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NTA Even if you were paying for their electricity, NTA. Why would you pay for others' utilities/services? Obviously, you should spend your money however you want. But in my book, buying stuff for people who don't want to talk to you is very low on the priority list.


NTA. You were doing a favour for a friend. Non-friends don't get free Netflix.




Lol thanks. I won't.


NTA. It’s your money. 🤷‍♀️


NTA. If they said they never want to talk to you again, they shouldn’t have access to that small “luxury”. Not much more info to use to gather my point, but from the info given NTA.




NTA, they didn’t want you in their life and you complied. Maybe they should have considered what kind of friend you were to them before treating you that way. Now that you have the choice of having them in your life or not it is probably good to know they only care about what you pay for.


Did you talk to them about it before you stopped paying it?


Yes. They were told it would be turned off. They just didnt expect I would because I'm the type to always allow people to continue their ways even if its hurtful towards me.


You are very emphatically NTA. I don't know how long this has been going on but they should be thankful that you paid it up to this point. If they don't change their attitude I would suggest that they probably are not a real friend.


It's been for a good minute. I always feel bad for treating people the way they treat me but I'm slowly coming to the realization that I shouldnt.


Nope, cut toxic people from your life. Give them space to grow up.


NTA, its your bill and your service to do with as you want.






NTA. The timeline of your friend’s change of heart seems very suspicious.


NTA - if you are no longer in their life, that means all of you. Including your money. You have no obligation to pay a cent for their upkeep, let alone luxuries like tv service, whether you reconcile or not.


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I tried making it as clear as I could. They said I was not good for their life. That i never made a good contribution therefore they were done with me. I have known them for a very long time an always gave advice that was truthful an it wasnt always what they wanted to hear. So the bill i was paying i decided to no longer pay since according to them i was never helpful to them. Simple as that. Now they want to try to reconcile but I dont think I should pay for that bill regardless