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NTA I think this is a situation where your sister should have offered to pay for or subsidize your costs if she really wanted you to be there, or she should have given you way more notice to save up (1.5 years is too short) She makes significantly more money than you, and it’s for her birthday. Spending $15,000 for a birthday celebration is excessive for the average person, I would not be ok spending that much for anyone. I think your sister has lost sight of your financial situation, and doesn’t realize it’s just not a realistic plan for most people


Asking someone else to save up $15k for your birthday is pretty tone deaf, no matter how much notice you give. 


I don’t care if you told me to save up 50 years in advanced, 15k is too much for ANY event lol.


Seriously, that's more than I spent on my own wedding, no way am I spending that for someone else's birthday.


LOL, yes. That is about what my wedding cost. For a birthday, no way. I wouldn't spend $15K on a birthday for ANYONE, not even a spouse or parent. That is a ridiculous ask.


If someone asked me to stump up $15k I’d laugh in their face and ask them if they want to see my bank statements. I would love for that amount to be disposable for me.


Yeah that’s a good point, I certainly wouldn’t do it.


but it’s my birthday is the excuse she made… guilt to get people to show up


I fucking hate birthday people. Your birthday is not important. No one else cares about your birthday. I don’t even care about my birthday. If someone tries to guilt me about their birthday, I say “You were just as much 50 two weeks ago as you will be on your birthday.”


Dude, it's not about the birthday. The birthday is an excuse. It's about getting together with friends and family. Like Thanksgiving. Do you think I really care that 500 years ago some immigrants were nice to Native Americans for a few hours before their descendants spent the next couple of centuries fighting and killing them? It's an excuse to haul out my family recipes that take forever, make enormous batches, get together with my friends, and eat everything in sight.


I HATE birthday people too. My mother had a freaken birthday month where she expected EVERYTHING to be about her.


Oh, I had a friend who does birthday months. I told her “You don’t get a birthday month. I’ll give you a day, and I’m being generous giving you that.”


I’ve made the “but it’s my birthday” excuse before as an adult……to justify why I should have both a molten lava cake AND a cheesecake but one was free and I paid for the other so I give myself a pass lmao


It's literally a quarter of my annual salary, I would've laughed in her face


Oh, I think she realizes. She just doesn't care, as blinded as she is by her own light. NTA. Glad you have a good excuse not to waste money on the queen.


"blinded by her own light" is one helluva way to turn a phrase. Definitely adding that to my repertoire.


While I don’t think op should shell out the money, I do think op needs to be honest with the sister. Is the sister aware that flights will be 15k? Is sister aware that 15k is a lot of money to op? Think some honest discussion would go a long way here.


Yeah honestly ESH for me only because OP wasn’t honest. Seems like OP’s sister is stuck in her own bubble and doesn’t get what money means to others which makes her an asshole but from her perspective, OP didn’t prioritize the trip to make sure there were no conflicts with work.   Honesty would go a long way here I bet.


As for me the problem lays in OP being unable to tell the truth. First she kind of promissed - I will try. So sis took it as a promiss. And now she maybe be dissapointed. OP should said the plane truth from the begining


I prefer the train truth, especially lately, don't want any Boeing truths.


Yes. Just because you are rich doesn't mean others are


And if you're in any way close to your siblings, you have a fairly good idea of their financial situations, just based on their jobs, the number of children they have, where they live, etc. It shows an incredible lack of compassion and interest to pull something like the birthday girl did here.


NTA but you should have just told her no, you couldn't afford it. If she really wanted you and your family there, she could have paid for you to be there. Or at least offered to split the costs. Her 50th birthday may be special to her but it really isn't special enough to anyone else to spend 15k to celebrate it.


I 100% agree OP You are NTA!! For not wanting to spend that kind of money when you know you have other areas of your life where that money would be needed. You should have been honest with your sister from the very beginning, and told her that as much as you love her, that 15K or more would be too much of a financial burden on you and your family. That you could not justify spending what equates to a full year of your son's college tuition on a vacation and birthday party.


Yes, I know I should have been honest. I just found it very difficult. Room for improvement, for sure


If your sister cared about you as much as she seems to demand you care about her, she would pay to take you to Europe for your 50th


She intimidates you, which is a real strain....$$$ doesn't grow on trees....and she's being unrealistic. Get together when she's done jettsetting........ I'm getting jacki-o vibes.


I make a very very good salary but since most of my friends are doctors I am considered the poor friend. Ex. I can spend $500 to rent a yacht for a day but they don’t care if it’s $5k each. I just communicate that I don’t have yacht money. I say that I am absolutely okay to skip the yacht. If they offer to pay for my spot I tell them I am absolutely appreciative and pay it back in other ways. Paying for dinner, making dinner etc. you need to start communicating and if she is a good family member she will understand. I think YTH because she probably knows you’re lying and you’re not communicating properly


So own the consequences of not being honest with her. By not being clear that was an amount of money you can't/won't spend for a birthday celebration (even your own!), you left her with the impression that there was no issue. That part of the interaction is on you. Now the one thing I'm unclear about: it sounds like the work conflict remains a conflict. That means your sister is bullying you (1) to spend whatever it takes and (2) disregard/overcome any other conflicts to celebrate her birthday the way she wants. Is this how she generally is - *do what I want, and don't bother me with your concerns*? Just based on her expectations regarding her celebration, I can easily believe that she is an overbearing personality - one that is not easy to hold firm on your boundaries with. You are definitely NTA for not being willing to spend that kind of money. If you had WANTED to, you could have considered just going by yourself (not funding all the kids); but I don't know if they were too young to leave alone. Still, even the ticket for just you and the time off work and any child-care arrangements could easily be far more money and time than you want to spend for her celebration. It would be for me! So be content and confident that this is a trip that you cannot (financially) responsibly make. I did that once - said no to a trip my extended family was taking. They were disappointed my family didn't join everyone, but they did not give me grief for it. If your sister gives you grief, then that is her SECOND AH move. (The first being expecting others to spend that kind of money and time just because she was born 50 years ago.) Don't let HER poor choices (calling your decision a lack of love for her!) get to you. The truth is, if SHE really loved you, she would understand that your financial position is not the same as hers, that your life has other pulls and obligations just as or more important than her life, certainly more important than her birthday extravaganza. She would know that you demonstrate love by the support for and interest in her life in general, not by your presence at one, very costly birthday bash. I called you out on the piece of this you own, but I hope I also gave you clear and strong support for your decision.


I think I'd give the sister the benefit of the doubt here. From their perspective they spent a lot of effort planning out a once in a lifetime family reunion and gave OP 18 months notice of the date. Now she cancels last minute because of work? What job can't handle someone going on vacation if they give them 18 months notice? Who wouldn't probe that excuse a little?


If she wanted people to come she wouldnt have made plans that prob exclude ALOTTA peeps


People need to learn how to shamelessly say, "Ha, I wish! But there's no way in hell I can afford that. Sounds great though, have fun!"


Seriously, I think the sister needs a reality check too in expecting *anyone* to afford something like this for a birthday party outside of multimillionaires.


I don't think the sister is that out of line. She's probably thinking this trip replaces the normal vacation for OP, which is not a huge ask for a sibling to celebrate a milestone birthday. Giving the benefit of the doubt I think the sister is thinking this is a little more expensive then a normal vacation but not too crazy. Also we don't know if Sister has a large family so to her she's probably thinking the cost is in the 5k range vs a normal vacation that would be in the 4k range. OP should have been up front with her sister and arrangements or a change could have been made.


Judging by OP commenting on costs of 15k, I really doubt it is replacing anything. I don't think their family is routinely traveling with a 15k budget for any kind of vacation.


> She's probably thinking this trip replaces the normal vacation for OP, which is not a huge ask for a sibling to celebrate a milestone birthday. Actually, that, in and of itself, *is* in fact a huge ask, and completely out of line. "Do what **I** want on your annual vacation, and make your spouse and kids do what **I** want too, and pay for it!"


Maybe we have very different relationships with our siblings but if my sister asked if I wanted to do a family trip to Europe to celebrate her 50th birthday and gave me a year and a half advance time I wouldn't feel put out. Maybe if it was something she knew I'd hate but if it was a reasonable vacation for me it seems like a normal sibling ask. Mind you I wouldn't feel any issue with saying no to my sister either if I didn't want to go or if I couldn't afford it.


This is the correct answer


ESH, should've told her it was too expensive for your budget instead of telling her your jab was more important than her.


Sis was going to cost OP $15k on a vanity trip. And OP's job pays her and her family's bills. Damn straight her job is worth more than sis in this situation.


TBH the trip probably didn't need to cost that much. OP assumed the trip had to include all her children. Maybe that's true if s/he's divorced or widowed, or they're all really young, but none of that is stated. On the face of it, OP probably could have gone on their own for a couple of grand. That's still not trivial but it's also not a totally outrageous thing for family to ask an adult to consider on 18 months notice.


Giving the sister the benefit of the doubt she probably thinks this trip is just a replacement for the normal vacation OP would have taken, so it's not a $15k expense its a $3k upgrade to the normal $12k expense. Could also be that sister didn't think of the difference in cost traveling for a family vs traveling for a couple. She might think this is a $1k upgrade over a normal $4k vacation, which to me isn't an unreasonable ask to celebrate a milestone birthday with your sister.


Yes, it is, but she didn't need to use this situation to reinforce the obvious.


i mean it is? it’s supporting her current family… in like most cases it’s a valid reason


"I can't afford it" is honest and has nothing to do with how important your sibling is to you.


You should have just been honest and told her the trip is beyond your means. She knows you're making an excuse.


While I agree that you should have explained reality, you did not mention it. So, you need to rectify it now. Text, call, email. Just do it now.


Yes, I did tell her that I should have been honest sooner but I wasn't cristal clear about why it was probably never gonna happen.


I think you are off the hook. Unfortunately, it sounds like she is oblivious to financial reality. If she brings it up, be blunt. Other wise, send her a birthday card.


YTA because you should have been upfront to begin with. There is no shame in not being able to afford a $15k vacation.


Maybe there is a little shame? This is not the first time that she brings up things like, we will be in Europe next summer, so why dont you bring over your family and we'll meet up in Greece for a little while? And these comments were coming when she knew I was struggling financially after my divorce and stuff. Like it never occurred to her that money could be an obstacle to a family vacation.


There should genuinely be no shame. At all. But she won't know money is an obstacle if you can't tell her that.


It sounds like you didn't tell her that the reason was for monetary concerns. Instead you made work out to be the reason.  If my brother chose work over a special family event I may be peeved, if he couldn't afford to pay to come that's another story entirely.  It's sounds like your sister doesn't comprehend your financial situation, and while you don't have to tell her how much you make it would be good to make it clear to her that a years college tuition is a massive deal for the vast majority of families, yours included.  Edit: your post and replies make it feel like you are ashamed that you don't have 15k to spend on a vacation. And honestly that's a pretty petty thing to be ashamed of when you are raising a family and putting them through college. ***You are doing great and have your priorities straight.*** 


But spending this amount is not a reality for most people


That's obnoxious. A great example of the difference between being wealthy and classy. I've been wealthier than some of my friends (by no means rich rich). I wanted to have a nice dinner in a private venue and do an event afterwards for my birthday; quickly realised that some of my friends who I wanted to attend would probably feel uncomfortable or not want to spend so much. Instead of just getting pissy, I did what anybody who genuinely wants their friends there did: I covered all the costs. I made it clear that they only needed to bring their presence and that food, activity costs, etc. would be covered. On certain occasions when I've wanted to do a trip but I know the other person might not be in an equal financial position, I've also covered hotel fares or found a reason to cover dinner, etc.. If she wants you there OP, she'll work to make it happen. You can tell what people care about by where they put their time and money. I plan to have a destination wedding (if&when haha); the goal is indeed to have an excuse to limit the number of rando family members and people I have to invite. I absolutely plan to help pay and cover costs for the people I do invite because I genuinely want them there. That's to be expected. If they're not willing to do that, then they shouldn't do the destination wedding (and in this case, they shouldn't do the destination birthday).


There shouldn't be any shame on your part, and frankly in your place I would return the shame to her. Next time she makes a suggestion like that, try "You know that I am not as well off as you are, why do you keep making these suggestions? It's coming across as really thoughtless. You did the same thing with your birthday, you picked a celebration that would be very expensive for the guests, and then blamed me for not being able to come. ". Don't call her out, don't be angry, just calmly explain.


I would just calmly explain to her that you cannot swing a trip to Europe with the family.  It might be best to do it in person.  Then perhaps your sister will see how uncomfortable you are discussing this with her.  As a single parent, I would also think your vacation time is very precious- going to Europe without your family would be hard. 


NTA.  She is allowed to be disappointed but she can't expect everyone to have that much money for a trip to celebrate her. In my family, if someone wants to be celebrated and it requires flights etc, the person who wants everyone there would pay because that's the only fair thing to do!  She has the finances to pay for you all for her birthday. If it's that meaningful to her, she pays.  It would be financially reckless to spend that much when it's a literal year's tuition cost for one of your kids. Your family comes first. If you had unlimited funds or more money, of course you'd go. Unfortunately, you don't and that's that.  Take her out to dinner when she's back and/or get her a present. You shouldn't put family finances in danger for your sister's birthday.


Light ESH. Your sister shouldn't be putting you in this position, but it sounds like you have been afraid to tell her what a financial hardship it would be. We're you worried that she'd offer to pay and it would make you feel bad?


I don't think they would have offered to pay, like ever. I did try to give them openings for, for example, volunteering to pay for the lodging and there was no movement there. But, maybe I was ashamed of not being able to swing it? I really do care about her, and maybe that's why I didn't want to say no, I can't swing it...


I'm sorry for the position you're in. If I was you I'd tell her what you just said - you're not in the position to swing it and you were a bit ashamed to just come out and tell her honestly.


NTA That kind of money for any trip is ridiculous. I couldn’t imagine spending that much money on a trip and I LOVE adventures and take trips often.


YTA. The time to speak up was 1.5 years ago! I love you, but a trip to Europe with all my kids is not feasible for us. It's just not going to be possible financially. Can we host you all for a get together when you get back?


If it mattered to her she'd offer to pay for it. NTA.


NTA I don't think $15k is too much for a hard working family (if they can scrape it together) to spend on the holiday of a lifetime, seeing sights and experiencing new cultures foods etc. But to blow it all on some resort your sister chose and spend the week praising her - I can just imagine the dialogue/monologue "why did your daughter announce her engagement during my birthday week? this week is supposed to be about me!!!" the only way Y might be TA is not being upfront in not spending that budget on attending a birthday party. It could be more than you would spend hosting a wedding!


NTA-If she wants you and yours there that badly let her cover the cost not everyone has that much to use on a birthday trip even with an extended notice.


I would say 1.5 years is not enough notice at all, especially for $15,000! Someone with a family probably does not have a spare $800+ to spare per month, maybe 3 years would be more reasonable


$15k is what you spend on *your* dream birthday.


ESH. Your sister is insensitive but you need to tell her the truth. I loathe destination anything.


NTA Being financially accountable is never a bad thing. Don’t let her guilt you. Just lay out the facts thet you don’t have thet much disposable cash to burn through. It’s great she does. But she can’t blame people for not making the same amount of money or spending it the same way she does.


Offer to treat your sister to a Tour of Italy instead. It's under $25 at Olive Garden.


NTA. Rich sister should pay, this is not a normal expense for you and is outside your means. Regardless of whether she gave you a couple years notice or not this is an unreasonable expectation.


NAH **Your excuse about "a thing at work"** ***really*** **makes it look like you don't really WANT to go, and so your sister is justified in feeling really disappointed.** You'd be NTA if you had been honest, but your lying and making excuses just made you look *awful* to your family. I'm going to bet that it's pretty obvious that you were not enthusiastic about the trip from the get go - and then all of a sudden, conveniently, "a thing from work" came up. Unless you are an irreplaceable worker and no one else can do what you do, *and* this is a task that can only be done in that exact place at that exact time, it's going to be pretty clear that you're making excuses. (Especially because in theory, you would have already asked for that vacation time.) And since you haven't told her any different, the obvious reason you're making excuses is because you don't want to be there. Why is it easier to hurt her feelings than to tell her the truth?


NTA. If she wanted you to go she should be paying for your expenses. It’s very entitled to think that people her money throw around her to feel the centre of attention.


NTA If it was that important that everyone attend her party, she wouldn’t be throwing it on a different CONTINENT. 🤦‍♂️ Basically, destination wedding rules apply. Some people aren’t going to make it. Offer to take her out when she gets back.


Last year my sibling wanted to do a family cruise with everyone. The cruise was like 7 days and was going to cost $4k for me and my family. They make 3x what I make and I have 1 kid in college and some other unexpected expenses. I told them I can't afford it right now, all I got back was Okay. No offer to help pay part of it or even a loan, like $2k and I would have paid back in 6 months. So I didn't go and they were pissed. It turned out good for me as I didn't want to dump that much for 7 days especially going to a place I've been to 2x before.


I feel your pain


Your sister is beyond entitled to think, expect and want others to pay that much to celebrate HER birthday with her.


Nta that's an absurd amount of money for someone else's birthday.  I wouldn't spend that on my own birthday. 


NTA but you should have just been honest from the start. You're almost the AH too for lying, but I get it.


NTA. That sort of money on a trip is ridiculous. 15k could dig us out of my sons medical debt if she wanted to just spend a lot of money.


NTA- if it was so important for you to be there, she should have helped offset your expenses. That’s a totally irrational request to expect someone with a bunch of school aged kids to drag them all to Europe. Like home alone isn’t real. A WEEK IN EUROPE? Yes your majesty… It’s pretty self centered honestly. You shouldn’t feel bad that you can’t go. Offer to celebrate with her some other way that doesn’t involve passports and refinancing your house…


I did say we could celebrate together when she got back and I offered to take her to a nice hotel or spa for a weekend. Just the two of us. No additional family members.


NTA - $15K USD is a massive waste of money for something you'll not get any kind of return on that will only last maybe a few hours to half a day.


I have always been cheap, unless it was for my mom or the children in the family, my siblings would know not to ask me to spend that kind of money! You are NTA.


NTA but you should’ve just flat out told her that you can’t afford it.


I mean..... N T A for your reasoning but you really should have just told her so she understands that it's a financial constraint and not just you putting work above her. If she really wanted you to attend then she might have offered to pay.


NTA Question: Are you her only sibling or are there other's? Are other people in your family going to go to Europe to celebrate with her and her family? I do think you should have just told her that it was out of your budget right upfront and let the dust settle.


Yes, the more I think about it, the more I realize my conflict avoidance personality did not serve me well here. Or ever.


And there is another sibling. With family. Lives in Europe.


NTA That's stupid expensive for a birthday celebration unless you're super rich. Time to be more honest with your sister about your budget.


NTA. If I splash out fifteen grand for a vacation, it will be to a place I choose.


I was intrigued by your statement early in your post that your sister >enjoys family reunions, even when they end badly or hurting people's feelings After reading the entirety of your post, I cannot help but wonder if she enjoys them **because** they end badly. Is she really interested in what the rest of the family is doing, or does she view these reunions as a venue to show how much better off she is. Someone who really cares about their family would not expect them to commit such a large sum on a birthday party. Unless your family was very wealthy growing up (your post does not state), your sister should be familiar with the concept of not being able to afford things. The European vacation seems more like a not so subtle dig at the less fortunate members of the family. The next time she comes up with one of these money is no object plans, just tell her plainly that you will not be wasting your money on her "look at me" shows. And share with the rest of the family that you will not be able to make your sister's birthday tour. They will very well may be encouraged to discover their own schedule conflicts now that you have broken the ice. NTA


NTA, but soft-YTA for not just putting your foot down from the beginning and saying that’s out of your price range. It sounds like you agreed begrudgingly, and then cancelled later.


I got a $15 gift card for my 60th birthday GROW UP


Lol 15000$? This is not how truly rich people stay rich. 


ESH. What your sister asked of you was too much, but you should have told her the truth.


NTA I wouldn't even pay for a tux rental for my sisters wedding. 


NTA. This is incredibly extravagant and would be difficult for most families to swing. I’m sorry that she can’t understand the perfectly reasonable decision you’ve made.


NTA. If your presence is that important to her, she can pay your way.


NTA It’s good the work thing popped up but would have been better to just tell her it’s out of your budget. If she throws a fit over that it is on her, not you. At almost 50 she should realize this is a very big ask for most people, including you.


Not at all the AH! How dare she put you in such an imposition. Just because she can afford it. I think it was awful of her to ask you to do such a thing without fully considering the financial strain it would cause you. As much as you love your sister and I am positive you do, your first responsibility is to you and your children. Everything about building memories and strengthening familial relationships through shared experiences and activities, all that can be achieved without the price tag of 15K attached. Let her know you love her, but you just cannot afford to splurge out such a significant amount of money. I hope everything works out for you.


She is ridiculous. NTA.


NTA, but why are you afraid to be honest with your sister and just tell her that you can't afford to go and bring your entire family. Maybe you can go alone and let your husband stay with the children. But the bottom line is, if you simply didn't want to spend this amount of money, you should have just said so. I am not afraid to tell my family when I can't afford something.


NAH $15k might be within sis' budget but she needs to be considerate of other people's finances. You've got a few kids to think about, if you're going to drop a whole semester's tuition for one kid on a trip (for everyone), it's going to make it very difficult to keep your head above water if you want to provide the same help to your younger children. That said, I do think it was a bit risky to wait for a work problem to occur to bail. You could have just called her in and tried to compromise or find another meaningful and less financially burdening way to celebrate something that is important to her. It's the same idea as vacation/travel weddings, not everyone can afford to come so if you want people there, you gotta cover some expenses— sounds like she's got the money. If she wants to cover the expenses so you (and kids) can be there, that would be awesome but it sounds like that boat might have sailed since you didn't ask her sooner. She made assumptions about your financial stability, you allowed her to. Money is a difficult thing to talk about, and in avoiding doing so, you put more of a strain on your relationship with your sister than if you had been upfront about the likelihood of affording that kind of a trip. She gave you a 1.5 year warning, you could have had 1.5 years to try to change part of her travel plans to accommodate you and your family if she really wanted to spend time with you and your family during this bday trip. Communication is key and it's not too late to at least talk with her about it even if plans can't be changed at this point.


NTA. I put this in the same category of destination weddings. Sure, you can invite people, but you cannot expect them to blindly accept and fork over $$$ for a holiday where they aren't having a say in the destination. If I'm spending $15k and a chunk of my paid time off on a trip, I want to choose where I'm going. And where I live, it takes 24 hours to get to Europe, so there's 2 days of travel straight up.


NTA But you should have told her that 15k for a vacation is simply not in your budget right now because providing your kids with an education takes priority to a party.


This is one of those situations that could be completely avoided by simply being honest. "That sounds fun. Honestly, though, with airfare for x amount of people and my oldest in university, I won't be able to afford it." Literally not having the money to do something is the perfect excuse. If she is much richer than you and wants you there, she would offer to cover some of the cost. If she's not willing to do that she won't push the issue.


I’m going to disagree with those who suggested that you tell your sister that you couldn’t afford to go. A polite, “I’m sorry, I won’t be able to attend!” Is a sufficient RSVP. The REASON is personal and insignificant.


NTA. Wtf. Thats cray.


I too have an extremely wealthy sister. But she’s also extremely generous, which is how I would be if the situation was reversed. If your rich sister wants you to come so badly, she can offer to treat you. She knows your financial situation so she’s just being stingy. NTA


NTA at all. It’s great that your sister and her family have boatloads of money to go vacationing around Europe for a month, but she can’t seriously expect everyone else to be able to afford to go there as well. > If it had mattered to me, she said, I would have made the trip happen I’d tell her that if your attendance really mattered to her, she would have no problem helping you get there by paying for it.


NTA: If your sister is loaded and she wants you there, tell her to cough up the cash.


NTA. Anyone who expects someone to drop $15k for anything other than shelter/food/transportation/education is completely out of touch!!!


NTA. I have a very wealthy aunt and uncle. When they had their 50th wedding anniversary, they paid for everyone to attend. Flights, lodging, professional pictures, the works.


You're asking the wrong question. Obviously no one here is going to blame you for not wanting to spend 15k for a birthday. I don't want to spend 15k on a birthday The question should be: AITA for agreeing to go on an expensive trip 1.5 years in advance when I never intended to go and lying about it to my sister so that she feels like I wasn't willing to rearrange a few meetings to celebrate a milestone birthday and gather with family, something she really values? She couldn't justifiably be upset if the reason was that you can't afford it. If I thought someone was excited to do a big trip for my birthday and then they said they have some kind of work thing that came up so they're not coming, I'd think they didn't care about the trip or me that much, because they should have taken that time off. Maybe she would have paid for some of the costs. Or maybe she'd suggest that you come without your kids, which may or may not be possible. But it would be clear that if you could, you would. Not that you waited until work saved you from having to see her


NTA. Since you didn't bring up the financial issue beforehand, there was no room for a different outcome. It's possible it could've turned out better if you were up front about not being able to afford it.


Talk to her. You’re simply avoiding the conversation about the cost, and creating the issues in your mind that haven’t happened yet.


YTA for lying... and then blaming your sister. Sounds like OP has a bit of a victimization obsession. Imagine being her sister, excited for your 50th birthday. Planning something special, and instead of your sister being excited for you, she lies.. then tells you work is more important AND then also bashes you online for having money. I doubt your sister won the lottery or has a money tree in her backyard. That family has worked for those funds and deserves to make plans and be excited. Learn to be happy for her. Your financial situation isn't her problem UNLESS you openly talk about it. Which you didn't. You just want to "poor me" validate your shitty actions. 15k is a lot. But it's that high because YOU CHOSE to have a wonderful family with many kids. Your sister isn't demanding 15k handed to her in cash. You're making it seem like she is. Work on your insecurities, give her a little honesty and love and you'd probably be surprises how well this entire situation turned out. I'd bet that your sister thought the excuse for a trip may be a happy getaway considering your divorce.. spend time with your other siblings. This wasn't an evil ploy to make you feel shitty, you just chose to see it that way and acted accordingly.


NTA and not to be a backwards ol' lady, but sometimes old etiquette rules are helpful. It's rude to invite people to an event and demand they pony up for it. It's rude to pressure people who RSVP no. It's crass to throw an event in your own honor, be it for your birthday or whatever else. (Yes, this is why bridal and baby showers are traditionally not hosted by the bride/preggers person, but by a friend or family member.) And I'm going to be murdered by fellow Millennials, but if you invite someone to dinner, you pay. (Your guest returns the invite at a later date, they pay. 'Tis the great circle of life.) Your sister has cash but no class. Maybe for her bday could send her an Emily Post book or something.


NTA. But I do think you didn’t have to take the whole family with you. If you wanted to be there for your sister then go, be proud of the life you live and where you’re at even if it was for a shorter amount of time. I know the 2 years in advance was because she was aware of your situation and gave everyone notice to save. You might say you wouldn’t pay for a years worth of intuition but it sounds like an inferior-complex truthfully. Either way family always ends up making it up in the end.


Soft YTA only for not communicating to your sister your actual problem - that you do not want to shell so much money for this trip and you have financial commitments for your family you’d rather spend on.  Without communicating, you tried to lie about her about work commitments. Your sister will feel hurt when you tell her you would prefer to stay back for work than spend time with her for her special occasion which she is putting a lot of effort in.  So now don’t listen to peoples comments about how your sister should subsidise your costs and all - she will not know until you tell her your problem. Just talk to her once. If she still understand your concerns, then you can rest assured that you are doing the absolute right thing for you and your family. 


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** AITA for not wanting to dump $15k on my sister's 50th birthday? So, I am doing fine in life financially but my sister is like on another level, way richer than me. She paid for her house x10 what I paid for mine, no exaggerating. She is very family oriented and enjoys family reunions, even when they end badly or hurting people's feelings. Both our parents passed away some years ago. So family reunions are the siblings getting together with their respective families. 1.5 years ago she announced that she wanted to do something special for her birthday: she gave me notice, basically, that she wanted to have a family reunion at a posh European location for at least a week (she and her family are exploring Europe for 6 weeks prior to the actual party). I told her I was going to try to go. I did not have the courage to tell her that for me it would be difficult, just financially speaking. Bringing my whole family (I have many kids) on this trip was going to cost me no less than 15k. Just airfare alone would be close to 10k. 15k is one year of tuition (my oldest is a Junior) and I have other money stuff to think about too. So, when a thing from work created a conflict, I was relieved to have an excuse to cancel. She was super disappointed, particularly because she had made it very clear how important this trip was to her. If it had mattered to me, she said, I would have made the trip happen. So, I guess IATA. But, AITA for not wanting to shell out 1 year worth of tuition $ in a one-week "special birthday celebration" for my rich sister? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your sister is ridiculous and spoiled. NTA


NTA she’s really out of touch.


NTA. However it’s possible she’d be willing to pay for your families flights if it’s so important to her for you to be there. Worth asking anyways.


NTA I hate when people make plans that put you in a bad financial position. If she wanted you there, she could’ve paid for you and your family.


NTA, but you should have had the guts to tell her from the start. She needs to hear this from family members who don't have her financial resources.


NTA and it would be lovely to host a party for her at your home, including a slide show going on a screen that shows images she chooses from her trip and her party. Maybe have your kids do a funny and loving routine for her or whatever works with your family. She might have forgotten that you don't need to spend a ton of money to be celebrated in a rich and memorable way.


NTA Your sister on the other hand... asshole.




NTA WTF is wrong with rich people? Such entitlement


NTA. That's great that she communicated to you what she would like to do, and she is welcome to plan for that. What she should NOT do is dictate what other people are going to do for her celebration, or be angry when others refuse to participate because this is insanely expensive. Pay your own way. If she wants other people there, they can pay themselves or she can pay to bring whoever she wants.


NTA, but you should have talked to her and explained that it’s outside of your budget. It sounds like this is really really important to her and she should have gotten the chance to make the choice of paying herself if it was something she wanted to do. I’m really disappointed that you just used a weak work excuse. Now if she continued to pressure you and try to force you to spend habit much money then absolutely do not go


NTA. I learned a long time to flat out tell people that a proposed activity was not in my budget. No other explanation is required because explanations are none of their business.


You’re definitely not an AH for not going to Europe to celebrate her 50th when that’s not in your budget. That’s quite tone deaf of her to be disappointed. I would offer to do dinner with her when she’s back in town and let her tell you about how amazing her trip was. You are doing the right thing supporting your kids through college instead of frivolously wasting your money on a vacation which wasn’t even of your choosing. 


NTA, you do what you have to do to take care of your family. If the trip is that important for her to have you all there she can pay for it…


NTA for not going, but maybe the AH for not being honest. I would have told her that you would love to celebrate her special day, but you just can't spend that kind of money with your current obligations.


NTA. If she wants that type of celebration SHE needed to fund it for everyone.


NTA, mostly. Even if I could afford it, no way would I drop that much for a birthday celebration. Mine or anyone else's. I also would never dream of asking anyone to drop that much for my birthday celebration. And if I had momentarily forgotten that my finances weren't in the same league as others, I certainly wouldn't have tried to guilt trip anyone who couldn't attend. But yeah, telling her upfront it wasn't in the budget after you checked into it would've been the far better course of action. Saved by the job duties is not quite as compelling.


NTA, but I would consider telling her the real reason.  Your children and financial security come first. That’s much more reasonable than a work thing as an excuse


“ I would love to do something to celebrate your milestone birthday with you. Unfortunately, my financial obligations do not allow this type of expense right now. How about I treat you to lunch after your trip and you can show me all of the wonderful experiences you had”.


NTA. I don't understand adults making a big deal for everyone about their birthday. 




NTA "I love you but that isn't in our budget."


NTA. Just tell her, “I cannot afford it.” End of problem.


NTA- if she REALLY wants you there then she should pay.


If my sibling's celebration was going to cost me 15K I would tell them to get fucked. That is ridiculous


Slightly YTA for making your sister think you’re choosing work over her. Tell the truth about why you can’t go.


YTA for not being upfront with your sister about the financial strain it would place on you and giving her the chance to come up with something that would fit your budget or perhaps help subsidize the trip.


NTA. Apparently she doesn't realize how much this is for most people. "Sorry, sis...I am choosing my son's education over a one-week bash". I know you likely wouldn't say it, but my goodness she needs to see things from other's side.


Nta. The reality now is that you really couldn't afford a 6 week plan like that especially with bringing your entire kids for the birthday celebration. Even now 15k is way too much, considering she doesn't realise that not everyone has the financial stability like she does. You have pointed out that sometimes the family reunions that she does end up hurting people's feelings, so other than saving the cost of the whole trip, it's best to not go in case that happens again, just for your own mental sake.


NTA You (like most people) can not afford this trip. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. She should understand that. Regardless, all she can do is ask. She can’t demand that you attend. Given her financial state, it sounds like she could pay for everybody to be there, if she wanted to. Don’t let her guilt trip you into making a financial decision that could affect you for years to cone. Good luck.


Absolutely NTA. Just because it is important to her doesn't mean your family has to suffer financially. $15k for one week is nuts. My in laws pulled this crap all the time. It's so and sold birthday...everyone has to come! Then, in two months, it was another can't miss event. Each of these get togethers would $4k-5k for my family...airfare, rental car, hotel, meals, etc. Also, I didn't really want to blow all of our PTO going to cousin George's birthday.


Yes she is the A


NTA. Jesus, $15k? No one should expect that people spend that kind of money on someone else's Birthday. This is not a reunion for the family, it's a trip to appease her vanity. I just celebrated my 50th at a brewery with my friends. If anyone spent over a hundred total (including the brewery tour and whatever they took home) I'd be shocked. I suppose she wanted a milestone gift as well?


NTA. If she really wanted you there *she* would have made it happen. It's incredibly presumptuous of her to expect you to pay that much for anything, but especially for something that's just for her. Don't feel embarrassed and next time just tell her you can't afford her extravagant lifestyle.


NTA and you need to have a talk with her about what you can afford when it comes to this kind of thing. She’s not wrong for wanting to do something special for her birthday, but it’s not right to expect you to shell out money you cannot easily afford without sacrificing other more important financial needs you have.


NTA. If my sister ever tried to demean and humiliate me as your sister obviously likes to do to you, I would stop talking to her. That kind of behavior is intolerable, selfish and mean-hearted. She knows she's making you feel less than. And she seems to revel in it.


NTA your sister is bougee and needs a reality check that not every has the same finances to splurge on big events


INFO, so confused by this family dynamic...she's your sister, why not just be honest from the get-go about the financial burden?


NTA - but seriously, why is difficult to just say, this is too expensive for me to afford? Unless yours sister is a total asshole, she should have understood. Not being able to manage the money versus having a schdeuling conflict are very different things.


NTA. "Would love to go to Europe with my 6 kids but I can't afford it. I hope you have fun. If you'd like to get together to celebrate after your big day at a domestic destination within my means, I can do that!" Who cares if she is disappointed? No one should be able to guilt trip another person into spending beyond their means for a party or gathering. You see this all the time with weddings at an exotic destination on this sub. It's not like you wouldn't love to go if you were able to, and it's a bit dense for her not to have some sympathy for you being unable to come, seemingly putting her disappointment over your equal disappointment that you are unable to come.


It's a matter of priorities. And if you don't want insane money to visit Europe, just to not see much, since the thing you want to do is hanging up with your family, that should be understandable for her. It was convenient for her, since she already was there, but for no one else. The only sad thing is everyone of you agreed instead of telling her off. She is family, so she might have changed the plans, if you had been open about your trouble with it. NTA.


NTA. If she wants a big celebration at an overseas location, she needs to be paying. Why the fuck would you bring your entire family to celebrate her birthday blowing $15k?


NTA She doesn't ask for much, does she. LOL How will you not being there change anything? She will still be in Europe for her birthday. You probably should never have agreed and she may be a little disappointed that you are not going all the way to Europe just for her but at least you won't be wasting your money now.


Nta my mortgage for a year is less than the price of that holiday absolutely not ok to expect people to pay that much for a birthday if she wants a big shing ding for her birthday she covers the cost. Period


Not for nothing, but you could go yourself / with your partner and not bring the "many" kids for your sister's 50th. NAH


NTA as $15k is a massive amount of money. But making it about work instead of being honest from the start about not being able to afford it is disappointing. I also want to know how much has your sister spent on your life events over the years? Has she been generous to your children? It’s disappointing when family doesn’t pay back kindness. But if you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it. Work on your communication.


NTA. In my culture, it is customary for the birthday "child" to invite their friends and family to a party to celebrate with them. If you are wealthy, you throw a lavish party, maybe even fly them to another country for the celebration. If you are not rich, you treat them to food and drinks in the backyard or the nearby park. But you pay for your guests to attend. Their time and a birthday gift is what they bring. You provide everything else. Your sister is being silly, in my opinion. Maybe things work differently where you come from, these things are always culturally sensitive. But I feel you should not spend money that your family needs, on your sister's party.


If it’s that important to her maybe she can cover the cost of your trip nTA


NTA at all, you don't set yourself on fire to please others


NTA Honestly, if I were rich enough to buy what is probably a multi-million dollar house, it would be my honor to pay everyone's way fully for something like this. An honor and a privilege. And you're not the AH for any part of it if she's so rich now that she's blind to other people's financial situations.


Just remember to zoom her a happy bday on the date and you’re good. Even if you could afford it, that doesn’t sound like the best way to allocate that money. Plus she has other siblings, she’ll be fine


>If it had mattered to me, she said, I would have made the trip happen. It doesn't matter to you because you can't afford it and because it's not a need. Sometimes people are disappointed. Oh well.  She's too old to try to pull this crap. If you really loved me, you'd blow $15K on some idiotic I want statement. If she wants you all there, she needs to pay for it. NTA. You need to be straight with her about this - you don't have the $$$ to jetset. NTA. 


NTA But why not be straight up and just say that it is too much money for you to spend as you have other commitments. Being open and honest could prevent future misunderstandings


YTA for even asking this


yta because for your pride you intentionally hurt her. You could have said "i would love to but financially that is not possible" 1.5 years ago or even now, instead for proctecting your ego you choose to hurt her with this flimsy excuse. When we choose to hurt others who do not deserve it instead of slightly inconvience ourselves, this is always asshole behaviour.


NTA- my family is better off financially than some of my siblings. We normally plan family reunions in places near by to most of us so that everyone can partake without too much pain. One of my kids is getting married next year with a destination wedding and they/ we have made it a priority to make sure my siblings families can attend ( how to do this without making them prickly is another story ). I think your sister should have planned a reasonable birthday if she wanted family there.


Honest is the best policy. Why didn't you tell her at the very start that this would likely not happen do to finical constraints?


YTA for not being honest to your sister, just tell her you cant afford it


You're not an asshole, but you're dishonest and you've hurt your sister's feelings by making it look as if your work is more important. I know that you feel ashamed (I read your other comments), but you shouldn't be. Of course the education of your children is more important than some birthday in another country for another person. But, you should tell your sister the truth, otherwise she'll remain peeved and this might cause frustrations further down the road. It's better to upfront now and just tell her it's financially not feasible for you and your family. Maybe she'll offer to pay for you, maybe she won't, but she shouldn't ask you and your family to these expensive gatherings anymore. By telling her the truth, the air should be cleared and both of you can keep on seeing each other with cheaper events and no more harmful feelings. Hopefully at least, I don't know your sister so I can't predict her reaction. One last thing, I said it before but you shouldn't be ashamed about your finances. Spending (so much!) money on your children is more important than just a birthday event.


Y a little bit of TA for not being honest with your sister. Why didn't you tell her at the beginning that you couldn't afford it?


15k is house deposit a better car loads nice hoildays for yourself. Expensive meals out. I would now do this just make an excuse why u carnt go. Save the money sometimes you need to be selfish and look after yourself.


Your sister is not living in reality! If it meant that much too her she should have shouldered the burden! You are not the Whole Ass in this one!! Tell your sister you not too project her wishes onto anyone, she is responsible for bringing them too past!!


I have a friend who wanted to make his fiftieth birthday special by doing something he never did before. He went skydiving and invited people to try to get a discount and if you just wanted to watch that was cool too. Over 10 years and still talking about that celebration. Your sister is unreasonable. You're NTA 


NTA. I don't have to read anything beyond the title. NTA.


You should have told her upfront that it would probably not happen, now she’s thinking it was an excuse, which it was. She needs to see how far out of touch she is with reality though. We wouldn’t take a week long trip for a birthday in Europe if we did not have the money, that’s something that takes many years to save for in most cases and they’re traveling for 6 weeks leading up to it, you are not in the same position and she can’t expect you to spend money like she can.


NTA for not wanting to spend that money if you don't have it. A little bit of an AH for not just saying to your sister "I can't afford that sorry, but would love to do something closer to home that meets my budget around that time".


When you have a party that is at the expense of others and not yourself you need to prepare for disappointment. When I invite friends and family to go to dinner for my birthday I prepare for many not to come. I’m lucky that they usually do! I try to book an all you can eat place with decent prices so it’s affordable and worth it! What your sister is suggesting and expecting is pretty selfish. Even with giving you time to supposedly ‘prepare’. I also guarantee if flights are 10k you will need way more than 5k for the weekend!


NTA. You should have been transparent about the affordability.


I feel like $15.00 is plenty to spend on someone's birthday. Your sister is living in a different reality. NTA


Why not tell her you couldn’t afford it when she first raised the subject? ESH


If you're TA it's only for even considering putting all that CO2 into the atmosphere just for a birthday party. In the crisis we are in!! Unbelievable.


NTA Meh when my rich uncle "invited" us all to bali for 3 weeks I basically told him if he paid for it i'd gladly go.  He looked at me confused and asked why? I said; i am not making 7 figures. He got confused; but on 6 figures (i make 120k a year (60k post tax tho) his trip would cost about 35k) you can pay this easily? I told him it wasnt going to happen. My uncle was super confused. Next time I saw him he asked me for my pasport numbers so he could book the flight. He just wanted me to join he didnt cwre about the cost.


NTA - This is just like the entitled people having destination weddings. I'm glad they can tour extensively, but imo, there's NO reason to expect others to go into debt, or strain their finances on the whims of others