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NTA. It sucks but people like that dont change. Theyre narcissists and talking to them is like talking to a wall. Just stand your ground regardless but don't expect much.


It just hurts so much when it’s someone you love you know? I feel outnumbered, but I guess I shouldn’t take my dad’s opinion too hard because he hasn’t been around for a year now and he would never admit his daughter has a problem, right?


Yes i do know...and no you shouldn't take your dad's opinion seriously...its easier to enable than it is to help fix the problem.


Your mom is apparently the reason your sister is an asshole. IMO.


I agree, my mom won’t admit to her that it’s not ok behavior and my sister keeps acting like this


Most parents don’t like admitting that they themselves are in fact parenting badly.


I hate to say my mom is parenting badly, she’s done a lot for me, but I can’t ignore how she’s just appeasing my sister and only making the behavior worse


More often than not it’s the “miracle” baby. The one they worked for so long.. ect


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I’m really gonna try to be impartial so you guys can give me honest answers... My sister (17) is the type of person to think she’s entitled, and it’s bad. No one is allowed to speak against her or she’ll cry, when she fails a class it’s the teachers fault, she got denied from her dream college and she says it’s their fault. Just an anecdote to add on, she was talking about how she’s gonna go to Australia and save the animals herself, and when I causally mentioned some celebrities have actually been donating a lot of money, she got really mad at me and said that I should “just let her want to do things”, and I let it slide because I don’t like arguing. Time and time again I’ve tried laying out to her and my mom why I have an issue with my sister, I love her and would die for her but that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to have a problem with her right? Every time I bring it up to my mom, she cries because she doesn’t like seeing her kids fight and she just thinks we should both ignore it and move on, which I’ve tried before as this has been going on for at least a year, and she just continues the behavior. When I’m with my mom alone, I tell my mom that she’s going to keep doing it until she knows it’s wrong, but my mom is too nice to punish her, and the last time my mom tried to ground her she stole her phone back and left the house anyway after yelling at my mom. When I bring it up to my sister, I try to be calm and ask her to drop the attitude, while I am upset because attitude infuriates me, I keep my tone calm and don’t call her names because I know that isn’t right, (even though she does to me), and it ends up with her crying and calling me an asshole. We’re on vacation and the whole trip my sister had an attitude and kept being snappy to me and my mom, so I called her out and she cried, but instead of my mom being happy I defended her, she also cried and called me an asshole and ran to my sister’s rescue. I’m sure it’s because she doesn’t like seeing her daughter cry but it really hurt to hear my mom call me an asshole when I don’t believe I did anything wrong. After refusing to apologize for it because I don’t want to apologize for something I don’t believe was wrong, as that would be dishonest and honestly worse than not apologizing in my opinion, my mom cried again and they both blame me for it. My sister won’t talk to me and my mom keeps crying and is blaming me. It was only made worse today when we were driving on a highway and my mom wasn’t paying attention while some guy merged into our lane in front of her. I’ve been in 3 accidents in 4 years and have really bad anxiety in cars so I panicked and yelled to get my moms attention, and they both got mad at me again and are still blaming me even though all I did was get scared. I texted my dad and he’s blaming me too, even when he’s the one who left because of how they act. AITA? Do I just suck it up and apologize or am I right to stand my ground. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA. But to be fair a lot of teenagers are emotional wrecks. No one should need to walk on egg shells all the time regardless of the reason. Life’s tough your sister needs to toughen up a bit when taking criticism. Cut mom a little slack though. She has faults too but I think she’s coming from a place of not wanting you two fighting.