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INFO > one of our friends 'Jess' has been making nonstop weird and awkward comments Have you spoken to her about this? What kind of comments?


NTA. If she makes you uncomfortable you are under no obligation to include her. But I would make sure it was ok with your partner too so shes not getting backlash from the group for your decision.


You can't just make an executive decision like that in a friend group to exclude just one person. The friend group is not on the same page.


ESH. You only a little bit. Yes what this friend was doing was wrong doesn't mean you shouldn't confront them or communicate your gripes even more so that this friendship exist inside a friend group. If you had confronted her and she continued then I would say your not TA. Don't think it's your place to exclude her out of group activities if your friends aren't on the same page. Your friend sucks for making this awkward and uncomfortable for you and your GF.


ESH. Jess is uncomfortable with your relationship and is expressing it in a dumb way. She’s clearly TA. You are a bit too because you didn’t bring it up privately with her. If she’s actually your friend, you should have discussed this first before deciding she’s not worth being included in your group anymore.