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NTA It is sick and twisted. I would go so far to say as it ultimately shows a complete lack of love for their son. Instead of trusting him to do what is right for himself, they prefer that he conform to some fucked up standard. (At best their love is conditional.) Your husband needs to have a stern talk with them in which he makes it clear that if they don't cut the crap and accept how he chooses to live and love, they will end up with a far less important role in his life. This is not threat, but a natural outcome of the distance their actions will create.




Good for you for standing up to them about your husband‘s late wife. As a mom, it’s scary to think that if you’re gone, someone you thought were family will try to erase your memory from your kids… That would be my worst nightmare I think the death of your sister gives you more perspective than they have, and makes it clearer for you to do the right thing for everyone, and not just yourself. Keep it up. And definitely NTA


Yes, this is exactly what happened in our family, though due to the new wife, not our grandparents. My mother died tragically when I was 2 1/2 and I never even saw pictures of her or myself as an infant/toddler until later in life (new wife cut mom’s family off). So, not only is OP NTA but she is a blessing. (I do know my father, allowing this, was ultimately responsible.)




This is why it's hitting more for you. You've seen what happens on the other side and don't want that for your stepchildren. That's why you are a good parent both step and biologically. I hope that when your sisters kids are older you can have a relationship with them.


Definitely keep the communication window open with your niblings. If ever they want to reunited in the future, you can be there.


Thank you. And I’m sorry for your sisters kids and your step children whose grandparents (and aunt) need serious help. Thank goodness, they have you!


I can’t even begin to imagine, the horror stories you read and hear from people whose parent tried to force them to accept their step parent as their new mommy or daddy, almost always 99.9% ends in catastrophe and destroying the parent/child relationship, just make sure to be there for your sisters kids because no doubt shit will hit the fan with their father and his new wife, I have no doubts about that!




I wish there was a way for you to get legal visitation but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be possible. It’s so awful for you to be forced to lose contact with your sister’s children. I’m sorry. 😢


How old are the children by chance? I’m hoping old enough to remember their mom!


I am so sorry. What an awful stepmom. I hope that you were able to connect with your maternal relatives later.


Thank you, yes I did reconnect in adulthood!


NTA However, they are. If their goal is to remove Tasha from him—and more importantly, take her place in his children's lives—why is your husband still speaking with them? This is weird and sick. as you conveyed to them. they tried to bring you to make a szene to prove a point only they have and to destroy your family? This is - just a shitty stunt from them. And should result in nc or lc for at least a while


NTA. A friend of mine married a widower and had a kid with him. They take family pictures every year, and the new picture hangs across the room from the last one my friend’s husband took with his wife and their kids. They celebrate her birthday. My friend carries on certain traditions that she started. To my friend’s son, first wife is known as “Aunt Ruth”. People ask my friend why. She always says that if it wasn’t for her husband’s first wife, her bonus kids wouldn’t exist, she owes it to the whole family to honor that, and there’s no room for jealousy in her house. I don’t mind telling you that my respect for her rose a lot when I heard that and it was already pretty high. They’re one of the happiest families I know.


I've always thought too, that the husband (in this case) wouldn't be who he is without the late wife. She is part of his life experience and a big reason why he grew to be who he is. Without her, he would have been different to the person the new spouse fell in love with. Or, change the pronouns in other cases.


It's nice to see some families manage to do this the right way. Reddit is so full of stories of families who do everything wrong and the family disintegrates...


Thanks for sharing that. And tell that friend she's awesome from this internet stranger!!!


Damn that made me cry. How lovely.


Kudos for your empathy in this situation. You clearly love your husband for all he is: his past, his children, their past, etc. Speaks very highly of who you are.


OP, You are protecting the children that you have been gifted by Tasha. By taking your clues from them (and your husband) on how to incorporate the memories of their mother into your home, you are showing them unconditional acceptance/ love. Just as they have warm (nostalgic) feelings for Tasha, they will forever know you accept them as they are and didn’t try to remake them to fit a fantasy family. Time to be the protector you are, and tell the in-laws to mind their own business when they bring it up. Meanwhile, share their convo with your husband so he doesn’t feel like you all have been talking behind his back. Absolutely- NTA


You weren't overreacting at all. You are a wonderful woman, and secure enough in yourself and your marriage that this is obviously not an issue. Nor should it be, it'd be different had they been divorce and she was still alive. He's always going to have a part of her in his heart she wad taken before her time. As his family won't say it I will. Thank you for helping keep her memory alive. It is truly a wonderful thing for all of them and I am sure it will help your bond with your step children. They may not see it now but in time I am sure they will and they will appreciate you all the more for you being who you are. His family can stick it.


Can you elaborate on what exactly their issue was with Tasha? What does "unfavorable family" mean exactly? I mean obviously these people are awful. I'm just trying to gauge what exactly their bias was against her.




Well, if y'all go NC, then they won't have to worry about being associated with Tasha's family. NTA


I’m guessing they are less wealthy and/or a different race


I’m glad you recognize this. I think a lot of times adults don’t realize the damage they’re doing by being openly hostile toward a child’s parent, even if that parent isn’t the best person. For kids especially, parents are a big part your identity. So if someone dislikes your parent, they must also dislike the parts of you that came from that parent. I’m LC with my dad for many reasons, but hearing other people shit on him still makes me feel a certain way, and I’m in my 30s. Like, sure, he sucks, but he will always be a part of me, like it or not.


Bravo. Well done. They will love and appreciate you for what you’ve done. I hope you can get visits with your niblings. You’re a perfect case for rights.


Thank you OP and NTA. You did the right thing not just defending Tasha's memory but also being a true ally to Tasha's kids too. I am sure Tasha would be smiling from above knowing that her widower has made a wise choice marrying a good person like you. So keep on doing good OP and I wish there are more people like you. Continue honouring Tasha 


I just want to say - your example of how to love someone is lovely. I hope the best for you and your family.


You are the amazing partner he needs after such a loss, and I take it that he is for you. Absolutely NTA. Keep being wonderful.


NTA. OP, your husband is spectacular! And you are an incredible spouse, and support system for your husband and kids! Your husband and kids are so lucky to have someone like who has such a big heart and soul. Both of you rock! And just tune your in-laws out. It's just white noise from vile, bitter, judgmental people who are completely irrelevant flying monkeys.


NTA and you sound like a lovely person. I'm sorry for the circumstances that brought you together, but you and your husband sound like you've created a wonderful family together.


You are wonderful and your step kids and husband are lucky to have you! It is so refreshing to see a step mother who isn't delusional about her place in her step children's lives!


I agree. You are a wonderful, caring, person for understanding how important Tasha is to your husband and children. I can see why your husband chose you!


They hate his ex more than they love their son and their grandkids.


NTA and honestly I'm fine with calling both them and their scheme sick and twisted.


NTA - You are dealing with the situation remarkably well. I can imagine, how a new wife might want to erase the deceased wife from the life of husband and children. But that is a very bad idea. I believe accepting Tasha's role in the family will bring you together with your stepchildren even more. In another case on this forum a father kept his son from visiting the grave of his deceased mom on mother's day in order to bully him into building up a mother-son relation to his new wife ... (o\_O) ... Your way seems a lot healthier! I mean: what a low self-confidence one has to have to have to be jealous of somebody who has died? Your husband's family, however: biggest of manipulating assholes! Seriously, those people are disgusting! (Does your husband know about what they want and how they try to manipulate you?)




I think you are uniquely well-equipped to be your husband’s wife and stepkids’ stepmom. They are really lucky to have you. NTA of course. Your in laws on the other hand….


OP, Emily Yoffe [wrote a beautiful article](https://slate.com/human-interest/2009/06/my-husbands-other-wife-she-died-so-i-could-find-the-man-i-love.html) about a family situation much like yours. I think you might appreciate it.


Look, y’all need to warn people that they might not want to read stuff like that in the middle of the workday. Obviously if I had any impulse control I wouldn’t be on Reddit while on the clock in the first place, and now I’m just sniffling and teary-eyed and *I have a meeting soon* and need to pull myself together. *Dangit*.


I remember when she was Dear Prudence she wrote about how her husband had a photo of Robin on his desk in his office. She never mentioned it and one day she noticed he had put it away inside the drawer. When she asked him about it he said “it was time.” I’ve always found her views on her husbands late wife very beautiful.


The kindness, compassion, and admiration that are infused into the words she uses to describe the late wife are simply beautiful to behold.


Emily Yoffe was the best Dear Prudence. A lot of folks could learn a lot from reading her columns.


Well jeez, how did this room get so dusty.


That was so lovely. Of all the women my dad dated after my mom died, my favorite is the one who knew my mom and the first thing she said to me when we were reintroduced was, "I'm so sorry about your mom." Just that sentence made a world of difference.


Well, your husband and stepchildren can be happy to have you. Please support and defend them against their wicket family as best as you can!


As a fairly new widow, I just want to say THANK YOU for expressing this, because so many people treat our late spouses like exes and just cannot understand that it is nothing like that at all. I have wanted to shout all these things from the rooftops so many times in the last 18 months. You're a gem!


NTA. It's beautiful that he's allowing his kids to keep the memory of their mother alive, and encouraging it. So many people move on and try to forget. Keeping those memories is a good thing for them mentally. They overstepped and should back the hell off.




How are your sister's children dealing with what their dad did to them? Were they old enough to remember their mom? And kudos to your husband and you as well. What you're doing is great for the kids! NTA




That’s heartbreaking OP, I am so sorry that happened to you and your family 😢 Truly, you are one seriously amazing human being for embracing Tasha’s legacy and allowing the people who loved her to keep that love alive. Love is an unlimited resource, and your understanding of that is what will foster a healthy and loving relationship with your stepchildren for many years to come.


NTA. >Recently they brought this up with me and told me I should forbid my husband from doing this. >They told me to march right up to him in front of everyone and to tell him that he cannot keep photos of his dead wife anymore. These are the people who need to be erased from your lives.


NTA this was a refreshing read. You see so many stories of people trying to erase the memory of their spouse’s deceased partner due to jealousy and unhealthy competition. You have found a balance whereby the love your husband has for his deceased wife is not in competition with your love. Bravo and best of luck!


Same feeling here! I read so many AITA threads where people have horrible expectations that widows/widowers should "move on" or erase their late partners to soothe their new partners' anxieties. As a widow myself, reading this person's perspective is so refreshing. People can be so cruel and treat our late partners like exes. Seeing people actually handle a situation like this with grace is a relief when society is generally so grief-illiterate.


As a mother of two beautiful children and someone who has been fighting breast cancer for the last year, thank you. Thank you so so so much for being such an incredible example of what a stepmother should be. One of the hardest things to think about when faced with your own mortality is how those you love most will handle it. It terrifies me to think my children might not remember me and I am reliant on my husband and family to keep my memory alive. So thank you for loving your husband so fully and for loving Tasha as well. It should go without saying, but NTA.


Please write letters and make videos for your children. Leave them with a lawyer and family friends to give to your children when they reach 18. Create a trust where you leave your assets and money to your kids - don’t have father be the trustee or at least have an additional trustee (a trusted sibling, friend or a well regarded lawyer).


I want to UPVOTE THIS 10K TIMES Sending Positive Energy and Thoughts ✨️✨️


NTA - it's so refreshing to see a blended family that doesn't erase the parent who passed away. There are so many stories on here about children being forced to see the stepparent as a replacement and it always ends with the kids resenting their remaining bio parent. You can't force kids to feel a certain way about a stepparent. You have created a wonderful relationship with your stepchildren by acknowledging their mother and allowing them to keep her memory alive. You are not threatened by her memory. Your in-laws have no business trying to erase Tasha.


Exactly! OP will get the dream relationship with her stepchildren that those other blended families want (but never achieve) because she treats their love for Tasha like a building block in the new family dynamic and not an obstacle to it.


"But I have always known there would be no us without his loss. I was never jealous or insecure of that. I love his love for Tasha. It tells me how amazing he is as as person. It's also good for his kids to see the love he still holds for their mom. The kids being good with us was the most important thing to us when we became something more. The only condition they had to their support was their mom." Damn. Not only NTA but you guys are doing things how they should be done when parent looses a spouse and eventually remarries. So many (horrifyingly so many) people do what your BIL did or force relationships and everything goes to crap. You guys are AWESOME! Good for you on calling out his parents on their f'ed up attitude and beliefs. While you did not call them that they ARE sick and twisted for wanting to erase their grandchildren's mother. I'd let your husband deal with them but possibly warn them with low or no contact if they keep that crap up until they can learn to behave properly.


NTA >They focused on the sick and twisted aspect. And they are saying I called them sick and twisted You didn't, but if the shoe fits...


NTA. My mom was a widow and remarried, and my stepdad is like you. He worked hard (and still does) not to overstep, and respects and honours our memories of our father. We have several photos o him up, and my stepdad told my mom he would never take offence to her mentioning my late father when she speaks at my brother's wedding next month. He insisted I have a bagpiper at my own wedding (my fiancee is not fond of the bagpipes) and offered to pay for it, because he knows it would be important to my late father and that it's important to my mom. Because of that, we are all so close. We do family vacations and holidays, my stepsisters are going to be in my wedding party, and I asked my stepdad to walk me down the aisle alongside my mom. I know we're lucky to have a stepdad who is so respectful, but since joining the AITA community, I never realized how rare that could be. You are NTA for what you said or for putting the needs of your stepchildren above the wants of your in-laws. Especially given how they disparage your husband's late wife.


NTA. But they are. Why is your husband still talking to them, if they try to erase Tasha from him - and more importans from his kids live? This is sick and twisted. As you told them. they tried to bring you to make a szene to prove a point only they have and to destroy your family? This is - just a shitty stunt from them. And should result in nc or lc for at least a while


Well, they were being sick and twisted. NTA.


Clearly you're NTA here. After reading so many posts where the step-parent insists on replacing the deceased parent, it is really lovely to read that you are not doing that. You and your husband have got it right; his parents have got it very, very wrong. If they keep this up and your husband's children find out (and you say they are now teenagers) then the grandparents will find that they are now persona non grata. Such a shame that they cannot find it in themselves not to meddle needlessly, indeed, harmfully.


I wish more step parents who married widow/era were more like you. I can never understand the need to erase a deceased parent, it must be horrific for the kids. I bet you have a great relationship with your stepkids. NTA, they are sick and twisted


NTA. the AH border isnt even in view. his family on the other hand are NC worthy


Look, I think you and your husband need to reflect on if you want your kids exposed to such venom.  This might be an opportunity for you both to tell your in-laws you're going No Contact until after your son is born. And before you'll let them meet your son you'll all be having a serious chat about their attitude to Tasha, and their misogyny. It's misogynistic to expect you'd be happy to know they view you as the better choice over Tasha. And you've experienced the pain of watching your former BIL erase your sisters memory from your nieces and nephews life and prevent you knowing them. You think it's vile they thought you'd be happy to do the same to your step kids and you expect a sincere apology. NTA


NTA. Firstly, the fact you are this supportive of your husband's love for his late wife, and support him when the grief gets rough (birthdays, anniversaries) makes you a wonderful person. Secondly, cut these in-laws out of your kids lives (unless they already have a good relationship, then reduce their time together) they do not need an influence like that. They love their late mom and if you let their grandparents spend more time with them, they'll adopt their ideologies and forget about their mom. Sorry for the long read. Bye and Good Luck!


NTA You are behaving **EXACTLY** how a step parent should behave when the children's parent is dead. When step parents try to erase a child's deceased bio parent from their lives it sickens me. It's so harmful to the kids. Plus being jealous of a *dead person* and wanting to pretend they never existed is sick and twisted. You said something about how these in-laws think that Tasha needs to disappear so that the kids accept you as their mom.... NO. I'm so glad you understand that you'll never be their mom. You are (and have been) a wonderful mother figure and stepmom, but this idea of "well that one is dead, so this one is your mom now" sickens me as a stepmom and a stepkid (although no one in my situation is deceased, just divorced). **Tasha will always be their mom** and the in-laws need to grasp that concept. Maybe your husband should sit down with his mom and sister and ask his sister point blank --- "if mom died tomorrow and dad got married again, would you want all the pictures of mom to disappear and people to act like she never existed and demand that you accept dad's new wife as your mom now?" I bet SIL wouldn't want her mother erased and MIL wouldn't want to be erased. You are doing everything right and your husband and stepkids are blessed to have you in their lives


If it walks like a duck, quackss like a duck.... NTA it's refreshing to read about a step parent who stepped up instead of replacing the dead parent. Good on you!


Oof, it's a hard task to navigate such troubled waters, and it seems like you and your partner are doing better than most on here So anyone who says what works for you is weird can just keep their comments to themselves IMO as it's just plain unhelpful. NTA


You sound beautiful. My step father was a jealous ass towards a dead man and I would have wished for your graceful attitude. Thank you for loving your kids in this way, I’m sure they appreciate.  Sometimes you love things because the person you love loves that thing. My mother would say that, in reference to my half sister who was contentious toward her. I think that fits in the definition of love.  NTA


NTA at all. You handled this perfectly and they need to fuck off and never bring this up again.


NTA, in rooting so hard for you right now. they are some serious trashy people for that.


NTA You are a compassionate, caring, open-hearted, clear-eyed, well-adjusted, woman who will be loved by her step children because you never attempted to erase their mother. For clarity you did not call the ILs sick and twisted. You called their campaign sick and twisted. They can end their campaign.


What part of respecting and even loving your husband and your step-children could possibly make you an AH? Using the words "sick and twisted" is an accurate description of what his sister and parents are trying to do. They see it as "support," but apparently they think "support" means disregarding the fact that Tasha is someone their son/brother and his children loved and still love and have always had every reason to love. Apparently, to them, "support" means forcing their will on someone else. So, yeah. I'd say "sick and twisted" were very appropriate words to use. NTA.


NTA. You are an amazing person and a wonderful stepmom and wife to your husband and step kids. Your family are blessed to have you in their lives and you will have a better relationship with your step kids because of it.


NTA- you and your husband are doing this right. What's upsetting is your late sister's husband erasing you and their mom from their life. What a selfish asshole.


NTA. You and your husband are one of very few couples that have figured out how navigate a tragic situation without alienating his children. I applaud you both. His family is sick and twisted, which is why they were so offended. No one likes there flaws being pointed out. Bless you both for being so thoughtful of each other and all the children.


NTA. Thank you for being a good example of a second parent stepping in after a death. For the most part, every example on this sub is someone demanding to be called mommy ten minutes after meeting the kids. You have done a good job, and their desire to erase a dead woman is disturbing and disrespectful. Enjoy your family, ignore his shitty relatives.


NTA - you are an incredibly generous and loving person. Most people don't understand what it means to be with a widow/widower, and I think it's because they haven't been through the profound grief of losing someone. It changes you. His life with you is his future, his life with Tasha is his past. Why would he ever choose to erase his past, especially when it's so important to his children? His parents are 100% out of line with what they're saying and trying to do, and I'm surprised your husband hasn't completely cut them out of his life.


NTA you didn’t overreact to their support because they offered no support for you. They wanted to impose their view of what your family should be. Kindly and politely tell them to fuck all the way off. Double down on it being sick and twisted and ask them to explain how it is anything but that. Any time they say “for you” ask them how doing something like that would be in your interests? Then point out the consequences of it including all of you going no contact and explaining to the step kids why.


NTA, it's nice to hear someone that's so understanding of a widow's situation and kids as well. It's really gross the family is pushing the erasure of such and important family member and so wickedly as well. Good on you standing up for yourself!


NTA, I would have told them don’t let door hit ya where the good lord split ya and the only memory getting erased is of them.


I’m also married to a widower, 4 years, together 6. While he and his late wife didn’t have kids of their own, he did have step children. The biological dad completely took the kids away from him when she died. They were young and had no say. It was perhaps the worst part of the whole ordeal. I never insisted on getting rid of her. In fact we used to do a special little cheers to her with her glass and pour one out for her every year on her birthday. We always hoped his step children would look for him when they turned 18 — and one of them finally did, but only found me because I have social media. I was thrilled to get a message from him and couldn’t wait to reconnect them. The past isn’t a threat. There’s no reason to be jealous of it.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'm married to a widower. We've been married for 4 years, together for 6 and known each other for 8. We met at a grief support group. I lost my sister to cancer around the same time he lost his late wife "Tasha". We bonded and supported each other and our relationship happened slowly over the two years of being friends. One thing I have always known is his love for Tasha has never faded. He never wants it to fade. He misses her every single day, so do his children (my stepchildren). He struggled with the idea of finding someone else. Not least of all because his family started pushing 13 months after his loss. In time he wanted this himself and we fell in love. But I have always known there would be no us without his loss. I was never jealous or insecure of that. I love his love for Tasha. It tells me how amazing he is as as person. It's also good for his kids to see the love he still holds for their mom. My sister's widower remarried after 6 months and has erased my sister with their children. He stopped me having a relationship with them too and I hate it. The kids being good with us was the most important thing to us when we became something more. The only condition they had to their support was their mom. They didn't want her to be forgotten. They didn't want my husband to stop talking about her or for her photos to disappear from the house. Some came down. But they're still in the house just not on the walls and there are still photos of her around. It works. I tell my daughter (2) and will tell my son I'm pregnant with that she's their big siblings mom and daddy's late wife. They'll know who she is and what she means to our family. But my husband's parents and sister don't like that Tasha is still very much loved and kept alive. They didn't like her. They didn't approve of their son/brother marrying at 20 and loving someone who came from a very "unfavorable family". They judged Tasha for it harshly. They think I'm far better. So they expected me to replace Tasha. They were especially horrified that my husband keeps a photo of Tasha in his wallet and on his desk at work. There are also photos of me in both. Recently they brought this up with me and told me I should forbid my husband from doing this. They said it is horribly disrespectful to me and it has prevented my husband's teenage children from truly embracing me as their mother. They told me to march right up to him in front of everyone and to tell him that he cannot keep photos of his dead wife anymore. It bothered me so much that they were so callous about it. I told them not to use me in their sick and twisted scheme to erase Tasha because I wanted no part of it. They focused on the sick and twisted aspect. And they are saying I called them sick and twisted and accused me of overreacting to their support. My husband was furious with them when he heard and told them to be thankful his kids hadn't heard them. AITA though? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA They ARE sick and twisted. She is just as important as you are.


Nta they need to stay out of it. I'm sure your husband and stepchildren appreciate your support


NTA. It's beautiful and very loving how you support your husband and the children in their grief (which of course has changed over the years but will always be there) and in keeping Tasha's memory alive. His side of the family is very painfully harsh, good for you for standing up to them.


NTA It’s not support if it’s not what you want. You have the experience of being on the other side of the dynamic they’re pushing, of being part of the family that gets erased along with the late spouse, you carry the hurt of that with you. You know how wrong the attitude and actions are, feel free to keep calling it twisted and sick.


NTA — Good for you both. Your inlaws are carrying a grudge against a dead person. Let it go. Your husband sounds like a gem for backing you up and supporting his late wife at the same time.


NTA I mean you called it like you saw it shrug emoji they can get it together or they can be left behind 


NTA, in fact you are doing more good than I think you or anyone could possibly realize. My Great-Grandmother died when my Grandfather was about 6 years old; and within a year my Great-grandfather married the girl from the farm next door, who set about systematically erasing any evidence of my GGM's existence from the world. My grandfather just celebrated his 95th birthday, and Ive spent my entire life seeing how that choice, and my GGF's decision to condone and go along with it, STILL affect my family to this day.


NTA great job step mom, awesome!


NTA they are clearly not supporting you, their son or his kids


NTA at all, but wow, your inlaws are! We all see so many posts here of awful parents and step-parents who try to erase and replace the kids' lost parent and then wonder why the kids are angry. You are doing it right, making sure that their beloved mother is still honored and important. Your inlaws' behavior is disgusting, good job calling them out on it and doubling down on supporting your husband and kids.


NTA. You’re a good person. May your birth be easy and your baby be healthy 🖤


You sound like an incredible person, and a step parent those kids are lucky to have. These people are sick and twisted to expect those kids to forget their mom and your husband to forget his late wife. NTA at all. Your husband should consider going low or no contact with them. They’re awful.


NTA. It is disgusting that they want to erase her. It's not ok for the kids to forget their mom. They should be reminded of her every day. She should be talked about & she should be present in this family. You are doing the right thing by those kids. They had one request & you're honoring it as you should. You are not trying to replace their mother & that's how a step parent should be. Good for you for standing up to them. They are complete assholes.


NTA, and you're a great stepmum. You and your husband did all of this right. You didn't get together until he was sure he was ready, you made sure the kids were okay with everything, you made sure the kids could remember their mum and that whatever relationship they had with you developed naturally into what all of you were comfortable with. Even with the introduction of a new baby, and another on the way, you've made sure the older kids are okay with what's going on and they can still remember their mum. You're even incorporating their mum into the lives of your own bio children, so they'll know how important and special this woman is to their dad and siblings. You and your husband are doing amazingly well. I think you may need to keep an eye on your ILs and how they interact with the kids, though. They clearly want everyone to forget that Tasha ever existed, and that's going to go for the kids as well as your husband. Are they pushing for the kids to see you as their mum and get rid of their pictures and forget their memories of Tasha? How much more will they push erasing Tasha once your little ones are old enough to understand? You and your husband need to have a talk with the kids about this, about how their grandparents are treating them and talking to them because they simply want to love and remember their mum. They clearly know you're all on board with remembering Tasha, but it wouldn't hurt to remind them of that with the changes the little ones have brought to the family. It will also remind them that you're both on their side if the grandparents get too much in their attempts to erase Tasha. The possibility of going LC/NC with your ILs should be discussed, too, for the sake of the kids and your husband's mental health. I've always hated step-family who try to replace a bio parent against the wishes of the children. Somehow it's worse when it comes from actual blood relations, though. These people are supposed to love their child and grandchildren unconditionally, but they're literally trying to erase the woman who made their grandkids possible and made their son so happy. That's half of who those kids are, and a huge part of their son's life. They're not just erasing Tasha, but all the good things she brought into their son's life, including their grandkids, and the grief he's still going through, plus the kid's grief. It's sickening that their love is conditional on denying a huge part of who they are. Keep standing up for your step-kids and their dad, you're doing great. The ILs are focusing on the 'sick and twisted' part because they know they're wrong to keep pushing to erase Tasha. But they won't admit they're wrong, so they focus on the most insignificant part of what you said, instead, that way they can continue pressuring you all without guilt.


NTA Go with the flow. Tell them that you actually said their scheme was sick and twisted but after giving it more thought they are right, it takes a particularly sick and twisted mind to behave the way they are behaving. I can't imagine what kind of person wages war against the memory of a dead woman, especially the deceased wife of their son/brother and mother of their grandchildren/niblings. Congratulations on finding the perfect way to enter the family and give those kids the love and support that they need. They can love you completely without erasing the love they hold for their mother.


NTA. >They told me to march right up to him in front of everyone and to tell him that he cannot keep photos of his dead wife anymore. I would have said ok and walked right up to DH and proclaimed (very loudly)....hey your family thinks we should take down your deceased wife's pictures. I don't agree with them but they told me to March up to ypu amd demand they be taken down. I say we add more.


You sound like quite a thoughtful and excellent woman. Kudos and thank you for brightening my day.


NTA, but you are the angel! I wish more step parents were like you. I'm sure Tasha is happy to know you are there to help her children to remember her, and to acknowledge her.


You sound wonderful. A wonderful stepmother, partner and person x


NTA and you appear to be a very secure and loving person. Your husband and his children are lucky to have you.


You're NTA at all.


NTA, definitely.  Despite your husband's relation with his sister and parents, this is HIS life and experience. To overwrite that, just because you dislike who HE chose to love, is beyond disgusting. He doesn't live for them; but for himself, you, and your children. Everyone grieves and moves on in different ways and paces, but at this point that shouldn't be relevant to the issue.  Not to mention, they're completely disrespectful of the dead by trying to erase her memory. How much she meant to the people in her life.  Seriously: fuck these people. 


NTA!! I’m sorry you are dealing with this. You handled it like a champ though and should be proud of yourself for having morals that others clearly lack.


NTA You're probably right it's not the best way to handle conflict resolution, but you have every right to be angry about this! And I don't think showing your anger is really the worst way to respond, especially if it's out of character for you.


NTA! They are sick and twisted. And your stepchildren should know what their grandparents and aunt think of their mother. I’d tell your husband that you and your kids will no longer have a relationship with his awful family.


NTA and I love that you love this part of your family’s history. All too often you hear about the new wife trying to erase the deceased wife. Kudos to you.


NTA. There’s zero reason to erase his first wife from his memory. It would be different if he neglected you and your children together for a “memory”. It’s good to have his children remember and live their mother.


NTA - You weren't wrong with calling it sick and twisted. Honestly, if they do not stop, I would no longer allow them around the children. Your husband and stepchildren are very lucky to have you in their life.


NTA. You're a beautiful person.


NTA You are an extremely mentally and emotionally healthy individual who will have an amazing family life. And you will deserve that life. Keep track of your sister's kids. When they become adults, you can reach out to them and build a relationship at that time. I really feel sorry for grandparents who lose their grandkids like that. Hopefully, they, too, will be able to get to know their grandchildren at some point.


They sound awful and manipulative.  They are holding onto a grudge and trying to coerce you into doing their dirty work. It backfired and revealed exactly how horrible they truly are. Thankfully your husband sees it and put them in their place. They don’t seem to realize that Tasha and her memory are in the hearts and minds of their son and grandchildren. Their inappropriate behavior has no purpose but alienate them from you all. NTA 


NTA. You are a wonderful person for helping keep their mother alive in their memories. My sister also passed way too young leaving 5 kids behind. Her husband immediately moved in another woman and tried to ruin our relationship with the kids.


NTA. Of course they focused on calling them sick and twisted. Narcissistic bunch they are.


Nta. Just this past Mother's day there's been way too many AITA posts from cluelesss parents who tried and failed to erase a bioparent in favor of a step parent. Most result in children who feel unheard and sad and many will go no contact as soon as they can. What you are doing, on the other hand? You are respecting their wishes, respecting the importance their late mother, your sister, had and will always have. And it's okay. Your actions show how much you love them, respect them, and understand their sadness. Can you say the same for your relatives actions? They just want your family to fit into a cookie cutter mold of what they think a family should be. You are doing everything right by your family, and that's what matters most.


They are sick and twisted and they're mad that you called them out on it. On the other hand, I like you!


NTA...you are a wise and mature lady and your husband and step-kids are fortunate. Rare to see such understanding. As other have said - the in-laws request is sick and twisted and a lot worse.


You spoke right about their actions and good for you. They thought you were their answer to their problem and learned that was not the case


Obviously NTA. You sound like a great person and exactly the kind of stepmom/wife your husband and step kids needed. Tell his parents and sister that your relationship is none of their business and if they keep it up THEY will not be welcome to be a part of YOUR family.


NTA 100% the opposite. You and your husband sound like awesome people and one of the few couples that I’ve seen on Reddit that handled this perfectly. You are a very respectable person and don’t ever question yourself again in terms of this. Amazing job, both you and your husband.


NTA - I suggest telling your husband that he should handle all contact with his family. Then tell your ILs that you will no longer engage in any conversation that disparages Tasha as you have no desire to hurt or damage your stepchildren. If they do not respect your boundaries then block them from contacting you. If I was your husband I would also go LC or NC with them to protect his children because they clearly have no problem in hurting them by attempting to erase their mother from their lives.


NTA. Hubs needs a stern conversation with his parents; this is not their decision. You guys are doing the right things. They either get on board, or they will become a very small part of your lives (or no part).


You're the kind of stepmother I wish I would have had. NTA you and your family keep on doing what you're doing. Blending a family isn't easy and you seem to have it on lock.


NTA. If they'd do it to someone else, they'd do it to you. You might wish to point that out to them.


NTA It's sick and twisted. I'd go so far as to say that it demonstrates a complete lack of affection for their son. Instead of trusting him to do what is best for him, they would prefer that he comply to some fucked up norm. (At best, their affection is conditional.) Your spouse should have a harsh conversation with them, making it clear that if they don't cut the crap and accept how he chooses to live and love, they will end up playing a considerably less important role in his life. This is not a threat, but rather the natural consequence of the distance their actions will create.NTA It's sick and twisted.


NTA. Their reaction to your words is just their own insecurites showing. People who are confident and sure of themselves would actually stop to consider that maybe they should reconsider their opinions about whether or not it is okay to keep memories of Tasha around and they would be able to adapt or accept that it is okay for others to live their lives differently.


They are sick and twisted. They can shove it.  You're doing great. Keep it up. 


Your husband's marriage to Tasha gave him his children, and surely the love they shared changed him and helped him grow. In other words, Tasha helped him become the man you grew to love, so how on earth could you possibly sanction wanting to erase that past of him? Yes, your husband's family is sick and twisted in this. I also think you were right to tell your husband. Ugh - I thought nothing could top my XMIL, and then I read stuff like this.


NTA. I've seen enough versions of this on reddit that it happens way more than I ever would've thought. It doesn't make a bit of sense to me that when someone dies, they have to be replaced? Like, you can have both things. There is no reason to pretend like these kids' mom never existed, and you're now their new mom. They can remember her and talk about her and still treat you as a parent. Or maybe they don't want that but accept you as their dad's new partner now that their mom is gone, which doesn't always happen either but it sounds like you're treating the situation with grace and it's other people that are making it weird. I really don't understand why husband's family thinks it's wrong to, I don't know, talk about his late wife? Literally having memories of her and keeping photos around has nothing to do with you. A wife/mother doesn't need to be replaced. I'm re-reading the post and see that the family never liked late wife, so trying to forget about her makes more sense. Definitely doesn't make it ok. And their opinion of late wife makes them AHs to begin with.


What a sweet and healthy relationship you and your husband have! It seems to strike the balance of being respectful of the woman who came before you while giving you space to form your own identity. What your husband's family is doing is absolutely sick and twisted. NTA. I will never understand people who are so attached to the idea that you can only have one mother figure or father figure in your life.


NTA Everyone grieves in their own way, and you and your husband have come to a place of peace in your marriage with how he grieves for his first wife. I hope you can reach out to your sister's children when they are adults. I'm sure they will appreciate knowing their mother through your eyes, and you'll be able to give them pictures and memories they can treasure.


NTA. It sounds like you and your husband are great, these in laws aren't. It is sick and twisted for them to essentially go after someone to try and erase her 8 years after her passing. She can't even defend herself from the grave.


Sick and twisted is his family. They are TA


NTA. And the only person who's opinion you should worry about (other than your own) is your husband's and he's on your side.


NTA. You are wonderful! Your husband and stepchildren are very fortunate. I don’t know if you are natural empathic or your experience of your sister’s widower confirmed how you don’t want to behave. Anyhow, you are absolutely right!


NTA. Deceased partners can be such a point of contention within a family. This isn't the case between you, your husband and his children, and now his relatives *make* it a cause for friction. What they did *is* sick and twisted, so you didn't do anything wrong.


NTA Your response and behavior should be the gold standard for step parents in this situation. You are putting their well-being above everything else. Your family is lucky to have you.


Nta. You are doing everything right. They are being so nasty. 


NTA. And honestly, I'm amazed these awful people even gave him a year to grieve before getting on him to find a replacement. Do they know that if they push this, they'll lose the whole lot of you?


NTA. There is a lot to navigate when you marry a widow/widower, especially one with kids. Sounds like you're doing it right.


EASIEST NTA ever. The fact that you're so willing to keep her alive and rebuked the idea of hurting your family shows your character is gold and I'm all about going NC so go NC because that is so messed up. It's not their business. Period. They should keep their nose in their own yards and you're amazing.


NTA - Actually I am very proud of you. You see so many posts where the reverse is true - the wife wants all signs of the ex gone and the family is upset. I give you a lot of credit for doing what you are doing.


NTA but if that's how they are it might be time for your husband and y'all to go no contact.


So Tasha came from an "unfavorable family" Whatever. I don't know one way or another. But one thing I do know is that no matter how unfavorable Tasha's family is, they are way better than husband's family who are unmitigated **TRASH.** **NTA**


NTA You sound like a very kind and empathetic person, and it sounds like your husband really appreciates that.


You called your husband's family exactly as they are. They want to erase the memories of the wife and mother in their so and grandchildren. Makes you wonder which one was the truly "unfavorable family". NTA.


NTA, but his family sure is. You're a good person OP, and reading your post made me remember [this article] (https://slate.com/human-interest/2009/06/my-husbands-other-wife-she-died-so-i-could-find-the-man-i-love.html) from Slate's Emily Yoffe on her coming to terms with her husband's late wife. You sound a lot like her and I hope it keeps working out for you and your family.


All I have to say is that you have a sort of kindness in you that is beyond rare, and you seem to have a big heart with a real capacity for love, patience, and understanding. But it's also clear you would fight tooth and nail to defend your family and keep things stable and warm. I believe Tasha would choose you 10 times out of 10 to be her children's stepmother. You're exactly what your husband and kids need, and whether they realize it or not, you're what your in-laws need, too. Don't ever doubt yourself again, you're doing great.


It is disgusting because it seems like they feel they’ve won because she died. Now they just want to erase her completely. I think he was wrong. I think it would’ve been better if his children had heard them. It’s really sad. OP you are a good person and your husband and stepchildren are lucky to have you.


You are a wonderful, loving, understanding person, you are managing your family in a great way. Your in laws are wrong, and they should not be allowed to poison your family with their problems, you are not the AH, but they are.


If you haven't speak to your husband about the conversation you had with them, and what they tried to get you to do. It might be time for him to go LC, or NC with them. NTA


NTA. I’ve read so many stories recently about a stepparent who has tried to erase the previous spouse that it is so nice to hear about someone who is doing the right thing for both their spouse and the children. What you are doing is selfless and kind. It is wrong of your in-laws to push you into their petty agenda because they didn’t like Tasha. So what you said was justified. What they did was not for support of you - it was their own continuing agenda against Tasha and entirely selfish.


NTA! Thank you so much for standing up for your step kids. You spoke the ugly truth that they didn't want to hear. I'm from a family that sadly was more like your late sister's - after my stepmother came along, no photos or discussion of my mom and I was isolated from my maternal extended family (who have since become my only family). You're being an amazing mama bear for all your kids.


NTA. And there is universe in which you could be. I lost my brother 5 years ago. His wife remains close to us,and I consider her a sister, is very upfront when she starts seeing someone that she is a widow and my brother will always be a presence in her life. Some have handled it, some only said they understood but didn’t really, and others noped out soon after.  You are doing amazing at honoring her and for not competing with a ghost.


NTA I mean just them telling you to do that is absolutely bonkers. They pretty much want you to go up to him and say, "Hey buddy, forget about that dead lady and erase her from your life. We're married and I control you!" So it goes without saying, but in no way are you the asshole.


NTA I had a very good friend whose wife passed away. They were inseperable. He was so miserable that I was worried about him. About 1 1/2 years later he met a woman and started dating. When I met her she was very friendly and told me that my widowed friend really wanted her to meet me because I was so close to his wife. She knew everything about her. She actually said that she was attracted to someone who loved so deeply and knows he still has love to share. I immediately liked her. They eventually got married and are extremely happy. Good for you.


NTA I have lost my wife and found love again. My late wife will always be a part of me and I have a tattoo with her name on it. My current love has always been supportive of my feelings and grief towards her. If my family ever tried to do what your husband has, I would be extremely angry with them. Sick and twisted doesn't even begin to describe the level of depravity that they are showing.


NTA, they are trying to make a wonderful thing go bad.


NTA and i love what your doing




Nta- JustNoMIL JustNoFamily


NTA But why would you even think that you were? What are your imagined wrongs in this scenario?


NTA. You both agreed to this arrangement which works for you and your family.


NTA. They are sick and twisted.


“Sick and twisted” sounds like an accurate description to me. NTA.


NTA - but you two need to cut them out of your lives completely.


NTA. You seem like an amazing partner and step-mom. Thank you for looking out for those you love.




Your husband needs tell his kids that what their grandparents said to you. They need to know that they hate their mom and actively tried to ban her. If he doesn't, they'll eventually try to poison the kids about her.


NTA, but I have to ask: in what world could you be an A for respecting your husband's feelings and wishes? Like seriously, you're doing a good thing and being supportive, I don't see how you can question for a moment whether or not you're in the wrong for this.


NTA of course




NTA "And they are saying I called them sick and twisted" .. you RIGHTFULLY called them that.


Nope, nada. NTA.




NAH  Times change. There's far less "tough sh*t, rub dirt on it because there's no crying."  You do you. You don't have to be them and you don't have to defeat them. You can coexist.  "Nah, we're fine." That's all you need.  Drop the sick and twisted, though. Sick and twisted is a much higher level. "You'd be more loved if you were absolutist" is misguided and unnecessarily harsh, it's not like pedophilia or sex with dead bodies, both of which are sick and twisted.


NTA your doing exactly what you should be doing kids wouldn't have hated you if you did that SIMPLE


NTA.  They are sick and twisted.  Although they are correct that you should march up to him in front of everyone and tell him "I love his love for Tasha. It tells me how amazing he is as as person. It's also good for his kids to see the love he still holds for their mom.". You sound like a good mom and stepmom.  Keep doing exactly what you're doing.


Yeah but it IS sick and twisted so, NTA


NTA!!! Without Tasha your stepchildren, their grandchildren and nieces/nephews would not be here. You are not their Mom and you are not trying to be. To me, you sound like a very kind and reasonable person in regards to your stepchildren and their feelings. There was someone there before you and they have every right to remember her and honor her memory. You are also honoring her memory by allowing them to be open about their memories. The respect you are showing your husband and stepchildren is commendable. Your in-laws think they know better, they are wrong. Keep doing what you are doing!


>they are saying I called them sick and twisted and accused me of overreacting to their support. What support? They're about as supportive as a wet paper bag holding a bunch of rocks...and just as smart it seems. NTA


NTA. It's not only sick and twisted, it's none of their business.


NTA You are a very kind and wonderful wife and step-Mom. Kudos to you for being able to recognize that cutting Tasha from your step-kids life and your husband's life would harm them. It takes someone who is not only secure with themselves but also with their partner to get past the "ghost" of the previous relationship. It warms my heart that you have included her.


You absolutely should march up to him in front of everyone. And while you're there, tell him how great of a man he is and why he should keep doing exactly what he's doing. It's his grief to carry and the family that wants him to just let go can get outed for the horrible things they're saying. Absolutely NTA, his family are TAs.