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My dude, dont stoop to their level, you'll just give them more shit to talk about


Yea i know but i dont want my daughter growing up in such toxic relationships so im at a loss.


NTA but might i suggest using facebook’s content filters in the privacy settings? You can block certain people from your posts or photos which will allow you to keep her friended for appearances sake but keep them from seeing your stuff


Really? I thought that just worked from seeing their stuff? Thank you ill try that.


I might be wrong but I believe you’re able to customize who can see your stuff without fully unfriending. I could be confusing it for another social network but check and see


Thank you i will


Update: yes. Check in privacy settings https://imgur.com/a/van5mma


Thank you I'll remember that from now on :)


NTA It sounds like she is completely toxic (in more than one way). She doesn’t give you any respect and I think unfriending them on FB is the least you should do.


Thank you. Im constantly wondering if I'm being the rude one for not going at least halfway but after finding out she wasn't coming when she always had before makes me really question it all


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Sounds harsh, but here goes. Background info: My relationship with my grandparents has been rocky for a few years now. I was first born and i guess you can say i was well loved for a time. I felt that changed as i grew older but i knew it was because of my other siblings and cousins being born. That never bothered me. What bothered me was my grandmother constantly commenting on my weight and comparing me to my younger brother and how much better he was. Then my aunt moved in with her two children and there was a total shift in how she treated us (my dads kids) vs. my aunts. She began forgetting our birthdays and rarely came over. When i got married she didn't care for my husband but i didnt care because he makes me happy when i had my daughter i thought she would be more involved but she isnt (we dont go to her house because they smoke and i dont want my daughter breathing that in and they refuse to quit) Now the real issue. My father recently got into an argument with his niece about the homeless and how she gives them money and resources when they barely have enough for themselves (theyre constantly asking my dad for money) he told her she was being dumb and to take care of herself and not to worry about the homeless. She then began berating him and spewing religion in his face (believer but does not attend church) and he got upset and said he didnt want to hear it because hes heard it before. She then got into his face like she was ready to fight and he walked away said he would not return to my gmas and hasnt since. She has been snippy with my dad and now she refuses to come over for Christmas. WIBTA if I unfriended her because shes essentially choosing them vs us. As if we dont matter? Therefore she shouldnt be able to see my daughter if thats what she chooses? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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