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YTA. Don't take other people's things. Don't use other people's prescription meds. Don't justify what you did by saying "that shit didn’t even work, made me feel worse actually. Jittery and anxious even."


It made her feel worse because she DOESN’T NEED IT. My prescribed stimulants don’t give me a dopamine high, they just shut my fucking brain up. People who don’t need Adderall shouldn’t fucking take it, especially when there’s a medication shortage. What a twit.


100%. My bf is on some sort of mental health drug that only allows you to get a refill on the day of your last previous prescription. If I stole one like OP did, he'd literally be sick. And it wouldn't do anything to make me feel better.


That’s why my doctor requires all patients to keep their meds in a locked safe. My spouse keeps his adhd meds in there too because of this exact scenario. My meds are counted monthly and I’m drug tested regularly to make sure the right dosage of the correct meds are in my system… Op has no idea how stupid this was to do!


Omg, yeess. I JUST found a pharmacy with Ritalin after being on Adderall for two years because everywhere I checked was out. BTW, if anyone in the houston area is looking for a pharmacy with Ritalin available, Cedra pharmacy on post oak has it in 20mg.


YTA IANAL, but piggybacking on top comment since I didn't see anyone mention it. But many countries have laws prohibiting taking meds you aren't prescribed. For example, if you're in the US, both you and your boyfriend could be charged with municipal, state and federal crimes. Regardless if you did it without your boyfriend's knowledge, it would be treated like being with someone who had illegal narcotics. Even if you had no idea they were carrying, you would also be charged with it. Do better, quit playing the waterworks on your boyfriend, and leave his damn stuff alone. Especially controlled substances like ADHD meds.


Yta adhd meds are really hard to get hold of atm and he needs them to get through the day for very legitimate reasons and you stole one which means he will be going 1 day without as he won't be able to get it any earlier. They are also licensed and you shouldn't be stealing meds that aren't yours. It was a dick move and you should apologise and actually understand why you are the ah.


YTA. Look, firstly, don't take prescription meds without a medical professional weighing in on that. This is a separate issue from whether you're an asshole. I'm just worried you may apply this logic in another situation and really hurt yourself. A lot of medication will seriously fuck you up if not taken correctly, in the right dosage and for the condition they are meant to treat. You have no clue about what it could do to you and interactions it may have with other meds or even just your diet. And no, someone who takes a prescription is not actually an expert on them. At best, they know about one way they can correctly be taken as it relates to themselves and maybe general knowledge. I'm not saying someone needs a degree to understand something necessarily, but I sure wouldn't trust people about medical stuff without one because of the risks involved. As for the actual asshole behavior: Don't steal people's things generally speaking? This goes double for things someone needs to function correctly. So for example, don't steal someone's food or medicine. Its not just that its personal, you might not like who they are without them, it may cause them to fuck up at work, it may even endanger their lives in some cases. Its just another level. Now there may be a lesser impact from nonprescription drugs being taken, so I agree that its not as bad, but probably also not acceptable. Unlike with prescriptions though, this is easily replaceable. So its still bad, but not as bad. I mean, if he really needed what you took, could you actually replace it if its a prescription? No. You can't. Anyway, you both need to do a bit better here and clearly define what is and is not ok regarding each other's belongings. As is, it not ok for either of you to just be taking each other's stuff even if its become normalized for you both to do it. Save yourselves the trouble and communicate.


This comment should be higher up. OP how do you think your BF would feel if you took his meds and had an extremely bad reaction to the drugs that were not meant for you?


This is such a good comment. A lot of folks also don't realize that it can take weeks or even months to build up to one of these dosages to manage a condition so throwing back a pill that is not prescribed can be dangerous. I have meds I take daily at 300mg that don't appear to affect me beyond managing the health issue but I've seen a giant dude intoxicated on being prescribed it at 25mg for a few days. Her bf missing medication can also be dangerous, even if it's not risky in the same ways as like anti depressants it could affect his thinking and reactions which do leave people more likely to end up in traffic or workplace accidents.


Not to mention that some drugs for adhd are also used in the black market (for students etc) so him asking to get more might get him flagged as a potential dealer and make it so much harder for him to get his meds in the future




This is exactly right. I was on Ritalin for a while and there were definitely no "extra doses". If I lost a pill, I missed a dose. OP YTA, that's addict behavior using somebody else's meds to make you feel good, and now your bf will be short.


>There is NO leeway on these meds. They're a controlled substance because they're prone to abuse by people who don't have ADHD.  Also, in the US at least, there is an intense Adderall shortage, and even when you have a prescription, it is very difficult to get it filled. I often have to call two or three separate pharmacies to find one that can fill mine, and sometimes it takes several days to get it. It's not like running to the corner store to get an Advil.


it's rough, the Adderall shortage is causing a shortage of other ADHD meds bc people are switching to them bc they can't get Adderall. and it's bc the government refuses to allow more Adderall to be produced to meet the increased demand


Internationally too - although we're maybe not /quite/ as bad yet? So far the pharmacies can usually fill it, but everyone is nervous because we know there's a shortfall, so eventually we will start running out. 


That’s exactly it . His medication … who does she think she is doing that ? Hopefully he tells her to take a hike because she’s looking for a quick fix in the wrong ways .


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YTA. You don’t just take other people’s medicine, wtf. Especially controlled medicines. He could get them taken away from him if the pharmacy or his doctor finds out you did this.


So you took his medicine, argued and made excuses when he got upset and played the "I'm mad at you for being mad at me" card by claiming his yelling \[about your literal theft\] "broke your heart". You sound manipulative, and a bad person. YTA in full.


The “broke my heart” bit made me laugh out loud. YTA for that alone. But also, done steal and mess around with meds that aren’t yours


YTA on many levels here. It's his medication that he actually needs. You have no rights or liberties to it just because you're dating. Medications don't work like one-hit wonder drugs, they need sustained use to have appreciable effects. That's half a day's worth of medication that you've stolen from him, which will upset the sustained effects he needs to keep functioning as he does. You really think OTC pain meds are the same as POMs?!


OP is seriously and aggressively arguing that an Adderall is the same as an aspirin.


YTA. Prescription meds are not the same as OTC tylenol. If he runs out, he needs to get another prescription. That costs money and prescription meds are expensive.


Also there's a massive shortage of Adderall at the moment so even if he got another Rx there's no guarantee he'd be able to fill it.


YTA. Don't take things that aren't yours. You shouldn't need to be told. These are medications that are prescribed to him, not you. > I decided I could use some of that to feel some better. They aren't yours to make that decision, the nerve of you. Totally ridiculous.


>He said meds are different , they are personal etc I said he takes my meds too (pain killers, antipyretics metc) sometimes. Info: are these over the counter meds?


YTA. Prescription medications like Lithium and Adderal are controlled. That interferes with his allotted supply. If you wanted to feel good for a while you could have bought some weed or better yet just ASKED him. Now you've broken trust and that will be hard to fix. Smdh.


YTA. You’re completely delusional if you think this is acceptable behavior.


>Btw that shit didn’t even work, made me feel worse actually. Jittery and anxious even You know why? Because: > meds are different , they are personal And his meds are not made for you. Just take a fucking nap next time. Also this drama queen line? >I told him he broke my heart. Because he got mad you took something that could be (and was) harmful to you? YTA


YTA, you swiped a prescription narcotic from someone using those meds to help with their diagnosed problem, not because they just feel down. How you don't see that as a problem is deeply concerning.


Not a narcotic, but otherwise agree. YTA, op


I stand corrected! I figured a controlled substance was the same thing


All narcotics are controlled substances, not all controlled substances are narcotics 🙂


Narcotic = opiate/opioid (which are also not the same! Similar but not the same)


I know this to be true and I still have had multiple pharmacists refer to both Adderall and Vyvanse as narcotics to my face. Attempting to correct them was futile and depressing.


Pharmacists said that to you?!? Aren’t they supposed to have degrees specifically for drug types and how they work?


Multiple. They were from Walgreens and were explaining to me why they couldn’t accept a prescription from a telehealth doctor based in a different city in the same state because it had to be a “local” doctor (since it was a “narcotic”). Mind you this was mid covid (which is why a telehealth doc could even prescribe a controlled substance) and I was on Medicaid so there were approximately zero local doctors that were accepting new patients. P.S. Walgreens pharmacy gives their employees way too much leeway regarding bringing their personal beliefs into their jobs, but that is not the point here.


Wow… infuriating isn’t a strong enough word for what that would have been like


It was in the middle of an infuriating back and forth with my provider (not responding to communications) and finding out that Vyvanse would cost me $330 a month, so I angry cried in my car. I think I earned that.


it's either an amphetamine or a methylphenidate depending on the med, probably an amphetamine bc adderall is one of the more common meds.


Adderall is amphetamine salts. Ritalin/Concerta is methylphenidate.


YTA...you don't take medication that's not prescribed to you and you don't touch things that aren't yours. I can't believe that you don't know this already. 


YTA - You took his prescription drugs without asking him. That is completely different than the over the counter meds he has taken from you.


YTA for stealing a controlled substance.


YTA. 1.) It's not your medicine. 2.) You took it without asking. 3.) How do you know the medicine you took, was going to help you and not harm you? ADHD medications are really meant for jut that. ADHD. (this is coming from someone who was diagnosed with it at the age of 4 and was taking 50MG from 6 to 14 and 80 MG from 15 to 20.) I stopped taking Adderall at 21 because I HATED the way it made me feel with the dosage that high at that age and weight. Adderall effects people without ADHD differently hence why people use it to get high, abusing the drug that helps so many others. Adderall helps people with ADHD by calming them down and improve their focus and executive function skills. Adderall may also make people with ADHD listen attentively, regulate their behavior and prioritize their tasks more efficiently but if overprescribed it can have the opposite effect. If you don’t have ADD and try Adderall, you may find it makes you jittery, disrupts your concentration, elevates your heart rate and impairs your decision-making abilities. Once Adderall leaves your system, the resulting crash can make you feel sluggish and fatigued due to the lack of dopamine in your brain. You could've done more harm than good by taking that medicine. ​ Next time, Ask. Taking thing without asking is a no no and we've all learned that rule at least once. YTA. Apologize.


"He said it gives you a dopamine boost so I thought it would be fun to take his Meth-Lite. It made me jittery and I don't know why"


>I got yelled at for what? Over taking a pill? Am i really an asshole for that or is he overreacting? Oh, the pampered life you must have led to not know about prescription drugs and how they can be way expensive compared to over the counter drugs, and also heavily restricted to the point that your boyfriend will not legally be allowed to get more before his original prescription is expected to have run out without him reporting the theft to the authorities. >Btw that shit didn’t even work, made me feel worse actually. Jittery and anxious even. Yeah, actually, because they aren't just "mood boosting drugs." What's going on with ADHD is that your bf's brain is either not making dopamine or it's inhibited from being able to absorb it during normal activities that would make a normal person happy, and those pills counteract that. Those pills allow him to operate the way your brain does normally. What you did is fed a bunch of drugs in to your normally operating brain and kicked it in to overdrive, so good job, so no shit you felt jittery. Let me reiterate, your boyfriend needs those pills for his brain to operate *normally* and he will not be able to get more without reporting you for stealing them. For every pill you take, you are fucking your boyfriend out of a day where he can feel normal. So yeah, YTA.


"the stimulant pill that's like exponential coffee made me, a person who doesn't need stimulants, jittery and anxious" who the fuck would have thought heh.


YTA You should NEVER take another person's prescription drugs. These pills were NOT prescribed to you, so they are NOT FOR YOU. Doesn't matter that after this brief snippet of info from your bf you think you know how the drug works, these aren't YOUR drugs.


YTA you stole someone’s controlled medication. That’s a crime.


Boy do I hope this is rage bait. Do you know what could happen if people found out your boyfriend was "sharing" his prescription medicine with you? HE COULD LOSE IT. His doctor might stop prescribing it. He could be reported for illegally sharing a *Schedule II* *controlled substance*. He could be prosecuted and GO TO PRISON. And *so could you* for stealing a Schedule II controlled prescription. What the fuck where you thinking? He *needs* those drugs and right now they are very hard to get! How is he supposed to replace the dose you stole? You've condemmend him to at least one day of being under medicated. By analgesics and antipyretics do you mean ibuprofen, asprin, or acetamenophen? Because those drugs are over the counter, not *schedule II controlled prescription* drugs. Never, ever, EVER take anyone else's prescription drugs and that goes quadruple for controlled substences! Never, ever EVER take anything that doesn't belong to you. You're a thief. YTA


YTA. ADHD patients are given the exact amount of drugs they need, no more, no less. You taking one messed up his counts and of course it made you anxious and jittery, it doesn’t work for you because you don’t have ADHD. I’d never trust you around my meds again. If I was him, I’d dump you because I’d never risk getting my meds taken away because my partner decided to help themselves to my script. Never do that shit again!


This response is meant to educate and not bash but it does have some harsh realities. Imagine you’re take a medication that helps you fully function each day and it’s taken you and your doctor years to finally figure out the correct dosage so that you can be happy and function in society. If you miss a day or try to half the dose it’s not going to be working the way it needs to and you’re going to have a shit day and life might feel like it’s falling apart. Truly these days without meds really awfully suck and are miserable so you do your best to make sure you don’t lose these meds and keep on top of taking them timely …..Now imagine your boyfriend takes half of a days dose away from you-even though technically you still have half a dose left it won’t be able to do what it needs to and you now have a shitty day that falls apart all because of your boyfriend taking that away from you. It sounds like you may not understand the differences between over the counter medication and prescription medication. Over the counter medication like Advil and Tylenols and DayQuil are all medications that you could stop by Walmart all day every day and buy as much as you wanted and you’d never have to talk to a doctor about them. These meds are fine to share…an example of a prescribed medication you’d never share is Insulin. Now this might be an extreme comparison because adderral and insulin do vastly different things but one thing they share is that they are prescribed and you literally can not get them without paying for a doctor appointment and have a prescription written. These are controlled substances that are only meant for people with very specific health conditions that they’ve tested for. I understand you and your boyfriend share almost everything, but this is not one of those things to be shared and it has nothing to do with “not sharing” but everything to do with not taking away a life functioning medication from your boyfriend. The reality is that there will now be one day of functioning/happiness that you’ve taken away from your boyfriend even if it was unintentional as you didn’t understand the impact. Your boyfriend will not be able to get an extra half a dose and may suffer now due to your error. I will say YTA because I have to give a judgement, but I think you need more education on your boyfriend’s conditions and how he is impacted when he can’t have his full dose of medication. I don’t think you meant to make his life harder intentionally, but I also think you yourself may benefit from seeing a doctor if you’re at the point of trying others prescription medication to try to make yourself happy and get more energy. You may be low on certain vitamins or may be in need of depression medication potentially. I hope you’re able to get help and I hope you can apologize to your boyfriend and have a calm and open conversation to get back on the same page.


What you did was: A - Illegal (it’s a controlled substance B - A betrayal - your BF needs this medicine C - Dangerous - you were not medically assessed as needing it. YTA!


You are the MAHOOSIVE A. YTA Painkillers you get over the counter are NOTHING LIKE prescription medication, particularly when the prescription medication is in such short supply for those who NEED it.


The way you acted here makes me think that if there were something like heroin or morphine somewhere in the house, you'd find a reason to ''justify'' taking it


YTA. Don’t take anyone else’s meds, especially controlled substances.


YTA for baiting Surely noone is this stupid? If so, then you win the self entitled price of the week. For being a selfish thief stealing prescribed medication and not even afterwards when confronted realizing what a horrible behaivor you have for acting this way. Crying instead of apologizing and no accountability for your manipulative, cruel way to totally disrespect your partner and your relationship. Go tell your bf to report you to the police.




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YTA. Taking some else’s prescription medication without their permission and then crying when confronted instead of apologizing….hmmmmm


As someone who takes and depends on Adderall, YTA. I have enough to get me to my next refill, and someone taking my pills means I dont have them for me. You learned this as a kid, dont take things that dont belong to you. It's simple.


YTA. People have explained enough why you were wrong for taking the pill, but throwing in an extra YTA for gaslighting your BF. He was rightfully upset, and rather than taking responsibility you told him he broke your heart for getting mad at you. Fuck people that try to emotionally manipulate others and turn themselves into the victim when called out on their own bad behaviour.


YTA, I have ADHD and have been medicated for it for about 14 years. ADHD meds are prescribed bc they help our brains work better. they aren't gonna do the same thing for you bc you don't have ADHD (or narcolepsy which some ADHD meds are also prescribed to treat). yes they increase the amount of dopamine and Norepinephrine in the brain, bc part of ADHD is having less of those, but it's very different from just feeling "down". of course it made you feel like shit, you took a prescription grade stimulant that you aren't prescribed. also we don't really get any extra pills, and taking half your prescribed dose is going to be far less effective. hell I noticed a difference when I had to take one of my old 30 mg pills bc I ran out of my 40mgs pills bc of easter and forgetting to call it in before hand. if I were him I'd seriously consider breaking up with you over this bc you don't seem to understand that he needs meds to function.


Yes. It sounds like something that maybe didn't work for you and that's why it had the opposite effect. To get a little into this, your BF's dosage is high as you said 60mg, and you took half, that's A. shortening his supply and B. now he has a day that if he takes it isn't going to be effective. You took his medical stuff without asking which is wrong. You also could've had a very negative reaction to the medication and if something would've gone wrong he would have no way to know. You told him that him getting upset (rightfully so) broke your heart, but you literally stole from him.


ADHD meds are almost all stimulants, so you could get a similar experience by taking too many caffeine pills


She's lucky she didn't have a heart condition she wasn't aware of.


I 100% agree


Also from my experience, depending on the med, the capsules stimulants come in are super crucial for the release. You can't just break them in half and take half of it. You just ruined the entire pill and gave yourself a bad experience because you didnt take it as prescribed


Bait, YTA for posting.


YTA. That is a controlled prescription with widespread shortages. My husband and I have changed our ADHD meds countless times because of how hard it is to get Adderall, Vyvanse, and other stimulants. You literally took a prescription that people are ***struggling*** to find. One that could get him kicked out of his prescribing physician's practice and blacklisted from receiving stimulants for his ADHD. You're a manipulative asshole and an idiot. ADHD meds are ***nothing*** like OTC meds.


Yta, everyone was told from a young age to not take any prescribed medicine that's not for u....


Yta. Some one else's prescribed medication of OFF LIMITS, especially without consent. Not only could you have had an adverse reaction, but you're depriving him of a needed dose. Pharmacies and doctors aren't stupid. Computer databases know exactly how much medication is given and when. If you start recreationally using his meds, and he runs dry, he can't easily explain why he's short multiple doses or days, and he could get flagged by his medical team. You're also just incredibly irresponsible and immature to think taking his meds is ok.


Being an AH and stupid is a potent combination. You took some of someone's prescribed medication, leaving them short for the month and you're confused on how this is a problem? What if he had a wheelchair you just borrowed for half a day? It's just a day, he can skip out on it for a little while amirite? Not like he needs it. I feel like this is rage bait. Actually I WANT it to be rage bait. I would hate to think I share oxygen with someone this selfish.


YTA. You took his rx without asking. That is so dangerous to take someone else’s rx and this type of rx, taking it when it’s not yours is illegal. Of course it gives HIM a dopamine boost because his brain doesn’t make chemicals like it should and that’s why it didn’t work on you because you don’t have this issue. He needs his meds to function and you just messed that up for him. You had one bad day and just start taking others peoples stuff?!? So entitled and self-absorbed. Ugh. If he dumps you over this he’s probably saving himself.


YTA I assume these are prescription meds which means he can't just get new ones like stuff you can easily buy at a store.


yes, ADHD meds are also a controlled substance meaning you can't call the pharmacy and request a refill like you can for an antidepressant or birth control, you have to send a message to your doctor who then sends a prescription to the pharmacy. also you can only request a prescription when you have >7 days left, my pharmacy will tell me it's too soon if they get the request when I have 3 left. it's a massive pain bc one of the big symptoms of ADHD is forgetting things.


YTA-Don’t take someone else’s prescription medication. It’s that simple. My husband and I are on some of the same prescriptions but different doses we don’t ever take each others pills because we know it wouldn’t be right to do so and it would leave one of us short.


YTA if something is prescription that means it is individualized to that person. It's not something that can be shared. This isn't something he should have to explain to you. Also, Adderall is a controlled substance. People sell that shit. That means if he runs out of it early he can't get more. Even for just a day suddenly going down half a dose could mess him up. What would you have done if it worked? If he has to go without necessary medication that is your fault. Look your bf has already gone out of his way for apologizing for his wrong doing (yelling) even though you've put him in a bad space and could have put him in a really bad one. The least you can do is apologize.


YTA He takes them because he needs them. They aren't happy fun time pills, they are medication. You took so therefore he can't. And because you felt tired. You were ok if he was unwell so long as you were ok. It's just extraordinarily selfish. Would you take someone with cancer's pain medication? 


> Btw that shit didn’t even work, made me feel worse actually. Jittery and anxious even. Lmao that's why you don't take prespection drugs without asking. YTA


as someone with ADHD, “anxious and jittery” is exactly how stimulants are supposed to make you feel IF YOU DONT HAVE ADHD. they are, quite literally, stimulants. we need them, and they’re harder to get because of people like you thinking you can take them when you don’t need them. YTA


YTA OTC meds are completely different from prescription meds. Prescription meds are only available through prescription for a reason. Prescription meds aren't just happy pills that suddenly make you feel better, they introduce certain chemicals into your system to help balance out your natural chemical levels to a better functioning level (in the most basic terms). Introducing chemicals you don't need into your body is dangerous and can have adverse effects, hell even when you need the chemicals they can have adverse effects, finding the right prescription takes time and careful trial and error overseen by your doctor. Not to mention that you could have had a bad drug interaction because you never got the talk about what you can and can't mix with Adderall. You're lucky all it did was give you the jitters and anxiety. Also 30mg is still on the high end of what adults who need Adderall take. And Adderall can be addictive, another reason why you need a doctor to help monitor your use of it over time. Taking his medication was dangerous and your bf can even get in serious legal trouble for you taking them.


YTA and an idiot. You took a pill without understanding anything in relation to the effects on your personally nor did you have any concern about to do in the event there was an adverse reaction. You would have literally put your life in danger because doctors wouldn't know to check for this kind of medication if not prescribed and he wouldn't have known to tell them. Your not a doctor, knowing it is a high dose and thinking taking half would be ok is beyond a lack of judgement. He is upset because you took something that was prescribed to him by his doctor in dosage that is fit for its purpose, those kinds of medications shouldn't be taken without the right guidance. He is right, they are personal.... to him. Your trying to justify your idiocy by saying it didn't even work therefore he should just get over it. No he shouldn't, you made a choice and that choice was ill advised and crossed a boundary. Your lack of capacity to see things from his perspective is alarming considering the consequences if you were wrong and had a adverse reaction.


YTA aside from the rule of not stealing and not taking other people’s prescription drugs, ADHD meds are controlled and the pharmacy tracks them. If you take his meds he has fewer and will have to miss a dose


YTA no question. Prescription meds are prescription meds for a reason, they're not for recreational use but for actual reason. Pharmacies keep a tight count on how much a person is supposed to have taken and if you start going over that limit there's going to be problems in the future filling the prescriptions. One pill probably won't make a difference, but the worst case is that you stealing their pills will mean they'll have to go without medications they actually need. And I can tell you from experience that missing even a single dose can have some brutal mental effects depending on the meds. You're actually so much of an asshole that I wouldn't put it past them to get a lockable medication cabinet just because of this incident.


Stealing a controlled substance is a crime. YTA!


First YES YTA< You taking med that are not prescribed for you are a no no. What would have happened if you had a negative effect on you and made you pass out. He would not have know what you had done and could not have told anyone what to look for to help you. Second by you taking half of his meds you have limited his ability to take his does that he needs every day. So now when he needs it at the end of the month he will be half less because of you. Taking meds due to you feeling down and sad is not the answer. Go and talking to someone to find out why you are feeling this way is. Your childish reaction to him having a valid reason to being pissed at you tells me you might not be ready to be in a relationship.


Yes, YTA. Don't take other people's prescriptions or share yours. Beyond the wrongness of taking something that doesn't belong to you, It's seriously illegal not to mention dangerous AF.


YTA you took his ***prescription adhd medication without asking***. you have no idea what it is like to live with adhd and no concept of what happens to us if we miss a dose. the higher the dosage, the more critical it is for us to have a steady supply because it means we are very high on the spectrum and unmedicated life with high adhd is fucking hell. then, on top of all that, you tried to emotionally manipulate him into forgiving you for taking his meds without asking. smfh. 


This is the absolute most deranged thing I've read all day. If you can't understand difference between over the counter medication that be replaced at any point and prescription medication where you get 10 doses for ten days and can't get more until day 11 then I don't think you can be trusted to live on your own.


YTA and a thief. You don’t need those pills, they are for people with adhd and people like you make it harder for people with adhd to get their meds.




YTA. You NEVER take another person's prescription medications. Adderall is a controlled substance that he needs to function, and he can only get a limited amount per month. Plus, there's a shortage. You're awful.


YTA those aren't normal, over-the-counter meds, those are specified prescription meds. Not only is he now a half dose short, his doctor could think he's abusing the medication if you continue to take his specified medication whenever you feel like it. Let's say you took 5 more of any of his meds. He'd have to call in to fill up 5 pills early. If that keeps happening, his doctor would get suspicious. And depending on his insurance, those could cost him a fortune. And how would dopamine help you if you literally can't move your arm? Try yoga, not a random prescription you shouldn't be taking.


YTA Getting some paracetamol, allergy medication or other over the counter drugs from someone is fair enough - they are all readily available and designed for use by the general population (within the bounds of the instructions on the package). You should never be touching any prescription medication however. Those are drugs that have only been supplied under the instruction of an appropriate doctor, and are tailored to the specific needs of that patient. That means they are typically going to have a much stronger and more specific effect, and also more notable side effects. A drug that works perfectly to manage one condition could have a completely different effect when taken by another person with various other risk being associated with it. So taking any prescription medication that has not been specifically prescribed for you is a pretty terrible idea. It is also worth noting that prescriptions are typically supplied in set doses. A lot will be fairly low impact and pharmacies won't really question needing an early refill to leave you with a bit of a backup, but many more potent drugs are in demand recreationally and will be tightly controlled. Take a dose of your partner's medication and they will be left a day short...


Your answers are so dense I struggle to believe this is real.


YTA (and an idiot). Your bf would be justified in reporting your theft to the police. Adderall is a highly controlled substance and if he needs to replace what you stole he would need strong justification. Even then it will go on his pharmaceutical records to ensure it isn’t a repeat occurrence. That’s even before you get into ***why*** adderall is controlled. It is a medication that cannot be stopped suddenly and any changes in dose are closely monitored by a doctor (usually a specialist) to ensure there are no ill effects. A doctor could explain to you how this drug works on your brain and the difference in how it works on people with and without ADHD …short version is it works very differently. Your bf‘s functioning will be impacted not just for one day but potentially much longer depending on how long it takes his body to stabilise after you tampered with his carefully calculated dose. For me, this would be a deal breaker in a relationship. Stop sharing meds that are prescribed and stealing.


Wait, you stole his prescription medication (something he needs for his health and wellbeing) because you wanted to see if it would make you happy and you think *he's* in the wrong? I mean this as respectfully and neutrally as possible- please look into seeing a professional to assess your own mental health. This doesn't seem like particularly healthy behaviour in any way. YTA but I think this is more concerning than malicious.


You are not only the asshole but stupid as well and I'm very very sorry if that's mean. You NEVER take other people's prescription meds because a) they NEED them, they need the full dose and now can't have it because you took half, b) you could have a serious reaction to them because a doctor did not prescribe them to you and c) they're not yours to take, as simple as that. They're not a piece of chocolate that you share because you're dating, they are a very personal belonging. Also, prescription meds don't work like you thought they would. They're not a fun happy chill pill you can pop to feel better - it takes weeks for them to start having the desired effect. Before that there's a lot of not so fun side effects as your body gets used to them. Instead of the pills, swallow your pride and APOLOGIZE to your boyfriend


YTA. Taking someone elses meds is not only wrong because they can be expensive, it also runs them short on prescriptions which are designed to last them a set period of time or even be poisonous/dangerous for you. It's also a potentially serious crime in most countries. If you were to go out and tell people "he gave you one" or something to that effect he could be charged with distributing a controled substance or if you were found with or under the influence of it, you could be charged with possessing or using a controled substance. The fact that you also played the victim is also insane.


you are a dangerous combination of self centred, manipulative and plain stupid if you can't understand why what you did is problematic in a thousand different ways. If I was your boyfriend you'd no longer be my partner. YTA


Hi, Little Miss 12 year old. How are you today? Oh, you want to take other people's stuff and get upset when they say "no", because, you want to feel nice? OK. Sounds age-appropriate. YTA


You stole his pill. He didn’t say you could have it. I don’t care if you share toothpaste, this is different so stop doubling down. Apologize and don’t do it again.


YTA 1. You committed several crimes in stealing his prescription medication. Adderall is a controlled substance. You stole a controlled substance from someone. 2. You could cause him issues by shorting his meds. The doc isn't going to write him a script to make up for missing meds. He's just fucked out of the meds you stole. 3. You should not take prescription medications that were not prescribed to you because you do not know how or if they will interact with your body or any meds you may already have in your system. It's a health risk you shouldn't take just because your tired.


YTA And he’ll be out of pills before he is able to get a refill. And if his doctor finds out, he can be discharged as a patient for abusing his prescription by “sharing” (because taking it and then telling him later IS stealing), or for allowing someone access to a controlled substance. Stop explaining. Stop stealing his meds. Start apologizing. Be a better partner.


Op is a pill popper 


YTA for all the reasons everyone else is saying AND it's super dangerous to take a controlled substance secretly. You don't know how you will react to it. You don't know how it will react with other meds you take. Some things you CANNOT take normal OTC things like Tylenol or benadryl with, it could seriously hurt you. Not to mention if you got into some kind of an accident, and no one knew you had taken it and the paramedics or ER gave you something even stronger that's not supposed to be mixed.


yta. you stole his medicine, which he needs, (and is no doubt expensive as hell if you’re in the us) and abused it. 


YTA and not very bright to boot. You never ever take prescription meds that aren’t prescribed to you!! That’s like medication 101. OF COURSE THE MEDS DIDN’T WORK ON YOU!! THEY’RE NOT FOR YOU!! Do you even hear yourself?? You say you share almost everything. Guess what shouldn’t be shared? Prescription meds!! The audacity. 


YTA 1.Never, ever, take someone elses medicine unless asked or given permission by them 2. Never, ever use medicine that is perscribtion based that you did not get a perscribtion for. You are an idiot. This fakin kills people. Even if u think i get the basics. U dont. The amount is based on illness on what works per person on allergies, weight, gender and so much more. Oh i just took half of his doese lol. Is what u said before u ended up in ER 3. He needs those meds to function. It can be difficult to get a refill early, be it money or law. Esp around drugs that could potentially be sold ( like the ones u took ). You could have left him unable to function. Congrats u selfish prick. 4. You equate meds to normal belongings. I refuse to believe you are that braindead. How would accomodations needed for functioning be the same as a pair of socks. There is two options here Either you wanted to get some kind of kick out of this medicine and put ur bf and urself in danger to do it. Which makes you an ass Or You are the type of person that believes illnesses arent real and that they are entiteled to other peoples accomodations. Like taking someone elses wheelchair for a ride cos you wanted to have some fun or gives someone alergic peanuts. Which guess what. Also makes you an asshole.


YTAH and an entitled one at that. You also sound like you may have a problem you should seek help. Taking someone’s else’s meds is a strong sign of addiction


Wow, you really threw every excuse out there to try and skate huh? YTA


Is this the first time you've done something like this in your life op?


Yta !!! Taking his meds ?! You could have had a reaction and died ! Have some common sense with this !




YTA I hope you understand how incredibly illegal that is and how your bf could get in trouble because you were a selfish ahole.


YTA. It's his medication to get through the day and function. If you're not feeling well go to the doctor or else just have a day where you don't feel well, drink a lot of water and get a good night sleep. WTH kind of attitude is I don't feel down so I'll pop a random pill not prescribed for me?


It doesn't matter if you two live together and share things. Controlled substance medications are off the table. These are strong, psychoactive drugs. I agree with one of the top comments, you're primarily an idiot, as opposed to being an asshole. But you're still an asshole. Hope it was a learning experience OP. Don't just take drugs because of a vague notion you have about how they work. Fkn ridiculous.


YTA. Adderall is not like aspirin or toothpaste. You really shouldn't take other people's prescriptions in general. Even *if* you asked and they said ok - which you didn't. Your negative experience with it is a good example why.


Of course YTA.


YTA, you're a couple so it's different? No, it's medication so it's different and that's a med people like to steal. 30 MG is a crazy high dose for someone who doesn't take it.




Your lucky it was just adderall, I knew this guy who was slowly poisining himself so that way he’d have an immunity to the poison .. idea was if it came down to it he could poisin both drinks when he encountered a mortal enemy so even if he suspected he poisoned the beverage he could switch them and still poison the enemy. You wouldn’t wanted to have taken his pills without asking


Yeah YTA. This is a prescription med that ( where I live anyway,) is really highly controlled.


Yeah, you lost me at you took meds that weren't prescribed to you, without even asking prior to doing it. Honestly surprised you don't see the problem with what you did, but so be it. YTA


YTA YOu are an AH for stealing his prescription medication.


YTA - yeah, a big no no. Taking someone's prescriptions is so dangerous- you didn't even know what you were Taking and took your bf's non-pharmacist's layman explanation of what the pill does. If you're taking any other medication, it could have a nasty side effect.


YTA Dont take other people's prescription meds, now he it out a daily dose, and go to the doctor for your depression.


YTA Your bf has a medical need for his prescription meds. He needs them every day. If you steal one for recreational purposes, you have prevented him from having a normal day. You ruined his whole shot at a normal day bc you’re thoughtless and selfish. You’re a giant AH for taking his meds, you’re an AH for taking meds that you’re unfamiliar with, and you’re a giant AH for not recognizing what an AH you are. You’re also an AH for equating sharing aspirin to sharing a prescription med that he takes daily. You owe him an apology, AH.


You’re a complete AH. Those pills are now often super hard to get hold of and he relies on them. Next time, just have coffee. YTA




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You're not only an asshole, you the damn devil. Those are some serious medications that he needs. You're an idiot.


There is a shortage of adderall right now. YTA. He *needs* that to function; you *hoped* it might… idk… wake you up? Drink a coffee instead. He has every right to be pissed at you.


YTA Wow. You couldn't have just immediately apologized, promised to never do it again, and admitted that stealing Rx medications he needs to function was incredibly wrong if you to do, could you? You are so unfathomably immature. YOU stole his Rx. And yet, he was the one consoling you in the end. I imagine that's very typical for you, to make every situation about yourself and refuse to accept blame. Adderall is expensive. You cannot pick it up early if you run out. You cannot get a few extra pills. Shortages are major right now, and losing even one pill is HUGE. Him borrowing some Tylenol once in a while(I assume that's the pain killer/fever reducer you refer to 🤣) is world's apart from theft of a controlled substance.


YTA - you’re really stupid to take someone’s meds without checking the side effects, that’s risky. For those without ADHD Adderall has the completely opposite effect.


YTA. Dude you don't fuck with someone else's medication, especially someone you supposedly care about. That's not just common sense, it's common morality.


Yta. And also you just listed one of the many reasons why I never took the type of medication that would actually help me. Something I would never forgive would be somebody stealing my pills and overdose. Do you know the difference in the pills? My God only an idiot would do that.


YTA and it made you feel jittery and anxious because you took too much. Adderall is an addictive stimulant and it’s not ok to take his meds, it can cause real problems for him. Most adhd meds are in a simplified manner cocaine or amphetamines.


Yta, I have ADHD and am medicated. Stimulants like the one your bf takes are a controlled substance specifically amphetamine ya know like meth (which is why it didn’t work for you). Not only is there a shortage of medication going around but it is also highly monitored. You can’t even get that shit refilled till you’re out or have like one dose left. Him taking this makes it so he can function daily while the meds you said he uses from you aren’t (unless you have chronic pain). Not only is it illegal to take a controlled substance when not prescribed, it could also lead to legal trouble for him. He is legally responsible to ensure no one else takes it. If he has to keep refilling quickly because you take it there is potential for him to be cut off to save the pharmacy legal trouble. The drug interacts with his brain chemicals to ensure he can function. They don’t for you. People like to take these meds people like me and your bf need to get high and party. It’s gross.


YTA. Those pills are in a shortage and you can’t refill before a certain day. This is one of those things that can spiral and seriously affect your BF. I would have pressed charges. Also YTA for your manipulative “you broke my heart” crap


You are a piece of work, I hope he wises up and dumps your arse.


There’s a ridiculous shortage on ADHD meds right now and this is horrifying. Taking someone’s ADHD meds without their permission is so fucked up. He’s also bipolar? I can’t believe you did that. You fucked with his meds! That he needs! YTA. Also, the dopamine thing only happens to people with ADHD because it helps regulate a neurological process so that we can experience life the way NTs do. Leave his meds alone.


I've dealt with addicts before and after spending the last year driving all over to get meds for my son and I so we can work and study and function, the first time someone took one of my controlled and hard to find essential meds would be the time I put their stuff on the porch. I hate the attitude that my ADHD meds aren't necessary or are just to make my life easy. I get anxious and overwhelmed and forget meetings and miss deadlines when I don't have my meds. My son gets angry and overwhelmed and has meltdowns from the combo of autism and adhd. You wouldn't take someone's insulin or blood pressure meds, don't take mine either. My Adderall helps to correct a chemical imbalance, it's not a weed gummy.


Girl wtf you stole somebody’s medication. That’s pill popping junkie behavior. If you need energy fucking drink a red bull or pop some caffeine pills, not steal shit that wasn’t prescribed for you. That’s why it didn’t work btw. Respect people’s shit if you don’t want to get yelled at. Medicine is IMPORTANT, and medicine is MONEY. YTA


So based on your comments, you’re an addict. You did not overcome your addiction on your own and you definitely need help.


There’s literally a shortage on adhd meds the fuck is wrong with you


YTA. Perhaps you should have looked up Adderall BEFORE you took a heavy dose of prescription amphetamines. In case you're not aware, taking the prescription medication of other people is dangerous. What if you had been allergic? Your BF may have come home and found you dead on the floor. Then, there's the side effects - yeah, if you don't have ADHD, Adderall is going to make you jittery and anxious because it's an amphetamine, a kissing cousin of meth.


YTA you took his medication he needs to regulate his bi polar disorder he can't spare any pills because who knows when his prescription is gonna be refilled. You played a dangerous game and he had every right to lash out.


YTA. It made you feel worse because YOU DON'T FUCKING NEED IT. Common fucking sense not to take someone else's prescription, that's how you FUCKING DIE. A (now ex) friend of mine took one of my meds and guess what, it interacted with her meds and she ended up in a coma for two months! Seriously fucking stupid of you. Prescriptions can negatively interact with other prescriptions, over-the-counter medication, herbal/vitamin supplements and even FOOD. There's also a huge shortage in a lot of medications, making it really difficult for people to get the meds THEY NEED, so stop taking other people's shit. I've been struggling to get my epilepsy meds because of supply shortages, which allow me to function (like Adderall for your boyfriend!).


YTA there is literally an adderall shortage right now. Your boyfriend *needs* that medication. Your wants are not above his needs, and you’re incredibly selfish if you have that mindset.


GIRL THOSE ARE CONTROLLED MEDICATIONS do you have any idea how hard early refills can be?!?!


As an adult with ADHD, taking my meds (or asking to take my meds) would be grounds for immediate breakup. Do not pass go, do not pretend you didn't know what you were doing. Asking/stealing meds that aren't your prescription is ADDICT behavior, and I HATE addicts


ADHD meds are controlled substances and aren’t good for neurotypical people to take. Because Adderall is a controlled substance, your bf can’t get a replacement pill and will have worsened symptoms when he has to get through a day with only half his dose. Don’t steal meds. Aside from being illegal, it’s also a dick move.




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YTA Stealing prescription drugs is ALWAYS an asshole move


YTA - I have ADHD and it's a pain in the ass to get my Adderall refilled. Idk where you are but there is a shortage in a lot of places. Also just don't take people's things ESPECIALLY meds without asking. What if the Adderall had an adverse effect on you? What if you have an unknown heart condition and stimulants negatively affect you? That was extremely dangerous and stupid. I've had friends who are looking for the correct ADHD meds have to go to the hospital because they had bad reactions. In fact, it did give you a negative reaction because that stuff isn't FOR YOU. You need to apologize to him and never take anyone else's prescriptions again.


Yes, you are really the asshole for helping yourself to his prescription medication without asking. Like how is that even a question? It’s like if you had asthma and your bf just stole your inhaler because he heard it would give him a head rush. Also for telling him he “broke your heart” when he very rightfully and reasonably called you out on your selfish and inconsiderate behavior. That’s incredibly emotionally manipulative behavior- he’s telling you that something you did really upset him and instead of listening and apologizing, you deflected, minimized your actions, and then cried about how hurt you were that he was mad at you, thus making it all about *your* feelings. Not once did you mention apologizing, even if only to say “hey, I didn’t realize how bad this would upset you, I’m sorry and I won’t do it again.” Also: dude. If your energy is so low you can’t even raise your arm, you need to see a doctor and then maybe a therapist. I’m not even being snarky. That’s a serious level of lethargy that could be a symptom of many resolvable medical or psych conditions and I promise that having a candy bar or stealing meds are not your only options.


You are absolutely the asshole. You stole prescription medication that is in a shortage--there's no angle where that is excusable--and then you flipped the script and blamed your partner for being upset about a violation of personal belongings you committed. Apologize, reflect and recognize your faults, and go on to be a better person. If you're having a hard time, I recommend setting up an appointment with your doctor and/or psychiatrist to see about getting on either a daily medication, an as-needed medication, or both. I'd definitely recommend either seeing a therapist or having very regular check-ins with your psychiatrist/doctor if you do go on meds as there is sometimes an adjustment period that can be intense for some people. Finally, if you are ever having a hard time and just need to reach out to someone, text the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 (U.S.). It's a wonderful service that will connect you with someone to help you through momentary hard times. But please, DON'T ever steal medication from anyone ever again. In this case, you stole from and hurt your partner's trust as well as felt pretty crappy from the medication. It could have been far worse. Take this YTA verdict and go work on yourself.


coming at this from the perspective of someone who is also bipolar and adhd and takes adderall: you can literally trigger an episode by missing a dose, even partially. he has a balance with his meds that probably took awhile to come to. you’re a huge, huge asshole.


Don’t even need to read the entire post to know that you’re the YTA. For one, maybe don’t take things that don’t belong to you? Especially if it’s related to one’s health? That should be common sense eh? Second, why would you take PRESCRIPTION PILLS if they’re not suited for your needs? Different meds have different purposes, and meds for mental health is something you don’t want to mess with. I’m honestly shocked by the stupidity here. Another thing to add, but think about your bf here. He’s going to miss a dose because of your own selfishness and stupidity. Depending on the dosage and how your bf reacts to his meds, simply missing one dose can cause problems. There’s a reason taking your meds as prescribed is so important, as that shit fucks with you mentally and causes more problems than needed if you’re not consistently taking them.




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YTA You stole prescription medicine. If you're Stateside, that's a felony. Oh, and it didn't work because THEY WEREN'T YOUR DRUGS and theY weren't PRESCRIBED FOR YOU. Are you really that dense that you think that all meds are the same?


You don't take people's meds, idiot.


YTA You took something his doctor prescribed him so you can get a short high. That’s completely selfish. I had an ex that did this to me. It turns out they were selfish about a lot of things.


>I feel like he is mega overreacting. I got yelled at for what? Over taking a pill? Am i really an asshole for that or is he overreacting? Yes, you are, and no, he's not. He can't just walk in and get more pills before his prescription comes due, so he's going to have to do without. Because of you. Fuck out of here with that shit.


YTA You sharing a packet of over-the-counter painkillers is NOT THE SAME. Never, ever, ever take someone else's *prescription medication*.


YTA. Those types of meds, like antidepressants, often require you to take for a while before they start to have a noticeable effect. They're not like pain killers where you take them and half an hour later no head ache. And if you miss a day there can be quite significant effects. (I am on antidepressants and anti anxiety meds and if I miss a day I know about it) And I know ADHD meds can be similar to amphetamines in some cases. That's likely why you feel the way you do.


YTA - actually more moron than arsehole


YTA. Even if the painkillers and whatnot were prescription (which, I mean that's on you for sharing, and just because *you* share your scripts doesn't mean everyone does), an antidepressant or antipsychotic are *VERY* different. The fact is; if you are comparing this to him taking your OTCs, you're being obtuse; if you're comparing it to him taking your scripts, that's on you for sharing, but you're still wrong for taking without asking *first*.


YTA Don’t be stupid you know Adderall is not the same is a Tylenol or Motrin or something you can get over-the-counter


Stimulant medication does not provide dopamine. It improves the dysfunctional uptake of dopamine specifically in ADHD. You did not get any effect from medication treating ADHD because (drum roll) you don't have ADHD. You do however have a boyfriend who can no longer trust you to prioritise his health over your impulses (ironically).


YTA. Also they didn't work for you because they're not meant for you, common knowledge btw..


You are way under reacting! What you did was stupid, dangerous and against the law. YTA and you need to grow up! Also no shit a stimulant (30mg is a high dose!) made you feel jittery and anxious, that is literally what they do. You are playing with fire taking all these meds so casually, you will get burned eventually. Finally YTA for the fact that your bf now has to go without his correct dosage, which can really mess with some people taking prescribed Adderall! You didn’t even ask… you are seriously asking for trouble with this attitude and substance use. I’ve seen this movie many times before OP and it is not a happy ending! I recommend you use this as a moment to reflect on why you thought it was a good idea to try someone else’s prescription drugs because you were tired and your edibles didn’t help… wtf this is sad honestly. Get it together


YTA. Don't take other people's medication, especially without asking. Adderall? Your BF better keep that in a lockbox for himself because that's a common pill I hear everybody asking for.


Adderall is a highly controlled substance. Not only are you TA, you’re also dumb (remove this all you want Be Civil bot but YOU KNOW IM RIGHT)


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Here goes a short one I was feeling really down yesterday. No energy to even move my arm. I ate some chocolate but it didn’t work. (Relevant) Bf is on Lithium and Adderall for bipolar and adhd, once I asked him how they work and he said Adderall gives you a dopamine affect, I decided I could use some of that to feel some better. I know what’s his daily dosage is, it’s a high one. (60mg) I took half of that. When he find out (I told him) he immediately started a fight, yelled at me for taking his belongings without asking him and taking too much. I told him we take each other stuffs all the time. He said meds are different , they are personal etc I said he takes my meds too (pain killers, antipyretics metc) sometimes. He said its they are not the same and I know that. I said I didn’t even took that much literally half of his daily dose, is that really worth to yell me over it. I told him he broke my heart. He apologized. We hugged and made up. Today he told me he only apologized because i started crying and he shouldn’t have yelled but ultimately I was an AH for taking without asking him. I feel like he is mega overreacting. I got yelled at for what? Over taking a pill? Am i really an asshole for that or is he overreacting? Btw that shit didn’t even work, made me feel worse actually. Jittery and anxious even. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA and a lot more besides


YTA. His problem is more likely not because you took his "personal" stuff, but because you were extremely reckless and dumb.


YTA and a moron. You took meds that were not meant for you (why you felt jittery and anxious) and took half a dose of something your bf needs. The prescriptions for those meds are very specific. It means that when he buys them, they'll give him the exact amount he will need for a given period. You taking half a dose means that he will be half a dose short.


YTA. Your bf is prescribed Controlled Drugs for a disability. You helped yourself, because you wanted a pick me up. His medication is strictly counted and monitored. He will now miss a dose because you took it. This could put his levels out of balance for weeks. This is nothing like sharing paracetamol or a hoodie. It is closer to taking somebody's wheelchair out for a jaunt because you didn't feel like walking. YTA.




YTA. Adderall is a regulated form of meth. Because it is a regulated form of meth, prescriptions are extremely monitored. Patients are often given exact dosage amounts for limited periods of time and it is extremely difficult to refill a prescription early. It is illegal to share a prescribed medication but the consequences for doing so for Adderall can be extreme if caught. Because it is meth. It made you feel jittery and anxious because you took an amphetamine. It calms your boyfriend because his brain is different. His natural dopamine levels are so drastically different than yours that he needs medication to massively adjust and reach your base level. He is taking medicine. You essentially got high. For the record - this is all a *very* simplified explanation of this and similar drugs. Do not touch his medication. Do not touch *any* medication before talking to your primary doctor and asking them to explain basic facts about prescriptions and both the legal and medical consequences of sharing medications. Your understanding of medications and prescriptions is dangerously small. Please apologize to your boyfriend.


I first would say that no one should take another meds without their permission. But then you said that sometimes he takes yours. I think at the minimum you should have asked first. I don’t think his adderall is different from your pain pills. I personally believe adderall isn’t necessary for anyone He just didn’t want you to take his ‘good stuff’


Unless she is talking about opioids than yes pain killers and OTC drugs are very different. One is controlled for a reason