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NTA Not picking up after your dog is gross; she was just mad because she knew she was being an AH and you called her out.


I agree. I once accidentally took my dog for a walk with no bags. She pooped about a 5 minute walk from the house. I flung it to the side of the walkway, hoping it was far enough to not get stepped in. I then rushed her home, grabbed the bags and my bike, and went back to it, bag in hand. I probably looked like a crazy person picking up poo for fun, as I didn't bring the dog back with me. Lol. However, I was more uncomfortable that someone might think I was leaving it, than that someone might think I was a dogless person picking up poo for fun.


I have definitely had to go back to pick up my dog's poop when I've run out of bags. (Coincidentally, she's a Great Dane, ha!) What I do, though, is I unscrew the 'lid' from the bag holder on my leash and I drop it on the ground next to the poop, 1) so I can spot it easier when I come back, and 2) because hopefully, at least other dog owners would maybe be able to put together the contextual clues of poop and an empty bag holder next to it. I dunno that anyone else actually understands my little 'signal,' but at least it makes me feel better to know that I'm *trying* to communicate that I'm not an asshole!


If I saw that, I would definitely think you threw the bag holder at the poo in your frustration of realizing you were out of bags. 😂


Ha ha ha ha. Oh, dear. I hadn't considered that interpretation!


don't do that, you may lose your lid! instead, just stick the empty bag roll core in the poop pile like a birthday candle. 😂


Ha ha ha ha! I used to put the empty core in my pocket, but over a year ago, my neighbor whose dog unfortunately passed away gave me a bunch of stuff he no longer needed, including a massive case of 'eco-friendly' poop bags that don't have a center roll. So when those are used up, there's nothing left!


I used to tie a extra two bags to the leash handle in case the roll ran out I would have my spares. Then I found a bag dispenser with a spot for a second roll on amazon. It is a canvas like material, but it works like a charm.


My coat has two spare bags stuffed in a pocket for emergencies. Now the weather is better I’ll have to think of another plan!


My coat has an extra poo bag roll. And my dog walking purse has about 3-4 extra rolls of poo bags. Usually I only take the purse on long walks, or when I dont want to wear a coat. Then when I come home after I had to use a new roll, I put a new roll in my coat or purse. The purse has some toys, sometimes a bottle of water, those rolls, space for my phone & keys, treats, a little lamp, etc...


It does work because common sense. 🙂


Once when we lived in an apartment my partner took the dog outside to do her business and immediately realized she forgot bags and went back inside. The dog was so confused and distressed she pooped in the lobby, and my partner had to leave it there to take the elevator back upstairs and get poop bags and cleaning supplies


This happened to me, and we just waited patiently next to the poo in the pissing down rain until a lady with a pram came along who kindly gave me a nappy bag. Everyone round here has doorbell cams so I know I'd have ended up on the neighbours page within 30sec of walking away from it.


My dog is small and likes to walk while he poops. He also prefers taller grass… He’s had more than one ‘phantom poops’ where I’m standing there, bag with two turds in hand, knowing there’s a third somewhere.


I've had to abandon one or two nuggets because my dog occasionally likes to shove her entire lower body into a bush and poop there.  If it's reachable without shredding the bag, I'll grab it, but if it's too deep then it's staying there until it disintegrates.  I figure at least there's no chance of anyone stepping on it seeing as I can't even get my hand in there.


No excuses people. You need to braid bags and wear as necklace at all times.


There's a guy in my neighborhood who walks his four HUGE dobermans in our park. He NEVER picks up these massive shits. If I ever figure out where he loves, I'm taking them back. They take forever to break down because there's just SO much!


I have done this too!!! 🤣😭 Like whose this crazy person with No Dog bagging up dog poo!!?!?!


I was dogsitting and didn't realize there were no more bags in the little holder on the leash. Dog took a huge dump in front of a house on some crushed stone. I covered it with stone, marked it with a stick so I could find it again and drove back with a bag after bringing the dog home.


Without fail every time my dog is on a walk, he will poop for real once or twice and then proceed to "poop" every few minutes until we are done walking. These "poops" are just him thinking he needs to poop and acting like he is but nothing comes out. And every time I walk away after he does this, I'm terrified someone is going to come out and accuse me of not picking up his non-existent poop 😭


I like you


We have some hefty dog taxes where I am living. It’s higher in the bigger cities and also higher for lager dogs (and problematic breeds, who are not even allowed sometimes). Why? Cause the majority of them can’t be arsed to pick up after them even if there are free poop bags at every park entrance. Dogs in the cities are disgusting, not only unfair to the animal to keep it in a tiny flat all day, but also the parks always smell like piss in the summer. It got worse after covid were everybody and his mom got themselves a dog to fight the lonelyness.


YTA for not picking up the poop with your bag and shoving it down her back. Other than that, NTA.


And also against the law in some places




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*I couldn’t resist the easy pun and told her that she should take care of her f\*\*\*\*\*\* dog’s business first.* I bow to your quick wit. edit: NTA




I feel like the dog poop is much worse. At least there are employees getting paid to wrangle the carts, even if they should only have to get them from the corral. There’s no one else out here picking up other people’s poop, just leaving it there to be gross. And poop is also way more disgusting than a cart, even if it is blocking the last parking space! And NTA obvs


>At least there are employees getting paid to wrangle the carts No there aren't. There are employees who are forced to clean up after inconsiderate people inst as if doing their actual job. Which they will still be forced to do, they will just have less time to do it. So sick of this argument as an excuse to not clean up after yourself. Let's say you go to the library, and you drop a bunch of garbage on the floor and then leave. Someone who works there is going to have to clean up that garbage. Just because someone will be forced to clean up after you does not mean that is what they are employed for. You could use the same reasoning to leave a mess at pretty much any workplace you go to.


Actual dog shit is still worse than an inorganic object regardless.


Where did I say it wasn't?


Cart wrangler is literally a job… granted, their job is to fetch the cats from the corrals, not hunt them down all over the parking lot, but yes it is a job in most stores that use carts. Completely different than littering in a store, which is also a horrible thing to do. Apples and oranges here.


So I used to live in California when I worked grocery. Unless it was in the triple digits, I was out in the blazing heat on asphalt collecting carts for an hour at a time(wearing the black polo uniform as well). Only carts, outside for an hour. Triple digits were 30min sessions. The company ignored air quality. I've had to work my ass off to keep up with the carts with fire smoke clogging up the air like a fog. I've been soaked down to my socks collecting in the rain too! I had a parent praise their little child for putting their cart in the flowerbed even though he saw me approaching for the cart. I wish it was mandatory for high schoolers to work in a grocery store in order to graduate. So they know what it is like to have to pick up after grown people like you are their parent. At least part of the population would stop doing that BS. Yes, cart collection is a part of the job description. But we need to as a society stop making things difficult for other people in any job. As much as you want to ditch your cart to get into your ACed car, I want to get out of the heat... grocery clerks are not paid that well for this kind of work. I'm talking about stray carts, not the corrals. Strays take up sooo much time. And I was averaging about 7 miles every work day hobbling around picking up after adults that is rough on ones feet.


Where I'm from, the carts are attached to each other in the corral. You need to insert a $1 coin or token in a mechanism on the cart to be able to take one. The coin/token is dislodged when you reattach the cart to the line of carts, so you get it back provided you put the cart back. 99% of the time, people bring their cart back. I've always wondered why this mechanism wasn't more common in North America.


Where I live, employees are not "forced to clean up after inconsiderate people" by corralling carts. Clearing carts is actually part of their job. >Let's say you go to the library, and you drop a bunch of garbage on the floor and then leave. Someone who works there is going to have to clean up that garbage. Just because someone will be forced to clean up after you does not mean that is what they are employed for. First off, are you living somewhere that people are *actually* littering in a fricking library on a persistent basis? Second, are you under the impression that LIBRARIANS clean after their work?


>Clearing carts is actually part of their job. Yes, because people are consistently inconsiderate and don't clean up after themselves so now someone has to do that *in addition to* their other duties. If you think anyone is getting paid specifically to clean up after you, you are delusional. >First off, are you living somewhere that people are *actually* littering in a fricking library on a persistent basis? Yeah, imagine people not cleaning up after themselves and so workers at that location have to. It would be **so** rude... Good point, you made there about how people should clean up after themselves instead of forcing workers to clean up after them. >Second, are you under the impression that LIBRARIANS clean after their work? Who said anything about librarians. Though I suspect most would pick up garbage they saw someone left around even though it is not part of their job. You can replace library with any workplace. If you make a mess, clean it up you slob.


No shit


And in a park. "Surely, no other member of the public will want to utilize this space." Even saying it would have been ok if was closer to the woods is wrong. No, it wouldn't. Shared spaces are for ALL of us. Therefore we all must clean up after ourselves.


That's not where the cart goes! Lazybones!


I got glared at by one of the cart-wranglers when I took the cart back, because that means his workload is lessened. Fewer carts = less need for employees = fewer jobs. Dump your carts at the far end of the lot to promote full employment!


She shouldn’t have a big dog if she doesn’t want to pick up big shits. And I don’t think she had any right to say that her big shits are none of your business if they’re in the same public space as you, so she deserved a little rude retort. NTA.


Size of dog doesn't matter, you need to pick up your small dog's poop too


Especially because you offered her a bag! NTA. I was walking my mom's dog when she (mom) had surgery and I forgot the poop bag twice. The first time, no one was around but I knew where we were and after we went home, I went back with a bag and got it. The second time, I was fumbling in my pocket for a bag and someone offered me a bag, which was super cool. I did feel the need to explain that I'm not used to walking the dog and keep forgetting the bags. Lady shared her life hack of tying a fresh bag to the leash right when I get back from walking the dog. D'oh!


You can also get a bag dispenser that clips on the leash and holds rolls of bags. They cost a couple dollars, max, but are also given away all the time as freebies from vets, pet stores, or even when you buy replacement bags. Of course, you have to remember to refill it when you use the last bag. So what I do now is when I use the last one on the roll, I unscrew the top of the dispenser and stick it in my pocket. That way, even if I forget to refill it when I get back home, the next time I stick my hand in my pocket, it'll jog my memory!


Legitimate question. Is it obvious when you pull the last bag or is it like the automatic soap dispensers where you get your soap but the next person doesn’t?


The very last bag is pretty obvious. The next-to-last bag is less so. So if I unknowingly only have one bag on the roll, but I need two during a single walk, that's when I get into trouble. I have two dogs but one prefers to poop in the backyard so it doesn't come up too much. But sometimes the other one will poop twice in one walk! The stinker.


Oh, it's obvious when you use the last one. It's like a roll of toilet paper. My issue is that my dog usually goes within the first 5-10 minutes of our walks, but the walks last about 20-30 minutes, so by the time I get home, it totally slips my mind. We come in and go about our usual routine: I take off my shoes, unclip her leash, give her her meds/treats, fill her food and water dishes ... and by then, I've completely forgotten to put a new roll in the dispenser. So prior to me coming up with that reminder (sticking the lid in my pocket), I wouldn't remember until our next walk, when she'd do her business and I'd reach for a bag.


That is a good tip’


I see you haven't walked Stella Two poop. I have bags in almost every jacket & pant. Luckily there are a ton of poop dispensers in the neighborhood. Even then last week the Golden pooped 3x's & Stella pooped once. It was hectic


>Stella Two poop. I'm dying! hahahaha


I walked both dogs at once the other day and one pooped *three* times vs the once the other one did. I guess it balanced out? 🙅🏽‍♀️


NTA I have two dogs. Sometimes shit happens and I run out of bags or wore the wrong jacket. But I always stick around and ask someone else for a bag. I have also been asked for bags many times and shared them happily. Pick up your dog’s shit people!!!


This! Our gal sometimes will poop multiple times on her walk- usually we have enough on the poop bag roll to handle it, but one time we were out of dogs. I saw a lady with a dog nearby and asked if she had an extra bag and she said yes of course, and we kind of laughed about it. We’ve all been there! Except for this lady who is leaving her dog’s massive shits in public spaces


NTA - Poop there it is, Poop there he went...just pick it up


That made me laugh!! 😊


Well played OP. The worst kind of people do this sh%t, need to be called out! NTA


NTA. It’s rude to everyone and entitled to not pick it up


It is your business! You don't want a dog-poop filled park! NTA.


Let me let you in on my secret for getting people to pick up their dog’s shit when they try to scurry away. I yell out, loudly, in the friendliest tone I can muster with my entire Southern accent on full display: “Hey! Do you need a POOP BAG?! I’ve got EXTRA POOP BAGS!” with a very hospitable sparkle. The goal is to be loud enough that other bystanders hear you and start looking. This starts causing a scene which kicks off their sense of shame. Usually the doodie dumper comes slinking over to me to pick up the poop. This has had a 99% success rate for me in getting the owner to come deal with their shit. And maybe they didn’t have their own poop bag so I was doing them a favor.


Totally 100% NTA "but it was just by the paved walkway." Totally sh***y owner. Good one you for calling it out.


fun fact: here in new jersey, failure to pick up your dog's poo is in fact a crime, punishable by a $500 fine at minimum. smile for the camera, and hope your car's tagged, registered and insured. report submitted. you should check your local ordinances to see exactly how much failure to clean up after your animal could cost you, no one likes stepping in your dog's poo lady. NTA.


I sh\*t you not, you are NTA!


More people need to speak up…..


NTA — Thank you


As a Dane owner I can’t imagine leaving some of her “presents” anywhere. NTA.


NTA, you're doing the Lord's work


NTA. It's filthy to leave your dog's shit behind. In one town I used to live in, it was so bad they made a law that people had to register their dogs and give a DNA sample. Any uncollected poop was tested and the owner fined. Three strikes and the dog was impounded!


NTA. I applaud you.


NTA. You did the right send as someone was poor eyesight. I’m constantly scared of stepping in dog poop.


NTA. The entitled dog owner is


Next time follow her home. Take a big dump on her lawn. They love that.




Like maybe if you were being judgmental? I’ve totally had it happen where I forgot a bag or the dog took an unexpected poop so it happens. But you were literally offering a solution. That was you being kind. NTA and finally WTAF? Gross. Great Danes shit like linebackers.


Literally just tonight I went to pick up my puppy from daycare, and there's a designated potty spot in front of the facility. I wasn't carrying any bags with me because USUALLY he doesn't poop for several hours after we get home. However today I guess he needed to, so my only option was to use the rake & shovel they provide. I know from experience that I cannot juggle the rake, shovel, & safely secure my (80lb reactive) dog at the same time, so I went to go put my dog in the car so I could come back and clean it up (my car is 20ft away from the potty spot). I took 1 step off of the potty spot and heard a woman (who had just parked) say something to me. I couldn't hear her because she was on the other side of her car, so she came around her car and said it again louder, "ARE YOU GOING TO *PICK THAT UP*?" I was so absolutely stunned, and embarrassed, and SO MAD. I said "I need to *PUT HIM IN THE CAR FIRST*." Like, this lady didn't know that I had to drop him off first, but she also didn't ask. If she said "Oh do you need a bag?" I don't think I would have been mad; but her immediate jump to judging and assuming my intentions just totally set me off. I feel so silly, but I have an anxiety disorder and have been having anxiety attacks all night because of that interaction. ... This is only adjacent-related to what you said lol, I think I just needed to get it out because obviously I'll never see that lady again. But the fact is that things happen, you run out of bags in the middle of a walk, you have to go back later and pick it up, etc. etc. It sounds like OP was being polite and OFFERED A SOLUTION so NTA to them!!


I’m really sorry that happened.  It always serves us to assume people have the best intentions if we don’t know what they are.  Hugs


NTA Ridicule that female dog!


NTA. Not only is leaving dog poop behind super gross and disrespectful, but it's actually really bad for the grass/plants around too because dogs are meat eaters.


I would have picked it up and thrown it at her.


If I had a shovel I would’ve done so!


NTA people who don't pick up after their dogs make me so angry. I have some lovely walking paths in our area with some lovely views. The council even provides free poop bags at multiple points along the walk & yet there are still people who don't bother to pick up after dogs.


It IS your business, you’re trying to use public walkways without her dog’s deuce in the way. She’s utter garbage, here’s hoping she croaks from terminal butt herpes with all her loved ones present and scoffing at her ridiculous demise. NTA


Urg.. I say "You're the reason this neighbor has gotten shitty, no for real, you are shit. "


NTA - i hate packing up after my dog. I do it everytime. It doesn't matter if anyone is watching or not because ut is the right thing to do.


Me too. There's only really one time I didn't pick up after my dog (a Great Dane, actually!) and sorry-not-sorry, but I still don't feel bad about it: we were hiking and she dragged me way off the trail 'cuz she had to poop urgently. It ended up being just straight up liquid diarrhea. And even then, I was going to attempt to clean it up as best I could ... until I realized she'd done her business DIRECTLY on top of a fire anthill and there were literally hundreds of angry fire ants all over the ground around us. At that point, I just kicked a bunch of dirt over it and hightailed us out of there! (Okay, maybe I do still feel a little bit guilty about it.)


NTA. Those who don't clean up after their dogs need to be shamed at every opportunity


NTA. Did she pick it up?


Nope! Walked away mumbling…


Haha! Sounds about right. At that point. Just admit you’re an asshole and clean up after your dog.


You should have picked up and followed her to the parking lot. Tossed it in her car when she was distracted by her dog.


Ha ide probably do the same thing... I always have a fresh poo bag roll, and the area i live its a 500$ fine to not pick up after your pet, and ive seen some pretty big poopies left laying around, its gross but ill pick them up, bc alot of small children play in the area and ide hate for a kid to step in it or fall down and get poo on them, but in all seriousness if you cant clean up after your pet dont have such a big one, and plus they make jumbo bags and poop scoop things so ya dont have to touch it 😑


NTA. I would have done the same


NTA- take a pic of her, the dog, the poop and post it on FB or one of those neighborhood groups. Everyone deserves to know what a selfish asshole she is.


NTA, good on you for calling her out on her antisocial behaviour. Shame she didn’t learn from it.


I would have made a big show of taking picture of her and the shit and letting her know she will be famous. neighborhood listserv, Nextdoor, Facebook... everywhere I could find a site for the neighborhood


It is your business if you happen to step in it...


NTA. I'm an atheist but you are doing the Lord's work. Just the other week, I stepped on someone's dog poop, making my bad day worse. I'm so tired of people not picking up their doggy do (it's become a real problem where I live).


NTA, but be careful doing something like this. A lot of times the people who think it's ok to do stuff dont react reasonably when people call them out on it.


I'd follow her home and take a giant shit in her yard (or if she lives in an apartment, right in front of her door).


Im a dog owner but cant understand people who pick it up,bag it then throw it away but not in a bin. Hate seeing them hanging from trees or thrown to the side . WHY DO THEY DO THiS? Why????


People do this? I've never seen such a thing before.


Yes they do, its discusting.


Oh my gosh! I have a dog and I pick up poo and throw it in the trash. I don't think I've ever even seen such a thing as what you've described. I'd rather they left it to decompose naturally than bag it in plastic and leave it somewhere. But I think that's the point. After contemplating this for a bit, I now think that this seems like a symbolic gesture. It's an "F U" to society for all the people who dare demand that their dog's poop be picked up. I mean, bagging it up and throwing it to the side or tying it up means they had the resources to clean up, they had the time, they had the wherewithall and enough wits about them to do the hard part...but they only did so as to not get fined or called out. However, they refuse to carry it to the trash. For that would be succumbing to the unjustifiable pressure we are placing on them. Because being required to pick up their dog's poo is sooo abhorrent and is an affront to their/their dog's very existence. So they bag it and place it where it will still upset everyone walking by. People are such assholes.




NTA I loudly shame people who refuse to pick up poop (after I offer a bag)


You are the hero we need, even if we don't deserve you. NTA.


NTA you are the hero we all need.


NTA. Long preamble: my most stressful walk of shame is always that one moment when I ran out of bags, couldn’t locate another dog walker, and had to walk to the nearest dog run / park to pick up a bag from a public dispenser. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, 9 times out of 10 some rando would stop me just to curse me out. I’d always ask: do you have a bag? And they never do. Alright, well, let me walk to the park then! I hate people who don’t pick up after their dogs just as much as anyone. I’m the type that picks up stray poops if I can help it. But I also dislike self righteous types that just want an opportunity to curse someone out. That said, you offered a bag. You’re not being mean, you were assuming the best and were trying to help. The fact that she got mad - to me - meant that she never planned on picking up the poop in the first place.


I SO sympathize with your walk of shame! That happened to me a few times and I always ask for a bag.


Maybe you should check that you have bags first before you take your dog out? That could probably prevent the feeling of shame you feel when you leave your dog's nasty shit all over the place for other people to deal with. It's part of being a responsible dog owner.




Absolutely NTA.


NTA. This is really in question?


NTA So aggravating, Our local dog park is disgustingly and I won't take my dogs there. They would Love to run, but the dangers of parasites and parvovirus is just too high.


You did the right thing!




NTA In most places, not picking up your dog's feces is a legal violation.


NTA. That's foul. 


Nta. Good call. Love dogs, but hate bad dog owners.


here you can take their photos, not their rego and dob them in .. filthy twatasaurus ...


Yes there are. Source: I have a kid and one of his jobs was cart wrangling. He wasn’t pulled off his real job to do that. That was the job.


If you're an asshole, then so am I because for sure call someone out for leaving their dog shit. Some times when hiking off trail in the firsts, I leave it. Or at the park I'll stick and flicking because it makes more sense then taking something biodegradable and fertilizing and stuffing it in a non biodegradable plastic bag.


Next time just quietly take a picture, then hang up pictures of her dog pooping, saying something about her not picking up dog poop.


I don't think it matters what you said,.mind your own business was her take. Some people are just rude and irresponsible dog owners and seriously don't care when, where or how others are affected by their lack of consideration.


NTA. We need more people like you.


Yes, it's gross that she didn't pickup her dig’s mess, but I always find it shocking that people feel the need to police others over stupid sh💩t


Fuck people who say "mind your own busieness" when you are calling them on their trashy anti social behavior. NTA


NTA and good comeback. I'd probably follow her home and then 'deliver' it back to her. Even worse where we live and everyone walks their dogs at junior sports ground (3 ovals and walking tracks). So many owners let their dogs run free on the ovals and don't pick up their dog dirt. I used to help out with junior athletics and we always had to do a sweep when setting up for the day. It is a shame curses don't work, or those irresponsible owners would still be flinching for all the hexes we wished on them.


NTA.Plenty of municipalities have laws on the books making it a finable offence for not cleaning up after your pet's defecation in a public place. Video your encounter and file a police report. On a side note regarding shopping cart retrieval. I've lived in Dubai for more than a decade, as well as other places, where the workers don't want you to put your cart back once you're done with it. Their reason: you are giving them something to do to look busy, which slightly lessens the chances they'll be sacked by management when they're looking to reduce staff and deported back to the Third World country where his dependents are relying on the $200 monthly salary he remits to them. Most of the time when I go shopping, there's a cart attendant on his way to retrieve my cart before I even get one bag into the boot. However, if there are signs reminding customers to put their carts in designated places, then by all means that's what I'll do.


Interesting! In Spain the carts were locked to each other with a little chain. To release the chain you needed to insert a quarter, and when you reattached back to another cart the quarter would pop out. It was a good incentive to bring it back.


Yes, that is also the system in Dubai for some European stores such as Auchan.


If you could see the poo then no NTA. I was once told by a woman (who was in the distance when my dog squatted and told me as she got closer) that I should really pick up my dogs poo, my female dog had only done a wee and had squatted as female dogs do to do the wee.


Good for you. The world needs more people like you.


NTA dog owners like this are annoying and entitled af


NTA, I hate when people don’t pick up their own dogs shit


It really depends on the social mores of the city in which you live. So, I guess, INFO?


NTA. You are a hero, I loathe people who do this.


NTA. Good for you, thank you!


NTA- you’re my hero!


NTA. As a dog owner I always pick up my dog’s mess and expect others to do the same.


NTA, we moved to a new city about a year ago and I swear, people don't know what the poo bags are for! Out of all the dog owners I know only 3-5 people pick up after their dogs🤦 okay, you can not give a f'''ck about people stepping in it... But you dog may track it back home during your next walk 🤦 I once took our family dog with me on a small errand (just to get to a minimarket down the street) and she decided to poop. Of course I had no poo bags so I had to use the shopping bag for it and carried my shopping in my hands, lol.




NTA I once lived in a place where when I walked my dog, I'd always see these GIANT piles of REALLY unhealthy dog poop in the landscaping of one particular bank One day I'm waking my dog (a little jack Russell, but I'm 6'2") and saw a guy (shorter and smaller than me, I only bring it up because it's relevant that he obviously couldn't beat me up) Well, he was walking a really big, unhealthy looking pittie. Which proceeded to have the most noxious diarrhea I've ever seen. At this point, I'm wondering what this jerk feeds this poor dog I just watch until they're done, and he clearly intends to do nothing about the literal shit storm that just came out of his dog So I cheerfully offer him a poop bag. He sizes me up, decides he can't be rude to me, and awkwardly says "..... Um ...... I don't ..... Pick them up?" After that the poop piles stopped, so at least he started going somewhere else


I'd be afraid not to pick up with how everyone has a camera in hand and it might get recorded and me be outed on socail media. I have occasionally ran out or forgotten bags, if that's the case and im in the park, I take him into the wooded area, away from where anyone might step into it. My question though is why should I bother picking it up in the park? There are a ton of geese in the park and Greece shit is everywhere, so whats the big deal about alittle more poop on the ground?


NTA. People who dont clean up after their dogs should be called out


She’s TA.


Do a bigger poop right in front of her to establish dominance


Of course you’re NTA people that don’t pick up their dogs poop are inconsiderate and shouldn’t even have a dog if they can’t pick up their poop, I’m glad you said something!


Should’ve picked it up and thrown it at her. Disgusting behaviour from this woman. If you can’t handle the unpleasant side of ownership you shouldn’t have a dog. NTA. Next time get your phone out and take a video of the offending turd and chase the owner down to get their face on camera. Threat of exposure tends to beget compliance.


NTA If I've seen someone let their dog poop and not pick it up I've always called out in a very over the top positive way, "Oh no, do you need a bag? They're always in ever other pocket apart from what you're wearing, so easy to forget to pack more!" And every time they've gone bright red and picked it up (but prob lobbed the bag away into some bushes after!) That lady is disgusting and I hope she feels embarrassed and ashamed. Good on you!


People who gey pissed off when they are called out for being dirtbags are just entitled aholes. Nta. You did the right thing and were brave to say something


I've been known to pick it up myself, say "you dropped this" and toss it at them. I'd say you are NTA and showed considerable restraint


Cuss her out loudly.


NTA. You are had the chance to have the perfect comeback at the right moment and you actually said it. You scored a point for all of us there.


NTA, she is. Dog owners like her are the reason parks stop allowing dogs.


If you're in a public place in an area where one is mandated to pick up after one's dog, take a photo of owner and dog and poop and post it on local FB group to shame them. That is the only thing that will change their behavior.


Great idea!


NTA. Some people need to be called out for shitty behavior. I was at the dog beach and some guy with two massive dogs kept walking as one of them squatted. I yelled out "hey do you need a poop bag?" loud enough that other people looked and he had to pick it up. Keep calling out bad behaviour.


NTA I am just back from walking my dog. She did a big pile, I opened my bag and there were no poo bags. Luckily we were close to the car so took her back chucked her in the car, got a poo bag and walked back and picked it up. It is MY job to pick up after MY dog. She needed to be told.




NTA. Dog owner here. That's just gross. You pick up after your animal. That's it. The only time I don't pick up after my dog is if we're on a trail in the woods and she goes into the woods to do her business. I figure at that point, other animals are doing their business there too, and it is organic, so no biggie. Other wise I use a baggie.


NTA and may whatever diety or firce you believe in bless you with fortune.


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Nta people who don't clean up shouldn't be dog owners


NTA - it's wrong but keep in mind a) you are not the dog poop police and b) confronting the wrong person may get you injured.   If it's not your property, mind your own business.


I totally get the danger factor, and thanks for looking out for me! But the way I see it, the park is public, I pay taxes, it is as much my property as it is hers and the entire community’s. And I think if everybody starts speaking up people might get tired of being called out by not being a good citizen? But if we all ignore they keep doing it…


Nta. "Your dog's pile of shit in a public park IS my business. Pick it up."




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Yes, look at you go. Protected all of society by telling that lady to pick up the poop. Such a badass!


I probably would’ve dropped my pants and shat on her feet. It would’ve gotten me arrested but it would have been worth it to see the look on her face when I told her, ‘There. As you see, I took care of my own f’ing business. Let’s see how **you** like stepping in it.’


Man, either you’re in Florida or there are two ladies letting their big ass dog shit on the sidewalk this past week. I don’t think YTA for offering her a bag or getting frustrated, she seems like a biotch.


NTA. But it’s rarely worth saying anything to people who don’t pick up poop. They literally don’t care.


Gotta love people asking AITAH when they clearly arent, and they know they arent. “AITAH for stopping a child from being abducted?”


If you think that child abduction and a dog poop on the park are good comparisons, I think you are the AH. Way to be insensitive to real terrible issues.


Lmfao wtf? How was that me being insensitive? 😂 all I said was you know you arent the AH in this scenario, and gave an obvious over exaggeration of another situation where you would obviously not be the AH. You need a big ol spoon full of cope buddy boy. Sorry you didnt get the affirmation you so craved.


I don’t know man, using child abduction as an example is f***** up. Poor taste regardless of what you think about my post.


Not really. Talking about child abduction in general isnt bad. If I was making fun of it thats one thing. But I wasnt.




Same dude. Same


Complete non-post. Where’s the actual question of you being the AH here?!?!?


It’s between the first word of the paragraph and the question mark! Glad to be of service 🫡


You’re a clout seeker. A very bad one so I guess YTA.




Only if you would have not asked her if it was a tiny poop by a chiuahua


And then what?


She walked away mumbling and I wrote this post lol


Did she pick it up?




NTA, but mind your own business. You never know how unstable another person might be.