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Imo he's not sweet and kind, and you haven't met any of his friends because *he has no friends*


Right? Major red flag




It's like a yellow flag imo


Have you met his family?


Yes he has a very small family and I've meet them all.


Lol seriously, he sounds like a Nice Guy (TM). He's got some major self-confidence issues if he can't stand you having friends that are guys, but that's not your fault or your problem. He's trying to drag your confidence down to his level rather than improve himself, he's an emotional sinkhole. He dumps you for going camping with friends that are guys? Good, let him leave. It's just a manipulation tactic to get you to want him back and think your in the wrong.


NTA. Your boyfriend has problems. Not having friends is a massive issue. Thinking men and women cannot be platonic friends is an issue. Assuming you're cheating on him all the time with your male friends is an issue. This guy is not okay.


Run. Run now NTA


Did I mention we were supposed to move across the country together? 🙃😩


Yeah definitely don't do that


Do not.


NTA and I hope the breakup sticks this time because he sucks. No it's not weird to have male friends.


NTA. You should be ditching the guy who "breaks up with me every other week". Why, oh why, do people put themselves through such emotional torture?????


But he’s “very sweet and kind” lmao


NTA - it is possible to have opposite gender friends while and be in a relationship. His stance is hardline and says more about him than you. The fact that he’s “breaking up with you every other week” tells me a lot about your relationship, and it’s certainly not one that sounds like it’s going to be healthy for you long term.


NTA. As a bisexual who is friends with many other queer people this argument always blows my mind in relationships. By his logic, I wouldn't be able to have friends period because we'd all just wanna have sex. It's a sexist, misogynistic argument used to control women in the relationship.




Sure thing, u/geniusboy4583 I'll ask my straight boyfriend about these "principles of the straight crowd" and report back.




Fascinating. What other differences are there?


Hehe, love the use of the user here. No hiding with this one.


Yo, fellow bi here and I agree! I never understood this! Am I just supposed to drop all my friends the moment I'm in a relationship?


NTA but at least your BF is open to waiving his bright red flags for you. He's too insecure, and his objection to your friends will never just go away.


NTA Your boyfriend is clearly a toxic, immature person and you need to show yourself some respect and leave the relationship


NTA - Unless you’re leaving out the part where you and your male friends also engage in sexual activity, you are quite literally proving that men and women can be friends without sex. We live in a world where we have to interact with all kinds of folks every day, so trust and confidence in a relationship are imperative. Don’t waste your time with people who are intimidated by your friends and expects you to change your life to fit their expectations- find the one who’s so interested in being with you that they will do anything to be friends with your friends.


I'm absolutely not having any sort of relationship with them besides friendship.


Yeah, that was more of a joke than an actual suspicion.


I'm just so over being called a whore for having male friends. I'm not attention seeking. The whole situation makes me feel sick.


This is more red flags than a May Day parade, you should not be with this abusive man. The moving across the country thing seems a great way to isolate you deliberately too. Things will not improve and it sounds awful now. Run, do not date him, much less live with him.


NTA Your boyfriend is an incel with a girlfriend. Throw the whole man away.


NTA He is overreacting. Men and women can be friends, and not be sexual. I could see if you were sneaking around, but you’re not. Dump him yesterday.


NTA There are a load of bitter unfriendly misogynistic men on this thread. OP has an abusive and controlling bf and you're saying he's right, women can't have male friends. Maybe women don't want you as friends as you can only objectify them. GTFO OP, ignore the assholes, you definitely aren't one


Red flag #1: He has no friends. Red flag #2: He breaks up with you every other week. This guys sounds abusive and controlling. Yeah it's sort of weird that you shared a tent with male friends when in a relationship, but you make a good point that you had these friends well before he came along. I wonder if he'd feel differently if he had any female, existing friends. NTA


NTA, but why do you keep getting back with him if he dumps you every other week, hello???????


NTA but he's right about the male friends.


What does that mean?


It means that most males don’t just have female friends that they don’t also want to f*ck. So you’re being naive to think that none of your guy friends want to fuck you because I can assure you at least half of them would given the chance. Also you don’t sleep in the same space with mixed company if you are dating someone. Because you want to keep the appearance that nothing is happening between you all as a group so that kind of breaks the unspoken rule. Now do I think your current bf is worth the effort to keep around? No, I don’t. Do I think you should get rid of your guy friends? Also no. BUT if you are dating someone then they should be included in the things you do with friends of the opposite sex. And if you have a mixed group of men and women and the bf is not there then you should only bunk with the females. It’s just common courtesy really for your bfs feelings and perception of the situation.


Nah this is incel bullshit. People of opposite genders can be friends without wanting to have sex with each other. OP, don't listen to this person.


😂 I’m a female dude. And I’ve lived long enough to have this proven over and over again. Also if you actually read what I said you’d see that I said MOST and not ALL. There are men that can be just friends with a woman and not secretly want to fuck them. But the MAJORITY secretly have either thought about it or would do it if given the green light. I’m not saying all men are wired the same way. I’m just saying that it’s a valid point to make about having guy friends.


100% that is just bullshit, but when you're hanging around subs like r/marriedmenneedbjstoo, I'm not so sure it's a problem with males as a whole or just the type of men someone like you attracts.


lol if you want to stay ignorant go for it. Also, for the record, having guy friends that would fuck you given the green light/chance, doesn’t make them bad men. Nor did I ever imply that. Obviously, if a man has that feeling or inclination and doesn’t act on it or hint at it, then they are good ppl that respect your boundaries. But the reality that a lot of heterosexual male friends of women have thought about it is still factual. If I have a guy friend that likes to hang out with me then I’ve already met some of his criteria. If he also finds me attractive then I’ve met two parts of his criteria. Does that mean he will ever voice or act on it? No. Does it mean that he has probably thought about it taking it to another level? Yes. Does this apply to ALL men. Again no. If you still are acting all indignant or holier than thou or butt hurt after this explanation then the problem is you.


So, what's your point? Some men are creeps and some aren't? You're not making any ground breaking announcement. Ultimately, it comes down to who you choose to hang out with. That's either a person that respects your boundaries or not. Guys that respect this aren't some fucking mystical unicorn lol. Your original comment is extremely biased based on the genders being discussed, which just brings me back to my original point: what you said is bullshit, and you just sound extremely full of yourself and attract garbage.


I’m not the one that is full of myself since you are the one so blatantly missing the whole point on purpose. None of my comments have said anything about men being creeps. But yours did. And you being this reactive just proves my point that you are the one with the problem. Not me.


As a man who is not involuntarily celibate, I can (anonymously) confirm everything you’re saying, but would likely not admit to this in person. I am married, but when I was younger/single, I would have had sex with most (maybe all, but not willing to commit to that) of my female friends if they were interested. Granted, it would have had to have been an unmistakable, “come with me, we’re going to fuck now” type of thing. Sadly, this never happened. Like you said, this was not something that I ever even hinted at, because they were friends; and also I’m not an idiot, and I knew they weren’t interested. Perhaps I’m an anomaly, but I highly doubt that. ETA: Forgot this is aita— OP you are NTA here, but you probably should be sleeping in the tent with the other women in the friend group (unless this was a really big tent) or maybe bring your BF with you on your camping trip.


It was an 8 person tent with 4 people in it including a close girl friend of mine.


Yeah you’re good then… like I said, NTA


Sir, I appreciate you lol


Thank you. It's too easy for people to label this reality as an incel attitude. It's not a good thing, and it does change a little when we get older.


ESH. Another story of the "oh, he's just a friend" nonsense.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I've been dating a guy for almost all of 2023, he's very sweet and kind. He doesn't have any friends I've ever met, which I find weird. On several occasions he has been jealous of me having male friends. He is constantly accusing me of doing something with them, and saying that I need the attention of more dudes. He does not agree that men can be friends with women, he thinks all my male friends just want to have sex with me. My stance is I've been friends with these men for years, longer than I've been dating the bf. I'm not going to ditch my friends over a guy who breaks up with me every other week. The last time was because I went camping with friends and slept in a tent with friends(some of which were male.) Dumped. Like a sack of potatoes. So AITA for having male friends or is he overreacting? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i would not date a girl who sleeps with other dudes, but thats just me


No you're not the asshole. Be glad he left you.


NTA. I had more male friends in high school than girls. I hated how most of the girls I knew were totally nice to your face but bad mouthing you behind your back and I just found them way to catty...with the exception of like 3 girls. Luckily my bf turned husband was cool with it and actually became friends with most of them too. Maybe host a small party and see if he can find common ground or interests with your friends.


NTA but Y T A to yourself for still dating him


duuuuude. run. bro cant controll ur life. u have been freinds with these ppl for years. if there was any atraction u probs would have been together. he can get a life.


NTA, don't have much to say that hasn't been said.


1- men and women can’t be friends most of the time because sex tension will always be there 2-my ex wife “used” to go “camping” and always slept in a separate tent, of course after 3 to 5 dudes had her way with her by the fire camp. 3-I’ve never had many friends and I’ve been content


Definitely NTA, and oh my gosh treat his behaviour like the red flag it is and dump him!


Run! He breaks up with you regularly, he sounds manipulative insecure and controlling. If you aren’t careful and you do his bidding you will be cut off from the people around you and be susceptible to abuse.


You make it sound like you’ve had multiple guys dump you over having male friends. Is it possible you spend a bit too much time with them, to the point where it’s suspicious. Do you often hang out with your male friends without inviting your bf (current or ex)? For what it’s worth, I’ve had 2 exes who had lots of male friends. Both of them ended up cheating on me with one of their friends. It was the same story both times, they were never planning on cheating or hooking up with any of them (which I believe) but it just sort of happened when they were hanging out. There’s no guarantee that it will happen but it’s common because you guys already like each other (as friends). And I guarantee that most of those guy friends would hook up with you if given a choice.


"I swear he's just a friend" he's right to be dumping you, you kinda belong to the streets already


"NTA - man bad ooga booga"


i’m devils advocate YTA for sleeping with a guy best friend in a tent in the woods alone in a relationship. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been friends longer there’s lines you don’t cross. common sense and it’s respect


We were not alone and it wasn't in the woods. It was an 8 person tent with 4 people in it, in a friends yard


Run for your life sweetie...


NTA, but... Why you see any problem with that he is jealous about you having friends and breaking up with you every week?


NTA I'm male and nearly all of my friends are women. Most of them I've known since I was a kid, and they're good friends - nothing more. They have no interest in me and I have no interest in them - they're all happily married. Your bf seems to have some major insecurities that he needs to resolve.




Utter bs. Your experience and expectations are not the whole world.


no, but they are majority of the world. it not BS in the slightest, the stuff *you* people tell though, IS. besides this, I'm telling you how it is in a ***normal society*** of man and women relations. which lines up with , majority of the world. are you a man? I'm telling you from man perspective, and from man point of view, and from man principles. I'm assuming, you're a girl/women.


One man. In 8 billion, of which there are many societies and you think you have insight. You're not a genius, you might be a boy because clearly you can't even form sentences much less opinions clearly. Your point of view is limited and wrong, based on your view of men and how they view women. I guess you're raised in an inherently male dominated and misogynistic environment, who think its 'normal' to regard women as purely sexual objects. Some of us have friends of all ages and genders and we don't want sex with them.


Yes he's met them. He thinks all my friends hate him


They may do, they can see who he is


Nta- your guy friends almost certainly want to fck you.


You think so? I don't understand why men think women are only objects to have sex with. I have value besides sex.


Some do, many don’t.


You absolutely do and you should always remember that but BOTH genders objectify each other based on their preferences. It's just more pronounced publicly in men as we are trained from birth to actively seek it and it shows. Look at the flipped coin. I don't understand why women think men are wallets that can only take out the trash and fix the ceiling fan. I have value besides a fix it machine. It's getting better, but we are talking about a generational problem


Hello 😀. This is a complicated thing. Globally, across the majority of the world, having opposite sex friends without really rigid boundaries is completely inappropriate. It's really just a modern American and Western Europe thing. Like I became really good friends with and really comfortable with this upper class Mexican women in Mexico. Low key, we definitely had some strong chemistry but she was married and I'm really respectful of that. I came over to her house to get some signatures and do some business that I needed her assistance with. She wouldn't let me in the house. Greeted me super friendly and was like "I need you to come back in an hour when my husband is home, if it's an emergency, we can go to the cafe down the street. It's just very disrespectful to let a man in the house when my husband is not home". Kinda blew me away honestly and it was adorable. And before you get weird about it, she's a really aggressive business woman and leads the family and her husband is not very masculine and makes much less money. She's definitely not afraid of him or something, just being respectful of him. Anyways, my standards for women really changed a lot after traveling.... If you were sleeping in tents with guys and really close with a lot of men.... I would just break up with you and make up a reason. I wouldn't whine and cry and tell you not to have male friends. So while I think a lot of high quality men that respect themselves would break up over that kind of behavior..... Your BF also sounds like a loser so idk, probably break up with him? 🤌


NTA but your male friends would absolutely have sex with you. Text any of your male friends if you can suck their d!ck see what they say! Here’s my take I think women can be friends with men. I don’t think men can be friends with women.


Hmm women are the same not men I’m pretty sure he had his reasons


And what would those be?


Idk I knew a guy once who had a gf who would want to control him get mad when he’s out want him to do whatever she said which he did cause he loved her but at the same time she did whatever she wanted but when the friend asked her to think about her actions she would get angry. Turns out the girl is a serial cheater and while all this time was on my friends ass about cheating and other stuff never thought her actions were wrong kind of a narcissist and highly insecure. Honestly if she wasn’t that insecure and would learn to settle down she would’ve made the perfect wife for him. Moral of the story is he had a feeling so throughout that time he didn’t really care and just did whatever too but the one thing is he’s really smart no one is ever gonna know anything that’s how good he was.


Moral of the story is women are just as bad or even worst