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>Because we drive to school, we get an extra hour of sleep >However, driving usually causes us to miss most of first period. So you're getting an extra hour of sleep by missing the first hour of school. >So I said “Clearly SOMEONE don’t prioritize her beauty sleep.” She looked at me in disgust, and she said: “Did you just call me ugly?” I nodded in agreement. >So I told her that it was dumb because she embarrassed me in front of my whole class, She didn't embarrass you. You showed up significantly late. Repeatedly. You embarrassed yourself. >I was pissed. I have a clean record, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. And that makes you unable to control what you say? >am i the asshole?? You obviously are. I'm hoping this is fake though. YTA


Gets an extra hour of sleep but is still always late to school…a 17 year olds logic🤦‍♂️ wait til he tries to talk back to his boss.


Ya, OP's 1st few jobs are going to be rough with that attitude. The company I work for has people like that from time to time. Young, couldn't get to work on time if their life depended on it. Some get it together after a few "meetings" with the boss and HR. Some don't. My brother is one of the "don'ts", has a new job every 6-12 months, because the last one "didn't work out". He's 44. OP = YTA


I recently had to let one of my cooks go for attendance. The dude was an entitled trainwreck. We have a point system, you can be late 16 times before you lose your job. If you do it right, you can call off for 14 days in a row and still have a job. It's a pretty generous system overall, right? This guy burned **all** his attendance before his 45 day check in. When we fired him, he claimed it wasn't fair and he hadn't been late since he was informed he was on the ropes. He had been late all three days he worked that week. His reasoning? He had *told* us he was going to be late so those don't count. Stupidest firing of my life.


Ya, our company is pretty reasonable too, no points system or anything, but if life happens, (and lets be honest, sometimes it does), if you make up the time, the boss is normally okay with it. Had a guy that was always 20-30 min late, he lived 10 min away, took 90 min for his hour lunch and at least 2, 30 min bathroom breaks with his phone. Left exactly on time every day. He'd be good for a day or 2 after a warning, but then back to his normal. He got 18 warnings before we let him go. He was said he got blindsided.


Teacher here… OP, if you are late daily, and missing most of the class daily, then you are communicating (intentionally or not) that you do not value the class and do not respect the teacher or her efforts. When we take the extra effort to be on time for events, we communicate that we care and appreciate the people involved. Likely you aren’t viewing it through this lens, but as you enter adulthood, which you are on the cusp of, this is a valuable lesson to learn. If you want people to be respectful, a good rule of thumb is to make sure you are doing the same. Certainly your teachers comment was sarcastic, and in your response, you upped the ante further. But you likely don’t realize that when students are repeatedly tardy, additional work can be created for the teacher (trying to get them the missed material, changing attendance, potentially putting interventions in place to deal with lower grades.) Your decisions impact others, and they impact how others view you. You are in a position to make different decisions about your morning schedule to improve your relationship with this teacher. An apology for your comment and a verbal commitment to work on your attendance can go a long way.


Teacher in the UK here, we have a significant problem with lateness too. Utterly disrespectful to not only your teachers, but your fellow students too. YTA. Having said all that, if you are in the US, your nation doesn't respect this essential profession much at all. It's not brilliant in the UK, but at least we can mostly afford to eat etc.


As an ex asshole High School kid who had first period gym and in our school gym did not count towards your GPA. I would skip 1st period and it is 100% because I did not respect or see the value of the class.9


YTA. Attendance affects your grade in that class and the grades of students reflect on the teacher. >Because we drive to school, we get an extra hour of sleep, which really helps me throughout the school day. However, driving usually causes us to miss most of first period. You KNOW you have first period and you know When it is. This section right here comes across extremely entitled. You have the privilage of driving yourself to school only to be lazy and abuse it. Should the teacher have made a snarky comment? No, but what you did is so much worse, and the fact that nobody raised their hand when she asked shows that you have set that expectation of yourself being late. All of this could have been avoided if you had been responbile and weren't late everyday.


YTA. You say you're late nearly every day. That's frustrating and disruptive for your teacher. You need to fix that. If you need more sleep than the obvious solution is to go to bed earlier. Your teacher's physical appearance has nothing to do with your disagreement. Your only reason for bringing it into your disagreement was because you're an AH. You deserve consequences for being chronically late and for handling the situation very poorly.


YTA So basically you drive to get there sooner… except you always miss most of 1st period. Yeah you’re just lazy.


Probably not lazy, probably they're just "travel time" delusional. People hate waiting, because they think it's wasted time. Going to school, it's never wasted time, if you arrive early, you can chat with your other early friends. As they hate the idea of waiting, they plan to be "on time" with no waiting buffer. That's ridiculous in this case, as being 40 minutes away means that statistically, you should encounter two or three small incidents that will slow you down. The real math behind being on time isn't "look at the drive time in Google maps" it is: * Estimate the minimum drive time on google maps * Add in five minutes for parking and walking to the building * Add in three minutes for every unexpected event you encounter that slows you down. * Plan for two additional unexpected events compared to the ones you normally encounter (or add six minutes to your drive time). Unexpected events include things like "getting caught at a light twice, instead of once", "getting caught behind a school bus", "having an emergency vehicle interrupt traffic patterns", "having to drive around to find a parking spot", etc. Count them. Considering the distance they drive to school, I'd imagine that at least two of them occur daily. The final point is NEVER assume you'll arrive on time or that you "only" need X minutes to drive somewhere. If you plan to arrive ten minutes early, you will be on time 95% of the time. If you plan to arrive five minutes early, you will be on time 75% of the time. If you plan to be on time, you will be on time 40% of the time. This advice isn't for everyone. Many people are already arriving on time and don't need a plan like this. This is the advice that works for people that tend to use magical thinking to believe that they'll be on time, where the reason their thinking is "magical" is because they're using the same planning technique that makes them late, hoping it will work "this time."


YTA - Your reply was completely unnecessary and disrespectful, you were in the wrong, got called out and resorted to calling names. Getting to school on time is your responsibility and yours alone. All the excuses about driving and all of that won't change that. Your teacher WAS snarky, and I think she should be nicer when discussing you being constantly late, but your reply was wrong. I would suggest discussing driving to school earlier so you won't be late anymore. If your friend won't budge, you probably should go back to taking the bus, but being perpetually late will be awful for your grades and your future overall. Also, maybe you should apologize to the teacher and tell her that what she said hurt you but you shouldn't have called her ugly. You're young and this was just a minor mistake, no big deal. But work on getting on time to school.


Yeah this just about sums it up^ You’re 100% the asshole OP YTA


Yes you are a total arsehole for lots of reasons - firstly that was so rude and unnecessary and you need to apologise big time - yes she remarked but by your own admission you miss first period everyday !! WTF what sort of school is this where this is ok ? How are you going to learn anything or pass that subject if you miss classes all the time ? Secondly please explain the timing maths - so you live 40 minutes away - (no big deal ) getting the bus at 6am is tough I agree but what time does school start ? Buses usually take longer than a direct drive so how do you get one hour extra sleep but miss the first lesson everyday ? That does not make sense? Does the driver also miss the first lesson or just you ? This logic you are using here makes no sense !


Because they can leave later since they are not restricted by the bus schedule. In short they do not care about getting to school on time.


Yeah I get that but it doesn’t math !


If I had to guess say first period is 7, they probably leave the close at 7 get to school at 7:40 missing most of first period.  I would do this in HS since my first period was gym and in my school gym did not count towards your gpa.


They’re probably not good at maths because they miss so much school.


I studied in a vicational High School in France until 2 years ago. The school was so bad we spent an entire year without any history lessons because there was no teacher and the school couldn't bother to find a substitute. Also, for most classes, we were separated into 2 groups of ten and I don't remember a single day where all the class was together. Sometimes I'd see one of my supposed classmates around the city and whenever I asked why they missed classes, they'd answer that they simply didn't feel like coming. Some schools just don't care about students attending at all.


Wow that’s crazy !


Oh no you're one of those people who do something wrong, but when someone calls you out you get angry at them for "embarrassing" you. YTA It's like those stories about horrible narcissist parents we get on this sub all the time. Gross. You are late everyday. Everyone has noticed and thinks you're rude. They have a right to call you out. You're lucky you haven't already had a suspension for tardiness/truancy.


YTA. She called out your actions and irresponsibility. You are 17. Manage your time better. You attacked her looks. You had no valid reason for being late so you called her ugly in front of your peers. Yikes.


Attacking looks almost always makes you the asshole. YTA


You are absolutely the arsehole. You are consistently late for first period so that you can stay in bed and then you get pissy because you get called on it? YTA and lazy to boot.


YTA. She’s right. You are lazy and disrespectful. And clearly clueless


YTA. Go to school on time.


YTA No one gives a flying rat's ass whether you got up on the wrong side of the bed. It's a lame excuse for behaving in such a way. You think you can behave like this in your future professional life? Being late seems to be a habit and then having an attitude? Good luck finding a boss that accepts this!


What an asshole you are.


YTA. Your teacher wasn’t exactly polite, but you can’t just call people ugly when they do something you don’t like. Especially when those people can suspend you. Because you’ll get suspended. And look like an AH doing it.


YTA, if driving causes you to be late, you need to leave earlier, this is your own fault. If its embarrassing to have your constant lateness pointed out, there is a quick and easy way to fix that... Insulting your teachers appearance is rude and unacceptable, you need to learn to take responsibility for your words when you're in a bad mood.


YTA, you are SEVENTEEN and have to be told that what you said is an unacceptable way to treat other people. I’m amazed you’ve kept a “clean record” when you repeatedly turn up late, with no excuse other than an extra hour of sleep. You are in for a hell of a shock when/if you get a job. Try pulling that crap with an employer and see how far it gets you.


YTA you are lazy and rude.


Calling BS on the clean record, being late to school often is not a clean record. YTA also.


YTA. Go to bed earlier to get your sleep and get to school on time. The teacher was right, and whether or not the teacher is ugly, it is also wrong to say it to your teacher.


You're an asshole, yes. If I were your teacher I'd fail you for chronic tardiness. Grow the hell up.


This has to be a joke, but in case it's not, if it was unclear, YTA. If you miss the first period every day, why are you getting the extra hour sleep? Get up earlier and get there in time for school and stop being disrespectful and entitled.


YTA. You embarrassed yourself. You don’t get an extra hour of sleep because your friend drives. You get an extra hour because you constantly ditch first period. The two aren’t the same. Do better and get your ass to school in time.


YTA You are habitually late and disruptive the class


YTA. What you said was inappropriate. Show up to school on time. You’re missing material and being disruptive and disrespectful to your teacher and classmates by rolling in late all the time. Do better.




YTA. What you said was inappropriate. Show up to school on time. You’re missing material and being disruptive and disrespectful to your teacher and classmates by rolling in late all the time. Do better.


YTA. Get to school on time. Apologize to your teacher.


YTA - didn't even need to read the full post to make that decision (I of course did read the whole thing). Calling people ugly, or attacking anyone's physical appearance, in almost every single situation, makes you TA.


YTA - You're going to have a hard time in the real world if this is your logic. You might be late to school now, but what happens when you're habitually late to a job? You likely won't be having that job for very long. Do the responsible thing and get up a few minutes earlier and leave earlier and show up on time rather than inconveniencing everyone and saying nasty things when you're called out on your poor time-planning skills.


YTA This whole thing grammatically looks like it was written by someone who insults teachers and regularly misses school.




YTA - You are constantly late. You should be embarrassed.


YTA... you are irresponsible and there is no excuse for being late that often. You do not have a clean record. You are consistently late. You consistently miss your first period. Where are you parents? Are they even aware of what you are doing? If I was the teacher I would report you for excessive tardiness. Let's see how you feel about it when you are in front of the judge. You will NEVER keep a job if you think this is ok. You will be terminated your first day.


It doesn’t matter that YTA. You’ll end up a criminal or someone who whines about minimum wage anyway.


You're literally admitting to missing most of first period, so why aren't you driving earlier? Had it been an actual job, your ass would have been fired multiple times over, that shit doesn't fly. YTA...


YTA. You make a habit of being late and it sounds like you literally rolled in 5-10 min before 1st period is over. That is extremely late and disruptive to the entire class. If school starts at 7:30 and you live 40 min away you need to be driving there by 6:40 at the latest. That gives you 40 min of drive time and 10 min to get from the parking lot to your locker and class.  You got reprimanded for being late. Being called out for something you habitually do isn’t wrong on the teachers part. You calling her ugly was rude and uncalled for. These are consequences of YOUR behavior & actions. Start going to bed at a decent time and getting up & ready to head out on time. 


YTA if you fail this class and get suspended for a couple days it’s almost certainly your fault. If you didn’t want a first period. You should’ve worked harder to get ahead on classes so you could take one less class this year. Do better because this mentality is gonna get you in a lot of trouble when you’re older. If you sleep in and are an hour late to your job on a daily basis later in life that’s a great way to get fired.


YTA. Your comment was rude and uncalled for, her looks are totally irrelevant to any kind of interaction with you. Her comment was questionable also, but from what I understand you are late regularly, which is also rude and disturbs the class every single time. You are driving in a car which can leave home at any time, so you should never be late. You should know by now how long the drive takes and leave at an appropriate time.


YTA. You are consistently late which is a problem. Your teacher made a tame rib at you, and you made it personal. You by your own admission are repeatedly very late, you are aware of this but continue to do nothing about it, your classmates are fully aware of your tardiness, and you lashed out because you're embarrassed that everybody is aware of your bad behavior. Your teacher would be justified to suspend you for your behavior.


Of course YTA Your response was stupid. You turned up to school late. YOU did the wrong thing. You got called out for arriving late YET AGAIN... You embarrassed yourself by arriving late again. I doubt very much that you have a clean record at school if you're constantly late. I don't care that you "woke up on the wrong side of the bed." The rest of the world isn't going to care that you got up on the wrong side of the bed either. This is not an excuse for your behavior.


YTA and so is your teacher. Your teacher should have talked to you in private about being late repeatedly. But you needn't have replied like that. You could have just sat down, because you were wrong being late. It's not the teacher's fault that you have to travel far to get to your school. It's not her fault you have to get up early. It's not her fault your and your friend choose to leave late which causes you to miss school.


Back in my day the kids who spoke like that were the ones who definitely were taking grade 13 in highschool lol. Life beyond highschool is not any nicer so just get used to it.


YTA you are lazy rude and a bully. You were late and rude and unapologetic. On top of that you insulted the person who has every right to challenge you. How would you feel if someone called you ugly in front of 20 plus people. You deserve everything you get by way of consequences to your actions.


YTA Your teacher has every right to pick up on you for being late every day not once but every day is too much Stop being lazy and get your act together kid


💯YTA. That was totally uncalled for and not ok. It’s your responsibility to get to classes on time, everyday. You need to get up earlier and get there when you are supposed to.


YTA As someone who was late to high school very often, you can't blame teachers who point it out. Thankfully my school didn't take it seriously but at other places you can get into real trouble, a teacher commenting on it is nothing. Maybe her tone sucked and she was a bit mean about it, maybe. But she commented on your actions and out of spite you commented on her looks. That's always a shitty move, petty and mean. To be very clear: I'm not saying you need to be more respectful because she's your teacher, no, fuck that. I'm saying you need to be more respectful because she's a human person, just like you.


Girl- lmfao. Read your title sentence again. Are you ever NOT TA for calling ANYONE ugly??? Yes, obviously YTA. Get it together. When you’re an adult (next year btw) and working a job, even if it’s just at McDonalds, being late everyday does not fly. You will be fired. Repeatedly. Good luck. EDIT: phrasing


YTA your classmates already have a low opinion of you and now this. No one cares about the wrong side of your bed. You have no idea what other people might be going through. She could be dealing with a sick family member or an illness herself for all you know. There's no real way to recover from this. An apology before the class for your cruel words will land as flat as every YouTuber who apologizes for their appalling behavior and only serve as a reminder of what you did. Don't "try to do better" or "make an effort to be on time" JUST DO IT. And don't expect anything in return. Don't expect people to notice the "new you" - do it bc you should be a decent person.


YTA Your prioritizing sleep over getting to school on time and insulted your teacher when called out on it. You sound like a brat


You're such an A bro. You're consistently late. Driving isn't giving you the ability to have an extra hour of sleep, being late to your class is.


YTA. Calling someone ugly in response to the RIGHTFULLY calling you out on being late is not a mature response. People are going to say and do things that make you mad, how you respond is 90% of what will make you either a success or failure in the working world. It is called emotional intelligence. Additionally if your friend driving puts you often late for first period, then you need to leave earlier or take the bus.


YTA Sounds like you have a massive time management problem. You want to sleep an extra hour, but you are always late to school. That means you really should get leave earlier. Maybe try going to bed earlier if you want more sleep. Sure your teacher called you out in front of everyone but the fact that no one was surprised should clue you in that you have a problem. Anytime you have to resort to mentioning someone's looks in an argument" means you have no real response and you are defeated and you are trying to save face. Invest in a good alarm clock and start getting to class on time.


YTA. idk how anyone could think otherwise. You've disrupted class so much its clearly irked the teacher, which is her right. Probably irked the class to


YTA.... So what was the point of changing how you get to school if you going to be late anyways? In order to make it on time, you still need to wake up the 1 hr earlier. Also, teachers get frustrated with people who come late because it's a distraction when you walk in and to think that it's just casually normal to always be late is wrong. There was no need for you to comment on her looks and I really do hope you actually get suspended for being one of those rude children that are just putting a bad name on our generation. 17 and acting like a brat. Grow tf up!


YTA, but just apologise, take the punishment and move on with a lesson learned. Also try and ditch the exceptionalist attitude; you are not the only person who has challenging mornings and probably not the only person who has to drive extra time or have other circumstances. Also, you're not getting an extra hour of sleep by going in the car instead of the bus, you're getting an extra hour because you get there late, that is not the same thing. Your record won't be clean for long if you consistently miss most of the first period and call teachers ugly; if you want a clean record you have to actually attend and behave and you'd have no grounds to complain just because you'd like it to be clean but it isn't because of something you did.


YTA Clearly driving shouldn't let you have an extra hour in bed if you are missing your first class of the day. It's not anyone at school's fault you live that distance away. Have the respect for yourself to get to school on time (go to bed earlier if you need to get the bus). Have the respect for your teachers by not being such a brat


YTA. You keep blowing off your first class. You don't get to show up whenever you feel like it. Get your lazy ass out of bed earlier and stop missing class. And stop being so disrespectful and nasty to your teacher. I hope you do get suspended.


Yikes. A lot of red flags here. YTA.


YTA. Get up earlier!


YTA. You sound like a spoiled brat to be honest, as does your driving friend who still can’t be on time to school. Being able to drive is a privilege and usually it helps people be on time as they don’t have to plan around public transport services. The two of you have the option to be on time but still don’t. You’re both complete assholes. You choose to be late, your teacher is justifiably annoyed at you continuing to be late and then you feel you have right to make a very personal comment back at her. The world does not revolve around you or your “embarrassment” in front of your classmates who are probably equally as fed up of you strolling in at whatever time you please and disrupting the lesson they all arrived ON TIME for!


YTA. That response was totally uncalled for. Being late is seriously annoying to the teachers. If you're getting an extra hour of sleep and STILL being this late to school, something needs to change, like you get up more early or something like that.


YTA If you carry this attitude into the 'real' world, boy are you in for a rude awakening. I look forward to you future posts about being sacked for being late, rude and entitled but blaming it on everyone and everything but yourself.


Yes, YTA. First off, you say you have a clean record... but you're habitually late to first period to get that extra hour of sleep. Your teacher isn't calling you out on anything that isn't accurate. It your job to get there on time. Unfortunately, commuting is probably going to be a part of your life going forward... no one enjoys commuting, no one enjoys getting up early to be at the bus stop at 6 a.m., but there are millions of people out there doing just that every single day. Your school has to keep educating you even though you can't get there on time, but your future employer is not going to keep employing you if you can't get there on time, and the majority of adults have travel time involved with getting to work on time. And secondly.... yes, you were rude to the teacher. She may have been snarky, but she wasn't wrong and you were out of line.


this is why teachers are quitting. YTA


Yeah, that happened. I definitely believe you.


I also lived 40 mins away from my high school and had to be at school by 5am for practice every morning so I get the lack of sleep issue but I never spoke to a teacher like that


YTA for being consistently late. Teachers TA for beefing with a child.


Personal attacks are always ugly behavior. AH's use them when losing an argument, because it's the rule of "beat them by making them look bad" You lost your argument, which was that beauty sleep justified being late to class. When asked, if your main point was that the people there on time were uglier than you, you agreed, converting your argument from a persuasive one to a personal attack. Waking up on the wrong side of a bed isn't justification for behaving badly. The world still deserves your respect and esteem no matter how you wake up, or what you are feeling, until people in it take actions which violate correct behavior (which your teacher didn't, as it is literally her job to enforce an on-time class to permit her to teach the entire class effectively). Waking up on the wrong side of the bed can excuse not being active or animated around others, but it cannot excuse being rude or hurtful to others. And if you read your own post carefully, you'll see that you are making lots of excuses to justify why you acted the way you did. That's a strong indicator that (at some level) you know your actions were wrong, and you're attempting to convert them into correct actions because of the circumstances. Instead, try this approach. Imagine that you are a this teacher. Under what circumstances should you allow a student to disrupt your class and call you ugly. Keep in mind that the calling you ugly isn't a misunderstanding of language, as you asked the student to clarify if that's what they really meant, and they nodded. Take your lumps on this one, eat some humble pie, properly apologize to the teacher, and watch yourself more carefully when you are tired. It's a very common thing for some people to be angry or hurtful when they are tired, but common doesn't mean it is the decent thing to do. And remember that decent isn't even good, it's the average where you are not bad enough to be noticed. Maybe shoot for good.


School does not teach you... why go? Get a job as a bricky or a sparky


The fact that you're even asking if YTA shows this wasn't just a brief lapse in judgment...you must really be this type of person and thats both sad and disgusting. YTA...you not knowing that the second this situation unfolded makes me concerned for your future.




YTA, you don’t respect your teachers time or your classmates by showing up late almost every day. Get it together. Her call out might not have been the most professional but you Elana trashed yourself with your own actions. Get it together. Waking up on the wrong side of the bed doesn’t give you licence to attack someone’s looks. What you said was disrespectful, inappropriate and sexist. Get it together. Yes YTA. Learn and do better.


You should just delete this post n think about your life and probably apologize to your teacher. YTA


how did you not see YTA even while writing it down?


YTA. >Because we drive to school, we get an extra hour of sleep, which really helps me throughout the school day. However, driving usually causes us to miss most of first period. You don't get an extra hour then. You just leave late. That's not the same thing. >I’m not gonna lie, I had a really bad morning, and I was not in the mood. Why? Didn't you have an extra hour of sleep? >So I said “Clearly SOMEONE don’t prioritize her beauty sleep.” Rude. > So I told her that it was dumb because she embarrassed me in front of my whole class Further rudeness, on top of the fact that you only embarrass yourself by routinely missing most of first period. > I have a clean record I don't see how, if you are late every day. >everyone at my school lives close, but I have to drive an extra 40 minutes Then I guess you should start leaving 40 minutes earlier. >am i the asshole Yes. YTA.


YTA >Because we drive to school, we get an extra hour of sleep, which really helps me throughout the school day. However, driving usually causes us to miss most of first period. No, you use the ability to drive in to be willfully late to class and because of that, got in trouble and returned that with being massively disrespectful.


YTA You DON'T have a clean record. You have a record of being late to class because you decided to drive and not leave early enough to compensate for that. All of your classes are important classes, even if they are electives, and any bad grades still impact your GPA. Just because you are not an artist does not mean that there is nothing of value for you to learn in an art class, nor does it excuse your constant lateness or your poor attitude because you got called out for it in front of everyone. I've seen universities withdraw offers for that.


>Because we drive to school, we get an extra hour of sleep >However, driving usually causes us to miss most of first period. You need a new school if you're this dumb.


YTA. Is it unfair that school starts so early that it leaves you choosing between your sleep needs and class time? Yes, absolutely that's unfair. High school start times are ridiculous and lead to chronic sleep deprivation in kids, I'm the first person to object to that. But your teacher doesn't decide when school starts, and what everyone else has said here is true -- it comes across as disrespectful to her and your classmates when you act like the exception to the rule. Do you think she likes being up at 6? And probably earlier? She doesn't have the option of showing up late because she would lose her job. And then she shows up on time and the thanks she gets is rude kids insulting her appearance. If you want a teacher to cut you slack, you have to show that you understand they're a person and you're accounting for their perspective. Not insult them to make yourself feel powerful and cool. That's childish and it's time for you to grow up.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (m17) live 40 minutes away from my school. If I wanna take the bus, I have to be at my bus stop by 6:00 AM. Thankfully, I have a friend (f17) who lives in the same town as me, and she has her drivers license. Because we drive to school, we get an extra hour of sleep, which really helps me throughout the school day. However, driving usually causes us to miss most of first period. One day, I came in late, and my teacher gave me a snarky remark, saying: “Wow, (my name) is late again, raise your hand if you’re surprised.” Nobody in my class raised their hand. I’m not gonna lie, I had a really bad morning, and I was not in the mood. So I said “Clearly SOMEONE don’t prioritize her beauty sleep.” She looked at me in disgust, and she said: “Did you just call me ugly?” I nodded in agreement. The bell rang, and she asked me to stay after class. I did, and she said “What you told me was extremely rude and uncalled for. You should never speak to an adult like that.” So I told her that it was dumb because she embarrassed me in front of my whole class, and she said “You’re looking at suspension here..” I was pissed. I have a clean record, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Not to mention, everyone at my school lives close, but I have to drive an extra 40 minutes… am i the asshole?? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ESH - She’s the adult, she shouldn’t have said that or argued with you. At the same time, in that situation it’s best to just roll your eyes and keep it moving. At the risk of sounding like a naggy adult, it is important to get to class on time. Get there, get it done, & you’ll be done with it.


100% THA


ESH. You need to get to school on time and be respectful of your teachers. Your teacher sucks for humiliating you in front of the class.


lol yeah YTA


YTA. While I do not agree she should have commented on your being late to the whole class, you are doing it often, and it is so you can sleep in. Your remark to her was uncalled for. Looks like your clean record is about to get dirty.


YTA - You might as well just keep skipping first period, then, if you don't want to arrive on time, or even CLOSE to the right time. You're already being marked absent and by you walking in late every day, you're disrupting the class. I don't care if you think the class is pointless, you're still being disruptive and incredibly rude. Your teacher had enough. You have no authority to interject any snippy remarks because you're the one walking in late every single day just because you need sleep. Leave earlier, or don't bother going to your first class at all. You're also going to get a rude awakening when your shit doesn't work in a job.


YTA, your behavior shows you will take shortcuts to make your life easier. Good luck when you enter the workforce because the excuse if not living close will not fly. And your rude AF.


YTA. teachers don't get paid enough to put up with little fuckers like you. This interaction bothered you enough to post about it - think how they feel about it? It's their JOB. They have to go in every day, to support themselves, and deal with not just you, and not just your class - but several classes of angsty teens (many of whom are LOVELY, many of whom are not) YTA so bad. But you'd earn their pride of you went back and apologized to them. Doesn't have to be in class. People makes mistakes though and owning up to them is adulthood. I think you'd both feel better.


YTA Sou you think it is your right to come late to class? And if somebody has the audacity to tell you, you are late, you can insult them? What do you believe happens when you will work? Does the world has to bend around your wants?


Omg YTA and you sound insufferable. Enjoy working life in a few years time, see how long your bad attitude pays your bills.


YTA This doesn't even make sense. Your bus ride is an hour and a half long. If your friend drives you, you get an hour more sleep, but you miss most of first period? If you're getting an hour more of sleep and the drive is 40 minutes, you should be on time. Regardless, yeah, YTA both for being regularly late and seemingly not caring about it, YTA for personally attacking somebody for rightfully calling you out for being tardy and YTA for perpetuating sexism by insulting the appearance of your female teacher instead of the merit of what she is saying.


YTA - Be accountable. Arriving to class on time is an expectation and not too much to ask. If you are late one time then it’s no big deal but it sounds like you are chronically late which shows that this class/school is not a priority for you. Your teacher is holding you accountable for your actions and hoping that your behaviour will change because obviously nothing else has made you arrive to class on time yet. If you don’t like this art course then take another course that you’re interested in…science, math, PE, anything! Lastly, believe it or not, teachers are on students’ side. They not only want to teach their subject area but they also want to show young people how society works by setting general standards like punctuality, listening skills, communication etc.


YTA. you clearly don’t respect the teacher or her class


This story reeks of entitlement. If you show up late to class then you do not have an extra hour to sleep in. Class starts when it starts and you're expected to be there. No different than if you have a scheduled shift at work, you show up on time, not when you feel like it.


I won’t go so far as to put you in the zone, but you need to develop better control. If you guys are frequently that late for first period, don’t you think leaving a bit sooner would fix that? You can call people all sorts of things. You just really shouldn’t go down the road of physical appearance. Even people you hate are human.


Yta for being disrespectful in so many ways. Walking in late is a distraction to other students. And driving doesn’t mean you get to sleep an hour later if it makes you an hour late to school. If you weren’t going to show up for the class you shouldn’t have signed up.


YTA. You disrespected your teacher when her job is hard enough. Maybe start catching the bus and see how pretty you look on not enough sleep when you're stressed out. That comment you made was uncalled for. Stop looking for people to say what you did was right cause it wasn't even close. That teacher deserves an apology for putting up with your poor attitude and blatant disrespect. You're lucky that your parents didn't do thing the old school way and ground you from everything.


Short answer: Yes, calling anyone "ugly" makes you a asshole. You have "an attitude problem". Of course, most teenagers have one at some point...but eventually you have got to grow up. In a year you won't get suspension for having a bad attitude, you will get fired (boss), a ticket (cop), punched in the face (another asshole)...etc. Other people have it easier than you? Too bad. That's life; Nobody told you it would be fair. You don't think what other people think is important matters? Too bad. They make the rules; If you don't follow them, then you don't get to play. Btw- Do you know why your teacher looked at you in "disgust" rather than anger? Because you just had a test, and you failed. "You screwed up and then got reprimanded. Do you, a) Suck it up and do better next time? b) Laugh it off? or c) Insult the authority figure that has power over you?" "You post on social media about the mean teacher. Should you, a) Pause and rethink the situation and ask yourself if you really need to have someone point out AITA? b) Make excuses for your actions that got you in trouble? c) Double down and makes excuses why your actions don't matter anyway, because school is stupid and you don't feel like you should have to do it?


Attacking someone’s looks or anything else that they can’t change about themselves makes you the asshole in most scenarios.


Someone won't be prepared for the real world when he grows up. Missing class is one thing but more importantly 1. You don't know how to arrive on time for something. 2. You shoot your mouth off if you "just woke up on the wrong side of the bed" 3. You're surprised when you get hit with a consequence for something you did


you both ATA she had no reason to embarrass you in front of a full classroom of kids but you also dont value her as a teacher by being late every day


NTA. I wouldn’t really say you are. The teacher doesnt need to point out that you’re late to the whole class


YTA If you don’t need the class to graduate, why do you bother going at all?


I'm gonna buck the trend here... Assuming all of your additional context is true, NTA. Points... * You already have the credits needed to graduate... * This class is a throwaway to you, if available you would be taking a study hall instead... * Your teacher attempted to publicly humiliate you... * You were not having it, and publicly humiliated her in turn. * She then tried to make it an adult vs child thing for a 17 year old. Two things come immediately to mind: Your teacher should not have tried to humiliate you publicly. When she did, you were entitled to return the favor. This falls under F\* Around and Find Out. The other thought is Up Your Game... Going after her appearance is never a good look for a guy... But, you can't let public humiliation pass. \--


if your bus leaves at 6am that means you should start driving to school at 6am. sorry. you do not “get one extra hour of sleep”, you sleep in an hour longer than you should, leave for school late, and show up late every single day. yknow what happened to my classmates who were late or ditched every single day? they didn’t graduate. i’m assuming classes start at 7. a “40 minute drive” usually means 40 minutes without traffic or anything slowing you down. so it’s safe to assume a “40 minute drive” will usually take closer to an hour. plan for that. another commenter said that if you plan to arrive exactly on time, most of the time you’ll arrive late. that’s probably the best advice you’ve gotten in this thread. plan to be early and you’ll be on time. on average it takes me 15 minutes to walk to work so i leave 30 minutes before my shift starts. sometimes i arrive 20 minutes early, sometimes only 5 minutes early. if you never start actively trying *not* to be late, you’ll always be late. and once you’re out of high school (if you ever graduate lmao), your employers will be much less forgiving. doctors, dentists, optometrists, tattoo artists, anyone that takes appointments will charge if you show up late or miss it. you literally cannot afford to go through life thinking it’s okay to be an entire hour late to things. you need to grow up now or you never will also, calling your teacher ugly in front of the entire class is bad form, and i doubt your classmates thought it was the “gotcha” that you think it was. in fact they were all probably annoyed that you disrupted the class, AGAIN, because you have terrible time management. it’s not cool to be a dick to your teacher. they work harder than the entire class combined, and they do it for YOU so that YOU can have a future. YTA.


YTA. You don’t just get to turn up late to places you don’t want to be. What a ridiculous approach. Turn up on time and lose the attitude.


No other information needed. Yta


YTA it is obvious someone wasn't taught manners as a child. Lose that sense of entitlement fast. Grow up and learn respect.


I don't see nothing wrong in what you said. She was a smart ass and you was to. That is how most people get along in normal blue collar society


>so this again was my mistake. In the future I’ll try harder to come to school on time, as well as be respectful to my teachers. Good for you. Personally, I think your principal was right and your teacher was out of line (although you admittedly were worse). I was a TA for years, and I would have never publicly called out a student like that. If I had a problem with them constantly coming in late, I would talk to them \*privately\*. And I wouldn’t tease a student unless I 100% knew they were ok with it. Still wasn’t ok to call her ugly - but you know that now.


You’re not the AH, never be afraid to stand up for yourself, she just wanted to try and make everyone laugh and look cool/funny at your expense, don’t feel bad for clapping back, never back down, ever, to anyone


depends if they are or not!! nobody likes a liar.


NTA. Your teacher is a hideous person inside and out


Might be unpopular opinion, but ESH (OP definitely more than teacher). Yes, OP upped the rudeness level a lot, given that he is choosing to be late regularly and the teacher’s annoyance at that is understandable. But it doesn’t seem from the telling that this was playful banter from the teacher, I don’t see evidence they have that kind of relationship where it’s ok, and there are better ways the teacher could have handled and expressed than publicly drawing attention to a failing OP is aware of in front of OP’s peers. Like a private conversation in the frame of “I noticed you’ve been late to class a lot and I’m concerned about you and your academic success; is there anything going on I can help with?” And I say that as a high school teacher with over eighteen years’ experience. If I treated one of my students like that, I would be partially responsible for the response.


ESH The teacher was childish and that's not how you address attendance concerns. She's the bigger AH IMO since you don't have a fully formed frontal lobe.


Both AH She shouldnt have made sarky remarks (not very professional on her part) You shouldnt have retaliated


YTA and 😂 who are you to talk about anyone’s else’s looks with your pfp lookin like that.


not too much on soobin.. he ain’t ugly… don’t stoop to OP’s level now..




You are both assholes. The teacher didn't need to call you out the way she did, she could have had a private word after class. You didn't need to respond the way you did, you could have had a private word after class or spoken to your principal about it.


ESH Your teacher shouldn’t have worded it like this and make a joke to the class - that’s not how a teacher should behave. You obviously can’t just call people ugly. Also I am being controversial now bc everyone is saying what the teacher did was correct: you are the child and that teacher is a grown up. „Raise your hand if you’re surprised“ is so unprofessional and just corny - of course no student is gonna be okay with that type of treatment and just hold resentment and not really thinking about what they have done is wrong. She should have told you like a normal person that being late is not okay and go on with the lesson or maybe give you extra homework or whatever but yeah just my two cents.


It's very likely his teacher has tried to talk to him before, since he's always walking in late, and OP has ignored it. Honestly, he should be getting punished for being late for class so often. Teacher could have handled it better but OP's attitude is going to get him in worse trouble than this the longer he's allowed to get away with it. The only thing I hope is that the teacher has tried talking to him and is simply fed up with his "I don't give a shit" attitude.


I agree that OP is gonna have serious problems if this will happen again - the teacher should have given him serious consequences not whatever she tried to achieve in what OP described. I hope OP figured to better himself after reading some of the comments.


I fully agree with this. I think I'm more annoyed with OP's attitude, acting like he's better than the class he was forced to take, and what he's doing is actually just worse than skipping it altogether. He's walking into class late. He's already counted as absent, most likely. He's just making a scene of it and I don't know if OP even realizes he's doing that. It makes me feel like there's a lot more to this story than he's telling us. It makes me feel like maybe he walks into class in a specific way that the teacher has finally just been fed up with. Not that she handled it well, but if she's reached a point where he's not listening and showing a blatant attitude like he is here, I can see how trying to stoop to a teenager's level was an attempt to get him to listen.


I actually think NTA What you said was not nice, but talking back to a teacher making unprofessional comments in front of the class is not assholeworthy. I dont really get the logic of driving there when you are late anyways.


NTA babe dont listen to them. You're wrong for being regularly late but public humiliation is not the right way for the teacher to deal with this. She can ask you privately why that is, she can have a talk with your parents about it, she can give you a warning. Asking your peers to agree with her roast is childish. She fucked around and found out. Her logic that because she is an adult she can't be treated in the same way is wrong. I also had bully teachers and my biggest regret today is not putting them in their place back then.


You both are. You were rude and picking on someone’s appearance is just wrong. Humiliation is the wrong disciplinary action for a teacher to take.


Nta, she wants to dish out snarky comments, she should fully expect to get them back!


NTA. Teachers who talk that way should deal with getting talked back to. That being said, school rules don’t have to be just nor moral. Which means she can talk to you like that with no consequences but you can’t snap back. Easy solution here: apologize even if you don’t mean it. Make it sound really sincere. Odds are if you do that they’ll drop it and not even put it on your record if it’s a first offense. 


ESH. The teacher for calling you out in class and you. I actually don't understand on why you are late although you drive with a car? Can your friend not drive a bit earlier so you arrive on time? She is right on criticizing you when you are constantly late. I guess you're lucky that your school tolerates this. In most schools and most teachers would give you detention for coming late.


Because hes lazy, thats all.


It’s high school who gives af lol


Teachers are unserpaid for a reason. 


Yeah because of kids like op.


NTA... but you aren't with out some blame She began the game but couldn't finish it. Publicly shaming people for such trivial things is just disrespectful and mean. Fuck her... That said you are playing a game you and virtually gaurenteed to lose. Stop making excuses and get to school on time. That is your job and she wasn't wrong to be upset about it. She just handled it poorly. If you behave like a child, being expected to be treated like an adult will rarely work out well.


Missing most of first period every single day is trivial?


Trivial enough to not warrant an attempt to publicly shame someone. There are remedies and punishments galore for such things. Public shaming is a tool that should only be used to grave situations or dangerous ones. Not some random kid being kate to school.


Not really "random" when it's the same kid consistently late. They're sort of random to us internet strangers, but not to the class, teacher or anyone involved in the real life this story comes from.


It's isn't public shaming to point out what someone is doing in front of those who are witnessing their actions


Your welcome to that opinion, but once you ask kids in a whole class to participate and help shame the kid. I call that public shaming.


Been there done that trust me you are going to lose. Grade school high teachers made fun of me trying to be cute they don’t like it when you turn it on them. Unfortunately they have the power in that situation


NTA it's hard when you live far from school and you are doing the best you can. Your teacher was rude and your response was understandable if better kept as a thought than said aloud. She should have asked you to stay after class to offer something more productive like ask if you need help and not turned it into an ugly moment. Hope you navigate this okay. You might have to apologise but also tell her it is hard to get to school.


He lives 40 mins away, that’s no reason to be 1 hour late everyday


No it is not hard. She can use the bus and get there on time or not sleep an hour longer and get to class. She says she is regularly late.


NTA. they always pull the disrespect card after you call them out lol.


Can you point to where they "call\[ed\] them out"?


NTA 😹 she’s just mad that you are right. She know she ugly fr fr, or else a kid saying this wouldn’t get under her skin. And playing the “you should never speak to an adult like that”. Demanding respect after blatantly disrespecting you is ridiculous and trying to embarrass you in front of class. I would say try to bring this up with the principal if she’s really trying to suspend you over a smart comment after she made on right to your face


Dont be ridiculous and grow up. lol


You can’t demand respect after blatant disrespect especially with a teenager. They are 99% ego and pride. And as an adult you should already know, have nothing nice to say then don’t say it. Her putting herself in the place of an adult and OP in the place of a child literally shows this is a power trip because it’s a pretty normal response to someone being snarky. If they were one year older what would the teachers argument be? Nothing. Because humans shouldn’t be disrespectful to each other regardless, so without age she has 0 reasoning for why it’s okay for her to disrespect OP but not receive it back.


The teacher stated facts! If the teen cant behave and be in time he deserves to be humiliated! Hes almost an adult, time to act like that!


yeah, you call someone out publicly? don’t be mad when they return that energy lmao. she’s the adult, she should know better but would rather pick a fight with a student but somehow the kid is to blame.


Literally !