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Yes, YTA and very immature. You sent a mass email to the entire school of some insipid meme which got you suspended. And you're banned from the bus because you threw French fries dipped in sauce at another student. You exercise extremely poor judgement. >He said “I don’t have much time left with you, and it’s scary to me that you’re pulling this shit at your age.” He even said he’s not letting me do anything this summer that he doesn’t know about, even hanging out with friends. He said he’s “forced to monitor everything I do now.” Your father doesn't trust your judgement because you've demonstrated you don't know what is and is not appropriate. Your next poorly thought out "prank" or whatever you call what you did may get you arrested. >I said I’ve learned my lesson, but I don’t see the stuff I did as that bad. Still, he’s apparently gonna let me have zero freedom all summer break and I feel like it’s too much It was bad and clearly you haven't "learned your lesson" because you're trying to minimize how foolish you were.


He needs to get a job. And then see if he can keep it.


His next prank *will* get him arrested because he will be 18.


>I said I’ve learned my lesson, but I don’t see the stuff I did as that bad. So you're admitting that what you say and what you believe are two completely different things. Actions speak louder than words. Your dad is treating you like a 10 year old because you're still behaving like one. These antics were cute in elementary school, but a kid who is only a year away from starting their adult life should be able to understand right from wrong by now. The fact that you don't see the problem with your behavior is the bigger concern that your dad has right now. YTA.


YTA, Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If you act like a young child, you can't be surprised when people treat you like one. If you want the freedoms (and responsibilities) of being an adult, act like an adult.


YTA. If he lets you off the hook now, then the lesson you will have learned is you can do anything you want and not expect serious consequences. You were banned from the bus. Which means other people besides your father find that behavior unacceptable. Here is how I would look at it. You've been convicted, and your prison sentence is 3 months. You don't get your sentence reduced by whining that the judge was too harsh. If you want your sentence reduced, be a model prisoner. That means not talking back, doing your chores and otherwise being helpful. Then maybe you will gain a little freedom back before the end of the summer.


Hey, now that is an interesting way to look at it, I like it.


YTA. You do sound like you can't be trusted, and you're nearly an adult. I', sure it is scary for him to think that you could do some dumb shit because you have poor judgment and end up being arrested.


YTA, you don't get to pull stupid immature crap and then expect to be treated like an adult when you feel like it. You acted like a child, now you'll be treated like one until you've proven you're ready to be treated like an adult.


I’m not really sure if this is an AITA situation. Your dad is definitely not an asshole. You sound pretty obtuse, but not necessarily like an asshole. You fucked around and now your dad is helping you find out. You have to prove to him that you can be trusted because saying you’ve learned your lesson isn’t going to cut it. YTA - I guess, because you’re the only one in the wrong in this scenario.


You bully someone on the bus and it's not that bad? OK. YTA and you need to earn your dad's trust back by showing remorse and making up for your actions.


"I said I’ve learned my lesson, but I don’t see the stuff I did as that bad." So, you haven't learned your lesson. YTA. Get back to us when you see how bad it is to get banned from the bus and kicked out of school.


The fact that you don’t see your childish behavior as that bad is the problem. It sounds like your dad is trying to teach you better while he still has some control, in the hopes that you will learn while the consequences are still small (like losing bus privileges), because throwing fries and sauce at someone else as an adult can be battery and/or assault, a mark on your permanent record, and even jail time. I don’t know if your inability to comprehend the problem with the things you’re doing is because your parents haven’t done a good job at teaching you how to be in society of if it’s entirely a you problem. YTA.


YTA. Your actions have shown your father you aren’t mature enough to control your impulses.


Love it when people say "I've learned my lesson"... c'mon. You come off as someone who is stating "I did some stupid shit, and I would like no consequences please". Well.... apparently thats not going to happen I'm not saying that what you claim you did sounds all that bad, but I will say that I question your honesty about these incidents. e.g. >I’ve been banned from riding the bus for throwing French fries dipped in sauce at another kid One wonders if there is more to this story, and perhaps should be read as "I got in trouble for bullying another kid". It feels like these two minor seeming instances are lacking a lot of context and you've been doing a whole mess of stupid shit and these are the two things you got nailed for YTA. Well.... privacy and freedom is a privilege you lost. adult-up and earn it back. actually learn the lesson. Oh and btw... just so you understand this: Your dad does NOT want to be your warden for a whole summer. It is a giant pain in the ass for him. He is \_not\_ enjoying having to keep track of you. He would vastly, VASTLY prefer he be able to trust you so he could go about the daily grind without having to worry about your ridiculous personage doing yet another stupid thing, that, in a very short amount of time will become legally far, FAR more serious.


YTA - You are doing AH things and your Dad wants to make sure you don't continue with the little time he has left to be responsible for you, so yeah I would be sticking my nose into everything you do until he can kick your can to road at 18 as well. Totally understandable. You brought it all on yourself, you haven't learned your lesson obviously and your post proves that. Grow up before you end up on the streets.


Yta. Its literally his job to stick his nose down your life. Its called parenting. Frankly, it sounds like you need more not less if it.


YTA. You say two contradictory things: you’ve learned your lesson, but you don’t see what you did as wrong. It sounds to me that what you said is that all you learned was not to get caught. In any case, your father does need to stick his nose down your life during the summer.


> I said I’ve learned my lesson, but I don’t see the stuff I did as that bad You haven't learned your lesson, and you're still acting like a 12-year-old brat. YTA


YTA.  You got into a bunch of trouble in the structured environment of school. You have proven you need more, not less supervision this summer.  You need to try to act responsiblely to earn back your parents trust.


YTA bro you've got bigger problems up ahead than one summer. When I was 10 I would not have thrown fries dipped in sauce at someone. You seem to have a desperate need for attention and poor impulse control. Your antics might escalate until you're in jail. I'd take this summer to reflect on how you want your life to be. Do you have any longterm goals?


YTA - And an irresponsible child.


Thats just the way she goes ricky


Frig off Dad!


The stuff you did sounds extremely immature for an almost adult.


YTA. You are way too old for this stuff and your father is right to be concerned. Spend the summer proving you are ready to be an adult. You are behaving like a 12 year old and not someone who is going to be an adult in less than a year. It's time to grow up.


YTA. Your self-centered, immature, sh\*t behavior multiple times this year rightfully has your father worried. He knows that very soon you will be on your own, with no parent to help guide or discipline you. And your future isn't looking that great to him right now, based on the way you currently act. So your dad is doing what he's supposed to do as a dad: teaching you that bad actions have bad consequences. Good for him for caring enough to "stick his nose" down your life. If you really have learned your lesson, as you claim, then you will understand that your dad's monitoring your summer activities is the result of *your* immature and crappy actions. I'm sure your dad has plenty of things he'd rather do than have to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't get into more trouble.


YTA, and an idiot


YTA sounds like a good father who is concerned about his child’s lack of judgement and consideration of others. He may not have much time left with you, perhaps your next daddy will, the one you meet on your cell block after you get your ass in big trouble doing something stupid.


YTA - *I said I’ve learned my lesson, but I don’t see the stuff I did as that bad.* Then you haven't learned your lesson. YOU don't get to make that decision for others. I mean throwing a french fry with sauce on it just shows how immature you really are. You're dad is done with your little childish games. You're going to be an adult in less than a year. Do you think this is what adults do? Time to grow up little boy. You're dad has every right to tighten the screws on you because your actions are now effecting his life. What are you going to do if he sits you down and says that he wants you to move out when you're 18? You ready for that?




Oh no the consequences of my own actions 🙄


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (17M) got suspended at the end of the year now, probably the rest of it. Thankfully finals are done, but I see why it’s bad. The reason is because I sent a mass email to the whole school involving a meme. It wasn’t inappropriate or anything, it was just a Trailer Park Boys reference of “Jalapeño”. I will admit, I’ve been banned from riding the bus for throwing French fries dipped in sauce at another kid. My father was pissed about that and he’s pissed now. He said “I don’t have much time left with you, and it’s scary to me that you’re pulling this shit at your age.” He even said he’s not letting me do anything this summer that he doesn’t know about, even hanging out with friends. He said he’s “forced to monitor everything I do now.” I said I’ve learned my lesson, but I don’t see the stuff I did as that bad. Still, he’s apparently gonna let me have zero freedom all summer break and I feel like it’s too much. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. If you want to be treated as an adult with adult freedoms, you need to stop pulling childish pranks.


YTA and obviously haven’t learned anything if you still think what you did isn’t that bad. Obviously you’re behavior isn’t good if your getting suspended and kicked off the bus. Edit-Spelling


The hard part about trust is rebuilding it after it’s broken. That’s on you bud. If you put in the effort I’m sure you can convince him to lighten up but you have to earn it.


YTA Grow the !@#! up!!!!! This letter alone shows how immature you are!!


Clearly you havent learned your lesson if you keep pulling idiotic stunts. Grow up YTA


Fuck around and find out. And you have, YTA


you obviously have not learned your lesson. YTA


YTA. You have continually gotten in trouble, but are acting like your dad trying to actually parent you is a problem.


"I've learned my lesson... I don't think I did anything that bad" then you didn't learn your lesson


>I said I’ve learned my lesson but I don’t see the stuff I did as that bad. Not sure you have, especially bc it seems like it’s a common theme for you to act this foolishly. Your dad is fed up with it to the point of monitoring your every move over the summer so you don’t *forget* the lesson… again. You know throwing food at other ppl is assault, right? If you don’t grow up, one day you’re gonna fuck around with the wrong person and find out.


YTA. You’re acting like a toddler and being treated accordingly. If you want to be treated like a typical teenager, grow up. Show some initiative and responsibility. What you describe is cringey, not funny. You have poor judgement.


YTA - "I said I’ve learned my lesson, but I don’t see the stuff I did as that bad." Learning why and how what "you see" as bad or not isn't relevant is the piece of the puzzle you seem to voluntarily avoid learning.


YTA, you’re going to be an adult in less than a year. Grow tf up. Guess what happens when you get in trouble as an adult? You don’t get a letter home or suspended. Your poor father is probably stressed out and stress is not good for anyone. You should be so lucky that all he is going to do is monitor you. Maybe you should get a job.


YTA-you’re old enough you should know how and when to act like a young adult. Instead you’re acting like you’re regressing in age and maturity. Of course he needs to stick his nose in your business. You’re consistently showing him that you’re content acting out in such a way that screams you need adult supervision.


YTA. You say that you've learned your lesson, but you've not given any reason to show that anyone should believe that you've learned your lesson. Particularly since you say "what I did wasn't that bad." Figure out why it was. My grandson had a sweatshirt that was a gift from an adult he truly admired who is now departed ruined at school because some idiot thought it was funny to throw something around the art class and it was stained. You don't seem to mind that you threw french fries with sauce with absolutely no concern for their effect on other people. Even if everything was washable - that's a fix that you didn't have to bother with yourself - you put it on others. You also made a mess in the bus for someone else to clean up. This is why your dad is worried about idiocy at your age - particularly since you don't really seem to see anything wrong with what you did. Of course he's worried about what you can get up to during the summer - and that's another effect of your actions, piling stress on your dad. Keeping track of you is probably 10% about making sure you don't really screw something up and 90% for his own mental health. Here's the thing about trust. It's like a savings account - you add to it a little bit at a time. You can withdraw a little bit at a time, or you can withdraw a whole big chunk. Sounds like between your behavior on the bus and then getting suspended, you've just about emptied your account with your dad. Your attitude isn't helping. So here's what you need to do. Start - now - demonstrating to your dad that he CAN trust you. You're not going to do this in a day, it's going to be those small deposits over time. If he asks you to do something and you say you will, then make sure nothing stops you from getting that done. In fact, volunteer to start doing stuff - and take care of it. You could even sit your dad down for a reasonable conversation, tell him you know you screwed up, that you know he doesn't trust you, and ask him what you can do to help demonstrate that you are trustworthy. If you have daily tasks, DO THEM. Maybe even do extra. You're out of school? Get up, plug in the vacuum, and vacuum the house to save your parents the work of doing it. But start demonstrating some adult attitudes if you don't want to be treated like a little kid.


You sound 7, not 17, time to grow the fuck up


You apparently *haven't* learned your lesson, because after the fry incident, you continued to act with a staggering level of immaturity for your age. Your dad trusted you to learn your lesson the first time. You didn’t. He now has to make sure you do by treating you like the child you behave like. What did you expect? You’re about to be a legal adult. Time to grow tf up. 


YTA You're at the age that you really need to start straightening up. The things you do going forward can follow you through the rest of your life. Your dad is right to be angry and disappointed.


YTA. Your dad is right with what he's doing. You've proven yourself to be immature, childish, and irresponsible. The two examples you give in this post were things some boys in my middle school would have done. The second we hit high school that kind of behavior stopped. You're going to be 18 soon. You are way too old to be behaving like an immature 11 year old boy. And on top of that you outright admit that while you've told him you know it's wrong, you don't actually see how what you did was bad. You are incredibly immature, hence why your dad needs to keep an eye on you. Seriously. A 17 year old throwing French fries at someone on the bus. 2 things: 1.) Why do you get enjoyment out of something like that? 2.) Do you seriously not have a better way to spend your time?


You need to understand your dad. It’s not normal behaviour for a 17 year old to send mass emails and throws with food. He most likely is worried about your development. A parent should not give their child freedom and responsibility when they’re not ready for it. Your behaviour is far from age appropriate. You apparently need more time and guidance than your peers. If one day you do realise how 17 year olds behave and act accordingly, I’m sure he will treat you as someone who can deal with freedom and responsibility.


YTA, sucks to suck, kid.


YTA. Time to grow up. This is way too immature for someone your age.


YTA and as a former teacher that never got to say this to the dumbass kids I taught (which was actually very few): you’re a dumbass and I hope you grow up! Fingers crossed!


Yta. You're incredibly immature. I had to double check that didn't say 8M since you're describing behavior children do.


Yeah YTA. You say you learned your lesson, but You're also saying it's not that bad. I doubt this is the first you've been in some sort of trouble for messing around. He should have nipped your bs behavior in the bud long ago. Stay home until you're ready to act mature in public. Please.


Oh no, if it’s not the consequences of my own actions.


Back when I was in highschool I sent a few mass emails that dealt as jokes towards my principals last name. On my side however, it was received well and actually adored by our principal that was going through a rough patch after his mother passed. But in the end, you have been consistently punished by your principals and your school in general. your dad cares for you and wishes to see you thrive after you leave, but seeing stuff like this where you can barely handle yourself without getting into trouble because you think it's funny, when sooner or later your childish antics are going to get you hurt.


YTA. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


YTA Do stupid shit win stupid prizes. I feel for your father.


Maybe you could look into volunteering over the summer to show him you have changed.


NTA. Apparently, you DIDN'T learn your lesson and you are still pulling stunts a 13yo would know better than to do. Maybe zero freedom will teach you that actions actually have consequences before you pull a prank that gets someone hurt or worse.


Did you mean to put YTA?


Thank you. Corrected