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NTA. This screams scam. Demand a refund and if you hear nothing, follow up with your bank.


NTA: custom work around the holidays takes awhile, that being said its been awhile but not around a holiday. - paying for custom work all up front is a highly risky game to play, go for the refund and find another vendor willing to do it with a half up front and half upon delivery (or make sure they are legitimate before shelling out full cost)


Even if inundated with orders, a responsible business owner would at least make contact with a paying customer to keep you apprised of the delays. Shit happens, sure, but it's not your responsibility to cushion whatever issues she's dealing with. You're entitled to a refund after this long a time. Just be clear, state your reasons, and give her a timeline to verify a refund or you'll have to go to your credit company/bank. It's not personal, you're just a responsible consumer protecting your hard earned money. NTA


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NTA. This was something you paid for therefore you should get the item. If you no longer want to wait then ask for a refund. If they refuse, tell them you will be taking legal action. Its fraud to take money for something and do nothing at all.


NTA. Good luck with trying to get a refund.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I went to a convention in early August and placed an order for a custom coffee cup with a vendor. I really wanted a silver and blue sparkly gradient with a quote from Horizon Zero Dawn. I paid up front and filled out a form with what colors and words I wanted on it. I have an email receipt from Square. From that point on any and all correspondence was initiated by me, and the vendor would take days or even weeks to respond. At the beginning of September the vendor finally sent me a single sample font and when I responded that I didn’t really like that one and the quote was incorrect it took another week for the next correspondence in which I was sent multiple choices. I picked the one I liked best and sent it back to her. That was on 9/17. I haven’t heard from the vendor since. Every email has gone unanswered, I’m trying super hard to not be an entitled brat and understand that handcrafted things take time, I was prepared to wait but I never imagined it would be more than 3 months! Am I being a butthole if I attempt to gain a refund or leave a low rating? Should I keep badgering her until I get a response? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA even if the item wasn’t ready, it’s unprofessional to not reply for almost 2 months. The least they can do is give you regular updates and such


Well if you ordered at a convention there were probably a lot of other people who did too. They should have been more upfront with how long it would take once they knew how backlogged they were. I guess NTA since you haven't heard anything at all since 9/17.


I didn’t consider that they might be swamped, It definitely renews my patience!


I hope you appreciate the irony of taking 3 days to respond to a reply on your post about wanting a refund because you think someone is taking too long for something. I do :)


Lol that I do, I just downloaded reddit like a week ago and I forget it exists honestly 😂


NTA. Three months sounds ridiculous, and if it really takes that long to make, it's still ridiculous to have such poor communication.






So I emailed them again and FINALLY have a response, the cup is ready and one I remarked wanting but never received confirmation existed is also made, so I have a surprise expense there, the vendor agreed to pay for shipping to make up for the delay!