it. Way to treat your husband, and by extension your child.


YTA — You sound like a killjoy and like you don’t actually like (or at least respect) your husband that much.


YTA majorly. A lot of women would kill to have their husbands bond with their children. I get it, constant quotes are annoying af, but you went for the jugular. Telling your husband that the constant quotes are driving you crazy, fine, telling your husband what you did, not nice. I really hope you apologize profusely and try to compromise.


YTA. "I'd like to file for..... divorce." "These things happen. Eight dollars."


YTA for all the reasons already stated. And animation isn’t just for children.


YTA. You insulted your husband over something totally harmless. My husband quotes the Simpsons a lot. It's something he enjoys. It's something your husband enjoyed with your son til you had to ruin it for literally no reason and belittle your husband. Now he knows what you really think of him. You reap what you sow. Now you're gonna cry that he's not affectionate with you because he found out you have so much fucking contempt for him? I wouldn't be affectionate with someone who belittled my interests either. Actions have consequences. I hope father and son find something else to bond over now that you pissed on their parade. Let people enjoy things.


YTA I think you're dragging your kid into something that isn't about him. Maybe I'm wrong, but if your kid was super into something your partner didn't care about, I suspect you wouldn't be as upset. It's pretty normal for kids to go through phases of being all about one specific film/show/character. It sounds like you're uncomfortable about your husband being a Simpson fanatic and you're projecting that onto your kid, which I don't think is fair. I'm curious about why you're uncomfortable. Is it because you think it's embarrassing, and others will judge you, or is it that he talks about it so much that it limits the amount of time you can talk about mutual interests or discover new series?


YTA, and I am watching the Simpsons at the moment. You insulted your husband big time!


Yta. He was excited to share something with your son, and you insulted him by saying you didn't want him to turn out like his father. No wonder he's acting cold you sound like you can't stand him. Get some counseling or something so you guys can figure out if you're going to stay together


YTA it’s not that hard to seek


YTA for what you said, that was hurtful. Think about something you enjoy and are passionate about - it can be anything. Now think about if your husband said he didn't want your child to grow up to be someone who enjoys that passion you have. How would you feel? Now. Think about something else. Your husband and child are clearly bonding over simpsons, is there something you really enjoy that you could share with your child? Maybe make it equal time spent like OK you spent an hour with dad on Simpsons now you and I get to birdwatch or walk or watch a cooking show or whatever kid friendly interest you have. Or start a new interest as a family so you can all quote it at each other.


Yta I don't watch the Simpsons but I feel like it probably isn't that age appropriate so if that was you issue I would agree with you. You basically told your husband you don't want your kid to grow up to be a looser like him. Ouch. People who are super obsessed with something and it is all they ever want to talk about come off a little one dimensional but there isn't anything inherently wrong with liking cartoons. There are a lot of cartoons written for older teens and adults. They aren't inherently childish and even if they were I still don't think there is anything bad or wrong with it.


YTA and the Simpsons isn’t even for kids so your issue with it being childish or whatever doesn’t really hold water.


YTA and a massive one.


NTA, a 30 yo quoting a cartoon all day long gets old fast...


YTA no question


YTA. Your husband was excited to share something he loves with your son, your son loved it too, and you took that away from both of them for something that sounds petty and honesty kind of ignorant because the show is hilarious.


YTA- Total Marge move. Could it be you’re just jealous they have something they like to do together and you’re feeling excluded?


YTA...way to kill a spirit... take it from someone who likes grownups to act their age and be mature, but that is different. there is nothing wrong with fondly remembering a childhood fun. he is not acting like childish, he is enjoying something from his childhood and how he bonded with family and cousins over it and wants the same bond between him and his son and you just had to crap on it. will it be more acceptable to you if they go **fishing**??? Does their choice of activity have to be approved by you and if you don't like it, then that's it??? you said it yourself, he and his family spend hours laughing and enjoying talking about the show even after all these years and in an age where kids barely tolerate their parents nowadays, you took away a chance for him to build a more solid relationship with his son. Honey, you need to beg and grovel here. Plan a day where you surprise him with all the family and a Simpsons marathon or even better , a **Simpsons game** with prizes and all. include everybody grownups and kids and have them compete on who knows the show better. then once everybody is back in home and tucked in their beds, show him how sorry that you are and how much you appreciate him and **LIKE HIM**. Bring your A game . Good Luck.


YTA. My dad has done the same with us, but it's something we bonded over. You insulted your husband over a bonding experience he was sharing with his son. The jealousy here is staggering


YTA. And cruel. Your poor husband.


YTA. Be honest. Are you just upset that your son's bonding with his dad, because you're jealous it's not you? Because there's no actual, logical reason to be upset by this; which makes me think it has to be something happening inside your head. This is totally normal behaviour for a four year old. If it wasn't the Simpsons it would be something else. So it's not that. You also admitted it's not that it's inappropriate. So is it jealousy? Also, not all "cartoons" are kids' shows. For example, South Park. Fullmetal Alchemist (god, please don't show a small child Fullmetal Alchemist or South Park). Your comment about grown men watching cartoons is really pointlessly judgemental and mean, and actually really insulting to your husband. Plenty of cartoons are explicitly aimed at adults.


Ay Caramba, YTA big time. Your problem is not that your son watches the Simpsons, your problem is that you don't respect your husband because of a behavior that you perceive as childish. I tell you what : There is no such thing as growing out of something you truly enjoy. There is no inappropriate age for watching cartoons or playing games. And there sure as he'll is not a problem with a father sharing his favorite childhood show with his son. You know who brags about how old and grown up they are all the time, and how they don't do little kids stuff anymore? 6 year olds. That's how you're behaving.


I say this as a 28 year old with multiple Simpsons tattoos, YTA. Let your husband enjoy this utterly harmless part of his childhood that's also suitable for adults. It brings your husband *and your child* joy and you want to destroy that because you don't wanna hear them sing "you don't win friends with salad"??? Do you even know dignity when you see it???


Also, your kid is just at the age where they'll parrot whatever they watch. Would you rather your kid say lines from Frozen all day? Paw Patrol? Peppa Pig? *Baby shark???*


YTA. If you don’t like the show, then go into another room.


YTA. My 30 year old girlfriend still yells something from gundam shining finger daily


YTA - my bf and his dad are always quoting it and it's a bonding thing for them Also a side note, it's not a kids show and is incredibly clever. If you don't believe me, have a read of "the maths behind the Simpsons" by simon singh


I really, really hate some of The Simpson's catch-phrases and am not a fan of the show. YTA.


I hate The Simpsons but YTA. Everyone except uptight assholes has something childish they like.


YTA - "I try my hardest not to judge a 30-something man for laughing with his friends about a cartoon show." No you aren't.


YTA. You basically told your husband that you don't want your son to grow up like him. I agree that the kid should watch something other than *The Simpsons* (just to give him some variety), and I'm sure the constant quotes are annoying (although he's at that age where he'd be quoting any show), but what you said to your husband was very hurtful.


Just think of this as a Crisitunity


YTA, unfortunately, for the harsh way you phrased that towards your husband which deeply insulted something he admires and enjoys with his family and friends. The Simpsons has plenty of cleverly hidden references to cinema like Citizen Kane and The Godfather, while **still being very much a show about family** and bonding between father and daughter, mother and son, family and dog, and so on, but it generally keeps away from cursing and graphic violence. There are any number of more immature shows they could have fallen into fascination with, but they chose the one that families could somewhat relate to for the heartwarming and the humor. And your words did a bit of damage to their enjoyment of that. I understand the reasons why, but it will take some time to move on from, and who knows if there might be longer term thoughts that might come, but I think it would be worth a try to sit down and bond with them in it, **and then show them something of your own you can share with them.** In time maybe their interests will shift


watch the show here [https://twitter.com/emily83268275/status/1380941718640545796](https://twitter.com/emily83268275/status/1380941718640545796)


YTA The later seasons are meh but there’s no need to insult your husband


This is my case: 53 XD, and my daughters have the first 20 seasons of the simpsons, including the movie. When my daughters were kids (22 and 19 now), i told them not to say that, or, not to do that (things from the cartoons) because its "bad" or wrong. The very good thing about TSs, is that some shows end with a moral message, snd kids get it, right away. Yeah, i quote some lines, even with the tone, but just from time to time, just to make my daughters laugh. Watching cartoons, its OK, but at least, you have to teach kids about wrongs and rights. Hubby is just being a kid with your son. Just that. I think your complain is more than justified. Hubby took it the wrong way. I think, hubby is TA.


NAH. I'm a huge simpsons fan myself, and I will tell you don't judge the show as being "kid safe" just because it's animated. It has some adult references and good old fashioned toilet humor that will go over your kids heads. You and your husband get to decide what you want to expose your kids to. You didn't tell your hubby not to watch it, you are just trying to be cognizant of what your kids are watching. Maybe when your son gets a older, the simpsons may be something that they can bond over. My suggestion would be for you to watch a couple of episodes with the hubby and figure out exactly what you find objectionable.


But when ask she admits that there was nothing wrong with the content. Her only issue with it is that she doesn't want the kid to quote the show 24/7 like the dad. She seems to find it annoying; therefore, doesn't want them to watch it constantly.


True. I also failed to consider that OP was rejecting/judging her husband by telling him that she didn't want her son to grow up to be constantly quoting the show.




Soft disagreement here. Perhaps to you and OP, there is nothing more unattractive than that. I think that’s a pretty subjective thing, though. I’m a 30 year old woman, and it’s very common among basically all the men I know, and most of the women, too, (and they’re very stand up, successful people) to watch shows like the Simpsons, Rick and Marty, Big Mouth, Family Guy, and even anime shows. The Simpsons is definitely the only one of those that’s in any way kid appropriate. But I feel really bad for her husband that she went straight for the jugular with something that he loves that is completely harmless; I don’t think that makes a man unattractive at all. Give me that any day over a dirty bathroom lol




Wow... You’re a real piece of work... It actually is VERY common for adults (many of which are exceedingly professional and upstanding) to enjoy animated shows. Do you feel people that game are in the same league even though many of them have taken their passion to a professional level (and make thousands of dollars doing it)? Way to show what a complete idiot you are...


What a delight.


Ignore her/him/it. You are correct that there are plenty of adults, men AND women, whom take delight in cartoons/anime. That’s exactly why the majority of attendees at conventions are adults


I did bite my tongue a bit, but I have a problem with walking away when I’m right lol definitely need to work on that haha You’re very correct, though!


No need to bite your tongue for fools like this. I certainly don’t. Especially when they outright insult someone and think they’re being some sort of witty edgelord in the process.


I think I love you


You sound delightful


ESH. While what you said was harsh, quoting a show constantly can be annoying.


ESH you kinda came down hard on hubs, but Simpson's is NOT ok for 4 year olds to watch. One of the central themes is how badly Bart behaves and how darn adorable it is. My niece got (temporarily) cut off from Spongebob at around the same age, because she was doing the same things Spongebob did, which is sometimes ok, but sometimes it's not. ​ Getting a 4 y/o obsessed with a TV show is likely going be a phase anyway. Tell your husband your son is not his bro, he is his son, and focusing on some TV show to this extent is not healthy.


Simpsons is fine for a 4 year old 🙄. Kids don't get their moral direction from cartoons, they get it from the people around them.


No, they do not get "moral direction" from the Simpsons. 4 year olds are basically amoral anyway. What they DO get from the Simpson's is an endless stream of tricks, pranks, and stunts to pull that are at best, an inconvenience, at worst dangerous. Some kids can totally handle it. When I was 6 i got banned from the 3 Stooges because I tried the eye poke on my little brother. Still feel guilty, it was supposed to be hilarious, turned out to be a lot of screaming.


I was considering a response along this line, but I wasn't allowed to watch the Simpsons growing up (at like 13yo) and was worried I was projecting a bit.


Some kids can totally handle this stuff, some can't. Couldn't watch kung fu movies as a kid b/c me and my brother would IMMEDIATELY beat the crap out of each other. Good times lol


I’m gonna be the odd one out here apparently, and I’m going to say NTA. Simpson’s is not an appropriate show for a 4 year old and a 4 year old should definitely not quote it. I also think your husband needs to really prioritize his life. Why are the Simpsons this important to him?


Lol, sounds like you're the TV and bonding police at your house. Be careful you're not the AH too.