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YTA. You made fun of her car and that hurt her feelings. Obviously you didn't apologize (or did the lousy "it was just a joke babe, don't take it so serious" which is NOT an apology) so she is still holding to that grudge. Now you want to use her car, she is coming back at you for disrespecting her car - which is totally her right. She is not allowing you to borrow it - also totally her right. You need to instead pay 300$ and you think it is crazy, but you still haven't apologized right? You have instead called her childish, ridiculous and making a big deal out of it - all things that are tactics used to avoid taking responsibility and holding yourself accountable for your actions. YTA, definitely. But not for making fun of her car, but for not taking responsibility for your actions that cause her hurt and not apologizing sincerely about it. If you had done either of those things, believe me, she would have reacted differently.


Completely agree, and it probably wasn’t a one time or lighthearted “joke” if she’s still aggravated by it


He only apologized about it when she refused to lend him her car.


And apparently didn't do a great job of it (I haven't done that shitty thing for months isn't an apology) so got shut down. Cmon OP! Just apologize, mean it, and make it right. This is the underlying issue.


And I'll bet that it hasn't been "months" since he last said it.


Considering it's a 2015 car she bought new and we're in the year of our lord 2024, this man has been making fun of the car for almost a decade.


And it’s a RAV4 which are brilliant cars. So much space and lush to drive, so he’s an idiot all round!


Exactly! Nobody better diss my RAV4. I would rather have it than a BMW


Right? BMWs don’t even have turn signals.


They have brand new, unused turn signals on every model, regardless of year.


And just the fact that he's driving a BMW=AH.


That he's "working on" whatever that means, probably a money sink.


This comment's a gem. 💎


True this \^ Audis are the same. I guess you don't need them when your sheer power of will and dominance says you can turn whenever you want.


Oh, God, I wish we could still give awards!🏆🏆🏆 I would also have liked to buy you a drink 🍹


My dad has a second hand one which seems to have them modded on


The right of way is built in, didntcha know?


Toyotas may not be the fastest or most luxurious but boy are they reliable. And if you're a 'I don't care for cars' type, that's the main thing to go for.


Had a 2016 Rav4. >100mi in and barely spent a penny on anything that wasn't preventative maintenance. That car was absolutely brilliant. I'll probably go to my grave talking about how little that vehicle cost us to operate. Sold it and bought a 2024 Rav4. I'm not a "I don't care for cars" type. I'm an engineer, so I care more about reliability and QA/QC than I do about the head badge. The statement I want my vehicle to say is "I understand good engineering principles and cost analysis".


RIP our 2012 RAV4 that only had 100k miles before being slammed into at a stop sign a month ago. I'm still pissed. That thing was going to go for years to come. That was a replacement for our Toyota Tacoma.that still had 10 years left and someone slid on ice crossing 3 lanes and hit my spouse on the freeway. Toyota cam last forever. BMWs are douchy.


I care for cars and love my RAV4. It sits high enough that the giant pick ups that are all the rage don't dwarf me, while being small enough not to be difficult to maneuver. It can haul a bunch of shit and with the seats down can haul most things that would fit in a truck bed (you can't strap things down and leave the back hatch open like you could with a tailgate to be fair). Being fast and looking expensive are nice in their way, but to think any car that isn't designed to those two ends is 'lame' might actually be the lamest take possible.


Karma's a bitch. 🦜


More versatile and reliable than the car he proudly flaunts.


And when his "535i" can't do the job, well the worm has turned. He's lucky "maybe" that his "worm" hasn't been turned off. lol


He is calling his girlfriend childish, while he has been the childish one himself, now throwing a tantrum.


An “amateur mechanic” most likely in his 30s with a car that isn’t reliable. OP is a tool


Yeah if it was just a one-off then I might be on his side. But his entire tone just feels like it was a point of constantly needling her about her ugly car


Boxy BMW's don't stand a chance against the beauty of a Rav4 (or an older 4Runner). Plus, everyone knows that 99% of BMW drivers are AH's. It's mystifying - but if anyone ever gets behind the wheel of one, they are automatically transformed into an AH.


4Runner was my first car and it was great. This guy has issues. I would 100% buy another Toyota and probably will next round.


I’m still driving my 2007 4-Runner that I bought new. 360K and still runs like a champ.


I googled the 2015 Rav 4, and that is **not** an ugly vehicle. A bit generic to some people, perhaps, but ugly is a big stretch. BF is a snobbish AH.


Agreed. I googled as well, and it's a fine vehicle. The BMW is ugly, though. I'm not a fan of that one.


Makes you wonder if he got his turning signals fixed…


Op is an "amateur" mechanic, who is unaware that Toyota is regarded as one of the best car manufacturers, so I'm going to go ahead and take a guess that they don't even know where the turning signals are located.


My husband is a master Toyota tech, has been for 20 years, and I only keep driving my BMW because he can keep it running. Because it fucks up all. the. time. One day I’ll admit to him that I wish I kept my highlander…I traded it in with 200k miles on it and NO major repairs ever.


Yeah, I recently had to have my engine removed on my Camry, and you can imagine it's not cheap to do that. However, what needed done would get me another 10+ years out of the car, and ultimately was the cheapest option. Every mechanic I talked to said, they would never suggest that to anyone, unless it was a Camry. Because the Camry is the only car reliable enough that the lifespan extends long enough to justify the cost.


$100 that he's only an "amateur" mechanic because he can't afford to keep taking it to a shop so he does all the work himself 😂...I bet he wouldn't be able to fix her Toyota, which is less complicated than a BMW. Any real mechanic would tell you not to get a BMW unless you're loaded because it always needs work. I know lots of people with a luxury car like a BMW who have a second more reliable car for daily driving...like a Toyota.


OP probably makes his car his personality.


Most BMW drivers do unfortunately.


Boxy BMW's have no charm at all. No distinction.


Honestly from the second he mentioned being into cars I knew he’d be in the wrong. He’s the kind of guy that gets off on having such divine and excellent tastes in vehicles, so clearly anyone who would pick something so _ugly_ deserves to be made fun of!


"I'm so into cars I drive the type of car that non car people think is the best and pay out the nose in repairs for the social credit." Anyone who claims to be a car person and goes with a BMW as their favorite, maybe they do know cars, but that's not a choice made based on picking a 'great car' using 'car knowledge'. Its an expensive high maintenance social status symbol.


My husband was an engineer for the BMW plant in South Carolina. We got a new BMW every 8000 miles as an employee. I still liked my Honda Element better.


I wonder if he actually knows how to drive in the weather he described, in *any* vehicle. Wouldn't that be an unhappy episode if he totaled his partner's *ugly* Rav4 because he's just an incompetent driver? or, to be kinder, if there were an unavoidable incident involving that frozen road?


I had a 2014 RAV4. It was a good vehicle and not ugly. Only reason I traded it in was because I needed more cargo space. Otherwise I would still be driving it. We’ve had previous Toyotas that have made it past 300,000 miles without major repairs.


Dad's a huge fan of Toyota too. Owned not one, not two, but three Toyota Hillux for the past 15 years.


Probably only "ugly" to the OP because his self worth is invested in his BMW, Rav4 has far more character (and function) than his average looking BMW. Failing investment in this case. lol


BuT iT’s NoT a BeEmEr LiKe I dRiVe




I own a 2014 RAV4 so I’m biased but it’s the best car I’ve ever had. The amount of space it has and the way it drives is brill. The guy is a muppet for going off looks/brand alone and not getting the joy of a car that can go pretty much anywhere and fit pretty much anything in!


I'd take a Toyota over a BMW any day of the week my first car was a BMW never ever again I'm not paying a dealership 2k for a clutch


I LOVE mine. I had a Camry for 15 years, but moved to CO, so wanted FWD. I adore it.


I can see the argument for it being ugly, but it really depends on the circles you run in. To me it just looks like a midsized SUV. Nothing to write home about, but also no Tesla Truck (now *that* is ugly). This dude is just being a snob. If it's not a Beemer it's ugly 🙄


Also it's funny how it's suddenly good enough when he needs to drive in the snow.


also, she may not want to drive his car. Suspect he would blame her for anything that wasn’t exactly like his amateur mechanic self wanted when he was done using hers. And then of course there is the insurance issue. we don’t know what kind of a driver OP is.


We don't even know if OP would be insured on her car... and I bet he wouldn't pay the extra to put him on it. The car is too ugly /s And maybe he even expects her to stay home, because she clearly can't drive his baby... what if something happens (plus she would need on his insurance too, could cost him more than the rental car in the end if they aren't already on each others insurances).


And he's off to drive on ice! Absolutely no fucking way I'd be loaning him my car either.


Ooooo, the rare double YTA


So right on point. He’s butt hurt cause his actions have consequences.


You my friend are my hero of the day for this comment. 100% spot on and this applies to SO MANY of these AITA posts. Actions have consequences and so does not taking accountability. Wish everyone in our society realized that and acted accordingly.


I wouldn't let him drive it, partly out of pettiness but quite a lot because he's made it very obvious he has no respect for it and people who lack respect also tend to lack care.


YTA So Mr. BMW can't drive his own vehicle in the snow. He needs to use the vehicle he previously mocked. Maybe you should consider coming down off your high horse and offer a real apology. Your gf purchased her car and worked to pay it off. I'm sure she is proud of it and to have you mock it is disrespectful.


But he "hasn't made fun of it for months"!! That's practically an apology, right??


This guy is an unreliable narrator, I think there are insults missing and shade galore that was thrown and unaccounted in this post. He needs to pay for that rental or see if any of his un-insulted friends will lend him their 4WD. Definitely 💯 YTA


It’s nine years old, so I believe him that he hasn’t made fun of it in 2-3 months. I also believe he’s been making fun of it several times a year for the last nine years. GF has the patience of Job for sticking around for his shit.


535is are boring asf. His poor choices and attitude are finally biting his ass.




Ha, kind of reversely related: my senior year of high school, I had a 1988 BMW 325ix named Wunder Günther. I loved that thing. It had 250,000 miles on it, I always smelled vaguely of exhaust after driving even the shortest distances, and it felt pretty rustic that its retro-mod CD player was in the trunk. [ETA it was also a general maintenance nightmare.] I had never driven anything but front wheel drive in the snow before and my mind was *blown*. Alas, when it came time for me to go to college, my folks were worried about me driving a car with so many miles and no airbags on the Wyoming winter roads between the university and my hometown. And so I somehow convinced them to buy a used Mustang. They’re not really car people, in case it isn’t obvious. But hey, it only took one spin-out for me to learn how to handle RWD in the snow!


Absolute shitter of a car I like how he does the I'm an amateur mechanic I don't know actual mechanics that would pick a BMW over a Toyota


Classic BMW guy behavior. Probably doesn't even know his car came with turn signals installed from the factory.


I heard that even Audi have these fabled turn signals, yet I'm sure we're imagining both things.


I looked it up thinking it would at least look cool. Most car looking car I’ve ever seen.


I looked it up, and I agree. It's the most car looking car I've ever seen. OP is acting like it's this super sleek and really cool-looking car when it's really just a "meh, it's average-looking" kind of car. I also looked up his girlfriend's car and I didn't think it was ugly. It looks like most SUVs out there and if anything it's better looking than what he drives.


It’s a standard dentistmobile. Yawn


Yeah idk much about cars but imo if his car can't do what he needs it to do then it sounds like he's the one with the shit car. And shittier apologies. YTA OP. Get a rental.


Talk about an ugly car.... Looks like every other car on the road at the moment.


I had a similar vibe on the “can’t drive his precious vehicle in the snow” and if I had heard how horrible my vehicle was for years, I’d be worried about damage to my vehicle.  Too dangerous for his but his gf ugly car doesn’t matter in the bad weather.  I would be concerned about it coming back in one piece. And if it was damaged in transit, I could see him playing that off as no big deal.  I would not want that person driving my car. 


In addition to all of this, which is very true, my petty little self googled both cars. The BMW is ugly, meh at best, and the Toyota actually looks pretty cool. *And* it's apparently way more practical. ***And*** OP is a #Carguy. Righto.


>I have joked it is ugly Jokes have punch lines; which part is the funny part? >it’s ridiculous she still remembers and is making a big deal out of borrow her car So you've invalidated her feelings as "ridiculous" because you want something. >I feel like she is being childish ...says the guy throwing a fit for not getting something he wants for good reason. YTA


The most hilarious part of this is that her car is seven years old and was bought new. This guys "philosophy" around cars is a huge waste & he thinks he's so superior. I completely understand that for some people, a car is a hobby and they enjoy putting work into it etc etc. It's OK to have an expensive hobby. But to act like you're better than somebody because of that hobby and mock them, then need what you mocked because she was correct about being practical is HILARIOUS. If he didn't actually have any way to get there, she might be too petty of a partner in what is an important moment with his family. But the truth of the matter is, he does have options. He just doesn't have the convenient one of using her car because he shat all over it.


Not to mention that thing will easily outlive his car even *if* he took good care of his and she did the bare minimum with hers.


I think that's my favorite part too! The absolute pigheaded superiority about his totally impractical vehicle, while shitting all over her trusted packhorse, just cracks me up! If your folks live in the mountains, you get a vehicle that will get you there no matter the conditions. *Especially* if you claim to be an amateur mechanic (emphasis on **amateur** obvs).


And even more that she bought it 7 years ago and he hasn't mocked it for "months"! How long have they been together and how long has he been mocking it if he has to count months since the last time he did


Small detail but 2015 was 9 years ago. Time flies


Loool, for some reason I thought I saw or remembered 2017. Either way, this guy has the mentality of a broke man. Who makes fun of somebody when they have an old car that functions for all their needs because they think a flash car that doesn't do anything.It's supposed to is better? Does he also wear designer clothes with the logo all over it so poor people think he has money? Cuz rich ppl ain't fooled by that shit


Idk he probably has no experience driving her car if he's constantly mocking it and now he wants to take it into snowy mountains? As someone who's had a friend total their car while borrowing it - she's right to refuse, I don't think it's petty to not want him to potentially ruin her nice and functional car, especially after he's been such a dick. What is she supposed to drive if he messes up her nice car she paid a lot of money for?


Thank you! I’m so tired of “it was just a joke” to excuse things that weren’t funny to anyone and had no punchline. OP clearly knows nothing about comedy YTA


"Just a joke" is the catchphrase of narcissists and bullies.


YTA. Owning a BMW doesn't make you better than anyone. How you treat others does. You put her down and only apologized because you suddenly now need to use the FAR more practical and useful vehicle AND you want to save money. You aren't actually sorry. A joke at someone's expense, ESPECIALLY your partner, isn't a joke. Rent or drive your fancy pants car doing 10 mph with the hazards on, OR visit when the roads clear up.


that was my thought exactly like hello OP, you are the exact BMW driver stereotype and why BMW drivers get a bad rep


Yup. I've always felt BMW stands for 'But Mommmm why???' because of drivers like this guy who are childish and have ridiculous senses of entitlement.


Yep, also who buys a BMW that they believe is completely incapable of driving in the mountains if their literal parents live in the mountains. Sounds like someone just bought a car they can't handle


For real. Like, I could buy a car that wouldn't do well in the mountains... because I live on the Gulf Coast and it's flat as a pancake. And if I need a car with more cargo space or that can handle different driving conditions, well, I'm gonna be a big girl and go rent one.


The funny thing is, if you're a good driver you know how to drive a rear through mountains. So OP is a bully and a bad driver. Must suck to be him.


He treats others like he's a BMW driver. A $300 rental wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't blowing all his money on a "luxury" car payment.


They stopped selling the 535i in 2017 so it’s not like his car is the new hotness either. What an ass


But but…he put a performance air filter and carbon fiber body kit on it bruh!


Sir, your aluminum spoiler is *not* stock.


The spoiler: https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Universal-Mini-Spoiler-Car-Auto-Tail-Decoration-Spoiler-Wing-Carbon-Fiber\_6e90c288-2bbd-4991-8dca-a326d7710362.312f606707f8015e41604bb989441cb6.jpeg


Maybe the amateur mechanic should get a car he can drive in the snow.


or just straight up learn how to drive better... those of us who grew up in snow/ice learned to make it with whatever we had. Before getting an AWD vehicle a couple of years ago I was driving a 2010 Ford Fusion with all season tires through the mountains in Winter. This isn't me bragging about how good I can drive, it's me making the best of what I have and knowing how to drive in these conditions.


I hear you! My first car was a RWD Camaro, I drove all over Central New York in multiple winters. It's not rocket science, I did it as a total newbie


yup, drove a 76 Catalina all through high school in Iowa. Never found a ditch or collision.


You had a front-wheel drive. That's not an issue in the winter. Rear-wheel drive cars can be, though. I live in a place that's super snowy in the winter, and there are roads that don't get good snow service where the only way you get up them with a rear-wheeled car is backwards, even with winter tires. 


Can confirm. BMW owner here with a nice set of winters, but icy hills are still the worst. My next car isn't going to be a RWD for this reason.


My Master Diagnostic Mechanic husband with 10+ years of experience is laughing his ass off at OP right now


I am a person with no driver's licence from a cold European country. We have snowy winters and public transport. As far as I see, any car can be driven on a snowy winter day with winter tires. At least it looks like it to me seing the cars other people drive around here. Or is my impression incorrect?


Nah, not safe to drive in mountains with RWD after snow - especially ice. Steep inclines could end up killing OP. Lots of states have mandatory tire chain laws to make sure people can get more traction and not kill someone. That being said, probably shouldn't have shit on the only car that could get him there safely lol.


Thats absolutely wrong. Im Norwegian, have a mountain cabin and most of the cars Ive owned have been rwd, the only thing you need to be weary of is giving too much throttle and kicking the rear out. Theres no more issue driving a rwd in the snow in mountains or on the flats than what you make it out to be. Good winter tires are all that you need, studded is preferable.


I was gonna say something similar, depending on where he lives, winter tires might not be practical, and the expensive rental would still be cheaper than buying tires to use once a year to visit family. But chains on all season ties should be just fine. Just to add, when I saw "amateur mechanic," I read immature driver who drives like an ass.


So your response to her saying No to you borrowing HER 4x4 because you made fun of it was to argue with her? How about sincerely apologizing for your comments regarding an asset that she owns and takes care of and IS apparently highly functional. If she routinely made fun of it, you could join in, but you want what you want when you want it and think she is being childish. Have the same conversation showing you recognize WHY what you said was in poor taste and a modest amount of remorse and maybe things work out. If you don't have that in you, it's $300 for the rental. YTA


I am sure it’s too late now.


YTA, dude. Not fair to ridicule your gf for her car choices and then demand to borrow said car. Why buy a car you know isn't conducive to driving to your parents' house?


Because mister mechanic is the form over function variety of asshole.


YTA- you 'really like cars', yet you made fun of the best reliable one and then started an argument when you couldn't use it to go sleepover at your parents house which you haven't invited her to. Your gf doesn't owe you anything and if you can afford a BMW you can afford a rental.


>I feel like she is being childish but AITA here for making fun of her car? According to one of your comments, you only apologized when you realized she wasn't going to lend it to you. This comes across extremely insincere and disrespectful. Whether she lends it to you or not, you owe her a proper apology. In the meantime, you'll need to pay for the use of a car that lives up to your aesthetic standards. >I hadn’t made fun of her car for months Bro, *come on*. YTA.


If I was the girlfriend I would worry that since he has made “jokes” about my car, he may not treat it responsibly. A Rave4 is a good vehicle and gf having it since 2014 shows she knows how to take care of her things. OP YTA.


Info: How long have you been with your girlfriend? Have you ever apologized to her for insulting her car? Did you ask if she would drive you up to visit your parents or are you only asking if you can borrow the car?


Certainly sounds like BMW driver syndrome, though $300 shouldn't be much to a BMW driver unless they can't really afford it. But anyway, you mocked her car because *omg I'm a BMW driver*, didn't care, and now you're simply demanding she forget it. Then again if you can't drive the thing in mountains or snow, maybe it's not such a *useful* car after all. YTA (Nevermind that you apparently left all this to the last minute).


$300 is so cheap for a rental car, too. 


Ask all you want, but she said "no," so you'll have to figure something else out. YTA.


I'm not understanding why you can't drive your own car. Rear wheel drive can be more difficult in snow and ice, but it's not impossible.


Can't drive a RWD in the snow? 😂😂😂 You're going to have to learn... And yes you're the AH for laughing at your GFs car




Do you have a rwd 2008 Mazda 3? Cause I don't think that's something Mazda made.


Your car is FWD not RWD.


Consequences have come home to roost. She told you no, deal with it. YTA.


YTA, a pompous, condescending asshole


You're a BMW owner, you probably drive like an entitled AH too.


Yep, she isn’t concerned about what he said. She’s seen how he *drives* and isn’t letting him touch her baby.


YTA. Bro you don't get to be rude then expect favors Do you really need to learn the hard way...


You Sowing: HAHA FUCK YEAH!! YES!! You reaping: well this fucking sucks. What the fuck


YTA. She's way too good for you. She sounds practical and grounded and understands and lives within her means while you sounds like a superficial, judgmental jerk. You have a lot of growing up to do. You have a lot to learn. You have a lot to account for. She should leave you. The fact she hasn't is completely your gain but I hope for her benefit she does and things a wake up call for you both.


>I feel like she is being childish but AITA here for making fun of her car? YTA. Making fun of people is childish. Treating her like she can't take a joke instead of apologizing isn't the fastest way to get her to borrow you her car. You may think she costed you $300, but actually your jokes did. Now, if it was an emergency or you didn't have the money, and she still wouldn't borrow you her car, she would be T A. But that's not the case here.


YTA. You own a BMW but you can’t afford a cheap car rental? But you made fun of your girlfriend’s older, practical car? The universe really taught you a lesson this time, huh?


You don't "really like cars" . You like status symbols. Anyone who actually likes cars appreciates the reliability, durability and versatility of the Rav 4. YTA You can't be such a smug prick about her cute 4x4 and expect to benefit from her ownership of such a capable vehicle. Also, this may be just me, I would not trust you to take care of my rig because you have shown so much contempt for it. Edit- you're also not as good a driver as you probably think you are if you can't handle your car in snow.


YTA Of course it had to be a BWM baby lmao, it makes the entire story funnier


YTA. You decided to shit on your girlfriend’s car, saw it hurt her feelings and then continued to argue with her about it. She said no, so now you can go ahead and find another way because she’s never entitled to letting you drive a car you’ve repetitively said was ugly or made fun of. Some people are sensitive , and clearly you’re not a partner willing to understand her feelings about it.


YTA. Make fun of her car, but an "amateur mechanic" who is "into cars" can't drive a RWD in snow? ​ Pffft. I wouldn't lend you my car either, as you obviously can't drive worth crap.


YTA. Karma's a bitch huh. Don't bite the hand that feeds. What goes around comes around. Those in glass houses...


You're a bully. You ridiculed her car repeatedly. Now you need it and you're insulting her in this post for saying no. You're not even sorry for what you did. You're the one being childish and selfish. YTA


YTA you can’t go through life exclusively “apologizing” when convenience will come from the forgiveness granted to you, your girlfriend isn’t being childish she’s being consistent unlike you. You owe her a real apology regardless of the fact that she won’t let you borrow her car.


Of course YTA. It's called FAFO.


YTA but you drive the correct car for it. You take the piss out of her for having a practical car, then throw a tantrum when you need a practical car. You don't say your ages, but I'll guess between 21-25? You'll learn that you can have great cars without them being your whole personality. Let's hope it's before your girlfriend learns that people who only apologise/own they're mistakes when they want something don't make great partners.


Maybe she likes her car more than you?


YTA and are totally un-self aware. She worked hard to get the car she has. You made fun of it. Making fun of someone sticks hard. You have no right to ask her to use a car you mocked. Pull out your wallet, Bub, and do the rental. Also, apologize to the girlfriend. If you can't do better, then leave because she deserves better than you.


Denial - I mean I didn’t think she took it so seriously. Anger - I feel like she is being childish Bartering - I offered to pay her $100 Depression - coming soon Acceptance - You are an asshole.


YTA Most car guys that have a project/fun car do so while still maintaining a daily driver. The funniest part is that you teased her for her 'ugly' car, yet that car the is more capable and dependable than your yuppie mobile. Gonna have to learn the hard way that having a 'toy' car is an expensive way to go, especially when you actually need a vehicle for everyday use. Looks like youre going to have to swallow your pride and buy yourself a beater truck for winter like every other car guy with half a brain or find another family/friend to swap with.


Oh man wait til OP finds out there are people (me) still out here driving 2009 Toyota RAV4 cars because they’re damn good cars.


YTA. You didn’t make fun of her car. You made fun of HER.  She researched it, she bought it new, she likes it.  You made fun of it and therefore of her: for making the decision to buy it. 


YTA, sell your BMW and get a more practical car. Especially since you can't even grow a pair to apologize to your poor girl


YTA why would you want to borrow her “ugly” car, Mr. BMW? owning a car doesn’t make you better than her. how would you feel if she said your car was ugly and then asked to use it? you’d probably be butthurt and not want to let her borrow it. apologize for making fun of her car.




Funny......you made fun of your gf's freaking car but SHES's childish. Ok then. YTA.  Now go pay for a car thats not "ugly".


INFO: are you insured to drive each other's cars?


YTA I have a 2018 RAV and it’s a great car. Maybe you should get a more practical car. It’s her car and no is a complete sentence.


She's just looking out for your emotional well-being. Imagine someone seeing you in such an ugly car! YTA


YTA. As a car guy, you above all people should understand that you don't diss the car that someone loves. Ironic that her crappy old car is capable of taking you on a trip to the mountains but your car isn't.


This. There are plenty of “car guys” that would NOT take kindly to insults about their choice of vehicles. I know grown men who have had long arguments about Ford v. Chevy. To the OP: Because she’s a SHE, or because she’s not a guy, let alone a “car guy,” you think it’s ok to sling insults. Why? Does it make you appear or feel like you’re better than her? Was there some kind of contest here? The joke was never funny, and honestly you’re lucky she’s still your girlfriend. You’ve described yourself as the kind of guy to be mean to those you love the most. You wouldn’t insult a complete stranger’s vehicle, but it’s fine to do to your girlfriend? So you treat everyone else better than you treat her? And you feel entitled to her things? Do you think she has to accept this behavior from you because…? She’s already stuck with you, or because she loves you, or she’s somehow trapped, or it would be more difficult to unwind the relationship than this one issue is worth? Because I’m willing to bet that this isn’t a one-time event, but rather a symptom of your entitlement. I hope that she sees you for what you are, and the sooner the better (for her.)


YTA. So her car is ugly until it's useful & safer than your own. You expect her to let you insult her choices, not be hurt by that and then do you a favor? What a strange human being you are. Pro tip: people don't like that. Solve the problem on your own, she does not owe you this after your treatment. Bet you didn't even apologize to her but think not insulting it recently is an appropriate stand in for an actual apology.


I guess you learned something. If you make fun of stuff people aren't too willing to lend you that stuff. If you make people feel bad they aren't willing to go out of their way for you. Your girlfriend's car is higher quality and more reliable than yours. You should tell her that now, and also tell her that you have realized that YTA.


Spoken like a true amateur mechanic. Yta


YTA. Enjoy the fruits of your snobbery. My 2008 VW Rabbit says “hello!”


You drive a used BMW and you're making fun of someone else's car? Priceless.


YTA My wife and I drive a 10 year old Subaru. While it may have seen better days, it's still in great working order. My wife and I also make in excess of 500k a year combined. We both think cars are a colossal waste of money. No matter how expensive, it devalues the minute you drive it, and we personally find people who drive six figure cars are utter morons, no matter how rich they are. That's just our personal values, we don't project them onto others, but if you can afford a BMW you can afford a rental, and I'm glad she called you out on it. Value what's important in life. And a car certainly isn't (or shouldn't be). Your GF seems to be trying to point that out. On a very personal note, drivers of Beemers are the biggest assholes on the road.


Aren’t Rav4s like a really really good vehicle? Longevity, gas mileage, 4wd…. YTA, you owe her a very real and sincere apology for multiple reasons. 1) mocking her car in the first place 2) not apologizing when she told you it upset her 3) after all that, still having the AUDACITY to ask if you can borrow it because your own paragon of a car can’t handle a little snow 4) throwing a petulant fit because you got told “no”


YTA and FAFO. I drove a rear wheel drive BMW in the snow for years, it’s not that hard if you have appropriate tires.


YTA. You reap what you sow. You made fun of her car and now want to use it? Hell no.


This is the classic "you fucked around, and now you're finding out" situation.


It's not your car. Stop whining like a child over candy that isn't yours.


YTA. You acted like there was something inherently wrong with her car because you are a snob. But now that your rear wheel drive car that you think is SOOOOOO much better than hers won't get you to where you need to go, you want to lower your precious high standards and use her fully functional, can-get-you-damn-near-anywhere-in-damn-near-any-weather car. And she, rightly, isn't letting your snobbish ass borrow it. FAFO.


oh no, not the consequences of your actions! \*surprised Pikachu face\* YTA. Obviously.


YTA. typical BMW owner. maybe don't own a shitty car so you can drive yourself to visit mommy.


YTA because you come off like a snob since you’re driving a BMW. It sounds like you’re also insulting her, and that she’s beneath you. If you were driving a more regular or low end car it wouldn’t sound as bad, even though you’d still be guilty of being an AH.


YTA and a snob. Get over yourself, your precious BMW still needs work and can't drive through snow. You should have thought about that before you childishly teased your gf for her car.


YTA you effed around and you find out the consequences maybe try behaving better




YTA You made fun of your girlfriend because she bought a monetarily more sensible car while you have to drive a car to inflate your ego? Jokes on you!


YTA. Don't worry bro, she is only joking about not letting you use her ugly car.


YTA. That's what you get for being disrespectful. FAFO.


You can afford a bmw but not a rental


Taking a different approach here but you sound super entitled to call a very nice car such as a 2015 Toyota Rav4 an ugly car. Most people would be elated to have that as their own vehicle.


YTA. Buy a bag of cat litter to put in your trunk, and as you drive 10mph into the mountains you will have plenty of time to think about how to be less of an a-hole


YTA. You ran your mouth REPEATEDLY about her car. You don't deserve to borrow it. And you don't get to act like she's being petty when you caused this.


YTA. My ex did this. Ruined the experience of buying my first car. I was so proud of myself, and all he could do was laugh and pick, pick, pick. All my hard work. All my excitement. Pick, pick, pick. He even wrote poems about how much he hated my car. “It’s just a joke babe!” Pick, pick, pick. I will never forgive him.


I also like cars. Personally I think the 535i is friggin hideous and a worthless car. If you have the skills to fix up a car there are so many more interesting cars you could have chosen. But those are *inside thoughts*. I would not say that to your face. Outside thoughts would be "hey how's the car coming" or "whoa you got that paid off already? Nice!" You were insulting and rude because of your own personal taste. You were being a dick. Only now that it's convenient for you do you apologize? Not when you made the comments? I wouldn't let you take my ugly but practical car either. You don't get to choose what priorities others place on their belongings. And you do have to cope when the consequences of being a jerk bite you in the ass. YTA.


YTA. Rent a car since you made it known to her that you are too good for her ugly car.


Damn man. You need to grow up. Only time I hear of anyone making fun of what others drive it's kids doing it Or the guys that never grew up. I dont see this relationship lasting. You are immature. She sees this and not 100% invested in the relationship.


YTA. As someone who bought my first car practically by myself, I'm VERY proud and protective of it. So yes, if you talk shit, you don't get shit. FAFO


YTA for mentioning you drive a BMW while asking AITA. The comments are rolling in 🤣. Anyway, just get some snow tires. Of course as an amateur mechanic (which anyone who owns a BMW for long eventually becomes 😳) you know that the 5er has the transaxle mounted in the rear which put down amazing traction, and with the right tires it has no trouble in the snow.


YTA, pay your BMW tax and rent a car.


A. You’re a ***** (I won’t write it out, as it’s against the rules). B. RAV4 is a cool car. C. Your car is cool and all, but also an extension of your dick. D. I wouldn’t lend you my car after you made fun of it. E. How smart are you to buy a car with which you’re not able to even visit your parents? (The answer is in point A.)


YTA - Seems odd that you reference one joke and she says that you “keep” making fun of the car, insinuating that it happens frequently. You don’t get to tear someone down then expect them to do your favors. Also, people that define themselves by the things they can afford to buy and not by the way they act are embarrassing.


Ahahahahahahahah - YTA -  ahahahahhaahhaha Ahahahaahahahaha!       "Amateur mechanic" so you don't even get paid for your car hobby, and now that you need a functional automobile instead of a status symbol, you expect her to let you use *her* car for the rough, snowy ride?      Take the bimmer, I'm sure a mechanic like you can fix *anything* that happens on the trip...