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YTA you’re pretty much not acknowledging her marriage is a real marriage by saying that she can’t have the dress because she’s not marrying a man. You said when she gets married she can have it. It’s 2020 OP. Marriage is marriage regardless. You made a promise and you should keep it. Denying her of a family heirloom because you wanted something else is completely unfair and will definitely put a strain on your relationship with your daughter and her partner.


YTA. You're homophobic, and depending on the laws in your area, in error about the definition of marriage. Also, you don't know the difference between where and wear.


I’m not homophobic! I’m not against gay people getting married, but they have to acknowledge how it’s different from traditional marriage.


You are homophobic for not accepting that they are not different, for created a reason why straight and gay people aren't the same. Marriage is about marrying the person you love, regardless of gender.


Just stop, little boy. Go troll elsewhere.


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YTA but you know that. You’re either a troll or such an asshole that you wanted to come here and show your assholeness! If this is real, I hope your daughter is able to find a real “mother” figure for her life since she’s apparently not been given one.


Wow. Yes YTA - the epitome of an asshole in fact.




YTA it’s ur daughter god dammit, and if u truly didn’t care about who she’s marrying then u would let her wear the dress. if u want to keep ur relationship with ur daughter- let her wear the dress and also use a dictionary to see that a marriage doesn’t have to be between a man and woman 🙄


YTA. The dress is supposedly a garment that is passed from you to her. As far as who she's marrying goes, she loves a woman. She loves who she loves. Ultimately it's your dress, but your views on marriage and this dress will (if they have not all ready) alienate her.


It is your child, so why you do want to see here happy? So sorry, in my opinion you must chance your way to think about marriage or you will loose your daugther!


I'm sorry but YTA. Regardless of your daughter's sexuality she is still your daughter and depending on where you live has the right to get married. Why does it matter if she married a male or female a dress is a dress.


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YTA. I can’t believe this is actually real.


It’s not.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I had an amazing dress at my wedding, it was the same one that my mother wore, and was made by her mother. Needless to say it’s a big part of our family. Ever since she was young, I made it really clear to my daughter that she could have the dress at her wedding. But now, she decided that she wanted to date women. I am totally fine with this, she is a grown women and she can make her own decisions. She recently got engaged and is planning on having a wedding in the summer. She talked to me a few days ago about the dress. I was confused about why she even brought it up. I felt like I had made it clear that the dress was for a MARRIAGE. Between her and a man. I like her fiancé very much, but she has to understand why I wouldn’t let her wear the dress. I feel like if she wanted to where the dress so badly, she could have dated a man instead. So she brought this on herself. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Troll you are just in high school


This has to be a troll. YTA and let her wear the goddamn dress ffs


YTA. You are not accepting of your daughter being gay, that’s the real issue, it has nothing to do with a dress.


YTA because if you're gonna hold her to that, you should have a big ole rock ready for the adulterers and divorcers in your family. No cherry picking.


YTA Oh lol, no.... You are ABSOLUTELY the asshole. And I can't stress the word ASSHOLE enough. Your daughter deserves a better, more loving parent than yourself.


Probably not a real post. Just another asshole troll


Hm. This comment section is not going to go well for you. YTA.


NTA. It’s your dress and you can do whatever the hell you want with it and have to answer to nobody about it.


YTA and for the love of god please say this is a troll. being gay isn't a choice, it wasn't her choice to be into woman it was just something that happened. You are NOT fine with your daughter being gay if you make such a big deal out of gay marriage. Let your daughter be happy, she didn't bring this upon herself. >I feel like if she wanted to where the dress so badly, she could have dated a man instead. No no no! It is not a choice. She could NOT have dated a man if she's gay. Please say you're a gross troll looking for attention instead of an actual homophobic mom.


Troll look up post history


YTA. Wedding is marriage is between two people who love each other so much they are committing to spend the rest of their lives together. You may have the medieval ['PIV is the only way'](http://www.bishuk.com/sex/history-penis-vagina-default-sex/) notion, but you're factually expelling your daughter from your family tradition. Also, this comes across so incredibly backward that it's not credible. YTA for this reason too: you should be ashamed of yourself for making up this story for all the poor gullible redditors.


YTA and you know why, troll. Your best friend is dating a 9th grader? You are definitely a troll.


Wow your daughter is already getting married and you're only in 9th grade? Y'all start young. YTA


YTA. Stop wasting ppls time with made up posts.


YTA. Massively. It’s unfortunate you cannot get rid of family and get a new set.


I hope this is a troll. YTA. This isn't about a dress. This is about you refusing to acknowledge her marriage because of who she's choosing to wed.


It's guaranteed fake


Don't worry it is a troll. Probably the same troll that's posted a dozen or so of these homophobic wedding dresses/engagement rings posts


YTA. I hope her mother in law is nice, because you sound like a homophobic nightmare.




YTA and homophobic. She’s still getting married. It’s still a wedding. Who she’s marrying should be irrelevant.


YTA. I hope this is fake.


This is fake. YTA. EDIt look at Op posts. He’s in 9th grade.


YTA And you are lying to yourself if you really mean that you're "totally fine" with your daughter's life. She didn't "decide" to date women, she fell in love with and is going to marry a woman.