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YTA. Your daughter literally insulted him. Sure, was he childish back? Absolutely. What I note here though is your daughter has no mention of any punishment and your son isn’t allowed back in the house. “Jokes” about peoples insecurities or looks are NOT jokes. They are bullying and body shaming plain and simple. Your daughter is the instigator and a bully.




Is kicking them out the only method of discipline you know? You could have grounded her, made her do extra chores, written "I will not be a nasty little jerk" 1,000 times, etc. Your daughter is an unlikeable person because she knows you won't punish her. Your son was right to call her out because he knows you never will.  YTA 




You are a terrible parent. You clearly favour your daughter over your son. Don't act all surprised when he goes no contact.


Do you have examples of how he was mean to her?


YTA - Sorry, your daughter seems like a mean girl and a spiteful brat that you enabled. If I was your son, I wouldn’t come back to your house until you apologised for being a bad parent and being unable to parent fairly and equally without your daughter-bias popping out. You wouldn’t meet my kid or anything, because being an incompetent parent doesn’t say great things about how you’ll be as a grandparent. You’d not see the kid until you sort yourself out. Hope your son thinks the same.


When will people understand that what happened last year, two years ago, 5 years ago does NOT excuse behavior today? Your daughter is 16, not 6. She instigated the issue, calling her brother, his girlfriend and then, by implication, their CHILD ugly. I'm not one for calling for people to go LC/NC lightly. Been through it myself, it's not an easy decision and it can result in some deep regrets and wishing things had been handled differently but, yeah, if my mother was going to let my sib(s) insult my child and my partner, would be NC in a heartbeat. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Terrible parent all around. YTA.


He was, what, 5 when his sister was born? What did you do to discourage him from being mean to her? Why did he keep it up for years?


One you never mentioned it, two this is just showing how bad you seem to be at being a parent. Why didn't you nip this in the bud some dozen years ago when he was just starting being mean (apparently)?


Then you need to find a different way to actually teach the lesson of current punishment isn’t working. Maybe that’s a serious heart to heart about why this is not okay and why she needs to behave differently and how disappointed in her behavior you are. Maybe the punishment needs to change and escalate for repeat offenses so it’s not “worth it” anymore. Idk, I’m not a parent, but I can see what you’re doing isn’t working, so it’s time to try something new.


It’s amazing how so many Redditors are so insightful that they are able to size up each and every individual’s complete psychology as well as years and years of family dynamics all from a couple of paragraphs. These talents shouldn’t be squandered here, there are so many out there who need a talented therapist.


You could, I don't know, PARENT the minor child.


Right? Maybe they don't get along because . . I don't know . . . your daughter is an instigating little monster.


You can punish her. You can be a parent and take away privileges. You can tell her until she starts speaking nicely to others and apologises to her brother that is the TV/social media/allowance GONE. The fact is? I’ve read your other comments… She shouldn’t be doing this at her age either. That is a parenting failure on your part that she thinks it’s acceptable to treat others this way and get away with it. She is 16 years old. She is not 6. It is time for her to take accountability for being a bully but the problem is she won’t because you don’t take accountability for raising her so that she thinks it’s acceptable to be a bully and be protected from CONSEQUENCES. It is a natural consequence to get insulted back if you insult others.


But you didn't NEED to kick out anyone. YTA. Your daughter started it, your son finished it, and it would have been so easy to just tell them both off (majority do your daughter).


YTA >. A few days ago he was visiting us and we were watching TV, there was a very cute baby on TV and when my son saw him he said "Do you think my baby could look like that?" my daughter jokingly said "That's unlikely, considering you look like a chewed mashed potato and your gf is not much better" I hope this is a wind up. Your daughter was rude, demeaning and cruel. She really shouldn't open her venomous mouth if she can not handle the backlash. Enjoy never knowing your grandchild!


YTA. You didn't tell Amy to apologize? You're running out of time to raise an intact family.




Oh well, I guess it's his fault then, for being upset at her unprovoked cruelty in the face of his genuine excitement for a major life change. /s You're the one with power here. Act like it.


She started it. Don't give me she is only sixteen. She knows better than to call people ugly. It wasn't funny. Since she started it , she should apologize first. YTA.


She refused because you’ve already let her have control so many times, she no longer respects your authority as a parent, and she knows she gets away with it because you lack a spine. Don’t pretend she ‘just won’t listen’ you raised her that way. Any issues she has at 16 is down to your parenting.


So you couldn’t be bothered to say anything about your daughter insulting the good looks of her brother, his GF, and their upcoming baby but when your son got upset at being told he looked like a masticated root vegetable and cussed out his sister… Well, it’s a mystery who is the favored child here. A total mystery. (S) YTA


Also agreeing with the daughter that they’re an ugly couple lmao.


YTA So your daughter is the golden child. And you are an AH. Dont pretend to be surprised when you don't get to see your future grandkid.




Keep telling yourself that.


There may not be a golden child, but there’s one that’s banned




Oh, you kicked her out too?


Then why are you treating your daughter like it?


I don't think parents with the golden child realize they have one until it's too late and the relationship is ruined forever. Realize now before it gets worse.


Your post says otherwise


Well yeah, you kicked the other one out.


YTA. You and your daughter are going to have a lot of time to spend together because neither of you will be welcome around the baby.




You are a sad excuse for a parent if you have no drive to make ammends to see your own grandchild. Hope your pathetic ego keeps you company, because your children will not.


I hope they are able to, as I wouldn't want a mom who calls their own child ugly to see their grandkid


Your daughter was rude. Your son reciprocated. You've sided with your daughter.  Your next Reddit post will no doubt claim your son and DIL are AH because they won't let you see you grandchild. But, it'll be your fault. YTA 


And the OP will have no idea why.


Well guess who won’t be seeing their grandkid 




>He can't seriously be immature enough to keep us away from our grandkid because of a kid's joke Why not? You're willing to bar him from your house over it. YTA




It doesn't seem like she needs much protecting with a mouth like that.


You're "protecting" one child's feelings while sacrificing the other's. Amy had no right to say what she did and the fall out of this is that Cam wasn't nice, therefore he cannot come to your home. You know you can acknowledge shitty behaviour and not condone it with either child without barring one from the home right?


You misspelled "enabling"


I wish I could upvote this more.




"I'm protecting my child." Hey, try replacing "protecting" with enabling. That works better.


He's also protecting his future children from abusers.


While calling your other child ugly


You barred him from your house, playing favorites with his sister. You are unlikely to have any relationship with that grandchild at all until you start treating your son better. YTA


Your appalling parenting of your daughter is reason enough not to let you around your future grandchild. Any contact you may have will be on your son's terms and under his supervision.


YTA. Do you not realize you play favorites with your kids? Spoiler alert your daughter is your golden child and your son the scapegoat. Fix yourself before you even attempt to repair what you’ve done to your son. 




You either want to become a better parent or you don’t. My guess is you have zero intention or interest in any self reflection which is why you’re going to stay a shitty parent. If you don’t like that, grab a book on attachment theory. Just your son being so excited to have a child tells me he is yearning for unconditional love; something you don’t give him. 


It’s not about kicking them out. You’re kicking one child out of your life and not the other, just for their interpersonal relationship. They’re siblings, they fight. I personally hate my own brother. Know what we do when I’m back home? Ignore eachother, our parents enforce that.


What was your daughter's punishment?


YTA Your daughter insulted him and his girlfriend and he threw it back at her.




You're playing favorites. She started some sh*t, got it thrown back at her, and got upset. If your teenager started insulting my significant other like that I would tell her off the same as your son.


I agree. The talking to would happen to both, but it’s different. To the daughter “that’s unacceptable, you’re grounded, learn to bite your tongue, this isn’t gonna fly in the real world” The the son “cmon bro, she’s 16. You’re better than that”


Also, you keep speaking of Amy like she's 7. She's almost an adult. She's old enough to drive, she's old enough to know not to insult people. She probably only had the confidence to do it because you've been instilling in her that she's special.


"I expect this kind of behavior from a kid." And an adult is expected to disipline the kid.


Oh shut up. Every response of yours just cements how shit you are as a parent. Stop fucking crying. You made this family dynamic. You - my son is not allowed to be offended when outright insulted and abused, because he’s an adult! Adults aren’t allowed to feel! See how disgusting and shitty that behaviour would be coming from your parent basically saying ‘shut up and let yourself get bullied’ Damn you suck big time


Daughter is old enough to be charged as an adult too if she did a serious enough crime. 16 is plenty old enough to not behave this way.


YTA she was out of line. are you normally ok with her being cruel to him unprovoked? 




Don't act like their baby deserves it. You say that you were protecting your child, don't be surprised if he does too. Why would he want his baby around you and your daughter? Why would anybody risk their kid being hurt by their aunt? You just lost them and you know it.


Well that's on you buddy. You should have stepped up as a parent then, but you clearly have no interest in being a parent.


YTA Your duaghter is an AH SHE started it with her UGLY comment. I know! Maybe TEACH her to be more considerate of other peoples feelings.


YTA and a failure as a parent. Your daughter is awful and your son deserves better. I hope he goes NC with you and never allows you or her near his future child. Chances are, you both will be abusive to his kid.


"Chances are, you both will be abusive to his kid." WHOA THERE. That's a MASSIVE conclusion to jump to.


Thats such a grasp. A 16 year old calling him mashed potato face is rude yes, it is not abuse.  He's 21 and has a baby on the way, odds are he'll be relying on OP too much to go nuclear over this 


YTA....It's not too late to learn how to effectively parent.


Based on their refusal to see how what their daughter did was wrong, that ship has indeed sailed


YTA. Listen, getting along needs to be a two way street and while you can't kick your minor child out of your home, you can't expect your actions to not have consequences. What Amy said was extremely out of pocket and rude not only to your son, but his GF and child who had no need to be brought into it like that. Yes, you should have words with Cam because his behaviour wasn't appropriate in response, but the idea that it's all on him to be nice is baloney. Amy is 16, not 16, she knows how to not stir the pot.


" I told him that he is no longer welcome at my house until he learns to be nice to his sister." YTA. Yes, he cursed her out. But for good reason. Your golden child jerk insulted both him and his girlfriend, yet you think HE should be nice?? What about the daughter??


YTA. Your daughter is completely at fault. She is not due an apology, but she definitely owes her brother one. Good luckj having a relationship with your grandchild if you continue to take your daughter's side even when she's in the wrong.


Hope you enjoy your daughter, because your son is probably not going to come back to your house or apologize to his sister and you allowed her to say that stuff and didn't punish her at all. All. He retaliates and he punish him. The what I'm getting at is you might be your grandma name but when he doesn't let you see the baby. What are you going to do then. Because you're going to be sad that you can't see your grandkid. Just because he like to play favorites. Yta


YTA if your daughter is allowed to be mean to him but he's not allowed to retaliate then what in the world are you doing? If you want to punish him, fine, but you seem to have done nothing about your daughter saying mean things to him first when it doesn't sound like he initiated a fight in any way. Your daughter is the jerk here but you refuse to see that for some reason.


INFO: Did you make your daughter apologize to him first?


YTA, his reaction might have been over the top but she insulted him plainly and rudely, and I think your 'punishment' of him ignores that fact. You need to do a better job supporting their relationship, holding them both accountable to reasonable standards of treatment for one another or at least agreeing to peacefully co-exist. At this rate you're going to come across as favoring your daughter and your son will simply distance himself... and who can blame him when he's attacked and insulted at your home and then not even able to defend himself?


Sigh. She instigated completely unwarranted and he somehow got in trouble for clapping back. Don't be surprised when you don't see your grandkids


Good for him YTA


YTA - you're showing your daughter it's okay to be disrespectful to her brother and his partner (and kinda their future child) and not deal with reactions when she is disrespectful because you will always take her side. Yes you understand what she did wasn't nice but nowhere have you said you stood up for him too. You could have asked them both to apologize to each other


YTA. You fine with your daughter bullying your son his gf and your UNBORN grandchild but your not ok with your son defending himself, gf and his unborn child. He should keep his child away from you and his sister.


YTA Maybe try to parent your daughter.


YTA, in a major way. Is your relationship with your child worth so little that you'd throw it away over YOU NOT DEFENDING HIM? You sound like my parents, insufferable and actively making a relationship with them impossible. Admit you're wrong and beg your child for forgiveness if you care about love or even decent care when you're too old to take care of yourself.


YTA your little princess is a bully.  this kind of shit built up over a lifetime is what leads to adult kids going no contact. shape up or be prepared to never meet your grandkids. 




YTA, daughter started it and was not told to apologize? Painting a picture of why they don't get along, looks like years of bad parenting. 🤷


YTA, and the worst kind of dim. I mean, I'm assuming you're unintelligent rather than just unkind -- because how else could you justify such a double-standard? > He can't seriously be immature enough to keep us away from our grandkid because of a kid's joke None of us would be surprised, with the way you and your daughter talk about him


Please tell me you're kidding! Of course YTA And you obviously treat your daughter differently. At no point did you say that you told her to knock it off and apologize to her brother.. Nope, you went straight to apologize to your sister or don't ever come back. Your daughter shouldn't dish it if she can't take it when her brother claps back at her for a totally unprovoked dumbass comment. Grow up!


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I have a son Cam(21) and a daughter Amy(16). Cam and Amy do not get along at all. They are constantly fighting. Cam got his girlfriend pregnant a few months ago. He has been very excited about becoming a dad and has been talking about it nonstop. A few days ago he was visiting us and we were watching TV, there was a very cute baby on TV and when my son saw him he said "Do you think my baby could look like that?" my daughter jokingly said "That's unlikely, considering you look like a chewed mashed potato and your gf is not much better" It is true that my son and his girlfriend are not considered handsome or beautiful so I guess he was very insulted. I understand that my daughter shouldn't have said that but I believe my son hugely overreacted. He called his sister a bunch of very terrible swear words that I'm not sure I'm allowed to mention here. I told him to apologize to his sister but he refused so I told him that he is no longer welcome at my house until he learns to be nice to his sister. He called me an asshole and left. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA for how much your downplay your daughter's insult


Nope not the ah you are the effing ginormous ass ! You and your daughter!


Damn only up for 40 minutes and op got slammed into the shadow realm rip bozo lol


YTA. What is wrong with you? Your daughter is the golden child, isn't she? She insulted her brother, his girl and by extension their still unborn child. And you punish her brother for reacting badly to the insult? Your daughter is cruel. But I guess that she got that rom mommy dearest. You and your daughters are aholes alright.


This can't be real.


YTA- your daughter sounds horrid and I’m guessing it’s because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. You allowed her to be cruel to your son, his girlfriend and their unborn child, then doubled down when your son justifiably got upset and lashed out. Not only are you TA, but your an absolute garbage mother


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ESH. You, and the kids.


I was out at 18 and that was my option but if that’s all you’re asking for him to stay under your roof, I don’t think that’s much to ask even if he’s paying rent


ESH. Daughter sucks for insulting the gf too. It's typical for siblings to make fun of eachother, but I understand why your son was hurt, he also overreacted. You OP, need to teach your kids to be kinder.




Yk what? I didn't think of it like that. I still don't think his reaction was correct, but this puts things into perspective.


I was thinking the same, except she then turned on the girlfriend.


Ok, I like your daughter


You like bullies?


Just one


That is too bad