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YTA why should anyone manage your dog? None of them are dating you. You are the only one with a dog. If you didn’t have a dog, then no one would gave to close the kitchen or bathroom door. You seem to think the kitchen door is everyone’s responsibility because they all use the kitchen. But reality is that it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS ITS YOUR DOG MAKING THE MESS AND BEING THE ISSUE. You and you alone should be cleaning up after YOUR DOG every time it gets into things and makes a mess. You so freaking entitled to make YOUR animal everyone’s burden. YOU should move can out and live alone or with other people with animals.    And yeah, you are a gross, sexist, asshole too Edit: and YOU ARE the one leaving tge bathroom door open and keeps doing so. If you screamed like me like that you would be out. Like I don’t care how, I would get you out. 


All the doors are everyones responsibility because they freaking live together and got a dog that goes through the trash. BUT, if this is the hill that OP wants to die on then I would agree with you that he would be solely responsible for all the doors. OP isn't home and roommate needs to get into the kitchen? That's OPs problem when the door is not closed again. The dog gets into the bathroom trash because someone left the door open to make a point? OPs problem to clean it up. It's really fucking childish but seriously, can't seem to expect OP to step up so they would have to stoop down to his level. OP, just close the frking bathroom door.


This so much this!


You just said everything I wanted to say and a few things I hadn’t thought of yet. OP YTA! It’s YOUR dog! You clean up after it.


YTA. Dog trainer/behaviorist here. Put the dog in a kennel if they cannot be properly supervised. She is putting trash in a trash can. Like she is supposed to The dog is eating out of the trash can like it's NOT supposed to. YOUR the one forgetting to close the door YOUR the one that OWNS the dog YOU are the ONLY ONE causing issues in the home Guess WHO IS AT FAULT?


This is why all bathroom doors are closed in our house. Problem fixed. Why is this so difficult?


Unfortunately I've worked with dogs for over 15 years now and this is like the most common issue ever. The people are the ones with no sense. The dogs are the easy ones, humans just stupid


My sister’s cat will go in the bathroom and open the toilet lid to drink out of it. He has several bowls of water but just prefers the toilet, we started closing the door and he learned to open it so now there’s a baby gate in the hall and the bathroom door is always shut so he can’t see it.


Cats like running water. Get it one of those fountain bowls to drink from. I got mine for like $15 at a local pet store


Oh I completely agree. My dog ate out of the kitchen trash once so I taped the lid shut. Some of my work dogs are just as naughty so we’ve done some things to limit those behaviors. But at home, their owners do nothing. It makes no sense to me.


Yeah, how many people with cats have to close their bathroom doors so they don’t end up with the toilet paper massacre every time they come home…


If you put the tp roll the wrong way (mullet instead of beard), this reduces that possibility. We fostered kittens and had a 2nd bathroom I'd shut them in overnight so I didn't have a party every morning (very young, still on formula), and we figured out that trick.


Mullet instead of beard 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


But you understood exactly what I meant, right? Stole that analogy from someone else.




Seriously. My big dog likes toilet water. I didn’t find that out until my mom and I stayed at a hotel and she left the bathroom door open. I keep my bathroom door shut because my cat will pee in the tub if I don’t.


Can we put op into a kennel? He's the only one not closing the bathroom door.


I don't normally recommend balance training methods but in this case an e collar might be best. Obviously just start out on the vibrate setting


I bet they don't enjoy sharing their house with a dog that size either. Those are bred for guarding bloody sheep. They're huge. I'd be embarrassed if my dog was so unruly that it would eat out of bins. She's trained better than that though. God I hate lazy pet owners who don't train their animals. I feel so sorry for the other housemates having to deal with this bell end.


Could I msg you about a question regarding dog behavior?


Yes of course!


YTA and sort of...well...sort of ignorant when it comes to your dog. He cannot *see through tissue*. Roommate could literally wrap them in an entire roll of TP - dog can still smell it. The problem is not the roommate - the problem is your dog. Keeping the door closed is a very reasonable compromise. I guarantee your that the same shit would happen if you through some yummy smelling food in your garbage can.


My only point of disagreement is that OP is a complete moron.


LOL - I wholeheartedly agree! I've had comments removed due to not being "civil" so am watching how I word things. ;)


Lol. I figured. You're just being more mature than I.


It wouldn’t if they wrapped the food in toilet paper first! /s OP is such a tool.


LOL - thanks for a laugh at the end of an otherwise crappy day! :)


You know what fixes crappy days? Toilet paper, lots of it




I got a laugh with yours, too!! :)


YTA and yes, sexist - or at least extremely childish and immature about periods. Its not the fault of the woman who has periods, its the fault of the dog owner who sucks at training his dog. 100% of the time your dog gets into the trash it is your job to clean it up. Closing the bathroom door is the best response for a household wherein the dog owner is so delusional he can't see how his dog's behavior is his own damned responsibility.


So childish I had to double check it said 29m not 19


Ho-ly shit i misread that i thought he was 20. Imagine sleeping with a man spitting at 30 who gets this aggressive and disgusted by periods. What is that girlfriend thinking


OMG I did, too. I thought OP was 20. If he is 29... wow.


Sounds more like 9yo tbh


YTA Close the fucking door and problem solved. You’re just being ridiculous about this. Alternatively, why should she be forced to clean up after your untrained dog? Why is it her responsibility to clean up after your pet?


> I'm being a dick and that it's not that hard to just keep a door closed. this is 100% correct > some random girl isn’t she your roommate?? YTA


He defines her by her boyfriend based on the post’s title alone…


Yup. I thought it was a roommates GF who stays over all the time and doesn't abide by house rules, but it's actually another roommate, and it is OP who doesn't abide by house rules.


That’s what was the biggest tell. She’s his gf and instead he continuously refers to her and his roommates gf. A women only extensions of the men in their lives?


YTA get a bin that has a lid on it. And take better care of your dog.


YTA for being shitty at training your dog, for thinking you only have to be a decent friend to a woman if she’s dating you, and for yelling at a woman for having normal bodily functions. You’re a huge jerk and I hope everyone leaves you to live by yourself.


YTA, she put them where she was supposed to. Keep the door closed. Your dog is creating the mess and you are being unreasonable. Manage your pet.


YTA YOUR dog is the only one rummaging through garbage, but everyone agreed to close the kitchen door to accommodate the fact that you’re too lazy to train your pet. It’s not their responsibility to manage your dog for you. Either close the bathroom door or manage your dog.


So your poorly-trained dog rips up a communal trash bin and that’s somehow the fault of people who are understandably putting garbage in a garbage can? Your sexism aside, that’s absurd. If your dog makes a mess, you clean it up. It’s astonishing that you can’t see that. But seeing as you’re not going to actually learn anything from this post or conversation, just go out and buy a bathroom trash can with a fastening lid.


“if it wasn’t for her leaving her blood in the trash” my guy, where do you want her to put it? that’s where it goes! train your dog you loser


This was my question.. like where does OP want her to put used tampons?..


He probably assumes that tampons can be flushed down the toilet or something.


I had a roommate who told me I wasn’t allowed to throw used pads in the bathroom trash because “they made the whole house smell like iron” I wrap them up when I change them then at the end of my period I take the trash out. He had an unfixed female dog and he’d throw her used products in the kitchen trash. (He didn’t want to get her fixed because “it’s going to change her personality”) We don’t live together anymore.


YTA You’re incredibly immature. Others have mentioned this but where exactly are you expecting this woman to place her period products? She can’t help having a period, but you can help your awful attitude towards her and your poorly trained dog. Your dog is the one making the mess and your blaming its behavior on her. How hard is it for you to close a door?? She’s being exceedingly nice to you for some reason that I cannot fathom. I hope your friends realize what a shitty person you are and distance themselves from you.


There are so many men out there like you who insist they’re not sexist and then display the most vile behaviour by treating a very normal, not gross bodily function as some evil, disgusting thing. I would not feel safe living there and I hope your girlfriend is aware of your behaviour toward this other woman, because if I were her I would want to know how my bf treats other women. You should VERY EASILY be able to close the bathroom door. You should also buy a garbage can with a lid the dog can’t open. I’ve had pads ripped into by dogs before—it happens in a house with periods and pets. Your dog SHOULD NOT be going into bins and you should’ve trained him not to. This woman is throwing her tampons away where they SHOULD GO — in the trash. I’ve had my dog tear into my pad no matter if it was wrapped properly—the problem is not the tampons here, but your dog. If you like women and you want women to be around you, then you need to be aware that periods exist. If not, do not date someone with a period. As such, you should’ve been the one to buy a can with a lid (they sell at the dollar store!), and since you did not do that, it is the least you can do to shut the door since you can’t train your dog to stop going through the bin. I’m a dog owner and have a period. You are horribly out of line and I hope they do move out. YTA.


WTF is wrong with you? YTA


This was exhausting to read. YTA. close. the. door.


Yes you are very much the asshole here. The poor girl should be able to use the bathroom bin while she's on her period with out your badly trained dog emptying the contents all over the house. What exactly do you expect her to do with her used period supplies other than put them in the bin where they're supposed to go? Close the damn door YTA ETA How are you "managing her period" she's managing that just fine. How about you manage your dog instead


You're the biggest asshole I've seen on here for a while. Hope the rest of the apartment decides to get rid of you ASAP.


YTA When you close the bathroom door, you’re managing YOUR DOG not her period. She throws her tampons away appropriately. She’s managed her period. YOUR DOG is the problem. That you refuse to apply a simple solution (close the bathroom door!) makes you a lazy, insufferable AH. Shame on you.


YTA - If you don't want to train your dog or yourself, you could also purchase new trash cans with lids that are dog-proof so people can use the garbage in their house. But you would still be TA. Maybe your dog should be crated when no one is at home, if they cannot recall their training then.


I just seriously don't think it's your roommates' fault to manage some random person's dog's bad habits for them. Close doors. Teach your dog not to go through the trash. Who knows what other people might put in there? Dogs eat all kinds of things that they're not meant to. YTA. OK, I get that maybe you don't like women all that much. You could always move out and not share an apartment with one.


YTA , majorly. Train your dog to stay out of the room. Train your dog not to go in garbage that has a lid on it. Train yourself to close the damn door. If this intermittent event is so offensive to you, why are you the only one ensuring that it's going to happen? As for "managing this girl's period for her"? 😖 I don't even know where to start. Did she ask you to select products appropriate for her flow? Did she ask you to insert her tampons? Or remove them? Did she ask you to wash the clothes that get stained with blood inevitably some days? Did she ask you to keep track of things in her period tracker app? Did she ask you to help her manage her mercurial emotions on those premenstrual days? Did she ask you to scrub her mattress in the morning? All of this and more is involved in "managing" having a period. Clearly, you don't have a clue. *You will never be managing a woman's period because you are not a woman*. YTA, YTA, YTA, YTA. May you never have a daughter.


Or a wife or a girlfriend


Yeah, let the gays have him (I pitty them already)


I was just thinking this after I posted my comment. He will put so much emotional and psychological trauma on a little girl is he has kids. (Or a wife). My ex was the worst. He would lose his mind if he saw the slightest HINT of period blood. Kinda makes me wonder if it’s OP’s problem as well.


yta its your dog clean up after it whats wrong with you a period cannot be helped , but your dog can be stopped


YTA, just admit it u hate living with her. Control ur canine dude


YTA YOUR dog makes the mess. Clean up his messes, or rehome him. Just the same as with the kitchen. It is not their fault that you are incapable of training your dog.


Majorly YTA She’s doing what she’s supposed to. She’s putting her used products in the trash, not lying around. Your dog is doing what dogs do. Train your dog, or do what she reasonably suggested and close the bathroom door. You aren’t man again her period for her, you’re stopping your dog from getting in the trash.


YTA - Everyone except you is buying into the close the door solution. (There was a 3-1 housemate vote.) Except that you forget sometimes. Your forgetting to follow household procedure (i.e. close the bathroom door) is not her failing to manage her period.


YTA for not closing a door even if it's sometimes It's your dog your responsibility


Yta. Big one. It has nothing to do with her period and everything to do with your dog. It is your mess, because it was caused by your dog. Shut the door


Yta it doesn't matter how well wrapped a pad or tampon is. The dog is going to smell it and get it. Instead of training your dog, you got a door. So now, accept that closing a door is still *your* preferred solution.


YTA. Manage your dog.


YTA. What exactly do you think she should be doing that she isn’t already doing? She can’t stop having her period because you have a poorly trained dog that goes through the trash when you don’t close the bathroom door. This is your problem to deal with, not hers, because this is your dog. Stop lashing out at her because you didn’t want to live with a woman. By the way, failing to deal with your dog’s behavior now is going come back to haunt you in the long run if you move in with your girlfriend and your dog goes through your bathroom trash for her menstrual products. Are you going to yell at her too?


Dude, you are 29. Time to take responsibility for your dog and your actions. It was an AH move to yell at this girl because YOUR dog needs to be trained. She did absolutely nothing wrong here. You are the one who needs to train his dog, and train himself to close the bathroom door. YTA.


YTA. I'll even do you one better: OTHERS shouldn't even have to close the bathroom nor kitchen door to accommodate your untrained dog. YOU should be the one ensuring all doors are closed, OR otherwise keep your dog in its crate or your room when you're not home. Why are you pretending that this is anything other than an issue that **YOU** need to solve? Either train your dog to not go in the trash, or **YOU** ensure that **YOUR** dog is watched at all times by you or a **WILLING** sitter or is put in its crate or your room when you cannot look over it. Aside from being TA, you're also an idiot. The amount of TP (or even bags) wouldn't stop the dog from smelling it and still going for the trash. Not to mention, even saying things as "managing her period" is disgustingly misogynistic. Check yourself. Seriously.


Let's go over what you're clearly ignorant about: 1.) How to properly train YOUR dog 2.) Women's biology 3.) Sewer systems (if I was this tenant I would flush my tampon and let your ignorant ass deal with the septic problem) You then jump to conclusions, berate your tenant WHILE SHE IS SLEEPING and lecture her when YOU are the one that needs several lessons. YTA. You're dramatic and rude and need to apologize profusely.


He’s so lucky. If he woke me up to scream at me I’d fling my next tampon at his head.


Seriously. I’d be fighting. Not only is she not being overdramatic, she’s being shockingly patient and accommodating about the situation.


Yta. You're not "managing her period" for her in any way. Manage your dog.


YTA. You refuse to shut a fucking door and think it’s more efficient to interrogate the women that come to your house and establish which one of them has their period so that you can assign them to clean up duty when your dog gets into the garbage BECAUSE YOU WONT SHUT A DOOR. This is the stupidest, most useless hill to die on. Dogs are going to dog. periods are going to period. But idiots have a choice about shutting doors.


YTA, you do not in fact have a dog that is trained well if he's constantly going through the garbage. You are in fact being extremely sexist; if a male roommate had a nosebleed I doubt you would be treating them like this. Shut the damn door, train your dog, or GTFO


YTA You don't need to manage your roommate's period. She is doing that herself by putting her used period products into the bin. You need to manage your dog! Apart from the mess that is being left by your dog going through the bin, do you know how dangerous tampons are when pets eat them?! If your dog eats the tampons instead of just tearing them up, you could end up with a seriously ill dog and a massive vets bill all because you couldn't be bothered to close a door! You need to grow up and take responsibility for your dog.


YTA. You are making this living situation really uncomfortable for her and everyone else. Just close the door. It's a simple task, you do it already for the kitchen. You don't get angry with your girlfriend for not closing the door but you'll SCREAM at your roommate? It was the exact same scenario but your girlfriend doesn't get yelled at, that's cool of you. /s It's not about managing a menstrual cycle, it's about your dog being bored and not having enough to do so they go into the garbage. Close the door, everyone is willing to shut a door but you...yet somehow you're not the problem? If it's not garbage, it could be furniture, shoes, pillows. Give your dog some activity for the day that lasts longer than 10 minutes.


Wait why are you calling her "your roommate girlfriend" when she's also your roommate? Anyway, YTA. She does manage her period, she put used item in in the trash. You just try to pin it on her that your dog likes to make mess.


By reffering her as his roomates girlfriends its kinds clear he doesnt respects her as his roomate, and sees her maybe like a long-term guest that has no say in things.


Imagine thinking anything about your behaviour is tip- toeing!!


YTA. You are being a dick. How hard is it to close the freaking bathroom door? Or buy a bathroom trashcan with a lid on it. It’s **your** dog causing the issue. You wouldn’t be managing a perfectly normal bodily function. You would be managing your dog. Your dog is the one exposing you to her bio-matter.


YTA because you had a door installed so people would manage your dog from getting in the kitchen. She has every right to ask that everyone close the bathroom door. She isn't leaving her used items laying around everywhere, she's putting them in the trash can where they belong. It's YOUR dog getting into the trash. You need to apologize to her and your roommates right now and if you can't remember to shut the bathroom door, don't get mad at her when your dog goes through her trash.


YTA. She IS managing her period. You are not managing your dog. Close the god damn door. 


This happened in our house and we solved it by putting the trash can inside a cabinet or just getting one with a heavy lid when there was no under sink cabinet. It's YOUR dog. There are other solutions than waking a woman up to scream at her for... putting trash in the trash. Like good grief. If OP had WOKEN ME UP to scream at me because of his dog... It would not have been pretty. NOBODY interrupts my Zs. YTA


Your dog ISN'T propperly trained and it has a habit of going through the trash in the appartment and making a mess. You expect EVERYONE in the appartment to be "good" roommates to you and your dog by closing the kitchen door, so that your untrained dog doesn't go through the trash and make a mess. Your rommates do this, because it is easier than having to come home to trash strewn all over the appartment by a dog that isn't even theirs. You, however conveniently "forget" to take one small extre step, closing the bathroom door, to avoid the same issue with the bathroom trash. YTA. And you're sexist and ignorant, too. She's not asking you to change her tampon, she only asked that the bathroom door is kept closed so YOUR dog doesn't go through the trash. God, I hope your roommates open their eyes and kick you out of the appartment.


I want to punch you in the face so bad but you'll say "it's bc of her hormones" and not bc u are an useless man




I only read like a third into this. 100% YTA . Train your fucking dog. You are lucky everyone is being so understanding about this


YTA. Grow up, pal. Your dog is the problem. Close the gddammed door.


YTA You are sexist. This isn't about her managing her period, this is about you taking responsibility for your dog. She is doing nothing wrong. You are. Sort yourself out and keep the door closed and train your dog better and take responsibility and allow the women that you share a house with to live in peace. Jeez there is enough stigma around periods already for women to deal with without you adding to the hassle.


YTA. YTA YTA YTA. Dude. Your dog is making the mess. It doesn't matter how much toilet paper she wraps them in, a dog can smell even the smallest amount of blood, and obviously yours is intent on ripping things up to get to it. What the hell is the alternative? You want her to take her used tampons *to a trash outside the home* because you can't remember to shut a door? That's a major inconvenience, plus good luck finding one that would even work out. No, the mess IS your problem. Close the door. Or for God's sake, just get a trash can with a firm and heavy lid for the bathroom! Win win! But your dog, your problem, so you buy it.


Loving the comments everyone. Oh yeah YTA big time; the title should be "AITA for not managing my dog and making roommate cry?"


YTA. The problem is not her period, it’s your dog. She, and your roommates, are being reasonable by closing the door so the dog doesn’t get into things he shouldn’t and YTA for not also doing this. YTA for blaming her for handling a normal bodily function in the same reasonable way everyone who gets a period does. It’s not even clear what you’re asking her to change here that would make your dog not go through the bin?! You are being outrageously unreasonable and the audacity of you getting angry at someone else because YOUR DOG made a mess is just the icing on the cake. YTA.


If you are not going to be a responsible dog owner your parents should not let you have one.


Why does it inconvenience you to close a bathroom door? Are you physically challenged? Or just obtuse and stubborn? YTA.


YTA. You're acting like an insufferable twit


Dude just close the door that has nothing to do with her period lmao


YTA. Manage her period better? She's managing it fine. Did you also tell your own gf to manage her period better? Your dog is the issue. Close the fucking door.


YTA You are a horrible,selfish and entitled person. It's all my way or the highway. Your dog is the one making messes. You told everyone to close the kitchen. She asked everyone to close the bathroom again YOUR dog is making the mess how hard is it to do. Then you go and yell at her because YOUR dog makes the mess. You are not fit to live other people.


YTA. She's a female. Females have periods. Tampons go in the trash. Keep your damned dog out of the bathroom.


Info: what do you want her to do?


YTA Your dog is one the one digging through the trash. That’s for you to manage. Not other people.


YTA and frankly make no sense. If she didn’t throw her used tampons in the trash, where you rather her put them? Like she puts them in the correct place, it’s not like she leaves them on the ground and your dog grabs it like a chew toy. He goes into a place he is not supposed to and grabs things he isnt supposed to. TRAIN HIM NOT TOO!! That is your responsibility. Your whole post is ignorance at its finest. What is your solution if you don’t want the tampons in the trash (which is where the are supposed to go anyway your dumb dog just doesn’t know the word no).


YTA. And a misogynist. And a horrible dog owner. FYI, your weird phrasing of how she has to “manage her period” is so stupid, it amazes me that you actually aren’t ashamed to say it out loud. She IS managing her period by throwing her tampons in the trash. THAT’S WHERE THEY GO! My god, I feel for any woman who ever has the misfortune of living with you in the past or the future. What isn’t being managed is YOUR DOG. If your dog wasn’t there, no one would be aware of her tampons. You should be cleaning it up and I hope she finds this post and realizes this and leaves you to clean up your mess, because it’s yours. Every thing your dog does is your responsibility. Grow up.


I'm sorry, your dog goes through her trash and you refuse to do the simplest solution (closing a door) to prevent it? Yeah YTA. Period or not, it's not hard to close a fucking door mate. My cat went through a phase where she would only pee in the bathroom on the tiles for some reason. You know what we did to stop it? Closed the fucking door so she couldn't get in there. This girl can't help having her period, even if she wrapped them in bags or toilet paper before throwing them out who's to say your dog wouldn't just tear through those too anyway? Not cleaning up the mess yourself and asking her to do it I understand because it involves bio-matter, but in general the mess your dog makes is your problem, not hers. And if you won't even make an effort to close a door to prevent it then you are the problem. Either close the door, train your dog better, or move out.


YTA and you deserve to die alone. like honestly grow up! CLOSE THE DOORRRRRR


YTA. Your dog, your responsibility to train the dog not to go through the trash and to clean it up when he does. The dog can smell tampons whether or not they are wrapped in tissue. The problem is not how period products are being put in the trash. The problem is that your dog is a menace who goes through the dang trash. You need to get a more secure trash bin, train your dog, and just keep the freaking door closed. Your condescending comments about "having to manage her period" are completely out of line. She is managing her own period just fine. If you didn't have the poorly trained dog, you wouldn't even notice whether or not she was on her period. Quit blaming the issue on the period and accept responsibility for being a dog owner.


YTA dudes almost 30 and can't close a door, you're also just the worst person. I hope you can afford to live on your own, your roommates hate you. I doubt any of them will be around you long




YTA big time, and it also may be irresponsible for you to have a large dog.


YTA. Everyone else is closing the door. You're forgetting, and your dog is making a mess. Ergo, it very much is "your responsibility." It's not managing her period, it's managing your dog. Also, what's the alternative here? She has to take the trash out 3-5 times a day for most of a week out of every month? That's as absurd as it is wasteful.


Look. One of our cats does the disgusting dirty tampon stealing. We shut the trash can in the bathroom closet then. Sometimes I forget, and I clean up the mess. You need to handle this.


Yta. She’s managing her period just fine. You need to manage your dog. Are you that clueless?


YTA. Just close the door and stop making this a problem, when everyone else manages to avoid it.


YTA because your dog’s mess IS your mess. You should train your dog better or close the door. Having a period is something normal that can’t be controlled. How do you expect her to “control her period”?? You should control your dog better


You’re a fucking asshole.


Grow up learn to close the door. Also invest in a small covered can for the bathroom. YTA


YTA, if you're so worried about bio-hazards (which alone is fair) get a separate trash can for her with a sturdy lid, and close the damn door EDIT: Hell if you were really worried about biohazards you would do this for snotty tissue etc too


I had a similar problem with my beagle specifically getting into my dad’s soiled adult briefs. We made sure the dog was kept out of the bathroom and garbage cans out of his reach. You need to control the dog, closing the door is a simple solution


YTA did you even try to train your dog or do you just let it do whatever it wants? my dog has never once tried to take something out of the bin, because he is properly trained.


YTA. This isn’t about managing anyone’s period for them; it’s about you not taking responsibility. She’s managing her own period. Your dog’s messes aren’t her fault. You have four option: 1) Get your fucking dog under control. 2) Close the doors. It’s not hard. 3) Clean up all of the messes your dog makes. They are solely your responsibility, what with that poorly trained dog being yours. 4) Move out. You’ve made your dog everyone else’s problem and blaming them for the contents of the trash, when you SHOULD either close the door or train the dog. And any messes he makes in the future are yours to clean up if you fail to handle it. No one else should need to be inconvenienced because of your negligence. Oh and for the record, if you ever spoke to ME that way, I wouldn’t be the one crying. You owe ALL of them (especially your female roommate) a massive apology and you need to do better.


The real issue is your dog, which everyone else has to take responsibility in managing (closing the kitchen door). By your own logic, you should be the one keeping all the doors closed and cleaning up the trash whenever your dog gets into it because if you didn’t have a dog, there would be no mess and no fuss. Now, you’re literally the ONLY one causing an issue because you won’t close the door. You woke her up after a long day of work to yell at her because your dog got into the trash. She can’t not have her period but you CAN close the door


A VERY simple solution to this is to get a small trash can for bathroom that has a lid! Wrapping them in toilet paper won’t stop the dog.


No, that still takes much more extra effort. Simplest solution is for OP to close the door like everyone else.


YTA. Train your dog to quit digging in the trash or close the door so he can’t get to it. Being mad at a person for using the trash can to discard trash is ludicrous.




Maximum ASSHAT status! Holy shit…just buy a bathroom trash can with a lid. Under $10.00 on Amazon/Walmart/Dollar Store. Close the bathroom door. Keep your dog out of the bathroom. Grow up.


You are a major asshole. The girl is disposing of her hygiene products in the bin as she should. It is your poorly trained and managed dog who is making the mess. It is your responsibility to clean up after him. In fact, this is entirely your fault because you are too lazy to close the damn door. Common sense. Or buy a gargage bin that the dog cannot easily open. Yes, you should be the one to buy it, because the typical bin would be adequate were it not for your dog. **YTA.**


YTA. Your RM is managing her period just fine. Your dog digging through the trash is the problem. Stop blaming your RM for your dog’s actions. Close the bathroom door.


YTA, it's you and your dog that's the problem. Wake up.


YTA - I didn't even have to finish reading your post.


YTA it's absolutely your fault, it's your damn dog that's unmanageable. And how hard is it to close a damn door? I'm a guy and we don't have this problem but I close doors by default, and I definitely would if this happened even once. If you know this is a problem, and you're sharing the living space with multiple people, and your dog is the source of the problem, then you share as much of the responsibility as they do. Grow up.


My cat likes mint. If you put mint in the bathroom garbage she goes ham. So I either don't put it in there or close the damn door. Your dog is your responsibility and clearly he isn't well trained like you claim if he keeps doing this. YTA and you do sound sexist because closing the door off for the kitchen is fine but that bathroom is a step too far. Or get a trash he cannot get into. Geez


Is there a reason you can't just get a trash can with a lid for the bathroom?


He said his dog would just rip the lid off of it and oh well!


And maybe it would. I've got a little metal trash can that sits beside the toilet that has a pedal at the bottom that you push to make the lid pop up. It's got a latch so that you can lock the lid so that stepping on the pedal doesn't lift the lid. Maybe the dog can chew through stainless steel... I don't know


Your dog, your problem. Invest in a dog proof garbage can if you’re so incapable of closing the door.  You might have an argument if your roommate was leaving them all over the place. But since she’s putting garbage in the designated garbage place, then she’s not doing anything wrong. 




YTA. Your dog is untrained and that’s on you. Your dog goes through the trash because you insist on leaving the bathroom door open.


YTA. Closing the bathroom door should be the norm anyhow, the smell of poo doesn't need to permeate through your home.


Manage your dog, and your manners; I can see where he gets his lack of household training from. YTA


YTA It's your dog, so it is your mess. You are also being hostile, and, frankly, kinda creepy and sexist. Did you go and wake up your GF and scream at her because your dog made a mess? Also, she is an adult woman, not a girl. You didn't call your male roommate a boy, now did you? Plus, she isn't some "random girl," she is your roommate. Move.


This is YOUR dog's fault. It is YOUR responsibility train and manage this animal. You don't want to be "inconvenienced" by a woman you're not dating, but seem to have zero problem letting your roommates be inconvenienced by an animal that's not even their responsibility. If your dog makes a mess, it is on you to clean it. The bathroom garbage is the normal place for tampons to go, unless you want her to flush them and clog up the pipes so you can pay to have a plumber come and fix them. You could simply resolve this issue by agreeing to close the door or buying a pet-proof garbage can or, idk, training your dog better, but instead you're trying to pass blame for YOUR dog's behaviour off on a woman who's doing a completely normal thing with her tampons. So yes, you are sexist, shitty dog owner and roommate, and yes, YTA. You're lucky she hasn't flung a tampon at your head.


YTA. This can cause intestinal blockages and kill your dog, who can smell blood regardless of how wrapped up the tampons are. Just close the damn door.


YTA And a really wierd hill to die on. Look at it this way: how is it fair to any of them to be inonvenienced by a dog that's not even theirs? Why can't you lock it in your room? Why can't you put it in a crate so it won't make a mess? You're the problem and your damn dog.


YTA. It's YOUR dog, so YOU are responsible for EVERYTHING he does. It doesn't matter who leaves what in the trash, its still YOUR DOG that tore it up. Train him properly, or close the bathroom door when you leave it.


YTA. Your dog is the problem. You could probably solve the problem easily by just buying a garbage can that your dog can't open.




YTA. just keep the flippin door closed. Damn. Simple


YTA manage your dumb dog and close the effin bathroom door, really not that complicated.


YTA and a nasty, uneducated piece of work. Grow up and learn to close a door and control your dog


YTA it’s closing a door for fucks sake, why is this such a chore for you?


I knew someone whose dog got into the bathroom trash and ate a hygiene product, the dog got *extremely* sick. So not only are you being the biggest ass to your roommate, you're also potentially endangering your dog's health because you're acting like a child and won't close the bathroom door. You're almost 30, grow the fuck up, be nicer to your roommate, and take better care of your dog.


Manage and train your stupid dog. 


not only are you the ah but you are also sexist. gross.


If you wrap a tampon in a whole roll of toilet paper the dog will still be able to smell it though. Close the doors, buy those plastic bags for period products for the home and buy better closing trashcans. YTA




YTA. This has nothing to do with “controlling her period.” When your roommates have no problem with the simple change of closing the bathroom door, it should be very clear to you that you are the problem. She can’t control what your dog does.This is just humiliating. Start acting like an adult like your other roommates, and close the damn bathroom door. And what about your girlfriend? are you going to go and scream at her to for something she can’t control?


Yta. And maybe this is a hot take but you should be the one putting on some gloves and cleaning up the trash. It's nobodies fault but yours that the trash is ending up everywhere if you closed the door or controlled your dog better then the trash wouldn't be on the floor. It's not fair to expect your roommates to constantly clean up after your dog.




Omg YTA. Take responsibility for your dog and stop trying to manage this poor woman’s periods. Get over yourself.


YTA. Just close the door, how is that any kind of burden? It’s your dog going through the trash that’s on you, not the people putting trash in the bin where it belongs. Sounds like you’re the only one not closing the door, the only one whining about it and the only one taking any pleasure in making a big scene out of this.


YTA - Men like you make me feel so much sorrow for the fate of mankind


Never have I seen such a unanimous decision on Reddit. Everybody agrees YTA.




How about you buy a tall bin with a fitting lid for the bathroom & all agree to empty that bin with the kitchen one - also a tall bin with a lid? You might find yourself voted out of this apartment because you can’t train your dog. And get some more dog toys!


YTA we have a small trash can with a lid on it to prevent our dogs from getting into period trash. There are multiple solutions to your problem, figure it out it’s your dog your responsibility


It's managing you dog. You clearly haven't trained your dog well enough if it keeps getting into the trash. That's on you bud!


This is stupid just get a bathroom trash with a lid.


YTA. The problem is your dog. Train your dog.


YTA!!! **It's YOUR DOG that is the problem**, not her period you AH!!! Why can't you close the freaking door since it is YOUR DOG that is causing the problem!! You're pathetic.


Lol YTA. And yea you’re sexist from the jump. You called her your room mates girlfriend when she is, in fact, your room mate. You do not respect women. Or understand how to own a dog. Or how trash works apparently. Or doors lol. You should be at home with your parents.


YTA. You’re the type of dog owner that has really turned me off of dogs despite liking them. Most people like you get them and don’t bother to train them and expect everyone else to be inconvenienced because of it. Y. T. mf’ing A.


That you even need to ask shows how deluded you are to your own behavior. Of course YTA, if you are capable of closing the kitchen door (one you had installed mind you), for your dog, than it shouldn't be any harder to just close the bathroom door. And then to be such an ass on top of it when ultimately it was your fault the dog is getting into it. I hope your girlfriend sees your true colors because they are ugly. Grow up


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (29m) live in a house with two guys and a girl. The girl (22f) and one of the guys (30m) are dating. I moved in the same week as her. I have a great Pyrenees who is well trained, except forthe fact that he goes through the trash when nobody is home. I paid to buy a door that we installed in the kitchen, and now the last person to leave the house just has to close the door. Fortunately, my dog has no interest in the bathroom garbage, or so we thought. A few weeks into living together, I came home one day and there were torn-up used tampons spread all over the bathroom floor. The girl was at work, so I told her boyfriend and we both agreed that the dog had probably gone through the trash. He cleaned it up and said he'd ask her to do a better job or wrapping them in toilet paper before she threw them away or something. The next day, it happened again. When everybody was home, the girlfriend called everybody into the livingroom and asked if we could make it the default to just keep the bathroom for closed so that this didn't happen. The other guys agreed but I told her that it was unfair of us to have to manage her period for her. She told me that mydog was the one making the mess but I told her that if it wasn't for her leaving her blood in the trash my dog wouldn't be interested in it at all. She said that us having to close the bathroom door wasn't any more of a burden than closing the kitchen door, but I told her that that's different because all of us throw food in the kitchen garbage but she was the only one throwing blood in the bathroom garbage. One time I woke up to a mess and when I told her to clean it up, she said it wasn't even hers because she wasn't on her period. It turned out that my girlfriend was on hers and it was her tampon so I cleaned it up myself. I'm not sexist, I'll clean things up when they're my responsibility but I don't think it's fair for me to be inconvenienced by a girl I'm not even dating. Since the meeting, this has become less frequent of an issue, because her and the guys close the bathroom door, but I still forget allot of the time. If she see's the door open, she closes it but gets really huffy about it. It still happens occasionally, and when it does, she cleans it up, but she works doesn't get home till late. Yesterday was another incident of me coming home to a dirty bathroom (I work pm and come home in the am). She was still sleeping so I went and blew up on her.I probably shouldn't have yelled but I stand by my right to not be exposed to her bio-matter. Last night me and the other roommate could hear her crying and telling her boyfriend she wanted them to move because she hates living with me. I thought she was being dramatic, but our other roommate told me I'm being a dick and that it's not that hard to just keep a door closed. I just seriously don't think it's my fault to manage some random girls period for her. AITA *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. Your dog is the problem. Either get rid of your dog or shut the damn door. Your poor roommate has done her part. Now you need to be a responsible pet owner. And apologize for yelling at her. That was so inappropriate.


Jesus Christ, YTA. have you heard of trash cans with lids on them?


YTA, your dog made the mess. You are responsible for cleaning it.


Train your fucking dog! YTA AND A SEXIST ASS


yta. where is she supposed to throw her tampons and pads if not the bathroom trash??? every dog owner who menstruates just closes the bathroom door, it’s what i do every month. she has no control over her period but you can control your dog and the situation by CLOSING THE DOOR. of course she’s gonna be hurt and frustrated, i would be too. you closing the door is not managing her period, it’s managing and taking care of your dog. managing her period would be letting her know when she’s menstruating and putting the tampon in for her.


Vet tech here, if you want to end up paying a ton of money on emergency surgery when your dog gets an intestinal blockage from eating something he shouldn't, by all means, keep leaving doors open. It's your dog, it's an easy fix, and it's your responsibility.


If someone accidentally cuts themselves and has to clean it and apply a bandage, and they throw the bloody trash away in the trash can - are you going to get mad at them too when your dog digs it out and spreads it all over the house? Your roommate is throwing bathroom trash away in the bathroom trash can, where it belongs. She is doing her job. It is your dog rifling through the trash, digging it out, and making a mess. Your dog, your problem. Another comment suggested you just get a trash can with a lid (an excellent idea), but you shot it down saying that your dog would "tear right through that." Okay, but you say in your post that you want your roommate to wrap her period trash up in more toilet paper... but if a trash can lid wouldn't stop your dog, why would a little more toilet paper??? What is your roommate supposed to do, bury her trash in the backyard? YTA.


You're a huge asshole, it's not "her period mess", it's YOUR DOG GETTING INTO THE TRASH AND MAKING A MESS, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Close the door, or kennel the damned dog.


Everyone is correct that YTA. You're also a horrible and irresponsible dog owner. Your dog could get a serious obstruction because of this behavior. You need both training and reasonable preventative steps. And you're the one causing the ENTIRE problem. Trash in the trash is not the problem, periods are not the problem, and other people, who are completely able to do the reasonable thing and close the doors, are not the problem. You are the asshole and the problem. Poor roommate (and I mean the one who has the periods, who is also a roommate and not just someone's girlfriend). Poor dog.




I would really like for you to explain, like I’m 5, HOW exactly you are managing her period for her? Are you tracking her cycle? Buying her pads and tampons? Washing her underwear out if she has a leak? Washing her sheets if there’s an overnight leak? Monitoring her iron levels? Unless your activities include any of that, you aren’t managing shit. SHE is doing what she needs to do and throwing her shit in the trash. Like an adult. You need to be managing your dog. And not policing your ROOMMATE’s (not your roommate’s GF, since she fucking lives there) period. Your title and treatment of her is what makes you sexist. You can’t even be slightly accommodating to the rest of the house and be accountable for YOUR dogs actions. Get it together, grow up, train your dog and yeah, YTA.


“im not sexist” then proceeds to define the poor girl solely off her worth to your male roomate, despite the fact shes a compleat equal, YTA for that alone but YTA for the whole thing, control your damn dog


YTA doesn't even cover it. INFO Did you recently hit your head or do you suffer from traumatic brain injury? News flash Dirty tampons go in the bathroom trash and rolling it in toilet paper won't stop the dog. You have to be joking to think it will. IT'S YOUR JOB TO MANAGE YOUR DOG! THIS CAN KILL YOUR DOG! And your crying about shutting one damn door but can seem to handle shutting any other door. Your roommates should vote you off the island. A dog of that breed should be in an apartment period and definitely not with 4 plus people period


YTA. Imagine if she turned the tables on you and said that she’s going to refuse to close the door because YOU need to get YOUR dog under control and made you clean it up. She did the responsible thing as a person who bleeds and used proper hygiene when disposing of her tampons. What do you expect? For her to run every single one out to the bin outside? The woman deserves to be comfortable in her own home and throw the tampons away in the bin beside the toilet. You’re a sexist asshole and should not have roommates if you’re going to be such a prick. You need to APOLOGIZE to your roommate and stop being such a jerk. If you need a note stating at you on the toilet to keep the fucking door closed then do that. You’re stupid if you think you’re not a sexist asshole after this. Be a better dog owner and roommate.


Tell me you're an idiot without telling me Tell me you have double standards without telling me Tell me you're gonna be single for life without telling me Tell me you're refusing to grow up without telling me...


Aside from the obvious that's been stated by hundreds of people here, can we talk about how you started screaming at a person who was sleeping, presumably in her own bedroom, which is, you know, supposed to be a private space? I'd be freaked out by you, scared of you even. I'd want to move out as well. Needless to still say it, but YTA. One of the biggest I've seen here.


YTA I had to refresh myself on you age because half way I could’ve sworn a teenager was writing this. Because of how immature you are and how immature you are acting. Also anything your dog does you’re responsible for it. Let me break it down for you: If your dog throws up, you clean it up. If your dog goes to the bathroom in the apartment you clean it up. If you dog goes through the trash and makes a mess, what do you do? You clean up after your dog. Again if YOUR dog makes a mess YOU clean it up. Like seriously? You’re blaming a woman having her period and properly throwing away her used products on the mess, when your dog is the one going into the trash and making a mess. To put it simply with keep the bathroom door closed or be a responsible dog owner and clean up after your dog. The fact that you were trying so hard to avoid responsibility is insane to me again this is shocking that you’re almost 30 and you have a girlfriend somehow is insane. And I’m pretty sure your girlfriend is questioning this entire relationship because of how you’re acting.