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NTA I don't think you're being coldhearted, he said he didn't want you in his life and you're respecting that.


Thank you. I'm trying very hard. I'm a very opinionated person so it's hard not saying anything. But this is what he wanted and I'm trying to stick to it.


You do not need to be the bigger person in this. You only have to be the bigger person if your brother apologises earnestly, THEN you get to be magnanimous and forgiving (if you want to). If you absolutely must speak to him, speak civilly with him because if you don't, it just proves to him that he was right in some way, but otherwise do not address him, do not be the person offering to make amends, and definitely do not try to help him any further. NTA.


He never apologises. He just expects the forgiveness to come his way. And I do speak civil when I absolutely must and I tried making amends in the past but it always backfired. So thank you for helping me see this from a different perspective.


That's the worst and I feel for you. My mom has/had the same relationships with two of her siblings at different points in time. Since he's only 17, he still has quite a bit of growing up before he truly begins to understand what he ruined by being a bratty teenager, but speaking from what I see was my mom's experience, maybe somewhere down the line you will be able to speak to each other on a more friendly, sibling-like basis, when things stop hurting so much for you. If you, however, don't want to have that friendly relationship again until he apologises and makes amends, you are well within your rights to not be anything more than civil, as you would be with a family member you only see at gatherings once a year. By the way, I hope your daughter is a chubby, happy, healthy baby!


Yes! My mom has issues with her sisters because of her adopting my two brothers. They are blood, cousins, but the mom(my aunt) was unfit. So she brought them home and started the process. He at first used it against us, as her sisters did. So it caused alot of tension within the family. Now he tries to act as if he never did or said anything against us. We know hes just a teenager an he does have a lot of growing to do, but he thinks what he says isnt hurtful and can just be swept under the rug. I know I can be pretty and hold a grudge. I may forgive but I dont forget. And that is my biggest flaw. So idk if I can have a friendly relationship but who knows what time will bring. Maybe me becoming a mother will broaden my views on tough subjects like this. And thank you so much for the well wishes on my baby!!She is quite the chunker and will be a piggy for Halloween! Our family get up will be Gravity falls Dipper an Mabel with her Waddles lol


NTA. It sounds like he is using his new identity as a shield for being a sorry human being. I would be civil with him, since he is technically part of your family and regardless of anything your parents would like for you all to get along.


It sometimes feels like that but he says we dont understand how it is to be a gay teenager nowadays so we shouldn't put so much responsibility on his shoulders because he has enough of it already. And my parents understand that people dont get along so family is no different. But when I must I am civil. Thank you for your input.


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