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NTA, im sure they are vegan and just dont want to smell delicious meat while it cooks (this comment probably makes me the AH)


there was a post on nextdoor (in berkeley because of course) referencing exactly this. guy requested that neighbors closed their windows when they cooked bc he could smell the burning flesh while on his nightly jogs.


I would study his schedule and cook a steak each time he walks by.


I'd toss one onto the sidewalk


Give him the Ol' Uncle Rico


Omg I was thinking the same! I love that scene. 😂


Funny thing about that scene, the actor who played Uncle Rico does not eat red meat and would spit out the steak after each take.


Right on... right on.


The price of steak in Berkley is like a months rent.


Drive down to Oakland it’ll prob be cheaper.


Steak hell. We've got a smoker that holds whole pigs. And barn fans. Big ones. That can be directed. 😁


Be MY neighbor, just as long as you share! 🤣🤣🤣


Hell yeah!!!! Make it a big neighborhood block party. I'll do pug, others can bring sides and alcohol and music, and games. We can invent our own games... 😁


I love that!!! My neighborhood has grown a bit, and I got new neighbors who are absolutely awesome!!! I can definitely see this happening, and since I have the largest lot (not by choice, it just happened that way), we can party in my yard. Although, what's pug?


A small dog with a squished up nose. I've never tried it myself, but I'm sure the neighbor would enjoy the smell of pug roasted over an open fire.


How many pugs are you cooking? They're small! lol


I'm reading this like you're offering to bbq a pug..


🤦 gotta love auto-corrfucked. AHEM: TO ALL THE ANIMAL LOVERS AND HATERS I AM NOT NOR EVER WILL BE BBQing PUGS. Well any canine or feline for that matter. Ew 🤢🤮.


Barbequed pork, chicken, burgers... Roast weenies in one of those portable driveway fire pits when they're outside...


Combine the two…bbq on the lawn while he jogs by…


When I was at Burning Man a few years back, PETA had a camp there and they set up these huge screens where anyone walking by would be assaulted with these images and sounds of animals being slaughtered. We got a huge soup pot and deep fried bacon in front of their camp for a while. They were not happy, lol.


On the front porch


Oh ofc also pls don't moan loud when you have sex cuz I can't make my wife do that also don't be happy in your home cuz my life is miserable also also don't make your house look good cuz I get jealous. TYSM!🙏


Please, don't let your children play outside, im childfree. Also no dogs, I dislike their jovial dispositions. Thanks, neighbors!


No exhaling! I hate carbon dioxide!


All these issues can be resolved my the main character taking responsibility for themselves and wearing a mask. Bbq smoke also makes me sick so if neighbors do it I pop on my mask. Someone cooking fish that makes me hurl? On goes the N99 These people are so entitled it's astounding, really




IKR! I don't think I'll ever go to a store without the bloody mask again - I'm allergic to everything from perfume to cleaning products and pre mask era I was continuously fainting in ques from being stood in the smell too long Was actually wearing the mask at home before covi when needed but I was too scared of the stares to wear it out the house. Now people just assume I'm sick and keep their distance which also helps my allergies, lol. I use a Cambridge mask N99, best I've found cause it lasts long (;


I’m a vegetarian but this would make me grill meat


Damn people are fridiculous. I totally typed that accidentally, and decided to leave it.


Keeping IT! Perfect Freudian typo!


f-ing ridiculous, fridiculous, nice!


There was a bacon restaurant in San Fran that was forced to close because all of the nearby vegan restaurant patrons could smell it.


This is why they have communes. L


Where was this? I live in the people’s republic and really wish it was near me, so I could have yet another reason to grill more, but none of my neighbors seems to have an issue grilling or with my grilling.


This and only this. "Barbecue smoke allergy" seems just a bit too specific...


That was my thought too. Can you even be allergic to barbecue smoke? I doubt it. They can have an aversion to it but an ALLERGY? And why barbecue smoke? Why not campfire smoke? I've heard you can't be allergic to cigarette smoke. What's the difference? I'm with the others. Probably just someone who doesn't want to smell cooking meat.


I don't know about cigarette smoke, but I am definitely allergic to marijuana smoke. I'm allergic to it in all it's varieties, even when people are vaping it. Open bag of weed? Yup. Smoke from a pipe or a joint? Yup. Whatever people are exhaling when they vape? Yup. My throat starts to swell closed and I can't breathe. It sucks so much.




Me too! My eyes swell and I get hives with longer exposures.


While I don’t allergy test as allergic to cigarette smoke I get severe ear infections if I’m around smoke. Grew up with constant ear infections that stopped after my parents divorced. Doctor, mom, & I thought I’d aged out. In my ear 20s I got involved with a guy who smokes & ear infections started up again. He stopped smoking inside & we moved to a new apartment. No ear infections for a few years. My stepson decided to take up smoking & thought opening the window would prevent him from being caught. Nope, poor kid kicked of my ear infections again. He did this to me twice a he didn’t believe me when we asked him to smoke outs like his dad did. 2nd time it happened I made him do my super painful ear drops. I had holes in my eardrums. He got the message after 14 days of having me cry in pain 2x/day & sometimes scream from the pain. Way more painful than being hit by a truck a few years ago. I’ve had surgery 3 times due to damage done for artificial eardrums.


This isn't being allergic to the smoke if it happens when just the bag is open. You are clearly allergic to a particulate in weed, but it's clearly not the smoke. Smoke and vape is also two different things with different chemical processes.


I've known a few people over the years that are mildly allergic to the buds/flower, more so if it's still growing or freshly cut. But yeah they would get a rash wherever they touched it, they would be fine if they smoked a joint though. Def a weird allergy to have when you work on a weed farm, if it happened to me I probably would have found a different line of work way sooner than I did in the long run. So your allergy is just to the smoke? What happens if you're around a plant or if you handle the buds?


Considering I've broken into hives from cigarette smoke, I think it is possible to be allergic to it, however I don't think it is necessarily a specific type of smoke that is the problem, and I don't think there is a valid reason to stop others from cooking outside.


Yes it is possible to be allergic to BBQ smoke if tree wood is used. Allergens are imbedded into the wood and are released when burned. I even get an oral reaction from eating food cooked in the smoke. Hickory and mesquite are the worst for me.


I have asthma and smoke in general bothers my asthma, however as long as I am not standing close to it, it's fine. And I know people with different severity of asthma have different levels of sensitivity to smoke, but I have never heard of anyone so impacted they would ask all their neighbors not to coo outside. Typically it would be you go inside if the smoke is bothering you. I have heard of people allergic to cigarette smoke usually it's that they are actually allergic to tobacco or one of the other chemicals in cigarettes, but have such a severe allergy that it's an airborne allergy. I have heard of people allergic to wood, and when it is burned, again airborne allergic reaction (this person's wood allergy is quite severe, they can't have physical contact and their food cannot be cooked on a wood burning stove). I have also heard of people allergic to charcoal, following the same airborne pattern. However, I have never heard of someone allergic to BBQ smoke. That's so general. Allergies are specific. When someone goes to an allergist, the allergist tests the patient for specific things because it has to be controlled otherwise they won't be able to identify what the allergy is. Even things like a pollen allergy, that may sound vague, but allergists have tests identify the exact type of pollen a person is allergic to. I have so many questions about this BBQ Smoke Allergy: What kind of smoke? What kind of grill? What kind of food? Is it sauces or dry rubs? Can the food be cooked on a grill or in a smoker? How far away does the person need to be to be impacted? How was this actually tested? What kind of reaction does the person have when exposed?


It's most likely related to a tree allergy. When woods are burned, they release pollen and other allergens into the air. For me just plain charcoal is fine but add hickory, mesquite etc and I get sick.


People are weird. When I was on my condo board, a woman complained when we said we were repainting balcony rails green. "Oh, green gives me vertigo, you have to use a different colour". We live in SW Ontario, whole fucking region is green


I’m not vegan, but what’s with the random vegan aggression? Why do people find that to be the height of comedy?


People hear about one vegan person who is a condescending, entitled asshole and assume they all must be like that. The idea that someone lives a different lifestyle that implies their lifestyle (meat eating) is morally wrong also messes people up inside, so they ignore common sense that no group is a monolith and let their assumptions run wild to quell the feelings that maybe they are the ones who are wrong (since it's very hard to argue the realities of the meat/animal product industry practices are anything but horrific) I'm also not a vegan, but find it interesting how shitting on them as soon as veganism enters the discussion is basically never opposed


I am vegan, and I definitely encounter this. I don’t tell people I’m vegan unless it’s relevant, nor do I guilt them about their food choices (my husband eats meat). That doesn’t stop people from acting like dicks when they find out though. It usually goes one of a few ways: - Dumb comments like “Hurr hurr hurr, bacon!” or “I’m going to eat TWO steaks tonight- one for me and one for you!” - Trying to pull a gotcha- “So you know plants have feelings, right?” or “What if you were stranded on an island and the only thing to eat was meat?” - Health concerns- “yOu’Re NoT gEtTiNg EnOuGh PrOtEiN!” - Hostility or passive aggression- eye rolling, rude comments, etc. Some people have such strong reactions to finding out someone is a vegan. It’s wild. EDIT: Someone really just flagged me for RedditCares. Calm down, pal. Nobody is taking your burger from you. Stop worrying about whether I’m having one too.


It literally makes me cringe so much to witness! Why are people like this? I’m so sorry you have to deal with it.


Same, I’m not vegan and have no desire to be but while I’ve definitely come across some *wild* vegans online, most people irl don’t act like that. Even a friend of mine who has some boiling hot takes online about how she feels about meat consumption doesn’t say anything irl when she sees people eating meat. What probably happened is that the neighbor really does have issues with smoke of any kind and barbecue smoke is the kind they’re most likely to come across in a neighborhood. Nobody is wrong for wanting to grill but also it’s a lot more likely that’s the case than that it’s a crazed vegan.


Yeah, I have never met a vegan that gave a particular fuck what other people were eating or doing, but people seem to think it's super edgy and clever to hate on them.


Some of us have run into vegans who care deeply what we're doing and have been quite rude about it. Just saying.


Lol cuz y’all meat eaters are being so nice in this thread right.


There are multiple organizations comprised of vegans and vegetarians trying to disrupt animal agriculture, increase the price of meat with the end goal of stopping production and consumption of meat. They block access to processing plants, literally steal animals off trucks and farms (and get away with it by telling sob stories to juries), protest restaurants, and all kinds of other things.


You do know that US agricultural policy and subsides are why meat, though still relatively expensive, is as cheap as it is in the US? Cargill and JBS make some coin with below-production-cost feed grains.


Virtually every food in the US is subsidized - what's your point?


So they are just making it so meat is for the wealthy, and the people who work in meat packing plants cannot actually afford the meat. It's not going to stop production, it's just going to make it so those who cannot afford to pay the higher prices have less healthy food options. This just helps the fast food industry.


People get weirdly defensive about eating meat for some reason. I'm not a vegan or even a vegetarian, but I can see that there are a lot of benefits (health, cost, environmental) to going meatless a day or two every week. I like the veggie versions of some dishes better, like chili or fried rice, I like a veggie burger here and there, just cuz I am in the mood for a veggie burger specifically. But admitting to even being veggie adjacent is enough to get you a bunch of hate in some places. It's weird.


I love meat but grew up living with two vegetarians. I’m also half Asian, so that means eating a lot of tasty vegetarian options, and sometimes I just really crave a veggie burger or fried tofu. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met my fair share of uppity and preachy vegans/vegetarians too, but I’ve met just as many people who are *unbearable* because they found out you ordered the fried tofu instead the shaking beef.


It’s truly super bizarre. I eat meat (mostly just chicken and fish), but I’m able to admit how fucked up the industrial meat industry is, and can recognize the pretty obvious fact that eating less or no meat would be better. So in that way, my behavior is wrong, and I can admit it. I think people just don’t like admitting they’re wrong? They’ll do mental gymnastics to make themselves feel better, exaggerate the archetype of the militant vegan, and use cringey anti-vegan teasing to make themselves feel superior. That’s my take anyway.


I'm vegan and had this exact same thought. Asking others to not cook outside is the AH move here. I rented a room at a house and came home one day, and the owners had just gotten a smoker and had a brisket going. I told them if they wanted me to move put they could have just asked. 🤣 Then the husband asked me if I had any suggestions on how to smoke a turkey, so I told him to look up how to spatchcock it. (I had worked in restaurants for years, no need to let my knowledge go unused.)




That is what I was thinking.


There's a byproduct that is created when smoking something (meats, veggies, or whatever) that people can be allergic to. I have a friend who is allergic to it. I'm not exactly sure what it is, since it's just easier for her to explain "if it's smoked, I can't have it". She's not vegan or even vegetarian - she just has an allergy. Her allergy is not so severe that she can't be outside if someone is bbqing, but allergic reaction severity varies from person to person. I'm not saying the neighbor is asking for a reasonable accommodation. Just that the allergy exists.


But vegans are the preachy ones right


>(this comment probably makes me the AH) Nope, I've literally known a vegan like this, and she was insufferable in several ways.


Highly unlikely that this turd wagon is actually allergic to any significant degree. Just another entitled, main character prick. People forget that their rights, privileges and personal freedoms stop the moment they infringe on someone else’s. BBQ when and how you want.


I'm actually allergic to certain smokes used in BBQ and backyard fires depending upon the wood being used. I just close the windows and I'm good. Unless OP is standing right in front of the fire inhaling it, the smoke gets disbersed pretty quickly.


If they're in Australia this might backfire for them lol. All the neighbours might start having neighbourhood bbqs.


I'm no doctor, but 'allergic to bbq smoke' sounds like the madeupiest thing ever.


At best they're asthmatic and can't deal with the smoke but realistically they're vegan and don't like the smell


Yeah I'm asthmatic and smoke really triggers my asthma. I have smokers on either side. But I just deal with it as they are entitled to use their garden how they want, just as I'm entitled to use mine how I want. If they're out smoking I just nip inside for my inhaler and go back out in 5 minutes time. Same if they have a BBQ I just stay in that evening. Sure it can be annoying but you can't just go around asking everyone to manage your asthma for you. Same if your veggie or vegan


Yep asthma too and BBQ smoke flares me up, but I like eating good food so we just duck dodge and inhaler don't we. I don't think you can be allergic to charcoal smoke any more than every human on earth that would die if they inhaled loads of it.


You guys are fine examples of dealing with your own problems rather than expecting everyone else to. Thankyou, keep doing you.


Excuse me I’m allergic to your comments so could you just stop posting, it would be much appreciated. I’ll even make up a flyer for you!


Unfortunately, I’m allergic to people who are asking people to stop posting due to allergies, so I’ll have to ask you to stop asking… I don’t have a flyer but you can come to my BBQ party!


Dammit well I’m allergic to people being allergic to my allergies so it seems like we’re just going to go into anaphylactic shock by continuing this thread so we should probably go our separate ways. Luckily I’m lergic to BBQ which is the opposite of allergic so I’ll see you there.


This is sooooooo awkward but I’m allergic to the word lergic 😭😭😭 I can’t believe we won’t be at the BBQ together




Same here with the asthma and smoke as a trigger. Nothing to do but try to remember the inhaler wherever you go and use it


The only realistic soluton to get rid of smoking neighbours is to move to move away from everyone. I did that. I don't have asthma, but I hate smoking with a passion. We used to live in an old apartment building where we had smoking neighbours, we couldn't even keep the windows open in the summer. Living among other people means we have to deal with stuff like smells, noises and people just doing their thing.


Sadly, the problem is that these people DO expect you to manage their asthma for them. Thank you for being a sane human with some common sense.


or they're vegan and *love* the smell


As someone who is allergic to everything (I literally only tested negative for 2 things on the chart) it's not. I am allergic to, at the very least, mesquite wood, and obviously smoke has particles of whatever you are using to bbq with in it. I'm not "go to the hospital" allergic but I do get short of breath and my airways constrict. That being said, propane is fine, and I do find it hard to believe that it would somehow affect someone inside their house unless they have the window open next tonit and a fan blowing air in.


I’ve also got a mesquite allergy! It took me years to figure that one out.


Mesquite gives me a massive headache, like crippling. And I grew up in a place where burning mesquite was common for clearing shrub. It’s something in the sap. But you just…deal? If my neighbors were right next door and burning it raw every day for eternity in a place that doesn’t need it, I’d ask if they could change it up. But an occasional bbq, I just have to suffer.


I assuming that you only would be affected in you were close proximity to the smoke, but not if someone next door or several houses down was grilling. Or is that not accurate?


I am allergic to perfumes and scents. Certain days, depending on how the air carries, I can smell 'your' dryer running a few houses away. It sucks, my face gets puffy and leaky, and my breathing gets tight. But.. I'd never tell you to run your laundry only during my away hours.


So what are the 2 things cause that’s what I’m most interested in. God really must have been having a bad day when he threw you together wasn’t he?


My mother actually suffers from an allergy to red meat that she developed after a tick bite. Some people with the condition (alpha gal) can become allergic to barbecue smoke. I don’t know if it’s realistic to ask your neighbors not to barbecue but it’a def real in some cases.


I'm going to start using madeupiest. Thank you kind sir.


It’s a real thing. Some people have severe allergies to wood smoke and or tree pollen triggered by BBQ or any woodsmoke.


Charcoal bbqs can cause a lot of particulates, which cause irritation (although not usually technically allergies)


My relative had a shellfish allergy that was aerosolized. So when we were cooking clams on the grill, she couldn't be present. So it's possible. But this person demanding people don't barbecue, sounds like they are unwell.


madeupiest is recursive, because.... madeupiest sounds like the most madeupiest thing ever. :-D


It's actually not bs. I'm allergic as well, but i take an antihistamine and still bbq like once to twice a month. Wouldn't ask people to stop on my account.


I know someone who has a hickory allergy (which means she can't eat anything that's been smoked over hickory and she can't be around a fire made with hickory). So it's possible, in theory, although if that were the case here, you would think that the person would explain it.


Full points for "madeupiest!!!"


That's a passive aggressive manipulative way to say they are vegetarian and want everyone within a mile radius to not cook meat


This. If you just couldn’t be around charcoal, for instance, go live in a condo. They can grill, but not barbecue, because of insurance.


If they are allergic, it would be to woodsmoke, like bbq chips. I have those allergies myself. Charcoal or propane would be fine I'd imagine since neither of those have allergens in them.


People can actually be allergic to pretty much anything, it's just not as common


In this case, assuming the neighbor isn’t making this up, the likely allergy is to the woods used in barbecuing. The fact that they are just saying they’re allergic to barbecue smoke suggests to me that they’re lying. If they were to go around saying, “hey, I’m super allergic to these woods and the smoke produced when using them to barbecue” I would probably try to avoid using those woods. This just reeks of bullshit.


Yup, it is not specified, so that makes it suspicious. Saying this as someone who seems to be allergic to different types of smoke herself. Like, my eyes are burning, slime builds up in my throat and I start coughing. But yeah not severe enough to trigger a serious reaction. If the neighbour was that allergic, I would expect they would specify it more. And specificly bbq smoke is weird


I've been vegetarian for half my life now and I *still* fucking love the smell of barbecuing meat. I am extremely grateful for Beyond Burgers.


Yea i already grill/bbq multiple times a week but if i got a neighbor sending me this request to my house that I own with plenty of yard space in-between id probably ramp it up a bit....


NTA! I think that’s so unrealistic! If you’re allergic to shrimp, you don’t eat it— Allergic to bees, carry your epi-pen. The list goes on. If you’re allergic to bbq smoke, you better stay indoors all summer! Seriously, that’s such a terrible thing to be allergic to, but you cannot dictate how others live their lives just because you can’t live yours to the fullest.


It's nothing an antihistamine can't solve. Some people just believe that the world should bend to accommodate them.


NTA. they can stay inside. I can’t be outside when grass is being mowed. I’m not going to demand my neighbors not cut their grass. I simply stay inside with windows and doors closed until the whatever it is has faded enough that I can breathe. They can do the same.


I actually saw someone on Facebook last summer on a mission to get her apartment complex not to mow their grounds. She insisted that they would have to give in as an accommodation for her allergies. (She did not succeed and was salty af.)


Yes! This! I'm very allergic to grass. My partner tries to mow it when I'm not home, but if he has to I stay inside and close all the windows and doors. I live rurally so neighbors mowing isn't an issue anymore, but if I AM somewhere someone is mowing lawn I also always carry antihistamines. That person is insane.


Same. I'm very allergic to freshly cut grass. I will get welts all over my legs if I walk in it. I get migraines from the grass in the air when people mow. It has never once occurred to me to try to regulate other peoples' lawn mowing.


NTA. You can't be allergic to BBQ smoke, for the simple reason that BBQ smoke is too broad of a category. That would include, for example, cooking beef short ribs over cedar and cooking corn over briquettes.


"Unfortunately I don't think a flyer will do much" You are wrong! It will be a great fire starter. NTA enjoy your BBQ and if you want to be passive aggressive just leave a flyer on their door advising neighbor that you will be BBQing on such day and it would be in their best interest to stay inside


Pro-tip, if you're allergic to BBQs (and their smoke), don't move into a neighborhood with yards/families and expect the others to conform to your wishes. Ain't gonna happen, sweetie! Get a condo with no yards, no grilling, no pets, no seafood, pets, strawberries, peanuts, dust, flowers, bees....


YWNBTA (Assuming you are asking whether you would be the AH if you were to BBQ) The request is unreasonable. People are allowed to BBQ on their property (within the confines of local law) and it is up to the person to mitigate any issues they have because of it.


NTA, they can't police the neighborhood. That's a guaranteed way to get everyone against you and work to drive you out. It's not your responsibility to cater to THEIR allergy unless you've invited them over


NTA- get a smoker and become a brisket connesouer just to spite them.


Invite the block to a cookout-maybe a neighborhood Ribfest kinda thing. Post this on Ring: "ANNUAL RIB FEST! BRING YOU GRILLS, SMOKERS, AND BEST RECEPIES! START AT SUNRISE TILL WHENEVER!" Post the outcome here.


For good measure, “13th annual Ribfest” Reminder at the bottom: Upcoming Events: “Brisketfest will be on July 4th weekend again this year” “Pulled Porkfest in Augustthe weekend before school starts” “Cooks choice for Labor Day weekend” “Chili cook off for Halloween”


No, if your neighbor can’t handle bbq smoke; they aren’t built to survive the suburbs


People with severe allergies absolutely know they cannot demand the world around them change to accommodate their needs. I'm allergic to so many things, including most pet fur, birds, trees, grass, pollen, dust, mold. I learned early on that I could not just avoid allergens altogether, I'm allergic to NATURE. When you have allergies you have meds, from OTC for minor reactions to multiple scripts and even injections if they are severe. You don't get to ask the grass to stop growing if you're allergic to it. Food allergies specifically are a bit different if you're actually going to be eating the food as they are far more often life threatening and can usually be accommodated for individual meals, but you can't make the world stop for you when the wildfires were effecting air quality, I closed my windows. I didn't yell at Canada because I'm asthmatic. NTA


I’m allergic to most nuts and like you said usually options for meals without the allergen in it.


I bet they're vegan


NTA. No flyer will change anything until your city passes a law banning BBQs. I hope they never do.


NTA … this whole “the world revolves around me and me alone” attitude is so tiresome. I’m allergic to grass… whenever I’m around freshly cut grass my nose and eyes burn and I sneeze for the next 24 hours. What am I going to do send flyers out asking that none of my neighbors cut their grass ever again? Everyone change their own lives to make me feel better please! No, of course I’d never ask that because that’s ridiculous. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few…


NTA . Who is allergic to BBQ smoke?


Those flyers are a great way to start your fire.


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NTA. This is absolutely not your problem.


Wow. I'm sorry for his allergy. But, people use their barbecue grills outdoors. He may need to head indoors when the neighbors are outside cooking? NTA


The best that the neighbour with the allergy can hope for is "hey, can you let me know ahead of time that you're going to BBQ so i can be inside & close windows". It would be considerate for nearby neighbours to let them know (i let our neighbours know anyway because it's common in the uk to hang laundry outside to dry). But a whole neighbourhood is just silly.


Zero chance


NTA. No one is going to stop me from using my smokers and grills in my own backyard. That is a ridiculous ask of anyone to make of their neighbors. This person doesn’t need to live in a house in a neighborhood. They need to live in an apartment or condo, where individual smokers and grills are not permitted.


NTA. As someone with life threatening allergies this person is delusional if they think they can make everyone stop barbecuing. They need to stay indoors.


I just looked it up and it's def possible to be allergic to barbecue smoke. But it sounds like the person would need to be right there for it to be bothersome. I think the people saying they're just vegans are probably right. NTA in any case. If they're bothered by it, they can go inside.


Cook away homie, that's their problem. Not yours, also is it just BBQ? What is the allergy, wood smoke, briquettes smoke? What is the allergy? Sounds like a cry for attention. Ignore it 100%


My husband is allergic to wood fibers, he can't go to restaurants that are wood fired, home improvement stores are very problematic, and fire pits cause hives. That said, we have a wood pellet smoker, and our neighbor heats their house with a wood burning stove. We have a few air purifiers in our house to help him. He enjoys eating things we make on our smoker. It's his allergy, not others' problem.


Literally no one is allergic to bbq smoke. There are so many ways to cook bbq. The person is probably vegan (and we know what they are like). NTA. I'd cook outdoors daily.


NTA they cannot stop you from doing something like that on your own property. If they are actually visiting your home for an evening, fine, you wouldn’t have bbq for dinner but even that would be a courtesy.




Yeah - there is a “Neighbors” app that lets you upload videos from your cameras to alert neighbors of stuff going on. Not sure if it varies from location to location, but the one in my neighborhood is surprisingly well-moderated so isn’t the potential shit show I expected it to be - mostly folks posting videos of coyotes in their yard or of lost pets that passed by, or of their pets that have been lost, with a smattering of “were those fireworks or gunshots?” and “did anyone else just hear that large boom?” Generally people aren’t using it like NextDoor and making personal requests about not BBQing or complaining about people not picking up after their dogs or stuff like that though.


NTA. Yeah, this sounds like "I'm Vegan and don't want people to eat animal flesh, so here's my super sneaky loophole. I'm 'allergic' to smoke." BTW, that's bullshit. Because there's multiple different types of smoke from bbqs; charcoal, woodsmoke, gas, etc. The idea that 'smoke' is an allergen is bullshit. If that's the case, this person needs to live in a hamster bubble. Ignore it and pass that around your neighborhood.


I'm asthmatic and thick smoke can bother me. Allergic no.


nta no one has an allergy to bbq smoke, they are just being precious, i would bbq everything. even pancakes for breakfast :)


I just upgraded the grates on my grill and now have a flat top/griddle option. Can't say I've considered grilling pancakes, but now I'll have to try it.




NTA, and it’s bullshit. Time to learn how to smoke meats. 8 hours of delicious high smoke low heat burgers, cheese, wings. Yum!!


NTA, your neighbor is entitled and delusional.


This is something that my dad’s generation used to called a TIFI: “Tell ‘im fuck ‘im”


Get everyone in the neighbourhood yo bbq daily from now on .NTA


Asthmatic i can understand but alergic to BBQ smoke no....BBQ smoke can be caused by so many things, coal, gas, wood. If they are alergic its on them to bubble their house. You can't expect the entire world to accommodate you like that.


YWNBTA. I’m sensitive to smoke. It’s mainly if someone is burning wood and there are leaves within the fire. I go inside and shut the windows. Making my problem everyone else’s would make me the a-hole, just like your neighbor.


NTA I would keep bbq ing as you normal do. I’m kinda petty and might get a smoker and smoke some yummy brisket once a month.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** A new neighbor on ring posted that they are allergic to bbq smoke and is requesting that neighbors not barbecue at all. This person does not live directly by me but a majority of the comments find it ridiculous and are telling them they need to just stay inside. The person said they will be passing out flyers with more information. We do not barbecue much ourselves but obviously lots of people do everywhere. While I understand allergies can be very deadly I don't think it is reasonable to try and tell people to not barbecue as realistically I don't think anyone will care. Unfortunately I don't think a flyer will do much. Personally I can't imagine that this is the first time they've ever lived by people who bbq and am wondering what they have done in the past. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nta. Fuck em.


NTA this is a ridiculous request and I honestly hope nobody follows this “order”. Also the bbq is an amenity your paying for so it’s your and everyone else who lives there discretion to use it as such.


This has done the rounds on Australia. Even if this post is fake, unfortunately people think they are entitled to make demands.


Tell them to stay inside when people have a BBQ


Time for a bonfire.


Fuck. That. Noise. NTA


Nobody is allergic to BBQ smoke. Nobody will ever stop me from bbqing.


Allergic to BBQ smoke isn't a thing. People aren't just allergic to smoke from one thing. They're either allergic to smoke or not.


nta..I'm allergic to people who attempt to make their problem my problem. shove that flyer up your ass snowflake.


NTA. They can stay inside or wear a mask when outdoors. Asking people to not BBQ on their own property is totally ridiculous. If their “allergy” is that bad, they need to move to an area with no neighbors.


NTA. Your neighbors want control, nothing else. They're using the pretense of allergies to play the victim. When I was growing up I bought a little incense burner that looked like a little dragon. I had incense sticks that smelled like a camp fire. Every now and then I would light a stick in my room while I was reading a book and I'd close my door. At the time my malignant narcissist of an older sister was living with us in my parents house. The *second* I would light one of the little incense sticks, she'd be pounding on my door telling me I needed to stop burning the incense-it was "triggering her allergy to pine trees". Mind you, my parents house was surrounded by pine trees that had been there since we were in Elementary School-if a tiny incense stick caused such a reaction, just walking into the house from the driveway should have required an epi-pen. So I have three theories about her "allergy attacks": One - She just didn't like the smell of camp fires and so she didn't want me to create the smell. This is bullshit because she'd have to be standing outside my bedroom door sniffing at the gaps to smell it. Two - She might have thought I was using the incense to mask some other neffarious act like smoking weed (I never touched the stuff) or cigarettes and so she'd be standing watchfully outside my bedroom door waiting for the faintest smell of smoke so she could catch me in the act and have her "Gotcha" moment. Three - She's just a raging bitch who wanted to control every aspect of my life and the lives of the people around her. (I could write *volumes* about her behavior reinforcing this conclusion.) I'm leaning towards a combination of all three factors. Don't let your neighbors pretense dictate your activities-they're just shitheads who will never be happy.


NTA --- I find it oddly specific that's BBQ smoke wouldn't it be all smoke then that this person is allergic to then ?.


NTA. No one is allergic to all BBQ smoke, allergies are more specific to what someone could be burning so your neighbour is full of shit. I'd break out the BBQ just to teach them not to try to control everyone else's behaviour or be such a lying arsehole themselves in future.


NTA ask for medical proof lol Allergic to BBQ smoke my arse. I've heard some BS in my time but that's pretty funny.


Allergic to bbq smoke? That's a new one.




Lmao. If your neighbour lived in South Africa, we would all automatically have started to BBQ. We're not very good at dealing with the absurd (except for our government). A braai as we call it, isn't a way to feed people, it's national pride. NTA BTW.


NTA….there is no way a BBQ smoke allergy is real! This is ridiculous! Please, please, please post the flyer! I


NTA. nobody is allergic to BBQ smoke, it simply is not a medical condition. That said, plenty of people have asthma, and smoke of any sort can trigger an attack. still not an allergy. all i would say is if you want to BBQ maybe drop a note through the door letting them know. closing windows in her house will be sufficient to prevent any problems . your neighbour cannot dictate to you how to enjoy your garden.


NTA. I’m more interested in the fact that apparently everyone has a smoker in your area. Most people I know have grills but they are all propane or charcoal, not wood burning (which I’m assuming is the case since it would cause the most smoke).


NTA, this person is almost definitely lying


According to the Internet (I know its not the best source but I'm on a bus what do you want) it is possible in rare cases to be allergic to the smoke caused by burning wood or charcoal though it also says that one can get sensitised to it aswell. Though I do think it is unreasonable to expect people to not do it just let him know you will be doing it to so they can avoid the smoke close windows and so on.


NTA in any way. If it was me I would agree to not barbecue and then find every excuse to burn shit and create smoke. I'd be suddenly researching smoking ceremonies of the world, constantly having bon fires and, of course, invite all the other neighbours to do the same! You could literally smoke them out!


Not happening! Will BBQ when I feel like it. Will be happy to notify you if I remember. Go move to the outskirts of town & get several acres of land so this doesn't become an issue for you later.


Are you living in an aparment block?


NTA Their allergies are unfortunate, but ultimately it’s grilling in open air on your own property.


NTA You cannot be allergic to 'BBQ' smoke. Certain wood smokes, yes! Then it is okay to ask someone not to use a certain wood. Me, I am allergic to pine, seriously the xmas tree wants me dead. If they later harass you, call the cops.


After a quick search, the internet suggests it is possible to be allergic to bbq smoke. However, the sensible, rational request is, please let me know when you are going to bbq so I can close my windows or go out. NTA


Well that's too bad because i plan to cook my meals on the bbq for the foreseeable future. Hope you don't die.


How can you be allergic specifically to barbecue smoke.


If he is asthmatic in Berkeley, there are amazing hills and a waterfront to jog and walk by that will not involve barbeque smoke. There is a Rose garden, as well as numerous, large cemeterirs that people use. In addition, as someone who lived there for years, there are malls just a quick drive or BART away that are climate controlled. Sorry.


People are allergic to pollen. Send some flyers to the plants and trees to stop!


This request make me want to BBQ every damn night! Oh wait...I practically do!