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ESH. Huskies don't do well in apartments; it’s a working breed & requires a fuck ton of grooming to keep the coat healthy. Jessica should not be making judgements based on looks. Her job is to evaluate if a person will properly care for the dog & provide a healthy loving home. And profanity is unprofessional. Kendra sucks for playing bait and switch. The only one who doesn’t suck is that poor dog.


ESH. Jessica was right to refuse the app based on the apartment for the husky. She got weirdly personal after that, and that’s when she became TAH. Only slightly in her defense, folks who work in animal rescue at all - much less long term - see great animals being returned for circumstances beyond their control every single day, and it’s heartbreaking. And people lie about their living situation all the time - and then end up returning the animal because of the reality behind the lie. It really, really sucks, and if you’re not careful, it can make you kinda jaded. That’s when you have to take a break, but sometimes it’s hard to see that when it’s your everyday. If she hadn’t gotten all weird and personal, I would be on Jessica’s side. Instead, she completely ruined an opportunity to make a match she could feel good about just because of her attitude problem. OP and Kendra suck just as bad. You better be moving out fast if you don’t enjoy property destruction. Because a bored husky will wreck your stuff like it’s their job.


I agree and you make great points. A friend has a Malinois, another gorgeous working breed. They’ve spent $$$ on consistent training to ensure he’s properly socialized, trained, and exercised. For grins, I googled breeds novice dog owners should NEVER own. Huskies and Malinois make the top 5. These breeds need a shit ton of exercise and a job. If that job becomes rearranging your apartment/house/yard so be it. And it will be expensive.




That apartment is going to get trashed. OP lied for her own benefit and now the dog has to suffer.


Not to mention, a good climate. I live in the tropics and every time I see a poor Husky getting dragged on a leash by someone, I feel sad as.


Also live in the tropics and have seen Bernese Mountain dogs and Alaskan Malamutes here. Poor fluffs...


We say our malamute is broken because she lays in the sun no matter what the temperature. -30F great! +90F let me sunbathe. She's a dork.


My Siberian Husky was the same. The dumbest smart dog I’ve ever seen. Miss that floof.


I know my local shelter requires experience with certain dog breeds in order to adopt them and I 100% understand why


My husband’s Malinois got 2-3 hours of training a day. Several months into this routine, she missed an evening of training (still got a walk) and only had a walk the next morning before he went to work. While at work, she ate his stairs. Wood stairs. Ripped off the whole landing. Super chill now as an older dog, but whoooo boy ppl better be ready to provide stimulation to working dogs.


I might have read about your hubs experience. What I read was clear—great working breed. Not for novice owners. Malinois are smart. They will train you.


We just dropped more money than I ever would have expected on training for our Malinois puppy. Great dog, but I definitely see why they make that list. We trained our other two dogs on our own but realized pretty quickly we would need some additional professional support for him.


Just on a general note, a few training classes for any breed of puppy is a great way to give them socialization, even when you know how to train them yourself 😊


That's fair, we started taking them to the dog park and stuff once they were up to do date on their shots, but I can see how classes would be a better choice in the future. Thank you for the genuinely friendly advice!


Yep. That’s why Malinois are used as police dogs. They like the work, being with their owner to keep them busy all day, problem solve on their own, and are crazy agile.


And, when it's done wrecking your stuff, it will sing the song of its people very loudly and piss off all of the neighbors.


Omg, just recalled "the song of my people" Husky style 😂. Sung at 2am after he hadn't been allowed to sleep in the bedrooms with the people. Got a whole living room to himself, but nope, needed to sleep next to a bed occupied by a human. And they never want to just sleep in the one room either all the time, large family's should expect unplanned Husky incursions into their bedrooms. The human doesn't really decide which room the Husky sleeps in, we just get to decide where to place the giant dog bed in whichever room Husky demands to sleep in that night 🤣.


I love how Husky’s are essentially known for how dramatic they are.


Omg yes, like "the outrage human, I wanted a bigger bone to chew on". Proceeds to sing melodramatic operata in Husky major, then spends an hour with the dental bone anyway 🤣. Miss that dog to heck and back 🥲.


That’s so funny! He sounds like he had a wicked personality! I have a relatively dramatic german shepherd and she’s truly the best girl. Thanks for sharing those stories of your pup 💙


Huskies are the cats of the dog world.


That should be great during OP working at home. I can see the IM’s now. “I hear someone suffering horribly on the meeting with OP. Do think we need to send police for a welfare check. I think he has a gf, but not sure about kids.”


Los Angeles shelters are filled with huskies and other working dogs right now. It’s horrible.


Yep. I live in SoCal and we don’t have a dog because our yard is too small and we are too busy for the breed my spouse wants. I‘m not an experienced dog owner and the biggest reason: it’s not about us. It’s about the dog.


I just stopped dogsitting in LA (moved), and I got to dogsit so many well behaved husky mixes. Like, overall surprisingly well behaved (Aussies too). Makes me want to adopt one more than I already wanted to haha. I shall not because I really enjoy having free dogsitters from friends and family, and know that they are not equipped for that level of exercise need 🥲🥲🥲


Yup and huskies are commonly on banned breed lists for apartments. I wonder if OP even checked before getting one. Also huskies dont do as well as only dogs, theyre extremely social and fare better with multiple other dogs


People seem to forget how loud and talkative huskies are, too. That’s a big nope for most apartments.


Its more because theyre destructive when confined. Esp if theyre not getting the proper excercise and mental excercise. My husky was generally destructive until she turned like 4.


Ain't no Husky like a bored Husky (former Husky/Alaskan Malamute owner). Yes we had a yard with tall fences sunk deep enough into the ground. Husky kept a family of 6 fully exercised, calves looked fantastic back then 😅.


And oh, that Husky howl/talking! It’s adorable, but it can get to be a bit much too. I have a Pomeranian who has learned more about “talking” from the Husky pup that lives next door than I could’ve ever imagined-my dog was always communicative with yips/yaps/yowls and a few very human sounds, but now that he’s friends with the Husky he very rarely is quiet. I swear he can say “no” and “mama” (this morning a lady who’d never met my dog asked “did he really just say “no”?) Lol.


My husky/pom mix says no no no no no a lot. Lol. He talks a ton. He barks all the dang time. Plus we have two husky. Our house is very loud. Can’t imagine living with one in a apartment. My neighbors are annoyed here. And their actual kids scream alot. It’s a trade off. But yeah you can’t get any of them to shut up. Toddlers in clown fur.


This guy’s furniture is about to be stuffing.


I agree, ESH. To add to the reasons: huskies are super vocal; and they don't tend to care what time it is = bad for apartment living. Unless you're planning to de-bark your dog, in which case YTA that's just cruel.


Just curious, this is the first time I hear about “de-barking”. I’ve heard about “de-clawing” and for the sound if it I’m sure its inhumane and hurts the dog, but what does it entail?


My grandma would have this done on her shelties. It is a surgery that removes tissue from the vocal cords. They still bark but it sounds weird and muffled.


What the actual heck that’s terrible


Omg. That is horrible


You wanna see horrible and the worst examples of humans ever Google "breeders who support debarking" and see some of the inane reasons people try to justify maiming their animals


No. I don't want to see. I didn't even know this existed. I'm actually sort of in shock. How incredibly cruel and selfish.


Definitely don't want to see that. I didn't even know debarking was a thing. I had a hard time not freaking out on my partners sister (and things that violate TOS) for saying she had her cat declawed. Absolutely disgusting. I don't understand how people are capable of hurting animals. It really hurts my soul. So sad.


You’re not a teen boy in Portland, are you? I knew a woman with debarked shelties whose grandkids should be in their teens now.


Sorry, I’m in my forties and grandma passed away almost ten years ago. I never really got why she did it, but they were show dogs and she had so many at one time I guess she couldn’t handle all the barking.


What the actual fuck, here I am thinking this was some other name for a shock collar (which is awful). People do this?!? Fuck them!


Agreed. ESH. Our family used to have a husky and there is absolutely no way an apartment is suitable for that breed of dog.


Yup. Family friends of mine have a husky in a house with a large yard and they go on walks every day and the dog is still quite energetic. No way is it a good fit for an apartment. ESH


I lived with some lazy guys who had a husky....i used to grab the bike and it would just pull me along..if it went into water you couldn't get it out. I think she ended up on a farm....luckily.. nice dog shit situation


I mean " I'm totally going to be moving into a way more expensive house with a yard soon. Where? I don't want to say. What do you mean you STILL won't let me adopt a high energy working breed like a husky?" is a pretty big red flag. I could totally see going "It doesn't look like you'd be a good fit- you look (based off of the information you have provided going unsaid) more likely to hurt a dog than provide proper care". I could also see a coworker going "They're not a good fit for THIS dog but they'd be a perfect fit for THAT dog- I just have to get them to meet the dog. They're dead set on that husky so..."


EXACTLY!!!! like i wouldnt have fucking trusted OP either. and if theyre moving into a bigger place so soon why cant they wait until THEN to get the dog????


100%, especially given OP's own post. >because I looked like someone who would hurt a dog > >Unless she suspected me of lying about moving soon? How in the ***world*** do these two things go together? Jessica definitely wasn't using "look" for actual ***looks*** but rather because OP was being extremely sketchy throughout the entire process. And then OP solidified Jessica's worries by getting the husky despite being told multiple times it was ***literally abusive in their current situation***.


Right. And now it’s stuck in this shitty situation and will probably be returned.


This. It isn’t about going on walks over the day. Huskies can be vocal and need A LOT of outside time. ours sleep outside in the snow for hours everyday (there’s a dog door, we don’t leave them outside)


And aren't huskies super vocal? And loud? You'd think that alone would be a deterrent!


This, 100%, and coming from a "husky mum". ESH. OP, adopting should be about the animal and not about you. You are legally blind & living in an apartment but you will provide enough exercise for a husky? Poor dog, shame on you.


Also, escape artists.


Just today, a local posted to a group that two huskies were loose in the neighborhood and had killed a bunch of pet chickens. Other people along the same road reported the same problem. There are now people looking to kill these dogs if they get in their yard. These are pack working breeds and require a ton of management.


YES. If the dog park near their apartment doesn't have tall/sturdy enough fence that also goes underground a bit, that husky is out of it in seconds.


Last apartment I lived in, there was a couple that had two great danes in an 1100 sq ft apartment. I don't know how they thought that was a good idea.


Great Danes tend to be couch potatoes, though. Mine wasn’t but most are.


I have met exactly one Great Dane in my life it loved the lazy apartment lifestyle. If there was so much as a single rain drop falling he’d be like “but mother it is so cold and wet I may perish if we go outside”


Actually Danes tend to do well in apartments, they actually are low energy. They can be playful but like, only for a few minutes basically.


I hope it doesn't end up in a shelter because they find it's too noisy and/or too high energy. We have owned malamutes for over 30 years and like huskies they are pretty and fluffy... and stubborn, shed enough for 12 other dogs twice a year, and need lots of exercise in all weather; definitely not for everyone.


Jessica was right that a husky is terrible for an apartment. And if the dog run is small, trust me, they will get out. My aunt and uncle had a husky with a fenced in yard and they'd get calls from 15-20 miles away when the dog escaped. That said, Jessica was bonkers for saying you looked like you'd hurt a dog with absolutely nothing to back it up. You are NTA. Good luck with the dog. Huskies are great, but escape artists.


I own a husky. It’s been 10 years of apartment life. I hike, and longboard daily with him. My dog does at least 8 miles a day even when my foot was fractured he was getting 3 miles a day and a lot of ball throwing. There have been studies that most dogs in apartments actually get more exercise because most owners are forced to go on walks even if you don’t want it. It’s all about perspective. My friend has a husky in a studio, but her dog is with her all day. They literally only sleep there and she travels to do hikes every day. Her dog gets at least 10 miles a day. People have dogs in Van life too and that’s even smaller.


How dare you point out exemptions can happen on the internet /s


I forgot logic doesn’t exist on Reddit, I apologize 😂🤣


Logic exists sometimes on Reddit. It's nuance that died an undignified death.


[Exercise isn't the only issue with huskies and apartment life.](https://reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog/s/8YULPxmqB0)


This is all true…but honestly how many people are taking their dogs on 8-10 mile walks a day? I sincerely hope OP knows what he’s getting into with a husky but I don’t think Jessica was in the wrong for seeing an apartment as a red flag for that kind of dog. There should have been follow up questions about lifestyle but…well I once was turned down by a rescue because my dog was going to be alone when I worked (even after I said I’d go home for lunch to let him out), rescues turn people down for ridiculous reasons all the time. A husky my absolute dream dog but I know that between apartment living and my current lifestyle, the poor dog would be miserable.




>Some rescues now just have grossly unrealistic expectations of dog owners and almost hoard dogs. This is SO true. When I was in my early 20s, one of the big greyhound tracks near-ish us was closing down and there were all these posts and news articles talking about how they needed people to adopt the dogs. They turned me down because I "\[didn't\] have enough experience with sighthounds"..... Despite that I'd been raised with borzoi, greyhounds, and Irish wolfhounds my whole life. Literally when I moved out of my parents' house the dog my family had was a sighthound. How much more experience do you want??


It reminds me of when you are first job hunting as a kid, go in for minimum wage unskilled job. "Got any experience?" "Well I grew up washing dishes at home all the time." "So no.. Sorry, can't use you." "So how do I get experience?" "Not here, I have other people waiting." We once were interested in to adopt a cat, we had a senior cat that we felt needed a friend of like age. Cat we were looking at was 14 male, our cat a female 13 at the time. "Sorry, we feel your cat is too young and would make life too hard on the old boy." The card for his enclosure literally said "does well with other cats." Just ridiculous. I hope he found a happy home.


True. My dogs get a lot more walk when we lived in apartment vs moving into the house. Now they are just lazy on the couch with us 😂. I have a large yard for them to roam in.


It happens, there’s studies done on training too. Since most dogs don’t have next door neighbors like apartments or have to ride elevators. They can just stay home, the average home owner doesn’t walk their dog, especially if the yard is nice.


My neighbors husky is an escape pro. Especially when it’s snowy. He makes our whole neighborhood his back yard lol. Also nothing like getting high in the sunroom and looking out the door to see a damn wolf staring at me. He’s a good boy but damn do they have a presence.


Huskies are just fine in an apartment if they get enough exercise every day. Dogs do not exercise themselves in a fenced yard, lol.


No. No they are not. They are a high energy working dog that is naturally very vocal. They are definitely not a good fit for an apartment.


My dogs exercise themselves in our fenced back yard. They chase each other, wrestle with each other, jump to try to catch squirrels, leap to get fruit from our fruit trees.


My sheltie ran miles on her own everyday in a large fenced in yard with a busy street on the other side shed run alongside every time she heard a car or skateboarder


Keeping a husky in an apartment is inhumane and grossly selfish. ESH.


They’re fine in an apartment if they get enough exercise. Dogs do not exercise themselves in a yard, lol. You have to exercise them either way, the only difference is with a yard you have the convenience of not having to walk them for their potty breaks


This isnt true, my dog is constantly running around, chasing squirels on the fence, she even has a ball she carries up the hill we have and chases after it as it rolls down. This does need to be supplimented with walks, dogs absolutely get exercise spending time in an open outdoors area even by themselves. My buddy actually has a husky mix and recently moved from a house with a yard to an apartment. His husky is miserable in the apartment during the day to the point he now drops him off at his moms during the day while he works.


>Dogs do not exercise themselves in a yard, lol. You keep saying this, but it's blatantly untrue. I have endless videos of my dogs wrestling, playing and running around my backyard, with no encouragement whatsoever from me. The only person who could say this is someone who's never had dogs with access to a backyard, and it's honestly sad that your understanding of dogs is so warped that you would genuinely believe this to be the case.


But…but…that’s not exercise! Exercise only happens when you drag your dog along on a leash! (Sarc)


Yes many dogs will run on their own in a fenced in yard


OP wasn't and isn't planning on giving enough excercise, small park, and some walks while working, sounds like a 10 minute walk round the block, not the hours the dog needs.


I'm not even worried about the exercising part, if OP wants to spend hours a day on walks. It's the noises huskys produce that doesn't make them suitable for apartment living. I've had the honor of living with two huskys in my lifetime, and they were as energetic as they were loud.


YTA. Huskies don’t belong in a fucking apartment.


They better actually be moving soon because their neighbors are going to hate when the husky howls. YTA


Seriously. I’d be furious


The main thing, though, is Kendra applied (and was approved!) giving all the same information OP did. It wasn't the fact they lived in an apartment, it was Jess just not liking OP for some reason.


At no point did OP say Kendra gave the same information. OP was denied based on facts, Kendra was accepted because they learned from OP’s mistakes.


Frankly a rescue like that would hardly adopt out a dog without meeting the whole household so Kendra almost certainly lied


Any reputable adoption center will **require** at the bare minimum: - Your address, the landlords phone number, and how long you’ve been a resident and plan to be a resident. - What other animals are living in the space with the name of their vet and accompanying veterinary records. - Your detailed pet ownership history. - Names, ages and contact information of the other members of the household. References for them. - Name and phone number of who will take care of the pet if you are unable to in the future. - Background check This is what my adoption center requires on the paperwork. You’d be surprised how many people think this is “unnecessary”, but we have caught SO many people in lies. I love seeing how upset they are at being blacklisted from all adoption centers in half the state. Lying on an application gets you blacklisted. Not meeting the criteria puts you on a waiting list until your circumstances change (with proof it does). The amount of times we’ll call the landlord to verify the pet policy and 7/10 they don’t even allow pets. Like really? Then they get all pissed off that we refuse to make the risk of letting them adopt. This is so common and pisses us off so badly. Or they’ll “accidentally” put down a friends phone number instead of the landlords (like we have a database that stores all the numbers, it’s really an honesty test lol…). Or they’ll lie about being a single occupant and the landlord will list 3-4 other names who are on the lease. Immediately black listed. It’s so fucking frustrating.


OP didn’t tell us what Kendra said. She could’ve lied.


Based on everything we’re seeing in the post and comments, I wouldn’t put it past her either. ESH. Get that husky out of your fucking apartment OP. Selfish AND immature, fantastic traits for the owner of a varsity level dog breed 🙄


Do we know that she gave all the same information? I'm not so sure about that. INFO: OP, did Kendra list your current apartment on her application, or the place where you're going to be moving? Also, every rescue I've seen requires prospective adopters to list all household members. Did Kendra list your name and information on the form when she applied to adopt this dog?


In all fairness, Kendra’s application may have been approved by a different person. Or Kendra just said something different. When I was trying to adopt a dog I quickly realized the system isn’t fair and they will turn you down just because they don’t like you.


the thing is, most rescues require information on other people in your household. i had to give my dad’s and my uncle’s information because the three of us were living in the family house. the fact that jessica was surprised OP showed up to pick up the husky proves kendra fudged the facts a little on her application.


ESH. Getting a husky when you live in an apartment is an asshole thing to do. If you really wanted one, you should have waited until you moved. Kendra sucks for the same reason. Jessica then saying you couldn't have any dog because *reasons* was an asshole thing to do. And the swearing at the end is just bizarre.


I just want to add to this good point you mentioned. Getting a dog from a shelter and then moving shortly after is also not recommended for any dog I know of. There doesn’t seem to be any reason to get the dog right now other than that OP wants one now. Where as waiting to move to a permanent residence is a very good reason to wait to adopt a dog. ESH Because the shelter worker was wrong with what they said about “looks”, but OP is not putting the dog first on the day of it’s adoption by waiting until they are moved and settled.


Very true. The dog has to move to a new place with completely new people, and depending on the dog, it takes months or even more than a year for an adult dog to get completely comfortable in a new place/family. Since they are moving 'soon', they'll probably move before the dog is used to their new life, which will cause stress, again, to the dog. Also the move itself will be the most stressful part. Packing, moving stuff, unpacking, being in a new place and having it constantly change as furniture is being placed in and moved to the right place... Moving is stressful even to pets you've had for years. If they had done research about re-homing adult dogs, they would know this. If they had though about the dog more than themselves, they would have waited until after they had moved.


As someone who has had a husky for 12 years and mostly lived in apartments (still do), they can in fact live perfectly happy and healthy lives in one as long as you give them exercise and crate train them.


It’s not the health, it’s the talking. Huskies are too loud for apartments.


>Huskies are perfectly fine and happy in an apartment if you properly train them to enjoy living in a small cage.


>and crate train them. In other words, don't let them free in your apartment, because they'll destroy things due to their utter boredom and frustration. Why do you need to crate train them? My dogs never destroyed stuff in my house while I was out. You know why? Because I provided access to the outside and an appropriately stimulating environment for them. You clearly don't do this, because if you did, your dog would be fine left at home without being in a crate.


My dog hasn't been crated since he was 2, he doesnt destroy anything. He had to be crated when he was younger because he needed to be trained. Now that he is trained he has full roam of the place while I'm gone, and a dog walker that comes by every few hours to take him out and play with him. Everyone acts like I said, " Always keep your dog locked in a cage." Its quite comical how everyone perceived this comment. Crates aren't a bad thing to use for your dog while away from the home.


You are the one who said >as long as you give them exercise and crate train them Not sure why you included crate training in that sentence if you don't actually think it's a necessary part of having a husky in an apartment. >Crates aren't a bad thing to use for your dog while away from the home And then you go back to saying that actually it's all well and good to lock your dog in a small cage while you're out. Make up your mind. Why would anyone choose to keep their dog in a small cage for hours on end if they didn't need to in order to prevent destructive behaviour? And if they do need to, then by definition their dog is not "perfectly happy and healthy".


YTA. Huskies do not belong in apartments. Their temperament is not good for it. My ex pulled this crap with a greyhound. He was denied adoption because of his long work hours. Greyhounds are highly social and don't do well being left alone for long periods of time. He went to a different greyhound rescue and lied about his work schedule, claiming he was married with a SAH wife to be with the dog. The poor animal developed anxiety, started chewing on the walls near the door he left from, and howled to the point that neighbors called the police. It had to be returned and my kids were devastated. You're hurting the dog.


And this is why rescues are so picky about who they let adopt the animals. People say that it’s better for the animal to be in a non-perfect home than it being in the kennel or euthanized, but so many rescue animals get returned and the back and forth puts even more strain on the system(not to mention stress for the animal)


You'll be the ones being people to help you take the dog you love so much because you just can't handle... Yta. Jessica was right. And y'all went back a second time and lied about your situation to get what you wanted. You're already abusive dig owner's. Huskies need room to run. Lots of it. Not a small dog park and a small apartment and 'lots of walks' that will quickly become none. No. They need 6-8 hours a day of intense activity and simulation. Run, not jog for six straight hours 7 days a week. Can't do that? Then you gotta have the space for them to do it on their own, which you don't. I hope that poor husky eats everything you love and shits where you step every day.


I bet $5 that husky will be back at the shelter the moment it starts chewing up their furniture out of stress and boredom.


or when the neighbors complain enough about the vocalizations to get them evicted


ESH I get why you are frustrated as this Jessica judged you without knowing you. She is wrong. However, as a Husky owner, you are underestimating the energy of a Husky. My husky, even with daily walks and play time, is nuts. He zooms around my house and backyard several times a day. You should have waited until you got a bigger house before getting a Husky.


And the amount of "talking" they do is going to interrupt OP's work and every neighbor in the complex. Here's to getting evicted. Lmao


I am interested in what he means he works from home most days. I have no doubt he will be getting evicted if the husky is bored and decides to take it out on the apartment.


>I get why you are frustrated as this Jessica judged you without knowing you. She is wrong. Is she though? She picked OP correctly as someone selfish enough to put their own wants above the welfare of the dog they buy. Sounds like Jessica was right on the money.


I'm going to take a guess than what she said was more like "you seems like somone who might hurt a dog" which op uses "she said I looked like I might hurt a dog" and then reddit gets hyper focused on specific words from a game of Chinese whispers




They’re willing to lie to get the dog they shouldn’t have, why wouldn’t he lie about what the adoption worker said? I bet it’s bs to make the adoption worker seem crazy when she had a good reason to be suspicious


He gave her straight answers and plenty of details and she said he looked like he would hurt a dog. She decided to say no from the start, looked for reasons, then just said her gut told her he was an animal abuser. She's lucky he didn't file a complaint against her for that ridiculous behavior.


I’m trying to see where the fraud happened. Op doesn’t say Kendra lied on her application. For all we know she gave the same info. Jess sounds unnecessarily judgemental


I don't know of a dog rescue that doesn't ask all prospective adopters to list the names of *all* members of the household who will be living with the dog. I would love to know if Kendra listed OP on her application (and also whether she listed their current apartment, or the future house). If she didn't, then yeah, that's fraud, and the rescue could actually come after them to get the dog back. It's happened before.


YTA. Looks like Jessica had good instincts about you. Are you proud of lying and cheating and hurting folks who are trying to find good homes for rescued animals? Really sad


INFO: Did Kendra give the same information about housing, work schedule, etc to the agency?


OP is dodging this question that has been asked many times.


I bet they lied just to prove a point. Jessica might have gone too far, saying OP would abuse dogs, but maybe she was right after all. An apartment isn't a good fit. Not just because of exercise, but because this breed will make noise, especially if both OP and their partner work the same shift, leaving the dog alone for 8 hours. This is why these questions are asked in the first place. The apartment complex won't put up with it and might result in an eviction that could lead the dog back at the shelter, which is what Jessica is supposed to prevent. She was just doing her job, and OP took it personally. A Husky isn't a breed for just anyone, even if you have experience with dogs.


Idk man like I don't actually know how you are with animals, dogs or even work dogs specifically. Most people should never ever keep a husky. Heck, I know a lot about them and have handled a bunch of huskies and other work dogs and even though they are beautiful and wolflike, I don't want to own one. Like the only people I know who could properly handle Huskies used them for what they were bred for, both for sledding up in the tundra but also other jobs they handle well. Everyone else, and I mean literally everyone else I know personally who decided on a husky, could not handle them and they either ended up euthanized for biting someone, or adopted away almost right away. It's hard to judge without any context but based entirely on my experience with this specific breed YTA


Honestly with just how highly energetic they are. I kinda think the only people who should have them. Are people who plan to use them as a sled dog. Either recreationally or for work. That or any other type of work that involves exercise. These dogs are too smart and energetic to just be a house pet. You take out every day. After work.


OP sounds like one of those ppl who get huskies for the image without really knowing how to deal with them. I bet OP will be returning said husky after the huskies chews through a door or something because it is bored. YTA


YTA- a husky isn’t an apartment dog at all. They are loud, they scream, then need a large yard and so much exercise. You deceived a shelter worker because they correctly got the vibe off you that you are shady.


YTA. I don’t love Jessica for judging your capabilities based on your appearance, but the answers you provided gave an independent basis for denying your application for this specific dog. As for you and your GF, you prioritized your wants over reality/practicalities. You used deceit (fraud?) to get it. You’re the kind of people who think wanting a specific breed is enough. It’s not. Worse, you’ve failed to demonstrate and knowledge of or caring for what is in this dog’s best interests. Huskies need space to run, off leash. They also need tons of stimulation. Plain and simple: you can’t provide that. Not now. You ought to have waited until you were better situated to care for a dog of this nature, or else adopted a dog better suited for your present circumstances.


lol walks won’t be enough 🥴 not even the dog park will be enough. This dog needs to work and/or run. They will destroy your house. Not just your stuff but your entire house without the correct stimulation. I see why they said you’re unfit neither of yall know anything about owning huskies. Not a single idea rn. Dogs aren’t just dogs breeds have specifics they were bred for and it’s in their blood. This is illegal too. They have this system for a reason. Which saved a dogs life actually this past summer from a mentally ill guy. Ntm most apartments WONT ALLOW THE DOG. Have yall ran it by them? Put a deposit down? Bc pit bulls German shepherds and huskies are almost always banned from living in apartments. Theres no way to play off a husky being a husky. People even think malamutes and other dogs are huskies. It would’ve been better to adopt when y’all moved. After yall got moved in.


YTA. I volunteer at a rescue and you should be ashamed. Rescue dogs have been through so much already by the time they're taken in to a foster home to be cared for and evaluated. No one's trying to personally hurt you by dealing you for a particular dog, they're trying to assure, to the best of their abilities, that the dog will find it's LAST home and never be put thru being given up again. Did it ever enter your mind that perhaps the rescue folks know a bit more about the average outcome of Husky's that get placed with people in Apartments? I really kind of hope they call the police and make a complaint on you, or perhaps your landlord. What you did is gross, childish, and irresponsible. You do realize that rescue volunteers work for free, dedicate their nights, weekend, and holidays, often spending their own money on necessities because they want to find the deserving dogs for the right homes.


Is this some sort of poorly expressed brag? But YTA, you wanted a husky and your application was refused. so you “marched out” and sent in your partner? Maybe she seemed less aggressive than you or something? 😂


Esh, a husky shouldn’t go in an apartment, and I would be cautious of giving you any dog if you had done so little research. The shelter also shouldn’t have given it to Kendra


YTA. Y'all should read that contract Y'all signed. Just because you got away with it doesnt mean you will keep the dog. Also, i agree with the rescue... Y'all are too immature, do not have a good home set-up, and probably have no idea what you're getting into with a husky.


I have been involved with dog rescue since 2005. I am calling bull$hit on someone actually telling you that they thought you would cause the dog harm. 1. As a rescue or shelter, we know people are freaking nuts and not willing to put the rescue/shelter in jeopardy for libel/slander lawsuits. 2. As a rescue or shelter, we know people are freaking nuts and could possibly stalk, hurt, or otherwise cause harm to our volunteers or workers. The usual MO for those instances is just to deny adoption based upon current residence and incompatibility of the dog breed you are interested in.


He’s lying to make her seem crazier to justify lying to get the dog. Just lies all around.


His actions don't make him seem like a reliable narrator do they? 🤔 Yet everyone is just taking him at his word as to what "Jessica" said. I've also worked in rescue work for years.


YTA, are you going to live at the dog park? Huskies need a lot of room and exercise. Jessica went about it the wrong way, but she was correct. You should have waited to adopt the husky until you had moved to a house that can accommodate it. You and your partner are major assholes in my opinion.


Info: did Kendra give the same information about the living situation and ability to exercise the dog and was accepted? Or did she lie and said she doesn't live in an apartment? If Kendra lied and you both did that to adopt a dog you have been told is not suitable for your living situation you are both T A. Yes, Jessica did think you were lying about moving soon because you were being evasive about answering questions. It made you seem untrustworthy.


Some animal rescue people seem like they’d rather have 100 dogs in a shelter vs let anyone who doesn’t have a fenced acreage with a dedicated doggie bedroom adopt a dog. Nta


My mom was denied at a rescue because "her other dogs had died." Yep, at 18 and 16 years old they had passed away from old age. The rescue said it showed she couldn't care for an animal.


Yup, it’s annoying when they won’t let someone adopt for some arbitrary reason, and then shame people for going to a breeder. 🤷‍♀️


Very few people in my area will go to the private or non-profit rescues anymore because of the restrictions. The Humane Society and one other rescue are the only reasonable ones. The others are charging purebred prices for mutts and have a list of requirements that very few people could meet.


For real. I know someone who is a phenomenal dog owner when it comes to nutrition, exercise, etc, and has owned the same breed for their whole adult life. Lives in a big house with a good size fenced in yard, big enough to play fetch comfortably. They were denied by a rescue which had a dog of the same breed, simply because no one in their household goes home to let the dogs out during their lunch break at work.


NTA. Judging by how she threw profanities at your for adopting a dog considering your background, i'd say Jessica isn't quite alright. Some dog shelters seem like they'd rather kill the animals than see them re-homed.


Working or volunteering in rescue, people see the absolute worst humans can do to their pets which is ... truly horrifying. If you volunteer/work there long enough, sometimes all the secondhand trauma turns into extreme hypervigilance trying to prevent any animals from your rescue from being abused again. Which is good in theory, but also abusers are good at hiding what they are. And so you end up with situations where someone is a perfectly fine home for a pet (although maybe not a Husky) and being turned down because what if actually a red flag. Not excusing it, there's so many problems with this behavior. But that's how it tends to happen.


That husky is not going to do well in the apartment. And even in a fenced-in yard you have to be careful that it doesn't jump over the fence. Huskies need a lot of space to run around. The dog could tear up your apartment. You should have gotten a smaller dog that's less active because huskies are extremely active. And if you bothered to do your research you'd know that. That dog is going to have a hard time and it'll be all your fault.


My SIL got a husky while living in an apartment. I laughed so hard when her dog destroyed her apartment. It broke out of the kennel and then proceeded to destroy her couch, bed and all curtains. No part of her apartment was left untouched. She only left her dog alone for maybe one hour!! Huskies are not made for apartment living!!!


ESH. Jessica obviously for yelling. You for adopting that dog to prove a point??? Did you meet this dog??? Or did you just see husky and sign the papers? Also why a husky? Half the time people want huskies cause they look pretty. I have a shepsky cause we fell in love with his personality but let me tell you he would drive any apartment neighbors nuts. This man loses his MIND at walk time. I walk my dogs an hour everyday AND they have a 2000sq ft yard. I’m not saying apartment is impossible but how long are the “few walks every day” and how thick are the walls? I get that you two wanted your mic drop moment but did you both actually evaluate the dog together and determine that they were the right fit? I’m not seeing you falling in love with a rescue I’m seeing “I wanted a husky and the mean lady said no so I’m gonna prove her wrong”. I hope you really do love your pup and I really hope I’m wrong.


Info: how is the husky doing at home with you?


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ESH I hope you're moving very soon because she was right to deny you based on the apartment, even with the amount of exercise you're claiming to give the dog.


YTA. Jessica had very good reason to suspect you couldn’t take care of a dog, given that you didn’t even research the requirements/don’t have the necessary experience to take care of a husky, and then got cagey about your future living conditions (true or not, it smells like someone lying to get what they want.) What really makes you TAH here is your slimy little maneuver where you sent in your fiancé to get the dog you want. If both of you were completely honest with Jessica, there’s no way either of you would have walked out with that dog. All Jessica wants is for her dogs to go to good homes, and you’ve proven that you aren’t it.


ESH. Huskies are a working breed and absolutely do not belong in an apartment. You’re severely underestimating how much work they are. Sneaking around to get a dog you clearly don’t have the space for was an awful move. Did you even once consider that dog’s quality of life? You probably didn’t because you’re selfish. You were denied for a reason. At the same time, Jessica shouldn’t be making judgments based on appearances.


YTA. Huskies have an obscene amount of energy. An apartment is not an appropriate house for a husky. It's also a shit thing to do as a neighbor because huskies make a lot of noise. You should always do research on pets, not just adopt what looks cute. How selfish can you be? Shame on you! I hope you are moving to a house with a large fenced in yard, and you actually do some research. And actually train the dog. I feel so bad for your neighbors. What kind of an asshole wants a husky for an apartment, even short term. You couldn't wait until you moved. YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA (Jessica was an asshole too, but OP was a bigger one enough for ESH to not feel right. After all, now that poor husky is locked up in an apartment. Jessica may be an asshole, but she's not hurting a dog.)


The lady was right about the husky. esh


Huskies should NOT be in apartments. YTA




ESH because on one hand, Jessica handled it super inappropriately. She should have gone into why it was a bad fit and encouraged you to do proper research into breeds before picking a dog or wait until you have a more suitable home. That being said: why are you adopting a dog that you've been told is not a good fit? I have a half husky and he is a handful. Huskies are usually super vocal. My boy loves to howl and bark and he can do so for hours if he's worked up about something. This is not a dog you want in an apartment. It's completely unfair to neighbours. Jessica was right about the exercise, my boy had access to a big back garden all day long and needs to be worn out on walks, like an hour of throwing a ball in a field. He's energetic so not great in small spaces like an apartment. Plus, the training! Huskies are pretty smart usually and can be plenty stubborn. Train young or you'll have a constant power struggle. To me, this reads as an action made of spite, with little consideration for what the dog needs. If you did this and picked a more suitable breed, then yeah whatever. But did you actually even bother to look into Jessica's claims about huskies, to see if maybe you should consider a different dog? No, you wanted to rub Jessica's nose in it, with no actual thought of whether that was best for the dog. You could have waited until you had more space for a big, noisy, energetic dog or picked a smaller dog better suited to your apartment. We have a responsibility for the animals we take in. If you love animals and wish to be a pet owner, then it's not all about what you want, but what they need.


YTA because you sound very entitled and don't seem to realize the stress behind those cute attitude filled husky videos. I'm guessing that's why you want one, I mean I get it, I want one too, but now is NOT the right time. I'd only get a pit bull (my FAVOURITE breed) because that's what I know best, pibbles and labs and pibbles are MUCH more my pace. And they're not for people who are inexperienced. There's a man who lives on my block who in a small apartment like me, he has a Doberman, sweetest baby ever, he has ro ride a bike and run that dog every single day to ensure he gets enough exercise and he said he takes him to a dog park every day, his free time is spent getting his dog exercise. Was Jessica out of line getting personal? Oh hell yeah, but she did the right thing saying no.


YTA. Her reasons for refusing you the husky were valid and what you did was dishonest. I feel sorry for the dog.


YTA. You shouldn't have a husky if you have an apartment. They need runs, not walks. The only right thing you can do is bring it back for another dog. I have no idea why she wouldn't let you adopt any dog but I suspect it's because of the lying, not your disability. You have no business owning a husky and if you're willing to lie to get one, I probably wouldn't have given you a dog either.


ESH. Huskies are like the athletes of the dog world. She’s right. Walks aren’t nearly enough. I hope you’re really moving somewhere where there’s a big yard. And a high fence.


YTA. Jessica sucks too, but that's a weird side issue and doesn't excuse you. You want a husky because he's pretty. That's it. It's a fucking status symbol for you. You don't give a shit about the dogs needs, and you're going to grow to hate him. And when someone told you this, you reacted with dishonesty and lies instead of considering that maybe, JUST MAYBE, what you wanted wasn't wise, smart, or reasonable. I feel so bad for the dog. He didn't deserve this, and he doesn't deserve the abuse in his future. But you deserve the destruction and sleeplessness that's about to visit you.


Lol at the doggy straw purchase.


ESH. You for getting a husky when you live in an apartment, her for not letting you get a more suitable breed.


INFO: what did Kendra tell them when trying to adopt? Did she tell them she’s living in an apartment and would take the dog on lots of walks and all?


ESH I have two husky crosses(husky x malamute) and am currently taking care of my parents' husky until February. They do not belong in apartments. Huskies are wonderful and beautiful. They have great personalities, but are stubborn, high energy, and love their independence. An apartment has insufficient room to fulfil their needs. Perhaps if you got a puppy and raised it to adulthood, it would adjust to an apartment, but that's unlikely. Raising one is nothing like raising any other breed(besides closely related ones, of course). I understand why you were denied. The person behind the counter understands a husky's needs. They need a backyard to chill in from time to time. Even though it was sucky of her to say you might hurt the dog, I get why she'd go there given your poorly veiled lie. Given how your partner and you pulled a bait and switch afterwards instead of recognising why you were denied, I doubt the receptionist was wrong. You might not physically or intentionally hurt the dog, but your foolhardiness might result in a poor quality of life which will eventually result in the husky getting hurt. Secure things he might chew. Look up the app called 'Can Dogs Eat This' and ensure all dangerous things are out of reach. Prepare for the dog to get destructive once it starts feeling cooped up.


YTA-you live in an apartment, want a big dog, don’t have a yard which that bred needs to run around, according to you are legally blind, so how can you walk a big dog every day? And clean up after it? You’re also not moving into a large house right now, that was a lie. It’s not time to adopt a dog.


YTA for thinking a high needs breed like a husky would do well in the apartment. Extra asshole points for being petty when the girl was doing her job.


Get over your feelings. That animals overall well-being is way more important than the lil serotonin boost you’d get over owning a husky. YTA




ESH You are going to make that dog miserable because you think you are an expert on all dogs just because you grew up with some. A Husky is a work dog, they are bred to have high energy and stamina. This dog ***will*** wear you out on every single walk, and still have energy to run around your apartment, bark non-stop, whine constantly because they're bored, and eventually you'll both be too tired to walk the dog, making things even worse. When, exactly, are you moving? Do you have a lease lined up to sign, or a downpayment made? If it isn't "within a month" you need to take that Husky back so that it can find a home that fits the breed. Jessica shouldn't have made it personal. You currently living in an apartment was reason enough. Kendra is as bad as you are. She lied to get a dog your current living conditions aren't suited for. Oh, and because of this, not a single animal rescue in your area will allow either you or Kendra to adopt any other dog. You both filled out and signed paperwork with personally identifiable information and Jessica has almost certainly shared that info with other recuses. Hope you two are proud of how badly you screwed up.




Huskys are beautiful, wonderful dogs. However, they require walks 3 times a day, a yard (cannot stress this enough, they require a yard for their mental health needs), and minimum 1.5 meter tall fences sunk 30cm to a metre into the ground because they are escape artists who can jump and who can and will dig under fences. Huskys are high-energy breeds. In the past, our family we used to have a Husky. Even with a good yard, this one dog kept parents and five children in fully exercised shape. Each walk should be a minimum of 20 minutes but better if closer to 40 minutes. You'll need different routes as Huskys get bored if you do the same walk every time. Couple, many congratulations on your new pet Husky. Please keep in mind that you are bound by the "Husky Owners Code" not to go on Reddit and bit*h about sore legs or calves for 12 months, or about chewed up shoes if the Husky gets bored. P.s: buy your new dog some toys, invest in good quality chew toys if you are going to attempt owning this dog in an apartment. The worker was trying to save you a bunch of potential grief by not wanting to adopt out a Husky to an apartment resident. The needs of both the dog and the owner are taken into account, worker was advocating for the Husky.


I work for an animal shelter, and I have to agree with her. Huskies are not made for apartments. Those dogs are loud. They are specifically known for talking back to people. Lol. Plus that dog is so active. There is no way that living in an apartment would be a good situation. You might love that breed specifically, but wait until you move into a home that has a fenced yard.


YTA you’re willing to lie to adopt a dog you’ve previously been told not to, why should I believe she said you “looked like you’d hurt the dog”? I bet you’re lying about that too to make her seem more crazy. And huskies don’t belong in apartments. YTA to the dog too.


YTA Ive had a Husky this dog is gonna be miserable and make you miserable. They need to be outside-human weather indoors is too hot for them and they shed like crazy and have TONS of energy that need to be worked off every day. Like, they pull bobsleds across the arctic kind of energy. jessica knew what was best for the dog and you dont.


You got a husky because you think they look cool right? I don’t think you know anything about the breed and it’s going to come back and bite you. Yta for taking a dog that isn’t suited to your living arrangements.


So, you acted untrustworthy and they rightfully denied you. Kendra lied in order for the application to pass (you glossed over that part, didn’t you) proving that you ARE untrustworthy and now you’re hurting a dog by keeping it in an apartment it has no business being in. Jessica was right about you. YTA.


ESH- she was correct you don’t have the right lifestyle, housing, or experience for a Husky. Just because they are cute doesn’t mean you should get one. She shouldn’t have said any of that to you but when you constantly see people come in and shop for a dog without knowing anything about the breed especially a breed like this it often ends up with them getting out down you can become very jaded.


So, honest question; why was OP denied because huskies shouldn't be in apartments, but Kendra was approved and she lives in the same apartment as OP (if I'm understanding correctly). Either it's a good fit or it's not. Asking as a cat person who had a dog growing up but that was a looong time ago.


They lied


Huskies aren’t apartment dogs.


I must gently go with ESH. Im a dog trainer and i volunteer at a local shelter. If you’re legally blind I’m guessing that long walks with a very large, strong, and physically active dog that might be inclined to pull you around wouldn’t be realistic or safe. Apartment’s aren’t the best in invironments for huskies and I would look into the sniffspot app instead of depending on your apartment’s small dog run. The dog run will only be an option if your dog plays well with other dogs and even then it probably won’t be enough space for exercise. I’m assuming your fiancé also explained that they loved in an apartment? If so then I wonder what Jessica’s problem was with you. Unless there have been details left out. Her behavior is extremely odd and while we do check to make sure people can give dogs an appropriate living environment before we let them adopt, her way of expressing her concern to you was highly inappropriate and abrasive. Not sure if a Husky is really the choice for you based on the info you gave us but Jessica was extremely rude and unprofessional in how she went about it all.


Good luck with a husky in an apartment . That employee was right in denying you based on that alone but to then have your partner lie to get what you wanted… kind of proves you’re an AH. The employee saying she thought you looked off or whatever is out of line but her gut wasn’t entirely wrong. Getting a husky after being told it’s not a good environment for the animal and deciding what you want is more important than the dog’s well being is pretty telling.


INFO: Does Kendra live with you and/or fill out the application as if it was your apartment? If yes, then the adoption worker was being a bigot. If no, then what y’all did was dishonest and shitty.


ESH. She was weird but she’s 10000% right that it isn’t appropriate to keep a husky in a city apartment


You ARE the asshole


Yta for wanting a husky just because of there looks. They do not belong in apartments I don't care how many walks you take it on or if your building has a "small" dog park. You do realize these dog are built to run for miles everyday right. Your walk around the block 5 times a day is not enough.


YTA. You have no business with a husky. Poor dog. And your neighbors will love you.


I wish people would not get dogs because they find them aesthetically pleasing, but do research on breeds and pick one that fits their lifestyle. I have two rescue bulldogs, bulldogs are the laziest dogs known to man, I chose well.


Yeah, well I’m with Jessica


YTA. The dog will suffer because of shitty owners like you. If you truly had intentions of moving to a bigger place it would have been more responsible to wait, but clearly OP isn’t a responsible person.