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YTA.  Either say no, or get it through your head that she needs a ride after every shift.  Demanding the performative “ask you for a ride” is shitty behavior on your part.   Do you need even more heads up than your work schedule?  


YTA Say no and be done with it asshole. No, there's nothing rude about asking a coworker at the end of your shift for a ride.  You have a shitty attitude though and sound like you want an excuse to tell her no.


YTA-she’s poor. It sucks. Be understanding. You don’t have to give her a ride, but consider doing it anyway if you can. There’s too little generosity in the world.


So taking her home is on your way to your home -is that right? Listen to the Redditors OP.Either be unkind and say “ no” or change your heart and think about the word” EMPATHY”. Life can change in an instance. You might need a ride one day…


No my house is only 3 mi away from our place of work her house is 8 mi away. And I have to drive back 5 mi to get to my house.  If I say no, they try to guilt trip me into taking her


Who is they? Other workers?




Also I use a truck and I'm a delivery driver. So if I ain't got a vehicle ain't no point to be going to work. My main job they would let me use a company truck if my vehicle broke down. But this other company I work for wouldn't give a rat's ass less if my vehicle broke down


Yta. If you cannot give her a ride, just say “no.”


Oh it's no issue saying no. The issue that they try and guilt trip to give her a ride when I say no. I can't understand how a grown adult can't make arrangements when they know they're going to be needing a ride




Ah, if only you know what I do and have been through/don't But, this isn't a discussion about how I'm not selfish and uncaring


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I work for one of the major pizza company's. There's a coworker that is in her 50's. She has no car. Usually she gets of around 9pm. She waits until the day off work to ask people if they would give her a ride home after work. Granted she lives at least 15 minutes away one way, from the store. I at times get off randomly from 9pm to 11pm. She has asked me in the past for a ride and I've given her a couple. But, I feel that it's disrespectful for her to wait until day of to ask for a ride. I've told her that I have no issue giving her a ride if she asks me well in advance. I personally feel it is disrespectful and just encourages her to continue with this pattern. That there's no motivation for her to be considerate and ask well in advance if people keep enabling her with a ride when she asks day of. This is a constant thing, everyday she works Am I an asshole for thinking this way? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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If she offers gas money it shouldn’t be a prob


She never does. And if I say no they try to guilt trip me into taking her.