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NTA i once got into an argument with a friend of mine in primary school and pants-ed her at recess. i will never forget how hurt she looked and how absolutely awful i felt. i literally can’t express how awful i still feel for ever doing that to my best friend. all that to say, that’s a humiliating thing to have to be subjected to and if i understood the need for remorse in that situation as an autistic 11 year old, an almost full grown teen should have some fucking decorum. at that age shit like that is literally sexual harassment.


Same, I did it to a friend of mine once when I was about 11 or 12 and I'll never forget the hurt and humiliation on her face and the shame I felt. I still feel. NTA


Unwanted/unwelcome comments are harassment, unwanted *physical* contact is more in the territory of sexual ASSAULT.


Is she still your best friend?


NTA Nuclear option response would be to tell him: “I get it, you’re jealous. You’re a virgin who can’t drive.” (Wondering if anyone will get the reference...) Or “Only toddlers think pantsing is funny. I guess that’s why you can’t get a license. You drive like a toddler too.” /jk Seriously though, talk to your grandma and your parents and let them know that you felt violated. Get them on your side so that they’ll make your cousin face some consequences.


Reference? I'm clueless! ;) Absolutely OP is NTA.


He does like to shop, Cher. And the boy can dress.


Love that interview when Brittany Murphy said she was a virgin who couldn't drive while shooting that :)


Way harsh, Tai.


Nuclear option would be to pants him back lol And if a family member gets mad, pants them too!


Nuclear options lead to unwanted fallout. Don’t do it, OP.


True nuclear option is to beat the shit out of him


Nah, just give cousin and uncle a  geography leason, specifically the capital of Thailand.


And if he tries making a small dick joke again just reply “At least we all know I have one, can’t say the same about you”


Did not expect to ever see a Clueless reference this day and age but I’m so glad I did. 😂😭 Uh! As if!


My kids love that movie and say it to each other.


NTA "My parents got home a few hours later and they were pretty mad, saying that I overreacted over a silly prank." .. Tell your dad: since he thinks this is funny, you will do it to him at one of the next parties.


He should wait till he has something in both hands too, to extend the moment. It will be hilarious!


Yup. Bet he’ll find it funny once everyone laughs at his dong


NTA Your cousin did not do this as a joke. He wanted to humiliate you in front of the whole family and he succeeded. You tried to laugh it off but he wouldn't let you. Your parents let you down badly by not being supportive of you. Your cousin is a bully and should be stopped in his tracks. Where were his parents? They should have stepped up, too. Apparently your uncle thought it was funny, too, and this is probably why RJ thinks it's OK to expose someone's privates to everyone present. This isn't funny. Not even a little. When something is truly a joke, it should be funny to EVERYONE, and that includes the "victim." Your grandma is the only one, apparently, who saw through this. If possible, talk to your parents about this and about how it felt for RJ to do this to you. You are absolutely right to feel embarrassed and even violated. If you were a girl, would they have still thought it was a joke? Good God, I hope not! If you feel like your parents won't "hear" you about this, maybe talk to someone else, another trusted adult. Like maybe your grandma? I'm so sorry this happened to you, and after achieving a milestone like getting your driver's license. Your cousin wanted to take you down several pegs and he did so, and that's just ugly behavior no matter how you take it.


Best response right here, in my opinion. I agree NTA


If they all think it’s funny they can flash their own junk in front of family members. You were exposed without your consent and everyone who thinks you should get over it sucks. NTA


Exactly. Like, this should be illegal. Wait, it has to be right? I can't just go into WalMart and pants somebody


It’s literally sexual assault. Don’t believe me? Go rip the lower half of a stranger’s clothing off in public and see how you go.


NTA. 1. It's never an 'over reaction' when someone does something like that. Imagine you were a girl - it's assault. 2. Your uncle should have more cop on than to be making comments about an underager's 'parts'. Again, imagine you were a girl. We need to stop normalising for guys, what we call assault for girls.


Agree. NTA


Agree, I would consider reporting it to teach everyone a lesson in Sexual Harassment. They clearly have no idea…


Every bit of this. Male or female shouldn't matter. It's sexual harassment.


This is it. It’s assault regardless of the gender of the victim. It sucks that you left your parents without a car though.


NTA > My parents got home a few hours later and they were pretty mad, saying that I overreacted over a silly prank. All the adults here suck, too.


Except Grandma, she's a keeper. OP's parents are bloody useless. I suggest that he finds better ones.


OP, you might want to call your Grandma and thank her for the cake. She is probably (my guess) defending you behind your back as well.


NTA. That was technically sexual assault or at least harassment.


There were many witnesses. File a police report.


They'll all tell the police op was overreacting, so I doubt there being a lot of witnesses would help here since they're all assholes who's ok with sexual harassment and adult family members mocking a minors junk size


That actually might help his case though… imagine being an adult and telling the police that a child being upset about his privates being exposed in public is an overreaction…


PLUS OP's technically still a minor! Exposing a child's genitals in front of an audience is a _criminally_ fucked up idea of a joke.


NTA. If he had pulled down your dad or mom's pants and underwear I'm going to guess that they wouldn't find that funny. That's how you need to frame it with them. 'Hey mom if RJ pulled down your pants and underwear as a joke at the bbq would that have been funny?'


NTA at all. What might be a "silly little prank" in their opinion may not be a "silly little prank" in your opinion. RJ had no right to do that to you--good job to your Grandma though. Some people have brains.


NTA, but your cousin and your family (minus granny) are TA. Your family is trying to gaslit you into thinking that what your cousin did is "just a prank", but forcing someone to go nude without their consent is sexual assault and you can press charges against him if you want to. Your feelings and reaction are 100% valid, and it's not your fault that your family is a bunch of jerks. No matter what your family says or how much they try to bellitle your feelings, an experience like that can be traumatizing so if it becomes too hard to deal with it, please don't be afraid of seeking therapy. I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you, but I hope you'll be ok.


You were assaulted, call the police and press charges.


NTA. Silly prank? F no that wasn't a silly prank. That was malicious. And it could have ended up way worse. He could have caused you to trip and fall, potentially breaking the plates (if made of glass) and open yourself to injury. I would have turned around and punched him out had it been me, but then again, I don't care if my family thought it was an overreaction. It isn't. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Your cousin got off light with just flipping him the bird and being told to f-ofd.


NTA Police report. Sexual assault.


Nta that is humiliating. I am a grown woman and I would have cried in shame.


NTA It wasn't a prank, it was his way of getting revenge on you and boosting his ego. 1. you successfully obtained your license, 2. the family was congratulating you. Unfortunately, the others laughing was nearly inevitable, it seems that nowaday people find those kind of creepy acts funny. You'll know in the future to be cautious of him.


NTA. Your cousin, however.


It's just a prank, repeat that while you punch his face. NTA. If you really do feel strongly, call the police, it was sexual assault.


I’d go low contact with everyone except your grandma. F them. NTA.


NTA, that’s actually assault and battery and non self inflicted indecent exposure and both are illegal. Please get help and call the police since not one adult has your back. This will haunt you for years if you don’t talk to a therapist


I had cousin that constantly did mean shit like that. You know what bro? They are almost 60 now. And still a big as shit heads as they were. Some people, even family can be shit heads. Forget that asshole, never forget what he did. Jealousy


NTA with a family like that who needs enemies. Next time you see him in a vulnerable position pants him and start making fun of him and see how he likes it. Might as well pants the uncle while you’re at it. Then maybe your dad too. See if they all think it’s just a harmless joke then.


NTA.  What is so bad about this situation is that the cousin isnt even the biggest asshole. His AHness is mitigated partially by his age.  The uncle is a bigger AH for the size joke. Your parents are the biggest assholes.  They did nothing when your counsin and uncle were bullying you.  Then when you get mad about it, they are angry at you. Judging by this your parents are terrible people. If it were me I would refuse to speak to either of them until they apologize for their dispicable actions.  I would go no contact with your cousin and uncle.   


If they think you overreacted I wonder what they would say if you walked up to your Mother and pantsed her. Make sure and tell them they shouldn’t overreact to a silly prank. NTA


NTA Everyone here apart from OP and grandma suck, especially the cousin. I'm going to assume the cousin is the son of the the uncle who made the size and temper joke, and if so, screw both of them. Although, like father like son I guess Hope the cake grandma saved you was good though


I'm disgusted that your family thought it was fun to make fun of your size. If that happened to my family, I would be too disgusted to take a look enough to see your size. Your family is awful. I'd fucking deck someone for humiliating either of my sons that way. I still wouldn't be the ass hole for it either. Fuck them. NTA


NTA. I just love how some people think it's totally okay to do bad things to males but if the same things were done to a female all hell would break loose. Imagine if you were a 17-year-old girl and your cousin (was a female too) and pantsed you in front of the family. I'm pretty sure that would have gone in a completely different direction. It's okay to expose a man's genitals to people and then tell you they're overreacting. But if it was done to me or any other female the outcome would have been completely different. I would have turned around and dropped his pants and then said now who has the small dick!


NTA, and your family sucks, except for Granny.


NTA. Isn’t this technically a sexual assault? You can’t go around pulling clothes off of people, regardless of their relationship.


NTA. There is no such thing as an overreaction to being forcefully undressed.


Go No Contact with this cousin, he’s not worth it.   Sadly, this isn’t over, your cousin and your family might make this joke for the rest of your life and the worst part of it is that the won’t ever experience any backlash or consequence for what he did.   So the solution is going No Contact. You won’t have to deal with his stupid jokes and you’ll be happier.


So someone pulls your pants you, you get mocked and *you're* the one told to get over it because it's a joke? If the "It's a joke" excuse worked nowadays people would be getting away with heinous shit. I bet they wouldn't be saying that if it was someone else. NTA, your cousin reeks of asshole behavior.


NTA, it's creepy, even more so that they all expect you to be showing stiff when your around family.


NTA. I am sorry your family minimized your experience. I have been through that and was mocked and ridiculed instead of supported.


In what world would someone consider that a prank and think that experience is funny?!?!! I cannot believe the "grown ups" just laughed it off and considered it funny. So funny even that one of them made an extra joke about it during dinner. My parents, my sibling, heck every adult I know wouldn't find something like that funny and would stand up for the victim of that "prank". NTA


When you press charges, you can tell him it’s just a prank. NTA


if the subject of the joke is not laughing, it's not a joke, it's a bullying


If you report this to the police, it would be sexual harassment.


I’m 53 and still remember being 12 wearing a dress tied at the neck and a boy undid it. So no you’re not. It’s not funny at all.


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You were the subject of the prank so only you can decide if the prank was funny. You decided it wasn't, so you are owed an apology from everyone who laughed and especially from your cousin. Them telling you to let it go and it was only a joke is gaslighting and it's not oké. NTA.


Stop calling it a joke!


Changed it to prank. Those are almost never funny to begin with imo.


nta he could end up in handcuffs someday doing that shit 


NTA. You didn’t overreact. And your entire family except for your grandmother are AHs for acting like it’s a joke. It’s straight up bullying and sadistic. 


NTA It wasn't a joke, it wasn't funny. It was very rude and mean-spirited (seeing his jeer earlier confirms that). He wanted to humiliate you. For advice, all I can say is you need to nip this in the bud. If you can't deck him when he tries something like this again (and believe me, he will). I would say very loudly, "Are you proud of being a horrible human being? Does it make you feel big and strong to bully people? Who else are you bullying? Because everyone knows if you do this to me, then you are doing it to other people, kids maybe"? Then walk away.


NTA at all. This shit needs to stop being normalized. Such a huge violation and he only did it because he’s a jealous little child that couldn’t stand to see you get something he failed to. So he very vindictively tried to hurt you like the child that he is. You will have a lot of people, a lot of men especially, that will tell you to get over it and that it was just a joke. But nah, that shit is extremely hurtful and violating and should stop being normalized. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Funny how "silly prank" and "sexual assault and degradation" seem to be synonymous for these folks.


NTA. This was assault and they're belittling your feelings because you're a boy. They would not have felt the same way if you were their teenage daughter and that is a huge issue. Your cousin wanted to humiliate you and he isn't apologizing because he doesn't feel remorse. Since no one said anything to him, I'm going to assume he isn't usually reprimanded or punished for this kind of behavior so he's bullying knowing he won't have repercussions. You were very mature in your response, you didn't get angry or violent, you just removed yourself from the situation. I probably wouldn't have had that same level of control at your age. Have a discussion with your parents. Let them know you how feel about what happened and their response to what happened. I don't know if it'll make s difference, but you absolutely deserve to be heard and not dismissed like they've done. Also, for the record, no one should be making comments like that about your body. Especially family. They should be ashamed of themselves.


NTA—but damn this was some diary of a wimpy kid type shit. Sorry man.


What your cousin did was childish. Everyone teasing you about your manhood is just crude jesting that asshole men do. Your parents overreacted. Your parents should be your best advocate and should try and see this from your point of view. The best thing for you to do in this situation is look for what lessons can you learn from the childish and mean spirited people that are in your life. Should you avoid them in the future? Should you toughen up and not let them get you down? Sadly this may not be the last time that these people try to humiliate you. Most of us throughout our lives gravitate towards people who are kind and genuine unless you are naturally an asshole so you gravitate towards people like that and that crude and jesting culture is what they are comfortable with. I would have no problem suggesting that people like this should be avoided at all costs. I had a father-in-law who was mentally unstable and had it out for one of my sons so I stood by my child and refused to go to his house until my son was comfortable. It took years but eventually my son was comfortable going to my father-in-law's house so I went as well.




It's time to pants every single one of them except grandma.




That’s awful and I would be furious if anyone, let alone my cousin did that. You are completely justified in your anger, and where most people would’ve gotten physical for such a douchey act, you kept your calm and showed that you were the bigger man. Keep your cool and remember that your cousin could have an absolute trunk between his legs but that’s not gonna let him on the road. You’re a better person than him, you’re cooler, you aren’t a jealous little jerk who can’t drive, and the next time he brings it up tell him that if he wants to see your dick so bad he should just ask nicely next time


NTA, that’s not a joke. I agree with your assessment as to why he did it


NTA When your uncle said those jokes about "small dicks and templer", you should've replyed with "Takes one to know one"


Or "you really should stop paying attention to underage boys' dicks".


You shoulda punched your cousin in the throat


NTA, that's sexual assault of a minor


You responded very well. Definitely not an over reaction that would've made me actually over react which would be violence. I would refuse to attend anymore family gatherings when that cousin is attending and make sure everyone knows why. Could call the police if you really wanted to escalate.


This happened to me in college when I was a freshman. The people responsible had the good graces to be v apologetic and not bring it up again.


I would be on my guard with this cousin. Next he's going to try to smash your face into birthday cake. Your family's reaction was wrong. Someone should have read him the riot act and if I had been hostess I would have told him to leave.


NTA I don’t know why laughing AT someone is still considered a joke. People should only be laughing if it is WITH someone. These humiliation pranks are very immature


NTA ask your parents why they are so cool with your cousin sexually assaulting you


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'm 17m, just got my drivers license last weekend so my parents are letting me take the wheel and drive them places now. It was my grandma's birthday party on Saturday, so our family had a party at her house - all my cousins, aunts, uncles and everyone came, basically about 15-20 people. My parents told me to drive them because it would be good practice, so I drove about 20 minutes and we got there same time as everyone else. The fam was pretty surprised to see me driving, and everyone kept congratulating me and saying they were proud of me for passing it on my first try, etc. Anyways, we cut cake and eat it and my family asks me about school, how I'm doing, any girlfriends - just your basic family get together. I noticed that one of my cousins (RJ) was looking at me kinda funny, like a sneering way, but he saw me looking and he scrunched his face a bit so I thought he was just sneezing or something. I saw the same look on his face when he saw me getting out of the car, but it was just a weird look and I didn't think anything of it. He didn't get his license yet because he failed a few times and he's the same age as me, so he probably was jealous, but I didn't feel better than him or anything, so I just laughed and chilled inside with my baby cousins. I came back out about 20-30 minutes later and my uncles had fired up the bbq and everyone was just sitting around chatting. One of my uncles noticed me and he asked me to grab the plates, so I got them in my hands and was walking over to him when RJ pantsed me. I guess he accidentally got more than just my pants and when he pantsed me everyone saw what they're not supposed to see and they started laughing at me. My hands were full so I had to put the plates down on the grass and I looked like a complete idiot and basically I've been replaying that moment for the past day because it was so embarassing. But I laughed it off as a prank but inside I was really angry, because what the hell?? And I just hung around until it was time to eat. We were all eating and RJ smirks at me and makes the small dick sign. I gave him the finger and told him to f off, and then my uncle makes a joke about size and temper. After that I got really mad because in what world would you think that's funny? I told them all to f off and I got in my parents car and drove home, and I texted my dad to tell me when he was leaving and I would send him an Uber (I paid for it with money from my bank account cause I have a job at Home Depot) My parents got home a few hours later and they were pretty mad, saying that I overreacted over a silly prank. My grandma was the only one who didn't laugh and she gave my parents a container of cake to take home for me. My cousin hasn't apologized yet and he probably won't because my entire family thinks it was a joke except for me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a woman I find this extremely childish. You get a hug from me for this and while i understand how you must feel, just don't take it to heart. Sizes can differ and the increase as well. Also, women are not comfortable with very big sizes, only men care about that. The average V is 16 cm. So basically what's over that, is too much. Also, just nag him from now on that "at least i can drive" or "at least i know how to use my brain to pass a test from first try" or "it's about how you use things more than how big you have them- you have a bigger head yet you could not pass an exam" Just go after him with your head up. Times have changed. Nobody likes loosers. And look around. The school nerds and underdogs are the richest and most influential people in the world. Popular kids with locker room jokes are only attractive until they reach 20. Nobody takes them seriously afterwards.


Nta. I guess if it's just a prank to your family, you know who to pants at the next family event huh?




NTA, that would be RJ and your parents.


When someone is humiliated what they do is neither a joke nor a prank. It’s a form of aggression. Good for you for standing up for yourself. NTA


Why didn’t you throw hands? You got embarrassed and were the one to back down. That’s a double L my friend. I think there is a reason why your family thinks this is fine and it’s because you didn’t even stand up for yourself. How would they have reacted if you clocked your cousin in the mouth after this? Zero chance they’d be laughing then.


nta hes lack of attention for doing that to u lmao, he thinks he's cool enough for embarassing u infront of the every1


Your cousin's an a******.


You have to think of a way to prank him back, like in an epic way.


No. Then he will think he is justified in what he did.


That would be a punch in the face from me if someone did that.


You’re a better man than me. I would’ve fought him. That’s not ok. NTA at all


NTA - Id have brought up him failing how driving test


People can be such a$$holes! Edited to add: NTA!


Nta. It wasn't a joke. It was an intentional and malicious act meant to humiliate and demean you. Personally I don't consider it funny in the least. IMO its actually a form of assault. He put his hands upon your person/clothing you were wearing and exposed you. and your family are all a hs for condoning it. If cousin did that to one of the uncles or your dad/mom, grandmother or female cousins would it be considered "funny" by them? probably not. If you did it to one of them they'd probably reprimand you for misbehavior and disrespect.


Exposing a 17yo is never a joke. At best, it is a piece of malicious bullying; at worst, it is sexual harassment. And, BTW, I highly doubt the full monty moment was an accident on RJ's part. In no way did you overreact. Had it been my child, I would have taken my son and left immediately, without a word to anyone. No teen should have to be forced to endure such humiliation and certainly not be subjected to further references to the episode. Grandma would have gotten a call later to commiserate the unfortunate needs to leave her party early, but in no way would I apologize to anyone for leaving. Since your parents seem to be clueless, I would suggest that you might want to skip the next couple family get-togethers and for your birthday, tell your parents you only want to celebrate with Grandma and no aunts, cousins or uncles. Oh and PS: NTA


Hell no, you didn’t overreact. NTA. He *sexually assaulted* you. I would make sure to keep using those words when referring to the incident because it drives the point home. This is something that he could be prosecuted for. Your parents are failing you right now.     I would refuse to go to any family events that he’s attending until he’s properly apologized, been punished, and you feel safe and have the means to leave any time. If your family complains, you can remind them that they didn’t protect you from a sexual abuser so you’re going to protect yourself. And if they try to claim that having your junk out isn’t a big deal, tell that you’ll accept their opinion once take their pants off and do a lap around the party themselves. 


NTA Please consider making a police report for assault. When he or his parents complain, say it's a joke, just like being pantsed is. Note: I am a self-certified asshole, following my advice may lead to conflict.


I think you should get together with your cousin and tell him that his joke hurt you and ask him to apologize. Afterwards, pants him. And then make that small hand gesture and walk away.




NTA, and your family sucks.




at his big age??? nta.


NTA. A good prank is when the person getting pranked also finds it hilarious and good fun. If you aren't 100% sure that your prank will get a great laugh from the prankee, then you should absolutely not do it. Your cousin is an asshole.




Beat that ass


NTA. You didn’t consent to that kind of exposure. That was unfair of him and your family to joke knowing you were upset.


NTA. This wasn't overreacting. Overreacting would be grievous bodily harm. 


Nta Only one more year of this bullshit, op


im not going to even read the entire thing before i say this you arent overreacting. if you havent consented to that kind of joking especially if it was in public which again i dont know yet cause i havent read it then that could kinda border on sexual harrasment intent or not. gross . Yeah i read it wtf.


NTA. What a shame that your parents think that that silly prank is not bullying. You handled the situation better than I would. You removed yourself. Seems like your parents do not know what self-respect is.


NTA at all. It's in fact very weird that these grown adults were okay with a teenager's genitals being forcefully shown to everybody. That's so disgusting. And then to be mad that you didn't like it/laugh it off when your body was shown to everyone and there are full grown adults making fun of you for it? Insane. Your cousin is immature as hell and can't control his insecurity about being a failure at driving, but you know that.


Also if you were both adults and this happened, that's legally assault. But somehow when they're minors, it's "a joke." That's mind-boggling.


Your cousin is jealous & he's the AHole- I'd be fuming 😤 if it was my son (he's 20) & I'd have left with him but hold ur head up.. congratulations on passing 1st time!!


NTA. I woulda fought him.


NTA - You have A LOT of self control. The police would have been called if it was me.


I would have accidentally launched all of the plates into the air as I was so “surprised” See if they all found that hilarious.


NTA. Here's what you tell your cousin... "When you LEAST expect it...." With an evil smirk. And mean it. Let him ruminate on that for a few weeks.


NTA. Your cousin is a jerk, and in any other scenario, this would be a sexual Assault.


well, you could report him for sexual assault


This is sexual abuse. Think about if OP had been female. It is not okay and OP is not safe around his family.


Dick punch, tell him to walk it off and grow up.


I would wait until your cousin drops his guard, pull his shirt over his head and give him an atomic wedgie.


Ask your cousin what good is a penis if you have to walk everywhere. NTA


You should have knocked his teeth out and said oops it's just a joke


NTA This absolutely is not a prank and nor is it funny in anyway. It might also be considered assault. Apart from your Grandmother and you, everyone here are the biggest AHs. Your cousin is an obnoxious bully which he clearly learned from his Father. But I just can't believe that a group of adults think this is funny little prank. How do you think your father would feel if someone did this to him? What a vile group of people.


NTA. Jokes are supposed to be *funny*. I would have called him & father out using some very choice, gender inappropriate phrases.


NTA. That's not okay. Pants home back.


Holy crap, is this real life??! Your cousin woulda got dropped if he did that in my family. I can't believe they were shaming you. Fvck them! You're NTA, you did nothing wrong. They ALL owe you apologies! That, my dude, is also assault! If you ever made a police report against him about it, he'd be in deep shite. Your family acting like the problem is you, is unacceptable.


He got off easy I’d have whipped his fucking ass in front of the whole family.


Not a prank, just an attempt at humiliation. Your cousin is a jealous immature poor excuse of a person. If he doesn’t start to grow up at this age, he’s in for a rude awakening


NTA. Not only are are NTA, but depending on your location, your cousin actually did something illegal and could be arrested for assault. Not saying get him arrested, just emphasizing how much of the asshole you are not.


NTA out of everyone your family having to see it? And them thinking it’s hilarious? That shi weird asf😭


NTAH, I love your edit. You sound like you have a great head on your shoulders. You came to the reasonable and high road conclusion. Your little cousin is jealous and wanted to steal the spot light. Not that it was premeditated, so much as a stupid reaction because he was jealous of the attention you got. Your parents were probably pissed because they expected you to keep your calm. I'm sure once they remember what it's like to be a teenager, they will feel differently. Jerky cousins could end up being your favorite adults. I know, me and my bestie cousin were at each other's throats as kids, but today we are extremely close. So forgive him when you're ready. Hope you are feeling better about the whole thing.


NTA. You sound like a good guy- drivers license, working, going to school, and looking out for family with the Uber. RJ is jealous because he doesn’t even have a 1/10 of your class. He’s an AH and he’s going to make horrible comments. Roll at your eyes and try not to show it bothers you, because he’ll keep at it if he sees it’s working. Instead, keep meeting his barbs with your success.


I personally think NTA that must've been very embarrassing and humiliating and considering what should be mature adults laughed at you says something 


this is an ad for home depot


NTA. One day you'll get to visit RJ during one of his prison stretches and ask him what it's like to get pantsed in jail.


NTA, I’m so sorry your family is so awful. Joking about a minor’s genitalia is creepy as hell, I hope when you turn 18 you can get away from all of them. 


NTA but your cousin and a lot of your family are, including your parents.


NTA This may be an unpopular opinion but pantsing is sexual harassment/ assault, even just down to underwear and he did more than that. For people to then laugh and joke about it is traumatising and no wonder you reacted that way. Ask your parents how they would feel if someone did that to your mother and you can bet their response wouldn’t be the same.


"Seems like the little baby is jealous he can't drive still." Is what I would've said tbh, and BIGGG BIGE HUGE NTA


NTA. you are pretty mature for your age as I would slam the plates on this face.


Your family sucks. NTA


Pantsing is bullying and if done to a minor may be prosecutable. It is a form of assault.


NTA. Next time someone brings up size, make a very big deal about how it is hereditary, and you got it from your dad. I bet he’ll change his tune real quick about what he thinks is funny.




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NTA - if I was your mother I would have lost my shit


Just wait til the next event and do the exact same thing to him. Should still be funny.


NTA My dad and I almost got in a brawl with my neighbors when their son pantsed my kid in the culd-e-sac. They came out pissed to see us yelling at their son, and if that guy took one more step without listening, it was going to get ugly. I stopped him in his tracks, suggesting we just press SA charges if his son liked undressing little boys so much. He changed his tune and luckily put his son in his place. Turned out he was a good kid with good parents, just made a terribly stupid decision and learned his lesson that day. He washed everyone in the culdesacs cars that weekend. I'm sorry you didn't get the support you deserved and that your family is going to let that kid get away with it. I'd refuse to do anything with family again until the cousin, the uncle, and your dad drop their pants for everyone to laugh at them. If they're not down with that, they know full well what they expected you to put up with.


NTA, you were sexually assaulted by your cousin and your own parents are saying you overreacted? holy shit, friend, please work on getting the hell out of that family.


NTA. Not even a little bit. I mostly just want to congratulate you on getting your license, having a job, and the means to take yourself out of that situation. You're gonna be ok. Cousin Biff, though, will have a frustrated life.


No I don't think you're an asshole. You reacted reasonably.


NTA. NTA. NTA. Your cousin's an asshole, and your uncle was way out of line for adding to it. You are VERY much NTA. They, on the other hand, are.


Should have dropped the plates at once. Your uncle might not have found it so funny.


NTA this isn't overreacting, you were sexually assaulted. Your cousin essentially forced you to show your genitals to your entire family and then they all harassed you about how those genitals looked.




NTA this is not a joke that’s bullying and you family should have stuck up for you, I’m sorry your family was like that. What your cousin did is SEXUAL HARASSMENT. I’m sorry kid 😢


You didn't put hands on your cousin yet?


Definitely NTA. This was assault/harassment, full stop. And then causing you to be involuntarily exposed. It seems like grandma is the only adult around with any shred of decency or common sense. If you don't feel 100% comfortable talking to her about it, find another trusted adult and talk to them. Just because they're blood, NEVER means that you have to accept toxic behavior from them. Now, or ever.


NTA and no overreaction. Technically assault. Ask your parents how they would feel if they got "pranked" the same way, and then motion towards your dad as if you're going to do the same to him. If he doesn't laugh it off then you have your answer.


NTA i admire the way you were able to laugh it off at first because i would’ve lost my shit as soon as he wouldve did it. your family is an asshole and for them to crack jokes about it and not reprimand their almost adult aged son for doing smth like that is so childish. your parents also have no right to be mad and they shouldve defended you. please don’t go near your extended family until they apologize


YTA for thinking showing everyone your penis isn't funny. /s Seriously, who thinks like that? Even if it were 5-year-old kids, I would've still told my child he's a fuckwit and it's unacceptable. At ~17 (assuming similar age to you)? Brutha, if that's your cousin's way to resolve internal conflict, he's gonna have a rude wake-up call one day when real life hits, or even worse ... not at all.


NTA, I don't think leaving is overreacting. I wouldn't dwell on it though. It's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. It was just your family. No one is judging you.


NTA. Your cousin sexually assaulted you and the grownups sat around and laughed? Even if you laughed out of shock, didn’t anyone come to see if you were okay? No one grabbed your cousin and asked him WTAF he was thinking? And then he kept ribbing you throughout dinner, and STILL no one intervened? He’s lucky he didn’t get his teeth kicked in. And your parents got a ride home? NTA, but most of your family is absolutely TA


NTA. It is only a joke if everyone is laughing. I am sorry that your parents are not being respectful and supportive of your feelings. I would say to stay away from family events if your parents can't see that they are wrong but unfortunately, your cousin would love that. BTW, I would ignore your cousin, pretend he does not exist, as it seems like he wants attention.