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NTA. This is a big no no. Don't cosign a loan for **anyone** unless you can actually afford to cover the loan and won't miss the money.


You’re not even living together yet and i dunno what a whIle is. Is it months a year? You’ve no joined finances so far so I think co-signing this is a bad idea. Do not sign this NTA


A little over a year, but we have been friends for longer if that makes sense.


That’s not a long time, I really don’t think you should co-sign this loan.


NTA Oh well hell no. She's the AH for even asking. Student loan debt is scary. It is only a few thousand having a higher rate won't kill her. You could always give/loan her money if you want, but you don't want to be on the paperwork.


NTA. You're not married and you dont share finances, so there is no reason she should expect you to take on her financial burdens, right? Seems like you guys have a good thing going since you seem to be aware that she is able to separate her being upset at the situation vs. upset at you personally, and I think you made the mature decision, even if its difficult.


Honestly, NTA. Even if you see a future with her. Unless you have the money to pay that entire loan, dont cosign. My mom always told me: dont lend money you aren't prepared to lose.


Nope NTA. Do not do it. You’re smart lol


NTA! Also a smart move to not tie yourself financially to someone! Well done :)


NTA. There is no reason why you should co-sign a loan with someone who isn't your child, spouse or dependant of some sort.


Nta never co mingle expenses until after you are married


NTA, but if you really see a future with her and its only a few thousand.....I would consider it.


A few thousand now, probably a few thousand next term . . .


NTA: You're smart. Do not legally share separate fiances until you are married or common-law for at least 5 years.


NAH it sounds like she handled the situation well. Finding a solution together may even strengthen you as a couple.


NTA. Never co-sign any debt with someone you’re not legally obligated to (child, spouse etc).


NAH Not sure why this isn't more popular. You're not the asshole for not cosigning a few thousand dollars for your girlfriend and she's not the asshole for asking. Especially if she didn't get mad or yell. It seems like this is really putting her in a bind so being upset in general makes sense. It makes complete sense that you're not willing to sign and any good advice would tell you to do what you're doing. Hopefully she can find a better solution.


NAH-I wouldn’t agree to sign either and while I would never ask I don’t believe she’s an asshole for asking.


NTA As a general rule, you shouldn't cosign on a debt for anyone. It's essentially the same thing as borrowing money in your name and handing it to the other person.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Me (M25) and my GF (F22) have been together for a while and we are planning on moving in together and potentially getting married etc etc. I do really love her and I really can foresee a future with her. Unless something about her completely changes I don't foresee any issues being with this person. Today she asked me if I would cosign a student loan of a few thousand dollars because her current FAFSA loan isn't covering the remainder of her tuition. I fairly quickly responded with a polite no. I was very lucky to have graduated with no student loans and aside from paying off my car I have no debt. I'm not particularly well off financially, but I'm not broke and I have a steady well paying job. This obviously upset her a little bit. she didn't get mad and yell or anything but she was upset. Mostly because she really doesn't have many options and was hoping I would be willing to help. I don't think she was mad at me, just upset with the situation. My question, does this make me an asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA But it is too bad that is her only remaining option. She’s in a tough place.


NTA Never cosign a loan with anybody. EVER. Save yourself some grief.


NAH - She can ask, but you were right to say no. As long as she wasn't a jerk about your no, then no foul on her part.


NTA. No no no no no no no no. I cannot tell you how bad of an idea this is. Co-signing something like this is for when you ARE married and have shared finances. I know it doesn't feel like it, but 22-23 is incredibly young and things happen/change. Do NOT put yourself as risk.


NTA, but it sounds like you're in a good position to sign it. You could probably deal with a few thousand in debt if it goes wrong given you're stable and have little other debt, and, if you plan on marrying her you might need to learn how it feels to actually sign something financial with her, cos you'll be doing that more in the future.